Thursday, July 26, 2012


Okay then...

For those of you who have read KOTW, first of all, I'm glad you seem to be liking it, but I'm going to have to ask you to be careful. And for those of you who haven't read it- which is the vast majority of you- I'm going to have to ask you to be EXTRA careful. There are spoilers all over the place, on forums and Facebook pages and Tumblr... 

The heartening thing is that these spoilers don't pop out of thin air. Everything is tagged with spoiler warnings, which I really appreciate. But I know you lot. I know how impatient you can be. I know that if you're on a forum and you come to a post that's hidden behind a spoiler warning, and all it takes is one little click... I know how tempting it is to just sneak a teeny tiny peek...

Which could ruin the entire book for you.

We have, what, 35 days until it's widely available? That's a lot of days for mistakes to be made, or for something to slip out...

So be careful. I was never a fan of releasing this book so far in advance of the Ireland/UK date but I was convinced it was necessary in order to facilitate the tour. If it doesn't work out, it won't be happening again. I don't know what that would mean for any future Down Under tours, but I'll deal with that if it crops up. 

So, I want to thank everyone for behaving themselves as far as spoilers go, and ask that they continue to be very, very careful about what they say. 

And also, some of those spoilers (of which I am allowed to read, because, y'know, I wrote the book) and your reactions to them have made me grin...


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Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, I see it now. :P

Hi Nix, Helena and Eve!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Yes, I forgot to say hello... HELLO!

Lavender Hope said...

I'm going to be distant. Didn't even start writing my entry for the second challenge so doing that now. Heh. ^^' Sorry Nix.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Lavereno!

Nixion Strange said...

Okay, I'm going to start writing a lot based on games

Helena Ember Sky said...

*cries* I didn't win a signed COPY! *wails*

Lavender Hope said...

Hey Nix? Could the cards be anywhere on the mountain? Like hanging on a string on a tree branch or just on the ground or in a bush? Just random places like that?

Lavender Hope said...

Kay. Thanks. :)

Helena Ember Sky said...

*crawls around room on hands and knees crying*

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, and I need $50 for special edition SP books

Helena Ember Sky said...

$90 if you want the whole series. Well, it was for me.

Nixion Strange said...

$60, but I already got $10

Helena Ember Sky said...

Really? Only 60 for you? Lucky. *continues crying*

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, except I haven't got 60

Helena Ember Sky said...

Yes. That certainly is a problem. Work? You can get work now can't you? It's 14 and 9 months right? Or work for your parents?

Nixion Strange said...

Parents don't own there own bussiness, how would I work for them?
And I can't work. School work is pilling up, I haven't got time, I have no want to work, and I haven't got a tax file number yet

Star Inkbright said...


I'm over the moon today. My mum was doing internet shopping and she's ordered all the SP books for me as a birthday present, and then she ordered the first three Gone books, which I had to pay for, but they were £8 cheaper than the SP books so that worked out well!

Helena Ember Sky said...

No, I mean. Do around the house jobs for money. Clean out the shed... etc?

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Star! Congratulations. *goes back to crying*

Star Inkbright said...

*nervously chews as nails* I'm waiting for an email . . .

Selena Gasp said...


Nixion Strange said...

Hi Star!
No, if I could do that, I could just ask for money. My parents don't have any money to spare at the moment

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Selena!

Star Inkbright said...

Well it doesn't come out in England for 30 days!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Borrow from other people's parents?

Nixion Strange said...

I don't know any other parents

Helena Ember Sky said...

Hey Selena *wails*

Nixion Strange said...

Helena, you're getting your books signed in a few weeks

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Sel! Hi Star!

Star, email!

Selena Gasp said...


Lavender Hope said...

Ha, right when I published that comment, I got your reply.

I was quiet for a while... Sorry bout that.

Helena Ember Sky said...

NO I'M NOT NIX! *continues wailing*

Selena Gasp said...

Hi! Lav, Hello! Nix, Salutations! Helena, Konnichi Wa! Star

Nixion Strange said...

You're not?

Helena Ember Sky said...

No, haven't I been repeating for ages DEREK ISN'T COMING TO CANBERRA?

Nixion Strange said...

Not for ages
Sorry about that

Selena Gasp said...

Its okay Helena, whats the problem?? Anything a great big pile of gummy bears can't help? *Plunks giant sack of gummy bears at Helena's feet*

Helena Ember Sky said...

S'ok, it's just that I can't go to Melbourne or Sydney.

Nixion Strange said...

It's only a 3 hour drive to Sydney, why don't you go to the Sydney event?

Helena Ember Sky said...

*screams with joy through tears* GUMMY BEARS!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Lav!

Wbd, working on competition entry. *serious face*

Selena Gasp said...


Selena Gasp said...

@ Star, samesamesamesamesamesame

Helena Ember Sky said...

Because I have school and my parents don't have time. Well, my dad might but he HATES lines. He would pull me away saying no, line!

Selena Gasp said...

I live in a giant bucket.

Mayan said...


Lavender Hope said...

Sorry guys. Gotta go. Bye!

Nixion Strange said...

You haven't even asked, have you?

Mayan said...

Hi whoevers online :)

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Lav!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Bye Lav! Hi Romana! I have so. Don't doubt me.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Just not recently.

Mayan said...

Hey Helana
I like your picturething

Selena Gasp said...

Oh Nix, interesting, I will get right into this, wait how long until Wednesday for you?
@Helena, do not despair, I am sure that you will find a way to meet the Golden God!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Thank you. I didn't make it but I edited it.

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Lavender! Hi Maya!

Helena Ember Sky said...

I sincerely hope you are right Selena!

Gabriel said...

Never mind.


Selena Gasp said...

MAYA! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I am good now. OMG I hate singing assembly's! I really do not like them because no one signs, which means if I sing then I sound stupid :(:(:(

Star Inkbright said...

I think his Wednesday starts at 3 pm Ireland/UK time, but he probably won't start reading then all at midnight, so we've actually got longer. :)

Nixion Strange said...

Selena, it's 4 or so hours till Tuesday

Helena Ember Sky said...

Okay Gabriel... We would have been welcoming but you know...

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Gab...?

Selena Gasp said...

Maya, I have to ask, what is your profile picture??????

Star Inkbright said...

3 pm ON TUESDAY, I mean.

Mayan said...

My class is the class that just stands there and does not participate in anything.
Is your sister called Jessica<----- Question from my sister

Selena Gasp said...

Okay, that's good, its about um 8 thirty in NZ, I am working on it now!!!!!!:):):):):):)

Selena Gasp said...

@ Maya, yup, I answered your question on my Blog. And same with my class

Mayan said...

My picture is of Sarah Jane from the hand of fear.
Where did Gabriel go...?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

FUNNY STORY! But... More so if you know the people... BUT STILL FUNNY!

I'm not ACTUALLY here, just stalking you... Bye!

Selena Gasp said...

Hey Maya, you know Dylan? Well this is one of his videos Ps I am VenaCoil on youtube

Nixion Strange said...

I read it

Selena Gasp said...

Bye Val!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, yes, I know YOU read it Nix, but to the people who HAVEN'T...

*disappears into the shadows again*

Nixion Strange said...

I also read KOTW

Mayan said...

Hi Valkerie!
That video is very...loud
My family is all in silent studying mode (me pretending to do homework but not actually ) when suddenly
Ah well... :) I said it was maths spam

Mayan said...

Nixon go to Page 194

Helena Ember Sky said...

Nixon? Like Richard Nixon? Or Nixion?

Selena Gasp said...

Okay, I am back

Mayan said...

Thanks :)

Nixion Strange said...

What's so special about that page?
And don't mention anything, not even names

Selena Gasp said...

@ Maya, its not very good. Did you see my comment?

Mayan said...

9th line down!!

Nixion Strange said...

That's Doctor Who, no?
I wouldn't know, I've never watched Doctor Who

Helena Ember Sky said...

Wow, you appreciated my correcting. Thank you as well.

Selena Gasp said...

I am listening to a thousand years again, I vill be back!!!

Mayan said...

really? you should
BTW I watched episode 3 of Sherlock

Nixion Strange said...

Sherlock I've watched and I think is awesome
Never planning to watch Doctor Who

Star Inkbright said...

The Sarah-Jane adventures are like Doctor Who fanfic. All about Sarah-Jane Smith, who was the Doctor's companion.

Mayan said...

Yes it is Dr Who

Mayan said...

I like SJA. SO sad how it had to end :(

Selena Gasp said...

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Hello guys!!! Wbd, me writing!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Lynxia!

Mayan said...

Listen to Mika. He is awesome. Even Russell T Davies <3s Mika

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Lynxia!

I'm doing my competition entry. I hope Nix appreciates the effort I'm putting into it.

Mayan said...

What is this competition?
I confused

Selena Gasp said...

*Sigh* I must leave now, goodbye!

Lynxia Lost said...

Was that a 'hint hint' Star?

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Selena!

Nixion Strange said...

I hope Nix doesn't get reminded to yesterday when he turned into a Faceless One

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Selena!

Helena Ember Sky said...

...What Nix? And hello Lynx!

Mayan said...

:( bye!
Oh yeah the thing I was going to say before when I randomly capitalised was Tyrell and I have nearly finished KOTW so you can borrow it at school if you want.

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh God, not 3rd person again...

Nixion Strange said...

I'm part Faceless One. Didn't you know?
At the moment, I'm ignoring the vote thing because I want to at least write one chapter for each of my 4 new ideas before I do anything else

Unknown said...

Okay, I'm back after a boring day at school and almost throwing up when getting ANOTHER mouth guard for footy fitted. I only got one like two months ago but I grew it of it.

Does Ireland play Aussie Rules yet? I heard that they did somewhere...

Helena Ember Sky said...

No, I didn't know Nix. So everyone that looks at you goes mad, right? That would explain a lot. And fine with me.

Unknown said...

I think my friend told me the All Australian team and Ireland team are playing a few match at the end of the Aussie season...

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Ghastly!

Mayan said...

Hi Ghastly!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Ghastly!

I'm human until I let out my Faceless One part of me

Unknown said...

Oh, so if I ever look at Nix, I may go mad and shave my head bald? It must be because of his ugliness.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Ghastly *squeals* *cough cough* Sorry I love everyone that calls themselves Ghastly.

Unknown said...

And is anyone gonna answer my question? Does Ireland play Aussie Rules football?

Nixion Strange said...

You won't go mad. And I'll kill you one day because of what you just said

Nixion Strange said...

How would I know? I live in Melbourne. No one here lives in Ireland

Mayan said...

Anyway Gtg now
Byeeeeeeeeee everyone!

Unknown said...

I need your help guys. For my taken name, what should it be, Wreckage Glun, Wreckage Glen, Wreckage Glan or Alexander Pierce. And of course I am a male by the way.

Helena Ember Sky said...

No, wait, that come out wrong. And okay Nix. Cool.

Drew O'Connor said...

Are you talking about Aussie Rules GAA Ghastly??

If you are then there is an Irish team.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Romana!

Sorry Ghastly, I'm no good with names.

Nixion Strange said...

One of the last two...

Unknown said...

Hmm, Wreckage Glun was the first name I cam up with a few months ago, and I only got Alexander Pierce when I punched Sir Reingington this morning.

Star Inkbright said...

It was *hinting to Nix that if it's rubbish don't blame me coz I TRIEDDDD*

Nix is a good person to do The Competiton coz he isn't afraid to tell us how bad we are . . .

Unknown said...

I think I'll go with Alexander Pierce. Unless I think of a better name.

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, and NEW BLOG

Unknown said...

I'll be right back guys.

Unknown said...

You make too many blogs Nix.

Drew O'Connor said...

I answered your question Ghastly.

Just thought I'd tell ya ...

Helena Ember Sky said...

Okay Alex, I like Alexander Pierce. I haven't seen Sir in ages. And I forgot to say I love AFL!

Nixion Strange said...

Me? Nooooo

Nixion Strange said...

Oh, and Hi Em!

Lynxia Lost said...

And I thought I had a lot of blogs Nix.

Selena Gasp said...


Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Em!!

Selena Gasp said...

Meh just popping in, c u guys!

Unknown said...

I just remembered, today I walked backwards into a pole.

Star Inkbright said...

I don't have a MILLION blogs. I couldn't be bothered to . . .

Nixion Strange said...


Unknown said...

Bye Nix.

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Nix!

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Nix!

Unknown said...

Seems like we're having an awkward silence...

Lynxia Lost said...

It happens all the time. Suddenly everyone just stops and has nothing to say.

Helena Ember Sky said...

I'm back! I had dinner unfortunately. But now I have to do a ded.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yes you do.

*is playing Amnesia again even though it scares the crap out of me* Why do I put myself through this? *clicks start game*

Helena Ember Sky said...

A thrill maybe Lynx?

Nixion Strange said...

Ha, Slender. I watched all the PewDiePie vids of it, and I'm moving onto Amnesia vids now

Lynxia Lost said...

*is playing the game* Why is there tomato sauce in this game? *is throwing the bottle round* Seriously, why? Everything else is all broken and then there's this big bottle of tomato sauce! I don't trust this custom game...

Lynxia Lost said...

PewDiePie is amazing! Look at TobyGame and CaptainSparklez too, they've done some on Slender and Amnesia.

Possibly Hel, very possible.

Nixion Strange said...

I only watched the Cap for Hunger Games Minecraft

Helena Ember Sky said...

I have so many ideas for dedications but I don't know which one to do. I think I'll settle on the least inspirational...

Lynxia Lost said...

Sparklez is awesome but Toby is soo funny sometimes! Especially in Skyrim.

*is running* NO NO NO NO!! I DON'T WANT THE MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is under table* Please don't find me...

Lynxia Lost said...

BARRELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 *kicks the barrel whilst running from monster* You'll probably understand that soon Nix.

Nixion Strange said...

I already understand it

Lynxia Lost said...

Yay!!!!!!!! Evil barrels...!

Unknown said...

TobyGames is also Tobuscus, and you have to watch the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Literal trailer, it's sooo funny.

Lynxia Lost said...

I know Ghastly, Toby is really funny. DO you watch his vlogs? Oh, btw, I know the AC-B literal trailer off by heart I've seen it that many times.

Unknown said...

Why won't it let me join the stupid Munchkin army. Ugh. I give up.

Helena Ember Sky said...

Well here my most un-inspirational speech goes: I dedicate this page to decomposition. Without decompisition we would be surrounded by dead bodies. Everyone appreciates it but is disgusted by it. I suspect grave diggers like it especially. Decomposition isn't just about dead bodies though. It's about waste and rubbish but that doesn't sound as cool. Anyway... decomposition saves lives. Done.

Helena Ember Sky said...


Helena Ember Sky said...

I know Alex! I tried so many times.

Helena Ember Sky said...

And I've e-mailed and complained to them.

Lynxia Lost said...

Hel that's a great ded but possibly one of the weirdest I've ever seen.

Unknown said...

Same Lynx, I know it all off my heart I have watched it so many times.

My favorite part is, 'Target comes out of his shelter, he's distracted by a feather, he's like shoot me!, he likes feathers, he looks up when he remembers, OOH I LOBE BIRDS!, nod at the bird and people die, everywhere people die' I know it's a bit of a long part but that's my fave.

Lynxia Lost said...

I joined before it went down but I can't sign in. :(

Helena Ember Sky said...

*nods* Thank you.

Lynxia Lost said...

I like 'PART THE RED SEA'!!! But the birds part is best. His Minecraft videos are so funny.

Unknown said...

I am so annoyed with them. When Derek comes to Perth I will tell him. There was also an editing mistake in KOTW. It was like page 345 or something.

Lynxia Lost said...

Nope, nope, I don't need to be scared so early in the morning. I'm off Amnesia now. Right, do I play Skyrim or Minecraft now?

Unknown said...

Lynx, do you play MC? Any servers? I have my own, but it's not fully up and running. Well it's not 24/7.
Here's the link, Well it's for the website.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah I play Minecraft but I don't do servers. I stick to my own world. Sorry.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


LIMITED EDITION SP DOWN-UNDER TOUR COVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*fan-girl squeal*

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Missy!

Helena Ember Sky said...

Miss, I told you about those... And they have extra content.

Unknown said...

I don't like the new Paperbacks. They're not that good. I actually have the first book and Playing With Fire in coloured pages.

Helena Ember Sky said...

That's cool.

Unknown said...

I have every copy in what I guess you could call non-paperbacks, but the first and second I have the white lines around the edge. And one and two have coloured pages.

Lynxia Lost said...

I have all English original covers. All are hardbacks except the first but that has orange pages! :D

Nixion Strange said...

Sorry bout that, I'm almost finished my chapter of one of my new stories

Unknown said...

*Punches Miss Cain in the face for not being on all day*

Helena Ember Sky said...

We don't have hardbacks here!

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

yeah, bit over-excited...

i just told my friend, hes happy too

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*rubs nose*
listen, i had school and my little sisters netball and just got back

and then i have to go out again for this electives thing for next year...

Unknown said...

I've got the same Lynx, except I have number two with coloured pages aswell. Everything else is hardback.

Lynxia Lost said...

No, I got hard back of two.

Star Inkbright said...

I have no SP books except TEOTW, but that's about to change . . . !

Unknown said...

They're not exactly hardbacks but they're the ones with no white-lines around the edge.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

i only have one of each book...


Unknown said...

Anyone want to have a fight?

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

na, not now

bit distant, so yeah...

Unknown said...

Well anyway, I want to punch someone in the face, so I'll punch... Star. *Punches Star in the ribs*

Unknown said...

*Punches Star twice in the jaw*

Lynxia Lost said...

Maybe, just depends if I can kill this God damn dragon!!!! *is on Skyrim* DDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm an Australian. I got my book on the 24th of June and seriously regret not checking this website or blog for release dates.

I woke up one day looked at my bookshelf and thought to myself 'hmmm my shelf doesn't really paint me as the Skulduggery Fan I am' so I went out and got the first 7 books (including End Of The...).

I woke up the next day and looked at my bookshelf and thought 'Hmm this doesn't reflect my huge fanatic behaviour towards Skulduggery' So i got out and bought the first 7 books again (now in A different kind of covers).

I woke up the next day and thought 'Money well spent'

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

these broken bones, this busted smile
my head it hurts i should be leaving now
i hear your words
they call my name
i wont go back you must be out of your head

(Broken Bones by Birds of Tokyo)

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

hey Jazz!

are you going to any of the signings??


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

*looks around*


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