Thursday, October 21, 2010

My God. You broke the Blog.

Did you know there was a 5000 comment limit on this Blog? I didn't. Of course, I never thought it would ever MATTER what the limit was, as the idea of reaching it was just so silly...

And now you've reached it.

Okay fine, you haven't actually BROKEN the blog, but still! I got an email from my agent a few minutes ago, and it simply said- "Five THOUSAND comments!"

So I came on here, realised what you'd all done, and I wept, for now my publishers will be jumping for joy and clapping their hands, because we have reached a landmark moment... And it's all down to the fact that you're all insane.

As for me, my Krav Maga course is over tomorrow, and I shall return to my normal life, in which I can complain about Blogs and I only have to train once or twice a week, instead of every single day... Normal service will be resumed shortly.

In the meantime, try not to break the internet, okay?


«Oldest   ‹Older   2401 – 2600 of 3008   Newer›   Newest»
Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

I was on And it has the summaries. *Shudders again*

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

There was GrimmxIchi, HitsuxIchi, IsshixIchi... Ichigo sure is popular...but *shudders a third time* I don't need that. I really don't.

Mary Hiashi said...

Oh, that's...Shuhei. I think. He amuses me so.

Mary Hiashi said...

I meant Shuihei for the pink coat guy. Rukia's brother is Byakuya Kuchiki. And no it isn't wierd Kallista...I don't think...

Mary Hiashi said...

Hat'n'Clogs? That's Kisuke Urahara.

Mary Hiashi said...

I wish Hatter existed...and Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7. I like him.

Mary Hiashi said...

Kisuke's not exactly honourable...he's...sneaky and slightly underhanded, has no problem with using you but hey, it's hard not to love the guy.

Mary Hiashi said...

...Vincent...He's the bees knees...

Mary Hiashi said...

Uryuu Ishida? And Ichigo is pretty well my favourite character in Bleach.

Mary Hiashi said...

You'd be ten billion shades of insane to not want to be rescued by him.

Mary Hiashi said...

I have never heard of those, are they anime and manga or just like, manga or something.

Mary Hiashi said...

Ah...I've only seen the anime of Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note. I read and watch both Naruto and Bleach.

Mary Hiashi said...

I got sucked into anime...I think by both Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note. It was late at night and I the FMA movie was on. I didn't quite understand it because I hadn't seen the series...mmmm...
Life was simpler then...

Mary Hiashi said...

Mmm...Naruto is a great anime/manga. It tugs your heart strings a lot...although it did have that 100 episodes of filler thing...

Mary Hiashi said...

I've hear of that. Although I've never seen it.

Mary Hiashi said...

I know one. It's

Mary Hiashi said...

Animefreak has both manga and anime for like, everything.

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay this video will only take up about a minute of your time. It's for the Naruto Shippudden movie. Here's the link:

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes, I've heard of it, and again no, I haven't seen it. It's done by Funimation right?

Mary Hiashi said...

S'alright. That movie was epicness at its best.

Mary Hiashi said...

I find it wierd how I can remember just about every story I have ever read...and I've read A LOT!

Mary Hiashi said...

What Masashi Kishimoto, or the anime writers. Oh and the remembering thing also goes for movies, t.v. shows, and games.

Mary Hiashi said...

But I have trouble remembering my own name, who my mother is, and what the heck I'm doing half the time.

Mary Hiashi said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

Mary Hiashi said...

Bye Kallista! Hope to see you too.

Mary Hiashi said...

I suspect Kallista.

Mary Hiashi said...

I suspect.

Mary Hiashi said...

I was busy listening to some music...

Mary Hiashi said...

*Says sarcastically*
Nope, not at all. You shall never be forgiven.

Mary Hiashi said...

Oh...I don't think he'd hate you.

Mary Hiashi said...

Ummm...That'd be a hell of a site to see. But then I'd have to go through the whole process of getting married. And my dad wouldn't be too pleased...ya...awkward...

Mary Hiashi said...

Ya, dad wouldn't be too pleased.
Me: Hey dad I'm off to get married. Goodbye.
Dad: What?! How old is he.
Me: Ummm...around 80, give or take a few years.
And that's how you make your father's jaw fall off.

Mary Hiashi said...

I don't even want to date anyone let alone marry anyone. Do you know how much work that is. You have to...spend time...with...with people. Gah! The horrors!

Mary Hiashi said...

Yep! He looks 20.

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Oh... well hello again!

Mary Hiashi said...

It feels like something is walking on my hand...

Mary Hiashi said...

Nah, just...tingly-ish. I guess. I have that with the top of my feet. I have a sometimes twitchy eye, and a horrible tendency to have a spasm of sorts. My head starts twitching...if that makes sense.

Mary Hiashi said...

AH! My rib or whatever just moved again. God I hate that.

Mary Hiashi said...

A nervous disorder?

Mary Hiashi said...

...And now my side/chestish area hurts. Phooey.

Mary Hiashi said...

About what?

Mary Hiashi said...

Kallista dissappeared again.

Mary Hiashi said...

Eh, not really. I told them that I have a shifty rib or whatever it is, and I sometimes complain about stuff, but as I've said, I'm usually not really listened to much.

Mary Hiashi said...

...School Nurse...Do we even have one?... I don't care too much anyways.

Mary Hiashi said...

It's slightly annoying but hey, I just suck it up.

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm here...sorry.

Mary Hiashi said...


Okay what say you to this? I tried to explain it as best as I could. What's your deduction:

This happened during math class (5th period)...

I was paying attention to the lesson (we always had a short lesson at the beginning of class) when my sight slowly started to... go. It was like parts of my vision were horribly blurred. My head kind of fogged up, I guess you could say. Then my heart started beating really fast. And it HURT. I was crying but I couldn't really feel it. I only knew because the girl beside me asked what was wrong. I tried to, clearly, tell her what was wrong but talking was a little difficult. I had that weepy sound but I also sounded kind of weak. My heart returned to normal but I became obscenely cold. And I SHIVERED! You don't even know. That shivering brought on the colossal headache. I stopped shivering and my heart started again with the fast beating. And it stopped; bringing on the coldness once more. This happened for a third time and the final. The coldness and shivering stayed for awhile before my headache and weakness replaced it. My hands shook and my legs weren't quite strong enough for me to stand on. I was also immensely thirsty. My headache knocked out all ability for me to think properly and I was spouting nonsense. The headache lasted until 6th period the next day.

The only other incident, slightly like this, was when my peripheral vision was completely knocked out by black rings. I couldn't see my desk and I walked straight into it. :(

Mary Hiashi said...

No, I'm not getting sleepy. But I would like some ice cream...I think...

Mary Hiashi said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Mmmmmm...candy. And Soya nuggets for all!!

Mary Hiashi said...

*Starts playing DDR on expert* (I actually can you know)

Mary Hiashi said...

*Stops playing DDR and begins singing The Call by Regina Spektor*

Mary Hiashi said...

*Finishes and begins to play Comptine D'un Autre Ete Midi L'Apres on the grand piano that appeared out of nowhere*

Mary Hiashi said...

I don't feel like going downstairs...I don't panic...and I don't like to bother...

Mary Hiashi said...

I know you did Kallista.

Mary Hiashi said...

I won an award once and I didn't know what it was for...I think it was for history. The only reason I won it was because of the other award...

Mary Hiashi said...

Thanks for your concern Kallista.

Mary Hiashi said...'s slow. If you don't get the chance and I have the good fortune, would you like me to say high to them for you?

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm smart...hi not 'high'.

Mary Hiashi said...

Ya, at like 3-4 in the morning...This'll be interesting.

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay Kallista, I'll feel 'honoured'. What does that feel like anyway?

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay then...owww.....

Mary Hiashi said...

You're not being a pain, my side is...good god that's uncomfortable...

Mary Hiashi said...

Don't worry, I'm used to it...

Mary Hiashi said...

Dang it...ummmmm...

Mary Hiashi said...

Who doesn't love the Aussies and the...UK...ians.

Mary Hiashi said...

Or something like that.

Mary Hiashi said...

*queitly tries to get 2900*

Mary Hiashi said...

Bye! I'll try and say hi for you...and myself for that matter.

Mary Hiashi said...

I'm proud of myself...

Mary Hiashi said...

I'll say hi and I'll send half of my fun had to you. Okay?

Mary Hiashi said...

*Starts whistling.* Time to wait...

Donkey Shooter said...



Donkey Shooter said...

Mary you there?

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

Well Hello myself how are you doing

Donkey Shooter said...

quite nice you?

Donkey Shooter said...

I'm you so id be quite nice too

Donkey Shooter said...

Well Then id be stumped if youre me then were am i?

Donkey Shooter said...

Well you and i are in Paris france...

Donkey Shooter said...

OK then were where you born ey?

Donkey Shooter said...

Australia hmmm?

Donkey Shooter said...

Favorite book?

Mary Hiashi said...

Sorry...hello. Stupid internet...being all slow like...

Donkey Shooter said...

Skullduggery pleasant an dthe inheritance books

Donkey Shooter said...

oh yay myself was getting boring

Donkey Shooter said...

I dont believe ive properly introduced myself ever to you mary
I am donkey shooter sorr
And for future references the boar is my dad

Donkey Shooter said...

oh post mary im going crazy paris is really dark boring at night!

Donkey Shooter said...

back to me...*sigh*

Donkey Shooter said...

Were where we ay?

Donkey Shooter said...

Well okay hmm
Are you a stalker?

Mary Hiashi said...

...Internet. Keeps. Failing me. And yeah we've met. You weren't very kind...but I don't hold a grudge so...

Donkey Shooter said...

I am ot a stalker

Donkey Shooter said...

i wasn't well sorry my life is kinda a wreck sorry

Mary Hiashi said...

Gah! Not 'don't' 'can't'. Such improper grammer.

Donkey Shooter said...

anyway im really bored reason why om posting to myself

Mary Hiashi said...

Ahh...wait, you're Australian?

Donkey Shooter said...

I'm stupid self no om!

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

I'm in france though stupid boar

Donkey Shooter said...

i believe i told you about the boar thing didnt i?

Mary Hiashi said...

Then in that case, Kallista says hi. I promised her I'd day hello to all the Australians and UK...ians for her.

Donkey Shooter said...

If not its my dad
And dont ask why

Mary Hiashi said...

Boar thing?

Donkey Shooter said...

oh ok
tell her hello too

Donkey Shooter said...

My dad
Long story about a 13 year story

Mary Hiashi said...

Oh, right...I do remember you saying that...surprisingly.

Donkey Shooter said...

Were are you from anyway?

Mary Hiashi said...


Donkey Shooter said...

Lol iif you wnat to know what the boar thing is about ill tell you now if you want.

Donkey Shooter said...

O canada nice hows it there?

Mary Hiashi said...

Sure, why not.

Donkey Shooter said...

as in temp

Donkey Shooter said...

okay her eis that stupid story again...

Mary Hiashi said...

It's...getting cold...:(
I think its raining actually...

Mary Hiashi said...

Why must the winter approach?

Donkey Shooter said...

when i was born about a year after my dad went out for a smoke...
for 13 years
as the eldest i had to take care of my moms various other kids which we have a large family by the way
anyway i hate my dad i dont call him dad hes jus a boar i boar is like a pig but worse therefore he is like a pig but worse

Donkey Shooter said...

im glad im not in aus right nows its spring nere racing carny
and its getting hot when i get home me and my friends are definetly going back there

Donkey Shooter said...

Racing carnival by the way we were the youngest punters there we looked fuinny in suits.

Mary Hiashi said...

I know what a boar is...and...ummm...okay.

Donkey Shooter said...

I still remmeber me screaming...

Mary Hiashi said...

It's spring in Australia?

Donkey Shooter said...

sorry it just seems last year was better then this year

Donkey Shooter said...

YEP october it think im heading back after italy i think which we will go for a week

Mary Hiashi said...

Have you read my...odd...story.

Donkey Shooter said...

Im looking up the horses now
I put a bet on So you think for the Cox plate so i better check if he won.

Donkey Shooter said...

i will after i see if so you think won

Mary Hiashi said...

Okay then...
*Still wierded out*
"How is it spring... In october!!!"

Donkey Shooter said...

Weird what is wrong with you...
And i earned 50 dollers yipee
That story is weird!

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

im a purple pixie!

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes that story is. Congrates on the money...But it's fall!!!

Donkey Shooter said...

*jumps on mary and bugs her continuosly*

Donkey Shooter said...

no it isnt!

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Mary Hiashi said...

I know it's not wierd for you, but for me it is.

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

dang the insanity came over me!

Donkey Shooter said...

it is spring end of story!

Donkey Shooter said...

oh and when we first met how was i rude to you?

Donkey Shooter said...

ello you there?
*breaks into mary's house*

Donkey Shooter said...


Mary Hiashi said...

September, October, November is fall.
December, January, February is winter.
March, April, May is Spring.
And June, July, and August is Summer.

Donkey Shooter said...

purple pixie's!

Donkey Shooter said...

your winter is my summer your summe ris my winter your autumn/fall is my spring
etc etc

Mary Hiashi said...

You said something about killing me...I think. Or some such thing...And then ranted about it for a few posts.

Donkey Shooter said...

I'm a little teapot short and stout here is my andle and here is my spout
whats the rest of the song?

Donkey Shooter said...

i did iim pretty sure i wouldnt of done that

Mary Hiashi said...

Or comments, whatever you want to call them.

Donkey Shooter said...

well i am very dearly sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

im still sorry :)

Donkey Shooter said...

sorry about spam post ;)

Donkey Shooter said...

well if i did say id kill you then what did you say to me?

Mary Hiashi said...

I forgive you.
I want to put a smiley face too. ;)

Donkey Shooter said...

what did i say?
telllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
please mary please
please please


Donkey Shooter said...

anothere smiley face spam think ok

Mary Hiashi said...

I said...something along the lines of "such foolishness..." or something equally odd. Then I left it at that pretty much.

Donkey Shooter said...

thats a dead cyclops!

Donkey Shooter said...

well i think at one point of my anger at my father i said id kill someone
and then i might of said that id kill you because you were the latest poster
sorry anyway

Donkey Shooter said...

ooh ive got 1

Mary Hiashi said...

Again, I forgive you.

Donkey Shooter said...

and this isnt a smiley but

Donkey Shooter said...


Donkey Shooter said...

you fool you wrecked my plan i was going to get first post!

Donkey Shooter said...


Mary Hiashi said...

Ahhh! First comment on a new page. I feel so special. What now Kallista? *Laughs*

Donkey Shooter said...



one day it will be mine!

Mary Hiashi said...

Kallista stole it from me last time.

Donkey Shooter said...

curse you for alll eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and infinity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

may your soul be cursed forever!

Donkey Shooter said...

well you stole it form me you meanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

*hires tesseract*

Mary Hiashi said...

That doesn't sound like fun. :( I don't want to be cursed...

Donkey Shooter said...

hes coming....


Mary Hiashi said...

Who's Tesseract?

Donkey Shooter said...

rolling on the floor laughing so hard i drop my mexican hat thingy and i drop my taco

thats how mexicans say rofl!

Donkey Shooter said...

wait have you read mortal coil?

Donkey Shooter said...

because hes from that

hes a bad guy!

Donkey Shooter said...

as you can see im trying to fill this page so i get first page!

yay me!

Donkey Shooter said...

first post not first page

damn i need to spell better

Mary Hiashi said...

No, I haven't read Mortal Coil yet. It comes out tomorrow.

Donkey Shooter said...

i want first post!

go for me!!!

Polaris said...

Dear mr landy,
my friend says you are a cool cat...she is very wierd.
I think I mispelled that...
oh well.
I was wondering when are you going to come to Canada? Yousee there is a small group of Skuldugggery Pleasant fan club, just im my school, but Im sure that there are more people in Canada so when will you tour here?
Sorry for breaking the blog. Will your computer explode if we break the limit again.
Its not as cold in Canada as some people think you know... okay so its cold in the winter but other then that we have pretty nice weather...
My other (who is siting on the other side of me watching me write) friend Nocturne says hi. My other friend (Who is sitting on the other side of me (You know the one that said you are a cool cat) Crystal Pine says "Im not a stalker... he stalks me." I'm not sure who shes talking about. We are part of the fan club. She also says "I love you" She honesly scares me.
So when are you coming to Canada? I really want you to come here. Nocturne says "Hail Derek Landy, The Golden God"
I write my own storys, Im the 13 yearold author you never wrote back to on the email...Im mad at you...
So come to canada and you will be forgiven. COME TO CANADA!!!! Sorry *Smooths down hair* Im sorry.

Donkey Shooter said...

Dear derek landy please accept my apologys for this spamming
blame mary for it she took first post off me!


Mary Hiashi said...

Okay then...

Donkey Shooter said...

House mouse i believe we set up a petition earlier for that.
mary if you thnk im not bein sarcastic then

i am being sarcastic

Donkey Shooter said...

i must prevail!!!!

and i shall!

Mary Hiashi said...

Yes Derek, COME TO CANADA!!!!!!!
And Housemouse is's not that cold... except for winter. Winter's cold.

Donkey Shooter said...

if someone else takes my prize then i shall get lord vile and my purple pixie's to kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the pixies have lollipops :)

Donkey Shooter said...

Come to aus but in 1 week and not in 2 weeks racing carny just come soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or my purple pixies shall return!

Donkey Shooter said...

im getting closer!

purple pixies!

Mary Hiashi said...

Look at the petition. Look at it!!!!!!

Donkey shooter, isn't it on a number count?

Donkey Shooter said...

i will prevail

oh wait i already did that dang!

Donkey Shooter said...

close i am getting!

and mary no not on number theres a limit to the size of a page i think


Donkey Shooter said...



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