Wednesday, April 20, 2011


While I'm not one hundred percent back to normal, I'm certainly getting there. The medication I've been given seems to have scattered my mind a little bit, making it hard to focus- but there are only a few pills left, and once they're gone, my great and glorious mind shall return...

In the meantime, I just want to let you know that at some stage over the next few days, I'll be posting the REAL cover to Skulduggery 6 here on this Blog, and not Tom's sketch that has been doing the rounds on the interweb. Along with that, you'll also be getting the official title, which may or may not be what you're expecting.

At the moment, Tom is finishing up the cover and it's looking- no surprise here- absolutely amazing. You better have a bucket handy, because when the cover is revealed your heads are going to explode and your brains are going to need something to leak into. Which is, I'll freely admit, somewhat gross.


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Silvermoon said...

*watches all of this while wondering if now would be a good time to use her Necromancer powers*

Isabella Midnight said...

*jumps up from sitting space and suddenly..... hugs lilith*




Silvermoon said...

Now you made the vampy-vamp mad!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*lashes out at person hugging*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*hits person away*


Silvermoon said...

Told ya. Should have done that. She might turn you into a vamp.

Isabella Midnight said...

*hugs even tighter*


Anonymous said...

Sorry Lil
Nothing personal!

*cuts of Lil legs and strikes at her head*
Now would be a good time to get salt water Silver if you wanna help!

Silvermoon said...

Okay! *runs to a nearby ocean*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*attacks person cutting her*

Rachel McCoach said...

*floats down and spins around lilith-vamp*

*Floats around, and around and around creating a vortex*

*The vortex sucks away all the oxygen so the vamp cant breathe*

*suddenly stops and floats back up into sky*

Isabella Midnight said...



Silvermoon said...

*comes back with salt water* Do just throw it on her or what? I thought it kills vamps?

Anonymous said...

@kallista - OK good are ypou going to run or help me with vamp Lil?

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*bites at person hugging*

Silvermoon said...

*throws water on vamp*

Anonymous said...

@Silver - when I knock her out (in a second) you pour it down her throut! That will work=D

Isabella Midnight said...



Lilith Nightshade... said...

*bites at person attacking*

Silvermoon said...

Oh, it's good I saved some!

Anonymous said...

*kicks and punches Lil grabs her sword back and swipes at her result=blood*

Silvermoon said...

Lilith turned into a vamp.

Isabella Midnight said...



*goes into liliths personal air buble and hugs*

lilith is a vamp and i did my hibernation and stated hugging her

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*bites at attacker again*


*runs at attacker with hugger dragged along*

Silvermoon said...

Poor vamp.

Rachel McCoach said...

hmm will try this again...

*floats down and spins around lilith-vamp*

*Floats around, and around and around creating a vortex*

*The vortex sucks away all the oxygen so the vamp cant breathe*

*suddenly stops and floats back up into sky*

Isabella Midnight said...

*is being dragged along*


*is not enjoying it*

*hugs even tighter to make her slow down*

Anonymous said...

@Kallista - lilith couldn't find her syringe thing and turned into a vamp Rachel is a cloud so me and Silver (new) are attacking Lil while isabell hugs lilith
Want to help?!

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks up at orange cloud*

*wonders how cloud can move with creature*

Charlie Lamia said...

I thought book 6 was 'Death bringer: Kicking evil very hard in the face' Some idiot said it was called 'The terrible truth' which I doubt due to it's lack of potential as a title. I gotta say this whole baby sister (it is a girl right?) thing seems a bit annoying because she'll be in the way and Val will be expected to baby sit and that's rubbish.

Silvermoon said...

@charlie She can just have her reflection do the babysitting and hope the reflection doesn't turn homicidal.

Rachel McCoach said...

*cause im a MAGIC cloud :)*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*attacks attacker*

Isabella Midnight said...

*hugs even tighter*

my arms r flexing look

*flexs arm*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*leaps on attacker*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*sees jaffas*

*runs off to eat them*

Anonymous said...

Bye everyone
*throws one last punch and knocks out Lilith*
take care!

Rachel McCoach said...

*The orange cloud floats right into the lilith/people tangle*

*EVERYONE in it then disintigrates*

*The cloud is now a huge messy blob*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*falls, unconcious onto jaffas face first*

Isabella Midnight said...

intergrates bk into a human form*

i dont know to go ,go from disintergated so i say intergrates hehehe

Rachel McCoach said...


Kallista- where those jaffas drugged?

*eyes the now unconsious lilith*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

Sadhbh said...
Bye everyone
*throws one last punch and knocks out Lilith*
take care!

Rachel McCoach said...

ah...and the unconsious lilith explains...


damn its so hot...and some IDIOT has put the fire on...*sigh* i miss winter...AND the midges are back...and the wasps...

right guys g2g, tis gettin kinda late to be on here

ttfn guys!


Isabella Midnight said...

*runs out of room to be sick*

not nice

blah blah

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*looks up at new hugger*

*wonders what to do*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*wonders how long it'll be 'til daylight*

*is bored of being monster*

Isabella Midnight said...



*devil eyes at kallista*

Rachel McCoach said...

is that from reforming isabella?
Right deffo off now. NIGHT!

Isabella Midnight said...

8devil eyes again at kallista*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*is VERY bored of being monster*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*wonders if Skulduggery or Dragona will walk in*

*wonders how quick they'll kill her*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

*rolls eyes at everyone*

*runs from room*

*takes jaffas along*

Isabella Midnight said...

*glances at lilith and carries on giving kallista devil eyes*

*slowly sits dwon and brings knees up to chin (without breaking eye contact and devil eyes)


*devil eyes*

Lilith Nightshade... said...

(bye guys! i had to think of some way to leave 'cause i gotta go now! (my dad's getting pissed!) bye! :D)

Isabella Midnight said...

bye lilith

Lilith Nightshade... said...

(P.S. Kallista, Dragona was prepared to kill me earlier! Ask the others why! I gotta go! :D)

Isabella Midnight said...

*loses devil eyes and starts to shake off the flowers*

~ wanders out and comes bk in a LIVERPOOl football top and canterburys in trainers and a football*

Zoe Elizabeth said...

Totally giggling like the little innocent schoolgirl that I am over here. Can't wait to see the new cover... and the new book!

Also, has anyone else ever noticed this?
Here we have the cover of Mortal Coil, which I hope you are all familiar with:
And here we have Justin Bieber in Vanity Fair:
Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

Isabella Midnight said...

who wanna play some footy

(talking like chav for the football game)

Ann Marie said...


*drive-by hugging*

I'm supposed to be leaving. Any word on Nicolette's mum?

Ann Marie said...

bzuh? Not been on at the same time, or she upset?

Ann Marie said...

:-( Well, comments can go by very fast here when a lot of people are on. Maybe she just missed them.

((((Kallista)))) Can't imagine anyone deliberately ignoring you.

Ann Marie said...

Nah, you're fun! And very kind. I mean, want-to-be-just-like-you-when-I-grow-up nice!

Hmm, think I was nicer when I was younger, actually. Don't get old and jaded like me, all right? Getting old is ok, cause the alternative of dying young is not a good one, but not jaded.

Ann Marie said...

*hugs* :-)

I have to go. Have a good evening! Might be back before you get to bed. Or not, who knows.

*tosses purple confetti over Kallista*


Mar-Chu said...

*zooms by screaming like a maniac*

*runs in circle screaming about has found new story online to obsess over*

*zooms away to read it*

Mar-Chu said...

"You're an eleven-year-old kid, living alone, and you don't eat instant food?" he asked, obviously not believing her.

"Not if I can help it," Sakura smiled innocently.

"Huh," he mused, shaking his head.

Mar-Chu said...

She looked over towards Suu again, who was no longer crying or even looking remotely scared. She curled up and pulled her knees to her chest, sighing. Nikaidou looked down at her and also sighed.

"Do you want something to eat?" he suggested. Sakura shook her head, "How about something to read?"

"Are you a kidnapper or a babysitter?" Sakura scoffed.

Mar-Chu said...

"Hey, Sakura-san!" she heard a too-familiar voice sing. Turning, Sakura raised a brow at the old-Nikaidou – klutzy, unfashionable, though still strangely attractive despite all that.

"What're you doing here?" Sakura asked, rubbing her eyes sleepily. All she wanted to do was get home and sleep. Nikaidou grinned and patted her hat-covered head.

"I'm an official teacher now," he stated.

"No, I knew that," Sakura sighed. "What I meant was; why are you here?"

"Oh, I see," he chuckled, patting her head again. "I just came to see my favourite student."

"Since when am I your favourite?" she asked him, narrowing her eyes. "You kidnapped me."

"Yes, but that's in the past now, Sakura-san," he waved his hand.

"That was last week."

Mar-Chu said...

Sighing slightly, she stepped forwards to help a small group of First Graders with a tall stack of chairs when a sudden earthquake shocked her. She knew it was nothing more than a stampede of fangirls but, when they surrounded Kukai, she immediately got annoyed.

"Kukai-sama!" some yelled.

"Soma-sempai!" others cried.

"Soma-sempai, please give me a button off of your uniform to remember you by!" one of Amu's friends – Manami – requested with sparkling eyes.

"No! I asked first!" The other – Wakana – cut in, looking only at Kukai as he was further surrounded.

"Wait! Wait!" begged Kukai. "Wait a second!" he cried, unable to control them.

"I guess this is a job for me," Sakura sighed, stepping forwards. It had been discussed that Tadase would give Kukai a small box of spare buttons to hand out to the girls, but Sakura knew that it would still get out of hand. Fishing into her pocket she pulled out her secret weapon and blew hard.

"Argh!" the girls shrieked upon hearing the shrill whistle, their attention temporarily switching to Sakura as everyone ignored Saya's suggestion of holding an auction.

"Everyone please form an orderly line in front of Soma-sempai," she ordered, stepping closer to the girls as they shivered at the cold look in her eyes. "If you wish to have a button, remain patient and you shall get one. Any pushing or shoving shall result in confiscation of your button or, if you do not have one, you shall not receive one."

"Yes, Haruno-sama!" the girl cried, doing as they were told.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hi pplz

Ann Marie said...

Still there, Amelie?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ann are you still there if so whats up

Ann Marie said...

I was about to give up! Where are you, UK or Australia? I don't remember. And how old are you?

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

australia it is only ten to ten and i am 13

Min (Thalia) said...

*wanders in*

Hi all


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...


Ann Marie said...

Do you read a lot? How long have you been reading?

What kind of feedback are you looking for on your story?

Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Amelie, hi Ann!


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yes a long time and just help with the detail cuz that would have to be my weakpoint i must tell you that i intend on changing the story a little cuz it is now starting to sound like a fznfic

Ann Marie said...

Hi Thalia! How are you doing?

Min (Thalia) said...

I'm alright Ann. I've been really tired all day for no reason. How are you?

Ann Marie said...

Also tired. I have so much to do, and been so busy running around this week I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Going to have a snack and try to prioritize stuff so I know where to start.

I think everyone needs to stop posting for, oh, a week or so, so I can catch up.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ah i think i might go get breakfast and i will be back so any ideas ann

Min (Thalia) said...

*gives Ann a cookie*

This week has been a bit easy for me. Next week, though, I'm worried for. State standardized testing starts. Happy happy joy joy.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

Hello people


Min (Thalia) said...

Hi Scarlet!


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

just came bak from waxing the car

Min (Thalia) said...


Min (Thalia) said...


Min (Thalia) said...


Min (Thalia) said...


Min (Thalia) said...


Min (Thalia) said...

Okay. Now brb.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey scarlet what up

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

cant WAIT FOR THE NEW BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*dies from excitement*

*stops breathing*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hehehe neither can i i just want it to be september already

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*is on the ground*

*flinches a few times*

*and dies with eyes open and huge smile on face*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*is rushed to the hospital with Mortal coil in hand*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*wakes up in hospital*

Me: wat happened to me doctor

Doctor:u had a rare sickness


Doctor: u had cantwaitforthatbooksyndrome

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


anyone on?

Ann Marie said...

Sorry, trying to write some stuff for Amelie.

Min (Thalia) said...


But I have to g2g. Sorry. Bye all!

*hugs everyone*

*dashes off*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

oh ok


wat STUFF???????????

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

bye Thalia

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey i am still here just reading

Ann Marie said...

Wow, is that painful, Scarlet?

Oooh, someone gave me a cookie! *munches* Thankth, Thalia. *crumbs fall out of mouth*

Amelie, I am sorry. I doubt that was helpful at all. :-P

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

no that is really helpful and i think that if i ever get more then an hour i might be able to accomplish most of that so thanks ann

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

wat really helpful?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*looks at Ann and Amelie curiously*

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

just a comment she left

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Oh well i gotta go now



Ann Marie said...

(((Amelie))) Yeah, it takes time and can be tedious. I pretty much stopped writing (not that I'd done much of it) when Leona was about 3, cause I never had that much time to think! So frustrating.

You might have to try a few things to find the right environment to work in. Like, if I'm doing something verbal, I need my eyes and hands kept busy but not engaged, or they'll distract me. If I'm doing something visual, it helps to have music on to keep the verbal part of my mind busy, etc. I think best when I'm doing something physical but not intricate, like washing dishes or digging ditches or fencing, but then it's hard to write stuff down. Hmm. That's not helpful. :-D

Ann Marie said...

Bye Scarlet! Comment's at Amelie's story blog, if you come back and want to look at it.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i have to go to byee ann

Ann Marie said...

Ah, maybe I should have said I was leaving instead of just wandering away like that.

*spies Goodnight Moon on the desk*

*reads it to empty blog*

Goodnight, nobody!

Naw, not night yet. I'll be back when it's dark out.

Leona Raine said...

Wait, but I just got here! :-/

Ann Marie said...

still there, Kal?

Leona Raine said...

??Why am I always LATE??

Ann Marie said...

Cause you're related to me. :-P

Ann Marie said...


Oh, hey, you got glitter on me!

Leona is on the phone with my mom. :-) Planning to see her tomorrow.

Ann Marie said...

Purple is pretty wonderful. :-)

How are you?

Ann Marie said...

Have a tab open but haven't read it yet! And I guess not going to soon, either. Gotta go pick up Rocket Star, then make lunch very late. :-P Then clean kitchen, dishes... augh, don't know what to do for dinner. Have to get up early tomorrow.

sorry, brain is buzzing. Have had all busy days this week!

Why can't y'all stop posting until I've caught up?

Ann Marie said...

*sigh* And will be out all day tomorrow, too. Wah.


I have to go. :-( Hopefully be back laterish.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi anyone on

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


just came bak from reading my book

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


2nd book of


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i mean 2nd book after

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

just finished reading chapter 12

*pictures the scene from the chapter in head*


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



i havent watched the movie though

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


brings out my musical side

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i mean Thanx!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i hav awful spelling

Leona Raine said...

Yyyeeesss! People! Scarlet! Kallista!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

hi leona


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


the amazing Spiderman


Leona Raine said...

:D Hi!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


wat now

Leona Raine said...

Is just plain amazing enough? AmAzInG AMAZing AMAZING amazING AmaZinG

Leona Raine said...

.......I don't know. :-/ What now?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

i'm listening 2 music right now

*turns music up louder*

Leona Raine said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



anyone one?

Leona Raine said...

K i'm back... Sort of. I'll probably be kinda slow though.

Leona Raine said...

Ak! *struggles against daisy chains* I got tied up!

Leona Raine said...

:P It's ok.

Leona Raine said...



Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

how long was i gone 4?

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*runs away from Kallista while eating easter eggs*



Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


daisies !!!!!!!!!!

Leona Raine said...

CHOCOLATE! *Tries to chase Scarlet and falls over*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*grabs easter bunnys out of fridge*


chocolate bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*tries to untie daisies*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Bye Kallista


Leona Raine said...


Leona Raine said...

:/ Bye Kallista! XP

Leona Raine said...

Well um sorry Scarlet I haft to go too. :/ Bye! :) What time is it Ok I'll be back soon.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


i'm alone now



Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Ann Marie said...


I am so done with today.

How's it going, Scarlet?

Leona Raine said...


Ann Marie said...

Leona! Crackers are done, want some?

Leona Raine said...

Yum <3

Minnie said...

Yayyy, you're almost better! Yayyyy, new cover and name!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

any1 on NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


the thought of it is killing ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

*smacks head*


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

hey hey pplz

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

no 1 is on except me and u

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

ok so what did u mean

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i know it sucks but that means we can just talk

Anonymous said...

grgrrg its not been put up yet

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i know i really wants it put up i cant wait *screams*

Anonymous said...

I know right!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, the Quest is loading REREAALLLYYY slowly.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

i just want to know what it is called and the cover and that should calm me down a little and then i might be able to wait for the book

Ricardo Doom said...


amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

what the hell is that

Ann Marie said...

Amelie! I have a question!

Hi Scarlet! Hi Berry!

Ricardo Doom said...

Brambo is in da house

Ricardo Doom said...

Damn you're all really new, I'm ancient on this blog.

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

yes what is your question ann

Ann Marie said...

Hi Brambo!

Amelie, several pages back, you posted something, and someone was all O.O "you really want to post that _here_?" at you, and you deleted it. WHAT DID YOU SAY? I'm dying of curiosity. Seriously, that can be fatal. Don't let me die!

amelie espirt ____the gummy bear assasin for the straight jacket said...

dw it dont matter

Ann Marie said...

*clutches at heart*

*staggers dramatically*

*moans piteously*

*drops dead*

*echoey voice from beyond the grave says:
"Don't say I didn't warn ya."*

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

oh hi Ann

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



Ann Marie said...

*sneaks up behind Scarlet*

*yells BOO! in her ear*

Look! I'm all disembodied!

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

your wat????????????????

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

wat the heck is disembodied????????????

Ann Marie said...

A ghost! Anyone got some chains I can rattle?

Actually, I need to go take an ethereal shower now. Be a sweetheart and pump Amelie for information while I'm gone, will you?


Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


no 1 is on

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...



Anonymous said...

Bye guyz gotta goo.....

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


bye random person called berrypop

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...


Ann Marie said...

I agree.

Where'd Amelie go? I have some haunting to do.

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

ummmmmm she went

Valkyrie's-sidekick (Scarlet Creed) said...

she told me on facebook that her comp was dying

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