Friday, April 1, 2016

Demon Road Book 3 Will Be...

With Desolation only a few days away, I am still hard at work on the third and final Demon Road book.

From the beginning, I wanted these books to be as streamlined as possible — I wanted them short and punchy. Now, I completely failed with Demon Road, as it was a pretty big book, and only got slightly better with Desolation, which is shorter, but it looks like I'm finally getting the hang of this with Book 3, which will hopefully be the perfect length.

And the title?


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Inky Flame said...

Alice; you don't trust me

Alys; *weaves in and out of the trees and buries herself in a bush*

Lavender Hope said...

@Kes: Being distant looking up writing prompts. Should probably sleep though.

@Chloe: You're welcome. :)

@Jai about grades: Awesome! Good luck with the rest!

@Star: ah. Okay. *wishes people could take global warming more seriously*

I heard that America was doing something about that, then Trump started talking about illegal immigrants and racial discrimination and trying to get people to think about that instead. -_-

I seriously hope he's not our next president.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: *sighs and glows, returning to herhuman self, the cat purched on her shoulder*
*hugs her gently*

Michael: *can't get through*
Alys come on!

Lavender Hope said...

*adds onto prompt thoughts*
Why do so many of them have sarcastic dialogues for killing people? I mean, what kind of story would you find the words, "Who did you kill /this/ time?" In it?

*sudden lightbulb moment*

As if I needed that question literally answered. -_-

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*grins at Lav*)

Inky Flame said...

Alice: *hugs*

Alys; *growls*

Lavender Hope said...

*pokes Jai*
Hush, you. XP

*going to bed now*
Night guys!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: Listen, I'm sorry..

Michael: Seriously? Ugh.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Night Lav!

Also thanks Kes, granted I'd rather an A but I tried xD It's up to miss now.)

Inky Flame said...

Alice; it's okay

Alys: *curls up*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Night, Lav!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: I'm just worried about you okay..?

Michael: Fine. Stay there.

Inky Flame said...

Alice: I am fine, I promise

Alys: *shifts and winces as the twigs press into her* f fine

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: *sighs*

Michael: Why are you so angry about this??

Star Inkbright said...

I personally happen to be fond of sarcasm applied to violence in stories.

@Lav: Better Trump than Cruz, I think. Tbh I don't have much faith in Trump to actually do anything, useful or awful, so I'm optimistic that a Trump presidency wouldn't be as bad as people fear.
I'd rather Clinton win than Trump, though.

Feraaaa32 said...

I'd rather just not care about politics and bend everything to how i want to do it.

Inky Flame said...

Alys; c cause you a all l leave

Alice; I'm going for a bath

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Alys you barely know me.

Tresha: Wait! Why don't you have one in the morning?

Inky Flame said...

Alys; but now I I'm all a alone again

Alice: cause I want to relax

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: why don't you make some friends?

Tresha: what if you fall asleep?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Nah, guys, Bernie is where it's at.

Cruz is worse than Trump in that he's actually a politician so, like, somewhat knows what he's doing? But it's like the difference between being shot in the head and being burnt to death; one's less painful, but you're dead either way, so in the long term it doesn't matter.

Inky Flame said...

Alys; I thought y you were my f friend

Alice: I woooont

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Good luck with that.

@Kes: I really wanted Bernie to win but it's not looking too likely now . . .

*nods* I think Cruz is scarier than Trump because I think Cruz will actually get things done. There's at least a fair chance that Trump won't end up doing anything of use.

Feraaaa32 said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: O_O How did you create that??

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Bernie...pretty much is screwed at this point, all though it's closer than the media is making it out to be.
It's a mess over here, man.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: I don't have friends.

Tresha: Are you sure?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...


Noelle said...

*Agrees with Kes* *Doesn't agree with Republican values in general, so*

I felt really good about that organic biochemistry test..

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Hey, Adra!
I'm glad you feel good about it!

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Noelle!)

Alys: r right.. *shifts further back in the bush**

Alice: yep

Feraaaa32 said...

Talent XD

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*knows nothing of American politics*
Go the-lesser-of-four(?)-evils!)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: I get all my news from the BBC . . . till today they'd been saying things like "Hillary is ahead" abd "Bernie's made a big win, but is still behind Hillary" but today I opened my BBC app and they were like "Hillary is looking likely to be nominated" and I was like "*sad face*".
Also I was on Quora a couple of weeks ago and people were working out the percentage chance of Bernie winning abd things like that, abd like, the chances were looking pretty low.

It is a mess over there . . . I'm glad I live in Britain. Some aspects of the US truly scare me.
(Disclaimer - I'm aware the US is a big country with a lot of variety.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: No, dont-
*sighs, rubbing his eyes*
Okay, I'll.. Stay the night.

Tresha: okay..

Noelle said...

*it makes her happy*
*Has also felt good about her body today, from the brief glimpse she got in the mirror at school*
*Doesn't happen a lot*
*But will cherish it while it lasts*

Inky Flame said...

Alys: d dot feel o obligated

Alice: *hops along*

Feraaaa32 said...

The only thing that scares me is a pink muffin.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Star: The thing is, like, the Democratic Party is likely to nominate Hilary even if Bernie gets the popular vote, so...yikes @ America.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*hugs Adra*
You're great and I'm proud of you

Noelle said...

@Star: If voters who are Independent could vote, I am sure Bernie would be a lot closer, number-wise, if not THE candidate.
Many millennials (myself included) support Bernie, and Hillary seems to be more popular with the baby boomers. Though I'm a Feminist, I don't think that I would like the first female president should be her. (Because I disagree on some of her decisions..)

Star Inkbright said...

@Noelle: *doesn't tend to agree with Republican values either*

:) :) Oh good!

Noelle said...

It's a repeat of the Bush-Gore election..

That ended well. *eyeroll* *Bush is incompetent*

*Thanks for the hugs, Kessie* *Snuggles*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Of course not. It's fine.

Tresha: *watches her nervously*

Noelle said...

Republicans remind me of Tories.
Democrats remind me of Labour.
*What I learned about British politics from Trip*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Adra/Star: Yeah, that's what's annoying about the primaries, is that you have to be registered with a party in most states. I'm also a Feminist(TM) but I feel like Bernie's values/beliefs/goals are more in line with actual feminist values than Hilary's, so.

Inky Flame said...

Alys: o okay.. *crawls out*

Flauros: what is wrong?

Feraaaa32 said...

I don't understand why you need feminism in a first world country. It's not like women are slaves anymore.

3rd world countries on the other hand..

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*snugges Adra*
Hopefully we don't end up with an ACTUAL repeat. That was all my state's fault lmao.

Noelle said...

Also, @ Star: The media decided back before primary season began that Hillary was going to win. They were predicting her from the start. Which seems a little unfair to me, because many articles were biased, and they didn't give the public a change to let Bernie win. I think he could have the popular vote (and may, we shall see, not that the electoral college always goes by that), and definitely WOULD, had this, and a few other factors, not happened. But mostly this factor.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *offers her a hand up*

Tresha: If she falls asleep she might drown..

Noelle said...


*Agrees with Kestrel on that*
It's ok. I don't think people use chads anymore.. Or hopefully don't.

Noelle said...

Fera, I know we have had this conversation before. If you're interested at all, there is a Youtuber called Laci Green who explains how things are pretty well. I highly recommend her.

Noelle said...

^And what I mean is that, if your comment was made of actual curiosity, and not just an attempt to start a fight

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: Until we have true equality for people of all genders (including trans women, and women of color, and disabled women, and queer women, and nonbinary people), we will need feminism. Until trans women don't have to fear for their lives every time they leave their homes at night, we will need feminism. Until girls don't starve themselves because they are taught that their beauty is their only worth, we will need feminism. Until women aren't blamed for their own rape and assault because they were "asking for it" or were "dressed provocatively", we will need feminism. Until queer girls aren't told that they're confused, until the wage gap is gone, until we are no longer having "first female" anything, we will need feminism.

Feraaaa32 said...

nah. thx. I don't want to get retinal/brain cancer.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: Yeah, that's mature. And here I was, thinking you wanted to have an actual conversation.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

It appears that I am unable to have a conversation without turning it political. Yikes @ myself.

Inky Flame said...

(Ducks sake FERA)

Alys: *takes his hand and gets up*

Flauros she wouldn't sleep

Noelle said...

It's alright Kestrel.

Ok I'm going to give this a go.

Fera, if I may..

I feel really... Offended, when you talk poorly about feminism, because it is something that is really important to me. And, although I know you disagree with the concept, would it be possible to help me out and not make comments like that? I feel like that would help.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*sighs* Fera..)

Michael: I'll stay there night, no longer.

Tresha: she might.

Feraaaa32 said...

ey b0ss. I dun unnerstand ur language. plez speek chromosomes?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: Honestly, I have no interest in trying to convince you, because you clearly are very invested in being a jerk about it. Maybe in a couple years, when you've grown up a little bit, we can have this conversation. Until then, kindly refrain from insulting things that are important to people and from starting fights about things that you clearly have no knowledge about.

Feraaaa32 said...

cool i r9 9/11 *bush did it*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Stop. Being. Arse.
You. Upsetting. People.

Right m8 bsclee b niyc yeh?)

Inky Flame said...

(I have a genuine question about feminism:
I think it is great, and I believe in equality, though I don't understand why it is called feminism? Why not equalitarianism ?)

Alys: okay..

Flauros: trust her

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: And.. You'll need to make that potion thing

Tresha: but..

Inky Flame said...

Alys; o okay, I'll do that

Flauros; it's okay *hugs her*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Thanks.

Tresha: *sighs and hugs her back*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Chloe: It's called feminism because the movement was created in order to liberate and raise up women. The movement is focused on the problems of women, and, by calling it "egalitarianism" it's diluting the issue. Like, yes, we want equality for all genders, but the people who need the movement are women (and femme-leaning nb people ayyy). It's like, okay. Have a metaphor: Five people go out to dinner, and one person's meal gets lost in the kitchen or something. That person says "Hey, where's my food? I deserve to eat!" But then, instead of doing anything about it, the rest of the table says, "Hey! We all deserve to eat!"

The thing is, like, while that's TRUE, it also doesn't help anything or anyone, and diverts attention from the actual issue, which is that this person doesn't have food.

Inky Flame said...

Alys; t that's okay

Flauros; you need rest

(Ahhh, I get it !)

Noelle said...

*points to what Kestrel said*

Fera, please, be mature about this. This is important to me and to many others here, and acting the way you do is offensive

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Lead the way back.

Tresha: But..

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Chloe: I'm glad! I'm always totally willing to answer legitimate questions, btw.

Noelle said...

^ and to add to what Kestrel said,
It is parallel to the difference between saying "I support civil union" and "I support gay marriage". The first one is avoidant of the issue, and downplays the importance of recognizing gay rights.

Inky Flame said...

(My friend is a feminist but I never get to see her to ask )

Alys: *starst walking back*

Flauros; no buts

Feraaaa32 said...

But if you said every gender deserves equality, why is it that it's only women that need it? Isn't that like what you just said, downgrading the issue of other genders/people?

Noelle said...

*Nods to Inky* It's very interesting! I took a Women and Gender Studies class this year from an online university, and really found it helpful and encouraging. I can give you the book title, if you want!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *follows her*
So.. How are you..?

Tresha: she might hurt herself!

Inky Flame said...

(I would appreciate that Noelle ^.^)

Noelle said...

FERA, I'm not going to answer you, because I know you're just looking for a fight, so you can yell at us and try to hurt us

Feraaaa32 said...

Or perhaps because I have a good point.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Oi Fera m8 st0p bN a dik.)

Noelle said...

No, Fera. It isn't that. It's because you're acting petty and taking a dig at our beliefs. I understand you dislike feminism. I dislike Republicans, but I don't go out, trying to degrade them in the way that you are doing to us.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(It physically hurts to type like that..)

Inky Flame said...

Alys: I'm... M me

Flauros; she's a tough girl, she'll be okay

Edward Fletcher said...

How can you type like that jai XD

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *nods*
Tell me about yourself or something. How old are you?

Tresha: She's on drugs.

Noelle said...

Also, Inky, the textbook is called "Gender: Ideas, Interactions, Institutions" by Wade and Ferree.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(With great mental difficulty.)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: I'm on my phone, so this might be briefer than I want it to be, but:
Here's the thing. I'm nonbinary, and as far as I'm aware, you're not. Can we agree that makes me more qualified to speak for marginalized genders than you are?

My confidence in myself, my gender, my sexuality: that has all come from feminism. By deconstructing societal standards of gender, feminism helps everybody. It helps men by working to eliminate toxic masculinity, and enforced sexuality, and heteronormativity, and all kinds of things that hurt all genders. But the thing is, women (and non-passing trans men and femme leaning nb folk) are the people who need the movement and who created the movement. We're the people being hurt by an inherently misogynistic society, we're the people being screwed over by the legal system and by close-minded bigots like you. What you're doing right now is comparable to walking into a funeral and being like, "Hey, other people have died! Why aren't you mourning them, too!" Not everything is about you.

Feraaaa32 said... ask me to be mature about it. I give you my mature answer. What your answer to that is: I can reply to your point pretty well, but I just don't want to because you're going to hurt our feeble souls.

Right. K.

Inky Flame said...

(It makes me flinch.. My writing on here isn't great, as it is only bak and forth commenting

But irl, I have to be so correct with my grammar *shrugs* I am an English student)

Alys: 18.. N no family t to speak o of, w was e engaged... You?

Flauros; *looks confused*

Noelle said...

What is the point of trying to argue with you if your mind has already settled on a conclusion?

To try to persuade someone to understand Feminism, when they have already decided that what I believe in is stupid and unfounded on logic, is a massive waste of my time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, we're done here.

Is star still online?

Inky Flame said...

(Thanks Noelle *.^ you're a star)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: 16. My family.. Dead. Turned 16 last week actually..

Tresha: It's, um, inhibiting substances?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

No offense, Fera, but Adra has every right to not respond to someone she knows is just trying to hurt her, especially when she's having a good day.

I'll keep responding because I'm a confrontational idealist, but Adra is not obligated to "prove" her beliefs by arguing with you.

Inky Flame said...

Alys; h happy birthday... M my family a are dead too

Flauros: *tilts head*

Feraaaa32 said...

look, i am all about treating people equally. Like I'll hate a group of people equally, or like a group of people equally, despite their gender or ethnicity.

Cel: You just went on a massive rant about something that did not even relate directly to what we were talking about? It's bigots like me that hurt you? what?

I don't even..

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *mumurs*
At least you didn't kill them..

Tresha: It messes with your brain.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Question, Fera: how old are you?

Noelle said...

*Gently hugs Kestrel, because she is very special* *She is a special bean* *Gives the bean a flower*

Inky Flame said...

Alys: I l lead mine t to their d deaths..

Flauros: ah....

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: what did you do?

Tresha: yeah

Noelle said...

Also, Kestrel, do play nice. Right now, you are representing what Feminism is. Maybe reverting to insulting wouldn't be wise...

Feraaaa32 said...

question: did your parents drop you when you were a kid? would explain a lot...

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: I was explaining why it's a movement for us, and doesn't have to be focused on your issues for it to be valid.

*hugs Adra back* *takes the flower* *it smells lovely*
(Just fyi, Adra, my pronouns are actually Xe/xir [as in, xe went to the store with xir family])

Noelle said...

^Meant that first part as nice, but recognIes that, in retrospect, it sounds a little condescending* *Sorry*

Noelle said...

Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I will remember that!

*Doesnt know how to pronounce those* How are those pronounced?

Inky Flame said...

Alys: t trusted h humans...

Alice: *sings in the bath*

Flauros: why would people take them

(Be nice FERA, Kessie hasn't done anything wrong)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Fera, would you mind telling me how old you are before we get any further into this argument?

@Adra: Sorry lol. I'm doing my best, but there comes a time when you've explained something so many times that it gets exhausting.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: then.. That isn't your fault.

Tresha: to relax

Star Inkbright said...

*raises hand* I'm mostly antifeminist. Hi.

("Mostly" because it muchly depends on the feminism/feminist in question. There's big big variety.)

To refer to Chloe's point - it shouldn't be called egalitarianism because of diluting the issue as Noelle said. Egalitarianism covers gender equality and racial equality and sexual equality and blah, and it's more useful to have separate movements to focus on separate issues. I'd rather feminism was called "fighting for gender equality," but I understand the historical roots of the word and I don't have a big issue with the name. You fight for gender equality, I like you. You fight for female dominance, I don't like you. You make mountains out of molehills, you irritate me. Doesn't matter what you call yourself.
My main issue with people who call themselves "feminists" (not individuals, in general" is that I can't actually use it to tell what your views are until j talk to you - therefore it isn't, to me, a very useful label. I don't feel strongly enough about that to have a big issue with it though.

I'm not really wanting to debate feminism with you unless you want to debate it with me, Kes/Noelle. I don't have an issue with people who have a set of beliefs that I don't, unless people start getting hurt because of it. Abd like. The feminism debate is a bit pointless. It's really damn hard to convince someone to be/not be a feminist. People tend to be pretty set in stone over it.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Adra: Xe is pronounced 'zee' and xir is pronounced 'zeer'

Noelle said...

I know, Kestrel. I just mean that people learn what they see. Your argument for Feminism can be dampened if you revert to anger. I know you're insulted, but it is better to take a step back, rather than escalating and hurting the point you are trying to prove.

Noelle said...

Thanks, Kes!

*Recognizes all of Star's points* *But is kinda becoming weary of having the conversation on this blog* Right you are with that last point.

Feraaaa32 said...

yeah, only attacked me a few times when i was trying to have a conversation.

How do i even come into the equation? When were we ever talking about me? Or say anything about it being centered around me...

I was just saying: If you want equality, that's cool with me. When you're entitled to call yourself a feminist, there is a reason usually. Like you think women deserve more rights etc. whereas it's often double standards in 1st world countries. Sure ,there is discrimination, but by saying that the female gender deserves more equality is like saying it's better if i kill just 1 person than 100. It's still killing.

Inky Flame said...

Alys; I it is... W we lived on land t that was a abundant with c crops... R really fertile l land.. H humans approached m me and said t they w wanted to b buy s some c crops of my family, s so I t took them t to my home and t they killed m my family..

Flauros; is that a bad thing?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: That isnt your fault though..

Tresha: yes. It.. Damages the brain. And it can make people paranoid or violent..

Cat: *starts sniffing out the cookies*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Yo, Star! I'm always willing to debate with you because I know you're not trying to hurt anyone and because you'll actually have a conversation, so I will if you want to, but otherwise I'm without. I don't really have a problem with people who don't like the word feminism (it's got a lot of historical issues rooted in the erasure of queer women, WOC, and trans women), and you sound like you have a totally legitimate reason. So.

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: (only talking to you and not to them because I'm avoiding the "should one be a feminist or not" discussion with them) Nowadays, feminists rarely want women to have more official rights in first world countries - we have all the same legal rights males do and anyone who is not aware of that is an idiot. I believe fighting for gender equality in third world countries nowadays is more about combating more subtle discrimination (wage gap, representation, etc.).

Noelle said...

(Kes, just let him go... You don't need to respond.)

Inky Flame said...

Alys; *whimpers* I l led m my family t to their deaths

Flauros: right...

Star Inkbright said...

^ALTHOUGH Kes's point about transferring women was also a good one. Trans people are still fighting for legal rights in places. Sad face.

@Kes: :)
*feels honoured*
Well I think I'm about to leave soon otherwise I might embark upon it with you.

Star Inkbright said...


Not transferring! Sorry autocorrect.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: I'm going to respect Adra's wishes and my hurting fingers (this is too intense of a convo to have over mobile) and ask you to email me if you want to continue. Although, again, I'd really like to know your age before we do.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *pauses and awkwardly hugs her*
You.. Did nothing wrong.

Tresha: they make you do things you wouldn't usually do

Cat: *hunts for them*

Inky Flame said...

Alys: *is hugged* I m must b be doing s something w wrong.. F family a are d dead... My f fiancé l left..

*cookies and tea bags under sink*

Flauros: where will they be hidden do you think?

Noelle said...

*Appreciates how understanding Kes is being* *Thank you*

Feraaaa32 said...

I am 18. What do you want to keep talking about?

There, if you want to prove your point, I'll try listening.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

'Course, Adra.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: No.. It isn't your fault. You didn't hurt them

Tresha: I'm not sure.

Cat: *jumps to the floor, sniffing the cupboards*

Inky Flame said...

(Grrr! Why is Lear such a dufus! He punished the only good daughter just cause she wouldn't flatter him!)

Inky Flame said...

Alys; I if I didn't lead t the h humans t there I w wouldn't b be lonely

FlaurosD I think your cat has found something

Noelle said...

Inky, if you are at the beginning of King Lear, trust me, it is going to get a LOT worse

*Hugs Kes*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Fera: I don't particularly feel the need to continue discussing with you, I was just offering the option in case you wanted to.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

I just saw King Lear omg!! It was intense as hell.

*hugs Adra*

Feraaaa32 said...

nah thanks. I am pretty confident in my ability to comprehend the current situations that happen regarding 1st world feminism. Unless you have something that I haven't already heard, it would be a waste of time and internet data.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: But you didn't mean to.

Tresha: *walks over and kneels beside the cat, openning it*
Here they are..

Noelle said...

We read it first before watching it...

*Personally cares to read things first, or at least simultaneously, as the performances*


Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

@Adra: I do too, but I didn't know we were going until like three days before.

Inky Flame said...

(Oh, I've finished and analysed the while playing, I'm just writing an essay on what's considered natural and unnatural
I went to the play last year, it was great! )

Alys; I s should've k known better

Flauros; where did she get them?

Inky Flame said...

(I have to compare it to Oedipus Rex in my exam


Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

What's Oedipus Rex?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

King Lear is a pretty cool play. I saw an amazing production of it several years ago.

Also, Night Two of Mini-Mafia is up!

Edward Fletcher said...

Theres a song by Tom Lehrer Chloe showed me that sums it up!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

The Greek guy who was destined to kill his father and marry his mother and tried to get out of it but failed miserably because he didn't know he was adopted.


That's all I know about it.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: you shouldn't expect yourself to have known

Tresha: I don't know..
*grabs the tub, setting it on the side*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

OH I knew that. I didn't realize he had a last name.

Also: hi Fabi!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Also, hi!

I almost forgot that bit.

Noelle said...


My Hamlet!

Inky Flame said...

(Basically, Laius and Jocasta have Oedipus, but a seer say their son is destined to kill Laos and marry Jocasta... So they pin his ankles and abandon him
It was believed killing your child was evil but if you abandoned him injured no one will want him, so they thought hey solved it

Oedipus was found and adopted
Later, he grows up and goes on a journey
At a crossroads, he meets a man, and kills him... (His father) later, he solves the riddle of the Sphinx that was terrorising Thebes, and so he became emperor and marries Jocasta, his mum
They have kids together

In the part I have to learn, a plague has hit Thebes (due to Oedipus sins, but he doesn't know) and his uncle/ brother in law Creon, goes to apollos hous and comes back
He says to get rid of the plague, the murderer of Laius has to be exiled, so Oedipus wants to find him

Long story

Oedipus realises what happened, Jocasta hangs herself, Oedipus plucks out his eyes and gets Creon to care for his children before going into exile himself)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hamlet: [Blinks] [He was deep in thought and didn't notice that Fabi had dragged him into Blogland] Hello, Noelle. How are you? Hello... Everyone

Fabi: Hi Kes, Noelle, Jai, Ed, Chloe, anyone I missed. How are you all?

Inky Flame said...

Flauros. What you goin to do?

Alys: I w was told not to t trust strangers

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: I should get rid of them

Michael: *frowns*
You thought they wanted to buy food. It's not your fault.

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Fab, stressed but coping! You?)

Edward Fletcher said...

Hehe, good description ^.^

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: what will she do?

Alys; well.. T that's w why I don't trust h humans..

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Ah, I've got to go. Dance. Adios, everyone!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: that makes sense. And yet you're trusting me.

Tresha: I don't know..

Inky Flame said...

(*kisses Jack* thanks hon

Enjoy Kessie! )

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(I've been better and I've been worse.)

Bye Kes, have fun at dance!

I have dance every day until Mother's Day...

Inky Flame said...

Alys;.. I d don't know w why.. I trusted v vik.. H he left

Flauros; I would confront her about i

Feraaaa32 said...

adios muchacho.
Don't read the following funny quote if you are not adapted to offensive words such as: "penis" There, nobody can say that I am hurting anyone now.

Here is the leading question that interests the most sophisticated minds of the world: what does it feel like to put your penis in jelly? Do your legs know they're legs? ...and why are electric door hard to pick? Find out next sunday on ENG aka Elite Nonce Group.

Noelle said...

Hi Fabbean, I am, well, I'm not sure anymore.

*But she hugs Hamlet, and snuggles*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Don't look at bright lights guys. Not a good idea. You end up with a blob in your line of sight for ages.)

Feraaaa32 said...

Thanks for the enlightenment jai. I would've never guessed or experienced it myself :P

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Wow that felt great to vote for the first time. We actually have a say.

Feraaaa32 said...

Or at least you think you do #conspiraciesforlife

Inky Flame said...

(My registration to vote was accepted... But I don't want to vote as I don know much about politics)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Theres a film crew outside (theyre filming for some tv show) and they have a giant bright light and my sister was like "what is THAT" and i made the mistake of looking at it.)

Michael: did he have a reason?

Tresha: she's in the bath.

Noelle said...

Fun fact! That little blob where you can't see is because the photoreceptors in your retina are overstimulated and kinda give up.

It's like senior year/

Feraaaa32 said...

Our studio lights in the school actually make my retina feel uncomfortable, even when i am not looking at them.

Star Inkbright said...

@Noelle: Ooh cool. :)

*is back*

Inky Flame said...

Alys: *shakes head*

Flauros; when she come out!

(Our eyes actually have a blind spot, but our mind creates an image

Draw a bit dot on a piece of paper as about 10cm to the right of it draw a cross
Now, cover your left eye and focus on the dot with your right )

Feraaaa32 said...

also, cool fun fact noelle. I already knew it but it's good to share stuff.

I ded to...ummm...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

When I get migraines, I get more blind spots. My brain tries to fill them in, but words disappear off pages of books, and sometimes if I'm looking at people, their eyes will disappear, but I'll still see their face color. It's weird.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: then he was an idiot.

Tresha: Okay.. Would you go check on her? Just knock on the door.

Noelle said...


The blind spot comes from a an absence of cones in a space on the back of your retina. It is called the optic disc. Its the point where your cones and rods turn into the optic nerve, at the posterior of the eye.

There is another part of the retinal wall, called the fovea centralis. It is the point of the most acute vision, and is a very dense area of cones.

Noelle said...

I'm glad you could vote, Zaf. Fulfilling civic duty, et al.

Oh, and the *nods* was to Star.

Feraaaa32 said...

Nice. I actually didn't know that.

I ded to not fitting into the world? XD

Inky Flame said...

Alys: h he was?

Flauros : okay, be right back *goes to the bathroom and knocks on the door*

Alice: who is it?

Flauros: just checking you're okay

Alice: in great!

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: *does it* OMJ! *excitment*

@Noelle: :) Cool. *interested*

I was actually thinking about my vision today. Like there's actually all this fuzziness in it that we usually overlook, but like, idk, half of vision is like blue and fuzz and things we can't see abd so on . . . except we don't usually pay attention to any of that and think we can see everything clearly . . . it's weird.

Star Inkbright said...


Inky Flame said...

(I'm going to the eye doctors tomorrow xD

I hope I dot have to keep my glasses .., they annoy me)

Feraaaa32 said...

I usually focus on a spot when i meditate with open eyes. the object always becomes the center of focus, and I cannot see anything else other than that, not even that after a while. That helps me clear everything and focus on...nothing basically.

Star Inkbright said...

Like I mean you know you close your eyes and there's all like these fuzzy colours drifting over the background of your eyelids?
Well that's there when your eyes are open roo, you just usually filter it out

@Chloe: :( Good luck.

Star Inkbright said...


Inky Flame said...

(I need to start meditation so I can carry out rituals and spells and stuff but I can't in such a noisy house
That's why I'm waiting for uni to really get into the practical side of Wicca )

Noelle said...

I wear contacts..
But my glasses are cute too.

*Legally blind*

Star Inkbright said...

I don't need glasses, but if I keep drawing I might do soon haha. It seriously strains my eyes.

Feraaaa32 said...

Did you just make a meme reference, noelle? DID YOU JUST MAKE A MEME REFERENCE NOELLEEE??!!

Feraaaa32 said...

I look stupid in glasses but i need to wear them.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Chloe can you text me a sec?)

Michael: if he gave no reason then yeah.

Tresha: *sits in the livingroom*

Star Inkbright said...

I don't know how I'd look in glasses . . .

Feraaaa32 said...

who am i kidding, i look stupid anyways lol

Inky Flame said...

(Just text you Jai ^.^

I rarely wear mine because they don't help a great deal, and they make me dizzy)

Alys: h he must've had reasons.. He just d didnt say

Flauros: *finds tresh* she seems fine

Edward Fletcher said...

Chloe your glasses look amazing!

Inky Flame said...

(*blushes* they dont! I just wear them when i have headaches)

Edward Fletcher said...

They really do though, you don't give yourself enough credit ^.^

I just can't see without mine hehe

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