Thursday, December 15, 2011

Er... has just been pointed out that maybe the important post, the COMPETITION post, may be slightly overlooked because it is no longer the "new" post. So I'm just posting again to make sure that you read the one below the one below this.

Oh dear God I've just overcomplicated a simple situation, haven't I?



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Sparky Braginski said...

Yes but NO. Flame and I had an ENORMOUS fight here. We are now joint winner.


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

True dat!!!!!

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

IT NOT TRUE! I'm the biggest Tanith fan ever! I'm ready to fight for that title.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh really?

Me being stubborn Is one thing....

BUT me and ms sparky are hell worse...

ANYWAY... I will dominate you in a fight

Remember though I'm experienced

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

I'm experienced, just not on here... *smiles evilly*

Sparky Braginski said...

Yo Flame! BYE NOW!!!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*clicks fingers*

I'll give you time to back out


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Aw sparky we could take turns beating her....

Plus I have news!!!!

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

Me? NEVER! *laughs* (I'm actually laughing in real life, and i'm not sure why...)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*suddenly punches her in the face*

*laughs evilly*

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

*spinning kicks Flame* "HA!"

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*grabs her hair*

*knees Her stomach*

*throws her into lake*

*commands lake to freeze*

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

*breaks through the ice with her sword*

*grabs Flame*

"To think I wasn't going to kill you."

*kicks him in the face*

*chucks him into the lake*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey shadow!

Me an Gem are having a battle

Lynxia Lost said...

OK... I missed Sparky again?!!!
When I get my hands on you... *makes violent gesture in air*

Lynxia Lost said...

So why you fightin'?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*climbs out wet*

Grrrr.... *spears her with shadows*

Lynxia Lost said...

More to the point - can I join in?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Cos she thinks she's taniths #1 fan but me and sparky are

And why you want to get sparky?

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...


*Reflects them, sending them back at Flame*


Lynxia Lost said...

Cuz I'm sure she's avoiding me and Flame and Sparky are her biggest fans. It's written in their DNA 'scientific fact'!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Or Tanith

Got u mixed up with the other one

Lynxia Lost said...

Sooo... Can I join in? Flame's side, obviously!

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

(Why is everyone against me? And Shadow, this is a 'Who loves Tanith more' fight)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*slaps Tanith*

She can if she wants!

And shadow you know Robin?

Were blog engaged!

Lynxia Lost said...

I know, I love Tanith - everyone does- but Flame and Sparky love her most. So I fight for them.

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

(I think you'll find I DO.)

*Punches Flame in the eye*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


*shoots confetti*

Give it up Tanith

Lynxia Lost said...

Oh and Flame - CONGRATS!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*binds my unbreakable chain around taniths neck*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...



Lynxia Lost said...

*kicks tanith*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*can you break the bones?

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

*Kicks Shadow in the shin* and spits at Flame*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*you're still choking*

Lynxia Lost said...

*Touches Tanith's jaw and hears crack*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*spin kicks taniths jaw*

*jaw breaks fully*

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

(Unfair, you guys have unbreakable chains and stuff! I DEMAND a rematch!)

*grimaces, or as much as you can with a broken jaw and sets light to Flames clothes* (The only thing she can do right at the mo)

Tanith Low The Awesome! said...

(GTG, But we will continue this tomorrow all right? *bats eyelashes*)

Lynxia Lost said...

Ha ha ha! *waves hand and flames go out in Tanith's hand*

Robin Snowscar said...

hey, got any grapes?

Lynxia Lost said...

BRB Flame! Again - CONGRATS!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey Robin *hugs*

Robin Snowscar said...

PHOENIX!!! *ginormous hug*
Interesting, that Tanith is an agressive character... She dislikes me... Good.

azzy98 said...

hii every1!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*jumps up and down*

I know,, but I don't!!!


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


long time no see...


Robin Snowscar said...

Hi azzy!

Robin Snowscar said...

What goes on? How are you both?

azzy98 said...

heyy Phoenix, hi Robin

azzy98 said...

im kewll, u?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Robin u gonna be on Saturday?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm good...

Robin Snowscar said...

I'm fine thanks
Possibly not Phoenix, I should be but I have family round, so possibly not.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Aww *sad face*

Robin Snowscar said...

*frowns* Thinking about it I'm probably not gonna be on until after boxing day.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

.*aw* *hugs*

Robin Snowscar said...

*sighs and frowns again* Shadow must've gone, shame...

Robin Snowscar said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Robin Snowscar said...

What's your favourite song?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Amm... I have a few..

Jar of hearts
Save the world
Marry you...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

What's yours?

Robin Snowscar said...

Hehe, I love Jar of Hearts and A Thousand Years also by Christina Perri.

Robin Snowscar said...

I'm also very addicted to Taylor Swift :P

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Me too...

So what part of England you from?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Not to Taylor swift but ms perri...

Robin Snowscar said...

Haha kay, suuure ;) I'm from Kent you?

Robin Snowscar said...

You live in Ireland don't you?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm from Ireland... Offaly to be exact

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


*what year you in?

Robin Snowscar said...

Bang smack in the middle... Hmm just looking at your profile you like Cirque du Freak?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...



Robin Snowscar said...

No reason, I like it too, I read all the books :D

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

So did I. I read all his books nearly,,,

Didn't like the ending..

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Wanna put up some decorations?

Robin Snowscar said...

Same as, silly ending.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*waves arms and lifts wrap around every tree around blogland*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Robin Snowscar said...

That's cheating.

Robin Snowscar said...

*flings energy ball, all lights turn on*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*hangs bAubles on illuminated trees*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Dragona stay for a minute

Robin Snowscar said...

Bye Dragona, *jumps and puts a star or an angel on top of each tree*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

How about both?

*grabs unwanted angel*

*puts it on top of tree beside star*

Robin Snowscar said...

It looks a little... odd.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


*erects another tree*

*Sticks angel there*

Robin Snowscar said...

Perfect *smiles proudly*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

are we gonna make wedding plans?

Robin Snowscar said...

Another time maybe, I have to go, sorry bye *hugs*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*kicks rock*

Lynxia Lost said...

Anyone still here?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Guess your not?

Lynxia Lost said...

Hi Flame, had to do washing up - here now!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Lynxia Lost said...

So when did you become 'blog engaged' to Robin?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynxia Lost said...

Oh... That's not good. Throw in loads of blood guts and gore but also a little affection and she'll be fine.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I dont know what sort of affection...

Lynxia Lost said...

Why'd you delete it?

Lynxia Lost said...

Affection? Easy! I'm sure a writer like you can figure it out!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Lynxia Lost said...

No smothering though - that's just creepy!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Well I was float mistle toe around the place but she left...

Lynxia Lost said...

I'll help! She'll be back soon - she always is. *starts hanging mistletoe*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Lynxia Lost said...

*throws mistletoe at Flame and laughs!* Start hanging mistletoe!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*throws it back*

you know how to make someone feel better

*waves hand and little balls of fire illuminate blogland*

Lynxia Lost said...

Exactly! *smiles* Yet the other day I kicked someone because they annoyed me - I do that a lot... I'm only nice if you're a friend.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

well thanks

wanna fight zombies?9

Lynxia Lost said...

OK, I'm a little bored anyway...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Aw you got first!

Lynxia Lost said...

Yay 1st! For the first time! YAY! I dedicate this page to friendship and sticking up for what you believe in!

Lynxia Lost said...

I include all my friends i this dedication including Robin and Flame!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Great dedication!!

I is going for a shower will be on in 20 mins

Don't go anywhere!!!

Lynxia Lost said...

i? in!!! Stupid computer ruining my lovely speech...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

see young a bit!!

Lynxia Lost said...

Sorry Flame! I have to go now! Bye! *hugs*

Remember - no smothering!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...



Octa said...

Hey all! Pyro was extremely gracious and allowed me to use his iTouch on the eve of my birthday. So I'll be here waiting for someone to find me as I can not access xat.

Octa said...

Hmmm... It seems rather fitting for me to also be on Hellboy's blog. I spent last birthday there why not start a tradition?

Octa said...

*sends a psychic message to xat*


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey octa!!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

U here?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Aw you have seemed to have left

Octa said...

No I'm here. Just went to brush my teeth.

Hey Phoenix!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh right forgot to refresh..

Well happy nearly birthday!!

How r u?

Octa said...

Also I may be slow commenting as my parents are not yet asleep and I'm hiding from them

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

My mother is the same..
I'm on my itouch...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm flame btw

Octa said...

I'm good flame thanks.

Also on an iTouch.

Octa said...

How are you?

And also can you get onto xat? Let them know I'm here?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


I don't think Ive said this in person but congratz

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm good..

Octa said...

Awww thanks very much!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Cant get in..

I'll keep tryin

Octa said...

No it's ok. I'm sure someone will find us eventually.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Octa said...

Gosh I haven't had a convo on Dereks for about two months now. I really miss this. Xat is good but it isn't the same. It doesn't have the sane air of history and magic that I get here.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

No.. I love this place

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I think chat is complicated

I finding hard to use

Octa said...

I don't know why we moved to talking there. Sure it's faster and you have pc. But this is just wonderful.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Octa said...

Yes people! Come here it's fun and awesome!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


I miss everyone kal, sky, aquila. Dragona, pyro

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

You stil here

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Sparky Braginski said...


Who are you blog engaged to?

Sparky Braginski said...

You liked the story?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Go to chat and ask them to come here?!? Pwease?

Sparky Braginski said...

Who and where?

Octa said...

Sorry hiding from parents again.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I'm engaged to Robin snowscar

Octa said...

Hey Sparky!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

To chat and tell them were here..

Were on iPods..

Sparky Braginski said...

Yola Octaboona! I don't think we've met... But I've heard about you from Kal!

Octa said...

Could you go to this website

and tell the people there that Octa and flame are on Derek's?


Sparky Braginski said...


Octa said...

Hey Sparky!

I don't believe we have. I see you around here a lot but I've never spoken to you. Mainly because I rarely chat here any more which is a great shame.

Pleasure to make your aquaintance!

*offers Sparky a muffin*

Sparky Braginski said...

Done, I'm not sure what'll happen though...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


My mum nearly caught me!

I should be asleep ages ago..
Snotty half an hour

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Octa said...

Hopefully they'll come here and talk.

Also call me Octa

Sparky Braginski said...

*munches muffin*

I think Kal's coming...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*starts humming*

Octa said...

*hums along with Flame*

What are we humming exactly?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Where is every1 gone?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Anything hummy!!

Octa said...

*waves* I'm over here!

Alexis A. said...

Hey guys!
What do you think of these names:
Aurora Finch
Jekyll Feign

(>^.^)>5 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS<(^.^<)

Sparky Braginski said...

I think Jekyll Finch sounds BADASS.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Huh huh

*waves back at octa*

Hi Ms. Vex long time

I like them!

Octa said...

Hey Kimberly!

Pleasure to make your acquaintance!

*offers muffin*

And 15 mins till my birthday!

Sparky Braginski said...

And yet another person thinks I'm a guy.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Aurora feign? That sounds cool...

Are suggesting switching the surnames?

Sparky Braginski said...

I AM A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Octa said...

Oh yes! The names sound particularly fine!

I like them!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Who thought u were a guy?

@ octa W0000Ooooooooot!!

Sparky Braginski said...


Alexis A. said...

Hi Phoenix, Octa, and Sparky!

And Jekyll Finch does sound pretty cool...Eh, what the heck I'll switch the last names.

Octa said...

Hey guys is just a generic greeting that encompasses both genders no?

That's what I thought anyway

Sparky Braginski said...

Yes it is.

Octa said...

I thought you meant Kimberly's greeting.

Oops. :P

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Hey anyone like these

Cameron Melic
Gabrielle Scarlet
Kurt Quezac
Simone Rider
Arsenic Bergovitch
Adam 'Wolfie' Smith

Sparky Braginski said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

This is my next project....

The imaginary fiends

Octa said...

Kurt Quezac I like best.

When Sparky said Lydia thought that she was a guy (on xat I presume)
I thought Sparky meant it at Kimberly's hey guys comment as I couldn't see xat.

I was mistaken though.

Alexis A. said...

Oh, I like the title.
And I especially like Cameron Melic and Simone Rider. But out of curiosity where did you come up with Bergovitch? It sounds Russian. Or German.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...



Long time no see

Octa said...

KALLISTA! *hugs*

I am!

Sparky Braginski said...

Kal? Hey it worked!

Sparky Braginski said...

I feel good now!

I'm writing two fanfics at the moment, the reason being that they are now literally them same story, from two different characters point of view!

Hayley Skirmish's and Sparky Braginski's!

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