Friday, December 2, 2011


Brrrrr it's getting cold...

After a bizarrely warm November, it's starting to get pretty cold indeed around these parts. Christmas decorations are everywhere. Shopping queues are getting longer. This morning I heard "Merry Christmas (The War is Over)" on the radio- the first Christmas song I've heard in 2011. And a few days ago I posted a TON of cards and letters to readers who had written to me- so it is OFFICIALLY close to Christmas. I can now safely announce it.

You may rejoice.

And the competition winners may ALSO rejoice, because the books I have to sign have finally arrived. I'll sign them all this weekend, have them ready to be picked up on Monday or Tuesday, and then hopefully you'll be getting your prizes over the next few weeks. It'd be cool if you could get them BEFORE Christmas, so that's what we're working towards.

There's still a lot of work going on in my house. I'm getting one of the rooms refurbished- COMPLETELY redesigning it- as well as the kitchen redone, and that's been going on since the start of October. Basically, it means a lot of noise and hassle and interruptions, so I haven't been able to focus on Book Seven, which I really would have liked to have started by now. But hey, I'm not worried. My house is going to RULE when it's all finished, because finally I'll have a proper place to store my toys.

A lot of you may not know this, but I love toys. I collect movie memorabilia and props and stuff, and also comic-book statues. To give you an idea of the kind of things I'm talking about, here are a few action figures...

... and a rather large Iron Man (I've put a book beside him to give you an idea of scale)...

Oh, and here's a 12 inch figure of Sweeny Todd about to give a 12 inch Ichabod Crane a very close shave...

Boy oh boy do I love toys...

As you can imagine, my place is full of equipment boxes right now, so I'm going to leave you with a picture of one of my cats- Pooper- doing what cats love best: clambering into cardboard boxes for no apparent reason.


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Eve the ROCK said...

I feel like playing Skyrim...I haven't played in a LONG while....a LONG, LONG, while...

Zathract Mist said...

Go play it then. Go on and play your precious Skyrim and leave me to do my assignment. Go on. Leave.


Eve the ROCK said...

*laughs* I'm not leaving. If I'm going to play Skyrim, I'm going to talk to you at the same time. :D

Sparky Braginski said...


Zathract Mist said...

Bye, Sparky.

*grins at Eve*

Zathract Mist said...


Zathract Mist said...


Nixion Strange said...

Bye Sparky

And Mistypants? Almost done

Zathract Mist said...



Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Sparky.

*shakes head* Skyrim is the only place I can throw sharp things around and kill people and slaughter dragons. The only place I can break the rules. I killed a live chicken in this game. Yeah, I'm a bad girl.

Zathract Mist said...


There. Normality!

Eve the ROCK said...

*gasps at Nix*

Zathract Mist said...


...Well done.

Nixion Strange said...

Don't call me snowflake, or snow, or anything like that
Or asteriod

Eve the ROCK said...


...some people call it normalcy. That's not normal.

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah. But as soon as I killed it, everyone came running after me and yelling at me and throwing fists at me and slashing me with knives. I didn't survive.

Nixion Strange said...

you can kill a person, but god forbid you kill a chicken

Zathract Mist said...

*starts laughing*

The poor chicken...


Zathract Mist said...

Yellow Submarine...going mad...Beetles...What...?

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah. You know, the game counts how many bunnies you slaughter.


*stares at Mist* You...the Beetles? But...

Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*shakes head slowly* I don't know who you are anymore...

Zathract Mist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve the ROCK said...

Mist...please....don't do this...

Eve the ROCK said...


I forgot how epic the intro music is.

Nixion Strange said...

This chapter is disgusting

Eve the ROCK said...

Aw, it's starting again. Well, better start the game...

*presses START*

Nixion Strange said...

maybe i should tune it down...

Eve the ROCK said...

But it's too epic!

Nixion Strange said...

It's not epic... this is based on a childrens thing, and i have...
Probably not suitable

Eve the ROCK said...

What do you mean by disgusting?

Eve the ROCK said...

I was talking about the epic intro music. :D

Nixion Strange said...

Not suitable themes... i have brains melting out of someones ears...

Eve the ROCK said...

Remember, if you make it too icky, it becomes ridiculous. Brains melting out of ears...gimme the sentence.

Nixion Strange said...

Blood was pooling out of them, but not only blood. His brain had melted.

Eve the ROCK said...

Eep! It's starting! :D

Where did mist go?

Nixion Strange said...

wondering the same thing

Nixion Strange said...

you know what, im not having that. I'll just say he died

Eve the ROCK said...

Huh. Okay. I have no problem with gore and stuff, so...

Oh. My. Goshness. Graphics are amazing in this game. Skyrim is so beautiful...makes earth look like a ball of crap.

Eve the ROCK said...

What? Why am I holding an Elven Swird of Binding? Oh, that's right. Stupid Draugr Overlord used his Unrelenting Force to knock my much better sword out of my hands and I couldn't find it. I hate Draugr.

Eve the ROCK said...

*hears flapping of giant wings* Is that...a dragon?

Eve the ROCK said...

*sees dragon* I'll be right back. *takes out bow*

Eve the ROCK said...

*shoots an arrow at dragon*


*watches dragon fly away*


Eve the ROCK said...

*sees animal*

Wolf? Sabre Cat?



Sparky Braginski said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Sparrrky! Guess what I'm doing?

Nixion Strange said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Yo, Eve?

Remember what you said to me about Narrator Smurf being killed by his family?

Eve the ROCK said...

*gazes at moon*

Skyrim has two moons. One of which is absolutely humongous.


Sparky Braginski said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Take the hint please.

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Oh. Right. That doesn't apply to me, coz I'm not narrating. I'm COMMENTING on how UTTERLY BEAUTIFUL Skyrim IS.

Eve the ROCK said...

Besides, nothing important is happening, so I am allowed.

Sparky Braginski said...


Nixion Strange said...

Bye Sparky

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye sparky.

*is standing on the edge of the bridge*

I don't wanna jump.

Nixion Strange said...

then don't jump

Eve the ROCK said...

But I need to be adventurous. If I can't jump off a bridge, what CAN I do?

You know, I once jumped of a cliff, and I didn't die. Or lose health.

Eve the ROCK said...

But there are Slaughterfish in the water....


Eve the ROCK said...

You know what? I'm not jumping.

*moves away*

*is actually moving forward*

*lands in water with a light 'plup'*

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...

In Skyrim, you're either too cautious to do anything risky, or you just approach everything with a happy-go-lucky attitude.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi Mist!

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

... why do you keep leaving and comming back? The comming back part's good, but the leaving part isn't

Sparky Braginski said...

I was having lunch.

Eve the ROCK said...

Why did he leave?!

Nixion Strange said...

Mist is doing work, and editing mine

Eve the ROCK said...

He just vanished then!

Nixion Strange said...

he's doing work

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

That's not why I left.

I'm going now though. Lunch.

*walks off*

Eve the ROCK said...

Told you, Nix!

Why did he leave then?

Nixion Strange said...

Cause you left, i suppose

Eve the ROCK said...

I don't think so.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

I'm at Amanda's now! Yay!

Oh, and hello.

Eve the ROCK said...

Hi val

Eve the ROCK said...


Nixion Strange said...

Val? Okay, hi Val

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Hi eve

(And yeah, it's Val)

Eve the ROCK said...


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Is Sparky still here?

Eve the ROCK said...

I think so.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

it's so creepy that Amanda's 10 year old brother is in love with me... *shudders*

Eve the ROCK said...



Nixion Strange said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

*draws more evil spikes on a tree*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Sparky... I'm gonna bug you...

Zathract Mist said...

> <
> <
> <
>^ ^ ^ ^<

Eve the ROCK said...


Zathract Mist said...

*carves in "Rawr"*

Zathract Mist said...



Eve the ROCK said...

What's wrong?

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

kenichi wa

Zathract Mist said...

*storms in*

Eve the ROCK said...

It's conichiwa

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Why did you leave? Why are you angry?

Zathract Mist said...

*storms out*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

sparky come back!

Zathract Mist said...

*storms back in*

*kicks the Rawr tree*

*punches a kicking bag*

*storms into tree-house*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Sparky I need to bug you! Come on!

Eve the ROCK said...

*sighs angrily and sits on ground*

Eve the ROCK said...

*follows most into treehouse*

Zathract Mist said...

*stomps into room and sits on bed*

Eve the ROCK said...

*follows mist and sits next to him*

Eve the ROCK said...

Whats wrong? What happened?

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

*calls on Skype*
Busy? Busy? How can she be busy?

Zathract Mist said...


Not sure...

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Amanda threw a donut at my eye!

Zathract Mist said...

*looks at Eve*

Eve the ROCK said...

*looks at Mist* Are you sure you're not sure?

Zathract Mist said...

Pretty sure.

Nixion Strange said...

Donut throw food!

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


That was the most solid donut ever... I can't even tell if I have a black eye, so...

Eve the ROCK said...

So you're not sure at all?

Zathract Mist said...

Probably not.


*hugs Eve suddenly*

Eve the ROCK said...


*hugs back*

Zathract Mist said...

I love you...sorry...

Eve the ROCK said...

I love you too, Mist. You dont have to be sorry. I just wanted to know what was wrong.

Zathract Mist said...

And I don't even know what's wrong...

*releases her and stares at the door*

Eve the ROCK said...

*looks at the door*

*looks at Mist*

*looks at the door*


Zathract Mist said...


Eve the ROCK said...

*smiles, still confluffed*

Confuzzled has gotten old.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Amanda's brother is so annoying...

Zathract Mist said...


Does he really fancy you?

Eve the ROCK said...

*grins at Val* Just wait til valentines day.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Does calling Amanda and having him scream, "I LOVE YOU BELLA V!" not count as fancying me?

Zathract Mist said...

...No, I think that qualifies.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

It's creepy

Nixion Strange said...

I wouldn't know. I've never had a ten year old who fancies me

Eve the ROCK said...

*sees frost troll*

*slashes him to ribbons*

Sparky Braginski said...

Don't bug me!

Zathract Mist said...

*is a wolf*

Eve the ROCK said...

*looks at Mist the Wolf

*is a werewolf*

Zathract Mist said...

*is a wolf that is better than a werewolf*

Nixion Strange said...

*is a whywolf*

Sparky Braginski said...

And now I'm on a laptop.

Eve the ROCK said...

No wolf is better than a werewolf! I am a Companion!

Nixion Strange said...

And whywolves are even worse then werewolfs

Eve the ROCK said...

*sees full moon*


Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Werewolves stink

Eve the ROCK said...

*snarls at Val*

Zathract Mist said...

*scrapes "Wolves are better than all" into ground with claws*

*"Because that's how good I am" afterwards*

Sparky Braginski said...

Hunter's are the best ever.

Val, I'm really, really, really sorry...

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

*rolls eyes* Wolves aren't that great.

Zathract Mist said...

*"They're better than Whywolves and Werewolves"*

Nixion Strange said...

Val? You agree. Whywolves are the best

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

I don't even know what a whywolf is.

Eve the ROCK said...

*scribbles all over writing with claws*

*terrorises villiage*

*is wearing awesome sunglasses*

Sparky Braginski said...

*grips Zath by his neck*

Nothing is better than a Hunter.


Ya got that?

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...


Nixion Strange said...

Whywolve? A creature possed by the spirit of inquiry and bloodlust?
I thought you watched Adventure Time

Sparky Braginski said...

Lavender Hope said...

I'm back from the movies! :D
It was fun. :)

But I have to take my shower now...

I'll come back. Bye again!

Zathract Mist said...

*"Never said anything was. I said that Wolves are better than Whywolves and Werewolves. Maybe you should start reading things more carefully before hurting animals."*

Sparky Braginski said...




*drops him*

Eve the ROCK said...

*growls at Sparky*

Nixion Strange said...

that's funny

Eve the ROCK said...

*dials RSPCA number menacingly*

Zathract Mist said...

*lands and shakes fur like a wet dog*

Eve the ROCK said...

*scratches back of self's ear with hind leg*

Eve the ROCK said...


Sparky Braginski said...

Just waitin' for Val to get back...

Nixion Strange said...

Mist? where you up too in the chapter?

Zathract Mist said...

*"Like...three sentences in."*

Nixion Strange said...

Youy realise that i won't be here tomorrow?
If you want it up, it has to be today

Eve the ROCK said...

My name in Skyrim is Ezvelyn. :D

Ezvelyn the Werewolf Companion Imperial Dragon-Born.

Sparky Braginski said...

*kicks wall and yells at my school's History department*



Eve the ROCK said...

Wait, make that

Ezvelyn the Werewolf Companion Imperial Dragon-Born Philanthropist.

Zathract Mist said...

*is human again*

Nix, I'm never going to finish it today.

*curses Art Assignment*

Nixion Strange said...

yeah, but i have to go over it again

Zathract Mist said...

Nix, do I have to highlight what I change? I've never done that before.

The only reason I ask you to do it is because after I edit it, you normally add a very tiny amount to the chapter. Because of that, it's hard to see the changes sometimes and it makes it easier to check for errors and such.
Please? It's really annoying.

Nixion Strange said...

... fine, you don't have to

Zathract Mist said...


*goes on a random happy spree thing*

Zathract Mist said...

Zathract Mist said...

Great song.

Eve the ROCK said...

*sees sun*

*is human*

Zathract Mist said...

*hums Sorry*

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Sent a response, Sparky

Sparky Braginski said...

*hums and air drums to 'Semi-Charmed Life'*

Sparky Braginski said...

Thank Val.

*smiles, closes eyes and keeps air drumming*

Eve the ROCK said...

It is a pretty good song.

Zathract Mist said...

It is. *nods head to Whole World's Crazy*

Eve the ROCK said...

And the whole world IS crazy.

Sparky Braginski said...

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Sparky you just got some of the worst songs stuck in my head...

Sparky Braginski said...



Please go to the link.

If you missed it-

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