Friday, August 6, 2010


For those of you who were wondering, this is Laura's dog, Ruby.


Anonymous said...

IS a creepy monster... O_o

Anonymous said...

Wait, what?
I'm the first to comment?!


*Jumps under the table, thinking the sky will fall down*

Anonymous said...

wow, did she get it straight from tatooine?!

Anonymous said...

WHERE have I seen that 'dog' before....
I remember a scene in a movie where this is in and it laughs in a really freakish way.
Is it Starwars?
I think it's Starwars.

Alright, now I feel like a spammer.
I'll stop now.


Tenh said...

Question, does it come with a lightsaber and can u get it past australian customs?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I do think I was right about Starwars. :D

Star Lord said...

Star Wars? I thought this was SP!

Bethany said...


That one actually made me chuckle out loud.

GreyAngel said...

it kinda looks like a cocker spaniel that hasn't been looked after if you squint and use your imagination

Blackjack Macabre said...

It looks more like a cat to me :)

Blackjack Macabre said...

or maybe a deranged billy goat-cross-cockroach...I bet you (whatever it is) it could eat a hundred bagels (just saying)...

Blackjack Macabre said...

wow...I think I've been sniffing da glue...Hi MR. LANDY! I'm a cabbage named Johny know, if you actually, really think about it, everybody's name is Johny Lynch...(Just saying...again)

Blackjack Macabre said...


Blackjack Macabre said...

Mr. LANDY! I have to ask you: Is Jack Skellington Skulduggery's twin? What colour hair did Skulduggery have? Will Skulduggery ever get married? How old was his kid when he died? What was his wife and kid's name? I MUST KNOW. IF YOU DON'T ANSWER I WILL STEP ON A SLUG IN MY RAGE! (Not really, but it would be funny if I did hehe :))

Unknown said...

PS. VERY IMPORTANT - If Derek Landy is reading this could you please, please, please sujest some good places to go and visit in Dublin. It would mean a lot! Thanks!!!
Plus I just found out that you're coming to Waterstones in Worcester on the 5th of Sept to release Mortal Coil and the paperback of Dark Days!!! I've already preordered tickets!!!

Kate Stuart-Smith said...

that is bloody creepy.
bad name for a dog Ruby

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Um... O...K. Odd dog. NEwayz... SP fans, I have a new Skulduggery blog up also. If U pleez, could U go on2 it and follow. I would appreciate it. It's called 'Skulduggery Pleasant Blog!'. Derek Landy... You should join :P. But seriously... >:/ Thanx LOL. :D

laura said...

Derek you in big trouble after that one!

laura said...

That is NOT my dog! My dog is great!

The Toad said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That's awesome!

Rhos Reviews said...

bahahahahahahahaha...classic. no wonder you get such a hard time impressing her Derek. i would love for you to ask her how you two first met and what embaressing things has she seen you do??
i havent really replied much but ive been reading your blog as soon as its updated and im soo excited for Mortal Coil and the new competition. Give an awesome high five to laura from me, i dunno how she keeps up with you. god praise her!!

Rhos Reviews said...

btw, is that hideous crearure from the Labyrinth, it seems i have seen it before from somewhere

Derek Landy said...


laura said...

Guys...I'm not even going to MENTION Derek's dogs! ............................................................................................................and before this turns violent D, lets quit while we're both still relatively unharmed!

Liliana Pitchblack said...

Pfft, Laura, your response was too adorable...

Derek Landy said...

Ahem. It's not that I'm scared of you, Laura, but, er, yes, I think that's a good idea...!

Star Lord said...

I think the violence has begun... Because I hate Bull Terriers!
Sorry, Lord Lanndy, but I agree with Lady Laura...

Star Lord said...

Lord Landy, sorry for spelling your name wrong, but next time, could you please put Lady Laura's READ Dog up?

Star Lord said...


Making the Legend said...


sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

Absolutely gorgeous, where can I get one??

Ebony Orvil said...

hahahahahahaha! (that is a joke right because i would be VERY scared if it wasn't.

GreyAngel said...

to everyone who wants to go to ireland,yes we are the greatest nation in the world and home to the greatest writer of the generation (your welcome mr landy) but trust me you'd get sick of the weather and the food after about a week

Wonka said...

ha! Mr. Landy, does Ruby happen to be a Chinese Crested Dog?

Wonka said...

Yeah, I read your books much to one of my friend's annoyance.
Is Hannah Foley's dog based on Ruby???

Wonka said...

my sister has just gone:
'Wha?? Who's Hannah Foley?? Whaaaa???? OOOOOHHH!!!!!'
silly sista.
she been smokin summat...

Star Lord said...

So do you like being called Lord Landy?

Wonka said...

OMG my dad is really sad he actually knows the name of the "Ruby"
What the hell, dad.

Wonka said...

hello person a comment up from me

Star Lord said...

My Lord? You've not said anything about me...
I'm beginning to think you hate or will just ignore me for the rest of your life.
Sorry, if that was rude, but I feel that the only one talking to me, is Geckogirl... And i Think Dragona Pine... Maybe...
Please comment to me.

Star Lord said...

THAT MAKES 3! Sorry Wonka.

Dragona Pine said...

Nice dog BTW.
@Wonka i don't think it's real.

Derek listen up, people to have in the Skulduggery Pleasant movie :

Skulduggery Voice - David Tennant
Tanith - Tamsin Egerton
Ghastly - Michael Cerveris
Grand Mage - Michael Gambon
Fletcher (when he comes in) - Josh Hutcherson

hope you agree Derek.

I'll keep adding when i find people who would fit the parts.

Oh Derek BTW have the film directed by someone good like Steven Speilburg or someone like that, or James Cameron, have someone good.

Anyone Else own Driv3r? Its Awsome!

Hope you liked by stories Derek, if you haven't read them yet, look at 'Things That Scare Me'.

Dragona Pine said...

@Sarthacus Bolt, lots of people talk to you, Derek just doesn't comment. Derek doesn't comment on me either, "Hint Hint Derek" but I don't mind.

Dragona Pine said...

Sarthacus, we say something worth commenting on, he just doesn't notice i don't think

Dragona Pine said...

and Woah i just found a glitch in Internet Explorer, start off in Google, then move to Skulduggery Pleasant homepage (or any other website with it's own logo at the top or the Tab toolbar) then while Skulduggery or the website is loading, add it to favourites and then the logo of the page is the Google logo on Favourites, it has the name and the link of the wesbiste you chose, but the logo of Google!!!

Louisa Rose said...

Wow, Derek have you finally run out of things to say to us?? Shocking.
Have you noticed that you get 49 comments from one single hideous picture and a few words.
With this kind of power and admiration, you could TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

THE WORLD IS GOING TO AN END!!!! (some guy chucked at me at a book signing fair and i decided to keep it !!)lol

im not mad im just different!

Louisa Rose said...

Oh, and please think about getting Benedict Cumberbatch in the movie if it is made.
It doesn't matter what role he plays.
He is fiiiine. ;)


Star Lord said...

Thanks, Dragona. I feel a bit better now. Did you read my ideas for the SP cast?
They are:
Skulduggery: Johnny Depp or David Tennant
Valkyrie: Dakota Blue Richards or Leigh White
Serpine: Hugo Weaving
Tanith: Actress of Aiwin from LOTR or Actress of Kill Bill person
Ghastly: Ian Mckellen or Michael Gambon
Sanguine: Eleija Wood

Eluned said...

He he , that dog-thing looks like my brother, lol

Eluned said... offence to my brother , as he can't really help it .

Eluned said...

Well , he could get a new hair cut ...and some new shirts wouldn't hurt...

Dragona Pine said...

@Sarthacus Bolt, I think Tamsin Egerton would be a better Tanith than your suggestions but I think Derek still will take them into consideration, as he will mine and many others who have given names of people who would be good as characters for films.

Anonymous said...

hmm well u kno i like the suggestion with jhonny depp as skulduggery pleasant!! :D

<3 JHONNY DEPP!!! <3

shewhofallsupstairs said...

that is a totally AWSOME dog !!!!!!!
i have a question for laura:

where did you get it?????!!!!!!

oh and heres another:

does your dog hate dereks cats or does she put up with them the way you put up with your bff derek?

@sarthacus bolt, thats a good cast.
derek have they already cast the parts??? i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo depressed because you have to be 12 to audition for Valkyrie and considering the fact that im 14 it ruled out the option of me auduition which made me sad.
( breaks into ferocious sobs)
soz soz soz i was just reliving it!!!

Star Lord said...

Tanks for all of the good cast comments.

Star Lord said...

Kallista, a film is supposed to be released in 2013!
I can't wait!

Genesisnx said...

Cannot be unseen.

Star Lord said...

Genesisnx, agreed.

Abbi said...

Now that is.... cruel?
no dog can look like that, can it?
Laura, when you said relativly un harmed, does that mean what i think it means xD
i agree , for some reason i think david tennant should voice skulduggery .....

Anonymous said...

OMG i just relized that in the film skulduggery should be more life like because then it will just look like it was made by a computer and i can tell u that films like that are really BAD!

still kant wait to seee it tho!!!!!!!!-

Vikki said...

Woah, you need to have a word with your friend. Dogs from sci-fi movies make rubbish pets.

Star Lord said...

Lord Landy, could you ask Tom to draw all of the main characters?

Unknown said...

Meh....That dog ain't got a patch on mine!
But it is rather cute!

SkulduggeryPleasantRulz said...

Hi people, check out my Skulduggery blog if you can get onto it. Skulduggery Pleasant Blog! That's... what it's called. Boring name? Yes. I'm working on it. Please join Mr Landy! Please, please, PLEASE! I WOULD B SOOOOOO PRIVELIGED COZ I'M M UR ABSOLUTELY HUGEST FAN! SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT IS THE MOST GENIOUS THING EVER!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Omg...that "dog" is hilarous xD xD xD Btw, Derek =D PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! PICK PPL THAT FIT THE PARTS FOR THE Skulduggery Pleasant MOVIE!!!! (i think i would be great for the part of Fletcher xD seriously >_> except i'm way to young...and........SKULDUGGERY PLEASNT SHOULD RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!

Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

Hahahahahaha! :D GREEEEAAAAT dog Laura. :P

Hullo, Sarthacus Bolt.

NOT Josh Hutcherson, Master Derek!!!!!

AW MAN!! I know the PERFECT person to play Sanguine!!! And he already HAS the southern accent!!
his name is Josh Halloway.
Here is a link to a picture of him.:,r:4,s:0

Sorry the link is so big...
Whatd'ya think?????

Claire said...

umm... I don't know who to believe now xD

Skulduggery Skellington said...

That is relitely creepy but I won't say anything about it *zips lip*

skulprox said...

First: Hey Skyril! I checked it out and Josh Holloway would be AWESOME to play sanguine. I can just picture him saying, "How am i supposed to even SHAVE?" Lol. BTW DEREK: That's the most adorable dog Ive ever seen! Srsly, theres this EVIL little dog on my road and every time i look at it i wanna go hide under a rock and screaaaaaaaaaaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

Nerdy Skeleton said...

So, Laura is Jabba the Hut? (Is that with two 't's or just one? I'm not quite sure...)

Klara said...


Skyril A.K.A the Vociferous Chatterer, Loyal Forever and Always, The Ever-Present, the Pluviophile said...

SEE?!?! bareerahsayed786 agrees with me! :D In fact, he might have even said that line in the show from which he comes. I don know, it just sounds familiar. :3

Claire said...

That dog is sooo HILARIOUS :DD

Nushi-ke said...

That is the most beautiful dog in all creation.

@emogirl4life96 I envy you for life and are you sure that was a safe thing to mention in a place filled with Skullduggery fans?

@Dragona Pine Yes! That would be amazing. And we know David Tennant can fake an accent.

Anyone else who said David Tennant is brilliant.

Anyone here doing BEDA?

Anonymous said...


Troy Cavalieri (FireBrand Sleuth) said...


Anonymous said...

first off dont pay out starwars, starwars is awesome.
second, i want to see the real ruby as shes had so many mentions in other posts. finally, david ten cant be skulduggerys voice cause his is not deep enough, i always think doctor who and casanova when i hear him and hes SCOTTISH! big difference between irish and scottish. If you want to cast the possible movie here try to stay local to the country. for example, fro some reason whenever i think billy-ray sanguine i think owen wilson just cause he can get the right mix of humour and psychopathic tendencies and he already has the accent.

neelnanda said...


that is an epic dog

u shud put it in the books

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants one of these i have two one from my cousin as a joke and one from a book signing (some mad person in a truck chucked it at me and i disided to keep it) now i have two! so if anyone wants one say I!
thx Fly on @

Robbie said...

Derek, you are brilliant.

Elena said...

Lemme guess... A cocker spaniel, slash gremlin, slash hawk?

Yep... yep that's definetely it!

Harly Ryker said...

Who's a cute doggy!
It looks like my cousin, Emer. Who is the devil, actually. If you but her in the book, as, say, a satan like person, I would laugh. Alot.
DEREK, I KNOW WHO IS THE PERFECT SKULDUGGERY! He's from my home town, And I've had the privilage to work with him on UNICEF, As he's an embassastor and I designed posters for it. JAMES NESBITT. Yup, I think that's the guy. Valkyrie, I don't know. Maybe some undiscovered actress...(hint hint hehe)Or Emma Bolger. But, Liam Neeson for Wreath. I dunno, I just like him. And oh,Benedict Cumberbatch as Finbar. Katie McGrath as China Sorrows, she is so perfect! Billy Connolly as professor Grouse. Yes, he's Scottish, but I think he'd be good. Mark Wilsn as Billy-Ray. I think Alex Pettyfer as Fletcher, cuz He's English, and I think he could pull off cocky. Plus, he and Emma have worked together before, so they'd be good together.Tasmin Egerton as Tanith. Ghastly, I don't have a clue. Maybe Ewen McGregor, if he pulled off a better Irish accent than in angels and Demons, shaved his head, and gave him scars.

Daisy101 said...

That... is... an... AWESOME DOG!!!! i soooo want that as a pet.

Hey Derek, do u think someone will have the guts to make a movie out of skulduggery??? it would be the best movie ever!!!! AND DONT STOP AT BOOK 7 LIKE J.K ROWLING!!!!!!!!!

i just showed my dad the 'dog' picture asking him if we could have it as a dog. He walked away, laughing hyserically. I guess thats a no.

Dammit. :P

LURV UR BOOKS!!!! already ordered Moral Coil. :D
keep writing!

Insania said...

Erm...did she get it from Tatooine? O.O

Octa said...

Achievement completed.