Thursday, October 21, 2010

My God. You broke the Blog.

Did you know there was a 5000 comment limit on this Blog? I didn't. Of course, I never thought it would ever MATTER what the limit was, as the idea of reaching it was just so silly...

And now you've reached it.

Okay fine, you haven't actually BROKEN the blog, but still! I got an email from my agent a few minutes ago, and it simply said- "Five THOUSAND comments!"

So I came on here, realised what you'd all done, and I wept, for now my publishers will be jumping for joy and clapping their hands, because we have reached a landmark moment... And it's all down to the fact that you're all insane.

As for me, my Krav Maga course is over tomorrow, and I shall return to my normal life, in which I can complain about Blogs and I only have to train once or twice a week, instead of every single day... Normal service will be resumed shortly.

In the meantime, try not to break the internet, okay?


«Oldest   ‹Older   1201 – 1400 of 3008   Newer›   Newest»
Dragona Pine said...

I like jumping off skyscrapers on a motorbike on San Andreas... you'll find a video of me doing it on my blog... Driv3r, GTA and general randomness... and I advise you to also view:

Star Wars Battlefront: The Empire getting OWNED!

Alexander. said...

Haha you bought the castle? I ended up having millions, i bought out one of the whole towns, and didnt touch the game for maybe a month or two, and then i get back into it and i just have an exponential amount of money, you knew that it keeps gaining the rent even when the system is turned off?

Alexander. said...

Oh idk, fallout 3 just wasn't as interesting as the previous 2, of course the graphics and everything were better, but it didn't have the same feel to it you know? I never really got into it, i might someday

Mary Hiashi said...

I have a 360. Have you played Dragon Age Origins then...god I'm such a nerd. I beat the damn game twice. Fable 2...4 times...

Alexander. said...

Ok well i have to go, gotta help get my mums new bed and drive it back here...Will try and get back on when im back

Dragona Pine said...

I have a ps2, a ds lite, a wii, a game boy advance SP, 2 laptops (one XP and one Windows 7, and a computer (XP)

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes I know that the money grows. I went for the family option at the end (I wanted my dog back) and yes I bought the stupid castle...never saw my husband again...*Laughs* I think the door at him.

Mary Hiashi said...

Damn, ate not at.

Dragona Pine said...

I like killing myself... on GTA San Andreas... but normally it happens because a random pilot, who is most likely high on drugs, crashes into me and blows up...

Alexander. said...

well i dont have to go...and dragona i have a PS2, Comp (XP FTW!), Older bro has a 360, and younger one has a Wii...

Alexander. said...

Wait maybe i do have to go... O' woe is me...

Dragona Pine said...

I like F1 2009 for the wii, and Need For Speed Nitro, and for 360, my friends, I like Grid, my fave game on ps2 is probably either Star Wars Battlefront, II or GTA San Andreas... and I have Star Wars Battlefront II for the computer as well... which is funny cos you can get mods...

Mary Hiashi said...

I have a 360, a wii, two ps2's, a game cube, an old school Nintendo thing, and another one that's 'newer', 2 game boy advanced, 2 game boy colours, a windows 7 gaming computer, an older windows computer, a Vista laptop, a window's seven laptop (mine), and a really old computer.

Dragona Pine said...

I'm on the XP one at the moment... because my windows 7 one keeps crashing... for no apparant reason...

Mary Hiashi said...

I HATE Star Wars with a passion. Stupid cousin. Throw that kid out the window I swear...

Dragona Pine said...

I don't like Star Wars, it's gay... some random guys with glowsticks... I don't care about the films... I like Star Wars Battlefront and that's it...

Dragona Pine said...

But I must admit... blowing Darth Vader up is pretty funny... especially when I do it hehe...

Mary Hiashi said...

I don't like even the games.

Mary Hiashi said...

Gomen, but I REALLY have to go to sleep now. It's 4 in the morning.
Buenos Noches!
Blessed be,
Miss Mary

Anonymous said...

you comment a lot...

Dragona Pine said...

Bye... and I'm a loner whoo!

Anonymous said...

bye mary

Anonymous said...

am i alone now??

Dragona Pine said...

Yey Florence is here!

Anonymous said...

i was here since 7:04 i just wanted to read all the random comments from when i left...

Dragona Pine said...

I was here since 8:45

Anonymous said...

i was awake since 7:00

Dragona Pine said...

Leo's fanfic is amazing...

Dragona Pine said...

So was I Florence...

Anonymous said...

i have to agree with that

Dragona Pine said...

Kallista died... I think...

Anonymous said...

a crow flew into my window and woke me thats four crows flying in my window..

it makes me jump everytime...

Dragona Pine said...

I woke up because I did...

Anonymous said...

did you have breakfast yet??

Dragona Pine said...

Yes... I had some shreddies, yey!

Anonymous said...

i had cheerios!

Dragona Pine said...

There's a Cherrious NASCAR... put in Cherios car in on google images...

Dragona Pine said...


Anonymous said...

arent shreddies the ones from that advert were the old ladies are making them and then this old man eats them??

Dragona Pine said...

Yes... knitted by Nannas lol...

Anonymous said...

im making a apple crumble right now and the oven is kinda that a good thing???

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

No... it's probably failed lol...

Anonymous said...

yes! first comment will be mine!

Anonymous said...


with my amazing cooking skills i could kill a whole army...

Dragona Pine said...

Who are James Poole and Luna Devine on my blog, there following it... and I wonder who they are...

Anonymous said...

dunno probably random ppl that read your blog but dont comment....

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Florence... have you read it yet?

Anonymous said...

i just finished its kinda hard reading when ppl keep talking to you on facebook...

*turns facebook of*

ah peace quiet and no more friend boyfriend trouble...

lol girl power cant get better then that...

Dragona Pine said...


*starts crying again with clones*

Lolage... MY WORD!

Anonymous said...

hello dragona you still here???

did i just upset you again??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i did make you a clone girlfriend...i even planned you and all your clones a wedding...

Dragona Pine said...

*floods the room*

Lol to that...

Anonymous said...

no no i cant swim...and my clothes are getting wet help help!

Dragona Pine said...

*lifts Florence onto a bench and uses magic yorkshire pudding to make her clothes dry again*

Anonymous said...

*water is up to forhead*

cant breathe....

Anonymous said...

thank you

Dragona Pine said...

Your Welcome lol.

Anonymous said...

you should make a water park and charge ppl £10 each..

Darkane Claw said...

Swimming!! YAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

or teach ppl how to swim...for £15 lol

Dragona Pine said...

*constructs teleporting waterslide, wave machine and a sign*


Anonymous said...

or both for however much money you want...

Dragona Pine said...

*constructs swimming lessons*

Darkane Claw said...

WAVE MACHINE!!!! AWESOME!!! Thx Dragona.
*Goes surfing on the waves*

Anonymous said...

yay i love slides...

Anonymous said...

yes !

*starts learning how to swim...*

Dragona Pine said...

For my friends... free... it's just tears after all...

*turns clones into water spurters to keep the waterlevel up*

*leaves some clones left for workers*

Darkane Claw said...


Anonymous said...

can i make waffles and sell them??

Dragona Pine said...

Init Darkane...

-HB/Joe- said...


Dragona Pine said...

Yes Florence... you can be waffle person and the assistant owner...

Dragona Pine said...


Have you got the picture of me yet?

Darkane Claw said...

Gotta go to athletics now Bye people.

Anonymous said...

part 4 of my story is up if anyone wants to know..

Anonymous said...

yes ill try not poison anyone !

awsome im assistant manager!!

-HB/Joe- said...

Dragona. You should check your blog. I will stay here on this blog, so that you can get back to me once you do.

Dragona Pine said...

Yes Hellboy... I read your 'justfied critisism'

Anonymous said...

hey hellboy

-HB/Joe- said...

..... What did you think?

hi Florence. ( i know this is random ) does your German cousin have a Deviant Art?

Dragona Pine said...

I read everyone's comments... my fanfic does have a storyline... it's just setting the scene...

-HB/Joe- said...


...maybe 'justified' wasn't the right word...

Dragona Pine said...

It's setting the scene so we can get on with the storyline...

-HB/Joe- said...


Dragona Pine said...

Maybe it wasn't...

Anonymous said...

yes he does but i will have to ask what his name is

Dragona Pine said...

I have DeviantART!

-HB/Joe- said...

k Florence. I like your character's car. Same with you, Dragona.

Dragona Pine said...

Yey... Porsches!

Anonymous said...

yep so do i i just never go on it cause i have nothing to draw...

Anonymous said...

woooo ferrari!

Dragona Pine said...

I think i've been on it once...

flaring rhythm said...


Hope you have an AWESOME birthday today, and dance around in your cape ^.^


Anonymous said...

look its flaring from bebo!

Dragona Pine said...

Yes it is Derek's Birthday today!


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Derek Landy,
Happy Birthday to you!


*blows party streamer*

*baloons and party streamers go everywhere*

*hands Derek a massive present*

*puts a cake infront of him*

Blow out the candles!

*gets camera ready*

For he's a jolly good fellow,
For he's a jolly good fellow,
And I like Marshmallows!
For he's a jolly good fellow.

-HB/Joe- said...

Me: :D my guy has a cool car! *trying to fit in*

Dragona: Really? What kind of car is it?

Me: well....

Florence: Come on, tell us.

Me: Well, if you really want to know...

Derek, who jumps in randomly: YES! Now tell us already, you gobble-smacked minion!

Me: Its a ....

Dragona: Huh?

Me: A =====

Florence: WTH?

Me: Its...its..*whispers* a van.

Derek: Oh my Landy, what has gotten into you?!?

Dragona: Your character owns a van? That's just sad...

Dragona Pine said...

"Old Lang's Ine"

Oh... that's New Year...

3... 2... 1... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Anonymous said...

hehehe funny hellboy

my pictures i are nothing comapred to the ones on deviantart... :(

Dragona Pine said...

No, it's a Porsche GT3 RS, 2x, one black and with an orange strike, the other white with a red stripe, check Dragona Pine on my blog for pictures...

-HB/Joe- said...

yeah...i know what car it is...i even have your bio as a fav. so that i can access it so that Louis can draw it.....

-HB/Joe- said...

not your car, only that character..

Dragona Pine said...

Anonymous said...

my art teacher is making me draw pictures for ofsted .. i cant draw under pressure i need help i need ideas i need ppl to see them before my teacher im even drawing in my sleep...i actually am..

Dragona Pine said...

Ah... that makes sense...

My character wears a black jacket, sometimes where's a white jacket, either a blue or black t-shirt and jeans...

Dragona Pine said...

Normally a black jacket and a white t-shirt though...

Anonymous said...

i cant finish

*starts crying*

Dragona Pine said...

No, not a white t-shirt, blue...

Dragona Pine said...

*comforts Florence*

You could draw something which you like... and make it colourful with a background...

Dragona Pine said...

So... normally a black jacket, a blue t-shirt and jeans...

Dragona Pine said...

*walks off*

*slips on banana peel and faceplants the floor*


-HB/Joe- said... already said that to....

so, like, louis has already drawn the torso up, and you have a simple t-shirt which will probably be white. So yeah, he knows what you where.

Anonymous said...

i like a lot of things...

what about a head less horse man???

no no stupid

erm erm

Dragona Pine said...

Yey... half of me is alive!

Well that's an improvement...

Dragona Pine said...

Hmm... put something in the middle... with a coloured background with black stripes going across it... it would look good if the background was pink...

Dragona Pine said...

In art we're doing portraits... cubism... mine is funny... it's got a green face, orange eyes... she said it would be distorted...

Anonymous said...

i give up

*bangs head aginst key board*

stupid bh gnbn hnhbj bj

stupid t6y7uhuhyj7

stupid hyghgbnjuhyjjyuh7jhj

Dragona Pine said...


*Florence to English*


Anonymous said...

wait what about the hound of the baskervilles... you have heard that story right?? right??

Dragona Pine said...

I'm 6ft 3 and a half tall...

Dragona Pine said...

Nope... never heard of it...

Anonymous said...

dam need more ideas need more out of ideas... i give up...

Dragona Pine said...


*car crashed into plane and car wreckage on GTA*

Dragona Pine said...

Draw me on GTA hehe...

Draw a plane crashed into a car... that's what generally happens to me...

Anonymous said...

let the inspectors kill me i give up

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Where's that never say die spirit Fool?

*gets in helicopter and starts bombing Florence with mars bars*

Now quit yaw Jibber-jabbin get your pencil and put it on the page fool!

Anonymous said...

ill see what i can do..

Dragona Pine said...

DRAW ME ON GTA LOL... full of drama, action and randomness... especially when there's a plane crash into ME!

Anonymous said...


i lost my life motto just a couple of minutes ago i ran out of ideas my room is covered with bits of scrunched up paper and my bin is full of pencils sharpening...i have broken 12 pencils in half and only have 6 left now i think that i have used up four rubbers and nearly all the paper in the house...

Anonymous said...

i have nothing to loose so i will see...

Dragona Pine said...

When you've done take a picture of it and put it on your blog... then everyone can see it...

Anonymous said...

sorry i dint mean that ts just i have a week left and no ideas

Gerren H said...

Trying not to break the internet is harder that it looks. Have you seen Retired Extremely Dangerous? Epic movie!

Dragona Pine said...

Meanwhile... I'm going on GTA...

Radio: 'It's a nice day for a, white weeeddddinngggg...'
Me: Nice song hehe...
Police Helicopter: Please step out of the vehicle.
Me: No... I'm driving... my car...

Dragona Pine said...

*goes across railcrossing*

No trains...

*drives across and a train whacks into the side of me*

Radio: it's a nice day for a...
Me: Aww great my cars on fire!
*jumps out in mid-air from car which is flipping away*
Me: Get outa the helicopter!
*nicks helicopter*
*crashes it into tank but abandones it before it hits the ground*

Dragona Pine said...

Am I a loner?

Great, more US military bases to talk about!

Anonymous said...

im here!

Anonymous said...

drawing your action scene...

Dragona Pine said...

Echelon is a US Millitary base joined on to the GHHQ building, it monitors all media (phones, internet etc) around the world.

Thor's Hammer is a US military satalite which launches a nuclear warehead under the direction of the president by using something known as 'the football', it can destroy any bomb-proof building and it leaves a 2mile radioactive crater.

Dragona Pine said...

Yey Florence!

Dragona Pine said...

AWP, or the Advanced Weapons Project is a Bomb-proof building located in the US, it desgins all weapons projects given to the US.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

hehehehe I'm at mt dads :] we the chickens mill and corn and collected there eggs :] ...

lucky because it's just started raining :D

now shhh guys I'm not supposed to be on :]

Anonymous said...

hi nicolette

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

we fed the chickens mill and corn .... and my dad threw some potato peeling and stuff like that which they seem to like to :/

Dragona Pine said...

Area 51 is located in Nevada, it is a millitary base equipped with SAM turrets and a landing strip. It is often related to Aliens, but this has not been confirmed.

I hope people like this information...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Heya :D

Dragona Pine said...


Military bases whoo!

Echelon is a US Millitary base joined on to the GHHQ building, it monitors all media (phones, internet etc) around the world.

Thor's Hammer is a US military satalite which launches a nuclear warehead under the direction of the president by using something known as 'the football', it can destroy any bomb-proof building and it leaves a 2mile radioactive crater.

AWP, or the Advanced Weapons Project is a Bomb-proof building located in the US, it desgins all weapons projects given to the US.

Area 51 is located in Nevada, it is a millitary base equipped with SAM turrets and a landing strip. It is often related to Aliens, but this has not been confirmed.

Anonymous said...

some of the boys in the school next door say i look like a stripper


Dragona Pine said...

Florence... these are the people who took your phone... so I wouldn't listen to them... because they have SERIOUS mental problems.

-HB/Joe- said...

:D i searched area 51 on google earth...and all it came up with was a clear space of desert...

..look further on and you realise that this clear patch has been copied from another patch, somewhere near it.

At least, that was my theory..

Dragona Pine said...

Tell them that hehe... and then say if you take my phone again I'll get my 6ft 3 and a half friend to come and kill you...

-HB/Joe- said...

alrite, gtg.

I'm playing GTA now.

Except it's Vice City.

And it's been heavily modded.

And it's a burnt copy.

And it crashes like every ten seconds.

So yeah, expect me back real soon...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

awsome! ... my dad just blew up all the lights lol

Anonymous said...

not them they are probably in bed with a broken arm or two...

other boys from year 9 + 10 + 11...and now my friends keep asking if i am really annoying...

Dragona Pine said...

Yes HEllboy, Area 51 has been covered up, it has taken a picture of a space of land 2340m west of the position and moved to cover up Area 51.

Anonymous said...

wait that came out wrong they keep asking me and i find it annoying..

they arent asking me if im annoying...

Dragona Pine said...

Florence... you do not look like a stripper, people who say you are are retarded...

Anonymous said...

thank you at least one person knows

Dragona Pine said...

Because I'm nice... Florence, you are very pretty but you do not look like a stripper...

Dragona Pine said...

It's because the other boys are retards and need 24 hour care to be able to eat and drink through a tube...

Anonymous said...

Okay. This is utterly pointless, and you probably won't see this since there are over a thousand comments already, but does/did Skulduggery ever read Detective stories? And if so, would they be the famous, Sherlock Holmes-type stories, or just sort of unknown books he found wandering through a second hand bookstore?

lilian.thigh said...

You do realise, sir, that by saying "try not to break the internet, okay?" you immediately and irreversibly ensure that these lunatics WILL? :D

Dragona Pine said...

Oy, who are you calling lunatic?

Anonymous said...

lol thanx for saying im pretty but im not... and some are retarded i have to agree

Dragona Pine said...

You are... and I agree with the thing that you agree with which I said originally, confusing right?

Anonymous said...

i was randomly looking at were yorkshire is and it is 4 hours and 16 minutes away from a area that i live in...

Dragona Pine said...

Florence, where has you profile gone?

Anonymous said...

yep confusing..

Dragona Pine said...

How was pink day for you?

Dragona Pine said...

I didn't go to school for pink day hehe... I was, and still am, ill...

Anonymous said...

its up now

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

I just looked up how far away I am from Yorkshire and It came up with 4 hours 16 mins :]

Anonymous said...

i wore fishnets, a tartan skirt, my boots , a black tshirt with "if you want to die try coming closer" and a jumper....

my day was funny i didnt hit anyone and i just done girly stuff like breaking up with my boyfrined telling my frineds and then getting my frined a baoyfrined...normal stuff you know...then my phone got nicked...and i was called a stripper.. and thats it...

how was your day???

Anonymous said...

thats how far i am nicolette... you know we might live close by and not know about it....

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

:O yes yes we could .....

this wont give away much but what are the first 4 didgits of your post code ?

if you don't want to or can't say don't worry :]

Dragona Pine said...

I didn't go to school, but I went on GTA.


Anonymous said...

my post code??

that wont do much harm any way my post sode is Se9 2jb

Anonymous said...

lol awsome isnt that were they cut alien life forms that dont exist...i always wanted to go there!

Anonymous said...

sode??? were did that come from....

whats your nicolette?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

flo were an hour and 53 minutes away from each other :]

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

well thats if we took the car if we walked then it would take a day and 2 hours

Anonymous said...

lol thats colud be anywere right??

Dragona Pine said...

HD9, I don't know the rest of mine lol...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

if I came picked you up in the car flo then headed off to yorkshire it would take 6 hours and 7 mins!!! lol

Anonymous said...

lol then we could go and say hi to dragona and go back home!

Anonymous said...

oh yh new page

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

with that info Dragona I know know what town/ city your in and I can tell it would take 3 hours and 54 mins to get there

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

don't panic O'm a profesional stalker this is just another days work for me .... ;] joking

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

it takes 15 days and 13 hours to get from Florida to Mexico if you walk :D

Anonymous said...

lol what a wonderful way to stalk people through google maps :D

Anonymous said...

i once went to see my street in 3d and theres my brother picking his nose...haha JKS

Dragona Pine said...

Try Huddersfield Nicolette, I live NEAR there... about 10miles away, but it's the biggest town in the area... but I liive in the country side hehe...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

you live in holmfirth Dragona

Anonymous said...

4 hours 3 miutes....from my house..

Dragona Pine said...

How did you work it out?


*hides in corner*

Dragona Pine said...

Yey... we live kinda near... kinda...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

lol you gave me the first 3 letters of your postcode those are the letters that repredent the town / city the others are the area in the town/ city and the last are the street :]

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