Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bah. Woes.

Hello there.

Sorry for the delay- I was hauled into hospital last week and have only just got out. I'd never been sick before, so it was a whole new and thoroughly dull/painful/annoying experience for me, one that I hope I never repeat. I'm still not recovered, so it'll be a few days before I resume normal service, but I know how much my Minions need their chatting space- so chat away...!


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon, oh most Golden of Gods!

  2. Please get better soon Golden God!

  3. *screams*


    *looks at derek*

    *eyes water slightly*

    dont get sick again...!

  4. was the hospital okay? did they feed you good food? were you really THAT sick?

  5. altho my grandfather DID get italian ice or something like that...

  6. you shared a hospital room kallista?


    i was ony in the hospital in a ROOM for time, for surgery. IN MY EAR.

    *sighs at weirdness*

  7. Sorry you were sick. :-( Please get better soon!

  8. Did the people at the hospital treat you well, Mr. Landy? Did they honor you as the Golden God you are?

  9. !!!! My superstitious preemptive worry didn't work!

    Well, that's superstition for you. I thought if I worried enough, you'd really be taking a break from the world gaming.

    *hugs gently* I hope you're much better soon!

    Please be ok. :-/

  10. @ Kallista, re: "I wonder Master Derek. Did you have to wear a pink hospital gown with bunnies on it?"

    Oh, please please please let there be photographic evidence if so! Would be rather poetic...

  11. *gasps*

    *jumps up and down*

    *runs around in tiny little circles*

  12. *shudders*

    I don't like the hospital. I haven't been to the emergency room in five years, but still...

    *looks at Mar*

    Don't fall down.

  13. *laughs evilly* IT MUST BE BUNNIES!!!

  14. Hi Ann!

    *waves happily while making sure that Mar doesn't fall over*

  15. This is the first time I've gotten first page on anything! I've gotten first ON the page once, but then I gave it away.

  16. Kallista! *hugs back then carefully pries you off*

    I'm good! Still trying to catch up on overflow. Y'all type too much. When I'm not around you do, anyway. How's your day?

  17. oh yeeeeeaaaaah! there was also that time in kindergarden where i like...half-fainted, collapsed, and split my chin on the edge of the table.

    that wasnt fun.

  18. Hi Thalia! Haven't seen you in ages. How's going?


  20. I'm good Ann. You?

    Splitting your chin is never fun Mar. Trust me.

  21. Hi Leona! Kallista told me to give you a noogie.

    Now just hold still a moment, this won't hurt a bit...

  22. *wobbles*

    *falls on fletcher*

    *arm lands on spikey hair*

    *ruins spikey hair*

    *fletcher screams in anguish*

  23. *bandages Mar's arm* You really must be more careful, young lady!

  24. *looks at Mar*

    *tries to keep a straight face*

    That's why I told you not to fall down.

    *burst out laughing*

  25. Hi Lizzy! I still don't know what a noogie is.. Apparently spell-check doesn't like it.

  26. LOL, Hey Kallista~! *glomps* I'm good-ish, how are you?

    Hey Leona!

  27. *does a dance*

    i'm all good! hiya lizzy!


  28. Hey Mar! *claps as Mar finishes her dance*

  29. OH MASTER DEREK!!! Im sorry to hear you were in the hospital!!! That must have been awful! I hope your feeling better. and PLEASE tell us the name of the book when you have the chance PLEASE!

  30. LOL

    Girl: hey! you've got an elbow leech!

    Boy: *thrashes around wildly* WHERE?! WHERE?!?

    Girl: where do you think?



    yes i do like to ask questions don't i?

    1) Do you think there is such a thing as over obsessed???
    2) If you could do ANYTHING at this exact moment what would it be???
    3) Why is the book series called Skulduggery Pleasant because right now it seems to be more about Valkyrie than Skulduggery, as you reread the books you tend to notice that as the books go on there is more situations in which Val is the one in trouble or turning into a killing mechine not Skulduggery although we do see him get sucked into another demension and he gets tourtured so much he thinks he is holoucinating when Val saves him but we never really SEE what is happening when Skulduggery was in other deminsion. He was in there for 11 months yet we dont see what truley happened to him we just know he was tourtured.

    4) can you post a chapter of the new book?!

    i will NOT give up on this until the day the 6th book comes out.....then ill start pestering you on the 7th *wicked grin*


    the girl is Katara and the boy is Sokka :D

  33. Oh my!

    Hospitals aren't good places for awesome authors to be Derek. You should know better than that...Unless you go for research...or poking doctors. Although I suspect that they wouldn't apprieciate that much...

    Either way...

  34. LOL you reconized that?

    I'm watching it now~

  35. i just saw the saddest movie ever its gonna haunt me in my dreams

    BTW GLad to see you all ;D

  36. i know almost EVERYTHING from that series ive seen every episode twice :P i know my stuf...


  37. MARY!!! *super glomps* i haven't seen you in forever! how are you doing?

  38. except Aang is a sweetie. he has FEELINGS!

    *hits sokka on head with frypan*

  39. I didn't like that Avatar the Last Airbender movie. They kind of screwed it up. Darn you M. Night Shamyala! Or however you spell your name!

  40. Zutara! you know you love it~!

  41. I know what you mean Mary the movie sucked but the show is AMAZING!

  42. let me demonstrate a scene.

    *walks over and punches fletcher in arm*

    *fletcher screams in pain*

    thats how i show my affection.

  43. I totally agree with you Mary. the movie sucked :/

  44. ok yes i wished they kissed once but that is it! i like Zuko better with longer hair not that stupid pony tail of his :P

  45. Eh, sorry for slow commenting. I got distracted. Hi Skulgirl! Hi Mary!

  46. Why does everyone use :P for these smiley faces and never :b ?

  47. It's REALLY hot outside now...Gah! This freakin' weather is so screwed up!

  48. i wish they'd continue it tho...

    i mean, we ALL know from the hints that Zukko goes in search of his mom! katara and aang OBVIOUSLY end up with each other, and sokka and suki too, but where does that leave toph? where?! WHERE?!?!?! and there are BOUND to still be SOME suporters of the firelord that wont listen to aang and zukko!

    i mean c'mon! its a similarity to the skulduggery secret war!

    there are bound to be some people like serpine and sang-


    *shivers at the thought of earth bender sanguine dressed in tribal clothes*

  49. Can i come visit you? its cold and raining out at my place, with more rain on the way and a freakin' flood warning :/

  50. I think master Derek is the nicest author on the planet. :]
    Sorry you're still sick! I know how awful it can be! Ugh! It's thoroughly terrible and I'm very much hoping you get all the way better soon. :]

  51. Hello everyone who's shown up while I'm still catching up!

    Everyone's getting married? How come I don't get to get married? I want a cake!

  52. *pictures Sanguine as an earth bender to see why Mar is screaming*

    *bursts out laughing*

  53. Skyril~! *glomps* how are you?

  54. hmm. you were in my dream yesterday derek!

  55. Sure. It doesn't ever flood where I live. It shouldn't rain for at least a few days and...I CAN SEE GRASS AGAIN! I missed it so much. Damn snow.

  56. I know! i was driving with my dad yesterday adn i looked at the farm fields and saw GREEN. I've missed spring so much

  57. I want an ice cream cake! I like ice cream better than cake. :b

  58. *wants to know about Mar's dream*

  59. Hullo, Lizzy. I'm not staying long. I was just popping by to, you know, admire the greatness of our sweet Mast Derek. :]

  60. psh NO ONE will ever beat Derek as an Author all come far from close to his mighty awesomeness!

  61. I both love and hate Canada sometimes.

  62. its cold and rainy here too and i hate the also added to the saddness of the movie :'(

  63. ~glomps Lizzy, Thalia, Leona, and Ann~

    I'm with you there, Leona! And ice cream cakes are even more delicious than ice cream by itself! Well, usually :]

  64. have any of you seen the Boy in the Stripped Pajamas?

  65. Although I'm glad I don't live up in Tobermory. The weather there is completely messed up.

  66. Skulduggery tilted his head further. "There are books about me?"

    "Yup!" Marlo chimed. "A whole series!"

    "And who wrote them?" Skulduggery questioned.

    "DEREK LANDY!" Mar screamed.


    The trio spun around, too see the golden god himself. Derek Landy! All three girls let out a equally high pitched fan-girl scream.

    Mar launched doff the pavement, tackling Derek.

    "Wow. I didn't know a girl was so strong that she could knock you down." Skuldugery mused as Derek got up with Mar hanging from his neck.

    Derek looked at Skulduggery. "Oh shut up."

  67. Name it Swiss-mo!

    LOL, there's a joke in the family that if we ever get a cow, then we're naming it Swiss-mo. Why? because its awesome!

  68. By the way, Ann, Matt SMith isn't as bad as I thought he'd be, but he'll definitely never outdo David Tennant. :]

  69. that, is part of a story i'm telling Thalia and Mir at recess.

  70. I finally just caught a Pikachu...You don't know how long I searched for one...You also don't know how much effort I put into making my level 5 Magikarp into a level 43 Gyarados.

  71. LOL MAR! Our recess story xD

    (if you post it on your blog, can you have my name as Thalia instead of Marlo so people know who it is...?)

  72. Hullo, Kallista!

    For a little while, but not very long, Kall. I'll probably be on later.

  73. well, thats when the taken names come in Thalia! :3

  74. Skyril, prolly not. But if I had to travel with one, I'd pick Smith.

    Course if I had to snog one, Tennant, obviously.

  75. I am now looking for a Rattata. His name shall be Squishy. DIE BY THE WRATH OF SQUISHY!


    oh yeah. I want this...!

  77. *sighs as looks at all the pictures of bentlys*

    i wanna ride in one...a 1954 bently r-type continental...


  78. In my party I have Truffle, Talc, Jiggy, Aqua Vitae, Eckhart, and...damnit...It's a Machoke...

  79. The ending of Tennant was SO sad!
    ~sniff sniff~
    I had to wait till I was alone in the house to watch it because I knew I'd probably cry. I used to laugh at my mom when she cried from tv xD

  80. Wow. I've never had the patience to evolve a Magikarp into a Gyarados!

    Also, I'm playing Pokemon Yellow. XP

  81. I'm playing Platinum on the D.S. I also used an experience share to up the levels. SOOOO useful!

  82. *shrugs*

    Octa thought my cat was cute, I guess.

  83. LOL, and how are you handling it Kallista?

  84. Hey...I'm being courted by an imaginary blender named Jebidiah.

  85. ok i just opened my backpack and found a piece of fuzz, i take my huge binder out get what i neeed and drop it back ontop of my backpack and the piece of fluff went flying infront of me :D

  86. awww, poor thing *offers sympathetic chocolate*

  87. that was just a rondom bit of news that i had to say :D

  88. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Skyril!

  89. I can't keep up with this and have a life too! *sobs* Stupid laundry, needing to be done.

    Isn't anyone going to ask me to marry them? Anyone? ...Derek? XD

    Sorry, the rest of y'alls are underage. :-D


    hm. look at this everyone!

  91. One word of advice 'fore I depart, if you ever have a very small, very hot fire and want to drop a small bug into it, better step back, they pretty much explode...
    See ya later!

  92. Bye Skyril! *waves crazily*

    *chokes on marshmallows* *shoots them back at Kallista*

  93. I will hopefully be around for a bit, i'm working on fanfic so i might log off for a bit to concentrate

  94. Oh... aw, Kallista. I thought you were taken. But if Dragona would share, and if you're good at housework, I could make an exception... for cake. I mean, you! for you! <3!

    *sends dog after cows*
    *he attempts to herd them away from Kallista, but also gets trampled*

  95. In a technical sense I'm old enough...Give me 5 more minutes...

  96. *pounds Leona on back heartily* Cough it up, kid!

  97. *facepalm* you're so mean, i don't look like that

  98. That didn't sound as I had planned...

  99. NOOO, DON'T HURT MY RATTA... Too late.

  100. <-- The only cheerful-ish poem I've ever written ever. Seriously.

  101. *uses karate move on Ann* Stop it!

  102. Ok, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! enjoy your dinner!
    i have to go for a little bit to, BRB ASAP

  103. OMG tell me I did not just do that. I'm sorry Kallista!

    *gives page back to her*

  104. "I will draw the darkspawn away..." ...Kell crouched down in front of Hafter, rubbing the hound's head gravely. Hafter stared back at him with wide confused eyes. He knew something was amiss. "Take him with you," the hunter said, his voice raw with emotion. "He has survived a long journey and many battles. I would like him to have a chance."

    ...The hunter turned and began heading down the stairs without another word. He drew his flail from his belt, the short chain rattling as it's spiked head unfurled at his side...

    ...Fiona lunged to grab Hafter's collar to restrain him, but the hound was too quick for her. It bounded down toward Kell, letting out an angry woof. The hunter turned around, regarding the hound with obvious displeasure. "No," he commanded, pointing back toward Fiona and the others. "Hafter, go with them!"

    The hound hung his head low, folding his ears back in confusion. Hafter was an intelligent dog, but he was still a dog. Kell glared down at the animal, growing more furious by the second. "I said go!" he shouted.

  105. *cries* I made Kallista sad! Nooooooo.

    I hate conflicting edits.

    *hangs head*
    *leaves blog in shame*

  106. Bye Mar!

    I think I need to go to now...bye all!

    *grabs Munchers and skips away*

  107. "Come here, Hafter!" Fiona urged him.
    Mortified that he had done something to offend his master, Hafter prostrated himself at Kell's feet, nuzzling his nose in at the hunter's boots and whining plaintively. Kell angrily grabbed the dog's collar and hauled him up, physically turning him around abd shoving him up the stairs. "Go! Now! You go with them!"
    Still Hafter wouldn't go to Fiona, and quickly darted bak to Kell, whining in agitation. Kell reeled back, tormented, the large hound whining at his feet like a lost puppy. Without warning, Kell stepped forward and kicked th hound in the side with a loud shout. "Obey me!" he roared.

  108. Yay! *squeezes stuffing out of Kallista* I'm so happy!

    *wonders where this pile of stuffing came from, and why Kallista looks kind of deflated...*

  109. The kick was hard, and though Hafter had stood up to far worse-he was a warhound built of little more than fur and muscle, after all-still the hound collapsed with a terrified yelp that echoed through the passage. Fiona covered her mouth in horror and Maric was speechless. Kell looked toward them, anguished and pleading with his eyes for help. He stared down at the dog trembling in fear at his feet and burst into tears.
    "Oh, Hafter, I'm so sorry," he said, his voice cracking with grief. He knelt down and took the dog's head into his arms, patting jis fur vigorously. Hafter looked up at him with his large brown eyes and uncertainly wagged his tail. Kell attempted a reassuring smile through his tears. "I'm so sorry my old friend," he whispered. "Can you ever forgive me?" The hound's ears slowly perked up and his tail thumped against the stairs. There was no neeed to even ask...

  110. I think Kell should take Hafter with him. Dying with his person would be better than being left behind.



    yes i do like to ask questions don't i?

    1) Do you think there is such a thing as over obsessed???
    2) If you could do ANYTHING at this exact moment what would it be???
    3) Why is the book series called Skulduggery Pleasant because right now it seems to be more about Valkyrie than Skulduggery, as you reread the books you tend to notice that as the books go on there is more situations in which Val is the one in trouble or turning into a killing mechine not Skulduggery although we do see him get sucked into another demension and he gets tourtured so much he thinks he is holoucinating when Val saves him but we never really SEE what is happening when Skulduggery was in other deminsion. He was in there for 11 months yet we dont see what truley happened to him we just know he was tourtured.

    4) can you post a chapter of the new book?!

    i will NOT give up on this until the day the 6th book comes out.....then ill start pestering you on the 7th *wicked grin*

  112. Hi Skulgirl!

    And I should go, the rain stopped a while ago and there's a couple hours daylight left.

    Goodbye, dear blog!

    *makes oversized, garish Get Well Soon card, decorates it with even more lace and hearts and flowers and chipmunks, and pastes it to Mr. Landy's forehead* Take care of yourself, dude.

  113. The sounds of the darkspawn were coming closer, and Maric could hear movement in the cavern at the foot of the stairs. Duncan exchanged a worried look with him, They were almost out of time.
    Kell stood, his face wet with tears, and Hafter jumped to his feet with him. The man gazed down sadly at his hound and tightened his grip on the flail. "What do you say, my boy?" he asked. "Are you ready for one last battle? Just you and me?" The hiound bounced in place, overjoyed that his master was taking him along after all, barking excitedly in anticipation.

    ..."He's gone."...

    This was an excerpt from Dragon Age: The Calling by David Gaider.

    Makes me cry every time I read it...

  114. Thanks for the crown...Gah I have to go! BYE!

  115. *wanders in*
    Uh... Bye people who are leaving!

    Hallo, people that are still here in Blogland. How old are you Leona?
