Friday, April 1, 2016

Demon Road Book 3 Will Be...

With Desolation only a few days away, I am still hard at work on the third and final Demon Road book.

From the beginning, I wanted these books to be as streamlined as possible — I wanted them short and punchy. Now, I completely failed with Demon Road, as it was a pretty big book, and only got slightly better with Desolation, which is shorter, but it looks like I'm finally getting the hang of this with Book 3, which will hopefully be the perfect length.

And the title?


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Noelle said...

Well, it isn't your fault, Chloe. Nor is it Edward's. I don't know what has put Gemma in her bad mood, but it has nothing to do with you- it is likely that something outside the blog has upset her.

So, don't apologize

Inky Flame said...

(Thank you *sees time and sighs* if I want to get up tomorrow, I best be off to bed *leaves hugs for everyone, everyone here and everyone who isn't *)

Edward Fletcher said...

Thank you noelle, again, you are the person who welcomed me here and made me feel welcome, thank you

Chloe, never ever say you did any wrong, you are amazing

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Good night, Chloe.

Star Inkbright said...

@Noelle: Yeah . . . I can back that.

*is mostly staying out of this Jack/Chloe/Gemma thing because I haven't seen half the comments and dint have anything to add*

@Kas: Sexist. Race quotas are racist. :)
HOWEVER I do support quotas for on-screen jobs.

Edward Fletcher said...

*hugs Chloe tight*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Star I read it wrong, I must be tired XD


Bruadar Cadail said...

( a point of curiosity, has anyone considered that, in light of someone saying something upsetting or provocative, that continuing to focus of that might be a bad thing? Picking wounds seldom helps them to heal, it just encourages them to turn septic and fester. Perhaps dropping the subject, or even just letting it lie, might be a better way of dealing with things than bitching about who's angrier, sadder, worse off, more upset, has better opinions or whatever. I tend not to get involved with this stuff, frankly I find it tedious, but the situation is now chronic. as most of you are emotionally engaged here, I'm hoping an outsider perspective might help. Its embarrassing, frankly, that I have to point out such basic things. If something happens, calm down, be nice, and move on. Then its over. End of. I wont be interfering like this again, so don't bother trying to draw me in if that's how you want to react. I've seen it before on here. this is meant to be a happy place, and I came onto here with a lot of hope that it would be. to be honest, I'm a little horrified at what seems to have happened. That's my piece said. Good night, everyone.)

Inky Flame said...

(I am sorry Bru

I feel bad about it

*goes off to bed for good*)

Noelle said...

Hi Bruadar.

I've dealt with fights and bullying on this blog for a few years now. I get yelled at, one of my friends gets yelled at, and everyone says that we "need to stop talking about it". So nothing is ever resolved, because no one ever talks about what has happened when someone's feelings are hurt. No let everyone sticks up for each other. And, to be honest, burying the subject and pretending it didn't happen makes matters worse 99% of the time.
Thank you, but to be honest, I'm becoming very tired of having to suppress myself.

Noelle said...

Also, why is it that you only point this out when I speak?

Literally everyone else has done this at some point, most of them within the past two weeks.

Jfc I'm so angry. Why the heck is it that it is always me?

I express my opinion once. I express my anger once. And I'm told to stop.


Bruadar Cadail said...

(who said bury the subject? resolve it, by all means, but it doesn't have to descend into this petty squabbling. People seem to have the notion that expressing anger on this page will not affect those who read it, but all it takes is a single drop of poison to corrupt a well. reading these, in all honesty, needlessly emotive rants encourages negativity in others as well as in the author. misery is contagious. if people come here to escape all of that, then what's the point of having an atmosphere so charged with anxiety and bitterness of irrelevant grudges that you can no longer do that?)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

I miss Annika.


*has no idea what everyone is talking about so he backs away and watches*

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruadar Cadail said...

@it(sorry, to clarify, are you accusing me of only choosing now to point these thing out because you said something?)

Anonymous said...

( *laughs* you? suppressing yourself? no one here surpesses themselves you all pile on and go on about it forever have we even tried just dropping it because up here in Scotland it works pretty well, don't like that thing? get rid of it.

and well of course struan because if the galaxy doesn't revolve around everyone's ego we're fucked. will the sun come up tomorrow if I die? )

Chione Asahina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruadar Cadail said...

@kas (i'm sorry you had to wander into this. Unfortunately, i'm not able to stay and try to explain. i'm sure you'll pick up the gist.)
@it (if thats the case, i'm sorry you took it that way, but any sort of assertion that I'm targeting anyone is absurd.)
(Good night)

Noelle said...

You said it, just now, actually. "perhaps dropping the subject", "continuing to focus of [sic] that might be bad"

Bruadar, my point is that you only have seemed to start speaking about this now, when I have expressed myself. Have you read what Gemma has said? What she said on April 2nd? Or Keiron, on April 11th?
I'm sorry, but if you're going to say that you don't want people to be angry on here, at least make it seem as if you aren't making an exception for your friends.

I was making my points above, before your comment, because Gemma made vitriolic comments towards Edward and Chloe. She left, but I came on and put in my two cents. I rarely do that. I rarely even speak to Gemma and Keiron, because I know that they will become even more angry. What I'm doing? I'm sticking up for my friends, because they stood up for me.

What has made me upset now? That your words had such a condescending tone to them. You said that there should be less conflict and response to conflict, but that is literally what you are doing, too.

Noelle said...

Well clearly the more I talk the more I get told that I'm a fucking idiot, so I'm going to go now because I really don't want to be ganged up on.

Chione Asahina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

( bitch have you read what you say every day? have you read the amount of times we tried to be nice ? I don't know what I said but I stick up for it. You only seem to be happy when getting attention or money . that is what I've deduced in my time here.

oh woe is me

oh daddy bought me this :D

oh woe is me oh 20k shcoladship
ph woe is me sponsar me so I don't die )

Anonymous said...

( * is going to ignore half of you because you all seem to have a way of annoying me *

* will rp with gem and maybe check in every now and then* )

Inky Flame said...

(*cant sleep*
*checks in to see what happens*

I'm sorry Gem... I really am

And keiron, don't speak to Noelle like that
She is a good person
She just stated her opinion and tried to help, which is amazing
Don't give her shit for being honest

Good night everyone )

Anonymous said...

( ( nah if shes going to be shitty I'm going to make it have a reason. grow some balls )

Inky Flame said...

(And keiron? One last thing, a word of wisdom ..

Don't say such things like that, it doesn't make you look good
Gemma didn't look good tonight
I didn't look good tonight
We made a right mess of things

Saying things like that won't help anything or anyone


Star Inkbright said...

Fucking hell Keiron.

I am almost literally speechless.

The fuck.

Several points
- Gemma has several times complained about people not paying enough attention to her (not trying to have a go at you Gemma, I'm trying to say that it's natural and human to want attention and to show you want attention), and Noelle has never complained about people not paying enough attention to her. Yet somehow Noelle is attention-seeking and thrives on attention (you say both things like they're a negative thing. Once again, all humans thrive on attention to some extent) and Gemma has nothing wrong with her (not trying to say she does, but if (if) Noelle's wrong for seeking attention, then by your logic Gemma must be too).

- Noelle is happy when Noelle gets money. Once again, that's pretty normal.

- Noelle is also happy when in the presense of people she's fond of (normal. You have a very positive reaction to Gemma's presence) and when she feels prettier than usual (which is pretty normal, no pun intended) or about gegging good grades (also normal). Those are the first few off the top of my head.

I'm sorry but you are ridiculously biased against Noelle. My and many others views of her suggest differently to your conclusions.

Inky Flame said...

(I thought I could get on decently with you
But if that's how you are going to talk to my friend then I'm not going to bother
Nos da)

Anonymous said...

( i'm biased against all of you ... just most of you keep it in your pants half the time )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I have no idea what went down here in the past hour or so but it seems that things kicked off.. And based on Keirons comment will likely kick off again..


Since I've no idea what happened I won't comment on it any more.)

Chione Asahina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inky Flame said...

(You aren't the problem Gem
I should've just... Calmed down

*hugs Jai*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Oh. Stuff is still happening. Didn't check the times sorry.

Chloe, shouldn't you be sleeping sis? *hugs back*

*hugs gemmu*)

Star Inkbright said...

Noelle thinks the same about herself, Gemma. (Oops. Almost forgot the "about herself". That could have been nasty). *hugs*

You're not the problem. I think nearly everyone, including myself, contributes to the problem. However, I don't think you're the root cause of the problem.
Tbh I'm not sure there is one singular problem. It's all more like a big jumbled mess of problem.

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Jai* :/

Star Inkbright said...

^Oh and Noelle is incorrect
In case that wasn't apparent

Anonymous said...

((K BYE, fucking double standards thou, -is truthful-

Gemma is pretty but keiron still tells her to get a grip sometimes. same way she tells him to. )

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Noelle has a point that for some reason people seem to be unprortionally unkind to her and I don't understand why.

And Keiron, you do realize Noelle has depression, right?

Star Inkbright said...

I have double standards?

Star Inkbright said...

Noelle does indeed have a point. Star isn't entirely sure why either, but she thinks it could possibly be due to the fact people see Noelle as an easy target. However, Star is far from sure. Star is half convinced that the universe just hates Noelle. Star has no idea why.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Also, Gemma, you're extremely pretty :))

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Keiron, stop being mean to Noelle or I will write a strongly worded message that will likely solve nothing.

Hello, Struan, Jai and Duggy.

Inky Flame said...

(Double standards ?

I should be
But I stayed up late to apologise to Jack . I think we are okay now, thank god

I can't sleep

I'm trying...)

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: :/

Anonymous said...

( ( Dug you do realise that one of our only emails are about that right?

I don't give a shit everyone has had or has depression.
shes fucking bipolar there's a difference .

if someone is being a twat and you tell them that they are a twat and they get upset for being a twat is it your fault or theirs?

also if you continually tell them every time so as to hope they stop being twat yet they do and it looks like you pick on them but if someone else walks along and you tell them too then you are helping everyone. now just because the second person walks along less and doesn't be a twat as much doesn't mean the guy likes you more it just means he doesn't see you being a twat as often. )

Inky Flame said...

(I'm trying propert now

Nos da)

Star Inkbright said...

How is Noelle bipolar . . . ? I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what bipolar disorder consists of. Google it.

Additionally, NOT EVERYONE IS DEPRESSED. I have never been depressed in my life. Sad, of course. Very upset, of course. Actually depressed? Never.
Depression is a mental disorder, not the normal state of human existence.

Additionally, if the way you tell them they're being a twat is unnecessarily cruel and hurtful, then you being cruel and hurtful was unjustified. Furthermore, I fail to see how this is relevant. How is Noelle being a twat? Who else on this blog have you accused of being a test other than Noelle?
(It only counts if you say it here btw.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Are you fucking kidding me, Keiron? Are you fucking kidding me? "Everyone has had or has depression" what's your point?

Anonymous said...

(I'm not sayng she's a twat rght now i'm saying that that is the way I feel and I don't care for one more than the other she just seeems to ring the bell of needs attention )

Anonymous said...

(that you're trying to make it so that thats a get out of jail free card, it's not. just because you're depressed doesn't mean the world will take it easy on you... i've told you all before I feel the same about everyone disabled ect I don't give a shit. if you know whats up that is )

Star Inkbright said...

No, I'm not buying your argument.
The word "twat" implies "idiot" and "being a twat" suggests "doing stupid things and making mistakes."

Criticising Noelle for only being happy about money is not critivisibg Noelle for making a stupid mistake. It's criticising Noelle's character abd integrity.
It's been a year since I did English at school and I can actually feel how my skills have deteriorated, so apologies for that. But accusing someone of being a twat is easily forgivable as it's commonly accepted that someone can be a decent person whilst still being a twat. Your criticisms of Noelle imply you don't think she's a decent person. You question the morality of he actions. That's not criticising her twathood.

Really sorry for my poor analytical skills.

Star Inkbright said...

Of course depression doesn't give you a get out of jail free card. That's why I have in the past criticised Gemma when she has lashed out due to being upset. However, "Noelle had depression" does explain why she constantly posts comments that imply she's depressed.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

You're being insensitive, Keiron. "just because you're depressed doesn't mean the world will take it easy on you"

No, the world will be cruel, and you'll join in because you're cruel too.

Stop being insensitive.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Jai @Gem @ Chloe @Jack good night!

Anonymous said...

( in this metaphor #i am the world that will not take it easy on her just coz she might have depression)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Metaphor? Nah man I'm just saying that you're the kind of guy who likes to be mean to others and justify it by saying that that's how the world works.

At least that's what I saw.

You're a dick.

Anonymous said...

( it is how the world works. I'm not going to be nice to someone just coz, same way I'm not going to be mean to someone just coz. I have my reasons and if that makes me a dick so be it, I'd rather be a dick than a sheep )

Star Inkbright said...

Well when we don't take easy on Gemma bevause she /might/ gave depression, Tony you come online telling us to consider her feelings?

And dude, there's a difference between saying "Oh Noelle, you're always in the right because you're upset, so when you act like a bitch it's okay and understandable, so you just do whatever you want and it's fine" (disclaimer: I don't believe I've ever seen Noelle act like a bitch) and being needlessly cruel abd insulting her. You can not be easy on her without being hard on her. It's called being fair.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Star Who's Tony????

Star Inkbright said...

So, both metaohorically abd literally, if everyone was donating to a charity (a good charity. Um . . . children with eye cancer), you'd rather yell "FUCK THOSE KIDS WITH CANCER I DON'T CARE IF THEY DIE" than be a sheep and donate money like d everyone else?

Star Inkbright said...


Not Tony. :P

Anonymous said...

( welll kind of yeh. I'd not donate because 1: I don't have money 2: I don't know that it actually goes to them let alone helps them what if I donate get invested then they die? everyone is going to why not donate to me? )

Anonymous said...

( + yes I do but I know for a fact Gemma does also you do the same but the other way round which just strengthens my side of not being on hers especially when I have before and all she's ever been is complacent or annoying to me. by my standards )

Star Inkbright said...

I'm not arguing for Noelle bevause I want us to give her special privileges for being upset. I just want her, and everyone, to be treated with basic human decency (and for me, "basic human decency" doesn't mean "doing everything one can to make her as happy as possible and never trying to say anything that might be hurtful ever," I just mean "not specifically attempting to hurt or upset her and not needlessly hurting or upsetting her and not targeting her and not calling her names abd not makung statements that devalue her", all of which you can easily achieve by completely ignoring her so it's not exactly a challenge), which, currently, she isn't being.

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Walking away from the donation box and ignoring it is fine. It would be better to donate, but no one can donate to everything all the time. You can completely ignore the donation box and that is just fine. Insulting the charity, however, is a bit off.

I don't understand your second comment, I'm sorry. :/

Anonymous said...

( le Gemma= upset
le Gemma gets angry lshes out- keiron comes to help as he loves her...
le keiron thinks this is sometimes justified
le other people jump on her
le noelle =upset
says multiple things that =keiron upset
keiron makes the upset stop = everyone mad at keiron this = fair.


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Star Email

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Ah, you linked me an ad. Capitalism ftw

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Anonymous said...

( i linked you to the lion king... not my fault theres an ad on the vid )

Star Inkbright said...

Gemma is upset
Gemma lashes out
People lash back

Noelle is upset
Noelle never lashes out
People lash at Noelle
Other people lash back at said people

What has Noelle said that has made you upset, and is it worse than calling her names, suggesting she has a lack of moral credibility, and devaluing her?

Star Inkbright said...

Noelle rarely addressees you. She's never insulted you. However, you've often insulted her. I fail to see how you have a point to stand on.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

His point is that she made him angry, and it's okay to be a dick to other when you're angry.

Wait, no...

Star Inkbright said...

^I would like to add that I was mirroring Keiron comment with the "Gemma is upset. Gemma lashes out." I am aware that Gemma doesn't lash out all the time and Gemma being upset doesn't always lead to Gemma lashing out.

Anonymous said...

( it's almost ALMOST everything. it has an air to it. a poncy air, I can tell I've been avoiding this type of people my full life. she does not agree with me. I have tried and I coughed it up and got an allergic reaction

right i'm actually leaving now I need to )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*spends 3k on his birthday*

*calls others poncy*

Wew lad

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: If that's his logic, that's pretty much victim blaming. "I'm allowed to hurt her because she made me angry without every addressing me" sounds a bit like "I'm allowed to rape her because she turned me on without ever addressing me." Or you know, "I'm allowed to hurt him because he's gay and that bothers me even though he's never acknowledged me, but either way I'm bothered so I'm justified in bothering him back." And "You know, you have a really annoying voice and it irritates me so I'm going to pick on you and make your life a misery but that's okay bevause you annoyed me despite never even talking to me or trying to annoy me."

If Noelle was truing to anger you that would be different. As it is,you're completely picking on her. If she irritates you without doing anything to try and be irritating, it's your job to deal with your feelings. You are responsible for your own feelings and it'd only someone else's business when they'Re deliberately causing you negative feelings.

Star Inkbright said...

not every
not truing

Anonymous said...

( Kas I got a student loan... and chose to spend it on a car. I will have to pay it back... I am not poncy. I live in a council house with my mum on dla for my sis and no other income. yeh . we used to live in a homeless house, I used to be a ned. I would love to be poncy I want to have that life I want to be able to not worry about money but you know what I do. )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Sleep, Starryeyes.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Yeah, Fabi, I agree. Um. Have a good evening.

Anonymous said...

( remove the massive object from your arse and replace it with a vibrating one, then you might have some fun )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Keiron Lol you sound poor and I dislike you all the more for it.

"it has an air to it. a poncy air, I can tell I've been avoiding this type of people my full life"

Pretty much what you sound like, Keiron.

Anonymous said...

( KAS just... go fuck yourself. you're being poncy right now... not rich poncy better than everyone poncy . )

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I apologize. While that comment was actually quite justified, it was also rather rude of me.

What I meant to say was that y'all need to learn to communicate and resolve your differences without making things escalate.


Also, I'm not sure if I'm going to keep running the mini-game... I kind of want to avoid the blog now, but also I kinda still want to do it because I was really excited about the idea? Also I don't want people bickering to ruin what could be a really awesome thing for people who were and weren't involved? So I don't know. I'll see how things are tomorrow, I guess. But I did want to give those of you who were interested some warning in case I cancel it...

@Kas You too I guess.

I'm gonna go stick my feet in a bucket of ice water.

Peace out, dudes.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Ah yes, a valid point, good sir. The gentleman will now excuse himself from the common rabble.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(And I mean the ice water thing quite literally. I've been dancing en pointe all day and my feet are killing me. It's not a "this place is so terrible I'm gonna go stick my feet in ice water" sort of thing.)

(Though honestly that wouldn't be an undue response just now.)

Star Inkbright said...

So what if people are rich poncy? Some people who live in ghettos will be awesome, some will be awful people. Some people will have tons of money and be awful people, some people will have tons of money and be awesome.

I live in a house with five people. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. We have clean running water. We have electricity. We have heating. We can always afford to buy enough food to prevent us from being hungry. I take all of this for granted99% of the time. I'm not thankful that I can drink clean water and not have to worry about food, I'm not hankful everyone gets their own room and yet we have more rooms to spare, I just accept it. I'm privileged. Ridiculously privileged. To some people, I'm ridiculously rich and ridiculously poncy compated to a lot of people.I like to think this privileged makes me no better or worse as a person. Some people are privileged and they are brilliant people. Some people are privileged and they are awesome. Some people are really poor and are awesome, some people are really poor and they're awful.
If you dislike people for having money, that's as bad as disliking people fir not having money.
I would also like to point out that Noelle's scholarships are scholarships. It's not like someone walking up to me and giving me free money for the heck of it; it's not like winning the lottery. Scholarships are either for acadmic achievement (ie. earned) and/or for lack of money (ie. being poor, and hence not poncy).

I really must sleep soon.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jesus Fuck

I go out and come home to this....


Lavender Hope said...

*leaves snacks, tea, and warm hugs to everyone*

*wishes people could just get along and stop the arguments*
It doesn't matter what people say, it's /how/ they say it. People reflect each other. If someone is rude, especially to someone who didn't do anything but talk, then their rudeness is reflected back at them. They don't have to stop sharing how they feel, but saying it in a nicer way would help others show more compassion towards their feelings. Lashing out just makes problems worse.

Please, I hope you all can see that. The blog doesn't need more arguing. We just need people to show their emotions in a calmer way. Feeling angry? Let people know in a way that won't hurt someone else. Feeling sad or depressed? Tell us about it, and be honest. If you're upset and feeling like you're not getting enough attention, just /talk/ to us. No one is being ignored. You may think that, but try to /look/. Even if just one person acknowledges you, that's something. Hold on to that.

And to everyone who doesn't have these issues, we all need to show we care more. About /everyone/. We're /all/ family here, and a lot of the time, families don't get along. But this blog family is stronger than that. I believe it.

So please, can't we try getting along better? I know people have issues, so let's try acknowledging them instead of turning them into blame and accusations.

*hugs everyone*
Everyone here is family and I love you all, okay? Even I get angry and think or say mean things sometimes, I don't mean it. It just hurts to see friends turning on each other.

I love you /all/.

Unknown said...

Hi guys

Inky Flame said...

(Rich poncy? Is that what Noelle is?

Keiron, is it worth pointing out that Noelle got the scholarships cause she's smart and had to work hard to get them? And it's important that she got them because her family may not have been able to pay for her university otherwise

Of course she spoils be happy

If I had those scholarships I probably would be bragging till people got sick of me )

Inky Flame said...

(*my last point bejng Noelle didn't brag, so she's not 'poncy'

*goes to actually google that word *)

Inky Flame said...

(*poncey' means pretentious

Yeah, that's not Noelle)

Inky Flame said...

*should not spoils for my earlier comment

Inky Flame said...

(Where art everyone?)

Lavender Hope said...


*not really here*

*voice is probably going to be dead tomorrow*

*sang for like, four hours at a karaoke place today*

*not literally, but still, a lot*

Star Inkbright said...

On Planet Earth, I'd assume.

Edward Fletcher said...

This comment is just to say how amazing a person Chloe is
She is kind, caring, sweet, selfless and absolutely perfect
She is always there for me and I couldn't be without her
She is my happiness, she always knows how to make me smile or laugh and she is such an amazing person
I don't deserve someone so great
I only wish to make her as happy as she makes me
I love you Chloe

Unknown said...

is there any one here?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hello, Anthony. Are you new here?

Lavender Hope said...

Here... Here... Here...

*might be, but wbd(will be distant); working on stuff*
*waves and offers Anthony a cookie*

Lavender Hope said...


*waves to Kas as well; looks like he beat me to answering*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hey, Hope!

Lavender Hope said...

Hallo, Kas. :) How've you been?

Lavender Hope said...

*awkward moment when the distant one is less distant than the one who didn't say anything about being distant*

Lavender Hope said...

Right then. It appears that everyone disappears after the first comment...

Or two.

*will have to take a shower soon, and has a feeling that once she's gone people are going to pop up again*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Yep being distant, that's me! :S

I've been fiiiiiiiiine, Hope! How about you?

Lavender Hope said...

I'm doing good. :)

Had like, four hours of karaoke time, so my voice is tired from all the singing. But I still can't stop! XD Tunes just keep popping into my head and I'm humming them without realizing. Then when I catch myself, it's /still/ hard not to. XP

Also I've sort of... Stopped... On the story front. It's changing /yet again/! And I'm not sure if I want to follow this new idea or not. -_-

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Ooh, what did you sing? :)

Brb making tea c:

Lavender Hope said...

/Lots/ of songs! Let it go(I got in the 90% for that!), On my own(les miserables, also a really high score), I dreamed a dream, Popular(Wicked- but I was so horrible it was hilarious XD), What hurts the most, Life is a highway(also really bad on this one, but it was fun anyway :)), Set fire to the rain, Rolling in the deep, Someone like you, Keep holding on, Innocence(another Avril song), The best day(Taylor Swift), Love Story, Only human, Seasons of love... That might be most of them.

My highest score was around 95% give or take a few decimal numbers. Average was probably 90%. A lot of my scores passed that percentage, but my lowest was about 86%.

I was with my aunt and friend, and we rotated who went next, so they probably also sang about as many songs as I did. XD FOUR HOURS. It was awesome! ((Throat's sore now, and as mentioned earlier, gonna be dead tomorrow, but sooooo worth it!))

Lavender Hope said...

I'm off to take my shower before it gets any later.

But I'll be back if you're still going to hang around, Kas!

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Aw, that's awesome! I've not done karaoke for years but that's okay because I sound like a screeching cat! XD

And... I've not really read your story further, Hope. I'm sorry.

About a week ago, I made the terrible decision of playing EVE Online. And haven't stopped :|

Here is a vid of EVE by TEST Alliance Please Ignore:

Unknown said...

Yes i am kinda new

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*throws cookies at Anthony*

That'll be $20 for the box.

Boy scouts need the monies.

Unknown said...


*PAYS $20*

Lavender Hope said...

Kassy, what did I say about sharing? ;P

I've got a whole table loaded with snacks(sweets and healthy each- added the healthier stuff for those who want to watch their weight and/or stay fit), teas, and other beverages(again, added coffee, sodas, juices, and other -non alcoholic- drinks for more variety). The table never runs out of anything.

*would like to add that the snacks include cookies, cakes, cupcakes, potato chips(American chips, and I believe others would call them crisps?), assortment of chocolate... And for the healthier stuff there's carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, apple slices, dips of your choice, and other fruits*
*did I get everything?...*

The table is very long. *nodsnods*

And free for everyone to enjoy.

*mumbles something about visiting her treehouse and making more never-ending-refill plates and pitchers for the added snacks and drinks*

Unknown said...

Its 11:30 and i am tired so am gonna sleep

cya everyone

Lavender Hope said...

*visits her treehouse and squeaks in alarm*

*turns right back around and decides to make the dishes later*

Lavender Hope said...

Sleep well, Anthony. :)

*it's an hour later where she is*
... I ought to go to sleep too, but I'm not tired yet...

Lavender Hope said...

Hey Kas? Does EVE stand for something? Or is it just supposed to be all caps?

I like the song in the video, by the way. :) The scene itself is cool too, but I'm still a little confused about what the story/plot is. ^.^'

Unless it doesn't have much of a plot?

Eve the ROCK said...

Doesn't look like anyone's chatting right now, but I wanted to say hi! My whimsical personality led me to revisit the ol' comment section of Derek Landy's blog, and I'm really pleasantly surprised to find that I still see names I recognise :D

Unless you... don't remember me... *sniff*

I'm on holiday so I'm sleeping in lots. I wonder if I'll ever catch anyone awake. But I'm planning on getting at least ONE person to notice me this week, okay? I have a good feeling about it - last time I came lurking last year it was just a whole bunch of role-playing and I honestly don't have enough of a god complex to win those fights you know hahahahaha

But now I'm seeing a lot of chitchat. Which I like and am adequate at doing. I hope this letter finds you well! <3

Lavender Hope said...



Lavender Hope said...



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I remember you!

Lavender Hope said...



Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*runs in*
*grabs purple mango from Lav's table*
*hides under the table and eats it*

Lavender Hope said...


When I asked if EVE stood for anything, before the comment, I was thinking of you!

Eve is always going to be Eve the ROCK, except you never liked that last part being in your name. :P

And you're probably already gone by now which leaves me talking to an empty space...

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Or does it...?
*ghost noises from under the table*

Eve the ROCK said...

LAV!!! I was hoping you were still awake!! *hugggg* Where on earth are you? Like literally because it's pretty late here

Hi Fabi! I remember you too! At first I was wracking my brains like 'who the f is Hamlet...' hahaha

Lavender Hope said...

*frowns, peering at the table's contents*
Since when did purple mangos pop up on there?

*remembers purple bananas*
Oh right. Never mind.

Hi Duggy. :P

Lavender Hope said...


I'm in Japan. ^.^

And yeah... It's 1:10AM. ^.^' I've been a late sleeper recently.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Hello Eve, I can't say we've ever talk BUT I STILL REMEMBER YOU

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah about the name, I think I remember that. I remember going through this whole identity crisis with my name and when I went to go and comment here I had to change it back to Eve the ROCK!! because I had it as some weird thing... whatever. I'm the same old ROCK.

Actually, do you remember me having the !! at the end? I'm not sure :P

Lavender Hope said...

Eve, how have you been??? It's been /ages/ since I last talked to you! My email hasn't changed, so please, send me an email sometime! I'd love to catch up!

Eve the ROCK said...

Ahh, I'm half an hour ahead of you. I'm happy you came back, I remember you leaving because you moved and it was a very cry time

Well I've never seen your name before but it's nice to meet you Dugglyn! :D

Lavender Hope said...

Nope. No !!, but the thing that looks the oddest is your picture. XP I can't stop remembering how it was a rock and you look nice, but the rock had a connection to your name, so I just need to adjust seeing a different picture. ^.^

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Nice to meet you too!!
How are your eyes???

And Lav! Hullo! How be's yous and yous eyes???

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah. Now though, I'm sort of on and off. I missed you though, and everyone from the old gamg(except Star. She still comes around a lot. XP) but it's SO good to see you again!

Eve the ROCK said...

I miss you too Lav!! <3 But honestly I think it'd be better off for me to just chat on here? I am awful at emailing. I think that's how I disconnected from this place. Left the comments and just switched to privately emailing everyone, but I'm horrible at replying so it ended up just being me and Star talking and then I even stopped replying to her. That was also a cry time because it's all my fault there. But I feel good on here, it feels like I'm back home <3

Lavender Hope said...

I be much too much awake for 1:20 in the morning. XD

And my eyes be normal. *nodsnods* :)

Lavender Hope said...

I know what you mean, Eve, but the homecoming is much nicer when you've got friends from the old days welcoming you back. :)

As well as the newer faces you've yet to meet. ;)

Eve the ROCK said...

Oh lol! Maybe I should change it back to the rock hahaha. I mean, EVERYONE has changed their picture here except me, so maybe just for a bit I'll keep it so you guys can see my real flesh face :P

Brb changing my name

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ah, I can see how my current profile name would confuse you. And for the record, Hamlet isn't completely sure who he is either.

Welcome back, Eve! How have you been?

Lavender Hope said...

But does that mean you'll be coming on more???


... Ahem. XD

Lavender Hope said...

I'm still self conscious about showing the blog my real face. XP

I have before, but never for too long.


Eve the ROCK said...

I've been great, Fabi! Haven't accomplished anything quite fantastic yet, but it's been content. How about you?

I hope I'll be here more! Probably just hanging around this week, as I've got no - well, not as much - work to be doing and I want to get around to meeting and re-meeting everyone. :)

Brit Minions are so out of our zone! Nocturnal beasts

Eve the ROCK said...



Lavender Hope said...


But I'm starting to become nocturnal myself. XD

Lavender Hope said...



....... FIIIIIIINES. >.<

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*grabs a couple more snacks*
*goes back under the table, watching and listening*

Eve the ROCK said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I've been alright. This will be the third day in a row that I've had over five hours of dance, which is both fun and exhausting. I don't have to be en pointe today though, which is good for my feet.

[Fist bumps Dugglyn] Ameriminions are awesome!

This picture is actually what my face looks like. I'm David Tennant's long lost twin and I just happen to be wearing a Hamlet costume similar to the one he wore in that role. (Jk :-P)

Lavender Hope said...



Lavender Hope said...


Lavender Hope said...


Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*high fives Fabi back*
Yeah!! And same time zone within the USA!

Oh, and I look exactly like my picture too. I'm a mash of Brandi Carlile, Skulduggery Pleasant, marvel and my cats!

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Gtg, pie!

Lavender Hope said...

*mumbles mumbles mumbles*
*doesn't know which pic to choose*

*they all make me look bad*

*mumbles more and finally chooses one from last fall, where she made herself a crown out of a leaf branch*

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Duggy!


Me. Wearing a leaf crown.


*looks warily at the picture*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

@Lav You're actually really pretty though!

Plot twist: I actually made Duggy out of Brandi Carlile, Skulduggery Pleasant, Marvel, and cats. That's how she turned out so odd. (Love you Duggy :-P)

@Dug Pieee!

Eve the ROCK said...

Fabi it's 'on fleek' now okay get with it
I'm just kidding, you dancers work hard I know

Ahhhhhh I do remember your singing videos! But that was so long ago. I am disappointed but I understand the struggle of not having any pictures of yourself, this is the only good one I've taken this year!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

*I posted that before I saw the picture, but I still stand by that statement.

You don't look bad, silly. [bops Lav on the nose]

Eve the ROCK said...

I SEE YOU LAV!!!! So adorable :3
Actually, you're older than me I can't say that XD
Regal <3

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


And we Ameriminions are amazing.

That's why I lead us (or well try to....)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Another plot twist: Fleek shoes are the next level after pointe shoes, where you don't even stand on a toe, you stand on the air. However, few master ballet well enough to ever reach that level.

[Also appreciates the struggle] Whenever I'm having a good hair day, I'm always having a bad face day.

Lavender Hope said...




I've got a big nose...

Eve the ROCK said...

Bye Dugglyn!

psssssst. lav. you should keep it.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I do not simply follow the leader

I carve out my own path, thank you very much


Lavender Hope said...

... *pouts*

Can't I at least change it back to that coloring page I had until I have a better, more recent picture of me?

Hi Zaf. *waves* :)

Noelle said...

*Comes on briefly to hug Eve, to wish her well, and to hope she has been well*

*Is Adra*

*Ok, goes back into the shadows where she is safe*

Eve the ROCK said...

ZAFIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one big 2012 reunion orgy

Fabi, if you told me that in person I would actually take word for it. I am so clueless on dancing... even casually haha

Twenty??? What are you doing hanging out with a bunch of teens hahahaha

(also what's with this 'i'm not a robot' thing? Is derek trying to ward us off haha)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[shrugs at Lav]

It looks normal enough to me, but I guess I have a fairly large nose as well, so...? My nose is always puffy-looking and redder than the rest of my face. It's annoying.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


I'm thinking about working on having Zaf come back. I know she isn't capable due to TDOTL but well I have a whole backstory I may have Zaf explain one day

Lavender Hope said...

Because I'm a teen at heart. XP

Oh! You don't have to keep checking the robot box!

It tried to keep us out, but we ignored or for so long, it became a check box instead of the word verification. :P

Hi Noelle. :)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Lav, I won't pressure you, but you look really nice and we'd all love to see your face whenever you decide to show it :3

*hugs Adra* I hope you've been doing well too ! It's great to see you again <3

Lavender Hope said...

*would be better if Star were on too*

@Moss: This is one of the better pics of my nose. *nodsnods*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[sends hugs in Noelle's general direction]

@Eve Well, it's definitely true. That's how ballet works, always up with modern trends. XD

The "I'm not a robot" button a while back. You usually don't have to click it, but sometimes blogger decides you're a robot, and you have to prove you're not for a while. That's happened to me twice and Inky once. Other that that you can just ignore it.

Noelle said...

Oh wait!

*Comes back from her safe place*

*Hugs Eve again* you look gorgeous as ever, by the way.
*Is remembering 2012 so much* *Sparky's rollercoaster* *Pissing Nixion off* *Good times*

*ok NOW has to go before she gets in trouble 😧*

Eve the ROCK said...

Well I'm still calling you Zaf! Your spirit lives on :P

See? I need you guys to guide me on the internet. Here goes...

Lavender Hope said...


Maybe when my picture looks nicer. :) I'll try to take one tomorrow or something.

*pouts at Zaf*

*wanted the dedication, but was too slow*

*mumbles about keyboards and typos and the browser in general*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I dedicate this page to a lot of peoples

All my friends from 2012 because I just miss you all so much!

Lav, Eve, Zath, Aretha, Nic, Noelle, Alastair, Star, Fabi.....anyone else I possibly missed I apologize.

Also to the two lovely guys named Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles. They are two amazing people who are on Supernatural and Sam and Dean Winchester but they are so sweet. They work on a campaign called "You are not alone" and it's to help those who feel alone to remind them they are not alone.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Was literally only here for a week and a half of 2012, but that's definitely enough to qualify me for the 2012 club, right?]

Lavender Hope said...

*agrees with Noelle about 2012*

Best year, in my opinion.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Haha I have a whole idea how to bring me back. I told Derek if he killed me off I'd haunt his kitchen cabinets til the day he dies and well I do haunt him.

Shouldn't mess with Necromancers. :P

Eve the ROCK said...

Yeah, I was hoping Star would be on too :( She can't hide from me forever!

Thank you Adra! *hug* I know, I remember like it was Narnia. You know what I mean? Magical times. Hope to see you again sometime! x

Lavender Hope said...

*nods at Moss*

Don't forget Sparky, Nix, Gab, Iz, Lynx... Yeah, a lot of people.

Star Inkbright said...


Lavender Hope said...



Lavender Hope said...


Eve the ROCK said...

Of course you are Fabi! Though I remember you being there longer than that. Yeah 2012 was The Year for a lot of us, but things are looking good now too! Can't help but reminisce...I was reading the awards today XD

Good ded, Zaf! I love that it's still happening :D

Eve the ROCK said...


Eve the ROCK said...


Lavender Hope said...



Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: Hear hear! And thanks!


(Wbd. Trying to roleplay and revise abd be here all at once ARFH)

Lavender Hope said...


(Wait, I keep forgetting! Is it here or hear??? XP)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hahah it doesn't stop Eve!

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