Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ahh, Edinburgh...

Wow… yesterday was a long day.

It’s been a long week, actually. Aside from normal things like writing, I’m also busy with other stuff that nobody else is interested in but me- planning out a new kitchen, planning on having the floorboards put down in the living room... God, it’s all so domesticated. Isn’t the moment when you put in a new kitchen the moment you finally grow up and become an adult? It’s all so tediously dull and boring that there really is no other excuse for it.

Still, at least I have people like YOU to keep me young.


So, yesterday. Monday. I got up at five. It wasn’t that bad, getting up at five. I was brushing my teeth and it was just getting bright outside and I was thinking to myself, “This getting up at five lark, it’s really not so bad as I’d thought.” I was halfway down the stairs when I fell asleep. Not sure how I fed the dogs or the cats, but the next thing I knew I was in my car. Time sure flies when you’re sleeping.

My flight was at 6:50, and I got into Glasgow at a little before 8, where I was whisked off to the Harper Collins building and told to sign 2300 brand new copies of Death Bringer. I took a moment to look at the book- it was the first time I’d seen it- and make sure the dedication and the blurb was right. Oh it’s a nice book. Oh it’s a BIG book. 603 hardback pages, compared to Mortal Coil’s 572. AND the print is slightly smaller, so we’ve crammed more words onto each page, so in reality Death Bringer is... er... well, a lot more than 31 pages longer.

So I signed the books in record-breaking time- thanks to the six or seven people around me who unpacked the books, opened the books, slid them to me to sign, slid them away, stacked them, packed them up again, and hauled them back to the warehouse- all in one continuous motion. It’s quite something, seeing something like that. And they always ask me if I’m doing okay, if my arm is sore, if I need a break- but the fact is, I’m the only one sitting down, so I’m quite rested while they’re all running around frantically. Oh it’s good to be the writer.

Once that was done, Sam and I (Sam being my publicist extraordinaire) got in a car for the hour-long drive to Edinburgh. We got there at twelve, had lunch, strolled over to the Festival.

I love the Edinburgh Book Festival. It’s so PACKED full of things and events and writers and all these people, all of these people of different ages and backgrounds and styles who come here just because they love books. The staff are so cool, real chatty and approachable, and the whole thing has a wonderful air of friendliness to it.

We went into the Author’s Tent- which is a fabulous marquee of hidden delights and forbidden pleasures- where I met Skulduggery artist Mister Tom Percival, who was over to do his own event. Tom is, as you know, the writer/illustrator behind Tobias and the Super Spooky Ghost Book and the upcoming A Home for Mr Tipps (both amazing picture books for a little brother or sister, if you have them. Or, you know, even if you don't. They're still AWESOME).

I also met up with Charlie Fletcher, author of the Stoneheart trilogy. I’d been on stage with Charlie a few years ago, when the first Skulduggery books was released, so it was nice to catch up. We know some of the same people, and we were talking movie rights and options until we were pushed onstage, where Charlie introduced me to the five hundred or so people packed into the tent.

It was a good event. Every event at a festival tends to be a good event, but this was especially good. The hour passed before I knew it, and then I was signing. Most writers for young people are taken to the Children’s Signing Tent, apparently, but because of the massive amount of people that turned up, I was taken to the MAIN Signing Tent, and signed for three and a quarter hours. In that time, I was given pictures (thank you all!), a story (thank you Zoe!), and seven- yes, SEVEN- hugs. I also met a few people who either read or comment on (or both) this Blog- Mhairi, NJ Maverick, Sarthacus and... and... argh... Doggy Bone Girl Person... (fine, that is not her ACTUAL name, but it’s close... kind of...)

By the end, I had to seriously speed up, because I had a flight to catch, but I managed to see everyone, chat to everyone, and sign all their books. Some of these people were waiting for over three hours, for God’s sake- I couldn’t just LEAVE them there. (Besides, they looked dangerous.)

When I got to the airport, though, I was told my flight had been delayed for an hour and half, which meant I could have stayed and had a long chat with EVERYONE. Curses!


I got home at eleven. My dogs were still alive (the cats hadn’t eaten them). I was tired. Oh boy was I tired. But I glanced at this Blog, and the Facebook page, and at our friends over at Skulduggery Forums, just to make sure that no one was posting spoilers. And of course, no one was.

But reading over the Facebook comments, it made me grin when I saw the gradual change in people who weren’t able to make it to Edinburgh. Before the Festival, everyone was saying “Don’t post spoilers! If you post spoilers I will kill you!”

But once there were actually people out there who were reading the book, some of the comments changed slightly... “Ok, ok, could you post ONE spoiler? Just one little spoiler, that’s all I ask... Nothing big, nothing major, just one teensy weensy spoiler, just to satisfy me until I can get the book myself...”

Thankfully, all that appears to be happening is that people are showing the back cover, and the blurb on the back. They’re not even giving away the dedication, or the Author Biography thing.

So, to the people who have the book, thank you very much for not posting spoilers. Now, it’s not going to be easy over the next two weeks, because curiosity is a powerful thing, and some people on this Blog, and Facebook, and the Forums, and all over, will be begging you for JUST ONE LITTLE SPOILER- but you must resist. Giving one person a spoiler could spoil it for EVERYONE- so I’m asking you once again to stay strong, no matter how much they plead or cajole or threaten... 


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lego said...

*hugs venice and gives her a giant cut out of naill*

Venice Rain said...

@Kal, Octa - just FYI, Dragona is BANNED from Mr Niall and my Manor house.

((and, if we ever get married, the wedding))

not that you would have any intrest in this...


Ann Marie said...

What's not to love about a demented porcupine...

But she does like Caelan, which honestly I don't get, either. Though he doesn't irritate me as much as Fletcher does.

Octa said...


Aquila Felis said...

*blinks at Legolas*

... you cut something out of him? 0o

*slowly backs away*

*throws a cookie over to Venice, after making sure she's out of Legolas reach*

Octa said...

I thought that you and Niall were in a state of betrothment for perpetuity?

Aquila Felis said...

*blinks at Venice*
Huh? Dragona's banned?
What did he do?

lego said...

naw...I just dropped him into a scanner.

Venice Rain said...

@Octa - I saw a commbine harvester today...

*cant decide wether to hug him or beat him up*
*notices Kal*


*hugs Kals shins*


*while eating cookie*

Aquila Felis said...

Oh... good. ^^

Octa said...

*looks at Venice eating her cookie AND getting attention*


Darkane Claw said...

that's going to be the next drawing I attempt. It's going to be really HARD!

Venice Rain said...

@Octa - ((XD - so do we allllll))


Octa said...


Farewell all.

Tis time that I depart.

Without Hermione Granger or the rocketship.


Darkane Claw said...

I WANT HERMIONE GRANGER!!!! and a rocket ship..... *surprised look*

Darkane Claw said...

Night Octa!

lego said...

bye octa! *hugs*

Venice Rain said...

Dark - its not hard, its a challange. you'll do well. remember, look at the pic more than the page.


Darkane Claw said...

Thanks for the advice Venice! *hugs*

Ann Marie said...

*hugs Octa* Goodnight!

You guys post too fast for me. *crycry*

Octa said...


How come I don't get to be betrothed to Niall?

I knew him before you did!


Good Night!!!!

Aquila Felis said...

Night Octa!

lego said...

I had a total crush on Hermione until she got the makeover for the yule ball. It's weird, but I always like people a lot less once they have a makeover/get prettier.

*continues to hug venice*

Octa said...

I was only quoting AVPM Kal!

Now I really need to leave!!


Venice Rain said...

@Octa - because hes MINE!
Farewell for the night!

*sniff* Stiff upper lip ladies.

lego said...

awww...*hugs kallista too*

Ann Marie said...

I never really crushed on any HP characters. Was gutted when Sirius... anyone here not read it? NM.

Mar-Chu said...

*runs up from the basement, screaming about big hairy spiders the size of your fist*

Darkane Claw said...

Hey Mar!

Ann Marie said...

*paints giant picture of Octa on a cardboard cutout, stands it up in the corner of Kallista's room*

lego said...

I think i crushed so much on her because it was the first books I really got into. Obviously, I read before hp, but not in that obsessive, stay up until midnight way.

Ann Marie said...

Hi Mar! I want to see! Where's the spider?

Venice Rain said...

2 things -



my life its too beautiful. I need to find this fil and watch it again.

Ann Marie said...

Considering I was into my 30s already when I first read HP, crushing on 11yo Hermione would have been a bit... ew.

First book crush I can remember was on Joe Hardy. So, so many years ago... sigh.

Venice Rain said...

@ann - I utterly agree. ;)

Darkane Claw said...

And finding out what a true hufflepuff is anyway.

Ann Marie said...

Aw. :-( I thought it would cheer you up...

Oh oh oh! *raises hand* I'm a hufflepuff!

lego said...

@ Venice- anastasia is my favorite kids movie, like ever.

@ Ann- I give myself I ridiculous amount of leeway with ew-ness in book crushes. Which is good, since very few of them have ever been on someone my age.

Min (Thalia) said...

I'd like to say that I'm here, but instead I'm watching AVPM :D I'll try not to be too distant, though.

Min (Thalia) said...

But I might disappear randomly because of my internet. You have been warned.

lego said...

hi thalia! *hugs*

Darkane Claw said...

And don't suggest a giant slide, or a trampoline.... because we've already tried those. LOL!!!!!! ROTFL!

Ann Marie said...

Lego, at your age, it's hard to crush on someone young enough to trigger that "ew!" reaction.

I can't see judging fictional crushes anyway, though. It wasn't ew, that's wrong! so much as ew, I don't find 11 attractive that way.

Venice Rain said...

I had a bit of a crush on the twins...

@Lego - I forgot it!! someone posted a link on DA, and its just made so much about my stories make sense... i love ballgowns. my orginal, non ff story is about a Russian girl who get lost and seperated from her family, and is the last of the Romanovs... admittedly, thats about where the similarities end, her mother and uncle are both bat-shit insane. well, sort of...
her dads a bit odd too...
but she grows up in a circus!

Ann Marie said...

At 14 I could still find 11 attractive. When I was 11, I didn't look at my classmates and boggle at how young they looked - they looked normal. Perceptions change!

lego said...

I meant the other way around, like crushing on a 50-70 year old. Actually, my "celebrity" (read: author/npr hosts) are old too.
I've got to go to dinner! bye! *hugs*

Ann Marie said...

Oh, older is always ok. XD

((((Kallista)))) It's ok. That was no substitute for the real Octa, I know.

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Darkane!

Hi Kallista!

Hi Ann!

Hi/Bye Legolas!


Venice Rain said...


ann mummy, you might like it too, youtube 'a very potter musical act 1 part 1'

awwwwwww, now two people are mad at me...

Ann Marie said...

Bye Lego! Hi Thalia!

Darkane Claw said...


I really like this song! VIOLINS RULE!

Ann Marie said...

I keep meaning to watch that... I have no flash now, so I can't. :-P

Venice Rain said...

@kal; ahhhhhhhhhhhh, of course, 'good freinds' *taps nose* *wink wink nudge nudge*

you realise that on here, Niall is my uncle? Incesy means NOTHING on here :P

plus who are the other couples? someone said that nearly all the boys are paired off?

Darkane Claw said...

BUT KALLISTA! You are happily married to Dragona are you not?

Min (Thalia) said...

Okay, I'm fully here now. But I will still be a bit slow because it hurts to look at the computer for too long.

Venice Rain said...



Ann Marie said...

mrgle. Wish I could go back to bed.

Darkane Claw said...

*backs away reading an article on David Tennant*

Venice Rain said...

Flo is my sisters name *suspicious look*

@kal - dragona, adorable ROFL

Ann Marie said...

*falls asleep on Thalia's keyboard*

Min (Thalia) said...

*pokes Ann*

Oi. That can't be very comfortable.

*hugs Kallista*

Yeah, I'm fine. I was sick for a few days while I was away, so it's probably just some aftershocks of that. But it's alright, I get sick a lot.

Ann Marie said...


*stretches and rolls over*

*falls off keyboard*

*curls up under Thalia's desk*

Min (Thalia) said...

Ann, I am not sitting at a desk. I'm sitting at a coffee table that I call "The Book Table" because of the insane number of books I've piled on it :D

Ann Marie said...

*snores little heart-shaped zs for Kallista*

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Darkane Claw said...

Is every boy on here paired off?

Venice Rain said...

@Kal - ok, thats why I love you *shifty look* meh, they're not here *squeezy hug*


*pokes Ann* Mummy?

Aquila Felis said...

Not that I'd know of, Darkane.

Aquila Felis said...

There are still left:

Ann Marie said...

Uh, Dragona is, Octa is more than paired off, Niall is, Gepard? I think is. Krane I haven't seen in ages but I think isn't. Pyro I think isn't. Alex I have no idea.

There have been more boys - who am I missing?

Aquila Felis said...

... someone contradict me if I'm wrong.

Ann Marie said...

Ooh, missed Sarthacus and Dan! I don't think I've ever met Thor or Ghost.

Venice Rain said...

gep used to be with lilith, they broke up...

really Ann, Dragona and Niall are paired off? I NEVER KNEW. (mean Ven! XD)

whats more than paired off?

okay, someone just said that in passing.

Ann Marie said...

Mummy's here, Venice. *hugs*

But she's leaving. This being awake thing is not working for me today. Going to milk goats and feed ponies and go back to bed.

*hugs everyone* Bye! I might be on tonight, if my head stops trying to crack open. ow.

Darkane Claw said...

Bye Ann!

And Kallista. You're really nice on here! You always make me laugh and fell happy. I have never seen you acted badly!

Min (Thalia) said...

Bye Ann!


Kallista - I will always be here for you, as long as you want me to be. You're one of the best people I know.


Venice Rain said...


Kal - I wish I could hug you IRL. and I hate hugs IRL.

sorry, internet smashed out :P

Tori said...

hi everybody :D

i'm sad, school starts on wednesday

Min (Thalia) said...

I'm gonna head off now. Internet is so wonky :P

Bye all!

*hugs everyone*

*dashes off*

Tori said...

bye thalia.......even though i just got on

Darkane Claw said...

Bye Thalia!

Darkane Claw said...

Do Hellboy and Alex come on a lot? I haven't seen them in months!

Tori said...

you have not been commenting on my blogs
even though i stopped putting up pictures for the time being doesn't mean you shouldn't comment

Tori said...

hi darkane claw, i don't think we've met

lego said...

back. And at the risk of sounding over-dramatic, I would just like to announce that my extended family is fricking annoying. Apparently, they are not able to have a single meal without the conversation revolving dieting, their weight, my weight, or what I'm eating. It seriously makes me want to scream. *sighs*

@kallista- :( *hugs forever* and I, along with everyone on here, will always love you, and be here for you.

@ venice- I can't tell if you need a hug, so I'll give you one anyways. I've been in a huggy mood as of late. *hugs*

lego said...

bye ann! bye thalia! *hugs*
Hi tori!

Darkane Claw said...

Hey Tori. I think I remember your pic but anywho... * extends hand in greeting* Nice to meet you!

Darkane Claw said...

Sorry if I'm on and off. I'm trying to be quiet because everyone is in bed and I'm meant to be asleep!

Tori said...

nice to meet you too darkane

and legolas3, i don't think we've met either, but your name reminds me hoow i finally finished watching the lord of the rings movies that my aunt forced me to watch :P

lego said...

:) I've never actually seen them (or read the books). But my friends started calling me legolas when I pretended to be a boy to confuse the waiters at a fancy restaurant (long story), so I kept it. And you can call me lego if you want, but whatevers.

Tori said...

i vaguely remember watching one of them when i was 7, and then when i saw them i was like "this is not what i remember, what was i watching before?"

Darkane Claw said...

I love the lord of the rings! I've watched all the movies at least 4 times and I've just finished reading the 1st book.

Darkane Claw said...

Do Hellboy and Alex come on a lot? I haven't seen them in months!

Tori said...

my only cousins that i see frequently are 4 and 2
and i usually only see one at a time so they're not that bad
they're barely bad when they're together, just hyper

Tori said...

Kallista, i will keep reminding you, don't you worry about that

lego said...

:) all my cousins are elsewhere though, just my grandparents this time. Though this means that my uncle won't be here, so I suppose I should be grateful for small mercies. I'm just incredibly sensitive to that kind of thing, so it kind of drives me up the wall.

Darkane Claw said...

Sorry guys. I have to go now. I must sleep. Night All! I hope to see you tomorrow

Tori said...

bye darkane

Tori said...

too late kallista, darkane already left

Blood Butterflies said...

GUYSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for leaving so suddenly yesterday. I hate my dad so much.

Blood Butterflies said...

Oh, man, I have to go again. Will be back about at most after half an hour.

Blood Butterflies said...


Blood Butterflies said...


Aquila Felis said...

Hi BB!

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi all!!!¡¡¡!!!

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Pyro!

How are you?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Aquila!!!¡¡¡!!!

I'm great thanks, and how are you?

Aquila Felis said...

I'm fine, too. ^^

Guess you can't come on chat, either, huh?
There are a few others... although they're quiet. ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


I'm super happy at the moment, today my parents dragged Octa and I on a shopping trip and I managed to get an awesome brown, leather coat!

It's really cool!!!

I might post a picture of it on a blog somewhere.

I think that it's gone to my head a little too…

Aquila Felis said...


Brown leather? Sounds nice. ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


If only I had my own laptop.

Or iPods had flash.

Aquila Felis said...

A netbook works fine, too...
And they are cheaper than laptops. That's why I have one. ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

I think my O.C would be cool in the jacket.


lego said...

hi pyro! *hugs*
Yay for jackets! I have to go clothing shopping soon and I'm really dreading it. Malls make me a little bit loopy, and perfume samples make me want to puke.

Aquila Felis said...


As long as the jacket doesn't mind being close to your somewhat fiery hair... ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


I must ask my parents for a netbook,

Although they'll probably say no…

Aquila Felis said...

Oh, just say they are great to write on.
And that you could take it outside, so even being on the computer you wouldn't be inside the house all the time.

Basically, make it look like something good parents would decide to buy their child. ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Legolas!!!¡¡¡!!!

@Aquila, I'll probably have it line with tinfoil.

Aquila Felis said...

kk. ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

That is a marvellous idea Aquila!!!

Aquila Felis said...

I know. :P

Blood Butterflies said...

HI GUYS! I had to run to the library for a bit. BUT I'M BACK.

Venice Rain said...

@Aquila, Pyro - netbooks are HELL to type on. but some people are ok with them...
you can get a cheap laptop so long as you focus on battery life, rather than the processor power or memory.

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi BB and Venice!!!¡¡¡!!!

lego said...

I tried to get my own laptop that way, but my dad just bought me a manual typewriter at an antiques store. Which doesn't even type anymore, because I don't have any ribbons.

Venice Rain said...


why do i never say hello? awfully bad form.

Good evening my dears.

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Butterflies!

Venice, mine is just fine to type on, actually.
Xept for the enter key, maybe.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hiya, Aquila! :]

Hullo, Legolas! :)

Greetings dearest brother, Pyro! :3

How are you folks doing?

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Skyril!

Fine, and a sister of Kal. You? ^^

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hello, Butterflies!

Howdy, Venice!

Blood Butterflies said...

*glomps everyone*

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Hi Skyril!!!¡¡¡!!!


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I'm pretty good, Aquila!
Thanks for asking!

Blood Butterflies said...


lego said...

hi venice! *hugs*

Blood Butterflies said...

Okay. How is everyone?

Venice Rain said...

@Aquila - ok, again, IGNORE ME. I have problems with them though...


@lego, I scrolled up and read. Do you feel happy eith your weight? cuz thats what matters, how YOU feel. Ego is a virtue!

lego said...

hi skyril!

guys, I have to go be social with my family and watch awful tv with them. I'll be back in an hour or so. sorry. Bye!

Blood Butterflies said...

okay, bye lego!!!!

Aquila Felis said...

@Venice: It's just not like me to ignore someone... ^^

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Bye Legolas!!!¡¡¡!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Aw, farewell, Lego!
~waves madly~

Venice Rain said...

@Aquila - I know, you're too sweet!


Aquila Felis said...

Bye Legolas!

Venice Rain said...

I just saw a mouse...

What shall we name it?

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

vote Alexander the great!

Aquila Felis said...

Q is a great name for a mouse. ^^

Good for the mouse that I'm not hungry...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

*I vote Alexander the Great

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...

Name it Timothy Tyler Tankengine!!!

(That's what my friend once called a mouse)

Venice Rain said...

Alexander Timothy Tyler Tanengine Q the Great it is!

or ATTTQG for short! (pronounced 'atug' because I say so)

Aquila Felis said...

Cool name!

Now we should make sure it doesn't just run away...

Pyro-Dawn Tyromant said...


Venice Rain said...


Venice Rain said...

@Aquila - its wild, but I see it most nights!

Aquila Felis said...

Cool. ^^

Venice Rain said...

Kal! I was just writing about you... sort of...
I did a burb that smelt like posh lemonade earlier!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Venice Rain said...

word just grammatically corrected me... AND IT MADE IT BETTER.
That is actually a first.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

LOL, Venice! :P
~awards it with a cupcake~

Venice Rain said...

you live on Pyros head? ][this comment had been deleted due to controversy][


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

That's awesome, Venice!
~admires the dress~

Venice Rain said...

@Kal - XD
@Sky - check out the entire archive, TIS AMAZING.
I want to draw so many... I actually have the odd bit off fic inspired purely by one of those dresses

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Wow! Most of those dresses are BEAUTIFUL! :D

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

This one's my favorite

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

On that page, anyway :P

Venice Rain said...

Kal - i saw this and thought of you!? http://www.brigidashwood.com/picture/bird-ascension-final.jpg?pictureId=5309750&asGalleryImage=true

Sky - I love! I prefer edwardian though :P

lego said...

yay! Forced social time has been cut off early! *does happy dance*

@ venice- meh, not really. I mean, I realize that I have shitty body image stuff, but still. Mostly I avoid thinking about it at all to prevent extreme self-hating/depression which works pretty well. And my extended family point it out not because of my weight/what I look like but because I am the available teenage girl, and people love (at least in my experience) making teenage girls feel like crap about themselves. Anyways, no one really needed to know that, but you asked, so...

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I like this one on page 2!
It's prettyyyyy :]

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Dude, that pic is EXACTLY like Kal in Kingfisher form! :o

Venice Rain said...

nom nom!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I like the top part of this one a lot, but I think I'd change the bottom a bit if I could


Venice Rain said...

@lego - good? idk, I don't very well do this kind of thing...

Venice Rain said...


lego said...

we're talking about fancy dresses now? yay!

Blood Butterflies said...

STUPID CLASSES. I'll be on and off.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Congratulations, Lego!
~awards with a lollipop~

lego said...

and venice, if you don't mind, could we not talk about what I just said? Cuz if I do, I'm probably going to think about it for the rest of the night/tomorrow and I really don't want to be depressed on here...

Blood Butterflies said...

Congrats lego :] *gives purple sideburns*

lego said...

woo hoo! first! crap...now I need to think of a dedication.

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Nice, Legolas! Pretty dress!

Oooo I LOVE this one!


Venice Rain said...

@Lego - fine by me luv.


and Atug the mouse, who I just saw again

Blood Butterflies said...

*runs around giving everybody purple sideburns* Did Derek come onlne when I was gone?

Venice Rain said...

@sky - thats one of my faves!!

now stop distacting me! ALL OF YOU.

Venice Rain said...

@bb - its 2am here. no, he didn't :P

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

It won't let me zoom in on the front of this dress, but I think it's my favorite! It's so elegant and gorgeous!


Aquila Felis said...


*changes to cat*

*behaves as cute and distracting as possible*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

lol sorry, Ven :P

lego said...

@ skyril- that's awesome. It looks like angel wings. :)

Blood Butterflies said...

REG, lol AQUILA. *cuddles cat*

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

I know! It's amazing!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...


Aquila Felis said...

*is cuddled*

Blood Butterflies said...

kk skyrillllllll.

Blood Butterflies said...

*puts Aquila cat on head*
*feels the furry love*

Blood Butterflies said...

WOW KAL. waddya guys talking about?

Aquila Felis said...

*cat looks around*
*meows a goodnight*
*walks out to go to sleep*

Blood Butterflies said...

aw, bye Aquilaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps*

Blood Butterflies said...

hmmmmmmm *looks for a suitable prom dress*

haha jkjk. I'm just so lame at times.

Blood Butterflies said...



lego said...

okay, I dedicate this page to the following people:
* Kallista for being there and giving me lots of hugs.
* Venice for just generally being awesome and understanding and because she wants a dedication.
* Naill because he left and I miss him.
* Ann Marie for being generally wonderful.
* everyone who was being obscenely nice to me before.
* hugs, although they are not a person, but they are the best thing ever invented.

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