Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ahh, Edinburgh...

Wow… yesterday was a long day.

It’s been a long week, actually. Aside from normal things like writing, I’m also busy with other stuff that nobody else is interested in but me- planning out a new kitchen, planning on having the floorboards put down in the living room... God, it’s all so domesticated. Isn’t the moment when you put in a new kitchen the moment you finally grow up and become an adult? It’s all so tediously dull and boring that there really is no other excuse for it.

Still, at least I have people like YOU to keep me young.


So, yesterday. Monday. I got up at five. It wasn’t that bad, getting up at five. I was brushing my teeth and it was just getting bright outside and I was thinking to myself, “This getting up at five lark, it’s really not so bad as I’d thought.” I was halfway down the stairs when I fell asleep. Not sure how I fed the dogs or the cats, but the next thing I knew I was in my car. Time sure flies when you’re sleeping.

My flight was at 6:50, and I got into Glasgow at a little before 8, where I was whisked off to the Harper Collins building and told to sign 2300 brand new copies of Death Bringer. I took a moment to look at the book- it was the first time I’d seen it- and make sure the dedication and the blurb was right. Oh it’s a nice book. Oh it’s a BIG book. 603 hardback pages, compared to Mortal Coil’s 572. AND the print is slightly smaller, so we’ve crammed more words onto each page, so in reality Death Bringer is... er... well, a lot more than 31 pages longer.

So I signed the books in record-breaking time- thanks to the six or seven people around me who unpacked the books, opened the books, slid them to me to sign, slid them away, stacked them, packed them up again, and hauled them back to the warehouse- all in one continuous motion. It’s quite something, seeing something like that. And they always ask me if I’m doing okay, if my arm is sore, if I need a break- but the fact is, I’m the only one sitting down, so I’m quite rested while they’re all running around frantically. Oh it’s good to be the writer.

Once that was done, Sam and I (Sam being my publicist extraordinaire) got in a car for the hour-long drive to Edinburgh. We got there at twelve, had lunch, strolled over to the Festival.

I love the Edinburgh Book Festival. It’s so PACKED full of things and events and writers and all these people, all of these people of different ages and backgrounds and styles who come here just because they love books. The staff are so cool, real chatty and approachable, and the whole thing has a wonderful air of friendliness to it.

We went into the Author’s Tent- which is a fabulous marquee of hidden delights and forbidden pleasures- where I met Skulduggery artist Mister Tom Percival, who was over to do his own event. Tom is, as you know, the writer/illustrator behind Tobias and the Super Spooky Ghost Book and the upcoming A Home for Mr Tipps (both amazing picture books for a little brother or sister, if you have them. Or, you know, even if you don't. They're still AWESOME).

I also met up with Charlie Fletcher, author of the Stoneheart trilogy. I’d been on stage with Charlie a few years ago, when the first Skulduggery books was released, so it was nice to catch up. We know some of the same people, and we were talking movie rights and options until we were pushed onstage, where Charlie introduced me to the five hundred or so people packed into the tent.

It was a good event. Every event at a festival tends to be a good event, but this was especially good. The hour passed before I knew it, and then I was signing. Most writers for young people are taken to the Children’s Signing Tent, apparently, but because of the massive amount of people that turned up, I was taken to the MAIN Signing Tent, and signed for three and a quarter hours. In that time, I was given pictures (thank you all!), a story (thank you Zoe!), and seven- yes, SEVEN- hugs. I also met a few people who either read or comment on (or both) this Blog- Mhairi, NJ Maverick, Sarthacus and... and... argh... Doggy Bone Girl Person... (fine, that is not her ACTUAL name, but it’s close... kind of...)

By the end, I had to seriously speed up, because I had a flight to catch, but I managed to see everyone, chat to everyone, and sign all their books. Some of these people were waiting for over three hours, for God’s sake- I couldn’t just LEAVE them there. (Besides, they looked dangerous.)

When I got to the airport, though, I was told my flight had been delayed for an hour and half, which meant I could have stayed and had a long chat with EVERYONE. Curses!


I got home at eleven. My dogs were still alive (the cats hadn’t eaten them). I was tired. Oh boy was I tired. But I glanced at this Blog, and the Facebook page, and at our friends over at Skulduggery Forums, just to make sure that no one was posting spoilers. And of course, no one was.

But reading over the Facebook comments, it made me grin when I saw the gradual change in people who weren’t able to make it to Edinburgh. Before the Festival, everyone was saying “Don’t post spoilers! If you post spoilers I will kill you!”

But once there were actually people out there who were reading the book, some of the comments changed slightly... “Ok, ok, could you post ONE spoiler? Just one little spoiler, that’s all I ask... Nothing big, nothing major, just one teensy weensy spoiler, just to satisfy me until I can get the book myself...”

Thankfully, all that appears to be happening is that people are showing the back cover, and the blurb on the back. They’re not even giving away the dedication, or the Author Biography thing.

So, to the people who have the book, thank you very much for not posting spoilers. Now, it’s not going to be easy over the next two weeks, because curiosity is a powerful thing, and some people on this Blog, and Facebook, and the Forums, and all over, will be begging you for JUST ONE LITTLE SPOILER- but you must resist. Giving one person a spoiler could spoil it for EVERYONE- so I’m asking you once again to stay strong, no matter how much they plead or cajole or threaten... 


«Oldest   ‹Older   3601 – 3800 of 4544   Newer›   Newest»
Ann Marie said...

Aw. :-(

*shares giant bottle of motrin with Kal*

*and some coffee to wash it down with*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

oh... oops, missed the ill part ann, sorry... i got to the name and was suddenly commenting :S

Ann Marie said...

HI Lilith! It's ok.

Niall, not so much the biology geek, are you?

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

*hugs Momma's head*

Aquila Felis said...

Ha, now I got you AND Octa. *grins*

Octa was wondering about there being arrows in only three of four directions ^^ << >> and I told him he should try vv... ^^
And now I found a mistake you made!
*grins proudly*
*feels clever*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

sorry niall but, wtf? :P

Lilith Nightshade... said...

lol aquila! :D

Lilith Nightshade... said...

< > awesome! :D

Octa said...

Sorry for vanishing. I was dragged away to shul and then to write a review on trip advisor!

ANN! It's been like forever!



Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Ann, not really.
Biology freaks me out a little. I can't look at the pictures in textbooks without feeling sick.
I am AL OVER physics and chemistry, though.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


Aquila Felis said...

Hi Octa!

Ann Marie said...

Biology is SO COOL, though. Er.

My dad's into physics, my mom likes chemistry. They have arguments over which is better/more important/more useful. XD

Octa said...


*beams proudly*



*realises probably no one knows what asetamine is*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

OOOOOH! right! uhh... so... niall is... and ann... :S im oddly freaked out by this...

Lilith Nightshade... said...


Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


lego said...

Moral of the day: you should never believe me when I say I'm leaving. Although I'll have to leave in 15mins, y'all are more interesting and less depressing than staring at cows and abandoned bars and steakhouses.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

AWESOME! :D FIRST COMMENT! :D... hmm... who is it gonna be dedicated to?...

Aquila Felis said...

I dropped physics.
But I like Biology and Chemistry! ^^

Ann Marie said...

Hi Octa! I want very badly to change the s in asetamine to a c.

Lilith Nightshade... said...

hmm... i dedicate this page tooooooooooo... myself! XD

nah... uhh... i dedicate this page to... my best friend's little toe! :D

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

And the n to a d

lego said...

All that I've had is introduction to earth science and chemistry. Worst class ever. All my teacher talked about was fishing and how bad we were at science. And then he made us do bookwork for the rest of class. :(

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

NM, actually, Ii'm thinking of acetamide.

Rachel McCoach said...

:) heya guys!

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Rachel!

Would you mind to change your pic back, today?

Ann Marie said...

Which is a word you're familiar with. Asetamine, not so much.

Wow, Lego. School sucks. :-P

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


Lilith Nightshade... said...


Darkane Claw said...

Hey poeple

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

We actually haven't covered chromosomes in class yet.
Institutionalised edumacation sucks.

Darkane Claw said...


Rachel McCoach said...

:) thanks Lil... though dont know wether to keep this or the newer one...

Acetamide! i kinda know what that is...maybe... is it do to with Acetic acid? like vinigar...

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Hey Darkane!

Ann Marie said...

Hi Darkane!

Aquila Felis said...

It LOOKS like education, but it isn't?
*takes dictionary to look for that word*

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Aquila, that's just me. =P
It's like the way I call Enniskillen Enemaskillen.

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Darkane!

Sorry, couldn't resist... :P

Min (Thalia) said...

To anyone who was on when I was earlier - Sorry I disappeared, my internet keeps going haywire. Which is why I'm just posting this and then going.

Octa said...



Darkane Claw said...

Hey Octa.

Octa said...

Hibye Thalia!

Ann Marie said...

*curls up on floor and sips coffee quietly*

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

NP Thalia and Octa.

Darkane Claw said...

Just out of curiosity is anyone here a fan of the Kate Daniels books?

Rachel McCoach said...

:) heya Octa!!

bleh...soz, i got distracted there :) happens so easily...

Octa said...

Oh! And I brought a new book today!

Aftershock by Mark Walden. Book 7 in the H.I.V.E series.

Octa said...

Kate Daniels? Never heard of them. Or maybe I have but I've never heard of the author.

Darkane Claw said...

The author is Ilona Andrews. THEY ARE AMAZING! I just finished the latest book on the series.

Octa said...

Oh. I shall look them up.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Octa, 7?
I missed a few.

Rachel McCoach said...

:) g2g for tea...should be back quick. But adios for the now!!

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Rachel!

Octa said...


I shall try and rememember all the titles.

1. H.I.V.E.

2. The Overlord Protocol

3. Escape Velocity

4. Dreadnaught

5. Rouge

6. Zero Hour

7. Aftershock

Darkane Claw said...

Bye Rachel

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


Octa said...

Bye Rachel!

Aww. That's a shame Ocean. I never meant to be unwelcoming!

Aquila Felis said...

*pokes Ocean*
No need to leave, really. ^^

Ann Marie said...

*needs more time to read*

*could probably get it by spending less time online*

Hi Ocean! I think Derek is keeping a closer-than-usual eye on us right now to make sure nobody posts spoilers, so he probably will read your comment. :-) Less certain that he'll have the time and energy to reply. Think you guys wore him out the other day and he's probably still recovering. :-P

Wonder if he really went out with Shadow's sister? Not that I'm jealous. Just curious... yeah.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Ocean, you don't have to go if you don't want to.

@Octa, I only have the first 4.
The first one was the best.

Octa said...

About that. I haven't yet sulked about missing chatting to Derek.

I will do at some point.

Just saying.

Octa said...

Oooh. The 2 and 3 were indeed not as good as the first.

5 and 6 are quite good though.

7 I haven't read enough of.

4 I really can't remember so I guess that 1 is indeed the best!

Ann Marie said...

Oh, frak. Somehow missed Rachel and now she's gone. :-(

Octa said...

Note: The the isn't there! ^^

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I just kind of dropped out of YA in the wake of Twilight's taking over the shelves.
I mostly read more obscure YA stuff and adult novels now. =\

Darkane Claw said...

o.O I need to for a bit I'll be back soon, hopefully.

Ann Marie said...

*hugs Octa*

Octa said...

Ah. I never did read Twilight. I still adore YA though. I just never find the time to read as much as I used to. So I'm rather behind.

On another note I still adore books meant for 8 year olds.

That's what exactly, RYA? :P

Octa said...

Bye Darkane!

Octa said...

Dratnation and botheration and consternation and other words ending in ation!

Tis time for supper.

Be back shortly.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Octa, I still love YA, but I don't pay much attention in bookstore, because of all the Twilight clones.
Winnie-the-Pooh forever.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Octa!

Dragona Pine said...

I have to go now. Night!

Aquila Felis said...

... you lot miss out on Karl May, you know that?
I really like Winnetou... ^^

Darkane Claw said...

Does anyone know what a 30cm set square looks like?

Darkane Claw said...

Night Dragona.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Bye Dragona.
I really must find an English translation of this guy's work...

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Darkane, I know what a set square looks like, why do you ask?

Aquila Felis said...

Darkane, a square that is about a third of a meter long?

Night Dragona!

Octa said...

I be back!

Darkane Claw said...

I ask because on my art supply list for school it says I need one and I'm wondering if it's different to the maths set square.

Octa said...

Night Dragona!

Darkane Claw said...

WB Octa.

Aquila Felis said...

He was a really good writer.
K, his books are a bit old...
.. but considering he never really travelled to where he's writing about, he's incredibly convincing.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

WB Octa!
Darkane, just Google it. Google is your friend.

Aquila Felis said...

Walther Moers is also a really good writer. Really different from Karl May, though. Karl May's stories are kinda realistic. Walther Moers just writes really good fantasy. ^^
And Walther Moers has been translated...
Besides, reading all of Karl May's books should proof close to impossible... this guy wrote A LOT.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

For anyone who cares, (I.e. Nobody), here's what I'm reading ATM.

A Game Of Thrones
Andromeda Klein
Corsets and Clockwork

They're all very good.

Rachel McCoach said...

*sigh* Sunday nights are aweful...especially now that school has restarted :P

needless to say, i have returned :)

Darkane Claw said...

I'm freaking out. SCHOOL ON THURSDAY!

Octa said...

Hey Rachel!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


Rachel McCoach said...

hehe! love the new irn bru ad...

"slap on the factor 50! you dont want to end up the colour o these two numpties!"

*points to the orange people*

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Rachel!

For me, school'll start in two weeks.
Hello last year of school...

... I definitely need to start thinking of what to do after school...

Octa said...

My school starts on Monday 5th September :P

Rachel McCoach said...

i got 2 more years o school... though this year'll be relatively short- got work experience soon then study leave for 2 months while the exams are on :)

sadly thats when iv GOT my final exams... am dreadin music :P

Darkane Claw said...

I have 4 more years of school! HOW SHALL I SURVIVE?

Darkane Claw said...

Can anyone suggest a present for an awesome nerdfighter?

Rachel McCoach said...

well TECHNICALLY i could leave in a few months... but i want higher grades :)

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

School starts on the fourth for moi.

Rachel McCoach said...

a Nerf Gun!! :) i buy em for everyone b-days... that of an SP book :P

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

@Xarkane, have they read John's books?

Darkane Claw said...

@Niall all of them

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Do they have Hank's CDs?

Darkane Claw said...

No they do not but I don't think you can get them anywhere but off DFTBA records and I don't have time to order and for them to be delivered.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

ALL of them?
Even Geektastic?
Buy them Geektastic.

Darkane Claw said...

Did John write something in that?

Rachel McCoach said...

*sigh* g2g... got HW to do ALREADY!!

*grumbles into distance*

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Never mind. No delivery = no short story collection.
Hmmm... What else do they like?

Darkane Claw said...

I just got super happy. I was flipping through my school report and saw that I got 95% in science. I though I had only gotten 90% *happy dance*

Darkane Claw said...

They like shakespeare and writing books and paramore and music and writing songs on the piano and lyrics for said songs.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Yes, John wrote a story for it.
It's one of my favourite books ever. =P

Darkane Claw said...

I really want it! I've asked for it for my birthday.

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Rachel!

Darkane Claw said...

Bye Rachel

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

*brain asplodes*
Buy them a Neil Gaiman book. Problem solved.

Aquila Felis said...

... I'd love to help, but all I can contribute is:
"Give as a gift what you'd like to have yourself."

Simple rule, but it works.
Sometimes a bit too good, though...

Octa said...

Bye Rachel!

Internet is taunting me today.

Darkane Claw said...

*gives Octa's internet a cookie*

Ann Marie said...

I spilled my coffee and fell asleep in the puddle.

Aquila Felis said...

... well, I like sleeping in warm places, too...

*gives Ann a towel and a tissue*

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

I have to leave now. I probably won't be on again before I leave for spain, so...


Darkane Claw said...

AW! Bye Niall! Hope you have a good time in spain. *glomps*

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Niall!

And don't get sunburned. :P

Oh, and of course:
Have fun! ^^

Ann Marie said...

Thanks Aquila! *wipes face with tissue*

*folds towel and uses it for a pillow*

Aquila Felis said...

You're welcome, Ann. ^^

Darkane Claw said...

noms on strawberries.

Darkane Claw said...

Does anyone have any suggestions for my next drawing?

Venice Rain said...


hi darkane, Aquila, Ann Marie!

Darkane Claw said...

Hey Venice!

Venice Rain said...

seriously, I missed Niall AND Octa?!?!?!

God, I hope you don't think this is funny *wags finger*

well, at least i may get some more drawing done...

Darkane Claw said...

Hey Sadhbh!

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...


I have a few minutes, tops.

Darkane Claw said...

YAY! WB Niall.

Ann Marie said...

Bye Niall! Don't forget to get your favorite MIL a souvenir! Er, I mean, have fun!

Venice Rain said...

oh, darkane! google 'royal ballet' I love drawing ballet dancers.

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Venice!

And you might have come just in time to see me leave...
I thought about going to sleep, now...


Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Hi Ven!

Aquila Felis said...

Hi again Niall! ^^

Venice Rain said...

YAY NIALL! *glomps* remember, don't talk to spanish girls, they will try to touch you.

or not.

Ann - MIL?

Anonymous said...


Way to pink and stuff...

Not that...like... your not taking offence are you?

You had better not be....:P

Darkane Claw said...

Thanks Venice! Great idea. Might as well keep on the ballet topic,

Anonymous said...

Anyhoooo.... HI EVERYONE!


Anonymous said...




Aquila Felis said...

Hi Sadhbh!

Venice Rain said...

suddenly, people come back on.

anyhoo - Socks, you need to see real ballet. so moving, and so scary.

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Also, if I disappear suddenly, Mr iPod has died.

Aquila Felis said...


*gives Sadhbh earplugs, just in case*

Aquila Felis said...

*pokes Kal*
... did you leave? You were quiet for quite a long time...

Venice Rain said...

Kal, i dont... actually, I'm not suprised :P

oh, everyone, I'm really hyper, soooooooooo... yah. just ignore what I say.

Darkane Claw said...

I used to do ballet. I had to quit this year though because I do too much stuff and I need to study loads this year. And Sadhbh it's not all pink I had a black leotard.

Ann Marie said...

Draw Skulduggery and Valkyrie snuggling. XD

Mother-in-law, Venice!

Venice Rain said...

Ann - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ballet is hard core.

Aquila Felis said...

Ann, he's a skeleton... There are softer things to snuggle with...

Aquila Felis said...

Erm, Kal, I already did notice you.

*points at comment*

Venice Rain said...

@Aquila - like miss Low!

er.... yeah, hyperness takes over my brain control.

Anonymous said...

*smashes earplugs in anger*

Oops.. they could have come in handy..

I had a busy weekend :D Also a fun one. So i wasnt on much...


OK, Yesterday:

Brother had a football match. then went to this festavil, and it was SO fun! :D

THere was this bucking bronco, yok, like, a fake bull, and they control it, and you have to try and stay on.. and... :D I WAS ON FOR AGES :D

OK, so there was all these teenage boys, thinking they were so great, struttung up, getting on and... falling off imeditaly.
Rolling my eyes, I showed them how it was done :P

So, I popped up on it and.. i twas a good... LOOOOOOONNNNNNG bit of craic :P

I loved it! I kept going back and doing it and... twas such craic! And me and me brother were like seeing who could stay on the longest and I won :D

Hmm.. thats sound very ... think yer so greatish.. CANT I HAVE THIS ONE MOMENT OF GLORY?!?!

Aquila Felis said...

Venice... who is miss Low?

Anonymous said...

HI Kal!

Ann Marie said...

... I don't understand your point, Aquila. She wanted drawing suggestions, so I gave her one I'd like to see.

Maybe for you she can draw Valkyrie snuggling a pillow pet. XD

Venice Rain said...

@Aquila - Tanith Low. she is probably the softest to snuggle against.

Just ask *evil cackle*

kal - why are you eating it then?


Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

Lols at funny place names:



Big Bone Lick, Kentucky
Knob Lick, Kentucky
Climax, North Carolina
Cumming, Georgia
Wankers Corners, Oregon
Beaver Lick, Kentucky

*walks off stage to raucous applause*


Those are all genuine.

Aquila Felis said...

Now that would be something nice and soft... ^^

My point was only that I couldn't really imagine it. Meant nothing else, really. ^^

Kal, I just wondered where you went... you never said bye, as far as I remember...

Sadhbh: I bet those boys weren't too happy... ^^
And of course you can have this moment of glory. :P
*gives her a cookie*

Ann Marie said...

*laughs* Venice ships Val/Tanith! Whoot!

Venice Rain said...

*covers eyes*



oh Heavens.

kinda trumps the fact I saw a town name Wheatley. that made my day! oh, and a combine harvister and sheep and a very scarily english village

Anonymous said...

OK, so then there were some other things - nothing half as good as that though!


I started the day lazy, and then we went to this fair, you know, tons of animals, tons of craic.. :P

We did tons of stuff!

Looked at the brood mares and foals, held a cute little duckling twice, throw eggs at my brother.. YEAH I MUST TELL YE ABOUT THAT!

OK, so theres this yok.. I dunno some ould championship, but they were qualifing for it, but then they let the kids, and some adults and teenagers go mad, witht he eggs.. MWAHAHAHA!

We had to throw an egg to each other.. Im not sure was I throwing it at him, or to him...XP

And then, it splattered.. on him in the first go like!

So, we snuck back for another, though you were onlyh allowed one go but sure...XD

and then we did deadly! Well.. not really but eh.. I dropped it, and so did he, tons of times.. but it didnt break for a good while, till we went really far apart and i threw it and it hit the fence...XP

Ann Marie said...

Niall - notice most of those are from the US south? What does that imply, I wonder?

Niall, the Guy With a Boring Name. said...

And now I really do have to leave.
*hugs, glomps and kisses the backs of the aapropriate hands*

Try not to descend into chaos.

Anonymous said...

*takes cookie* *beams* *proud* :D

And.. THATS NOT ALL! XD Im gonna have ye tortured!

Oh, theres a place in Ireland called kill!

Theres lots of places beginning with kil too... TONS!

Aquila Felis said...

But... chaos is fun...

Bye Niall! ^^

Venice Rain said...

@Ann Mummy *scrolls up* *notices the subtext*

oh. good. god.

*diva flick* *posh voice* Actually I think you'll find that I ship fletchyrie. (for now) I was purely *covers nialls eyes* making a comment on the fact that miss Low would be the softest to snuggle up against due to her... presumably large... appendages. *innocent whistle*

Darkane Claw said...

Bye Niall!

Ann Marie said...

*hugs* Bye Niall! Don't go running with any bulls or anything stupid like that...

Anonymous said...

Bye Niall!

Octa said...

I hath returned!

Venice Rain said...

@Niall - I'll do my best....


Anonymous said...

Hi Octa!

Octa said...

Awww. Bye Niall!

Octa said...




Aquila Felis said...

Hi Octa!

You'll never guess what I'm doing... ^^

Venice Rain said...

oooooooooh, hello Octa!

I was going to ask you something. But now I can't remember.... :/



Darkane Claw said...

Hey Octa! *glomps*

Octa said...

Umm... breathing? Existing?

lego said...

sorry I left again without saying anything. I'm at my grandparent's house now, so the internet should be MUCH more reliable.

@ Ann- I think it's mostly middle school that sucks. My brother says that high school is somewhat better. *crosses fingers*

Bye Niall! *hugs*

Aquila Felis said...

Course I'm doing that, too...

...actually, I'm reading your poems. ^^

Darkane Claw said...

Hey Legolas!

Octa said...


Greetings Lego!

Ann Marie said...

I really don't get why everyone likes Fletcher. I don't get why _anyone_ likes Fletcher.

Octa said...

*sobs onto Kal's shoulder*

My buddy Niall has gone to Spain possibly forever!

*hugs Kal*

What do I do?


lego said...

greetings darkane and octa!

and I refuse to recognize fletcher's existence. The only thing I like about him is his hair.

Anonymous said...

*stares appalled at Ann*

Octa said...

Umm... well Laura doesn't like Fletcher from what I remember.


Venice Rain said...

@Kal - o.O
just hug the lad!

Ann Marie said...

Hi Octa! Hi Lego!

lego said...

KALLISTA! *hugs back*

Naill left for his trip-thingy? pooh.

Octa said...

*starts singing very loudly Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat*

Venice Rain said...

vis a vis flechter - hes just so sweeeeeeetttttttttttttttttt

@Octa - why are you getting all the sypathy *cries in THAT corner*

*but somehow manages to hug lego*

Octa said...


Octa said...


Octa said...

*wide eyes*

Niall has gone to Spain forever???

*wails and hugs Kal*

*looks over at Venice to see how she reacts*


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