Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lesson One

I have found myself thinking about the next Skulduggery book a LOT lately, thinking about which of the story strands are going to intertwine and pay off, and which of the strands are going to continue into the next three books. Last week I wrote a five page scene where Valkyrie, consumed by rage, breaks into a police station and beats the hell out of a prisoner. Obviously, I’m not going to tell you what DRIVES her to do something this extreme, but the fact is I wrote it, and that can only mean one thing:

I am now writing Skulduggery Pleasant Book Six.

I don’t really have much choice in these matters. I just seem to start without realising it, and eventually I stop and look around and go “Oooooh, I’m writing a book, so THAT’S what I’ve been doing for the past few days...”

It’s not like the timing is convenient for me, either. I have a couple of short stories to write for various things, I have to rewrite a horror-comedy script I wrote last year, and it looks like I’ll be working on at least one brand new script over the next few months (none of this Skulduggery related). And now, aside from all that, I’m apparently writing the next book, too.

I’m going to do my best to document the stages of writing as I reach them, in order to explain how I write. I know there is a bizarrely large proportion of you, my Minions, who are also writers, and I keep getting asked to give out tips, so hopefully, in the writing of this book, I’ll be able to respond to those requests.

This doesn’t mean, by the way, that this accursed Blog is going to turn into a writing class. The fact is, most of my time will be spent sitting at this desk, tapping at this keyboard, writing words just like these, and that’s not exactly going to be exciting reading. So the Blog will continue as normal, but a certain section will be taken up trying to explain what I do, and how I do it. And along the way, I might even leak some little tidbits about what what you can expect to happen to poor old Skulduggery and Val...

So, what is the first thing I do when I start a book?

A lot of this work has been done years ago, when I planned out the series. I knew that certain things have to happen in certain books, and I wrote it all down and I keep going back to it, taking bits out or adding bits in. It changes as I go, of course it does, but fundamentally it remains the same.

So, for Book Six, I have certain things that have to happen. Let us take, as an example, the first segment of my plan for Playing With Fire, which I think all of you have read. Very simply, I would have opened up a Word document and written:

Val more powerful.

Guild new Grand Mage. Doesn’t like Skul or Val.

Vengeous escapes. Meets Dusk.

Plans for Val’s family reunion.

China tells Skul/Val about the Grotesquery.

Val meets Echo-Gordon- tells her about the Torment.

Vengeous searching for Vile’s armour.

And that’s how I go on, literally keeping it that simple. Very short sentences that I just need to glance over. I don’t show this to anyone, by the way. I don’t show it to my agent or my editor- not even to Laura- because this is the roughest of rough outlines. Each one of those lines can be changed around. Maybe we know about the Grotesquery from the very start of the book. How will that affect everything else? There’ll certainly be more momentum, because once our heroes know what the threat is, it’ll be full steam ahead. But maybe I don’t want that. Maybe I want a few fun, bizarre chapters to start off with, and then BOOM- they’re told what’s at stake once all the subplots (the family reunion, China’s revelation that she used to worship the Faceless Ones) are established, and THEN they take off.

Occasionally I’ll already have some chapters written- like the Valkyrie breaking into the police station scene- so I don’t mind flitting from the start of the book to the middle to the end, and back again. I’ll link it all up later. Right now, I just want to start the book having fun.

The outline will grow as I go. The deeper I get into it, the more notes I’ll be making, and so eventually my nice and simple approach won’t work anymore. For every point, there’ll be a few lines, explaining why and what and how. But for now, at this early stage, I can get away with broad outlines, because not everything has been decided yet.

This is really useful for building enthusiasm for the book you’re about to write. You’ve put down enough notes to form a bare story, and you can suddenly see how these elements can be chopped and changed to make something better. 

My advice is, don’t spend a lot of time on this. Keep it short. Keep it simple. Don’t waste all your enthusiasm and all your excitement on this part- keep all that for the actual writing. Which is what I’m going to do right... 



  1. It's excellent to hear you're making progress on the next book so soon, and awesome to have a look into your writing method. =D

  2. *gets out party poppers* WOOOOT! BOOK SIX IS NOW IN PROGRESS >:D *cackles insanely*
    I think the idea of the police station is very very epic, as usual :D And thank you so much for writing tips and such because my book (Inspector Doutchman, which has been in progress since I was...ten.) needs to be finished by the end of this month *facepalm* because of this NaNoWrimo thing...Or something. ANYWHO.
    I have a question.
    Ages ago on Bebo you said you would try and "Fit some normallity" into book 6, because I asked would there ever be a time where Valkyrie and Skulduggery and such do something NORMAL, so to speak (well, as normal as those two can be). So, my question is, WILL there be Valleh Walleh and Skulleh Wulleh normality? :D *puppy eyes*
    Flaring Rhythm-ness

  3. YAYYYYYYYYY! you started writing book six! its sounds epic already! do you have any ideas as to what it's going to be called?

  4. Dammit, missed the 1st comment. = (

  5. Yay! You're writing the next book!

    But I know the secret! The reflection is the real Darquese who kills!

  6. did you hear the news about Flo?

  7. YAY! isn't it great! *bonces up and down*

  8. Hi Sarthacus... a pic of my bike is up on my blog...

  9. Lol Val breaking into a police station...


    Thats my Alex Rider fanfic part one that I've done...

  11. Does anyone here watch Hetilia?

  12. Nope...

    Hey has everyone heard that Flo is staying!?

  13. *stares at Dragona* why would it NOT be good? Flo's staying! *starts bouncing again*

  14. No I said it WAS good... but it isn't it's frickin amazing...


  16. I'm here... just waiting for someone to comment lol...

  17. Please comment on my first chapter in my new book

    Detective Jones pulled up in his unmarked Audi A3 and strolled over to Liverpool Road Bank, his black trench coat blowing out behind him in the gale force wind.
    “Give me a status report, now!’ he barked.
    “Y-yes sir,” stammered a young officer, “twelve million pounds stolen, no sign of a forced entry, all of the clerks and guards are dead, no signs of resistance and no blood.”
    “Are the any bullet or knife wounds on the victims?” asked Jones.
    “No sir, that’s the strange thing, all of the bodies are completely unmarked there aren’t even any signs of them being strangled or assaulted bare-fistedly.” concluded the officer.
    “Yes, that is strange. I’ll go and take a look,” said Jones as he walked into the bank. While he looked around he checked for any corpses. He saw two clerks slumped in their chairs; it looked like they’d died so suddenly that they’d not even tried to run or at least get up. Continuing through the bank Jones walked down a darkened corridor he saw two guards dead in the guard post, still holding cigarettes in their cold hands. Looking further down the corridor he saw six guards lying face down on the floor. Turning a corner he saw another three clerks cold, dead and staring slumped against walls and lying on the floor. As Detective Jones neared the main vault he checked for any spilled notes but there were none. Taking out the vault key the detective unlocked the heavy steel door and slowly pushed it open. Stepping inside the vault Jones took in his surroundings, the vault was about ten by ten meters and completely empty. There wasn’t a single note left and all of the solid gold bars and trinkets were gone. This was highly un-unusual because burglars usually left some money behind accidentally. Suddenly he heard the door click, Jones swung around to see a man clad in black standing with his with his hand clenched. The last thing Detective David Jones saw as he fell was the man, bending down and taking his police pass.
    The detective was found two hours later stone dead, his body untouched.

  18. That's good... kinda creepy though...

  19. i LOVE creepy things, and gross things

  20. what about i comment?

  21. nice bike dragona i like the colour

  22. :O teaser! yay derek! you go... write that book! i worship you. I MET YOUR EDITOR XD he is cool, ofcorse.. not as godly as you tho ^^.

  23. sorry im doing my homework with one hand and im not exactly watching what im typing with the other so i will have more typos then usual....

  24. Thanks for the comment about the bike...

  25. im ment to be organised and im ment to posta new fanfic today but its quite hard while talking to you doing maths and talking through the phone while listening to music i can really multitask....

  26. Flo have you had any dreams lately?

  27. yay! thanks derek that was actually really helpful :D
    ive started a few stories or tried to plan them out and non of them ever really got finished. so actually planning them out that way might really help.

    hey guys! flo, i heard your not moving anymore!

  28. Brb... for half an hour because my fuckin sister needs 'both laptops' to do her bloody hw... WHY DO YOU NEED TWO LAPTOPS!? She's a bitch!

  29. yes i did have dreams....i was chained to metal room and then some guy who i swear i saw before comes in and he tortues me until i say something about a book....then it freezes and the words "To be continued" appear.....its weird....

  30. When I said "You can swear" I didn't mean REALLY STRONG LANGUAGE!!!

  31. im not sure deagle_pickle i just got here :|

  32. darn this never ending homework!!!!!
    geography sucks.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. did anyone download halo zero yet? im bored.

  35. Yoohoo!!! Anybody here!

    Aa Ba Ca PpP



  37. nom-nom-nom i love Greek yogurt!

    She beats up a prisoner!? cool. so many things to fix Derek!: Tanith, Cealan(i am on team Fletcher!), Necromancers... China! wat is her deal!?

  39. Fletch was there first! that and he is wayyyyy sweeter and cuter! wat? i saw a pic of him on GI(google images)

  40. im here im just doing alot of things all together whilw writing new fanfic

  41. Hey people of the universe,
    I am officially pissed off because when I came in from training my brother was in the shower and used all the hot water so I had just put in shampoo and the water went freezing so I have to wait with soapy hair for the water to heat up. EVIL BROTHER!

  42. im here groaning about geography, doing homwork and trying to find the time some where to continue with my fan-fic!

  43. my bro is so annoying 2 but in the end i love him. kinda like Tanith in that way. ohh yeah. Derek, when are u gonna make Tanith and Ghastly's wedding?( i am just saying wat yall r thinking) Tanith's bro should b the priest.

  44. Ye, I have two brothers and both of them are really annoying but I'm like Tanith as well.............. only sometimes though.

  45. im not swearing sarthacus, *although im pretty damn close thanks to geography*
    the sarcasm is practically leacking out of that remark.

  46. That doesn't sound like a good dream Flo...

  47. OH DAMN!!!

    I have another Geo project due in on mon! I haven't started!

  48. well im nearly finished....i have to do a project about how sheep multiply or something like that and i dont know were to start....

  49. Oh **** < for Sarthacus' sake, I have back up drawings for art that I haven't done yet.

  50. homework sucks
    wat is the point!? i hand it in and the answers r wrong anyway!(not really, but most of the time)

  51. Hw is really bad... If I ever become prime minister I'll ban it...

  52. in Aussie land it is 1.00 am
    nite all

  53. i also have a science test comming up, a science prject due in and some french revision to do.
    sadly i want to be a vet so if i fail my test and project.. I BLAME GEOGRAPHY!

    im just gonna do my geog quickly and get the cursed thing over with.

  54. ill vote for you dragona, if it means no more homework im deffinatly on board!

  55. Lol thanks Geckogirl... but to be honest I don't want to be prime minister... racing driver for me...

  56. yep its 2.00 here in little old england.
    ive only been up a while as i got up at 11.45am.
    thats right people, i love my lie ins.

  57. *blushes*

    I've been up since 7:30...

  58. aww thats too bad dragona, oh well, im just gonna have to find someone else who'd ban homework as prime minister hmmm.....
    ...sarthacus, how do you feel about being involved in politics?

  59. 7.30! on a weekend! :O
    the earliest i get up on a weekend is 9.00 and thats only for horse-riding.

  60. Too much paper work for me to be prime minister...

  61. aww.
    well its vet or author for me. or dentist. my mum wants me to be a dentist. :| erm....yeah ill stick with vet or author.

  62. I wouldn't mind being an author... I suppose 7a in year 7 for english wasn't bad... but I would probably run out of ideas...

  63. or both. a vet/author. that would be cool.

  64. heres my blog

  65. jeez 7a in year 7! i havent even gotten a 7a now!
    although i did get a 7b on a fairy tale i wrote last year...but not a 7a!

  66. I wanna have a recording studio and or be a drummer.

  67. *waves like a mad person!*
    I'm back!!!! I'm sorry I was gone so long!!!!
    That's awesome, Derek!!*jumps up and down in excitement*
    Homework sucks so bad. That's mostly why I haven't been on in ages, I don't like third year, it's hard!! *cries*
    Well, I won't need maths what I'm doing. Acting!!!
    Stay weird!
    Harly Ryker.

  68. Everyone else got 5a's... we did a story where someone had to get lost...

  69. i het 7a's in science now but i still dont know how sheep multiply...arent they the sdame as dogs....never mind ill just copy my friend

  70. I got a 7b in history... 7a for science... 7a for english... 5a for maths lol...

  71. aww being a drummer would be amazing darkane! ....sadly i cant play anything. also i prefer writing.
    i also despise homework harly, year 9 is soooo hard.
    anyone else in year 9? i think third year is year 9...

  72. Lol Flo I dunno how sheep multiply either... look it up on wikipedia...

  73. I don't know what your on about but I keep on getting C3's and D1's in Irish, I thought my essay made sense.

  74. jeez im jelous! i sooooo want 7a's in science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and englisshhhhhh and mathssss (although i did get a 7c in maths)

  75. i get 7a's in maths science and geography i like the lessons....and the teachers...

  76. The English education system confuzzles me, all I know is I'm 2nd year, one year away from 3rd year and the junior cert and I'm really dreading it.

  77. I got a 7a in geography yesterday...

  78. im so jelous flo. so jelous. im in all set ones but ive never gotten a 7a in anything.
    thats it, im finishing this geography so i can do my science all this week. im getting a 7a in science. most deffinatly.
    peace out guys, im on a mission.

  79. Can someone please explain what 7a's are? And 7c's and 7b's?

  80. youre a woman on a mission lol

  81. I'm supprised about getting so many 7a's... I don't really listen... my friends call me a Rebel... I suppose I am but in music yesterday we were messing about all lesson and when it came to play what we had done we were like, Oh... the teacher said ours were good but needed to work on timing...

  82. I think a level 6 is a C at GCSE...

  83. wow, i have NO idea what 7a means. anyone care to enlighten the Americans?

  84. I get it now!!!

    IN the new Nightmare on Elm st. the main people's parents killed Freddy, and they know Freddy's the "Dream Stalker" and their parents aren't telling them that they killed Freddy... I get it now...

  85. Kallista seems to annoy be... mainly because of teasing but some because I said I don't like Mamma Mia last night... I haven't seen it, my auntie jayne has the songs on cd... and she said '*sings Mamma Mia in Dragona's ear as loud as possible and needs a step ladder to do so*' that just makes me feel too tall...

  86. wow really? lv 6 is a c at gcse...actally if i carry on as i am i might get an a in sceince,english and maths after all :D
    wait, must stay focused, on a mission, ok im banning myself from this blog until my geog is done, and from youtube,and from the sherlock site, and from games....and fun until my geog is done.

    peace out. *puts on consentration face*

  87. we had music on wednesday and we were listening to the starwars theme tune on the keyboard all lesson. My friends made me play a tune i never heard of and i got a 7c for it....apparantly i had to be more confident...

  88. We're starting movie theme songs... I know how to play star wars on the piano but it's a shame I can't read music...

  89. I cannot site read at all! So annoying....... **** I have to practice piano. brb

  90. Hello everyone shhh I'm at my dads ... I have been grounded from my laptop for only 1 week now because my mum apoligised ...

    I should be back on next friday ... I have a little time today but only untill my dad finds me because mum told him to make sure I stay off laptops ... so any news?

  91. I can read music Dragona it's actually quite easy if you ever get a chance to learn it

  92. good bye yall, its a lovely day and im going outside

  93. well im cut and bruised from yesterdays sword figthing lesson. My teacher decided to put me against a "Higher" student who i would have killed if he said that i wasnt wearing proper clothes for fighting again. i won 4 times out of 5 and i put my teacher and his stupid student to shame...

  94. bye lizzy

    hey nicolette

  95. it was fun actually but i dont get how i wasnt wearing proper clothes...

  96. HAZZA!!! ... sorry yesterday my bff came over and we were outside going igt ight dynomight and when firewods went off we went hazza ...

    this time I said it because thats fab news!!

  97. i dont get grounded either....i get sent to another school or to my auntie

  98. Isn't it Nicolette? It's brilliant news...

  99. We didn't really see many though we just heard them mum said I couldn't go out front becasue it would mke me even worse

  100. I do .. not from outide just laptop only lasts a couple of days tho becasue I normally worm my way out but mum seemed very mad about my laptop

  101. I don't get grounded... I get told off but nothing bad happens...

  102. Oh deary me might be staying at my dads later today a wter tank at one of the chicken farms have colapsed

  103. I'm watching Wes Craven's New Nightmare on YouTube.

  104. Somebody got his hand cut off, and a new Freddy robot hand got put on.

  105. lol im searching up sheep reproduction and i found nothing about it....

  106. Ah well... who knows about sheep?

    Who knows what they do...?

  107. Finished piano, I only sight read my way through the piece once but I think thats better then nothing so I'm back.

  108. sheep... dog...this sheep project is a total fail

  109. noooo i had something really good that i was going to write in my story but i forgot because of the stupid sheep...

  110. Just put in on google 'how do sheep reproduce' and you might get a video on youtube lolage...

  111. Flo we have a photographic memory... remember it...

  112. I wonder when Kallista is going to do another part of her fanfic... I want to see the romance between Nicolette and Israel... I don't think them 2 will be happy about it though...

  113. Lol, Nicolette and Isreal? Is she really writing about them?

  114. no my memory is now full of random websites full of sheep it'll take a while to clear my mind up...

  115. Yeh everyone is paired with someone Darkane...

    Lol Flo...

  116. I wouldn't want my brain to be full of sheep...

  117. is it me or is it boiling ... no matter where I go I feel like I'm inside an oven slowly being cooked alive

  118. sheep overload....

  119. YES! first comment i rule the page!

  120. Really, hmm....


    Anyway back to the hmm.... that means I'm with someone because I'm in her fan fic. Anyone know?

  121. "Daddy's gonna come home right?"

    "Yes, sweetie, he'll be back in a few minutes."


    Mum leaves the room and cloeses the door.

    "If the birds don't eat him first..."

  122. Who are the guys in Kallista's fan fic
