Friday, May 20, 2016

American Monsters


  1. Been so long since I got first! Or since I commented at all lets be honest.

  2. It's nice to see you again, Octaboona.

    The cover looks alright, I guess. I'm probably not going to read the book anyway...

  3. Oh whoa 0.0

    I think this one if my favourite out of the three of them!!

  4. Pretty cool cover, Mr. Derek. :)

    Hi Octa!

    Kitten update: he's teething and starting to claw at things. I need to get him a plaything... And a scratching board. And soft kitten food, plus a litter box for when he's a little older. Here's hoping I can go shopping for better supplies tomorrow!(we're not keeping him inside, and as such, he has to be stuck in a small cage... but as a single kitten who's starting to get adventurous, he needs something to keep him occupied, and I'll be darned if I keep him cooped up. I do let him out occasionally and allow him to wander. Which he does. A lot. >.<)

    I have also decided to name him Olly with Mister as his nickname, cause that's what I kept calling him before choosing the name.

  5. *adding*
    I'm going to use my own money to buy his things, so I'm really hoping I can go shopping tomorrow...

  6. I just realized I need to clarify: We're /temporarily/ keeping him inside. Which is why he's stuck in a cage...

    But not for the whole day.

    Plus he hasn't started peeing yet. Does anyone know how old they are when they need to start using a litter box?

  7. Is this really the FINAL cover? No, right?
    I don't mean to be disrespectful but... this looks like done by someone who's only just discovered that photoshop actually exists.

    the truck looks like it is floating (should it be?), the smoke is out of the overall colour scheme, and whatever the red thing (mountains?) behind the silhouette of the pines should be - it doesn't fit, and it doesn't go particularly well with the orange background.

    And what's with these antlers? Leaving aside the point that Amber (the girl IS Amber, right?) had horns, real horns on the first cover - these antlers look like they're cut from a reference and pasted into the final pic without blending, rendering or ANYTHING to make them belong.
    The contrast is too weak and the transition from hair to horns is pretty ill done. Besides, if the whole picture is bathed in orange light the horns should have some highlights (and strong shadows), too. Also, the way that one strand of hair flows across the right anlter is utterly illogical.

    If this were a piece of fanart, of course I wouldn't be that strict, or even point out these things, mind you, but assuming this has been done by a professional it's... poor.

    (Mr Landy, if this has been done by, like, your little niece or, if it indeed is a piece of fanart by an amateur, I sincerely apologise for the bashing)

  8. (I hate to be harsh but honestly I prefered the title with just the black background, Derek's name and 'the epic conclusion to the demons road trilogy' than this front cover. It isn't bad per say but I must admit I'm very underwhelmed by it. No offense intended of course, but I must say I definitely prefered the first two covers and all the skulduggery covers to this one.

  9. (Tired
    And a wee bit pissed off


  10. (Cause I was in my onesie

    It's my nans birthday an just about to head there cause they've been on a cruise and are home in an hour
    Dad made me get dressed cause he doesn't want us to look like 'prats' and I was comfortable -_-

    It's my man for gods sake, she's family
    I should be able to be comfortable in her presence -_-)

  11. (Thanks

    I betted be off

    Back later)

  12. *jumps in*
    Be gone, o loneliness!
    For I, the great Dugglyn Carzainia, am here.

  13. I got the award

    I got the English award

  14. *is tackled*


  15. (I remember the special evening y school did for my year... Most of my friends got awards.. I didn't -_-)

  16. (*is tackled* eeeek!

    *blushes as I watch magic mike xxl*)

  17. :)

    I'm in English honors, and all year the girls have been talking about who was the favorite, about who has the highest IQ, who is the "favorite"...

    It was so oppressive. They competed so much, and pushed each other around for their own ego

    And I got it

    And I'm so happy because I love English

  18. (I am coin English at a level now ^.^ and I love it!

    I'm so happy for you ^.^)

  19. :))

    So Noelle is very good at English. Hit me up

  20. (Well done Noelle *hugs if want to*
    You're an amazing person, I want to meet you

    I want to meet everyone!)

  21. (It's true, you're welcomes ^.^ I would like to Skype or something at some point - f you want to - but I'm terrible at conversation )

  22. (I am such a quiet person normally !


  23. :)

    Noelle's life has fallen apart.
    I fell asleep at 6:30 PM, woke up at 11:54 PM. I've been awake since then.

    I've fucked my sleep wake cycle hard

  24. *Loves Alastair and kissies him**

  25. :)
    *Takes his coat off and wraps it around herself, sitting down in his lap* *Purr*

  26. Usually I try abd take people at face value and usually I never understand people,but today I've realises that if you assume everyone is lying the whole time people are soooo much easier to understand.

    It's rather sad really.

  27. Many people mistakenly think I have bones

  28. If you do not, then what is holding you up? O_O

  29. (Assassination classroom is amazing!)

  30. (Sister: Would you rather die from a volcano or a tsunami?
    Me: *after debating*
    Volcano, you?
    Kayleigh: Volcano. I wouldn't want to die to a wave.
    Me: What about Lahars?
    Kayleigh: What?
    Me: *explains what a Lahar is*
    Kayleigh: No the lava and stuff.
    Me: what about pyroclastic flow?
    Kayleigh: Huh?
    Me: *explains pyroclastic flow*
    Kayleigh: Natural death!)

  31. (*cufdles* sorry I kinda poofe

    Trying to work out if we are actually going over my nans or if my parents just said that to get me dressed?)

  32. (Sure *.^

    *reads an fml about a girl finding that her parents have been slipping the pill in her orange juice since she was 13* wth?!)

  33. (Any preferred characters?

    Wth?! Is that even legal?)

  34. (I like all the characters so you decide ^.^

    I know... Think of how messed up the author could've been!)

  35. (Okay :) Hmmm.. Permission to halm but not kill your characters?

    Exactly! That's just wrong.)

  36. (Danke!)

    Sil: *stands up, brushing off her shirt*
    *looks down at Inky*

  37. Sil: *whispers*
    Race you to the kids.
    *stamps on Inky's leg*
    *activates all the sigils that make her faster and sprints back the way they came*

  38. Inky: *howls and tries to run*
    *runs as fast as she can with a bad leg*

  39. Sil: *laughs, grinning and deciding she has time*
    *starts tumbling - not falling over, the weird thing where you flip and cartwheel and handspring and stuff instead of falling and it's really cool*
    *watches the trees pass*

  40. Inky: +howls*

    (I found an old drawing of Tawnee xD )

  41. (I wanna see!)

    Sil: *grins and reaches the house*
    *scales the side and slips in through the nursery window*

    Mrbbwolf: W-who are y-you??

    Sil: *giggles quietly and smiles innocently*

  42. (One minute)

    Chris: *crosses arms* leave now

  43. (Okay :)

    Sil: Inky needs your help. She's hurt her leg.

  44. Chris: wolf.. Go and help Inky. I will stay here with the children

  45. MrBBWolf: O-okay..
    *walks towards the nursery door*

    *walks over to Chris, smiling*
    You have scales.

  46. They're cool.

    MrBBWolf: *goes to the front door and exits*

    And useful.
    *smashes her fist into Chris' face*

  47. Chris; *huts the floor* w why?

    Inky. *limps home*

  48. MrBBWolf: Inky!
    *runs over, lifting her up*

    Sil: *kicks him in the chin, expecting him to go unconscious*

  49. Inky: *shifts* get her away!!

    Chris: *blacks out*

  50. MrBBWolf: W-who?

    Sil: *starts ripping some of his scales out, shoving them in her pockets*
    *the could be useful*
    *grabs her knife and makes a deep cut in his side as a distraction*
    *walks over to the kids*
    Heyyyyyy kiddies.

  51. Ben: h hewwo...

    Tegan : *sniffles* w what did you do to u uncle Chris?

    Inky; *growls* the vampire!

  52. *Dislikes a month and a half of no blog posts*
    *Dislikes new blog post with no words*
    *Dislikes cover*
    Shame on you, Landy. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

  53. (Oops!!! Sorry, I fell asleep..)

    MrBBWolf: *walks inside with her*

    Sil: Uncle Chris hasn't been sleeping enough so they sent me to make him sleep.
    *walks over to Lilith*
    *picks her up gently*

  54. (That's okay)

    Lilith: +whimpers*

  55. I have been thinking about the lack of words in the blog - and really, what IS Mr Landy to say if he agrees with us? He can't say stuff like "yeah look, this is the new cover - but I really think it's sh*t"
    he kinda HAS to post it though, since it is the cover of HIS book - but usually he always praises his covers, doesn't he?
    so maybe no comment could actually be a comment in itself?
    (or not. 'course you could also be right, Mat, and he's just being lazy)

  56. (That's a good point Liz.)

    Sil: Shhhhhh. It's okay.
    *bounces her gently, smiling*

    MrBBWolf: *runs in supporting Inky*

  57. Sil: Oh hi Inky.
    *smiles in a friendly way*
    Who's this cutie? I don't believe we've met.

    Mrbbwolf: *narrows his eyes*
    Put. Her. Down. Now.

  58. Inky: put down my daughter *growls and shifts painfully*

    Lilith; mamma ! Daddy!

    Tegan: uncle Chris...

  59. Sil: *grins broadly*

    Mrbbwolf: *flickers his eyes to Chris*
    *looks at Sil*
    What have you done to my fiancé?

    Sil: Let him have a nap.

    Mrbbwolf: *takes a step forward*

    Sil: *draws a knife, holding it to Lilith's neck gently*

  60. Lilith: *begins crying*

    Inky: wolf, help Chris before he bleeds out. I'll deal with er

  61. Mrbbwolf: *bares his teeth*
    *and grins*
    *'throws' the full strength of his attraction at her*
    Put. My child. Back.

    Sil: *stumbles, her eyes going completely cloudy*
    *slowly puts Lilith down*

    Mrbbwolf: *moves to Chris, picking him up carefully*
    Inky, see to the vermin. Vampire, stay still.
    *watches to be sure Inky takes her down before the attraction wears off*

    Sil: *nods, in a daze*

  62. Inky: *shifts and swipes sil with her claws*

  63. Sil: *cries out, hissing, kicking out at Inky*

    MrBBWolf: I said still!
    *puts Chris down gently*
    grabs Sil around the neck tightly, growling, throwing her into the wall*

    Sil: *cries out loudly, hitting it hard, being knocked half unconscious*

    Mrbbwolf: *releases her of his influence, carrying Chris again, moving him to Inky's bedroom*
    *activates the healing sigils*

  64. Chris: *opens his eyes slightly*

    Inky: *shifts and limps over to the children* I its okay my darlings

    Tegan: mommy! You're hurt...

  65. MrBBWolf: *sits beside him*
    Are you okay?
    *looks pissed*

    Sil: *groans, groggily opening her eyes*
    *shuffles towards the window*

    (Food, BBS)

  66. (Okay ^.^£

    Chris: I'm f fine now... Im sorry I couldn't protect the kids..

    Inky: not so fast vampire *snarls*

  67. MrBBWolf: *kisses him gently*
    It's okay, they're safe.

    Sil: *growls back, trying to focus her sight*
    Screw you wolf.
    *keeps crawling to the window*

  68. MrBBWolf: Inky is dealing with her.

    Sil: *slowly stands, baring her teeth*
    I hardly need to explain myself.
    *walks to the window*

  69. Inky: yes you do *growls*

    Chris: shall we go back?

  70. Sil: *raises an eyebrow at her*
    *grabs the window ledge*
    No, I don't.

    Mrbbwolf: yes

  71. Inky: what do you want with my kids ?

    Chris: *gets up*

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Inky: don't worry, they are safe now honey

    Tegan: daddy!

  74. Sil: *smirks and salutes*
    See ya
    *vaults out the window*

    Mrbbwolf: *supports him, walking upstairs*

  75. *is standing under the window, listening to the drama*
    *she is quite amused*
    *smiles and raises an eyebrow at Silente*
    Oh dear.
    Now what was that for?

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Sil: *rolls when she hits the ground, standing and dusting off her clothes*
    *raises an eyebrow at Forget*

  78. Chris: I'm fine honey

    Inky: wait !

  79. Sil: *looks up at the window*
    Give it time. They'll forget. They always do.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. MrBBWolf: Mmm.
    *let's him walk without support then*
    *walks into the nursery, scanning the room*
    *steps back upon seeing Ed, then frowns*
    Where is the vampire.

  82. Inky; *picks up Ben and lilith*

  83. *grins*
    I'm soooooooooooo glad you've finally stopped being boring.
    I mean, I almost left! Nothing really was happening and I could alway go somewhere else, maybe back to the normal world, but I do like this place.

  84. Chris: the kids seem alright...

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Sil: *rolls her eyes, grinning*
    Well, how long was it really going to stay calm for? Anyway, running time!
    *grins, jogging into the woods*

    MrBBWolf: that doesn't mean she won't try again!

  87. Inky: it isn't his fault honey *limps to Chris: you okay?

    Chris: I've been better...

  88. Mrbbwolf: *glares back at Ed*
    T-the vampire tried to t-take Lilith and she s-stabbed Chris. And hurt Ink-ky.

  89. Sil: Okay, so. An injured wolf an furious succubus a weird scaly man and a time warper.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. That's an... interesting group of people you've managed to tick off.
    Will they come after you?

  92. Sil: they're useless so probably not.

    Mrbbwolf: *glares at him, taking Chris' hand*

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. (Hello abacus!

    Sorry this is late but hi forget me not XD )

  95. (*highly confused at to why Ed wants to attack Wolf*)

    Mrbbwolf: we need to s-stop her

  96. Oh. Well that's slightly disappointing.
    Where's the chase, the fight, the adventure??
    *honestly, she normally kills defenseless people for fun*

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Inky; *growls at ed* stop it honey

  99. (Hey Inkles!

    And OMLI the wombats!!)

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. it was true the hole time

    also i like ur face

    can i have it? mine is getting rlly boring

  102. Sil: what can I say, people round here love me too much.

    Mrbbwolf: T-then let's go!

  103. (I just-
    I can't believe it. Oh my llama intestines!

    And soy, I don't currently have anyone else's face to take so I'm stuck with mine.
    *noms on Abacus's face*)

  104. Oh well.
    So where exactly are we going?

  105. aw ok silente tempest jai st of sinners

    no bad forget me not *hits with a hat*

    this 1 is rlly boring and has been nommed

    i need a new face bad

  106. Inky: stop taking everything out on wolf

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. (Call me Jai.)

    Sil: Well I mean I could annoy them more but with that many of them I'd struggle to get out.. Hmmm..

    Mrbbwolf: *walks over to the window*

  109. ok jai

    bad bad bad forget me not *hits with three hats*

    u are not my friend now

  110. (*stops mid nom*
    *let's go of Abacus's face*
    *slowly backs away*

  111. Sil: Like whom?

    Mrbbwolf: are we g-going after h-her or not?

  112. (And abacus:; I'm Chloe ^.^)

    Inky; we may get hurt if we do..

  113. ok i have a new face now

    i guess u can eat my old one

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Mrbbwolf: But she might come back.

    Sil: Hmmm.. I could annoy the wolves..

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. Do you know if they have any mental barriers? Because there's no way I'd be able to out run or out fight them.
    But I feel as if they wouldn't have gone to the trouble...

  118. Chris: and we will be ready for her when she comes

  119. what are u doing?

    annoying wolves is prolly not good for ur health

    u should try annoying the wombats instead

    it might help with the iceberg situation

  120. (Oh wow, I like your new face!
    Though your old one was quite nice too!)

  121. thank u forget me not

    u can have the old face to nom now

  122. Mrbbwolf: Mmm...

    Sil: Hmm.. I know. Is there anyone that everyone would protect because they're just too wimpy? Other than the children.

  123. bye bye old face nice knowing u actually not rlly bc my new face is less blank but ok

  124. Sil: How about we see if we can lure out the other wimps.
    *turns and walks towards the lake, it's where Ashlea always is*

  125. (Ashlea is one of Sil's clones and I think was the non-violent one.)

  126. Mrbbwolf: *hugs him back*

    (Ashlea is one of my characters.)

    Sil: *grins, upon spottinf Ashlea*

    Ashlea: *is beside the lake*

    Sil: Okay. Beat her up a bit then drag her back.

  127. (Well at one point James, who turned Sil into a vampire and did other bad stuff to her, made clones of Sil and then separated the parts of her personality, one had all of her good, non violent traits and the other was super violent.)

  128. (Shes also now her own person and is trying to look different than Sil so she isn't identified as Sil's clone)

  129. Me beat her up?
    Does she have any mental barriers?

  130. Inky; ikay, I'll be back *limps out*

  131. Sil: She has a few from what I remember..

    Ashlea: *is sketching in her book*
    *seems a little down*

  132. Inky: *heals herself and comes back*

  133. Okay.
    Well. Here goes nothing!
    *walks over to Ashlea*
    (What colour clothes is she wearing?)

  134. Ashlea: Hey!!!
    *perks up immediately*
    Have we met before?
    *she's wearing a white shirt and black jeans*

  135. I don't think we have!
    I'm Forget Me Not!
    Would you like a mint?
    *pulls a mint out of her pocket*
    Look! It's the exact same colour as your shirt!

  136. Ashlea: Oh thank you!
    *smiles, eating the mint*
    I'm Ashlea Crimson! It lovely to meet you!

  137. *smiles back*
    Lovely to meet you too!
    *using the bond between her and Ashlea from the candy, she gently pushes into her mind, trying to avoid many of the mental barriers*
