Thursday, October 21, 2010

My God. You broke the Blog.

Did you know there was a 5000 comment limit on this Blog? I didn't. Of course, I never thought it would ever MATTER what the limit was, as the idea of reaching it was just so silly...

And now you've reached it.

Okay fine, you haven't actually BROKEN the blog, but still! I got an email from my agent a few minutes ago, and it simply said- "Five THOUSAND comments!"

So I came on here, realised what you'd all done, and I wept, for now my publishers will be jumping for joy and clapping their hands, because we have reached a landmark moment... And it's all down to the fact that you're all insane.

As for me, my Krav Maga course is over tomorrow, and I shall return to my normal life, in which I can complain about Blogs and I only have to train once or twice a week, instead of every single day... Normal service will be resumed shortly.

In the meantime, try not to break the internet, okay?


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Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh ok!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yeah i know its that cold here in CT

Mary Hiashi said...

I think here is a degree or so colder. But, Vancouver is warmer by like, 4 degrees.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Mary Hiashi said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

Connecticut in America!

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Ah, right, Conneticut. Sorry, I know Provinces. States, not as much.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

umm i don;t like contests im a very bad judge but thanks for the suggestion

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i love fall but not for the cold hell no but for the beautiful colors of the trees there all orange red and yellow so pretty!

Mary Hiashi said...

Kallista, have you seen my new idea for a story. I have the beginning of it on my blog.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

what's with the smile......

Mary Hiashi said...

I do like fall.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

good there so pretty!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

its like my fave season other than spring because thats the time of my birthday!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*shoves brains back inside Kallistas head* there better now?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok hope ou find something!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Did you Kallista?

Am I being ignored again?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Mary Hiashi said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

yess i did it!

Mary Hiashi said...

Damn it!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

nice try Mary!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ooooo Kallista is gonna be mad that she missed a new page

Mary Hiashi said...

Yeah? Well guess what, I was the first comment on this BLOG!
What now?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

all because of stupid allergies

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

LUCKY! .....but then again i didn't even know this blog existed or even the series one second i have to check something brb

Mary Hiashi said...

Poor Kallista.

Mary Hiashi said...

Oh, not the blog blog. This blog post.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

oh yeah cus ijust checked and some guy named mr wrote the first comment EVER im jelous of him are you really afraid of our brains Derek?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok its almost five o'clock ther...DEREK YOU BETTER BE UP!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

post the post not the first post EVER just this post

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

Darkness spread through her veins as twisted thoughts cloud her mind. She looks down upon her self; her form is not fit for her being. She shrugs it will have to do. Power surges through her muscles, they twitch with the urge to crush something or someone with her dagger like claws. Dark purple smoke curls around her fingers. She leans her head back and takes in the sounds of war. The cruelty of war feeds her mind with thoughts of rage. A twisted smile forms on her lips; she has become what she feared of. No she was not her anymore she has become some one entirely different.
She was

I will keep posting this until Derek comments about it

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

sure accept 8puts stamp of aproval on kallistas head*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

guys write faster please im so lonley!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

im really not the most pationt in the world....also not the best speller

Mary Hiashi said...

Blabber monkey photos.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ok good you guys didn't im just to impatient

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

welcome Kallista!

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

did i tell you im going into Skulduggery withdrawl?

Mary Hiashi said...


Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i swear im going NUTS! today i:
saw a skull with a hat on
thought i saw skulduggery sitting in an empty seat in class
quoted skulduggery things and others sayings without meaning to
almost wrote Bentley instead of Bennet for a characters last name in my book
i keep having strange dreams involving Derek


Mary Hiashi said...

So did you Kallista? Did you read my new story idea on my blog?

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i swear im going mental its as if everything i see or do or think has to do with Skulduggery in one way or another

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm having withdrawl too Skulgirl.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

*collapses on the ground into a coma because of no new Skulduggery*

Mary Hiashi said...

Mine however, consists of near mental breakdowns, and screaming. Lots of randomness too.

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

okk not a coma *starts shaking violently because of no new Skulduggery*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

i try to contain the screaming i already freak out my friends with the obsession of skulduggery and i don't want to go to therapy for it so im hiding it on the inside

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay I'll write it but's REALLY wierd.

I'm going to throw in as much randomness, Canadian prejuidace, and anything else that I can think of. That's a warning.

Mary Hiashi said...

I want jell-o now...

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

they all make fun of me because i love a flying skeleton detective.......but im more in love with fletcher .......yes i think skulduggery and the gang is real........i just wish they would come for me........*looks ever so sad*

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...

ugg gotta go before i get into trouble for staying up too late

Skulgirl13 A.K.A Deryn Mellifluous said...


Mary Hiashi said...

I made cocolate cake and pretzels in foods class this week. Mmmm...
My groups (our groups change every time) were the only ones who had perfect products.

Mary Hiashi said...

Goodnight Skulgirl!

*Starts crying* I can't speeelllllll! What happened to me?

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm good... I'm good...

I should be able to spell properly...I have to read more books again.

Yes, that's the solution!

Mary Hiashi said...

I do read a lot, but I haven't been able to read due to lack of Skulduggery.

Mary Hiashi said...

No it doesn't.

Mary Hiashi said...

Take chances everyone. I did.

Mary Hiashi said...

*Starts crying*
N.....n.....not yet. No

Mary Hiashi said...

It's alright.
Just two more days...two more days...

Mary Hiashi said... this! It's the intro to Fallout: New Vegas, which is a game I REALLY want to play. (It just came out.)

Mary Hiashi said...


Oh, and Bethesda didn't make New Vegas, Obsidian (I think) Studios did. That's why it looks different.

Mary Hiashi said...

I can't wait to play that.
And then FALLOUT 4!!!!!!

Mary Hiashi said...

Soon hopefully.

Mary Hiashi said...

Ooh...and I also have to get Fable 3. Although all of these games are around...$70 dollars. So I think it's New Vegas first, Fable 3 second, and then whenever Fallout 4 comes out...

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Oh, there you are.

And that's what my mother said.

Mary Hiashi said...

Oh come on, its only 12:38am. *Laughs jokingly*

Mary Hiashi said...

I hope you do too. My birthday is 8 months away... Maybe I'll get a new keyboard. (Piano thing)

Mary Hiashi said...

I usually get up at 5:30am, and, if I really wanted to, I can stay up until that time.

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes I do play the piano. Self taught actually.

Mary Hiashi said...

It's fairly easy, I just posted some art on my blog...

Mary Hiashi said...

AND...go to sleep Kallista.

Mary Hiashi said...

Piano playing is easy. And I just posted some art on my blog.

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes you should. Beauty rest is important.

Mary Hiashi said...

Eh, I might. I'm not all that tired yet.

Mary Hiashi said...

Wholesale items.

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

What's the best ice cream place I know of?... The Marble Slab of course.

Mary Hiashi said...

Thanks for the kindly comments Kallista!

Mary Hiashi said...

Bye Kallista!

Mary Hiashi said...

You up and blogging YET Derek? Probably not eh? Just so we know, I send you an imaginary cake.

Red Right Hand said...

pfft. They put a limit on? And the limit is ONLY 5 thousand? Thats silly. Obviously they had no idea YOU would have a blog on here or they would have made it much greater.
Yours sincerely,
Blog Breaker.

Mary Hiashi said...

JB Hi Fi is completely right. Things people don't know.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*yawns* does my mum think this is some funny joke! to say i can fall asleep whenever I want then wake me up at 6 to look after the two little ones!!

it's sick i bet she snuggled up asleep happly in her dreams mocking and laughing me :'[

Mary Hiashi said...

Aww...Nicolette. That sucks!
How are you besides probably tired?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

ahh I like tea it really does help wake you up...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

MARY!!! I'm good thanks

Mary Hiashi said...

Good to hear Nicolette.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Thanks Mary :] ........ do you want me to post next part of my fan fic?

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes, please!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

published :]

Mary Hiashi said...

Alrighty then.
*Dramatically runs*
Here we gooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Mary Hiashi said...

I have commented!

Damn internet is slow.....

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

*bites fingernails in anticipation*

if i spelt that wrong then i am legend.... without the vampire zombie things

Mary Hiashi said...

That was an AMAZING movie!

...I still have to see all of The Lovely Bones. I didn't have time to watch it all.

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

It was an emmence movie!!

Mary Hiashi said...

What in the bloody hell?!.....

Mary Hiashi said...

I somehow ended up on some random blog. *Scratches back of head confused*

Mary Hiashi said...

Hey Nicolette, have you seen my new art?

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...



Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

yeah lol I LOVE the frog!

Mary Hiashi said...

...Evil muffin man...

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Goodnight Nicolette!
I shall be back tomorrow. With my story in tow!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Night Mary!

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

hmmm there on the sofa watching spongebob....... now there screaming! yeah ........... sorted

*yawns* I need another cup of tea ...

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

Alexzz is online :] hehehe i'm not a larry

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

ahhhhhhhhhh common can't hide from me forever

Nicole Fudge (Nicolette Croga) said...

meh I give up I'm going now all

Alexander. said...

haha its been a while since ive been on here, better bust out the old Derek landy's blog, which i care to comment on form time to time, gloves :D

Nicolette u been reading my stories !???

And has anyone else read the Mortal Instruments Series? You know the City of bones, city of ashes, and city of glass?

Alexander. said...

AHHh *wails helplessly* Im all alone....tis' the sad, sad life of a young, aspiring author....

Jeez i need a girlfriend....But im so hopeless with the ladies, im not that bad looking i think, and im not horrendously not overweight at all to be honest...*sigh* o' woe is me...

Mary Hiashi said...

I haven't gone to bed yet, I will in a minute. Hi Alexzz and yes I have read that series.

"Get thee gone woman, and bring me something brown."
"Yes. Brown is a manly colour..." Or something like that.

Alexander. said...

Hwaaa...? O.o? What is that brown quote about?

Alexander. said...

and what did you think about it?

Mary Hiashi said...

*Pats Alexzz's back*
There, there Alexzz. I'm sure things'll turn up for you.

Alexander. said...

im reading it now and i think its pretty great

Alexander. said...

Hahaha :P At least this is keeping my mind off of the endless void that seems to be encroaching upon my very existence :) *Smiles creepily*

Mary Hiashi said...

I LOVED IT! Wierd but amazing!

Alexander. said...

And you can drop the extra z's on my name, ima try change it :)

Mary Hiashi said...

And if you're reading it now, you'll see what the 'brown' comment is about.

Alexander. said...

I TOO LOVE IT!!!! It is not weird at all...O.o maybe im just equally as wierd so both levels of weirdness cancel each other out O.o....but im not all that weird, well not as weird as the all of the 90% of guys who are CoD freaks, i must be weird cause im not one :D

Mary Hiashi said...

'Kay. Have you gotten to Magnus yet?

Alexander. said...

Yeah i while ago, im halfway through the second book

Mary Hiashi said...

I HATE COD! All you hear is COD this, COD that. Argh!

Alexander. said...

Dont spoil it for me... -_-

Mary Hiashi said...

Mmmmm... Great book.

(There are references to Naruto!) Huzzah!

Alexander. said...


In my personal opinion, Final Fantasy is tha bomb

Alexander. said...

Yeah i saw that one, how the little boy (Max) is reading it :P

Mary Hiashi said...

I solemnly swear that I shall not spoil this series for you. *Bows respectively*

Alexander. said...

haha thankyou *Bows respectively back* Oh and i started watching FMA!! Its funny im the only one out of like 6 people who get the alchemy concept

Alexander. said...

oh ill be back, have to move a large cupboard for the mother

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay, you are officially my second favourite in the blog world (Kallista took first...). Final Fantasy is the greatest game series in existence. Or at least I think so...

Mary Hiashi said...

You're watching it?!
Good boy!
And I'm just going to call you Alex. Alexander is long for me to type.

Mary Hiashi said...

FF10 and FF7 were my personal favourites. (Crisis Core being absolutely, pure, amazingness.)

Anonymous said...

hey !

Mary Hiashi said...

And out of what six people? Not a hard concept though...I got bored and read a book on alchemy once.

Mary Hiashi said...

Hey Florence!

Mary Hiashi said...

That must be a helluva cupboard.

Anonymous said...

part 4 of my story is up!

Alexander. said...

Haha, just an assortment of 6 people i know, and not alchemy, the concept, i was like the only one who knew it in the first ep...yet im only up to the third :P

And i disagree, FF9, FF10, FF7, and FF : Dissidia are the best ones :D (FF9 was the one that got me into the series) Crisis core was pretty awesome, X-2 was terrible, XII wasn't bad, and FF XIII Isn't the best one I've played, and i cannot choose a favorite blog...Probably Kallista's also, if she doesn't write again soon ima go crazy O.O

Oh and have you watched Hellsing or Samurai Champloo, those are two short, yet AWESOME animes

Alexander. said...

Oh we had to dismantle the cupboard, and carry it bit-by-bit from mums room to the garage :D

Anonymous said...

hey alex

Alexander. said...

Hey florence, how are you?

Mary Hiashi said...

No I haven't. I'll check them out when I can... tomorrow maybe.
FF10 got me into the series. Tidus didn't come back... :(

Mary Hiashi said...


Alexander. said...

Yeah i know, kinda sad ending...I like the part in macalania woods :)

Anonymous said...

in a better mood then yesterday cause someone nicked my new phone..i hunted them down and beat the hell out of them but they stil busted my lip...

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm going to get all teary... That was a great part, I loved the Luca part. With the laughing. (It's Luca right?...been a while.)

Mary Hiashi said...


It is too late for me to properly form sentences. Gomenesai.

Alexander. said...

Yeah it has, ive started it again, not up to luca yet :) the one how they are fake laughing?

Anonymous said...

is that stupid crow blind?? it just flew into my window and dropped like a rock....stupid crows thats the third time today...

Alexander. said...

Haha, you beat the hell out of them? Nice.

Hardly enough punishment for someone stealing your phone...I would've used a brick... *Smiles wildly*

Anonymous said...

i used a baseball bat it does more damdage i have a good swing...

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes, the fake laughing.
"No crying, no crying..."

Dragona Pine said...

Hi all.

Anonymous said...


Alexander. said...

Haha, yeah that was in Kilika i think :D *Pats brain*

Ahh a baseball bat would do more damage, if it were metal...You consider sprucing up your physical assault with maybe a....ahh i dont know...*Says random list of weapons*

Dragona Pine said...

I'm getting new flooring fitted in the kitchen today... and it's manic in the living room, there's a iron in the mixing bowl... food in a washing basket an just where you expect it, cereal on an upturned chair... yep... just where you expect it...

Mary Hiashi said...

Hey Dragona...
Gah, my chest hurts...and so does my brain...

Anonymous said...

cereal on a up turned chair??

Alexander. said...

:O Interesting arrangement Dragona :P haha we've recently had to upturn my entire room (i share with a younger brother) because im getting a queen size bed... *Grins widely*

Mary Hiashi said...

Was it in Kilika? I can't remember...


Dragona Pine said...

There's one chair, then there's another one upside down on top of it, and the cereal is on top of the upside down one...

Alexander. said...

Ahh, Wakka wasnt my favorite, Auron FTW :D

Dragona Pine said...

Just where you expect it :S

Alexander. said...

And that explains it Dragona (not really)

Dragona Pine said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Speaking of cereal, I can't forget to put some more soy milk in the fridge. But I probably will forget... Curse my brain!

Alexander. said...

Ahh Mary and I are having a conversation about Final Fantasy 10

Dragona Pine said...

Ah... GTA San Andreas is better... and 10000000000000000000000x more random...

Alexander. said...

No....Simply no...

Mafia II is epic though, kinda on par with GTA IV

Dragona Pine said...

Speaking of Wakka, at sports day all our school had to sing and dance to the Wakka Wakka, the one by Shakira, and it was funny... we all started doing the mexican wave hehe... but I did win the 100m which is cool...

Alexander. said...

Oh and have you read my latest Part/s?

Mary Hiashi said...

Sure Auron was cool, but come on. It's Wakka. Awesome, awesome Wakka, ya?

Alexander. said...

hahaha, nah, hes too....Blitzbally... :P

Oh and Dragona, do you know much about gym memberships?

Dragona Pine said...

I've played the demo of Mafia II on my friends 360... very... dirty... what I saw... but that might be my friend telling me to go somewhere.

GTA IV is cool... but San Andreas is BIGGER and 10000000000000000000000x more random than any game you have ever played...

Mary Hiashi said...

And GTA was alright. Other good games were;
-Fable 1 & 2
-Lost Odyssey
-Devil May Cry 4
-Fallout 3
-etc, etc.

Alexander. said...

I have played it, it was good for its time, thats about it

Mary Hiashi said...

Ahhhhh! First comment!
*Pats self on back*
"Good job hon."

Dragona Pine said...

No I don't... I think you just go and ask for a memebership... but I don't need to work out hehe... but I want some dungbells for my birthday so I can...

Dragona Pine said...

Because I am naturally strong...

Alexander. said...

The Fables are epic!!!

I want to play DMC4 sooo bad, The older Fallouts were epic for their time,

Diablo II and the expansion, were/are, probably one of the best games i have played/will play
I might get Fable three in a couple days when it comes out :D

Mary Hiashi said...

Fallout 3 is amazing.
No Wakka isn't too Blitzbally.
And I still really want to play New Vegas...

Ooh, another great game was Oblivion...and Morrowind...

Alexander. said...

haha naturally strong :P

Ahh im joining one thats $27 a fortnight (thats AUS dollars) and you get full access to Pool, Gym, you can get a program made for you if you want, and can join in group sessions, i think you get access to other facilities aswell

Dragona Pine said...

I'm happy with Star Wars Battlefront II, and I and GTA San Andreas, they are both Epic games that I advise anyone to play...

Alexander. said...

Fallout 3 was a bit of a disappointment for me...

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes, Fable 3. God I want to play it. You know the castle in the second one. I bought that. That was A LOT of blacksmithing.

Alexander. said...

Played em both, both great games for their time, but i got sooo bored of them after a while (a long while)

But then again, i only have em on PS2 not computer

Mary Hiashi said...

AHHH! How was it a dissapointment?!

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