Friday, May 4, 2012

Mmmmm Violence...

Glory be, glory be, it's done. Finished. Done and dusted. Over. Practically. Almost.

The edits are all done. I have the weekend to go over KOTW one more time and then we send it to the copyeditor. The copyeditor basically makes sure I haven't made any huge mistakes, and corrects all the little ones before it's too late. She'll tweak and suggest and cut and replace, and then she'll send the manuscript back to me and I'll make my final adjustments, and that'll be it. Boom. Over.

Right now, the book clocks in at 134,729 words. Considering that Death Bringer was marginally over 118,000 words, that's quite a substantial increase. Golly gee, it's gonna be a big book! We're going to have to reduce the font size again to cram as many words onto the page as possible, but our font size is typically big anyway, so at least we have room to play with.

This is the first book where I've had serious discussions with my editor about the level of violence. (Well, I say serious... he was TRYING to be serious and I was making jokes, but you know...)

It's a weird thing, to write a series, because the readers get older as the books are released. Valkyrie gets older, the situations she finds herself in become more grown-up, and the themes get darker and darker as the end approaches. What all this means is that occasionally I fall into the trap of assuming that the Skulduggery readership is able to handle whatever I throw at them. And for the most part, they are.

But there will ALWAYS be new readers. There will ALWAYS be a nine year old who picks up the books for the first time and reads them in a few weeks. And it's unfair to expect that nine year old to be able to deal with content that is more suited to teenagers and adults. So where does that leave me?

In a weird place, that's where. On one hand, I've NEVER viewed this series as strictly children's books, and that view just keeps getting stronger and stronger as Valkyrie gets older. But on the other hand, I have a responsibility to the younger readers to not give them anything they can't handle.

And all of this makes me ever-so-thankful that we have such a thing as editors. I wrote this book in two and a half months of sheer WORK. There was no time to doubt myself and no time for second guesses. Whatever I put down on the page stayed on the page. When you have a more relaxed timetable you can afford to wonder about what you've just written but when the deadline is rushing towards you like a screaming train you just WRITE. With that in mind, I'm not surprised at all that I went too far in some areas. And it was so much FUN.

The battle still isn't over, by the way. Nick, my editor, still thinks I could be a little less bloodthirsty, while I think I'm just bloodthirsty enough. Some serious things happen in this book, and I reckon I needed to be as brutal and uncompromising as possible in order to achieve what I needed to achieve. But we have another week or so of him trying to be serious and me making jokes before I have to make the final decision.

And now a picture!


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Jakro Tintreach said...

GO EVE!!!!!

Eve the ROCK said...

Go me!!!

Nagier said...

yay for vilence derek!1

Nagier said...

Okay, I feel compelled to point out the obvious here: there is nothing happening.

Nagier said...

Also, Valkyrie V. Cain's comment vanished.


Zathract Mist said...

Hello people...

*sits under the tree*

I posted on What If?...

Zathract Mist said...

. . .

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

My comments have been vanishing lately

Zathract Mist said...

Gtg. Bye.

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Heya Freak Fan

The Awesomely Awesome Ninja Llama who is just so Awesomely Awesome and she was so Awesomely Awesome that everyone DIED (aka FreakFan) said...

Actually im gonna leave. Bye!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

How are you

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Swelly grand

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

Back. Ish.

Zathract Mist said...

Oh, wow...

Zathract Mist said...

Must go. Might be back.
Not that anyone cares of course.

Eve the ROCK said...


I bin dizappearin a lots todayz.

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


*looks around*

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist

Star Inkbright said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Stardust!

Zathract Mist said...

Hi Eve...

Hi Ink.

Eve the ROCK said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

I must warn you.

I am a


Star Inkbright said...


Zathract Mist said...

*points to email*

Zathract Mist said...

Love that movie.

Eve the ROCK said...


"I want a star for my birthday!!!" xD


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...



Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...


*is now searching up things*

Zathract Mist said...



*plays with a knife*

Eve the ROCK said...

*glares and goes for a walk*

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey is anyone on

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Amelie!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

guess what i got the end of the world

Eve the ROCK said...

Cool have you read it yet?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

im reading it

Eve the ROCK said...

Do you live in Australia or New Zealand?

Eve the ROCK said...

Or none?

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Is Star still here? I have to tell her something...

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


do you like the hunger games

Star Inkbright said...

Still here! Sort of. I was reading.

Star Inkbright said...

Yep, starstar like HG.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

they are thinking of make robert pattinson finnick for catching fire the movie

Star Inkbright said...

I have too many bookmarks . . .

Star Inkbright said...


My friends really wanted him to play finnick! They'll be so delighted!

Violent Spork said...

Oh hey star!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i dont i dont want him to i dont think he would look right as the part

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Toffee!

Violent Spork said...

Hey everyone! Toffee's back! In my story, there's 20 pages and 4,744 words in it. Not even close to the 10,000 words, but still, its progress.

Star Inkbright said...

*shrugs* i don't think he would, either, but you know the reason they'd do it for, right? It's coz loads of people are already crazy over him and more people would watch it if they thought he was in it.

Star Inkbright said...

Coolio, toffee!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i dont know what i want to write a stroy about i think i might have one going somewhere

Violent Spork said...

Oh, are you talking about the Hunger Games movies? The movie was good, but it still didnt live up to the book. Especially the Dogs (Mutts) at the end. They were really minor compared to the descriptio i the book.

Star Inkbright said...


One is SP fanfic, and the other one i want to get published one day.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Toffee!

Yes, I do like the Hunger Games, but definitely not as much as SP!


Star Inkbright said...

I KNOW. That was the thing the movie did worst, me tuh-hink.

Violent Spork said...

NO BANANAS???? God help us! *drops to the floor*Why? WWHHHHYYYYYY????

Star Inkbright said...

*grins* no fear, eve. A few days ago i guessed that you'd say that sometime soon and so i took precautions.

*gets spade and digs until i reach the bananas i buried*

Here you are, eve. There's tons and tons in there. If you look back over the comments you'll see the moment i buried them.

Although it wasn't on this post . . .

Still *taps bananas with spade* loadsa bananas. We are bananaless no more.

Violent Spork said...

You are our saviour! *stuffs head in hole* YAY!!!! *Takes head out with banana peels all over it*

Star Inkbright said...

Toffee, was it your comment that just poofed?

Star Inkbright said...


Violent Spork said...

I dunno. I dont see any poofed comment

Star Inkbright said...


Eve the ROCK said..

Hi Toffee!

Yes, I do like the Hunger Games, but definitely not as much as SP!


May 6, 2012 9:10 AM

Star Inkbright (Ink!) said..


That was the thing the movie did worst, me tuh-hink.

May 6, 2012 9:11 AM

Skulduggery&Valkyrie Fanatic

NO BANANAS???? God help us! *drops to the floor*Why? WWHHHHYYYYYY????

May 6, 2012 9:13 AM

I thought there was another one of your comments before your NO BANANAS one seeing as SOMEONE'S comment poofed and i can't think of any other comment that could be considored missing.

Eve the ROCK said...


Hey, have you seen the Despicable Me Banana song on YouTube?

Eve the ROCK said...

Wait...why are you Toffee?

Lynxia Lost said...

Damn. My comment disappeared!

I said hi.

I think I over dis the description on this chapter...

Star Inkbright said...


No eve, sorry. I watched half of despicable me once but even if i saw it in the half i watched, u doubt i would rember. Star's bad memory strikes again.

Lynxia Lost said...


Eve the ROCK said...

The little yellow things are so cute!

Hi Lynxia!!!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi lynxia!

So it was YOUR comment that poofed . . .

Star Inkbright said...

The MINIONS, they're called! *nods*

Valice said...

Hi, there's just one thing: my friend has a own blog since a few weeks. And she's not really into it yet, but that might be because i'm her only follower. So maybe you could follow it too, i bet then she would start writing more interesting things. By the way, she's german too, so her english isn't always that good... And she likes Skulduggery too. So if you want to follow her: here's the link:
Oh, and in Germany Skulduggery is 13+ (on Amazon)

Oh, ans one last thing:
In germany we have a series called "Tartort". and there is a undercover agent in it, called Cenk BATU! And today they'll kill him. if you don't belive me, google it!

Lynxia Lost said...

I had an idea for something at the end of Fate but I think I over did the description slightly. It's all very melodramatic...

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't like calling them that because WE are Minions!

Violent Spork said...

Oh, Im back.Hiya! Everyone look at this on youtube: Special fred. It is awesome.

Lynxia Lost said...

I have to be on a computer to follow. Will do it later...

Lynxia Lost said...

Fred is amazing!!!

Violent Spork said...

So anyone still here now?

Lynxia Lost said...

*smiles at a sentence* I love that line.

'Closer and closer...'

So short but so effective.

Violent Spork said...

Hello? Anyone at the blogger comments? Hi strange people? Anyone here?

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Chloe.

I'm here but I'm seeing if I can cut down on the description because at the moment it's a bit too much description.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Chloe!

Inky Flame said...

how rs u?

Eve the ROCK said...

I'm pretty goose.

Violent Spork said...

I gotta go everyone! I'll probably be back at 10 or 11.

Eve the ROCK said...





Inky Flame said...

im tired, my lay in was cut short

Inky Flame said...


Inky Flame said...

g2g *yawn* byii

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with the people who are leaving!

I am now following luna's blog . . . Which was a little hard to do seeing as my Follow button has mysteriously disapoeared off every blog. I did it through the google friend connect thing but all the instructions were in german, so that was a challenge too . . .

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with the people who are leaving!

I am now following luna's blog . . . Which was a little hard to do seeing as my Follow button has mysteriously disapoeared off every blog. I did it through the google friend connect thing but all the instructions were in german, so that was a challenge too . . .

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Also, i have no picture on the follow-thingy.

Star Inkbright said...

At least SOMEONE'S here . . . Hi lynxia.

Star Inkbright said...

Hello Lynxia. *waves*

Star Inkbright said...

*thinks of waves as in the sea*

Lynxia Lost said...

Why are you thinking about that?

Lynxia Lost said...

Sorry. my phone died. I have to go now anyway! Bye! *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

May the fours be with you lynxia!

Coz, you waving. I just looked at the word anf ended up thinking of the sea.

Violent Spork said...

OK I'm back! I just made scrambled eggs. And gave them to my Dad. He seemed pretty pleased.

Violent Spork said...

Hiya Everyone! May the Fourth be with you!

Violent Spork said...

Tra la la la la la la la la la la!
*lets out a mad cackle*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi toffee!


Mary Contrary said...


Luciana said...


Nixion Strange said...


Mary Contrary said...


Mary Contrary said...

Hi Nixion! Hi Luciana!

Luciana said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi people who appeared!

Msd - not meant to be on electronics.

Luciana said...

Will be distant. Writing.

Star Inkbright said...

Lotsa appear-ations . . .

Star Inkbright said...

I'm MEANT to be writing . . .

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Ink!

Mary Contrary said...

I should be writing too, though think I have writers block. again. -.-"

Luciana said...

I'm writing and editing..

Star Inkbright said...

I'm meant to be prioritising my fanfic but i always seem to end up writing Rebellion . . .

Star Inkbright said...

. . . silence . . .

Nixion Strange said...

I'm bored

Eve the ROCK said...


Luciana said...

Sorry. I was editing Mark's character a tad, he needs to say things like:

'Cause they're the things Sam is starting to say, more often. ¬_¬ He is stealing my words....

Nixion Strange said...

I'm sorry, no offense to anyone, but the idea of Valduggery or ... the one with China is ridiculus. Skulduggery loved his wife, and she died. I think the idea of Skulduggery is that he won't love anyone that way again. And he's a skeleton, for crying out loud. I just don't think it'll happen

Mary Contrary said...

Sorry. I guess now'd be a good time to mention that I'll be a little distant, huh? :P
On another note, Hi Eve!

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Eve

Mary Contrary said...

Nixion, I've always found the idea of Valduggery a little creepy, personally. I don't think I've ever heard of the one with China, though. 0o

Luciana said...


Chinduggery have at LEAST a flirtationship. They have chemistry...It's pretty clear, they have...But, yeah...

Luciana said...

Hello, Eve. *waves*

Valduggery is merely a HC.

Nixion Strange said...

Not a chemistry, i don't think. But China likes to mess with him. I don't think he feels the same way, even in the slightest

Star Inkbright said...

Hi eve!

*looks in banana pit*

They're nearly all gone now . . . :(

Mary Contrary said...

*tilts head* I think Chapter 60 of Death Bringer may contradict Chinduggery ever so slightly.. :P

Star Inkbright said...


I think chinduggery could be quite good.

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

And Val is like Skuls daughter, nothing like Valduggery will ever happen

Luciana said...

They have chemistry. There's something there. They flirt with each-other. The two of them remind me of some people I know. They act as though they don't care about each-other, but they truly do.

Skulduggery allowed China to live, he wouldn't have done this for anyone else, I don't think. He let her live, because he cares about her. China and Skulduggery could very possibly have history. They've got something special, I think, maybe not now, but they definitely had something in the past.

Maybe Skulduggery dismisses his feelings for China due to the fact that everyone falls in love with China, because of her beauty. Maybe he does care about her, just as she cares about him. China didn't want to keep the secret because she was scared he'd kill her, but because she was scared he'd hate her.

Star Inkbright said...

It's OBVIOUS skulduggery will make it up with china eventually, chinduggery or no chinduggery.

Eve the ROCK said...


Star Inkbright said...

Damn. Bbs.

Nixion Strange said...

I am against both of them. Skulduggery won't really love again, and Val will either destroy the world, so it won't matter, or meet someone else

Eve the ROCK said...

And did anyone pick up, "We need a responsible Elder. Like China."

Total LOL moment for me. XD

Luciana said...

Again, Valduggery = HC. No more, never will happen. He's paternal over her. No matter how much they say it'll happen, it can't. The age gap is too large, they're there for each-other like friends. Skulduggery is like Gordon, in a way. He's like an uncle to her, or a second father - just as Gordon was. She looks up to him, for advice. They help each-other out, they bully each-other a little and he teaches her to fight and mentors her in the ways of an Elemental. They're best friends, nothing more and nothing less.

Nixion Strange said...

Yeah, i picked that up. Sarcasm!

Nixion Strange said...

Thank you L!
I can't change your views on China and Skul-man though...

Flame Phoenix said...



Luciana said...

Indeed I picked that up. I giggled, myself.

Hello, Flame. *waves*

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Flame

Mary Contrary said...

LOL Eve!

And while they may make up, I'm not sure, along with what Nixion said about his wife and family, that Skulduggery would want to go there, y'know..?

Mary Contrary said...

Hi Flame!

Nixion Strange said...

Thank you Taia! Skulman isn't going to go there!

Luciana said...

Nix, I am far too stubborn, my dear. But, even after writing Valduggery, I can't seem to understand it. There's nothing more than a friendship there.

Chinduggery, however, they definitely have a flirtationship, at the VERY least. It's there. Even if it is only one winding up the other. CAN I JUST POINT OUT THE FACT THAT THEY DANCE IN DB? Which can be seen as a romantic gesture? And China's beginning to feel maternal over Valkyrie - shown with the horse riding, thing - and this is likely to be because of her feelings towards Skulduggery..

I could totally write an A* essay on Chinduggery...Just saying. I wish we could have SP on the curriculum...I'd ace it. XD

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Flamereno!

I like the idea of Chinduggery, but I seriously doubt Derek would turn SP into something like that.

Flame Phoenix said...





Luciana said...

It is only a HC, but it does have the ability to become canon. It is there, but it's whether Derek chooses to take it anywhere...
He could make it so Valkyrie falls for Skulduggery, but he chooses China over her, that'd be interesting...But I highly doubt Derek would do such a thing.

Luciana said...

Flame, China is still alive...

Nixion Strange said...

They dance. Friends dance at balls. Val is China's friend, and Skul is China's friend. Just friends!

Luciana said...

China is probably still going to be alive, until near the end, or until the end...

Nixion Strange said...

Derek will not get Skul to go with either of them.
I'll make a bet!

Nixion Strange said...

Money can't be the betting... I need to match you with a bet and an equal bet of yours

Star Inkbright said...




Luciana said...

When they're dancing they could be talking about any number of things. The dance can be seen as between friends, or as a romantic gesture. If you study the text, you will understand why I support Chinduggery.

Flame Phoenix said...

OH AND EVIE dear. You might want to have a chat with Mist, he's a bit.. down...

Like i mean, like this:


Nixion Strange said...

Flame, don't go there
L, you're pointing dots where there are none. I study the text like a bible.

Flame Phoenix said...

Skulduggery killed her.

He illed her in Db. or what the fuck..

*is confuzzled*

I'll type the paragraph.

*runs off to get book*

Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

It says Val was afraid that she'd hear of Skul killing China, not that it actually happened

Nixion Strange said...

Hi Mist

Mary Contrary said...

*nods* Nixion is right. He hasn't actually killed her... Yet.

Hi Mist!

Luciana said...

Nix, I am not pointing out dots where there are none, I need not study the book as I have read it so many times I know it like the back of my hand. Derek is extremely intelligent in the way that he has left much to the imagination, while still giving us enough.

I doubt Derek will allow Chinduggery to become canon, but it is there. I fully support Chinduggery, just as I support Ghanith and Fletchyrie. It is merely an opinion, formed by the way in which I have read the books and my imagination works. You can't say that Chinduggery is an impossibility, as even Valduggery is possible.

Flame Phoenix said...

don't go where?

She hadn't heard from him in two days. She kept expecting a call from Ghastly, informing her that Skulduggery was in custody, charged with the unlawful killing of China Sorrows...

Does that not mean she's dead?

Luciana said...

Hello, Mist.

Skulduggery most likely shan't be killing China.

Nixion Strange said...

There could be dots there, i admit. But you're not the only one who need not study them, because they have been studied by moi. But the dots are missing a few crucial dots. Derek could do it, but i doubt it

Luciana said...

Flame, China is alive. Valkyrie expected China to be dead, but she's not.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist. :)

Flame Phoenix said...

SHE's Not........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Eve the ROCK said...

No, Phoenix, she's not dead.

Flame Phoenix said...

Hey Misterio.

Luciana said...

China is alive.

Nixion Strange said...

There's a possibility that she's dead, but Derek wouldn't not write a scene of her dieing. DShe might die later...

Mary Contrary said...

Flame, it shows that she was expecting a call from Ghastly, not that she received one.
It also continues to to say 'But as the darkness drew in on another day her phone, thankfully, remained silent.'
Which further shows that she didn't receive a call. :)

Eve the ROCK said...

...What if China got killed by a forest troll, pixies and poisonous berries?

Ignore me if you don't know what I'm referring to.

Nixion Strange said...

Eve, i thought we all agreed that that was ludicris

Flame Phoenix said...

What are you referring to?

Nixion Strange said...

Spelling died in the Personality Wars. Ignore me if you don't know what I'm talking about

Luciana said...

I hope China doesn't die. I have a love for her character. Everything about her is just appealing...I believe that she is a crucial character for the story and her treachery is very peculiar. :')

Eve the ROCK said...


*throws knives at Phoenix*

Yeah, but I dread the moment when my brother is right, Nix. DREAD.

Luciana said...


Flame Phoenix said...

I'm changing accounts now, hold on a sec..

Nixion Strange said...

If that happens, i'll give you my frog. This frog is very powerful

Eve the ROCK said...

Luciana, EVERYONE feels that way about China.

I love annoying people with that. XD

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