Tuesday, February 14, 2012

TV And Me

I STILL don't like this new-look Blogger. I haven't figured out how to sort out the comments section- I can't even READ your comments after the first 200, but I'll have to do something soon... grrrr...


I got a call just before 6 PM yesterday- my publicist, wanting to know if I could POSSIBLY make it onto a plane the next day to go to London to appear on the Alan Titchmarsh Show on ITV. Me, being the true professional that I am, eventually stopped crying and said absolutely, no problem. Never mind the fact that I'm writing a book. Never mind the fact that my deadline is approaching. Never mind all those little details. I'd be delighted to get up early and get on a plane and go to London and sit around for a few hours and appear on air for FIVE MINUTES... and then get on another plane and fly home, waving goodbye to a full day of work... Sigh. Such is the life of a  super-genius.

As it turned out, though, I had a lot of fun. Yes, the traveling and the waiting was as boring as ever, and yes I did have to miss a day of writing, but I was on the show with John Barrowman, from Dr Who and Torchwood- awesome! He's a lovely guy, and his sister was equally lovely, and I had a really funny five minutes on stage with them, being interviewed. They've written a book for young people called Hollow Earth, and it actually sounds pretty cool. John is everything you'd expect- charming, funny, friendly and engaging- so I wasn't at all disappointed. He was just like Captain Jack Harkness, in fact. Which obviously poses a problem, since if I ever get to meet David Tennant or Matt Smith I'll be expecting them to be wonderfully intelligent people with the ability to time travel. Hmmm.

Matt Cardle was also there, but he's not much of a "book-person". Nice chap, though.

But now I'm home, and I might actually try and get some work done. The book is going well, I'm sure you'll be happy to know. 60,000 words and counting. Whether or not it'll continue the tradition of every book being longer than the one before, I don't know. Hopefully it will, because I like giving readers more pages for their money every time, but a book's length is a book's length, and the story itself will dictate how long it'll be.

I also have a possible title... that I can't tell you about just yet! My agent loves it, my editor loves it, I'm pretty sure the marketing people love it... It's completely different to the style of titles I've been using up until now, which is what I'm after. I'm sure I'll be able to tell you what it is soon enough, and then we'll show you the cover closer to September, just to torture you even more.

But for now, I'm concentrating on writing the thing, fully conscious that The End Of The World is out on March 1st. You guys have caused such a storm with this, actually, because thousands of you have pre-ordered it on Amazon UK, and apparently that has never happened for a World Book Day book before. I've heard that Amazon were a tad stunned...

Well done, Minions. You stunned Amazon.

Be proud of yourselves.


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Nixion Strange said...

You don't have a picture for me Shads

Lynxia Lost said...

*shrugs* How are you Rim?

Izz said...

Servus everyone. I hope we are all well.

Lynxia Lost said...

You're in the big pic but I didn't have time.

Nixion Strange said...

hey Izz

Rim. said...

Sorry my fingers fell asleep...
I'm fine just woken up so I'm a bit slow...

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Lorely!

Lynxia Lost said...

I'm OK. I'm going to the Muppets movie today!

Rim. said...

Cool I'm just waiting on face book for my friend to decide what were gona do today...

Izz said...

ha you read that post Shadow? Nice.

Lynxia Lost said...

I think Sparky's gone because Flame asked her to stay until he went, and now he's gone.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yup, yup I did.

Zathract Mist said...

Wow, awesome job, Shadow.

Lynxia Lost said...

??? What on?

Rim. said...

Which shadow??

Nixion Strange said...

i am horrible, thanks for asking

Sparky Braginski said...


I can't type the code in with my retarted iTouch.

Sparky Braginski said...


I can't type the code in with my retarted iTouch.

Lynxia Lost said...

*looks at Rim* You're Rim or Ripper and I'm Shadow or Lynxia. That's the way I've always seen it.

Rim. said...

Sparkys still here!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Yay! You are here Sparky. Just say what you thought here.

Rim. said...

Yeah shads me to but thats what star and blue first called me so I was wondering...

Lynxia Lost said...

*shrugs* We are both Shadow.

Izz said...


Nixion Strange said...

No one wants to know why im feeling horrible

Sparky Braginski said...


I can't wait, simply out of my Russian tendencies.

Rim. said...

Why you feeling horrible Nixon???

Lynxia Lost said...

Well, Nix, why do you feel horrible? (Happy now?)

Izz said...

^No Nix. absolutely no one cares about you^

Lynxia Lost said...

He's already tried Sparky! *laughs*

I'll probably get the rest tomorrow.

Nixion Strange said...

Because i left me book (throne of fire) in my locker, cricket training was tonight and it BUCKETED and i got absolotly SOOKED
thanks for asking

Izz said...

Sparky? *looks at her wary and expectant*

Lynxia Lost said...

It's only rain. Get used to it. Oh wait, you're in Australia right?

Izz said...

Poor Nix.

Sparky Braginski said...

Izz, I am not go-

*tackles Izz*

Lynxia Lost said...

*laughs* Sparky, why?

Sparky Braginski said...

I don't actually know...

Izz said...


*picks self up*
Servus Sparky, I hope you are well. I am fine.

Nixion Strange said...

YES. IT HAS BEEN IN THE 30'S (celcius) FOR THE LAST WEEK, AND THEN IT POURS DOWN SO HARD THAT THE STREET FLODED, AND LIGHTNING HIT SOMEPLACE AROUND 7 STREETS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

*shrugs* We get thunder storms all the time. We've never been flooded though. Some of the hoses closer to the lake have though.

Izz said...

*sigh* I'm only for another 14 minutes. Then I have to get off.

Nixion Strange said...

Do you guys still ahev that little box comment thing

Lynxia Lost said...

*houses not hoses

Sparky Braginski said...

Aww Izz!

Sparky Braginski said...

Yo, Shadow?

Is Lynxia a necromancer?

Nixion Strange said...

i have to leave in 15
*someone coughs*
*frog croaks*
Oh, come on!

Nixion Strange said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Izz said...

It rained here too Nix. I had people all through maths screaming at the thunder. Painful. I mean, as if maths wasn't bad enough.

Lynxia Lost said...

Yup, I am. Necromancy and bone breaking.

Rim. said...

Nice powers.... Please don't hurt me...

Nixion Strange said...

Im a bone breaker
*someone coughs*
*frog croaks*

Lynxia Lost said...

*laughs* I only hurt people I don't like.

Sparky Braginski said...

Bone breaking?

Great to know.

I'm also going to make sure that Lynxia uses a now and arrow at some point.

Another question, have you ever been surfing Shadow?

Lynxia Lost said...

Hey Gab! We're ignoring Nix! *says it like it's a really fun game*

Nixion Strange said...

but it was like 7 streets away
You could see it hit, and the sound left my eardrums ringing
The ground shook

Lynxia Lost said...

Yes, I have. It was fun and after about an hour I got the hang of it.

Nixion Strange said...

hey Gab
*looks at him expectingly*

Sparky Braginski said...

One time I was sailing in a thunder storm and lightning hit so close I could smell the ozone.

It was like, two f*cking meters from my boat.

Izz said...

I'm getting an extra ten minutes!

Sparky Braginski said...

That's brilliant Izz!

Lynxia Lost said...

Wow Sparky. Lightning once hit our school when we were in it.

Nixion Strange said...

that was the smell. I forgot what is was called!

Rim. said...

Wow... I've only sailed twice and that was shark fishing and scuba diving

Gabriel said...

I'm going to kill my brother.
Not yet..
Torture him first.

Izz said...

I went down the river in a canoe. It was exhasting.

Izz said...

Good thinking G

Nixion Strange said...

Hey Shad
ahem. Don't you remember

Lynxia Lost said...

I went scuba diving once when I was 7, it was fun. My dad's toe got pinched by a crab.

Sparky Braginski said...

Surfing is super fun.

Gabriel said...

I hate celebrities.

Gabriel said...

I hate celebrities.

Lynxia Lost said...

Remember what?

Nixion Strange said...

i suck at surfing
But the best at bogey boarding

Sparky Braginski said...

When you figure out how to stand up, it's the most fun ever.

Second best to three things for me.

Izz said...

Just in general? Or are there specific celebrities that piss you off the most?

Izz said...

I can't swim.

Lynxia Lost said...

My fave things to do...

Read Skulduggery Pleasant

Write stories

Annoy Nix

Annoy Flame


Gabriel said...

Most of them they are all so vain and greedy I don't get why God created humans.

Lynxia Lost said...

In that order...

Nixion Strange said...

Remember that you can't ignore me
Im to smart

And i kept falling over. I have bad ballance

Sparky Braginski said...

*sits up suddenly*

I know why I want there to be an SP movie.

So that I can skate to the music from it.

Rim. said...

Aww that must suck izz... I almost live in the water!

Lynxia Lost said...

There is a SP movie. It's out next year I think.

Gabriel said...

I wish I could be God, even for just a day.
The things I would change... But a lot of people will have to die.

A lot.

Eve the ROCK said...

Dats totes...um... Motes?

Sparky Braginski said...

*looks at Shadow excitedly *


Izz said...

@G Because he was bored.

@Nix Bad balence is nothing compared to drowning.

Rim. said...

No that's just imdb playing...
What about archery shads???

Nixion Strange said...

nah, Derek called it off
He has to much to do

Eve the ROCK said...

WHAT?! Movie?! Next year?!

Lynxia Lost said...

In agree Gab. One of the first to die would be Justin Bieber! Not Zac Efron because I am the biggest Zefron fan! *laughs at Starkid quote*

Zathract Mist said...

I'm writing so I'll be slow. VERY slow.

Izz said...

Yeah. I hate swimming pools anyway. mainly because I drown in them but still...

Rim. said...

NO MOVIE!!!!!! Ya get it!!!!

Gabriel said...

No! No Movie! You think celebrities are stupid bastards! They are all just like everyone else! After money, they are greedy, selfish, liars and vain!

Lynxia Lost said...

Yes, movie - next year. Archery is probably the same level as surfing...

Nixion Strange said...

No movie. called off. derek has to much to do

Sparky Braginski said...

My top things (in order)

Doing Axels really freaking big so it feels like you're flying.

Reading SP.



Catching a mega wave and standing up while surfing.

Singing to BFS with earbuds in and head banging so I get really strange looks on the bus.

Lynxia Lost said...

There is a movie.

Gabriel said...

I mean *ahem* celebrities are stupid bastards!

Rim. said...

No Derek called it off... There probs won't be one till after the last book...

Gabriel said...

Zac Efron is no different.

Eve the ROCK said...

You brought my hopes up and dashed them quite expertly. Bravo. (futurama quote. I heart futurama.)

Izz said...

Oh please kill JB! I want to blood-eagal him and see if he'll sing better.

Nixion Strange said...

there is not
I looked it up for the next 3 years
no movie. called off

Lynxia Lost said...

WHAT? Then why is it all over the internet with rumours of who people are going to be.

Nixion Strange said...

nothing could make her sing better

Sparky Braginski said...

Did anyone look at my list?

Gabriel said...

Hate me if you must but I stand it what I believe in.
Which is not a lot.
Celebrities don't deserve idolatry. They are *all the things I said above* and worse@1!!!!AEWRVFNCJTYGFrdjn t

Rim. said...

I love futurama!!!! Leela and Fry forever!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

The BFS one is followed immediately by talking her, then Val and then Flame.

Lynxia Lost said...

@Gab - I do actually hate Zac Efron but that was a quote of something of YouTube.

*singing to Legend of Zelda Rap*
Legend of Zelda?
Screw that!
Legend of Link


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Rim. said...

Nice list Sparky!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Lynxia Lost said...


Izz said...

I looked at it Sparky.

@Nix, true.

Lynxia Lost said...


Sparky Braginski said...


*high fives Shadow*

Izz said...


Rim. said...

Whoop Shadow!!!!

Sparky Braginski said...

Izz, did you like my list?

Izz said...

New millenium! Yay!

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah Smosh and Starkid FTW!

Eve the ROCK said...

Yay! Fry! I luv Fry. He's so stupid it makes him cute.

Sparky Braginski said...


It needed to be said.

Eve the ROCK said...

Lynxia, u r professional sim creator. I luv my hair cut!

Gabriel said...

The things I would do...

Izz said...

Yeah. Remember the ice cave?

Rim. said...

Kiss my cold metal ass!!!

Gabriel said...

SHiny, its shiny metal ass

Lynxia Lost said...

Kiss my quiver!

That was a Maxis creation Eve.

Rim. said...

Um.... I wasn't expecting that big of enthusiasm...

Sparky Braginski said...

KISS MY SHINY. METAL. AS- *mega gasp*


Eve the ROCK said...

he's a devious bastard. Hehe. Such a lovably terrible robot.

Izz said...

I never watch those animated shows. My mum hates them.

Lynxia Lost said...

*singing again*

'Cause he's the L to the I to the N to the K
Wears tights every day, don't give a damn what you say
Got bigger balls than even Evel Knievel
And he ain't gonna stop 'til the world is free of evil

Rim. said...

On the one of the early ones it's cold and then on his favorite quotes its Shiny...

Sparky Braginski said...


Bender and his assplate forever.

Eve the ROCK said...

My mumma hates em too. But I watch em anyway. HERMES!

deadman chicken said...

Hello how is everyone?

Nixion Strange said...

kiss my quiver was percy jackson

Rim. said...

Ya man!!!!
Zoidberg forever!!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

*sings because I don't watch Futurama*

You think Zelda's stupid enough to get kidnapped so often?
She runs off to my castle, into my room and begs to get locked in.
Yeah, she's sick of your little Deku nuts and your girly fairy face
L-I-N-K? More like L-I-N-Gay.

Eve the ROCK said...

Bite my glorious golden ass.

Sparky Braginski said...

Shadow, when you say that it reminds me of Alfred rapping it yesterday.

Golden God Alfy's funny...


Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah! Nico di Angelo FTW! Conor and Travis Stoll were awesome and i nearly cried when Luke died!

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh my goshness my fav line from fry is 'smell this milk'

Rim. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gabriel said...

I wish I could be really angry and beat someone up in school. It would feel like reading the newest Skulduggery Pleasant book.

Sparky Braginski said...


Best Futurama quote of all time.

Izz said...


Eve the ROCK said...

I HATE zoydberg

Nixion Strange said...

Bye Izz

Gabriel said...

Me too.

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh right. Dedication...

a) Derek Landy
b) All of my friends here. (Robin, Sparky, Flame, Eve, etc...)
c) Percy Jackson
d) Smosh
e) Starkid
f) Sims2
g) Rick Riordan for coming up with 'Kiss my quiver'!
h) (Insert what you want here)

I use that quote so often!

Rim. said...

How can you???? He's soo pink and stupid. Whoop whoop whoop

Gabriel said...

Bye Izz...

Lynxia Lost said...

Bye Izz!

Nixion Strange said...

Hello? fellow PJ fan here, and no dedication?

Sparky Braginski said...

Thanks Shadow.

Bye Izz.

Go kick yourself Gab.

Lynxia Lost said...

Man, you should've been aborted, just like the Jersey Shore
It's a damn lie you told about Zelda 'cause she loves my master sword
It's a shame your whole life's been a waste trying to rule Hyrule
'cause today will be the day known as "The day you got schooled"

Rim. said...

Bye Izz!

Eve the ROCK said...

Nixion! *hugs and then hits Nixion's face* More story! Get to work! *cracks whip*

Nixion Strange said...


Rim. said...

What's everyones fave song???

Lynxia Lost said...

*is snivelling in corner* Poor Luke...

Gabriel said...

I want to kill someone..

Nixion Strange said...

Shad? Only other person who likes Percy Jackson here, and no dedication?

Lynxia Lost said...

Hello by Evanescence!

Lynxia Lost said...

I've given my ded.!

Eve the ROCK said...

"now, bender, the reason zoydberg doesn't have a girlfriend isn't because he's poor, its because he's hideous" Leela on Valentines Day

Gabriel said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Play the guitar by BOB I love that song!

Nixion Strange said...

*mutters something under breathe and looks angrily at ground*

Lynxia Lost said...

The Annabeth in the movie isn't blonde! I hated that but I like Logan Lerman!

Eve the ROCK said...

*pokes nixion in eye*

Nixion Strange said...

They changed so much
The movie made the book look bad

Rim. said...

My favourite song is green eyes by coldplay or titanium by David guetta!

Nixion Strange said...

Eve? I don't sit all day at a computer screen. i have school, and then i have homework

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't like Percy Jackson, even though hes somehow family. Now tell me, why haven't they made another movie? Huh?

Gabriel said...

I hate celebrities, but I like Paramore. AND Some Greenday.. I don't get the Dubstep shit though...

Sparky Braginski said...

Trucker Hat by Bowling For Soup.

Rim. said...

I Hate dubstep!!! It's pointless!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Yeah, they didn't include the stuff about WW2 and the big 3 not having kids. And Luke's scar! Where The Hades was it? (Get it? Hades? Never mind.)

Nixion Strange said...

There making sea of monsters
27th March, 2013

Lynxia Lost said...

The next movie is next year Eve! *draws bow and arrow* You don't like Percy Jackson!?

Q - If you could choose you godly parent who would it be? Mine would be Nemesis! Hades has been over done...

Gabriel said...

I hate CELEBRITIES. I despise them, they don't deserve to live, they dont deserve to die. Tey deserve to suffer!

Rim. said...

Mars but he dont have kids I think...

Sparky Braginski said...

I would say Zeus because of my magic, but either Artemis or Athena.

Nixion Strange said...

Nemesis? Really?
Mine would be Possiden, the Apollo

Lynxia Lost said...

Nemesis! Mars/Ares does have kids! Haven't you read Heroes of Olympus?

Gabriel said...

I mean, I see the world in balance that and I will protect the balance so it cannot be disrupted by the primitive beings that live on this planet.

Nixion Strange said...

*then Apollo
and Mars can have kids
Where are you getting your info from

Gabriel said...

I hate people. Not you people but some people.

Gabriel said...

I hate people. Not you people but some people.

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