Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Derek Landy's I-Scream Spectacular!*

* may not contain ice-cream.

Behold the awesome!

On April 5th, in London, as part of my tour, we are offering a day at the movies, where I will be discussing the many movie influences that have shaped my life and, more specifically, that have shaped the Demon Road trilogy.

We are breaking the day into two halves.

At 1 PM, younger readers, accompanied by an adult, can go to the Picturehouse Cinema in London and experience 80's comedy-horror classic GREMLINS on the big screen...! It'll be my first time seeing it up there too — I've only ever seen this film on TV, so I am HUGELY excited.

Desolation will be available to buy, I'll be doing a Q&A, and signing whatever you have. It's going to be FUN.

And then we'll be repeating the format at 8:30 that night, when we'll be showing the original A Nightmare on Elm Street to a STRICTLY over-18 crowd...!

Again, I was too young to see this in the movies when it came out, and as one of my all time favourite horrors, I can't wait to see this in all its glory.
Come! See Johnny Depp get blender-ised in his Bed of Death!
Naturally, anyone 18 or over can come to both movies and make a day of it — as I will be — but sadly the younger Minions can not savour the delights of Freddy Krueger — at least not until you're older...


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Star Inkbright said...

I just want to learn about cool stuff. XD
I'm the opposite of a vocational person.

Noelle said...

But the people who work in clinical and counseling??
Sure, there are going to be some people who just aren't good at it- in the same way that there can be undertrained doctors, unprofessional entrepreneurs, and cooks who can't ever seem to cook the chicken all the way through.

In the more rare cases where psychologists and therapists are ineffective, it may be because they aren't ready.

But it is not fair to ostracize the individuals who do have trusting relationships with our psychologists. In those cases, the people whom we work with genuinely care for our wellbeing, even if it means referring us to a more trained specialist. No one ever tells the stories of the good psychologist, either. It's usually "[X] declared this person insane when they weren't" or "[x] is not helpful to me and I hate therapists" (the second being usually from adolescents.

But when it comes to therapy, a psychology can not do the healing for you. A lot of it comes from ourselves- and if we are unwilling to do the work, it is not our psychologist's fault.

Mary Contrary said...

Thanks Flora! :) Just finished 13, so I should start uni this September. Which is where the exam results come in, of course. :P

Star Inkbright said...

Alright, so we've established that psycology is more of a science than medicine, at any rate.

Noelle said...


Dugglyn Carzainia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*nods at what Noelle said*

I could never be a psychiatrist because I don't think I'm mentally strong enough for it myself, however the people who are psychiatrist are amazing, I wish I COULD be like them because they can do so much good and help people so much and I find that amazing.
It's infuriating when psychiatrist get a bad wrap, because the job they do xan be so mentally draining and they have dedicated their lives to helping others with problems that some people don't even understand, growing attached to people who might not show up to the next session.)

Star Inkbright said...

Yes Noelle. :)

Star Inkbright said...

*nods at Jai*

Noelle said...

If I'm going to be realistic, psychiatrists, unlike psychologists, do not need their doctorate for a job. But that doesn't mean that they are incompetent, or that they don't want to help you.

I have Dr. C's business card in the case of my phone. And Mary Ellen's. And Mimi's.

But regardless, psychology is important. Most people like to just focus on clinical psychology because it's, to them, the most interesting. It is also the easiest for the media to sensationalize (along with abnormal psych)

But clinical psychologists also often will frequently administer IQ tests, and other things that can help say, a kid who needs extra time on standardized tests because of their ADD.

But like

If anyone is interested in clinical psychology, check the DSM.
The DSM is the huge book that psychologists and psychiatrists use to diagnose someone.

And trust me, it isn't EASY to be diagnosed. And anyway, the people who want to be diagnosed with a disorder have a different issue altogether

Star Inkbright said...

Right, now I'm feeling less tired I'll address Taia's question.

The person with the speech impediment is struggling to interact in a basic everyday manner, and therefore they need help in order to be equal in the same way that people who cannot walk need help. There are still some jobs they can do, however they are really restricted due to their cobdiion. It really sucks, but you can't gave a bingo caller who can't speak.
I don't like bit, but I don't see a good solution. So basically, I don't know; equality isn't really avhieveable.
Hopefully the person can get treatment to improve their speech. :/

Noelle said...

Oh my god Noelle shut up

Sorry :0

Mary Contrary said...

Also to be fair to clinical psychology, when they go wrong, they look into why and they learn from it. Which apparently biologists don't? ;)

Was it Rosenhan et al who went incognito into twelve different psychiatric hospitals - like, got referred by a doctor and gained admission, each and every one of them? And they made notes on how patients were treated, they made notes on the inconsistencies between each diagnosis (they gave the same backstory and symptoms to their doctors, but we're not diagnosed or treatedwith the same disorders), how many drugs people got and what type. How patients were dehumanised and depersonalised, and how they were powerless to change their own situations.
This was like, the 1960s. And you know, after they published their results, psychiatric care and treatment changed. They learned. They said, fair enough, we've been doing stuff wrong, and they used to results to make care better for staff and patients both.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Don't shut up Noelle!)

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

As someone who has used psychologists/therapists and has a sister who is a clinical psychologist, I personally trust psychologists. Yes, some are terrible, but nowadays they're normally good and trustworthy. The mental health system is the problem - especially the American system.

@Taia that's awesome! What uni are you hoping to go to and for what?

Star Inkbright said...

@Noelle: :) We're enjoying your contributions.

@Taia: :) Good point.

Aquila Felis said...

Mhm. Biologists never correct their thesis. We just hide all facts that don't match it.

Star Inkbright said...

@Aquila: XD I know a girl like that. She took A level biology, actually.

Mary Contrary said...

@Noelle: *nods*
I'm pretty sure there are different standard manuals for different countries, though. Like, several of them. I guess the DSM is used in the US, but I think there's a different one over here? (Not sure about this, though. I got to learn about psychology for 3 years in school and this got talked about quite a bit, but I might well be misremembering!) But I do know that the symptoms for the same mental illnesses and disorders vary between different diagnostic manuals. Which obviously makes diagnosis even more difficult a lot of the time. :0

Mary Contrary said...

@Aquila: Well, that makes you guys particularly unscientific, doesn't it? :P

Aquila Felis said...

Yes. Even astrology is more scientific than biology.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I'm going to be an astrophysicist.

Mary Contrary said...

@Flora: I'd rather not say where because I'm still a bit of a paranoid pansy about what I say online, but I'll be studying physics! :)

Aquila Felis said...

(Astronomy is scientific - but astrology is the 'what sign are you' stuff with horoscopes)

Mary Contrary said...

@Aquila: That's pretty surprising. Must vary between different areas within biology though, I presume?

@Dugglyn: Awesome! :)

Aquila Felis said...

-sighs- Taia, you're not playing the game right. You have to keep exaggerating so it turns into some ridiculous fun.
... oh well.

Mary Contrary said...

LOL sorry Aquila. Didn't occur to me there might be a hint of sarcasm back there XD

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Taia that's sounds brilliant! :) I'm sure you'll have a fab time!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[tacklehugs Flora]

Aquila Felis said...

-face --> pillow-

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...


Mary Contrary said...

@Aquila: XD shhhhhh it's getting late I have an excuse

Thanks Flora! I'm a bit terrified but I'm looking forward to it, too. :)
Are you still at uni yourself? ^^

((@Star: just realised you replied to my thing there, but brb I need to do my languages before midnight))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...




Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Taia: I'm graduating from Leicester on the 12th but I start my Creative Writing Masters this September :D I'm super excited for it because it's one of the best in the country (it's at Bath Spa) and the course is led by famous poets and authors (my favourite author, David Almond, is a tutor) and your final project is a manuscript which they try and help publish, which is super cool and unlike basically all other Creative Writing MAs.
So yeah, super exited :)

@Fabi: that's so cool - where are you going? And I know! I'm gonna have to start coming on here more often again so we can chat! How're you?

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: Idk if I just got a lot tireder (doesn't look like a real word, don't think it is) but I can't remember Why I asked the question now :P
Think I was just trying to understand the concept to see where I stand around it and stuff? Thanks! I'll think on it when I'm a little more awake and whatnot. :)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm going home! I've been in Minneapolis for the past week and a half ish.

I'm ok, a little bit worried about some paperwork for my university that was either due yesterday or isn't due until September. I'm also sad to be leaving Minneapolis and the cats in the house I was staying. Other than that though, I'm quite good. :-)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

How are you?!

Also haia Taia

Mary Contrary said...

@Flora: Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing! :0 I remember reading some of Skellig in English lessons, but our class were behind and never got even close to finishing :( but oh man, that'd be so cool. I hope you have a super time there! :)

Hullo Fabi! :)

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Ahh, fair enough. Fingers crossed you'll get the paperwork sorted :)
And I'm good thanks, I'm just on summer holiday now until September. Graduating on Tuesday then I'm not going anything til I go the US in September. I'm doing Nanowrimo to pass the time though :)

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Skellig is actually my favourite (children's/young adult) book! :D

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm just gonna turn it in as soon as I get home.

Well, tomorrow. I get home around midnight, which is 2am Minneapolis time, so I'm going straight to sleep.

Oh, Skellig? I remember not liking it that much. :-/ I don't really remember very much about it now, besides the fact that there was a homeschooled character.

Ooh, fun! Are you going to the US for school?

Chione Asahina said...

You know...i was thinking of coming back. But everyone seems happier without me, Oldies have come back. And John's come back...that's good. I don't want him to leave again and I don't want him feeling sad and "not being able to have a social life" because of me. I could try to explain my feelings again, but i've made them clear. And so have you. So bye...still thinking of you guys...

Chione Asahina said...

Wow i just went over to turn my charger off and bumped my lip on the headboard...i think it's swolen. And crying for no reason. And my headphones are broken so half of it is just sort of hanging part my ear but i needed my music and i was desperate. Saddest i've been in a long time... yeah. Kinda wht i came back but nvm. Gone again. Really.

Noelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

I found this really cheap DIY that makes a glitter jar, where you put a bunch of glitter in a container of suspended fluids, and when you shake it, it will swirl around for a few minutes and eventually settle.

When I see Ari in a few weeks, we are going to make some together, so yay

Inky Flame said...

(Um.: not sure why you think that gem, but I don't think anyone has indicated that they don't want you here)

LaurenXIV said...

Woooowwww ive basically just been absorbing opinions here its so cool :)

Ok ok ok ok another topic...

... on the other forum theres a thread called Behind the Monitor and its where people can post pictures of themselves and talk about everyday things i guess and we were talking about the terms 'manly' and 'womanly/feminine'...

... one of my friends said that manly meant to be in charge and strong and everything like that... me and another one of my friends disagreed... our point was that manly meant man-like so every man was manly regardless of how they looked and acted because they are you know... men??? And theres a difference between man-like and "conforming to Western views on what is found attractive in a man"... I likened it to cats...
Even if your cat is a cute little kitten with a pink sparkling collar who needs constant love and attention its still just as much or a cat as a massive flesh eating tiger... and just because you like tigers more than kittens doesnt mean that a kitten isnt just as cat-like as the tiger...

... discuss???

We were kinda mocked a little... when someone agreed with us someone else said "Even if that sentence is read with 100 other logical sentences it stays silly.
Now, connecting it with the splendid relevation from that other one , I quote : a "cat is a cat" and a "man is a man" reveals the depth of logical deduction skills. Still, it is commendable that you save their bacon, if only out of pure Chivalry, which I sincerely hope."

And my response was "Sorry uh... just to correct you a little i said that every cat was cat like and every man was manly... which is a fact... my bacon didnt need saving ;) when someone is arguing that a man isnt man-like because they look a certain way... its the only argument really... a man is so man like they are actually a man! :o surprises! ;)"

... discuss ;)

Star Inkbright said...

Language is not science and words are not logical. I once had a rant about how not all harm to self is classed as self-harm. For example, I regularly pick at my skin, which is technically harming myself. However, I am not self-harming.
Over time words grow and change and deviate from their original (and more logical) meaning. Not all men are manly. Being a man is . . . well, more subjective than most people think,but you have a large variety of men with tons of different characteristics and personalities. However, the word "manly" tends to refer to those characteristics which are most male (which is, again, ridiculously subjective, but that's what the word means).
For example, I'm female but I'm not all that feminine (maybe because my index finger is shorter than my ring finger :)). It doesn't make me any less female. You don't have to be feminine to be female. To expand that sentence put, you don't have to embody a large number of characteristics considered "feminine" in order to class as a female due to thebwide variety of females. In fact, if every female was equally feminine, there would be no need for the word "feminine."

TL;DR - language is weird.

Mary Contrary said...

Um. Hope you're all right, Gemma? Not really sure what happened here, and I can't speak for everyone but like... If you wanna talk, I'm here, I don't mind. All the best.

@Noelle: Ah, I heard about the glitter jar thing. Looks cool, I hope you guys have fun. :)

@Lauren: idk if I ever thought about it that way but. I like your style and I agree. :) Manly means man-like, which means men.

But I guess the argument would be that, like, cats have men and women cats, too? So maybe saying cats are catlike is a bit like saying people are people-like, I guess?? And then you'd have to say male cats are male-cat-like and female cats are female-cat-like. But ???

Interestingly, though, we probably think of a kitten more of a cat than a tiger, because society has told us that if it's little and cute and fluffy and it's got a collar and a tail and some legs and one of those little noses, that's a cat. Whereas tigers are big and dignified and frightening and don't have collars (even if they have got tails and legs and a cat nose) and people tend not to get close enough to see how fluffy they are, (and obviously they could kill you and whatnot which is a bit different from the domestic cat, too). So they don't really fit into the standard expectation of what a cat is. And so we maybe kind of think of them as less of a cat than the housecat? Which is silly because both are 100% cat, and when you think about it that doesn't make sense at all. And that's kind of the same as being manly by the usual definition. (And in fact, we even have a different term for cats like tigers - big cats - right? So maybe 'big cat' is a bit like 'unmanly'. And big cat shouldn't make a cat look any less awesome, and unmanly shouldn't make a man look any less awesome.)

But I mean, idk. If people are wanting to refer to the stereotypical set of traits they expect to see in a man, it's a easier to say 'manly' instead of 'the stereotypical set of traits we in Western society expect to see in a man'. In the same way that Aquila was saying the other day about how it's crazy that it's still PC to refer to 'race', or in the same way that feminism may not be the best name for feminism. I have the same issue with defining peace as the absence of war. Manly probably isn't the best name for what people mean by manly, but, idk, we all know what it means, and maybe we're just stuck with it.

So, I dunno. I agree with you, but I can see where the other view is looking from. I like your definition best, though.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

But then I do believe that there is a difference in definition of 'manly/womanly' and 'masculine/feminine'. Although some people blur the two definitions, if something is 'manly' it is something attributed and associated with male, likewise with something womanly being connected to females. For example, the bust-waist-hips curves that many woman gain after puberty are 'womanly', much like the male broad-shoulders-and-narrow-hips are 'manly', as they are something that naturally comes from being either a male or female.
But 'masculinity/femininity', on the other hand, is connected with traits using associated with either males or females, as a result of socialisation, but can be acted out by either sex. For example, classically, assertiveness is 'masculine' whereas being demure is 'feminine'.
Basically, by definition, anyone can have masculine or feminine traits, but not everyone can be manly or womanly as the prior definitions are social whereas the latter definitions are physical. But that hasn't stopped the terms 'manly' and 'womanly' becoming colloquially aligned with and used in replacement of 'masculine' and 'feminine'.
Also, there is the possibility to argue that when being refers to someone that is female as being 'manly', it is not meant to be understood as that they ARE man-like, but instead just APPEAR so. Vice versa for 'womanly' males. But then that related back to the idea of people using 'manly/womanly' to mean 'masculine/feminine'.

Also, I think the whole 'cat-like' thing is less similar to 'people-like' than when people say 'It's only human' or 'It's a human reaction' or 'It's a human thing to do'. In that respect, 'cat-like' is viable - as is being 'human'- as they are in genuine colloquial usage and thus acceptable terms.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Okay part of that didn't make sense haha

It's meant to read "Also, there is the possibility to argue that when A PERSON (not 'being') refers to someone that is female as being 'manly'...

LaurenXIV said...


Sorry this is interesting :) I like opinions haha theyre so cool :)

... if I make a blog does it have to be about Skulduggery???

Star Inkbright said...

@Flora: True.
:) Thank you.

@Lauren: No! Of course not. :)

LaurenXIV said...

Oh good haha ;) my dream job would be to be an author... and my pc is full of stories... and... I dont know... I guess this could be the first step... ive had a look at some blogs you guys have and there are stories there so...

Star Inkbright said...

*curls up in a ball and cries* I just can't do life right now.

Just there's so much stuff I need to do but I'm so tired and I don't think I even can.

Should be going to get lunch really because I'm hungry but I can't even be bothered to do that. It's just too much effort to get food and like I can't handle that level of effort right now.
*buries head in duvet and cries*

I think I just need to sleep for a week but my school won't even let me do that.
I should really just take today off from everything but I don't even think I should afford to do that because then I'll feel like guilty next week and like what even is life.

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry. I just. I just want to talk to someone who's doing AS levels but none of my family are because they're all like different ages and I'm at home right now and stuff, so I'm just posting comments here because posting into a void is sort of the next best thing.

LaurenXIV said...

You should get something to eat Star :( maybe if you get something to eat then sleep it might be the best for you :(

Star Inkbright said...

If I sleep I won't be able to sleep tonight and then I'll be exhausted all next week. -_- but yeah I'm going to fond food.

Noelle said...

@Flora: for my Women and Gender Studies class that I took last year, there was a good book that I read, called "Gender: Ideas, Interactions, and Institutions" by Lisa Wade. That was our textbook for that semester, and I think you would like it.

Star Inkbright said...

You know when you have a debate with someone and days later you"re just sat there thinking of all the things you could have/should have said?
*sits and stares into space*
*sips cup of tea*
*looks at clock and counts down hours till I can sleep*

Mary Contrary said...

*nods at Flora* Yeah, that makes sense.
Your discussions always seem really well put together. Like, I just write whatever comes into my head as and when it occurs to me. Your arguments seem super well thought through and worded and just generally like you know what you're talking about. It's nice to read. :)

*hugs Star* :(
It can't be more than a couple of weeks longer, can it?
And, y'know what, don't think it's not OK to take a day off. Like, I know I always found that hard to see and even harder to do, and yeah attendance is important, but y'know, your health beats your homework. There's no question on that. You've done your exams this year, you've worked hard, there's nothing you'll do one day this week that you won't be able to catch up on. It's not as though you're short on time. A-levels are bloody hard work and it can kick the energy right out of you and you don't need to feel bad for needing a rest.

Feraaaa32 said...

wait haven't you finished your exams, star?

LaurenXIV said...

I made a blog... havent posted anything yet though haha but it looks pretty at least ;)

Feraaaa32 said...

helluh lauren ;)

LaurenXIV said...

Hi Fera! :)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

@Lauren I like the space background.

Feraaaa32 said...

How're you? :)

Got home from work at 6 in the morning xD

Feraaaa32 said...

I love space. That background is awesome.

LaurenXIV said...

Haha thanks :) purple is my favorite color and i love space also!

Mary Contrary said...

Hey Fera

Neat, Lauren. :)

@Fera: My sixth form had us go back to lessons straight after our AS exams until the end of term, to start the A2 stuff and also a bit of uni preparation things I guess. Which means aaaaallllll the stress of exams and then no break to get over it before you're back to work again. Chances are that Star's does the same? ^^

Noelle said...

I'm sorry if this is triggering, or if no one wants to hear about this, in which case, please tell me- and I'll delete this comment.

But I made it to 130 today.I'm feeling so accomplished.. I have ten more pounds to drop, but like..I was really active up into the 6th grade. But I moved in the seventh grade into an area where there wasn't a lot of space to run around and play. So I gained a lot of weight. I weighed the most in the ninth grade, at about 165- which was slightly overweight for me. And since then, over the last three years, I have lost a lot of that. And I just feel really.. Accomplished. But I know that I'm not finished yet, so.

Feraaaa32 said...

Nice adra. I am 200 lbs XD But mostly muscle and bone so I don't mind.

Fair enough taia, I am the same it's just I don't stress myself over A2 as I don't care until next year, plus stuff will be forgotten over 6 weeks.

Nice! Purple is my favorite as well, weirdly XD

LaurenXIV said...

Im very very very verryyyy slightly under 120 i think... last time i checked anyway...

Feraaaa32 said...

Holy shit. You're skinny XD Even if you're short. What's your height if i may ask?

LaurenXIV said...

Haha 5 feet and 5 inches... im small ;)

Inky Flame said...

(I'm 122 pounds roughly
At 5'3)

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera&Taia: Yeah, we have to keep coming in after exams.
Wouldn't be so bad if they were telling us to chill and take IG easy but they're expecting us to he working really hard and I just can't even anymore.

I signed up to do an EPQ way back when and they told us yesterday that we need to work really hard on it this week
And I just like walked home and cried because I have so much built-up negativity surrounding that fucking thing and I only got back from Birmingham on Thursday and I'm fucking tired
And so either I'll have to be working really hard on that next week whilst struggling with internalised negative emotions and probably repeatedly breaking down and crying, or I'll have to decide to ask them if I can quit, which is bloody hard because decisions, and then I have to ask them, which is fucking scary, abd then I'll probably have to spend ages fighting them, which is also fucking scary and will likely involve more breaking down and crying.
And either way I have to draft my personal statement before Friday (haven't started yet) and finish my UCAS application.
And I mean what with all that looming up ahead I should probably just get started ridsy because I mean I'm too tired to appreciate my free time properly anyway abd its not like I know how to anymore, but I just can't even because I'm too tired and just want to lie here and cry and go to sleep.
So that's where I'm at.
Fuck my school.

But on the bright side I don't have any more Open Days planned which is a blessing because I can't deal with that mental exhaustion and missing schoolwork.

Inky Flame said...


Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Noelle*

God knows what weight I am. There are no scales in my house unless you count the ones we use the weigh ingredients.

LaurenXIV said...

... maybe im a little skinny haha... im a vegetarian though too so that might be part of it ;) that and i dont eat much ANYWAY...

Feraaaa32 said...

why do I feel like that sentence has more meaning than just the obvious one... ;) XD I am 5'7/5'8....not too big ;)

Star Inkbright said...

I'm five foot two
I'm short XD
At least I don't hit my head on doorframes though so it's okay. :)

Star Inkbright said...

The other day I was googling the heights of Merlin actors and I discovered that the guy who plays Percival is SIX FOOT FIVE
That's insaaaane.
Didn't even realise he was tall but he's actually like a head taller than the other knights.
This may not be of much relevance to people who don't watch Merlin but I'll hit Publish anyway for any Merlin fans lurking out there.

LaurenXIV said...

Star whats Merlin??? Like the wizard???

Feraaaa32 said...

star: Yeah your school sounds a bit rigid. School's expecting me to work really hard as well but I don't give a shit. They can't exactly do anything with me laying back and saying I don't care. I still do the work, I just don't really work hard, so they honestly can't and won't dare to say much. I've got quite enough stress built up from other things such as work :p Burger king's a bit shit tbh. I just woke up about an hour ago and they're expecting me to go back already. Fuck that, my shift starts at 8, they can go get pegged or something XD

Noelle said...

5'5" isn't small. That's average height, actually.

Basically 5'0" and less is, generally more petite.

Mary Contrary said...

@Fera: Fair enough. Without the work at the end of AS year, though, I can't imagine any of my classes having managed to finish teaching the A2 course this year, though. Really it's just getting the teaching out of the way, that's the thing. The learning you can work on later on. Or at least, that's how my school did it. It's worth paying attention, but you're right that it's not worth stressing - that's a mistake I made, too.

Hey, Noelle. :)
I can't claim to know anything at all about health or weight loss/gain, so I don't know how much that is or what it means, really? (I haven't even weighed myself since I went to see a doctor 2, 3 years ago and they needed the numbers for my file or something, idk.) But if you're getting healthier & more active, that's awesome, and if you're feeling good about having worked towards something and progressed, that's even awesomer and succeeding at something you set out to achieve, that's the awesomest and. Yeah, well done. :)

Noelle said...

Merlin is a BBC show about the wizard as a younger teen

Inky Flame said...

(Some scenes of merlin were shot down the road from me!!)

LaurenXIV said...

I work in a diner... i work 6am-10am and 6pm-10pm weekdays ;) it sucks so much haha

Noelle said...

I think Niccolò is, like 6'5" or something
I think Alastair is, like, 6'2"

LaurenXIV said...

Ohhhh ok that sounds cool haha

Well yay for me for being average height i guess? ;)

Feraaaa32 said...

Lauren: Well I've got school as well, so basically yesterday I got home, chilled for 3 hours, went to BK at 8, stayed there till 5 in the morning, slept till nearly 4 and now they're calling me to go back...on top of that, they complained about the quality of the dishes, whereas the manager himself told me to not bother with them too much for fuck's sake :P

Star Inkbright said...

Yes, BBC Merlin. Stopped airing a few years back.
My family are big big Merlin fans and we've been to visit the castle where it was filmed. :)

@Chloe: :) Oh cool!

Noelle said...

Thank you, Taia.. I find it hard to really feel "accomplished"- I know I should be, but it's also like "damn, that isn't good enough".

I just wanna look like all of those girls on Instagram. Most of my extra fat pockets is in my legs, anyway. Which is annoying, since it's harder to target..


Feraaaa32 said...

I think I am average height for male and above average in weight.

you could say i am average length ;) XD

Star Inkbright said...

*isn't a fan of skinny legs, personally* *finds them a bit freaky*
*just personal preference though*

LaurenXIV said...

Me too star when girls have like gaps between the insides of their legs its just... off putting... i sometimes wonder how they can possibly keep standing on such thin legs haha

Noelle said...

Well, I don't think that there is anything wrong with them-
But as far as proportionately, I have a small waist and chest, by my thighs are, like.. Massive. And I wish I could tone them down a bit

Feraaaa32 said...

I've got no preference on top of me being partly asexual lol.

Though, I would prefer somebody I can't snap in half just by caressing their skin XD

Star Inkbright said...

@Lauren: Ah yes someone who agrees!!

Noelle said...

There a lot of people who are naturally thin, and can't help if they naturally have thin legs.
I just wish that I could be picked up, and not stopped because of how heavy I was

Feraaaa32 said...

Lol you're not that heavy adra and weren't that heavy either, I could easily pick you up and run like 5 miles before exhaustion XD

Btw, profile picture is me 5 years ago, when i used to have long hair... wtf

Feraaaa32 said...

not the lady on the left, if you're wondering XD in the middle.

Star Inkbright said...

Yeah - there is nothing objectively wrong with anyone's appearance, but it's normal to have aesthetic preferences. However just because something doesn't meet your aesthetic preferences doesn't mean it's not beautiful to someone else. Everyone can be beautiful in someone's eyes. :)

Humans are pretty hard to lift up. It's always been hard, but manageable, for me to lift my younger siblings who were always lighter than me . . .

Feraaaa32 said...

the only time I've had trouble lifting another human was when I had to carry my drunk girl. friend who was completely out of it and had no good grip on her.

Mary Contrary said...

LOL I don't know how tall I am either. People have estimated around 5'7, 5'8, so I'll go with that.
*best ever @ personal health maintenance*

@Star: Honestly, from my experience, with the sorts of unis you seem to be looking at, things like 'worth half an A-level' really aren't super significant? If you're after UCAS points rather than grades, it's a little different but for those higher up in the league tables.... If you look like you will meet/exceed their specified grades in the required subject areas, and show you're actively interested in & around your subject, that's all they're really after?? If you can grab some pretty unique experience that's relevant, that might be handy but Obviousl unique meets that most people can't. I don't personally see the point in getting half a qualification when you could spend that time on something more useful. But, idk, that's just my experience and I'm 100% not an expert.

I personally didn't do any of the UCAS stuff until October after I did my work experience (didn't go for Oxbridge though, tbf, and I still wouldn't recommend leaving it that late - but it's bloody July, you're not running out of time). Most of the top physics depts at least, hardly read the the ps unless there's something really, really big in there, because they're all to a uniformly high standard anyway. Plus, you're only writing a draft rn, you don't have to stick to a word of it later on.

But like, there's really nothing you can do now for your UCAS application that you cannot do later in the summer when you're more relaxed, and you'd do a better job of it then, too.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I am 5'8"

I weigh too much


Noelle said...

Aretha just said that Niccolò is 6'2"
And Alastair is slightly shorter

Feraaaa32 said...

Don't worry about it fabien. I know how hard it is to actually loose weight. My mom is obese and she has so much trouble trying to loose even a few pounds. I think I was lucky because I inherited my dad's metabolism rather than my mom's. My biological dead was once a body guard for this important individual (dunno who) and did not even have to train much. Did not even keep a balanced diet. That's about the only good thing my biological father gave me, a good physical talent.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Pfft. Trust me Lauren, 5'5" is not small XD Try being 4'11"

I don't know my weight.. The weighing scales we have are made of glass and I'm petrified that if I step on them I'll break them.

Star Inkbright said...

*shakes head* Have to apply for Oxbridge by October, and we have specialist s coning in to help early applicants with our personal statements so I need a draft by Friday.

Don't mind that that much though. Like sometimes my school is just mega shit, but this particular deadline seems alright. Abd the UCAS thing is only coz I need to finish soon so my form tutors can help me if there are any problems. If I do it last minute I won't get the help and support. Once again, not something I mind.

Thank you though, Taia. :)

The reason our school are making usdo this EPQ stuff now is because they usually have a really high dropout rate in September so they've pushed everything forward so when we come back in September we'll have most of it done and that might persuade us not to quit.
Like I'm sorry but what the fuck. You combat your dropout rare by pushing everything forward? Have you ever considered that the dropout rate might be because your teaching is fucking shit?
Either way, yeah.

LaurenXIV said...

honestly i think that the most attractive people are the average ones :)

LaurenXIV said...

Awwwwww thats so cute Jai haha ;)

Feraaaa32 said...

pretty sure you're petite jai. Having heard of a comparison of how you look like, compared with the tattoo picture on your leg, that you posted about 9 months ago, I can also tell that you're not fat.

I don't get why almost every female is concerned about their weight, even though the fear is irrational a lot of the times.

It's quite unusual for me to catch my eyes on a female but when I do subtly look because there's just something about someone, it is most of the times not the skinny ones that do catch my attention. Although I have no solid preference so... anyone who has a cute(by my standards :P) personality, I will accept a date with. Person could be way overweight or really skinny.

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Because society abd culture and the media. Like nearly all the women youseeon ad erts are thin, and then you seeall this stuff in magazines and newspapers and online ads telling you about people losing weight and how to lose weight. And everyone is is getting the same messages so you essentially just grow up in a world where being thin is the ideal and how you should be, abd so you just start to believe it. Abd maybe some people wouldn't listen but all their friends do and so needing to be thin just becomes a part of life.

Plenty of people could give you a better explanation but that's basically why.

LaurenXIV said...

... i dont care about my weight haha i just know what it is :) im not the kind of person who goes around worrying about what they wear and how they look ive never worn makeup in my life ;)

Feraaaa32 said...

I guess. But then you see all these sex adverts about growing a big dick but I don't particularly worry XD I know it's all a fucking scam to get people to pay for useless shit and for no reason at all.

That's good. I don't like make up. Honest to hell, I think it ruins the facial features. I don't put much effort behind how i dress either, I just like dark tones of color and boots ;P

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*whispers* I am not cute.

Tattoo picture on my leg?
And I don't think I'm overweight..
But by societies standards I am fat, and also by my own standards. Mm.

Feraaaa32 said...

'twas a pretty lazy way of saying "I don't ever wanna date you" like put some effort behind it :p also, stop giving a fuck about society's fucked opinion then and lower your expectations against yourself XD and yeah I remember you did some kind of tattoo once and you showed it.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

You might be talking about henna? In which case that was probably my brothers leg XD

I'm 6 stone 8 which apparently is 95.2?

Feraaaa32 said...

fuck, this vape pen burnt my lips. Guess used it too much in rapid succession XD

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I used to be not too worried about weight. I wasn't thin, but about average I guess. However, I gained a fair bit of weight from a medication and now it bothers me because I want my weight to be what it was before because that's what it's supposed to be.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Yeah. I'm a healthy weight in terms of BMI

Noelle said...

I dunno..
It is because of the media..
There are plenty of guys who develop obsessions with how they look.

But, I will say that I think that the media gears more towards women's perfect look. I mean, they fear towards men too, but there is just a larger volume of adverts and magazines and movies and things etc. about women's body.

After a while, most people feel inadequate

Feraaaa32 said...

OMG YOU'RE SO LIIIIIIIGGGHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :p I have a friend who weighs that much and he is sooooooo easy to lift! that's cute XD

might have been. It looked smooth and not too muscly so i instantly assumed it was yours XD

Noelle said...

Vape scares me..
Like, we have no idea of the long-term affects of it.
Personally, the only thing we should breath in should be air

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Little brother Fera, he's still young.
I'm not as light as I'd like to be but I'm also too lazy to do anything about it.

Feraaaa32 said...

hmmm i guess so. I've never cared about my looks too much because I know how i am like and I know that somebody who is cute by my standards would like how i look anyways :P I don't want everyone to think "oh he's fit", I just want one person who i think is really cute, to do that and I am fine with that :P

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

My friend did a research paper on the health effects of vaping. There are a lot of not-so-nice chemicals, especially in the different flavors.

Feraaaa32 said...

I only bought it now to try it XD not too bad but eh, don't feel the need to continue either. Although I never have, with any kind of drug. I tried them but then I didn't feel like I had to do them again or anything.

Technically, air's killing you as well XD

just accept your weight then, jai :) It's not like it matter much *shrugs*

Star Inkbright said...

I'm sorry, but in my opinion, I don't think males have any real equivilant to the pressure females have to be thin . . . which is NOT TO SAY that girls have it worse than boys - boys experience different pressures in other areas, but I don't think they have the same appearances related pressure like this.

I don't worry about my weight (then again, I don't have to) and I don't wear makeup, and as someone who doesn't really give much of a shit, I think it's probably easier to be male and not give much of a shit. Like, I don't wear makeup, and that makes me a Female Who Doesn't Wear Makeup, whereas if I were male and didn't wear makeup it wouldn't be special in the slightest. There's . . . less pressure to out effort in.
It goes both ways, though . . . it's much easier to be female who wants to put effort in than a male who wants to out effort in. Also we have sooo many more options available to us. We can wear skirts and jeans and shorts abd dresses and pretty much anything. Plus we can wear makeup or not wear makeup and try a variety of things with our makeup. Males can't wear skirts or makeup without going against the grain of what is socially acceptable. Plus we even have more colours abd styles available to us. Men are much more restricted by the fact that it's not socially acceptable for them to be feminine.

Sorry that got a bit long.

Noelle said...

I mean
We need oxygen to survive. I wouldn't say it is killing us.

Noelle said...

I just meant that the media tries to show men to be these muscular, carved gods- tall, tanned, beautiful hair, perfectly sculpted- and that is really hard to achieve, in the same way that it is hard to have washboard stomachs or B or C cup breasts, or a space between the thighs.

Feraaaa32 said...

Yeah, that's why i said technically it is. While we need it to survive, it is also taking part in chemical reaction which make our cells older, thus killing us. That's all i meant XD

I never actually gave a shit about what media thinks so I've been pretty much stress free in that territory. Don't hug me I am scared is a pretty good metaphor for the media. Look it up if you haven't seen it :)

Mary Contrary said...

@Noelle: I can relate to that struggle to feel like you achieved something, so I think it's good to recognise that you're on you're way, even if you've still got some of that way to go. :)

I don't have the motivation for weight loss so, y'know, I can't complain. I'll read my books and learn my languages and tone my little brain instead, I'm happier with that. Don't have to tend to a goal. Idk.

@Star: bringing people in to help you with actually writing the damn thing sounds helpful, tbh.
Um, I expect that all colleges have high September drop out rates because, if you don't want to do the second year, that's when you drop out???
But yeah, fair enough.


Feraaaa32 said...

just realized, lately I've been pretty much the only guy here lol.

Feraaaa32 said...

everybody's off? :'(

I'll have to go back to work in a bit. Damn it. Tits.

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Yeahbut I think they mean people dropping out of EPQ but keeping their other subjects. I'd imagine my college generally has a low dropout rate.

Feraaaa32 said...

not everyone yay.

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: Ooooohhh OK I get you. *nods*

Feraaaa32 said...

45 minutes and I'll be in. Son of a fuck.

time really does pass by too quickly when you're chilling and too slowly when you're working.

Feraaaa32 said...

well gotta go. I've gotta go fast not because I can but because I must.

Noelle said...

*Loves that Taia is a bear*

*Niccolò is my bear* :3

LaurenXIV said...

... ive started writing something... i have no idea what its gonna be like literally ive only just decided on the characters name and uh the only thing thats happened is theyve called a taxi but... its a start right??? ;)

Star Inkbright said...

:) It's definitely a start.

LaurenXIV said...

Haha well at least calling a cab in the story isnt as boring as it is in reality ;) ive kinda made a computer system which makes it a lot easier/cooler to take a cab and the cabs themselves are like little hovering one seat pods :) still boring but not AS boring ;)

Noelle said...

*is having some anxiety..*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[offers hugs]

Noelle said...

Thanks, Fabi.. *hug*

Feraaaa32 said...

aaaaannnnndd back...jeez, that was an eventful past 11 hours. People are fucking insane when it comes to night dining in fast food restaurants. They were like ants, just kept coming and we were over-flooded by orders and cooking. Took us 3 hours to clean up as well, after closing.

Inky Flame said...

(That moment when you have an 180 day streak for the daily challenge on flow free )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Chloe back* what's flow free?)

Michael: *winces very very slightly at what Alys said about her life not revolving around him*
*forces a smile*
Good.. Charlotte deserves a mum who is fully devoted to her and not to some guy.

Inky Flame said...

(*hugs* an app where you have to fill a grid whilst drawing paths between coloured dots
They have daily challenges)

Alys: y yes *walks away*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Ohhhh. I think I had that ages ago!)

Michael: *flinches, watching her walk away*
*breathes, turning back to Dustin*
See. She doesn't care about guys.

Inky Flame said...

(It's addictive)

Dustin: or she's saying that because of what you said .. Hurts doesn't it ?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(XD I can imagine)

Michael: *growls*
Shut your pie hole.

Inky Flame said...


Dustin: why should I?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: because you're getting on my last nerve.
*glares at Dustin*
Now, get out of my way.

Inky Flame said...

Dustin: make me

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *narrows his eyes*
*shoves Dustin back, shouldering him to the side, walking past him*

Inky Flame said...

Dustin: you coward!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *ignores him, continuing to walk*

Tresha: *squeezes Flauros' arm*
Do something..

Noelle said...

*Has emailed Chloe*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*waves to Noelle*)

Inky Flame said...

(Hi Noelle
I read it but for some reason my phone isn't allowing me to reply

I saw the link and hey look amazing!
And yes, many witches incorporate crystals, wands and oils)

Flauros: what's an I do?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: I don't know.. Dustin, please do something!

Noelle said...

That's alright.

I thought you would like to see them..

Inky Flame said...

(They're amazing)

Dustin: um *ppunces on michael*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Hey!

Inky Flame said...

Dustin; *keeps on him* you have to stay

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Get OFF me!
*squirms and bucks, struggling, growling*

Inky Flame said...

Dustin: nope *growls*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Get off!!!
*slams his head backwards, hopefully head butting Dustin*

Inky Flame said...

Dustin; ow!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *rolls over, shoving Dustin*

Tresha: *darts forwards, grabbing Michael's arm*

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: stay Michael! *gets in front of him*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: This is RIDICULOUS! Let me go and get out. Of. My. Way.
*glares at them both*

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: nope

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: Michael what you and Alys have.. You can't throw it away.

Michael: Let me go now.
*his voice is quiet, promising violence*

Mithria Faith said...

(*peeks in and pokes Jai* Boo!)

LaurenXIV said...

Hi :)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*tackles Ver!!! Fwiend!!!

Hey Lauren!)

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: you are a mouse, not a man

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael:*narrows his eyes at Flauros*
I said. Let. Go.

Tresha: Michael..

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: *grips his top* you are heartless

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: Heartless?!
*bares his teeth*
No, I have different priorities to you. Let go last warning.

Tresha: *looks at flauros*

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: or what?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Michael: *raises an eyebrow at flauros*
*smashes his head back into Tresha's nose*

Tresha: *cries out, letting him go, hands going to her nose, bleeding*

Michael: *darts for the door*

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: tresh! *rushes to her side*

Dustin; hey! *runs after him*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: *leans against him, breathing through her mouth, tilting her head up and squeezing the soft part of her nose*
*her nose is broken*

Michael: *pants, running as fast as he can, pushing down his guilt*

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: let me take you to the wolfs place *scoops her up and runs to inkys*

Dustin: *catches up to him*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Tresha: *squeaks, leaning against him*
*her voice is kinda muffled*
I think I might need to have my nose reset

Michael: *growls, sprinting*

Mithria Faith said...

(*tacklecuddles Jai* Hi fwiend! I is here!)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles close to Ver* fwiend is here!)

Inky Flame said...

Flauros: inky may know *arrives and takes her upstairs*

Inky: *walks in* nice of you to knock

Dustin: *screams* don't you ever come back, woman beater!

Mithria Faith said...

(Also, what the hell? Is this the Michael person I met?)

Inky Flame said...

(Hey Mith!)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I presume not? You might be thinking of Manuel.)

Tresha: *waves meekly*
Hey inky. Nose.

Michael: *flinches and stumbles*
*looks at Dustin*
I'm not a woman beater!

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