Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Friend Get Friend

First of all, my Ameriminions seem to be having a great time coming up with their opening lines, and I have to say the standard has been superb. There's still ages left to go, of course- the deadline is October 23rd- so keep submitting them in the comment section to the last post. It's all been very impressive so far- some real writers out there, and every few hours I have a new favourite... SO KEEP SUBMITTING!

Of course, I did promise a SECOND competition, now didn't I? Basically, your Golden God needs your Miniony help to spread the Skulduggery word around the world during this, the most fun of all months. This is what we're calling our "Friend Get Friend" competition, and it's all to do with social media. I honestly understand only about half of what I'm about to say, so please bear with me. The winners will receive a set of the Skulduggery books- UK editions- all signed by moi, and you'll each get a signed poster with your favourite quote scrawled across it. I'm not sure yet WHICH of the amazing Skulduggery poster you'll be getting, because it all depends on which ones I can find in my house (yes, that does mean these posters are from my own personal collection.)

Here are the things you need to do to be in with a chance of winning:

If you have a Facebook page, you could change your profile pic to the new Tom Percival US cover, then post a link on your Facebook wall to the eBook here http://bit.ly/qNJYCP

If you're on Twitter, you could tweet (I'm sorry, I'll never be able to take this word seriously) a message out using the following hashtag- #FREESkulduggeryebookUS . It can be about anything connected to the free eBook offer but it must contain a link to the page http://bit.ly/qNJYCP and a request to re-tweet your tweet. Good God. Tweeting, retweeting, hashtags... Does ANYONE understand what the hell I'm talking about?

If you have a different online profile- like MSN, YouTube, Blog, Tumblr, etc- then you could post a status update which includes the cover and the link http://bit.ly/qNJYCP ...

Now, if you do ANY of those things, you MUST tell me in the Comments section to THIS post. Tell me EXACTLY what you've done and you'll be automatically entered into the competition. The closing date is October 31st, the competition is open to EVERYONE in EVERY country (yep, that includes you Ameriminions), and 10 winners will be selected at random by me. 

Ready? Set? GO.


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Ayesha said...

I'm not feeling very well at the moment so I'm just going to sit over there *points at chair*
*goes and sits down and watches everyone fighting*

BlackDragon said...

ha ve been keeping my best power 4 som1 else but i have no choice

i turn into ice al smashes ice im gone i reapear
behind val and kick

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*hands Taz a sword*

Teaming up does sound like a good idea.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*dodges pyro and kicks him*


*I'm only playing watch*

*sails towards val*

*punches her*

*she falls unconscious*

BlackDragon said...

pyro now pyro flame blasts val and she falls

*nicework bro

high five

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

*everyone gawps*

I saved the day... Again

BlackDragon said...

we won hhhurraaayyyy

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Go Flame!

Three of us now!

*hands other sword to Flame*

*forges a new sword out of the fire, ever burning atop his head*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*is PRETENDING to be unconcious*

*gets back up and gets poked from behind*

*sees Skulduggery*

BlackDragon said...

great she can heal i forgot
can any of u turn into won o den power ranger megazord things cozdated help

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Val I knocke you soz

Now pyro I'm tired you go get scruntinous, taz tie val up with magic restraining shackles...

Ayesha u can keep an eye on the morrals

BlackDragon said...

skul-man punched val in the face

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*hits the ground hard*

*falls unconscious*

*the fire on Pyro's head grows and takes the form of a slightly taller version of Pyro himself*


Ayesha said...

*mortals sit around her chair*

BlackDragon said...

i tie val up and kick her

she flips over

* i always wanted to do that

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh well s**t.

Ok skuldugerys here? Ayesha?!? Get the he'll over here

*hands back sword I have a machete thank you very much*

*pulls silver chain and binds mortals*

Let's do this!!!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm still here, you know, and still evil.

Skulduggery: Darquesse, stop. Let Valkyrie come back. I know you're bored of this.

*scowls* Fine, Skulduggery, Valkyrie can come back.

*falls unconcious for real this time*

BlackDragon said...

lol this story is awesome

BlackDragon said...

we won 4 real

Ayesha said...

*goes over to flame and stands next to her with her sword*
* gets ready to fight*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww we should have recorded this and put it on a blog...

Val remember our fight that should have been made into a story!?!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*sits up*

*ayesha kicks me*

OW! I'm Valkyrie again!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


BlackDragon said...

great pyro bad now ill take this

fire and ice

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Kk Flame!!!¡¡¡!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I can make it a story :D I really want to, actually.

BlackDragon said...

yh i agreewe should have made this into a full story

BlackDragon said...


Dantea Dredkin said...

Who likes pie? I crave pie.

BlackDragon said...

the 2 giants fire giant vs ice giant this is gonna be 1 helluva fight

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Dantea, I was just Darquesse and you missed it.

BlackDragon said...

hey dantae

Dantea Dredkin said...

Awww. What a shame. Hey Lion.

BlackDragon said...

i tornado kick pyro but pryo catches it

then i go for the legs an sweep him

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I call writing the story!!! But it all started with zombies, remember? XD

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Dantea!!!¡¡¡!!!

Have you met Chanoro?

Ayesha said...

Hii dantea!!!

BlackDragon said...

hey im killing evil pyro

Dantea Dredkin said...

Hey Pyro.

What story?

BlackDragon said...

whos chanoro

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*turns the fall into a backflip and lands back on his feet*

BlackDragon said...

wow better than i thought

whos chanoro

Dantea Dredkin said...

Hi Ayesha.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Chan is one of my friends, he goes on the blog from time to time.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

What story?!? go to the previous page and it starts with a zombie horde. Then everything else happens.

Ayesha said...

I gtg now Byee everyone!
*hugs everyone and gives them skittles*

BlackDragon said...

i side kick pyro but he dodges it by an inch

then i come back with a back kick

Liliana Pitchblack said...

This is Liliana here.
Thanks for being so kind on the signing in Frankfurt on the 15th October.

Here's the deviantArt account from the Spring Heeled Jack cosplayer I've told you about.
The one who gave you that very weird Sanguine/Dusk picture! xD
Here you can see more disturbing, but also very good stuff. (Some of it is REALLY weird, but I promise, her skill makes up for it!)


Please tell me what you think, we'd love to hear your opinion. xD

I hope you came home well.
Liliana Pitchblack

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Ayesha!!!¡¡¡!!!

BlackDragon said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Ayesha! Perhaps next time I won't turn evil! *waves frantically*

BlackDragon said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

When did I go evil?

BlackDragon said...

i dunno

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye... val can I do it you can do our epic battle(s)

Can ye go to my blog please??!?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

WB Flame!!!¡¡¡!!!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Pyro evil doesn't suit ya..

nights.raven said...

hey everyone

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Nights atacks her in *hugs*

Dantea Dredkin said...

Even I have to admit, evil isn't your thing.

BlackDragon said...

hi nights raven

im taz the lion killer

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

But I wanna do the story! Why don't you write when we met?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Potassium is awesome!

It burns a pinky purple colour!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Dantea hi have we met? *gives her marshmallows*


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Hey raven! Didn't I accuse you of being a stalker?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Raven!!!¡¡¡!!!

I know, I didn't think I was evil, that's why I'm not trying to be evil.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Cos this sounds funner

I have writers block btw...

I cant see where my stories are going

But this could help!?!

Dantea Dredkin said...

Umm...I believe so. I maybe confusing you with someone else though. *Turns marshmallows into smores, and gives Flame a cupcake*

nights.raven said...

hi pyro, dantea, taz, flame, bella *hugs all*

i believe u did :)

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Val you accuse pplz of allota things...


Dantea Dredkin said...

Hey Raven.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Thanks... Go to my blog please

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well no one said we couldn't BOTH write it. And at the Darquesse part I'll know what Darquesse was thinking and you'll know what everyone ELSE was thinking. So just don't write Darquesse's thoughts and I won't write anyone else's thoughts.

nights.raven said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

No, that was at Flame. We're debating who gets to write the story.

BlackDragon said...

g2g seeya guys later


da dduuummm

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ok so we could mush it together kinda?

Dantea Dredkin said...

Not my debate, but I think Vals idea sounds reasonable.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Taz!!!¡¡¡!!!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Then that's it solved......

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Bye Taz.

I'll write it, and you can write it, and then we'll see who's is better. Agreed?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh yeah, and Flame, you were right about how I accuse people of a lot of things. That's so true it's sad XD

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

That's kinda a bit competitive isn't it...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yep.... Go to my blog bella do me a favour and post a link I is on my ipod

Dantea Dredkin said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Well, then let's just both write it and compare the two. Better?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Q's my claiming letter

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Dantea Dredkin said...

And what are you claiming, exactly?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


nights.raven said...

srry im so quiet, im here but im also on chat and reading a new book i got today :) (the LAST Ranger's Apprentice book)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I claim this page for this plea.


I would like to cry out on behalf of Kallista (or Trinity Kal as she now calls herself)

I know you said you would choose 10 winners at random but I really feel that Kal should be one of them.

Only she's been through so much in her life and suffered through such a lot which I shan't disclose unless I have her permission and I think she really deserves to win. It's her birthday on November 14th and this would be the most amazing birthday present ever. She'd be so thrilled and delighted.

Because although obviously you are the Golden God and created this blog and bought us all together I honestly think that Kallista is the heart and soul of our community. Because although she didn't bring us together she keeps us together. She is such a wonderful kind and caring person who doesn't over look anyone and really welcomes everyone here and makes their day.

I would gladly give up my place in the competition for her and I'm sure that many others agree with me.

So please, please, please could you make Kal one of the winners? Because she's done so much for so many of us and she is so deserving of this fanatabulous prize.

Many many thanks

Your loyal minions

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Dantea Dredkin said...

Ooooo, is it any good?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I claim this page for this plea.


I would like to cry out on behalf of Kallista (or Trinity Kal as she now calls herself)

I know you said you would choose 10 winners at random but I really feel that Kal should be one of them.

Only she's been through so much in her life and suffered through such a lot which I shan't disclose unless I have her permission and I think she really deserves to win. It's her birthday on November 14th and this would be the most amazing birthday present ever. She'd be so thrilled and delighted.

Because although obviously you are the Golden God and created this blog and bought us all together I honestly think that Kallista is the heart and soul of our community. Because although she didn't bring us together she keeps us together. She is such a wonderful kind and caring person who doesn't over look anyone and really welcomes everyone here and makes their day.

I would gladly give up my place in the competition for her and I'm sure that many others agree with me.

So please, please, please could you make Kal one of the winners? Because she's done so much for so many of us and she is so deserving of this fanatabulous prize.

Many many thanks

Your loyal minions

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Is what good?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

IN guessing the book

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Congrats Flame!

Dantea Dredkin said...

The ranger's Apprentice book. I love the series, but I think the quality started to drop after the fifth or sixth. I'm still in love, though.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I claim this page for this plea.


I would like to cry out on behalf of Kallista (or Trinity Kal as she now calls herself)

I know you said you would choose 10 winners at random but I really feel that Kal should be one of them.

Only she's been through so much in her life and suffered through such a lot which I shan't disclose unless I have her permission and I think she really deserves to win. It's her birthday on November 14th and this would be the most amazing birthday present ever. She'd be so thrilled and delighted.

Because although obviously you are the Golden God and created this blog and bought us all together I honestly think that Kallista is the heart and soul of our community. Because although she didn't bring us together she keeps us together. She is such a wonderful kind and caring person who doesn't over look anyone and really welcomes everyone here and makes their day.

I would gladly give up my place in the competition for her and I'm sure that many others agree with me.

So please, please, please could you make Kal one of the winners? Because she's done so much for so many of us and she is so deserving of this fanatabulous prize.

Many many thanks

Your loyal minions


Long live kallista

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I want to read them but haven't gotten a chance...

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I don't read anything except Skulduggery nless I have to. Everything else weeps with jealousy.

Dantea Dredkin said...

The Burning Bridge will make you cry at the end. I did, anyway.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Anyone hear of the last apprentice series?

The wardstones chronIcals in uk/ireland

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

I g2g asleep!!

Dantea Dredkin said...

Although it's true that everything else pales in comparison, I don't dispute that fact, your missing out on a lot of good stories Val.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Flame what'd you want me to post a link TO?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

My blog!!

Your. Too stubborn for a taken name

I obtained my iPod I will be as long as no one goes away

Dantea Dredkin said...

Whos too stubborn?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Would nj be mad if I included him in that story!?

nights.raven said...

again, srry for being so quiet

i didnt cry at the end, but i was like "WTH?" same thing happened with Faceless Ones, i dont think theres gonna be another one *shrugs* dont ask why lol

i actually, now that u mention it, got the 1st book of the series lol, night

nights.raven said...

NJ is a girl

Dantea Dredkin said...

Grrrr *mumbles something about spoilers driving her crazy*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

D one that nearly destroyed blog land... For good... We never sorted those mortals..........

* looks for them*

Val u must have scared them!!!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh dang it we DID lose the mortals...



Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...


Well did ya read it?

I'm still here btw, those were the books I was talking about the other day!!!!

@ val new writing challenge wanna take a lookie?

Dantea Dredkin said...

Waaaa?! someone tried to destroy Blogland?

I shall hunt them all down and torture them more than is necessary or legal.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

So what u gonna do about it?

nights.raven said...

i havent read it yet, but im going too, it looked cool... although i had a heck of a time finding book 1, all i saw was books 2-8 lol

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Well that was val

She blew a hole in the dimension divider using explosives and mortals came through...

*points finger* all her nothin to with me taz Ayesha or pyro

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Lol the ninth came out last month... I have all but 8 and 9 waiting for hardback...

There awesome

Would nj mind?

Dantea Dredkin said...

Grrr. Bloody Draquesse. It was Darquesse, right? Cuz if not, Val is going to die.

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Testing, testing...

(this is Val. I know Amanda's account stuff and I'm helping her)

Amanda Moore/China Sorrows, now Zinnia Batty said...

Okay going back to my account...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Nope all val

Then she tried to kill mortals and the guys I named above tried to stop her and darquese came and Then epic battle that was what the debate was about.

Hi Amanda even though your val u better keep like that dantea is out for bloody murder lol

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Sorry, zoned out for a while. It's pretty late here.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey pyro wanna watch dantea go mad at val??!?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Suppose so

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I'm me again!!

And I was just setting up Amanda's thing so she'd have a profile pic

Dantea Dredkin said...

@Val: You almost KILLED blogland?!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yay it's starting.. Popcorn?

it's 1 in the morning here

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Uh... I was trying to stop zombies. *smiles inoccently*

*throws popcorn to Flame and Pyro*

Dantea Dredkin said...

*glares at Flame* This isn't a show.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

This gonna be good...

I saw the new there musketeers today it was awesome!!!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*catches popcorn*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Does that mean Dantea forgives me? *backs away warily*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ok sorry dantea.....

But still it's fun...

Dantea Dredkin said...

What kind? White cleaver zombies or Thrasher zombies? Because if you risked Blogland for the likes of the flesh eating zombies-

Bad things will happen.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

They were flesh always flesh ;)

Dantea Dredkin said...

Grr. As long as Val's sorry, I can forgive her.

For now.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

The White Cleaver isn't a zombie.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Ps pyro we never did anything about the mortals we forgot in the midst of battle

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I wanted a fight one I wasn't in ;)

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I never said sorry.

Way to go, Flame. You betrayer!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Meh, I think the circus idea was pretty good.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Lol ur always going to be in my heart- somewhere

Were partners + plus dantea wasn't here I was only - INFORMING- her if u no what I mean ;£

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Circus performers don't take mortals hostage, and I know I did.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yeah it was write a story about it!!!


Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...



You're fired! And… umm…

Don't do it again! Or something like that…

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

* kal huggies* see my dedication

Go loook

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*grabs kal and uses her as a shield* Dantea, you attack me and you attack HER.

Dantea Dredkin said...

Val, I like you, but you can be really annoying sometimes.

I thought I read somewhere that the White cleaver is just some kind of higher class of zombie?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Kal!!!¡¡¡!!!


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

leave kal alone * bites val* naughty!!?!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*defends Kal*

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Oh, I'm fully aware I'm annoying.

Dantea Dredkin said...

I wouldn't hurt Kal! (although I'm sure I've met her yet)Don't you dare cower behind her!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Kal is safe I bit val and she should be hurt!?!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Yay heres the fight

Dantea Dredkin said...

Sorry, "Although i'm NOT sure I've met her yet," is what I ment to say.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*reluctantly comes out from behind Kal*

*recoils from Flame* What are you, a vampire or something?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Kal who accused you of being here so much?!? You're the best person on here everyone loves you, you're joyful, happy and must of all WISE!!

Dantea Dredkin said...

*glares at Val, but then gets distracted by...

Oooo! something shiny!

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

No biting people is fun try it

Just kidden I never bite people it's gross

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*throws rock at shiny thing and it breaks*

I'm just walking straight into troube, aren't I?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Oh how u are , yes?!?

That was Derris board gas book of the decade award u fiend val

Dantea Dredkin said...

Are you TRYING to make me kill you? I think you are. This worries me somewhat, as it means my opponent is suicidal, and thats no fun all.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

That's not like dragona? Is it? Did u p*ss him off? Or something

I ask a load q's sorry don't answer if u don't want to.. *group hugs*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

*hugs Kal*

You're not here too much!

How could ANYONE say that?!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Dragona don't bully my shield!!!

I'm NOT suicidal. I just love to be irritating. I'm a professional.

nights.raven said...

im gonna go to sleep, im really tired *hugs* ill cya later guys

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Actually, that's very much like Dragona.

Min (Thalia) said...

I would like to cry out on behalf of Kallista (or Trinity Kal as she now calls herself)

I know you said you would choose 10 winners at random but I really feel that Kal should be one of them.

Only she's been through so much in her life and suffered through such a lot which I shan't disclose unless I have her permission and I think she really deserves to win. It's her birthday on November 14th and this would be the most amazing birthday present ever. She'd be so thrilled and delighted.

Because although obviously you are the Golden God and created this blog and bought us all together I honestly think that Kallista is the heart and soul of our community. Because although she didn't bring us together she keeps us together. She is such a wonderful kind and caring person who doesn't over look anyone and really welcomes everyone here and makes their day.

I would gladly give up my place in the competition for her and I'm sure that many others agree with me.

So please, please, please could you make Kal one of the winners? Because she's done so much for so many of us and she is so deserving of this fanatabulous prize.

Many many thanks

Thalia Jane

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

No I am... Although not on here ;£

Sorry kal about dragona he's a doorknob

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Raven!!!¡¡¡!!!

Dantea Dredkin said...

Hmm. *quietly puts sionide in Val's food in Val's house, which Dantea stalked her home to the last time Val left Blogland*

Min (Thalia) said...

Kal, I swear to every single deity around the world in every single religion, if Dragona bullies you anymore, I'm going to kill something. It's not OK.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Thalia!!!¡¡¡!!!

Join the cause!!!

Min (Thalia) said...

*waves her arms around spazztically*


*tackle hugs Pyro*

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Bye raven

Don't kal tell him I said he is a doorknob ;)

Is really? I quited looked to him as I did with and still do with Kal and pyro..

No joke honest you poems pyro I love them even though poetry annoys me and kal you're imagination and always knowing the right thing to say :) *hugs*

Min (Thalia) said...


*hugs tightly back*

Dantea Dredkin said...

Your shielding her from me. Don't worry, I won't kill you to get to her. I have another plan, besides the one she ruined.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Lol!!! Kal ur the best... Breaks his nose next time...

Dantea thats just mean at least spell cyanoid right ;)

(I thinks that's it?!?)

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Thanks Flame!


Maddie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

For what?

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

You won't kill me. I'm the master at not dying.

Dantea Dredkin said...

Its Cyanide. And SORRY. I'm BAD at SPELLING. I cry in English class.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Min (Thalia) said...

I just had some fancy ramen, so I'm really hyper right now. Please excuse my random outbursts.

I really want to be hula-hooping right now....

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