Sunday, October 24, 2010


A lot of people are asking where they can buy Skulduggery placemats, and the answer is NOWHERE! My sisters actually breached copyright to get them made, but because they had the permission of my publishers, they're not being sued...

I'd love to sue my sisters. That would be FUNNY.

Wouldn't make me too popular around Christmas time, though...


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Liz said...

no one cares that im here :(

Anonymous said...

well i will tell you that i blew up a ipad today...

Anonymous said...

hey lizzy!

Dragona Pine said...

Hi Lizzy... yes we do, we've just got more important things to talk about... don't take that in a bad way...

Liz said...

hey Flo

Dragona Pine said...

Do that at boarding school Florence and you'll be fine...

Anonymous said...

so you are all sad that im leaving...even though you dont know me and probably never will??

(i would advise you not meeting me for your own good)

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

its ok Lizyy we can talk to each other :]

Dragona Pine said...

Come on Dragona, pull youself together...

Liz said...

wait, whats going on?

Dragona Pine said...

I now think that feeling things isn't a good idea...

Dragona Pine said...

G2G people... night all.

*hugs Florence*

Well, night...

*fades away*

Anonymous said...

see thats what i felt like when i cried yesterday and now

i will listen to my depressing song now

my heart will go on

Anonymous said...

bye dragona

Liz said...

night Dragona

Liz said...

hey Flo, did you get my email

Anonymous said...

yh i agree it defenitally not good

Liz said...

what are you going to do?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

.... welll


god Nicolette your Cra* with soppy stuff *slaps*

urmmm ...

good to know your not leaving to christmas flo but still not good your going .... just be you and you'll be out of there in no time ....

:] ... ( if i was you i would bring in one of those bullhorn things and say in an assebly gods not real)

Anonymous said...

i was thinking about it nicolette...ive seen the picture of the school..,,thats what i will spray over the name of the school...yes graffity not my style but ill try

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

hehehe ;] we'll discuss this tommorow right now I'm going to go because it's nearly 9pm and time for vampire diarires :]

Liz said...

bye Nicolette

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Byee all be back at around 10 after vampire diaries ........

Anonymous said...

bye nicolette

Anonymous said...

i have 3 miutes left..

CharlieTheConsultingTimelord said...

Why does everyone seem to knoe each other?

I'm just some loner now, ah well. What is going on with your post Necros? I'm slightly worried :) nah I've heard worse. Anywho what's going on in the world in this world of book blogging?


Anonymous said...

we know each other cause we talk to each other everyday :D

Liz said...


Anonymous said...

im florence black *shakes hand* i write stories about time earlier set werent good so i deleted them! :D of fli-rider over and out!

Anonymous said...

part 4 is up by the way its brand new enjoy :D

Anonymous said...

bye lizzy!

*fades from blogger land*

Liz said...

bye Flo!

Liz said...

allllll aloneeeeeeeee

Liz said...

im going to type some fanfic, ill check in later

Liz said...

any one?

Star Lord said...

Ah, just finished watching "Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother". Sych a funny film! Ah, well, I have ot go now, see you al in the morning!

Night, all.

Donkey Shooter said...

*sigh* florence even though i barely introduced myself to you ill miss you...
Though we could set up a blog...
Get florence out f boarding school!
Dack the nun!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*does cadburys eyebrow dance*

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I won't be her until late tommorow because were getting up early to get into southhampton because my mums buying me new cloths *gulps*

they never end well because I don't like any of the stuff she does and se doesn't like all of the stuff I do :/

Donkey Shooter said...

might as well do something
Inanimate objects cannot move without support...
Does that mean we are inanimate.
we cant move with friends and family cant we?
thought of the day

Donkey Shooter said...

oohh nic wassup?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

ummmm ummm ooooh I know this one

Donkey Shooter said...

nic have you written your fan fic yet im still suffering the occasional seizure so im staying home today
my head really hurts

Donkey Shooter said...

Ahhh my head burns
help mee i need a fan fic

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

yes (whispers) want me to post it?

Donkey Shooter said...

nic you there everything is spinning

Donkey Shooter said...

yes please befor my head ignites which it will if i light a match

Donkey Shooter said...

hurry i need a fan fic/ book to distract me
oohhh i know just the book after i read th fan fic

Donkey Shooter said...

oh hurry im picking up the inheritance series already!

Liz said...

hey people!

Donkey Shooter said...

im pulling out eragon!!!

Donkey Shooter said...

hey lizzy

Donkey Shooter said...

im waiting for nic to publish a fan fic

Donkey Shooter said...

before my head starts a bushfire

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Donkey Shooter said...

sweat is pouring down my head
ive got s really bad fever

Donkey Shooter said...

oh i just got back nicollete didnt i ask you to include lillivale?

Donkey Shooter said...

well new fan fic for me!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

donkey your in the next fan fic to come the shadows tail

Donkey Shooter said...


Liz said...

hey Nicolette, did you see the pictures you inspired me to post?

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

well i might write a small prologue for a new story which wont haooen
There he stood on top of a large tower gazing at the city that lay before him People were happy it was chistmas eve and they were having fun children sleeping in front of trees too see santa.
This year all would change.
He jumped down and the ground shatered
a police car was near by
"Freeze Police!" They shouted coming out of the car.
"I dont have time for his" he grumbled and the car shattered.
he twirled his hand and the Police men's rib exploded out
he grumbled moving on A car almost hit im
"Watch it freak!" The man in the car yelled
The man wh had been hit twirled his hand and the car crumpled in with the man in he stared at a family having fun in christmas
He twirled his hand and the house exploded
This christmas all would change...

Donkey Shooter said...

Like that that will be a prologgue for my next story maybe

Donkey Shooter said...

gtg bye

Liz said...


Liz said...

i have to go now to, bye

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*peers around* I'm ... alooone

well.... WELL..... WELL!!!!!!

meh I'll let it go *release grass hopper she had captive*

Night all new post on my blog 1 is fan fiction the next part (new published about 30 mins ago)
and an important notice

.... *yawns* Night all :]

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

now your not because in here! my voice just gave out so now i cant talk so its very quiet here in my room i can't stand the quiet......

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh wait you left.........can someone else or nicolette come back on? Derek how about you you seem to be VERY quiet lately......I NEED TO TALK TO SOMEONE!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok i have no ideas so basically im talking to my self..........hmmmmmmm...........

Skulgirl13: hey me whats up

me: nothing much just doing homework

Skulgirl: really that sounds very um...boring

me: yes sadly it is that is why im blogging here but no one seems to be on at the moment

Skulgirl13: not true! im here

me:your just a figment of my imagination

Skulgirl13: really because i seem so life like i feel fall in love read eat and sleep just like you!

me: nope your totally fake i got so bored i made you up out of thin air and meat

Skulgirl13: no wonder i taste so delicious

me: yeah i didn't have anything else with me at the moment

Skulgirl13: good bye me! *logs off internet*

Me: WHAT?! no don't leave! stupid imaginations even they won't stay and chat hmf

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

me: by the way i have NEVER fallen in love!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

wow i have reached the top of madness scale

Liz said...

hey skulgirl!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

YEAH! hey lizzy!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

sorry it took so long to answer i was having dinner

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

did you see my insanity?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

great now i know i can't even keep a conversation with a REAL person!

Mary Hiashi said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yeah another real person! whats up i need to talk to some one so SPEAK!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

if you dont know how mad ive gone just scroll up a little and you will see how mad i am

Mary Hiashi said...

I haven't really read the past few hundred comments, but I did read the ones on this page.

Florence, I don't much fancy the thought of you leaving. You won't be around and we'll have a sulky Dragona. That is not pleasing.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i do that just to see if Derek that much of a fan........or maybe im just even madder than i thought

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

what do you think give me an honest thought

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ack! im trying sing with my music and my voice wont come out!

Mary Hiashi said...

I couldn't find any sauce for my rice...:( So, I'm eating it plain.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

you eat rice with sauce? thats un ok so it is natural i just think its wierd i have my rice plain :p

Mary Hiashi said...

...I won a school talent show once by singing...good times...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

coolness i love to sing i just hate singing alone in front of people except with my closest friends

Mary Hiashi said...

I do sometimes. But I usually fry mine up with some garlic and sesame seed oil, OR have plain brown rice (love that stuff) or this other rice that's really good.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i like white jasmine rice from trader joes

Mary Hiashi said...

I hate singing in front of people but I decided that I might as well. You only live once I say.

...and sorry about the latness of my comments. I'm eating dinner as well as this.

Mary Hiashi said...

Damn. Lateness. Not latness.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

in front of the computer? lucky my parents would never let me do that

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

its ok were all bad spellers here

Mary Hiashi said...

I like the rice from the one's a vegan/vegetarian restaurant.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

are you a vegetarian?

Mary Hiashi said...

Not really, no. But I don't eat much meat. It's for the most part gross.

Mary Hiashi said...

I do, however, eat a lot of eggs.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i love steak favorite meat its so good

ack why am i reading this sh*t not the blog something on deviant art

Mary Hiashi said...

I also can't drink milk anymore...not after that milk noodle incident...and I refuse to eat yogurt now too...

Mary Hiashi said...

What are you reading...?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

that but i definitely advise you NOT to read it its so HORRID! i choked on my own breath

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

sorry had to do that

Mary Hiashi said...

*Shudders* Valduggery *pukes* is *falls into fedal position* horrible...

Mary Hiashi said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i know i don't know WHY i bothered to even look it up because it made me go into a semi coma and i feel like i can't breath its appauling

Mary Hiashi said...

Milk is almost as bad as Valduggery. Almost but not quite.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i dont like drinking straight milk but with cereal yes

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no valduggery defeats the purpose of life its self

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes it does.

I drink soy milk. And have it with cereal. It's delicious!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

belch not to me but i do like soy chocolate milk yummy!

Mary Hiashi said...

...Now to find some cheese cake...Aren't I the odd one...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yes you are im more a chocolate person myself

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

im not a fan of cheese cake

Mary Hiashi said...

I can't eat much chocolate...and I can't eat doughnuts...or pastries with nuts...or...pancakes...or waffles...or...or *sighs*.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

awww why? i feel so bad maybe we should switch subjects

Mary Hiashi said...

I feel nauseus when I do... Why do you feel bad?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

because i hate seeing people sad

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

have you heard "Come on get higher" by Matt Nathenson?

Mary Hiashi said...

Sad...I'm fine. I've learned to live with it.

Mary Hiashi said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

look it up on youtube its so good i love it

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

KALLISTA! have you ever heard of that song?

Mary Hiashi said...

Hey Kallista!

Liz said...


Liz said...


Liz said...

hey yall!

Mary Hiashi said...

I only read about a quarter of Mortal Coil so far...I can't enjoy it properly. I got through half an hour and had enough with the noise...grrr...and I was being all critical and pointing out the spelling/grammer/etc, mistakes that I happened to find...

Liz said...

i love mortal coil :D it was so epic. im writing a fanfic about the Dead Men right now

Mary Hiashi said...

Ya at my house...*sighs* I also had to take a break after chapter eight because I feared death by laughter.

Liz said...

im going to type now, im almost finished with the first part

Mary Hiashi said...

My brother has a gaming computer and some REALLY loud speakers. My parents always listen to the tv really loudly. And I keep getting bothered. "Mary watch this", "Oh Mary do this for a minute", "No that book isn't as important as you say." Grrrr...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

OMG IM IN LOVE WITH THAT BOOK! it was actually because of the third book that i am here right now sorry it took me so long i had to do things and dad came home had to greet him

sadley though i have to say *looks sadly at feet taps pointer fingers together and in a small voice8 i read them out of order i read it 3 1 2 4 5 i was reading the third one without knowledge it was a series and so i had to read the first two

Mary Hiashi said...

Don't worry Skulgirl...I've done that for a few series, mainly because that was the only book there. Like the Time Travellers Quartet for example.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

mary i feel your pain my brothers kept distracting me when i was reading and i have this thing with the books they can not have a single bent page conner etc and so i was like so aware and when i let my brother borrow the books well lets just say it was one lousy two weeks

Liz said...

NEW FANFIC!!!!! it's called "The Dead Men tales" and its all about the war and stuff


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

well i had no other choices and i needed to get back to homeroom so i just picked up the first book that looked interesting.....surprisingly i got it all and it wasn't confusing!

@kallista ack i hope your all right! i was once caught in a hurricane hurricane charlie down in florida im terrified of like rain and wind at the same time because of it

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

my mom NEVER leaves me alone and when i hang with my friends my brother tags along because my best friend lives next door to me

Mary Hiashi said...

I love my books so much that I wouldn'tbe surprised if someone told me my blood is made from ink. My books to me are dear friends. I'd rip someone's throat out if they trashedone of them.

Mary Hiashi said...

My words are being mischevious today...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

omg i feel the same way even though my room is a mess i can not let people read my books my mom and dad had to force me to let my brother read my Skulduggery books i almost cried but i had to be strong plus my mom would be worried that it would be a very unhealthy obsession shes right but lets not tell her that

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

one day i was at my cousins house visiting a friend and i brought my fourth book along with me note it was brand new and i had little less than a chapter left so we had to eat tso i put the book in the safest spot ever and then when i wennt back to it.....gone vanished poof.......i flipped out i tore the house apart no one would admit they stole it i was in tears finally after like two hours we found it under my cousins pillow i know she didn't do it because om like her mentor and she would never do that to me we still dont know who did it though....

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

then later i reread the book and found a TEAR in the page! i was freaking out it was a small tear in my moms eyes but it was HUGE to me i like freaked over it and taped it and then locked myself in my room for the remainder of the day

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i actually think it was the guest we know him very well and even though hes like 28 or something like that he would do something like that to me

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay, I know this is random, but this show is immensely funny and amazing. I suggest seeing all of season 8 if nothing else. This episode was Please look at it...and the other episodes, you might understand it a bit better. Here's the link:

Liz said...

whoa, thats a little crazy Skulgirl

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yes i know i told you unhealthy obsesion and the fact that i have gone mental ever since i read this series

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i was actually thinking of going on during french because were using the mac books right now

Liz said...

i was already bonkers before i read them :D

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

but i didn't because she was watching us

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i was normal crazy but when i read this it blew me over the top

Mary Hiashi said...

I almost had a mental breakdown over one of my books having a huge tear once...although...I won't get into detail...That is something I regret...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i regret nothing except the fact i didn't go to g=camp a year earlier....don't ask

Mary Hiashi said...

There are few things I regret. But that one thing I do...

Liz said...

*sob* only Kallista commented on my fanfic

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

awww so sweet i like died from sweetness

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

sorry let me check it can you repost the url

Mary Hiashi said...

Copying and paste-ing:

Okay, I know this is random, but this show is immensely funny and amazing. I suggest seeing all of season 8 if nothing else. This episode was Please look at it...and the other episodes, you might understand it a bit better. Here's the link:

Please? The episodes are only 5-19 minutes long.

Mary Hiashi said...

Gah! 5-10 (10)minutes long.

Mary Hiashi said...

Off to bed says I!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

let me ask you guys something why is it the thing we are most repulsed by we are sometimes drawn to...........*looks away and sits on ground as if being bad mumbles* im reading a valduggery deviant art *those lines on a character show up on the back of skulgirls head*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Liz said...


Liz said...

skulgirl did you read my fanfic?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no you must repost the url then i can and kallista im like drawn to it i have to read it even though its scaring me i like cant stop reading ahhhgh gross!

Liz said...

fire away Kallista

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*gasps for breaths as if she was drowning diying or something horrible* AHHHG THAT IMAGE WILL NEVER GET OUT OF MY HEAD NOW! *starts gaging on air*(

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i quit out of it it was that that......*faints on the floor from terrible thoughts*

Liz said...

i like caelan and val together, but im sick and twisted. Kallisia, i think its a great idea to add some romance, who with who?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ahhhg no not Caelan no hes not right for her *faints again8

Liz said...

*shrugs* i like Caelan and Val together, but i cant stand tanguine

Liz said...

*thinks about the guy's reactions* LOL

Liz said...

*epic yawn* got to go, night yall!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*wakes up* be right back have to go try on costume be back to talk some more in like a few

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok ill be backin just a few more min just came up to see how i look in the miror

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok im back! btw mom made me look in the mirior

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

agh i just had some spasm attack agh

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

noooooooo were gonna have storms tomorrow on a half day! no fair!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

EGADS! its almost 11!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no i had spasm because of bad thought it send a big wave of chills it was evil

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i don't know i probably should go to bed too but i dont want to

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

maybe write a fanfic about Dragona! i dont know just throwing out some ideas here

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

no evil thoughts came and passed no need for dance *yells at dj to cut the music*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i wish i was magic

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i want to learn the magic or fire my type of karate is what the fire bending is based on in AVATAR the Last Air Bender

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

teleporting would be cool too

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

* gets all excited and waves hands up and down like an idiot8 WE COULD TELEPORTE TO DEREK'S HOUSE!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok get some sleep youll need it trust me i need mine too

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*starts doing the caramel dance*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

psh im not leaving yet! i thougth you were! but i guess your not

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

Kallista did YOU leave?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh yeah you did he i got that the wrong way YOU TOO KALLISTA!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i should probably leave to




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