Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ireland and UK

Right then, I have here the details of the Ireland/UK tour. My publishers do like to keep me busy, the little scamps, but this tour isn't quite so arduous as they've been in the past- probably because they know I'll have just come back from the ANZ tour, and will be feeling pretty sorry for myself...


30 August: 

Easons, Newbridge, Co Kildare-   Public signing - 2 PM

Easons, O'Connell St, Dublin- Fan Event - 6.30 PM

31 August:

Dubray Books, Kilkenny - Public signing- 4 PM

1 September:

Waterstones, Drogheda - Public signing - 11 AM

Easons, Swords - Public signing - 3 PM

2 September:

Easons, Cork - Public signing - 12 noon

5 September:

Mountains to the Sea Festival, Dun Laoighaire


7 September:

Waterstones, Southampton - Public signing - 4.30 PM

8 September:

Waterstones, Bournemouth - Public signing - 11 AM

Village Bookshop Dulwich, London - Public event - 6 PM

9 September:

Waterstones, Bluewater - Public signing - 12 noon

13 September:

Waterstones, Guildford - Public event - 7 PM

14 September:

Waterstones, Birmingham (New Street) - Public signing - 5 PM

15 September:

WHS, Stoke - Public signing - 11 AM

Waterstones, Liverpool One - Public signing - 3 PM

29 September: 

Bangor Literature Festival - Morning

Easons, Belfast - 3 PM

14 October: 

Cheltenham Festival

And now I am going to watch the Silva/Sonnen fight from last night. I haven't even glanced at online stuff today for fear that someone will have mentioned who won. Oh I'm looking forward to this...


«Oldest   ‹Older   2201 – 2400 of 4825   Newer›   Newest»
Random Comments said...

Um... there are elders, and then everyone else, apparently in 2 other generations.

I'm so confused, I decided I was 8th generation, and made up a new name.

Stella Hazel Book said...

aahhh, right. and WHAT'S CHATIANS??? where would you go to chat?

Stella Hazel Book said...

thanx random!

Random Comments said...

so, Luciana, Stella, and Random (me) are the only ones on, now, right?

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Lynxia!

It's bloglandian.


We don't chat in real life. I've never met any of the bloglandisns in real life.

When I talk about 'chat', I'm talking about the chat room that was made for bloglandians. Don't go on chat, it's ruled by Draquila with an iron fist. Blogland's better.

Random Comments said...


Will you make up your mind?

I'm sticking with 8th-gen and the Blogizens.

Star Inkbright said...


Random Comments said...

still waiting for whether "Bloglandians" is a pun or applies to multiple blogs...

Random Comments said...

...and Star...

Stella Hazel Book said...

ah, thanx, Star! when you say 'chat room', do you mean on the forum?

Star Inkbright said...

*sighs* Okay. Good for you.

How about we just say, for generations, 'Kal's generation' or 'Sparky's generation' or 'Nix's generation' or summat like that?

Star Inkbright said...

Nooo . . . It's a xat chat room. Members only. It says something like: 'Aquila Felis Chatroom - for the people of blogland . . . ' at the top.

Stella Hazel Book said...

ahhhh, k...

Random Comments said...

makes more sense... numbers would get confusing...
And Random's generation

Random Comments said...

Still still waiting for whether "Bloglandians" is a pun or applies to multiple blogs...

Stella Hazel Book said...

did anyone read my comment?:
This is a slightly random comment, but I had to say:
in London, on Friday a couple of weeks ago, by the hotel next to the Royal Institution, I saw a BLACK BENTLEY with the numberplate 405 SP. How cool is that???

Luciana said...

There are 4 Generations of bloglandians!

Star Inkbright said...

No idea how many blogs it applies to, Random, but from what I know, it's just this one. Whaddaya mean, pun??? How would it be a pun???

Stella Hazel Book said...

kl... and have u changed ur profile pic again, L?

Random Comments said...


LANDIan, Landy.... author of SP...

Star Inkbright said...


Stella Hazel Book said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I get it now.

Star Inkbright said...

OH! Right!

It's bloglandian because this place is called blogland. I don't thiiiiiiink it's meant to be a pun . . .

Luciana said...

I changed it the other day...I might change it again, though...

Luciana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stella Hazel Book said...


Luciana said...

I've felt all the pain, heard all the lies
In my world there's no compromise
Like every tree, reaching for the sky I stand alone~
All by myself~ I stand alone!

Random Comments said...

Goodbye, Blogland...

And Bloglanders, Bloglandians, Bloglandions, and Blogizens...

Stella Hazel Book said...

bye Random!

Luciana said...

Bye, Random!

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Random!

Luciana said...

How is everyone today, anyway...?

Star Inkbright said...

I am inky, L.

Stella Hazel Book said...

good, L! In an attempt to revive conversation, I will post again my previous comment that NO-ONE HAS REPLIED TO (apart from Star, who said 'very'. Thank you Star):
This is a slightly random comment, but I had to say:
in London, on Friday a couple of weeks ago, by the hotel next to the Royal Institution, I saw a BLACK BENTLEY with the numberplate 405 SP. How cool is that???

Star Inkbright said...

This entry is getting rather long . . .

Stella Hazel Book said...

g2g, guys, sorry!
bye, blogland!
*runs up the ceiling, but ruins the exit as usual by tripping over her shoelaces*

Luciana said...


Laptop is dying and I dunno where I put my charger...

Luciana said...

Bye, Stella!
*frowns* Charge is getting lower...*prods battery icon* Hmph.

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Stella!

Star Inkbright said...

Our laptops starting running out at the same time, L!

Fortunately, I have the charger . . .

Flame Phoenix said...

Has DEREK been ON lately?

Luciana said...

I haven't a clue where my sister put my charger~

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Flame!

No, don't think so . . .

Luciana said...

Hey, Flame.
No, is the answer to your question.

Luciana said...

Star! I forgot I had my phone. *laughs*

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* You squidy! *not meaning it in a nasty way*

Luciana said...

*laughs* that's probably true!

Star Inkbright said...

*looks at *laughs*, *laughs* and *laughs* in the past three comments*


Star Inkbright said...

Can I paste my entry so far here????

Luciana said...

*laughs* we're too cool!

I'll read it!

Star Inkbright said...

Have to do it in bits . . .

Star just stood there for a moment, thinking about what he had just said. Some competitors set off into the woods immediately, whilst others were just standing around looking confused. Star suddenly realised that she probably looked exactly like them and hurriedly set off into the woods.

She stopped once amongst the trees and looked about her, assessing the area. Around her she could hear the scuffle of feet, twigs snapping and birds tweeting. She could see the flashes of colour that were the other competitors. The trees all appeared to be pine trees – that was good, because they’d be easy to climb if she needed to climb them. The floor was a proper foresty floor, covered in leaves and pine needles. It was a sunny day, quite warm, but everything was dimmer here under the trees. There was a slight breeze.

Star started walking, stopping every now and then to empty the twigs and stones out of her shoes. She didn’t know where northeast was, so she was just trying to walk in a vaguely uphill direction. The envelopes were on a hill, right?

The trees grew pretty close together, blocking out a lot of the light. Star had to shove her way through the trees, snapping twigs as she went. Her clothes would probably get ripped. It had got quieter, too – less birds, and she couldn’t hear the others anymore.

After hesitating a moment, Star yelled “WOO-HOO!” into the woods, hearing the words echoing around her. There was a moment of silence, then she heard a few faint woo-hoos from the competitors who had decided to answer.

Star wasn’t alone, then. That was comforting.

She carried on pushing through the trees, wondering how long she’d been here. It was impossible to tell, and you couldn’t tell from the amount of light because of the thickness of the trees.

Suddenly Star stopped. She’d heard something, something rustling nearby. Another competitor? Or a wild animal? The person had said that there were creatures in this wood, hadn’t he? Star began looking round for a weapon, a stick, a rock, anything . . .

And then a rabbit darted in front of her.

Star smiled with relief. Phew. Only a rabbit. She watched it scamper away.

It had only been a rabbit THIS time, but there had to be other animals. Animals that ate the rabbits. Otherwise, the woods would be overflowing with rabbits. Star continued pushing her way through the trees, but more cautiously now.

Oh, why were the twigs so NOISY . . . She wished she hadn’t shouted.

Star began roaming her eyes around, looking for anything she could possibly use as a weapon. There was nothing. The sticks were all either thin twigs or attached to a tree, and she didn’t like to mutilate living trees, even assuming she would have been able to pull one off. Any stone were either too enormously heavy or pebbles. There were plenty of pine needles, though. A lot of help they’d be. Star imagined it – “HELP, THERE’S A BEAR! Oh, no need to worry, I have PINE NEEDLES!!! They’ll save me! (stupid smile)”. Star grinned.

Then stopped, and stared at the branches in front of her in disbelief. She couldn’t push through them. They were too many of them, too close together. She tried going to the left of the blockage, but that was impassable too.

Star glared at the trees and kicked one of them viciously.

“Ow!” she yelped, clutching her foot. That tree was HARD. Her glare deepened.

Maybe she should turn around and go the other way?

Oh, this was pointless. She didn’t know where she was going or what she was doing. This was so stupid.

Star Inkbright said...

More scuffling noises. Silly rabbits. At least, Star HOPED they were rabbits.

Star sighed and began walking to her left. A blind estimate. Emphasis on the ‘blind’. It was getting properly dark, now. Star’s walk sped up.

Then slowed down again. She couldn’t walk fast, she’d trip. Star started swiping her feet before her with every step and holding a hand out in front of her, feeling out for tree roots and other malicious objects lying in wait for her. Fortunately, the trees were thinner here . . .

She stopped, listening. She thought she’d heard something . . . She couldn’t have said what, though . . .

The wind rustled through the trees, and Star shivered, feeling the cold through the holes that had been torn in her hoodie. Was that a scuffling noise? Or just the trees? She couldn’t tell. Trees sounded more whispery, didn’t they? Or did it depend on the tree?

Maybe it was just her imagination playing tricks on her.

Maybe it wasn’t.

There was no way to tell, was there?

Star wished she had a torch. Or some fire. Now, THAT was a use for the pine needles – they’d be good to burn. Perhaps Star would be able to generate fire from rubbing two sticks together, but she wasn’t hopeful. Everyone knew that that never worked.

She couldn’t stand here forever. Come on, Star – is there a scuffling noise, or isn’t there?

What would she do about it if there was? Nothing, right? She couldn’t do anything. May as well pretend there wasn’t, then. Star began walking again.

There wasn’t anything, there wasn’t, there wasn’t. You were imagining it. There wasn’t anything. Star told herself it until she mostly believed it.

Until her feet, still swiping in front of her, hit something that was too big to be a stick or a stone. Something that smelt awful, too. She looked down at it, squinting through the gloom. Aha, this could be a reasonably big branch. Maybe a good weapon. Petty about the smell. Star crouched down to get a closer look, reaching out for it . . . And then drawing her hand quickly back at the wet, clammy feel. That wasn’t a branch, was it? Star looked at her hand, wet with the liquid that had covered the object. That was . . . blood.

Star made a ‘yuck’ face and attempted to wipe her hand on the floor, which just got it covered in dirt. She must have stumbled across an animal corpse. Disgusting.

She turned her head back round to look at it, frowning in her effort to see better.

And shock jolted though her.

It wasn’t an animal corpse. It was a branch, and attached to the branch was a human hand and part of a human arm.

Star looked away, nauseated. She hoped they’d lived; although they probably hadn’t. She might never have known them – or they could have been a competitor, someone she didn’t know but had seen today. That was worse, somehow.

She rubbed her hand on her now-rather-torn jeans, realising that fabric was better for cleaning than the ground, and glanced around nervously – not that it did her much good, as she couldn’t see anything. Okay, there WERE bad creatures in this wood. Badder than bunnies. The sooner she found those envelopes the better.

Then a thought struck her. The blood was still fairly fresh . . . Which meant the animal could still be in the area.

Star scrambled to her feet and fought the urge to glance around again. Her eyes wouldn’t help her. Nothing would help her. She was in the dark, with no weapons. Utterly defenceless. If something wanted to kill her, IT WOULD KILL HER. She wouldn’t be able to stop it, wouldn’t be able to do more than scream.

Star Inkbright said...

She had to get away from here, away from the blood, the scent of which was probably drawing whatever it was back to her. Star swung round and hurriedly away as quickly as she could, still holding her hand out like a kid playing Daleks but not bothering with the swiping. Her foot hit a root, and she tumbled over, the pine needles jabbing sharply into her hands. Star winced and wiped them on her jeans and stood straight up again, half-jogging in her haste to get away. A few more steps and she fell over again, gasping as the pine needles dug in. Okay, maybe they WOULD be quite good weapons after all . . . Star went back to swiping her feet out before her, but it was maddening to move so slowly. All her instincts were screaming at her to run, to get away, but she couldn’t. The wind picked up slightly, making her think that THINGS were creeping after her – but what if they were? They could be, they could strike any moment . . . Have to get away . . .

Eventually Star stopped and took deep breaths, closing counting slowly to ten. Which of course didn’t work. After she’d got to 104, she opened her eyes again. She couldn’t bear keeping them shut in this place, even if they were no use.

Maybe it had worked, after all. She felt slightly calmer, less panicked. Perhaps she should climb a tree. The animal might not be a great climber.

Star wrapped her hand around a relatively small-twig-free branch, ready to pull herself up. Now for a foothold . . .

Something slammed into her, something warm. Star got shoved into the tree, feeling branches stab into her face and her right arm pressed at an odd angle against the bark. Oh no, it was here, it’d found her . . .

Suddenly there was an agonising pain in her left leg, and it was being dragged, her leg, dragging her down. Star clutched on to the tree and kicked whatever-it-was with her right leg, and the pressure on her left relaxed slightly, allowing her to yank it painfully free. Star reached for the tree again and pulled herself upwards, scrabbling for a foothold. But the thing had her leg again . . . Star felt her arms being nearly pulled out of her sockets as the creature tugged on her leg. She tried kicking it again, but it wouldn’t let go, and the branch she was holding onto was snapping . . .

Star let go of the tree suddenly and purposefully, sliding down and landing on the ground. The creature wasn’t ready for it and skidded backwards. Then – YAY! – it released her leg. Star raced up the tree, ignoring the branches jabbing into her face. The creature gave a frustrated howl and snapped at Star again, but missed. Then it leapt straight at the tree, its dog-like head suddenly beside Star’s. She smacked it and it fell down, before jumping up at her again – but Star was higher than it now, shoving her way painfully through the branches, not stopping until she could see the dim, grey sky . . .

. . .

When Star woke up the first thing she noticed was the pain, an incessant throb in her left leg that made her want to hit it until it went away. She gasped and sat up . . . Then clutched at the tree, realising she was still in it, pretty high up.

Star shifted into a position where she was sure she wouldn’t fall, then dragged her leg towards her to examine it. She could see her leg clearly – the sun was out, and she was nearer the sky. Star stared helplessly at the dried blood covering her leg and her shredded jeans. How to get all the blood off?

Star reluctantly pinched one of the pieces of fabric sticking to her leg and pulled. “OW!!!!” she yelled, the scab ripping off with the fabric. Her leg began bleeding again. Star’s blood was blacker than ordinary people’s, a dark blackish-red, because of the ink in it.

Star Inkbright said...

She gritted her teeth and yanked the rest of the fabric away, piece by piece. Other than being covered it blood, her leg wasn’t THAT bad . . . The animal – she guessed it was a wolf – had raked some deep cuts in her leg with its teeth, but she couldn’t see any bone. Of course, that could just be because the blood was covering it . . . She wished she had some water to wash it. In fact, she wished she had some water, full stop. Star ran her tongue round her mouth and tried to generate some moisture in it. Hopefully she’d get to the envelopes before she died of thirst.

Star took off her hoodie and ripped the arm off – it wasn’t hard to do, because of all the holes. She then tried tying it around her leg in a makeshift bandage, but it wasn’t wide enough, so she pulled her other sleeve off as well and tried to tie that one on under her first sleeve. It was surprisingly difficult . . . The ‘bandages’ kept coming undone or weren’t tied tight enough, and the cloth dug into her wound painfully.

Eventually Star decided it was as good as it was going to get, and was about to start going down the tree when she thought of something. She ought to have thought of it before, really. What an idiot she was.

Star made her way a bit further up the tree, cautiously testing the thinner-than-before branches before she stood on them. She stopped when her head was almost at the top of the tree, not daring to risk going higher.

Star peered through the tops of the trees, trying to see the hill. Nothing. She slowly turned her head around to look behind her . . .

There! That had to be the hill the person had been talking about. It soared up out of the forest like an upturned cup on a table. The trees started sloping upwards, then thinned considerably, showing grass growing between them. Excellent.

Star started climbing one-leggedly down the tree, twigs scratching her now-bare arms. She kept her eyes trained on the direction the hill had been in, not letting herself forget it.

Star reached the ground and awkwardly stood on one leg, leaning against the tree. She took her eyes off the hill direction for a moment to gaze at the paw-prints surrounding the area. Yep, it had been a wolf. Or a dog, but why would it be a dog?

The wolf wasn’t here any more. Star had thought it would be. Maybe it had smelt someone else and gone after them. She shuddered.

Star began making her way slowly in the direction of the hill, gripping branches and using them to lift her right leg off the ground and swing herself forward so she didn’t have to hop or put weight on her left. The ground soon started sloping uphill, and her arms began aching with the strain. She was panting, her mouth feeling horribly dry from lack of water, and she felt dizzy, too. Her arms were shaking, and felt as if they were going to collapse whenever she used them to hoist herself along again. Star started pausing between each swing, having to mentally persuading herself that she’d be able to do it.

Star leant forward and gripped the branches with both hands, ready to swing herself. Just do it, you’ll be able to. Your arms will be able to bear it. They have so far, haven’t they? Just do it . .

She swung herself along and reached for the next branches, gasping. Come on, Star . .

But this time, when her arms lifted herself up, they buckled and gave way. Star tumbled to the ground, yelping as she fell on her leg. The pain stabbed through her sharply, and she quickly rolled over. Star just lay there for a moment, closing her eyes and allowing herself to relax.

A few minutes later – or at least, it felt like a few minutes – Star sat up again, opening her eyes and pulling herself up using a branch. She felt better for the rest.

Maybe she should start using her left leg. Star took a slow step with it, gritting her teeth. It wasn’t SO bad. She took a few more steps, heading uphill. Fortunately she knew which way to go this time.

Star Inkbright said...

I still have to meet another animal before I end it . . .

Star Inkbright said...


Luciana said...

Star, that's amazing! Sorry, I went for tea;L

Star Inkbright said...

Back! Thanks, L! :)

D'you think Nix'll find it confusing? Bearing in mind the fact that he finds nearly all my writing confusing?

Star Inkbright said...

*groans* I can't believe I still haven't finished it . . .

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi sry my stupid mom decided to jump down my throat over stuff that is so less important then she made it

Lord Vlaedr said...

That is a very confusing statement...... Zafira.....

Lord Vlaedr said...

Everyone watch "Meeting of The Heroes" on YouTube! The lego one!

Hahahahahah. So funny.

Anyway. Hi all. *waves furry claw*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

She went at me yelling to freakin pick up so called clothes. Except there was nothing. So she flipped apparently i didnt do my honors crap which is a waste of my life. Except i did it. So, basically she ranted about a huge list of crap i actually did. Finally she shut up.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Zaf! Hi Name Master!

You're in The Commpetition, right, Zaf? I have to write my entry before tomorrow coz I can't do it after today/tomorrow early morning and it just ISN'T looking like it's going to finish yet . . .

Luciana said...

It makes plenty of sense to me, Star!

Hello, everyone! :'3

Lord Vlaedr said...

What compitition????!!!!!!! Where????!!!!!!!!! Lord Vlaedr smells a challenge!!!!!!

Drew O'Connor said...

I knew it wouldn't be your kind of thing guys lol

Drew O'Connor said...

Oh!!! I think I thought out loud, sorry. Just having a weird day

SHIT!!! The competition. Well that's me kicked out :(

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Em!

Nix's competition. Nobody else can enter, now, though, sorry . . . We've started on Challenge One.

Lord Vlaedr said...


*pounds earth violently*

Dammmnnn you deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luciana said...

I still need to e-mail Nix about me not being able to participate...

Star Inkbright said...

*blinks* Why, Em? We've got till Thrusday. Only I haven't, coz I'm going camping with school tomorrow, so I've got till Wednesdya morning. Which is tomorrow.

Drew O'Connor said...

I have no idea what to do for it. I am completely drawing a blank. I'll never have anything done in time for thursday.

Luciana said...

You remind me of the babe.

What babe?

The babe with the power.

What power?

The power of voodoo.

Who do?

You do

Do what?

Remind me of the babe.

Luciana said...

Now I have to go. ):
The only chance I have of getting anymore SP books, despite the money I have...Goodnightttt.

Star Inkbright said...

*laughs* Fours, L!

Meet a bear, Em?

Star Inkbright said...

Start fighting the bear, then realise it's friendly and stay with it for a night?


Drew O'Connor said...

That sounds a bit too nice and fruity for my style.

Good suggestion though Star

Lord Vlaedr said...

*opportunity strikes back!*

Wait! Ask Nix if I can take your place!!!!!!! Please!!!!

Lord Vlaedr said...

Damn. She left, Didnt she?

Drew O'Connor said...

No I'm still here Vlaedr, just tinkering around.

I'll ask but I dunno if you can.

Why don't you just write the first challenge and then explain in your email that your taking my place.

I'll email Nix as well and tell him.

Lord Vlaedr said...

I was originally talking to L, but you are also quiting? Why? You write amazing stuff!

Star Inkbright said...

It's just too much work in a short space of time for some people, Vlaedr. *has giant gree Asda-style arrow pointing on head*

I'm not quitting, thoughhhhhh.

Star Inkbright said...


Lord Vlaedr said...

Okay, wow.

Who am I talking to now???? Luciana, Emerald, or Ink???????

Drew O'Connor said...

I would enter Vlaedr. I had every intention of doing it.

But I just can't pull anything together for it.

I'm not quitting but I won't have anything ready in time to send on Thursday so I'll probably be kicked out for not finishing the challenge

(Thanks for the compliment by the way!)

Lord Vlaedr said...

Try at least! Play a violent videogame, read a totally new book, or watch the latest movie for inspiration! Come on!

Star Inkbright said...

Read The Hunger Games! That seems slightly similar to the taskkkkkk . . . Unarmed person, woods, creatures.

Drew O'Connor said...

Lol god talk about pressure lol

I'll try

Star Inkbright said...


Drew O'Connor said...

Lol your bullies the lot of you lol

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Flame!

I FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! :D

Star Inkbright said...

Okay, I'm gonna go now, so BYE!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Spppiiiiidddddeeeerrrr maaaaannnnn

Sorry, watching Spider Man 3 right now... Just felt like posting a comment. Bye!

Robin Snowscar said...


Robin Snowscar said...

Sorry I haven't been on much. I got stuff going on...

Robin Snowscar said...

And to be quite honest it always happens that most of you are gone by the time I get here because this is the dead man's hour.


'Dead Man's Hour'


Robin Snowscar said...

I will ditch my parents and me and Debbie and Natalie will go. I will see you Derek and I will be questioning you about the blog *grins*

Robin Snowscar said...

I like pie.

Robin Snowscar said...


Robin Snowscar said...

I don't suppose any one will come on in the next four minutes

Robin Snowscar said...

Knowing my luck they will

Robin Snowscar said...

Maths teacher:

*holds up a cut out of a triangle with a length and an angle*

Can any one find the length of this side *points to unmarked side*

*class begins to work out using trigonometry*

*gets ruler, walks up to triangle and measures*

Robin Snowscar said...

*nods* Stupid people didn't understand the task.

Robin Snowscar said...

Why make things harder on yourself?

Robin Snowscar said...

My teacher laughed *Shrugs*

Robin Snowscar said...

Vlaedr's picture is kind of creepy...

Robin Snowscar said...

*stares at it*

Robin Snowscar said...


Robin Snowscar said...

Dogs creep me out.

Robin Snowscar said...

And that thing is practically demonic

Robin Snowscar said...

Val's is cool though *nod*

Robin Snowscar said...


Robin Snowscar said...


Robin Snowscar said...

Oh how unexpected!

Robin Snowscar said...

I've done dedications to hope and to peace and to words and to friendship. So what is there left to dedicate?


Courage is an important thing that get's us through everyday life. Courage is comes in so many different forms. People all have their different demons and problems. Being brave - not the absence of fear, but the ability to control it. Courage is something that should be appreciated and regarded, it is not an easy thing to do. When the world is falling apart and you're tied together with a simple smile - something that everyone recognises.

So take some time to think of yourself. Think of what you need to do in order to be courageous. Stand up to someone - stand up for someone else. Put your smile on and make sure they know that they will never beat you. Stop being afraid and trust yourself.

Bravery is important, it is the ability to face your fears. Courage is the ability to beat them.

Stay Fearless

Drew O'Connor said...

And what about my picture Robin, just mediocre is it? Thanks for that lol

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hi Robin, Em.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But I doubt you're still here.

Sparky Braginski said...

*runs in, being chased by an angry horde of Sycorax*

Hi Val!

I hope that's how it's spelt!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Ahhhh! The Sycorax!!

*gets out sonic screwdriver and starts waving it at them*

Sparky Braginski said...

*running around*

Hey... Val...

Do you think...

*panting slightly*

Electrocuting them would help?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*also running around*

Probably... What about... throwing fire?

*clicks fingers*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sparky Braginski said...

*twists and looks back*

*growls and snaps palm, confusing them a little*

*shocks the nearest one*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*looks around and sees one coming at Sparky from behind* *uses the air to knock it over, then throws fire*

Sparky Braginski said...

*pulls sword and slices ones arm off*

*it falls and the rest snarl at me*

Uh oh.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Dammit Sparky, look what you did... *is in the mood to blame it on other people*

*puts on Necromancer ring and gets shadows to stab through one*

Sparky Braginski said...

*swings sword into another's neck*

*gets stuck*


*pulls at it*

*not budging*

I knew I should've sharpened it...

*lets go of sword and pulls out two knives*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Sparky, is it just me or do they seem to be... disappearing?

*turns around and sees a Weeping Angel on the other side of the room*

Oh no.

*doesn't blink*

Sparky Braginski said...

*looks around quickly*

There's only the one. Keep looking at it.

*stabs and slices through the rest of the Sycorax and turns attention to the Angel*

Y'know, the Doctor may say you can't kill a rock, but you can smash it, right?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*blinks* *the Weeping Angel is right in front of me*

Um... Sparky, you may want to try the smashing thing...

*uses the air to push the Angel away*

Sparky Braginski said...

*sees Mace and picks it up*

*weighs it in my hands and swings it a few times*

Okay. Walk back Val, I don't want to hit you.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yeah... That's a good idea...

*walks back, not looking away*

Hey, you might want to keep looking at it, because I have a tendency to lose my balance and I'll probably-

*trips over a dead Sycorax and stumbles backwards*

Sparky Braginski said...

*has had eyes on the Angel anyway*

I'm not silly Valkyrie, I haven't stopped looking at it.

*runs at it, jumps and swings mace into its head, smashing it to pieces*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*almost gets hit by pieces of smashed Angel* *lunges to the side to avoid getting touched by it and accidentally knocks Sparky over*


Sparky Braginski said...


*stands and swings at its torso, breaking of a chuck of rock*

I think it's dead, Val.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*rolls away from the pieces of the torso, and stands up*

Well, I certainly didn't want to be touched by the pieces of that Angel. I mean, what if we could be sent back in time by being touched by a smashed Angel too?

Sparky Braginski said...

I doubt it.

*walks over to a dead Sycorax's body, press my boot against its chest and pulls my sword from its neck*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I don't want to take chances.

*walks over to a large rock and sits on it*

So, what should we do now? I'm in the mood to get a pie. Do you like pie?

Sparky Braginski said...


I need to get my sword sharpened.

Do you know where I could get that done?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hmmm... I don't know. We could go there.

*points to a store labeled 'Sword Sharpening'*

Sparky Braginski said...

Great idea.

*walks into the store, noting the sign saying 'we also sharpen knives'*

*gives man six knives and Makhaira to sharpen*

*walks out*

They'll be ready in an hour.

Sparky Braginski said...

*gets called back in*

*comes out again*

Half an hour.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Coolio. Then we'd better not run into any trouble for half an hour.

*goes off to buy a popsicle*

Sparky Braginski said...

*then man comes out and hands me back everything*

...Or now. Now works too.

*puts knives away*

*holds Makhaira and turns, seeing one last Sycorax*

Test time.

*swings into his neck, chopping his head off neatly*


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*comes back with popsicle*

*notices headless Sycorax*

Wow. The guy who sharpened your sword is cool.

Sparky Braginski said...

I figured.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


*pokes dead Sycorax with foot*

Hello, dead thing.

Sparky Braginski said...

Gotta go.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Aw. Darn.

Eve the ROCK said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi but msd

Kickong the shiz out of Breah in my roleplay. She nearly killed do not try to kill my friend

*has gone to insane demon mode*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey Zaf and Eve

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hi...*is thinking how to kill Breah*

graphic or clean? I got a scalpel, serrated knife and a regular knife

Eve the ROCK said...

There are some things in life that make your day. That change your life. These things are so perfectly genuine you can't buy it with money. They only come once. And mine came today. It changed this day, a part of my life, in who many ways. These things, they could be a smile, or a dedication, or an action, or a picture. But this was simply a statement. On this very blog. Do you know what statement I'm talking about? Well, here it is:

"Sorry, watching Spider Man 3 right now..."

My god you are AWESOME, Valkyrie

Eve the ROCK said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Sadostic...describes me perfect!!! Im dissecting a living person :D me=ticked off

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Um... So, I changed your life by saying "Sorry, I'm watching Spider Man 3 right now..."?

Eve the ROCK said...

*gets all teary-eyed*


Of course. Anyone who loves Spiderman (ESPECIALLY the first three) has changed the world.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, I do love the Spider Man movies... Venom is a bit creepy though.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Spider man scares me. No offense. Well Charlie and The Chocolate Factory scared me. That was not for little kids (i was 7!!!) Johnny Depp petrified me.

Eve the ROCK said...

xD Eddieeeeeeeee

Eve the ROCK said...

When I was a bit younger, Spiderman was so super-cool and awesome to me. Now it's awesome in a whole different way. :D

A few nights ago, me and my brothers spent ten minutes replaying the Toby Screams Scene at the end of Spidey 2 :P

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I replay the scene from Sweeney Todd when Sweeney kills Turpin

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Gotta go for dinner, bye

Eve the ROCK said...


Noelle said...

I leave for a day, come back and they're still about Spiderman :D
for a good cause, I suppose...

I sent DB and a whole bunch of stuff to Derek today... And the address that he's supposed to return it to...
Oh, and uh, I've got to fly down to my Da's house tomorrow... My mom and brother are stayin :/

But that's beside the point. I'll perhaps be on around 12 Am/Pm/ 5PM/ anything in between.

Noelle said...

Oi! People! Wakey wakey!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Im not sending any my SP books...took me ages to get the books. They like my kids

Noelle said...

Oh yeah. well, me too. But I honestly doubt he's coming soon.... It'd be quicker just to send it to him.

Oh, and uh, I went to Half Price books today... Mind you, I'm in america... And guess what book I saw???
Nevermind, I don't care.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Now, was the text American or no?

Noelle said...

HAHA was the text American... Yeah. i think so :) my mom bought it for me. It was awesome.
Me: mom... Look what i FOUND!!! DAK DAYS!!! IN AMERICA!!!
Mom: Wow... that's a goood price... this'll be part of your good cover collection. In hardback.
Me: 0.0 you.. care about Skulduggery???

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Look at your book. How is Realized spelled? Realised or Realized. Favorite or Favourite? Color or Colour?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh yeah! I always see Dark Days at Half-Price Books! I bought Playing With Fire, The Faceless Ones, and Dark Days there... Multiple times....

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


I havent

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I got the limited edition hardcover of Dark Days there for about $10

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

And I also got the normal hardcover one there

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Sorry I'm just like writing up this very sad rp post. Very difficult. :'( Jayla isonly 6 but her best friend who is her mentor stabbed. Its hard to write out her reaction to this whole thing

Noelle said...

Sorry Zaf...

I got a purple Dark Days... The inside over's purple, also :

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Yeah, that's the one I have. I have it in paperback. And limited edition hardcover. And normal hardcover. And then I have the signed version of the red one.

I like to buy ridiculous amounts of books...

Noelle said...

Join the club, dear! I've got the 2nd book twice, the 4th three times, and the 3rd twice... And the first twice...
5th and 6th.. not so much

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

First i got 2 of...ooh here my sad post. Erin is Jayla's mother. Jayla is six. Jev is the one dissecting people but got stabbed and may die.

I get a call. Come here Jayla." I mutter. I pick her up carrying her to the hospitol. The nurse lets me take Jayla in by Jev. I set her down. I then write a simple note: Jev, I know you like her. Maybe she'll cheer you up. Your Experiment, Erin. I place it where he'll see it. Sighing I go to my room.-Erin

I smile. He's breathing. "Dont die. Please." I whisper. I growl. Too short. I climb up to lay by Jev. I get up and carefully move to lay. I lay down falling asleep. Friend. "Friend. My friend." I whisper. I doze off. Peaceful. Safe and sound.-Jayla

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hmmm... I've got 4 of the first, 3 of the second, 4 of the third, 4 of the fourth, 2 of the fifth, and then I still am waiting for another copy of the sixth, another of TEOTW, and then KOTW from Derek, so in total, once I get those, I think I'll have 23 altogether.

Noelle said...

*cries* Val... that's dedication

That's really good Zaf!!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Thanks Dark. Took effort to cry as little. Jayla's was hard to write. I mean imagine how Valkyrie would feel if Skulduggery was crushed by a bone breaker so he dies

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


*runs to Fleet Street*

Noelle said...


Okay, i'd hate to do this, but ive got a flight tomorrow at 8... so ill talk to yall later!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Adra!

Noelle said...


I have sailed the world, and seen its wonders...

ok. now BYE

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No no not lied at all now I never lied! Said she took a poison she did never said that she died poor thing. Come she lived but it left her weak in the head. All she did for months was lie there in bed poir thing. Better you think she died. Yes i lied cos i love you I'd be twice the wife she was i love you could that thing have cared for you like me?

Mrs. Lovett you're a bloody wonder eminetly pracyical yet appripriate as always now come here my my love whats dead is dead!

Looove that part

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh my God I might be able to make a TARDIS in my room

Eve the ROCK said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Muffin poodle MADNESS!

...Don't ask.

Snow said...

hi all...
okay so i understand that you guys think that penguins are evil but i would just like to say that only the penguins in zoo's are evil, wild one are just... nice??
i'm sorry if this offends anyone but it is just my point of view


Eve the ROCK said...

Sorry Lonelysnow, he's not going to Tasmania :/

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


This is my reference for it...

Too bad mine won't be life-sized...

Nixion Strange said...

Two questions

Is anyone here?
Was I even remotley missed?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Nixion Strange said...

That answers my first question

Hi Val!

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