Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ahh, Edinburgh...

Wow… yesterday was a long day.

It’s been a long week, actually. Aside from normal things like writing, I’m also busy with other stuff that nobody else is interested in but me- planning out a new kitchen, planning on having the floorboards put down in the living room... God, it’s all so domesticated. Isn’t the moment when you put in a new kitchen the moment you finally grow up and become an adult? It’s all so tediously dull and boring that there really is no other excuse for it.

Still, at least I have people like YOU to keep me young.


So, yesterday. Monday. I got up at five. It wasn’t that bad, getting up at five. I was brushing my teeth and it was just getting bright outside and I was thinking to myself, “This getting up at five lark, it’s really not so bad as I’d thought.” I was halfway down the stairs when I fell asleep. Not sure how I fed the dogs or the cats, but the next thing I knew I was in my car. Time sure flies when you’re sleeping.

My flight was at 6:50, and I got into Glasgow at a little before 8, where I was whisked off to the Harper Collins building and told to sign 2300 brand new copies of Death Bringer. I took a moment to look at the book- it was the first time I’d seen it- and make sure the dedication and the blurb was right. Oh it’s a nice book. Oh it’s a BIG book. 603 hardback pages, compared to Mortal Coil’s 572. AND the print is slightly smaller, so we’ve crammed more words onto each page, so in reality Death Bringer is... er... well, a lot more than 31 pages longer.

So I signed the books in record-breaking time- thanks to the six or seven people around me who unpacked the books, opened the books, slid them to me to sign, slid them away, stacked them, packed them up again, and hauled them back to the warehouse- all in one continuous motion. It’s quite something, seeing something like that. And they always ask me if I’m doing okay, if my arm is sore, if I need a break- but the fact is, I’m the only one sitting down, so I’m quite rested while they’re all running around frantically. Oh it’s good to be the writer.

Once that was done, Sam and I (Sam being my publicist extraordinaire) got in a car for the hour-long drive to Edinburgh. We got there at twelve, had lunch, strolled over to the Festival.

I love the Edinburgh Book Festival. It’s so PACKED full of things and events and writers and all these people, all of these people of different ages and backgrounds and styles who come here just because they love books. The staff are so cool, real chatty and approachable, and the whole thing has a wonderful air of friendliness to it.

We went into the Author’s Tent- which is a fabulous marquee of hidden delights and forbidden pleasures- where I met Skulduggery artist Mister Tom Percival, who was over to do his own event. Tom is, as you know, the writer/illustrator behind Tobias and the Super Spooky Ghost Book and the upcoming A Home for Mr Tipps (both amazing picture books for a little brother or sister, if you have them. Or, you know, even if you don't. They're still AWESOME).

I also met up with Charlie Fletcher, author of the Stoneheart trilogy. I’d been on stage with Charlie a few years ago, when the first Skulduggery books was released, so it was nice to catch up. We know some of the same people, and we were talking movie rights and options until we were pushed onstage, where Charlie introduced me to the five hundred or so people packed into the tent.

It was a good event. Every event at a festival tends to be a good event, but this was especially good. The hour passed before I knew it, and then I was signing. Most writers for young people are taken to the Children’s Signing Tent, apparently, but because of the massive amount of people that turned up, I was taken to the MAIN Signing Tent, and signed for three and a quarter hours. In that time, I was given pictures (thank you all!), a story (thank you Zoe!), and seven- yes, SEVEN- hugs. I also met a few people who either read or comment on (or both) this Blog- Mhairi, NJ Maverick, Sarthacus and... and... argh... Doggy Bone Girl Person... (fine, that is not her ACTUAL name, but it’s close... kind of...)

By the end, I had to seriously speed up, because I had a flight to catch, but I managed to see everyone, chat to everyone, and sign all their books. Some of these people were waiting for over three hours, for God’s sake- I couldn’t just LEAVE them there. (Besides, they looked dangerous.)

When I got to the airport, though, I was told my flight had been delayed for an hour and half, which meant I could have stayed and had a long chat with EVERYONE. Curses!


I got home at eleven. My dogs were still alive (the cats hadn’t eaten them). I was tired. Oh boy was I tired. But I glanced at this Blog, and the Facebook page, and at our friends over at Skulduggery Forums, just to make sure that no one was posting spoilers. And of course, no one was.

But reading over the Facebook comments, it made me grin when I saw the gradual change in people who weren’t able to make it to Edinburgh. Before the Festival, everyone was saying “Don’t post spoilers! If you post spoilers I will kill you!”

But once there were actually people out there who were reading the book, some of the comments changed slightly... “Ok, ok, could you post ONE spoiler? Just one little spoiler, that’s all I ask... Nothing big, nothing major, just one teensy weensy spoiler, just to satisfy me until I can get the book myself...”

Thankfully, all that appears to be happening is that people are showing the back cover, and the blurb on the back. They’re not even giving away the dedication, or the Author Biography thing.

So, to the people who have the book, thank you very much for not posting spoilers. Now, it’s not going to be easy over the next two weeks, because curiosity is a powerful thing, and some people on this Blog, and Facebook, and the Forums, and all over, will be begging you for JUST ONE LITTLE SPOILER- but you must resist. Giving one person a spoiler could spoil it for EVERYONE- so I’m asking you once again to stay strong, no matter how much they plead or cajole or threaten... 


  1. Woohoo! First!

    Okay, Quinnerva and Bryony are worried that they won’t make it to the signing near them until 5:30 because of school. It’s one of the 3:30 signings, isn’t it? Which means it’s either Sheffield or Cambridge. Well, I hope for your sake that it’s Cambridge, because I can probably stay a little longer there, but for Sheffield I have to leave at 5 in order to get to the next event- which means I’ll only be able to sign for 1 and a half hours... yeeks that’s not a lot of time.

    Basically, how long I sign for is dependant on two factors- how many people turn up, and when I have to leave! If no one turns up at a signing, I’d probably wait around for a while (but this hasn’t happened yet, so I don’t know!). But if I only have a short amount of time to sign, I sign one book per person and can’t pose for photos, because I want to get through everyone.

    A writer’s tour is a heavily scheduled thing. We have a timetable that we HAVE to stick to, no matter what happens. I wish it were different, I really do, but tours are MERCILESS. So if you’re disappointed, I’m really sorry.

  2. Derek.
    Are there any dates in the north planned any time soon?
    Or even not-so-soon?


  4. Also Zoe stole my idea.
    I'm writing a story wherein you are a supehero-vigilante-thing and you team up with Neil Gaiman and Joss Whedon to fight Cthulhu.

  5. Damn, I almost had the second comment.....
    I am also gettin my kitchen done and am INCREDIBLY EXCITED for the new book!!! Also Derek you should get to know me cuz i'm preeeeeeeety sure I will be playing Spring-heeled Jack in the movie adaptions of the books :) well, I'm not sure at all really, but that is pretty much my dream and it'd be so damn cool... lemme know when the auditions are on, you legendary legend, you :D

  6. Derek!

    So this is where everyone went..

  7. 5th!

    I had a feeling you were going to post today!

    Congrats on getting first :P

  8. I wanna give you a hug, Derek!

    ..whats...what DOES the back cover look like...?

    *Bambi eyes*

    *shows a full mouth of teeth with a smile, not blinking*

    Thats the smile I use when I want something. It was part of my plot for getting my dad to pre-order and buy Death Bringer. First we went out for sandwiches, and then I brought up the subject and asked him sweetly- "So Father...Can you pre-order death bringer for me? Pleeease...?"

    (Yes, I call my dad father instead of Dad. I just find dad ridiculous. don't know why. I don't call my mom MOTHER, I call her mom, however. Now suddenly everyones remembering nicknames they called me as a kid. The popular one was Bunni Girl. I'll shut up now)

  9. *reads tour dates again*



    Come to America, dang it!

  10. DEREK!


  11. ...Derek got the first comment...


  12. We re-did our kitchen when we moved to the new house. That was good, because for a while there was a giant hole in the floor. You could see the basement from it.

  13. Guys?
    Can we chat in the last post, instead of here?
    Let people comment properly instead of "how are you guys and stuff."

  14. *Oh thank God your pets were OK!

    I might be at a Dublin signing - in other words, look out for the dangerous looking girl, ridge a horse, with a crossbow, and a bald eagle on her wrist, and a dog at her heals, and an elephant in front, and a lion at back, and 2 kittens on her lap, and a monkey on her head, and a sword strapped to her side. Oh! Nearly forgot! All animal are carrying 10 things for you to sign, and the gi will be holding 50.

    Don't forget about her sword and crossbow.

    And now., SEEYA!

  15. Em sure, when I get backill go on there

  16. I'm going to to post a Death Bringer spoiler fro all impatient beings of impatience. Ok so China's big secret is...


    OK I'm obviously not going to post it cause its against the rules. Sorry guys gotta wait two more weeks.

  17. ...Getting up at five is nice!

    'cept when we went to Florida, we woke up at four, and left the house at five. Our plane left at...sometime around six or seven.

    Getting up early is nice. Until you fall back asleep, that is.

  18. "...quite something, seeing something..."
    hahaha love that, Derek.

    Niall's right - we should probably move over to the last post.

  19. Can I at least reveal the back cover to everyone?

  20. As for the feeling like an adult thing, I promised myself a long time ago that I will NEVER talk about dental insurance. That seems to be the thing that turns people adult and boring. I'm assuming that you're not going to come to america in the near future, which is fine. But if you do, I will greet you at the airport with a plateful of cookies and lots of hugs.

  21. Derek...deeeeerrrrreeeeeek.....

    Please come and answer :D

    I've seen that you hang around and respond to the first few comments. Are you doing that this time xD

  22. Redoing your kitchen, ay? Sounds... fun? Ok so maybe not, but just look on the bright side- everyone will gaze in aw at your kitchen the moment they see it because it's going to be so beautiful, right! :D
    And no worries, you won't ever grow up! It's not possible, I don't believe, Mr Master Derek. ;-)
    Ah, the festival... sounds like it was a ton of fun.
    [I'm trying not to weep in a dark corner for not being able to be there. :P]
    I'm really glad you met NJ and Sarthacus and the others. :D I was hoping you'd see them.
    Oh, and I won't be asking for any spoilers! I don't want to know because the thrill is when it's all new and held in your hands and your laughing, crying, dancing, and leaping for joy. Truly, I do that every time I get one of your books! I love it when that happens, and I finally calm down enough to open it with shaking hands and read the beginning and the first chapter and try to not read the whole thing in one sitting, lol.
    I'm glad you had fun with your book signing :]
    Hope the tours go well too.
    Happy Book Signing!

    P.S. You know, it's a bit weird, but I don't think it's hit me yet that the book is actually coming out in just a very short time. WHat was it? Two weeks? Once it really hits me, I don't know what I'll do, lol. Probably scream out the door that Skulduggery Pleasant is coming back! Wooo!

  23. *eats wollipop*
    I have to go now, because Mr. iPod is dying.

  24. Don't worry about chatting *yawn* I'm going to bed anyway. One of these days, though, Derek, I will be one of those people that you talk to in the first fifty comments. One of these days...

    And cool! Sarthacus got to see you! Was he awesome, Sarth? What did you think of him, Derek?

  25. Oh, I'm so envious of everyone who got to be in Edinburgh! And as curious as I am, I really don't want spoilers ... it's only two more weeks, right? (Besides, there is all that dull grown-up thing called work to do, now that my holidays are over for this year, to keep me busy and occupied. Alas.)

    *salivates at the idea of an even BIGGER book*

    September can't come soon enough!

  26. Derek (Mr Landy?), I noticed after the signing in Edinburgh that Amazon doesn't have an ebook version of Death Bringer listed? I don't remember anyone saying there wouldn't be one but I may have missed it. You're not going to force me to revert to actual paper books are you?!

  27. I hope so. I don't like ebooks. I much prefer to hold the actual book in my hands and smell the paper and read the text and turn the crisp white page with my hands.

  28. Podling, I've pre-ordered the Kindle version at Amazon.com - it went up a couple of days ago.

    So I'd hope that the UK (and German) Amazon stores will get the Kindle version up for pre-ordering soon as well - I'm pretty sure one does/will exist!

  29. WHOA DEREK! Sounds like you had an awesome day!

    I'm amazed that you fed your cats and dogs and got into your car while asleep, but you are the great Golden God, after all! I wish I could have gone to this festival, or at least go to another one that you'll be at, but alas, I live in the US. And I'd probably have a hard time talking to you because I'm the most shy and awkward person on the planet. Ah well. Someday, Derek, I WILL get one of my books signed by you! And I WILL give you a hug!

  30. Also. To anyone who was on the chat earlier, I disappeared because my internet crashed. Again. Sorry.

  31. Skyril, I must admit I miss bookshops, especially this old converted church that did second hand books and the best hot chocolate in the world, it was heaven! But I really like carrying around a large chunk of my library, short attention span, I tend not to read one book at a time ;)
    Kribu, Thanks! Strange the US one has it, but I've discovered there are some bizarre licensing laws which mean some ebooks available in the US aren't in the UK, maybe something like that has caused a hold up, I guess I'll find out sooner or later :)

  32. Hi Derek,
    Firstly, Thank you for being so amazingly awesome..... ok thats over with.
    Now, After looking at your tour dates, I must now bow down and worship you, you have decided to visit the North east of England, AKA Newcastle. However, You have decided to go there the day I go back to school, and it will take me a hour to get there. ( I seem to have bad luck meetig Authors, because everytime they come to my school, I never get to see them, darren Shan came once and the other class were allowed to see him.) Hopefully, I will attended but I would like a hug, because.... Well Hugs are cool.... like Fezzes and Bowties....
    Thank you Derek,

  33. :D OMGGGGGG!!! Edinburgh was AMAZING!!!

    sadly i didnt get to personally speak to Derek, but know i was still there!! had to leave and run back to the train station befroe we were late...

    But Derek!! u met my friend!! Jemma- she got the book signed FIRST!!

    BUT I TELL YOU WHY!!! such a story here...

    she fainted in a chair, ate a Macdonnalds and got sick so she sadly missed the talk, but ran for the signing tent at the end XD

    ... but then she fainted again and fell off a chair...

    *sigh* what a day!!

    :D Thanks for such an awesome day!!

    :O and i know u mentioned a plot twist in the middle but this is INSANE!!!

    *zipps mouth and doesnt say any more*

  34. Wow... Jemma REALLY had an eventful day!

  35. Hi Skulgirl!

    Our publishers stumbled a little as regards America, and the books didn't take off like they did everywhere else- probably because their new covers (not drawn by Tom) made them look like books for younger readers than they were intended.

    We have plans for another attempt, and if sales pick up then naturally all books will be available. But if sales DON'T pick up... er... I don't know what we'll do...!

  36. Podling, yes - the licensing is complicated stuff! Also, I suspect that while the book is available on Amazon.com for me in Estonia (and likely the rest of non-UK Europeans), it's probably not available for Americans (as Dark Days and Mortal Coil aren't, I've learned from my American friends, while they are for me).

    Skyril, paper books are awesome. However, there are many, many reasons why people would want ebooks - not the least because not everyone is physically able to read paper books due to health problems. For me, I live in a flat and have accumulated a couple of thousand paper books over my lifetime, so there's simply no more space - I pretty much had to stop buying books and reading for a few years before getting my first e-reader.

    Now I'm only buying paper books when it's something I'm going to re-read *and* when it looks so amazing I can't help but want it in my shelf to admire - so I've been buying the Skulduggery books both in hardcover and as ebooks (easier to read, carry around and to look random stuff up). But that's a rare exception these days. And while I do love books as objects, mostly, it's the *story* inside that really matters.

  37. LOL! Derek, I honestly don't know HOW I can be smiling like a fool and be totally devastated at the same time. Granted, I am inflicting pain on my self by choosing to wait THREE more months until I read Death Bringer. But I'm a good friend, and good friends don't let friends overly spoil the other. (AHEM Becky, AHEM!) So I'll just wait until I can finally get myself over to England to visit this crazy person known as Becky (or Jitter Girl #1). On a different note, it's obvious you're doing well however, I wish you luck in getting through the boring process of remodling your kitchen.

    your very first American Fan,
    Ashley :D <3

  38. Very much so, Derek :) twas funny and scary at the same time! half expected her to either faint on the road or fall onto the train track...

    accute paranoia i suppose... :)

  39. I promise not to post spoilers! Thank you, Derek, for your wonderful talk in Edinburgh! It really was fantastic! And for your totally amazing book!!! Anyone else who was there- A lot of us half way down the queue for the book signing started reading Death Bringer to pass the time. I was queueing for two and a half hours to get by book signed and read 210 pages in that time? How much did the people at the back of the queue read?

  40. Also, uh.... I've been trying to hold this question back... but I cant! D:
    So, WILL THERE PRETTY PLEASE, POR FAVOR, BE HORSES (with heads) IN FUTURE BOOKS!?!?!?!?! (Pssst. Do you remember Becky from last years signing in Milton Keynes? The one that u accused of tracing that picture of Billy-Ray? She also drew picture of Valkyrie and horse that she said you really liked! :D (It's currently haning in a picture frame on my wall. :D)

  41. um...i was near the back but i had to leave for the train- got 222 pages done in 3 hours on the train :)

    :O Just WAIT till the twist!1 *zipps ips again*

    Derek! the girls from my school? the ones with the epic hair? :D

    we Scots are just too epic! no need to cry people ;)

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Ok, as Skullgirl was saying the latter two books are not out in America. Just one more reason I wish I didn't have to live here. That was why I was SO excited when I heard that you (Derek) were looking into an American film company-type thing. Then it would get more popular. But I will not forget people power as well! I have, as of today officially shoved one of my two copies of the first book at no lees than 22 people and said "read, that's an order" or something along those lines. needless to say they all love me forever now. I'm trying to start a fanclub but I only have like, six people (soon to be seven when my neighbor returns my online-ordered copy of Mortal Coil) OK, time tostop blathering but anyway, you get the point. Come tour in America, we'd love to see you in our awesome independant bookstores, they have CHICKENS for goodness sake, CHICKENS.

  44. Hello Derek!

    I'm not happy! I couldn't come to Edinburgh! And on top of that, guess what? School gets in the way (as well as distance) of your signings! It's so unfair! :( I have a lot of things which I need to get you to sign, but apparently, 16 books, 7 posters, 5 bookmarks and a picture is too much to take to a signing. Or so my Mum says.
    - But what do YOU think, Derek? Do you think you'd have time to sign all of my stuff? I sure hope so, because I'm gonna try and persuade my Mum to further out to a signing. Meadowhall is our closest, in Sheffield. Mum is gonna ask my school if I can have a half-day on the eighth just so I can come. I have high hopes for a positive response to that request, as I have never missed a day at this school before so I'm sure they'll permit me some time off. I mean, a book signing is even EDUCATIONAL, how many students take time off for extra education? Next to none, I'll bet. So they'll have to say yes.

    ... Right?

    I know that you've said you won't have long at all in Meadowhall, which is bloody unfortunate, however I WILL see you! And for a respectable amount of time, too!


    You should totally come to Leeds for a signing sometime, or just anytime, really. You could sneak up behind me while I'm stalking the SP books in Waterstones and scare the crap out of me. That would be so FUN! Then I could hug you for like an hour, only releasing you when I see you've passed out from a lack of oxygen. I'd apologise if that ever happened, although I'm guessing you'd probably get the shop assistants to make me let go. Or not. Maybe you'd like a very long hug.
    - So tell me Derek, you must know about the London riots, correct? I was wondering whether you'll still be going down to Bromley if they continue. Olivia S, Dayna H, Becky A, Jo M-G and Matthew are all going to that signing (I wanted to join them, but I'm too far north and I've been banned because of the riots) and I was wondering if you'd still be going there.

    ~ Just to sum up ~
    #1 - You have to come to Leeds sometime. I know loads of SP fans up here and trust me, our Waterstones is NEAT. Three floors with a café! Come on, you know you can't resist...

    #2 - I am thinking of entering that Easons' competition which, if you win, gives you tickets to the SP:Death Bringer release event thing in Dublin. I'd love to go to Ireland. Not only would I get to see you, buy Death Bringer and have a fun time at the big event thingy, but I'll also get to go to Ireland for the first time in my life! I love the Irish. And the Welsh. And the Scottish... John Barrowman is Scottish. David Tennant is Scottish, too...

    #3 - If I do see you anywhere, you have to sign all my stuff. You'll know its me when you see me, as I'll be dressed up as my OC (Ashione Flare) and dragging a suitcase along behind me full of all my SP stuff. If you don't know what Ashione looks like... brown boots, jeans, SP t-shirt, cream jacket and a fedora! (Oh, and my glasses... Wouldn't want to go blind.) So yeah, look out for me!

    #4 - On top of everything I need you to sign, I've also taken the liberty of drawing you a picture of Skulduggery!
    ... It's crap.
    But you might like it, who knows? It's actually the best drawing of him I've ever done... So take care of it. If you ever, you know, get it...

    I wonder if I forget anything... Oh yeah! I know you like Doctor Who Derek, but what about Torchwood? Are you a fan at all? If so, have you been watching Miracle Day? What do you think of it?
    ... I think that's everything. REMEMBER DEREK!
    18 BOOKS! 7 POSTERS! 5 BOOKMARKS! 1 PICTURE! ... And a sketch for you :3

    - Georgina Howlett/Ashione Flare

    P.S. Get your Golden God butt back on Bebo. (Whoa, too many alliterations.) We all miss you! :C

  45. You know, Oxford is actually an epic city.
    You might want to, you know, visit, and sign for me, and my friends, and maybe the students?

    Just thought you'd want to know ;)

  46. hi derek
    do you have any news on the movie?
    and what is your favorite music and band/artist?

  47. wow it sounds as you had a lot of fun! i wish i could have went!
    when will you post the back cover of the book everyone says its awesome! i wanna see it!!!!!!

  48. I really should be learning the lyrics for the songs in my musical drama workshop.

    Or atleast catch up on some writing.

  49. Hi Derek......


    That is all.

  50. Hiya Nights.raven!

    How is everyone? By the way, Skuttlebug Psycho? Can I join you in your rage? :P

  51. Hey raven, Ayesha and Georgina!

  52. Hey people. I'm going to athletics now so I just came on to let you know that there's a new drawing on my blog. Hopefully I'll be on later. Bye!

  53. Hello Octaboona! You're in my Freerice group, aren't you! :P I recognise your name.

  54. Yes I am :)

    Who are you in free rice? Gorgangler?

  55. Yee haa!

    Hi, Derek.

    I've just finished reading Death Bringer, and let me tell you... that was... VERY awesome.

    I was reading it late last night, and then I was on chapter 22. I was looking relatively closely at the page so I could read it. I saw the title, then I saw the picture and nearly screamed.

    Oh, and I thought SP seeing the R being N was hilarious. kind of strange, but hilarious.

    The DETAIL of the writing was AMAZING, and when I put on an eagle ring today my dad said that it looked kind of deathly and then he said that I should suggest selling Necromancer rings and so on in Skulduggery merchandise! You know, figures, games, hats...

    And I Promise, I WON'T spoil anything.

    You'd better be...

    Anyway, my question that I forgot to ask was: If you could be an evil Skulduggery character, who would you be?

    Thanks, and bye.


    I didn't think you had a huge ego at all. So, seriously, I didn't! Awesome, huh?

  56. Quote from Derek:

    Hi, guys, I'm Derek Landy, and- OOH! I love the hair! No no no, just look over there there're 2 girls with pink and red hair! Awesome!

  57. Hey everyone :)
    I cannot believe my luck! Me and my family went to Scotland to look at Universities for a week, and do you know when we left? THE DAY BEFORE THE BOOK FESTIVAL! AND Derek (you, Derek, yes, you!) isn't coming down to Bournemouth in his next tour!
    So I've just started reading the whole series, again, for about the third time. By the time September rolls around, I'll probably be up to date with the series :]. And maybe I'll have finished Lord of the Rings too...
    Anyway, while I was in Scotland, we visited the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh. I don't suppose any of you went, but I'm sure you'll appreciate the next part: the E4 Underbelly was going on at the same time, and it was a MASSIVE upside-down purple cow-tent.
    Oh yes, I said it.
    And Georgina Howlett, DOCTOR WHO IS THE BEST! And David Tennant's name is really David McDonald! He was the best Doctor EVER - Matt Smith is no match for him!
    ..And that's all I've really got to say, so ciao for now!
    Megan, aka, Vienna Jarred

  58. Hi, Octa! How's life?... That's good to hear. You excited about SP6? Of course you are! it was by Derek for Derek's sake!

  59. :D they were from my school! he did get distracted quite a bit...


    im only on chapter 30... but the TWIST!!! :O
    i just reached it...SPEACHLESS!!

  60. Life is good. Very busy and of course I'm excited about SP 6!!!!

  61. Yes, THE TWIST!!!!

    At first I was like, p100, "Is this the twist? is THIS the twist?" chapter 30 "OMG THAT IS A HUGE TWIST!!!"

  62. a MASSIVE one! i just kinda stopped...and gaped at the page for 5 minutes...

    :D and heya everyone!!

  63. Rachel, you know when Derek said, "OK... wh owants to hear... about my house?" And a nboy in a green hoodie put his hand up and Derek said "Yes! Enthusiasm! I like you!"

    Well, that was me!

  64. Hi guys.

    Sarthacus, could you do me a favour? Please could you change your name and picture back? I'm sorry but I do hate name and picture changes and I have no idea why. If you would change them back it would be most appriciated, or if you'd like, just the name, because I hate that more, but if you wouldn't mind, both please.

  65. :D I do!! awesome!! i was up at the back somewhere... near the red and purple people :)

  66. Derek said that my name has a texture ot it...


  67. Hey Gepard and Sadhbh and Dragona!

  68. Dragona, there're 2 new posts on my blog:


  69. Hi *deeps breath* Octa, Pyro, Lego, Dragona, Rachel, Sarthacus, and Gepard!

    Sarthacus, have we met?
    Btw.. very long and confusing name. Fair play of ya;) :P

  70. Oh! And Ravens back! Yay! :D Hi again!

  71. that is an EXELENT point youve just made occur, Sadhbh...

    Sarthacus, i dont think we've actually MET!


  72. Oh! And Kallista! *hugs* How are ya?

    OK Sarth!

  73. *brushes self off and puts on psh tone* As always.


  74. Aaaaaw Derek you remembered look look I can leave comments now. Now you have absolutely no excuse not to reply to me you will NOT forget me. I do have a question though, does Valkyrie sleep naked? Because that's a bit weird I don't know any teenage girl who does that..... I'm just saying... Other than that loving the deathbringer and loving even more the fact that I can boast about it to the people who haven't muhahahahahahahah so yeah thanks aaaaaand you rock. Love mhairi xoxoxoxoxo

  75. ...she doesnt sleep naked... she puts on shorts and a dublin football jersey!

    and yes! *hugs kal* i am semi-here... half my concentration is elsewhere...

  76. Guys!

    Brand new fan-fic! Please leave comments! :D

  77. @Kal
    My reply to that question is a big fat NO. :P

  78. This blog went wild while I was absent.

    @Octaboona yes, Gorgangler12 is me. I'm not especially active in the SP group but I love the 'ACC-ers Against Hunger' group :P

  79. Well no one's reading mine so I wouldn't complain.

    And no, he doesn't hate her.

  80. Derek, once again, I will go on a rant about how you have more signings in the UK, than in Ireland. Please do a tour if you finish SP7 early, PLEASE do a tour of Ireland...... in a van. No, a bus. Actually, a motorbike. Better yet, a Bentley.

    ALSO! Will you be at the Death Bringer launch party in Dublin on the 31st of August?!??! Because I might be going and if you were not there, and I went I'd tear the building to shreds. Sincerely from, Bawling-My-Eyes-Out-Because-I-Don't-Have-Death-Bringer-Yet Man.

  81. And Gepard, you aren't welcome on the Overflow with that picture. Change it back, please.

  82. And I couldn't care less 'bout the overflow.

  83. OK Gepard, so now you're banned from the chat and not welcome on the Overflow. What are you going to do when this gets full, huh? And if Derek doesn't post for a long time.

  84. *stumbles in*

    YO! I'm here, but I'll be slow because I'm working on a story.


    I started a few projects while I was away. One is staying a secret until I finish it, and the other will be getting it's own blog once I finish a decent chunk of it.

  85. Thalia, the daughter of Zeus! How are you?

  86. Kallista? Dragona? Why the hell have I been banned from xat!

  87. Because you're LexiAnn, aren't you? I banned someone called LexiAnn and you come on after she's left and are banned. Hmm...

  88. Hello Gepard, Kallista!


    I'm good~! How're you both?

  89. LexiAnn? Okaii I don't know who she is but I came on with a preset name I clicked on to change it and when I changed it to my name you had banned me?!?

    What the hell dragona?!?!

  90. Thalia, wanna do me a favour? Wanna read mah fan-fic and post a comment? :P

  91. *fails at naming everyone in one comment*

    And hello to Dragona and Nicolette!

  92. I didn't. I haven't banned you so don't blame this on me.
    The only person who I have banned tonight is LexiAnn. She left, insulted our writing and then left. Then you appear, banned. So it must be on your computer, OR you.

  93. Thank you Thalia - gepardskulfanfic.blogspot.com
    You too Nic, go read! :D

    Kal, why you sad?

  94. Dragona when I came on I wasn't banned I had some weird preset name which I clicked on to changed before I commented to change to Nicolette I preset ok and then it said I was banned?


  95. @Rue
    Do you see a orange thing with Firefox written on it on the top left?

  96. I don't know why that happened Nicolette. But I didn't ban YOU, if you aren't LexiAnn. It must have been someone on your computer, or you. It's the only explanation.

  97. We were at your marathon book festival appearance yesterday and were at the tail end of the queue. But there was no complaints from the normally grumpy teenager, partly cos he was reading Death Bringer most of those hours. We all enjoyed your chat and are slightly jealous of your large quota of moggies and film props. Ta Derek. Come back soon.

  98. i gtg for a while, ill be on later, if im not, ill be on tomorrow, bye all

  99. NIC!! *Glomps* I dont THINK yur lexie ann, cause lexieann insulted us -.- and was really annoying and well, nosy, she butted into all our convos and started asking questions.

  100. Aw, Bye Raven! *hug*

  101. Dragona I don't know who the hell LexiAnn is or why you banned her and quite frankly I don't care.

    Me and my family went out for about 2 hours and when I came back on I was banned!

    I hardly doubt someone snuck into the house just to go on the laptop and then sneak back out?

  102. I don't know, Nicolette. But I promise you, I didn't ban you.

  103. Insulted you? Oh I just figured he banned her for some stupid reason like most strangers ..

    what did she say? :(

  104. Bye Raven!


    Hi Sadhbh, Crimson!

  105. No. She was mean. But it wasnt you. I know it wasnt.

    She said all our writing was lame, though she didnt read it, and she kept butting in to our convos and askin Qs -.-

  106. My computer says differently Dragona, If it had been me I would of been banned from the start but I wasn't when I came on I had a preset name with a green icon...

    are you sure you didn't ban me when I came on?

    Maybe you thought I was the person that left?

  107. Thank you for the comment Thalia! :D

  108. I honestly didn't ban you Nicolette. Everyone can justify that because if I did, it would have said so, as it always does when someone is banned.

  109. aww Sadhbh :(

    Dragona how could you honestly think I would insult my friends writing?!

    I love all your guys stories and I try to read all of them even if I don't have time to comment and I love them!

  110. Nicolette, did one of your family stay at home or something? I'll unban you but I need to find out what happened, OK?

  111. YAY! :D

    Now, dedication time :D

  112. Or are you somewhere where someone else could have access to the computer whilst you were away?

  113. No we all went out, Me mum auntie uncle all my sibling and my two cousins ... even my gran came so the house was completly empty

  114. I can promise you though Nicolette, I didn't ban you, I banned Lexi. I have no idea why you were banned.

  115. who u gonna dedicate it to *batts eyelids*

  116. Ha no Sadhbh :P

    But I really want a cat *glares at mum*

    Curse you and your hatred of cats!

  117. *sighs* I give up!

    How many times do I have to explain that I don't know who Lexi was?

    That I came on unbanned?

    I'm pretty sure a ghost didn't ban me Dragona ....

    I'm just going to read Gep's story now I really can't be arsed to argue with you anymore because you can't accept where I am coming from
