Thursday, November 10, 2011

Derek's Great Adventure

Last night I had a thrilling escape.

Oh you should've been there. There was shouting and wailing and weeping, and violence! Oh so much violence! There was a knife involved, and a hammer, and it was all very dramatic. What started out as a normal night in changed in the blink of an eye, and suddenly I was trapped, with no way out.

Over the past few weeks, I've been having some work done to the house. One of these little jobs is to have all of the inside doors replaced- because they were old-fashioned, apparently. (They didn't look old-fashioned to me, to be perfectly honest. They pretty much looked like doors. I didn't even KNOW doors could look old-fashioned. But there you go.)

Anyway, so the carpenters spent the whole day fitting these new doors. They put the hinges on, set the doors into the door frames, put in the locks and latches. The only thing they didn't do was put the actual door HANDLES in. Which was fine. They were going to do that first thing in the morning. The only thing I had to be careful of was not let any of the doors actually CLOSE. No problem, thought I.

I was heading to bed at about three that night. I gave the doggies their usual scratch behind the ears at bedtime and left them in the dark kitchen. Next I went looking for the cats with a can of air freshener (the only thing that will convince the cats to leave the house at night is when I spray an aerosol can nearby. Otherwise they'll just look at me while I'm trying to herd them out, and not actually move). I got the first two cats to leave, but the Mammy Cat was in her usual place, sitting on my chair in my office. She's really taken to this chair. Every day it's a struggle to be the one to sit in it- and the problem is compounded by the fact that she's sneakier than I am. She'll stand on the desk, watching me, and then she'll usually knock something over. After I've picked it up I'll look around and she'll be curled up on my chair with this insanely smug cat-expression on her cat-face. It's gotten so bad I'm seriously considering buying a second chair, just for her.

But I digress.

So, the Mammy Cat is in my office. I close the door over- careful not to close it fully- and open the window. I look at the Mammy Cat. I know she knows what this means. I know she knows I have the aerosol can. I know she knows the door is closed over so there's no escape. I hold up the can. She glares at me through slitted eyes. I shake the can. Reluctantly, she stands, and stretches. She moves from the chair onto the desk, up onto the printer to the window-sill.

"Good girl," I say.

She looks at me. Then the VERY slight breeze wafts in through the window and the door behind me clicks shut. I freeze, my eyes wide. The Mammy Cat gives a cat-smirk, and vanishes into the night.

I turn to the door. "Oh no," I say. "Oh no no no." I dig my finger into the hole burrowed for the handle to go in, and try and pull the door open. No chance. I take out my pen-knife, slide it through and try to unlatch the latch. No luck. I have a screwdriver in my office, so I push that into the handle-hole and try to use the screwdriver itself as a handle. Not a hope.

I stare at the door. "Oh dear God."

I look at the window. It's pretty narrow and it's pretty high up, but I'm relatively sure I can clamber up and squeeze through. But then what? I've just locked up. Every door in the place is locked, and all the keys are still IN the locks. Even if I got out the window, there would be no way back in.

I stare at the door. This is becoming a situation. This is becoming serious. I am actually trapped in my office, with no way out.

(This is when the shouting and wailing and weeping occurred. The violence will occur soon.)

I spend the next twenty minutes trying to open the door using my pen-knife and the screwdriver. I've seen the movies where the hero slides a credit card between the door and the doorframe and unlocks it, so I even try that. But apparently my door is cash only, because my credit card isn't accepted and so is returned- kind of sheepishly- to my wallet.

I have to break down the door. I have to.

The idea fills me with a strange sort of glee.

I've never broken down a door before. I've written about it, but I've never actually done it.

I'm going to kick it down. That's what I'm going to do. I grin, take a step back, and get ready. This is going to be AWESOME.

But then I remember that the door opens INWARDS. So if I DID kick it down, it would splinter the doorframe. And while replacing the door wouldn't be a problem, replacing the door-FRAME would be slightly more of an issue.

My grin fades. Whatever I do, I can't damage the frame. Which means I literally have to make a hole in the door so that I can dismantle the lock/latch mechanism by simply pulling it out.

I look around my office. There are all the usual things you'd find in an office. Pens. Paper. A computer. Strange-looking lamps. A scarf. A phone. A filing cabinet. Books. Comics. A board game. And then I see it, resting on one of the shelves. A hammer.

The grin returns to my face. I'm going to bust open my door using a hammer. This night is AWESOME.

I return to the door, hammer in hand. I spend a few seconds  going over all the possibilities. I'm going to feel pretty silly in the morning if I've wrecked the door and there was an easy way out all along. But I'm pretty sure there isn't. I'm pretty sure I don't have a choice.

So I swing.

Oh, it is glorious, the swinging. The hammer makes a big dent on impact. I swing again, and the wood cracks. I swing again, and again, and suddenly I'm through. I can see the hall. This is going to work.

And so, I demolish the door. With each swing the intensity grows. The wood splinters and cracks and falls away and still I swing, harder and harder, reveling in the violence. Battered holes in the door join up to make bigger holes. The impacts ring in my ears. I can see the lock mechanism but I have to make the hole bigger. Much bigger. Laughing, I continue my attack. The door doesn't stand a chance.

"Think you're so tough?" I almost rant. "Think you're such a tough door? Look at you now! I'm breaking you apart! I could stick my head all the way through you and shout "Heeeeeeere's Johnny!' You are NOTHING to me! I am victorious! You are NOTHING!"

The door doesn't stand a chance. By the time my bloodlust has abated, pieces of the door are scattered all over the hall floor. I rip out the lock mechanism and pull open the door and laugh. LAUGH, I tell you.

"Is that it?" I almost cry. "Is that the best you've got? Is there no one on this Earth to even CHALLENGE  me? Come! Kneel before me! Kneel before the Golden God!"

Silence echoes around the house. The house fears me. The house SHOULD fear me. For I am a great and terrible God.

This morning the carpenters came back. They looked at the door, at the mess on the floor, and frowned. "Did... did we leave it like this?" they asked.

I hesitated only a moment. "Yes," I said. "Very sloppy work, gentlemen. Very sloppy work indeed."

And I walked away.


  1. HAHHAHHAHAHHHAHAHHAAH!!!!!!!!! sooo funny :)


    I honestly laughed that hard, out loud at that final line.
    This is hilarious, and brilliant. And now I want to smash a door.
    Thank you for making my boring assignment filled night, excellent.


  3. Wow, I have.. never got this close to the top before.

    Hello to Derek, and hello to everyone.
    Long time reader of the blog, hardly never commented, but absolutely love everything about your books and the people on this blog.

    Thanks for being a fantastic writer.
    And there's a shameless self-plug.

  4. It was such a funny story....I don't know if it's real or not, but it's hilarious! Great job!

  5. If you buy your cat an extra chair, she will still sit in yours. That's what my cat does. She has her own little bed (a cute painted doll bed from Ikea, even with a handmade quilt) but she sleeps on my blanket every night. And she snores.

  6. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I have never read a funnier blog post. Derek, you're awesome. You better be coming down to Malaysia/Singapore before I go to your house, a hammer in hand...

  7. *would roll on the floor laughing if there was enough floor space to roll on*

    Er, yes. Not that I'm laughing at the terrible, if temporary, loss of freedom, or the daring, ingenious escape, of course. Because I'd never do that.

    And a second chair for the cat is a good idea, in theory. At least then when the cat sits in the main chair, there's another chair for you to sit in. Of course, I currently have two extra chairs/stools next to my desk, for the cat to sleep on, and no matter how many times I place her on one of those, I always find her in my lap some time later.

  8. Evil door XD
    I wish something of excitement would happen to me :P

  9. Hahaha. Can't tell you how many times thats happened to me.

  10. xD very cool.
    Poor door, but it shouldn't mess with the Golden God :3

  11. That was AMAZING. Seriously, I'm grinning and I'm trying to stop because I'm in the Work Room and people are looking at me strangely.
    EXCELLENT escape method. When all else fails, grab a hammer and break down the door. Brilliant.

    I got locked in my room once, but that was my evil brother. He locked the door on the other side, and then left. For four hours. I was forced to jump out of the window. It was mildly awesome.

    Also, I feel your pain wit the cat chair problem. But there is NO POINT in buying another chair. If you buy it for the cat, she will not use it. If you buy one for yourself and concede the current chair, she will abandon it and steal whichever one you want to sit in.

    Once again, AWESOME job on a most excellent escape. I have to go now because the teachers keep glancing at me and I feel I should run away before they come over here.

  12. What Every Aspiring Author Needs To Know: Some of the greatest writing advice I've ever gotten.

  13. my friends and I where laughing our heads off!!!!

  14. That. Was. Awesome.

    Derek, you should write a book all about your wacky adventures with doors and hammers and cats. I'd buy it. I'd buy it and read it over and over and over. I think you should write that book.

  15. Now I have to go get my stuff ready for school.

    Delayed starts don't last forever.

    *pouts and trudges off*

  16. Ooh, thanks for that link, Dantea. It's not so much that Butcher says something new there, but he puts it well, and concisely, and clearly.

  17. Natures way of saying: Always carry a spare handle with you!

  18. I must aggre, always carry a spare handle with you!

  19. It has to fit the door though. Imagine the hair-pulling if you brandish, with a flourish, the door handle that you always carry with you, and it... doesn't fit.

  20. Bah! Some Minions doubt that my adventures are as exciting as I make out!

    Blog Entry- Now With PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE!!

  21. That is one very thoroughly killed door. *bows*

    And hmm. I suppose the moral of this story is "always keep a hammer in your office". *goes off to look for a hammer*

  22. O.o Wow! I've always wanted to destroy a door.

    Well, not always...But ever since I read Skulduggery Pleasant I have.

    My mom looked at the blogpost over me shoulder and said that would make her clostrophobic. (I don't think I spelled that right....)

  23. I live in a house thats over 130 years old and wouldnt be surprized if the door is to, would be easy to break it open theres a crack almost all he way down.

  24. What a thing. I was trapped in school once and I didn't shout at the school.
    However, did the carpenters believe you? They didn't, did they?

  25. Oh, Derek. Will you write an autobiography? Just like this one? I think you should. Indeed.

  26. Also, if you ever wrote an autobiography, I would buy it. And people would be forever staring at the strange girl cackling in the corner reading a book with a God on the front. A hilarious, glasses-wearing God, staring into your soul. They would be mildly creeped out, but that would be nothing compared to the zany adventures that you and your cats get up to. And hammers. Also, stealing an idea from AmandaCYT, if you don't come to America to tour, I'll come to Ireland. And I will find out where you live, my Golden God. And I will break your doors down with hammers, and laugh with maniac glee as you realize that there is nothing left to do but come to America with me. (As my hostage.)

  27. PAH! Thank you very much, I now have a mouthful of tea aaaaaaall over my laptop screen!

    Great story! However, my cat is sitting on my lap, and you can tell from the look in her eyes that she has no sympathy for you whatsoever, since you made your cat go out. But I have sympathy for you Derek. It must have been terribly traumatic for you. It it was me, I probably would have freaked out and called the fire brigade or something...

    But hey, at least ou got to have your very own Skulduggery moment... ish...


    A truely heroic story, Derek. Loved it! Really cheered me up!


  28. Seeing a new blog post is like my anti-drug.

  29. BUT I CAN'T! I'm in school, my darling. :( I'm so sorry. Maybe today after school, okay? :D

  30. Digicon! <3333

    And cool story, bro. Very cool story indeed.

  31. Okayy, Mariah my dear, after school would be awesome :) Have a good day, sweet!


  32. :D Thanks, Fly. I only wish a hammer had been involved, Derek's story is all the cooler because of its presence.

  33. Derek, you've made my week. Genuinely.

    It's been a pretty lousy week, so there wasn't much competition, but alas. You still made it.

    Why do the cats have to leave at night?

  34. I seriously think he should follow through with that plan to get Mammy Cat her own chair. I know a bunch of people get decoy keyboards for their cats so they can get work done. I heard that cats like to sit on keyboards because we give keyboards so much attention, and they want that attention for themselves XD

    I enjoyed the violent use of the hammer. We should get him a Captain Hammer t-shirt :3

  35. Oh hi there, Reginald :3 Nice name.

    I'm seriously discovering a whole new world of blog-people. I don't recognize a lot of you.

  36. Hi Sabrina. Don't think we've met yet :P I'm Fly. NICE TO MEET YOU.


    You win so much, honestly...

  38. Hello Fly, yeah we haven't met. I'm kinda shy so I don't talk on here much. But yeah, nice to meet you too :D

  39. Oh, no need to be shy, darling. I'm super shy in real life, but I'm extremely outgoing here :) It's so easy to just let loose with the other bloggers :D

  40. Ahaaa, so I'm not alone! S'all good. I'm confident with my friends, but with new people I suddenly forget the art of speech. But so far so good, eh? I agree, blogging is awesome. Hands down!

  41. I'm not kidding. I have not laughed that much in an AGE.

    That's the best blog you have ever posted. Seriously. I'm going to buy a new printer, JUST so I can print this and read it every night, and just laugh myself to sleep....

    BUT I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. Our living room door shutter mechanism thing died, and if you closed the door, the bugger wouldn't open. Admittedly, I didn't smash the life out of it, but I did have to climb out of the living room window, scuttle through the front door, get a knife from the kitchen again, shuffle back outside and haul myself back through the window, knife between my teeth to open it.

    I was honestly under the impression I was Indiana Jones.

  42. Gotta go, guys! see ya later <3

    Once again, this was a hilarious and ridiculous story. I'd love to see a picture of Mammy Cat, just so I can put a furry face to the one who caused all of this mayhem.

  43. *waves to everyone*

    *supports the motion of seeing the picture of Mammy Cat the Evil Mastermind*

  44. I can understand this. My cat is an evil mastermind too. She knows how to open the cupboard where we keep the cat food! :O

  45. One of my cats (we have two) can open pretty much any cupboard or wardrobe door - well, any door that isn't locked, including bathroom doors.

    The other cat can't open doors herself but she always takes advantage of having my clothes closet door opened for her, so she can dash inside and sleep on my clothes.

  46. Dear Santa, please bring me this door for X-mas =) thanks

  47. Ahh, crafty cat you have there. I'm glad in not the only person who has a cat obsessed with sleeping on their clothes!

    I go to collage with fur and cat-biscuit crumbs all over my trousers and have to repeat the phrase to everyone: "Please, don't ask."


    although, and i must be honest here, i sometimes worry about you on the weekends, just look at what happens when u are left unattented.

    and i LOVED what u said to the workers, absolutely AWESOME! i wouldnt expect anything less from The Golden God.

    You are mean to ur doors :P

  49. Oh yes, all my clothes are cat-hair-enhanced as well. At least now that I get to work from home, it's less of an issue (but the clothes-friendly cat considers me working at home as an open invitation to settle into my lap for hours when I'm supposed to be working instead).

  50. Cat do that don't they? All the attention for theselves. I kid you not, even as I am typing now, there is a cat trying to stand on my keyboard.

    Bad Tilly! Get DOWN!


    The cat has actually claimed my pillow as her own, so bedtime is particularly uncomfortable now. LOL!

  51. OMG THAT WAS HILLARIOUS!!! UR CAT SOUNDS SOOO CUTE and also backs up my view on that cats are extremely intelligent! your doors should be afraid of you....because that is one HUGE hole!!!
    I laughed at the last line, it was so funny!! =P

  52. Pure LAWL Derek!!
    I was laughing ALL the way through that!!

  53. Hey Raven *hugs*
    I am grand, how are you??

  54. im fine, still recovering from the hilariousness of what Derek does in his spare time lol

  55. LAWL.
    I know, I wonder if he has started writing book 7 yet...

    if not,

  56. YEAH, GET TO WORK! please *puppy dog eyes*

    I am SURE you will think something up for it!!

  58. Lolz Mr. Landy that is a funny story ^^ Your writing skills show brightly even when you're talking about a hole in your door.

  59. Lol, Derek you are a comical genius and you're good with hammer :)

  60. Used the hammer like a sword in the matter of a few seconds xD

  61. Lololol Derek you are crazy!! I would have just slept in the office, its not that bad! :P
    I would like to challenge The Golden God!! >:D

  62. Hey Shadow *hugs*
    Made it home safe then??
    How is the Apple Pie?? what do you make of your cookery skills??


  64. NJ! *hugs* we did, half the pie got eaten on the bus XD it's actually really nice *pride* now I have to make it at home some time though... cause my daddy liked it....

  65. Derek you should of waited until someone was outside the door and gone HEEERES JOHNNY!

  66. Shadow *hugs*

    Nj *hi 5s*

    Beef I no lunacy!!!

    Hi crescent

  67. Where did Crescent go??
    *goes in search of crescent*

  68. I gotta go now!!
    Foot doctor Thingy person

  69. oh good you're finally going to that! BYE NJ!!! *HUGS*

  70. Noooo NJ
    Awwww...Bye bye NJ ol' buddeh
    And hi Flame :3

  71. I wanna become a neko right naooow!! :3

  72. I'm so annoyed at the fact my internet is still broken >:( I have to go on my phone instead. It kinda sucks

  73. My baack huuuuurrtttss.... That definatly sucks, Cresent ^^ My phone died on me...

  74. *Attempts to revive Beefs phone* *fails*
    Sorry... :L

  75. omg lols so hard!!!!!!!

    I had a similar experience with the front door of our house. We (me+mum) were with the landlord (this was our old house and he wasn't even a lord; I was very dissapointed.) and we'd gone out to talk about landlord-y stuff together (well, mum and the not-a-lord did. I stood in the corner imagining him on a throne with servants to do his bidding wearing a king's crown. He was actually in jeans and a nice pink shirt.) but, mum had forgotten to bring the keys with her... *looks angrily at mum's fav chair.* and so we were stuck on the doorstep while a little pidgeon who was obviously a baby having lost its mum harrassed me about giving it regurgitated caterpillars. I told it that it could help itself to the fridge as soon as we got into the house. (I think it thought i was mad, but that's what every talking pidgeon says!) anyway, the landlord spent ages looking for his keys and so did mum. Meanwhile, the baby pidgeon was attempting puppy dog eyes, and I explained that it doesnt work if you're not an actual puppy. So, eventually, they gave up and the landlord picked up a very big spanner which just so happened to be lying in wait underneath the baby pidgeon's fat backside and swung, hard, through the glass of the door. SMASH! So, we broke in and ha to put up wit a draught for a few months... if you're wondering about the pidgeon, he flew the coop when he realised we didn't have wholemeal.

  76. I have come back here to read this again, after recieving some rubbish news and needing a cheer-up. Thank God for this blog.

  77. I know this is absolutley random, But you know in the line for derek's signing in bluewater? I was the one in front of you sabrina ^^# Totally random

  78. ps, who says "darling" anymore? Especially to complete strangers...???? :/

  79. Hi Beef hi Sabrina! I hash neva mets u! *shakes hands walmly and talles of rainbows and sunshine... then gets back to hugging Skulduggery*

  80. *goes in search of cookies and phone revivers.*

    ... *whilst hugging Skulduggery, por supesto!*

  81. Por supesto es spanish por "of course" btw peopless

    *finds cookies!!!!!!!* *noms on cookies.* did u read my earlier comment? About my derek-ish experience???


  83. Choose from the list:

    1) mint and honey
    2) galaxy white chocolate and mint
    3) mint-choc-chip icecream flavour
    4) severed heads... and mint!


  85. Sorry for late reply.

    Yes, Beef___ *Cornith Solomon* that was me lol. I realise I was insane that day lol.

    Hey, Kalia Mist - nice to meet you :)



    I was eating cereal as I read this and my laptop where it belongs. My lap. Anyway I took a mouthful of cereal and I had to use all of my awesome power to avoid spraying it on my laptop. SO FUNNY I'M GOING TO BE LAUGHING TIL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. I don't think that the chair idea will work though... I think that you will get a new chair and the cat will refuse to sit in it, BUT when the cat sees you in the new chair it will start sitting there...

    I have faith in how smart you are Derek I really do- but cats are EVIL.

    (quite a few of my friends would explode if I told them that)


  88. UGH I just accidentally posted on Bio-rama instead of my own blog ^^# So ignore that post!

  89. In ancient China, the yellow river would flood all the time, and the results would be disastrous. They took to calling it "China's Sorrow"
    I know you get that.
    I already posted this, but I have a feeling no one read it, sooo yeah. This is on the first page, so it's more likely to be read.

  90. Oh Great Master Landy, you do make me smile :)

    This made my day. And destroyed my headache!

    Huzzah! The Great Golden God, conqueror of doors and headaches!

  91. What an adventure. ^^ I literally was lying under my desk because i couldnt stop louhging while reading it. This door won't dare to chalenge you again. Ever.
    My Cat ayctually likes to sleep on my computer keyboard, by the way. Thats not helpful when you're trying to write something... xD

  92. LMAO! Oh dear. Never change, Mr Landy. Never change.

    One wonders, though, if it ever occurred to you to pick up the phone and ring someone for help?

    I wish someone would come and replace our old-fashioned doors. Or at least just the two that can't close properly and the one that can only close properly if you lean against it. And maybe, just maybe, put some doors into the two empty frames. That would be great. Yes... And while I'm dreaming I would like to win the lottery as well, please.

  93. Hey guys, how's it going?

    To Kalia, who asked "ps, who says "darling" anymore? Especially to complete strangers...???? :/", I say darling to let people know I have to ability to love someone who I've never met, and that everyone who comes on this blog can expect to feel loved and included.

    I have cookie stuck between my teeth.

  94. Mmm, I feel your initial panic. Had a similar moment myself last week, merrily swinging my flat door shut as I went into the conservatory to do washing, knowing I'd put the latch on. Then hearing the CLICK of the door shutting. I freeze. Think "Oh shit".

    I do my washing anyway 'cos you know, a girl's gotta wear clothes. Then I turn my attention to the slight issue of being locked out. I can't even get out of the conservatory as that door is locked, and I'd only end up in the garden where there's a locked gate and a 7 foot high wall...

    After much rooting around in the conservatory, I found the spare keys which my landlady had moved. Which saved me having to break a glass pane in my flat's door (I'd already tried a screwdriver on the latch, and pondered the idea of MacGyvering something that I could feed through the cat flap pane and maybe pull the latch down on the other side).

    Also - voted in the Irish Book Awards thing. Go Skullduggery!


    More posts like this!

  96. Um, not sure what happened to my last comment. Maybe it'll show up, but I have to tell you, Derek, you ought to stop pretending not to like cats. Thinking about buying Mammy cat her own chair. You're obviously totally bonkers about the cats. Even I don't buy my cats their own chairs. But then, you have more money than me. When I get out of college, buying my cats their own chairs will be a definite consideration. =)

  97. Tali, I saw that thing about that river too! In a Nat Geo mag :D Derek THATS were you got the name China Sorrow! :D

  98. Oh my dear Landy!

    That adventure was so hilarious. And I admit I'm jealous it happened in real life. I would love to do that.

    This proves beyond doubt how awesome you are. And blaming the poor carpenters too.

    May be I should keep a hammer in every room in my house.

    And yes your cat seems to be evil. But you shall prevail!

    If you can conquer a door you can conquer a cat..

    It's an ancient family saying... *from the perspective of my great great great grand children*


    I'm still laughing.

  99. So cool it's your books coming in to you giving you a super mind

  100. That was funny, but still, I've been in a situation similar (but there was no breaking down doors because my parents would've killed me) and I was kind of scared, and hungry (but that's got nothing to do with anything) so I guess I can empathize.

  101. Wow!!! That is funny!!! I'm still laughing!!! I love the books btw!!! Can't wait for the next one to come out!!! Xx

  102. Omfg you serious?!?! *sigh* I won a bet but now the guy is telling me he doesn't have 5euro Grrrrr >:(
    Then he pissed me off even MORE by saying shit about my favourite band!!! How dare he! He said their most recent album was shit, but then I asked him what songs were shit and it turned out HE HADNT EVEN HEARD ANY OF THE SONGS FROM THAT ALBUM!!! Grrrrrrr!!! D:<

  103. Derek that was bloody epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you are so awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!laughed so much at the picture and the ending !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my mum once got locked in the bathroom 3 years ago so my dad had to break the door handle off !!!!!!! we still haven't got it fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :D x

  104. Dude, you really killed that door! xD Great story!

    You really should write a book about your crazy adventures like Thalia said. It would be awesome!

  105. Poor door. It's so dead now.

    *shakes head, laughing*

  106. It's totally dead ^^ *hugs* how are you Thalia dear? I haven't seen you in a while ^^

  107. Ehhh, I'm.....still alive?


    *hugs Lizzy back*

    How're you, my friend?

  108. Kallie just left the chat :( Permanently

  109. Ha ha! I haven't had a door handle in my room for four years, so I've had to develop a certain technique to opaning, which I haven't told anybody else how to do of course. I need a way of imprisoning people do I not?

  110. Mr. Landy . . . you sir are a LEGEND. I am yet to meet a person of your exemplary cunning, skill and tact. You an example to stupid people everywhere- BE MORE LIKE THIS PERSON AND LESS SLOW YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!

  111. Hi there Derek :)
    Absolutley adore the Skulduggery Pleasant series :D and was wondering if youself (or anybody else for that matter ;)) would like to have a look at my blog please if you wouldn't mind :)

    Thanks :)

  112. SUP people?? WHO LEFT THE BLOG?????????????

  113. Some new chick called Red waterfall was talking to her and told her off for talkign about Dragona behind his back. and then she left, kinda with no warning. She's back on Ven's chat now, only for a little bit

  114. Hey Leo! *hugs* Kal left, but I'm trying to keep her here

  115. Oh dear....Lizzy, can you note me the link to Ven's chat on dA? I want to talk to Kal :(

  116. I asked her and she's coming on here. I think. I'll link you anyways

  117. ohh god. YOU NEED TO KEEP HER HERE!!!

  118. KALLISTA!

    *super hugs*

    Are you OK, dear? :(

  119. Please check out my blogs !!!!!!!!!!!!

    u can see them if u click on my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  120. Hi everyone!
    Lol! Fantastic story Mr. Landy :D
    I once had a similar encounter as well, but this one required me to break *into* my own house. I had arrived home from school to find that the spare key was missing. So after sitting around for half an hour wondering what I would do, I came up with a plan. I climbed up to the window outside my room and forced the flyscreen inwards, then hauled myself into the room. I was totally ninja :)

  121. hahahahahaha funny story derek but now dont you need a new new door hmmmmmm

  122. Hiii raven!! *hugs*
    How are you??

  123. LOL - I just laughed so hard - you've brightened my day no end!
    Excellent Derek = Excellent.
    I really want to break a door down now. ;D

  124. i am good! my comp is a bit slow though =/

  125. hilarous.

    mammy cat sounds cute but I am distraught at the poor kitties having to spend the night outside!! that's terrible! kitties should be kept inside to snuggle!!

  126. Oh my goodness, you just made my day. I am serious. thank you. Because of you and your story, I will not bang my head on the desk in biology, then strangle the teacher. You, Derek Landy, have saved me from becoming a delinquit.

  127. hey raven :) *hugs* I'm fine, worrying a bit about some tests.... how are you?

  128. *hugs back* im fine
    and im sure u'll do great on those tests :)

  129. Awh thanks :) but still... Irish + me = failure *corner of shame*
    I'm glad you're fine




    But, I was on a bus with kids excited to see if they hat swat team outside the highschool because of a bomb threat.


  131. When I showed my mom the picture of the door, she said...

    " that Derek Landys hand?"

  132. Oh the joys of smashing things and or burning them. It is, after all the only reason I did chemistry.

  133. Hey look! The school's on the news!

    ...oh yeah.

  134. THAT. WAS. AMAZING. I was laughing so hard, I nearly cried just now! Especially because of you shouting, "Heeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!" and the fact the that the door is "cash only"!


  135. Hey look! Gilmore Girls!

    Rory's going to Yale...

    "Are you sure you can drive a stick?"

    "I can drive a stick."

    "You can stir coffee with a stick, but you can't drive one."

  136. Derek, I does accidentally smashing a window on a door with my hand count for breaking a door? XD

    And aren't hammers so effective?! I put one in my Skulduggery Halloween story a whille ago, and Valkyrie smacks Skulduggery with it by mistake XD

  137. Hi Raven! I'm laughing so hard at Derek's "adventure" that I'm shaking XD

  138. my sister and mom were looking at me like "wth?" lol

  139. Oh! I just remembered something! One time, my dad wanted my sisters to clean their room, so he opened the door, but the doorknob smashed a huge hole in the wall. I'm pretty sure my sisters shoved garbage throught the hole until it was fixed XD

  140. Derek I loved the intro. It was awesome.
    Everything else was too, but I was especially attached to the intro. HaHa.
