Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Forgotten Trail Winner

In June, I ran a competition to win the chance to appear as a character in a video game called Forgotten Trail. This is a game that, basically, teaches you maths while you have fun completing quests and solving puzzles, and the whole thing is steeped in Native American culture. The company that makes these games is run by Dr AnnMaria De Mars, who some of you will know as Ronda Rousey's mom.

I said the winner would be announced at the end of July but, because the entries kept coming, I kept it open another month. All in all, we had over 800 people entering — some more than once — and picking a winner was NOT easy.

But a winner I did pick. And here, to help me announce, is Ronda, her mom, her sister Maria, and lead artist Justin...

"And the winner is... Brinley Marrs!"

Congratulations Brinley! Your mom put your name forward and told me why she figured you should win, and I agreed! Hailey, your email has now been sent to AnnMaria and they will take it from there.

To everyone else who entered, commiserations — but if it's any consolation, please know that some of your entries made me grin...


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Inky Flame said...

(Okay ^.^)

Star Inkbright said...


(Sorry, trying to multitask and stay awake)

Inky Flame said...

(Tis okay)

Star Inkbright said...

Also I've lost half my ability to conversation wiht half my ability to remain conscious.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Uhhh help pwease..?

Y=25- (x-8)2^)/4

What's the maximum point?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(And is its y intercept (0,41) or (0,9) or neither?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: Ermmmmmmmmmm let me run to Google. Hang on.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I THINK it's (0,9))

Star Inkbright said...

((Google helps me with all my homework. Google is my friend. XD))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Thanks star xD)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: Right


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Wait no.. think it's (0,41) actually.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Right.. so complete the square..)

Anonymous said...

( umm (0,41)= 25-(x-8)2^)/4
0,41= 25- ( x^2- 64)/4
0,41= 25-x^2-64/4
0,41=25- x^2 -16
0,41= 25--16 = 25+16 = 41
0.41= x^2 41
cancel out ... so yeh 0,41 :P )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Okay. So the first part is right.

The second part.. uh..)

Star Inkbright said...

I'll get Cat to explain this to me tomorrow XD

Inky Flame said...

(*looks blank *£

Anonymous said...

( did I do the calculations right? :P this is me from 2 years ago remember :P lol I also failed but thats just because I didn't doo one full section in int 2 that I needed for higher )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Well.. I know it's something to do with completing the square but....

Y= -0.25x2^ - 4x + 41


Star Inkbright said...

I think you basically complete the square, leaving -

(x + a)^2 + b

And then a is the x-coordinate and b is the y-coordinate?

I think

Idk, graphs are my weakest area in maths. XD

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Okay.. I have two answers..

Maximum point is Q btw.




...the second one is DEFINITELY wrong. The first one less so.)

Anonymous said...

41= -0.25x2^2-4x+41
41= -0.25-0x4-0+41
41= 0+41
41=41? :P )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Okay. My answer that I've written is;

(I really don't know, this has just really confused and upset me)


Anonymous said...

( -nods- i'm glad i'm not doing maths anymore tbh ... but I liked it :P )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(So Uhhh it might be (8,25)

However 25 is smaller than 41???

So question 1 is wrong??)

Anonymous said...

( I dunno.. thats as far as I remember :P )

Lavender Hope said...

*is here for a bit, but wbd*
Anyone on?

Anonymous said...


Lavender Hope said...

*waves back*
Hi K. How's you?

Anonymous said...

(i'm good bit bored... wbu ?)

Lavender Hope said...

I'm doing a little better than last time. ^.^ Also on the search for something to read. :P

Anonymous said...

(a few of my favs consist of Nemesis by Catherine Macphail and Z for Zachariah )

Lavender Hope said...

... Then again, I may try to write something...

Star Inkbright said...

(My favourites consist of Brandon Sanderson.

Lavender Hope said...

I'll take a look at those. :)

But it'll probably be hard to get them. I mean something on the Internet, like fanfiction or the like.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Star. :)

Star Inkbright said...

:) Hey.

*doesn't read fanfiction*
*the only things I read online are debates and the news*

Lavender Hope said...

Some fanfiction is really good. Others aren't that great, but I found some from the Mistborn series. Well, more like I know people are writing fanfiction for it, but I haven't looked at any.

Who knows, there could be some that are almost as good as Brandon Sanderson himself? After you skim through, like, ten horribly written(or boring) ones. :P

Lavender Hope said...

What sucks is waiting for updates. XP

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

*knew how o do that math problem*
*but it's been two years.. :/*

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Duggy!
Same. I've forgotten everything. ^.^'

*tries to read the last part of her display name*
... What in Blogland is /that/ supposed to be?

All I can see is pineapple, dragon, pudding, and unicorn? Did I even get those right? :P

Anonymous said...

( same dug... :P I think I did not too bad... :/ lol

yeh hope I know what you mean... but I understand why people don't continue them ... like if you think no one cares about the story whats the point )

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: Nope.
I just don't believe that.











I just




*shakes head firmly*

I just

I just



That's not possible


You don't understand

It's just

His books are just works of art



You might be able to write the cahracters and you might be able to create plot, but you're not going to

you can't make them magic in the same way, you know?


Star Inkbright said...

I'm going to type out the afterword/forword to Part One and Part Two of the double-volume version of The Way of Kings (first book of the Stormlight Archive. Published in 2010) for you

"'The Way of Kings' has been a long time in the making. It's been some twenty years that I've worked on this book now, in one form or another. The original draft was completed in 2002, though I decided it was not yet good enough for publication. It took me another seven years to get the characters, world and plot to the level that I wanted."

That is how much work he puts into crafting his stories the way he thinks they need to be.
He doesn't just design a few characters and make them do a few things. Anyone can do that. And Brandon Sanderson is /amazing/ at creating characters, so even if he did just do that I'd probably still think his books were good, but that's only part of it. He doesn't - he doesn't just write a story, he /crafts/ stories. He makes them works of art.

And I'm sorry, but no person on the internet who thinks "oh, I like this book, let's have a go at writing a bit of it and setting smoething in this world/making these characters do a few things" is going to be able to recreate that. I'm sorry.

Maybe I'm biased against fanfiction. I don't read it because I feel that it isn't real, in a sense. Which I guess makes me a hypocrite, because I don't believe that stories inherently belong to one person; if someone else takes already-created characters in an already-create world and makes people and a world out of them, then technically they exist just as much as the first author's do. But I guess I'm just inherently possessive. For me, things have a sense of /belonging/. And also, I don't liek people helping me complete things, you know? I like to do things all myself. So they're /mine/. It's /my/ work how /I/ want it and if anyone else interfered it wouldn't be all done by /me/ and it wouldn't belong to me in the same way. I like things to be /all mine/, otherwise they're not done properly.
And I suppose that I just impose these feelings onto other people. If anyone else wrote with my characters . . . I feel like they couldn't do it in the way I would, that the characters wouldn't be /theirs/. It would always be a copy - unless they did know my characters better than me. Then my characters would no longer by /mine/ and they would become /theirs/. And I would be the . . . cheap stand-in, so to speak.
You see? I have a very possessive mindset and my brain automatically subconscious looks at things in terms of belonging and possession. This influences how I react to things without me intending it to.
I guess I think that Brandon Sanderson's world is /his/ like my writing is /mine/, and when someone suggests that otehr people can write Brandon Sanderson's world, I automatically rebel against it like I would rebel against someone suggesting that they could write my characters, or like someone offering to take over my Pokemon Platinum game on DS or like someone offering to help me with my artwork (just ugh. No. It's /mine/). Because my brain is used to supplying these emotions in these circumstances. And then, because these emotions aren't all too rational, when I explain myself I try to find other rational reasons for them. But at the heart of it, I don't like it because I'm a possessive person. I'll just fool myself and thus you into thinking it's something more than that.

(I wasn't lying though. No one CAN replace Brandon Sanderson. *frowns*)

Lavender Hope said...

*nods in agreement*
But if you do it for yourself(ya know, the fun of it) and it gets more noticeable as you write more, wouldn't it be worth the effort?

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

Does anyone know where I put my pen?

. . .
Of course you don't, you're on the internet.
Never mind.


Lavender Hope said...

Whoa. I didn't mean to get you started, Star. ^.^' and I mean absolutely no offense to Brandon Sanderson. I haven't been able to get the Mistborn books yet, but from what you just said and what you're always saying, he's a brilliant author. All I'm saying is that someone might try to write in his style with their own characters, or maybe their own style that's still really good, and it would still be enjoyable. You don't know until you're willing to search.

I mean, trying to look through so many stories takes a while, so you might skip over one that doesn't seem interesting only to come back and try it, and find that it's one of the better stories out there.

That's basically what I meant. I just have a hard time saying what I mean the first time. :P

It always needs clarifying... Or people get confused...

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: I know. XD XD

Yeah. Sorry. I just keep getting started.

I feel bad now for starting on you. XD

Yeah, I don't know, but I'm not sure I /am/ willing to search because eitehr I won't like it ad will find nothign to read, at which point it's pointless, or I will like it and will find things to read and then I have even MORE things to do with my time and even LESS time to do them in. I tend to buy books at a faster rate than I read them, and only beacuse I struggle to read a book a month these days due to the fact I'm busy doing homework and internet. I don't have time to read the published books I want to, never mind fanfic. So I'm not going to try. :)

Lavender Hope said...

XP It's okay. You're just being you. :)

And that's fine. At least you have books you haven't read yet. More for when you /do/ have time. :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: :) See, you're awesome that you would say that. :)

XD Which will be when?

Anonymous said...

(*really didn't want to read all that*
*I'm lazy and that was a lot of words*
*agrees with hope*)

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: XD XD Sorry.

Anonymous said...

( lol it's fine i'm just lazy rn so it was like ughh lol :P and because that it took longer to read too :P :/ lol I need coffee or something I'm still not awake enough to life properly )

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: :P

I was falling asleep earlier today and I went in the shower and it woke me up a lot. :)

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, well, I think it's cool that you're so passionate about something, you'd write all that to defend what you like. :)

And you could read anytime there's a chance? After you finish your homework, or it's the weekend, or when you're bored?

Lavender Hope said...

It's 5PM for you, K, and you still haven't woken up completely yet?

:P Don't worry, I'm the same. XP

Speaking of time and sleep... I should probably get some rest. It's one already. ^.^'

Have a good evening, guys! Good night from me!

Feraaaa32 said...

well hello.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: I'm passionate about everything. I have short-lasting strong emotions.

Yeah, but I'm usually online when I'm not homeworking and there's not time for much else. And I need to artwork as well, so . . .

:) :) Goodnight, Lav.

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I'm a pineapple, platypus, Dragon, kitten, Pegasus, pudding, unicorn!!!

Feraaaa32 said...

hi dugg ^_^

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Okay so I did question 8. Now I'm on question 9 which I'm 100% sure we haven't been taught and am 100% determined to figure it out.)

Anonymous said...

( yeh lav :P hehe

ok jai hit us ? :P )

Feraaaa32 said...

no, don't hit us jai :p

Anonymous said...

( it's fine so long as when you've had too much you say the saftey word )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*raises an eyebrow*
Question 9?
Okay so you have a graph with a curved line on it. You have a point, P(x,y) <-Coords. This point is the same distance from (0,2) as from y=0 aka the x axis.
Show that y=(1/4(x^2) + 1

Mmm. It's to do with circle graphs which are x^2 + y^2 = *insert number*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*facepalm* children behave.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I've timed it by four to simplify it.

4y = x^2 +4)

Inky Flame said...

(*watchss burlesque*
*wishes I could dance*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Chloe Naww :/)

Anonymous said...

( I had a go there but that doesn't make sense I must be doing it wrong )

Anonymous said...

( I had a go there but that doesn't make sense I must be doing it wrong )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@K xD yeah. It's.. complicated. "Lovely" as miss would put it. Almost certainly not even GCSE maths anymore.)

Feraaaa32 said...

i can probably get it...wait, i'll write it down...but what's the question? :P

Inky Flame said...

(*had an A in maths*
*looks clueless*)

Anonymous said...

(4y = x^2 +4
8= X^2 +4

then divide by 4 which is what I was getting but the number is too small no ? 0.5)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Every solution to every problem is simple. It's the distance between the two where the mystery lies.

I feel like that particular quote should be in every maths room.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(The question is to show that y=1/4x^2 +1

@Chloe there's a chance this is further maths.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@K don't solve it, show it.)

Inky Flame said...

(Ah right
My brain isn't working properly)

Anonymous said...

( remember when I was too tired to read stars thing... nd did it anyway ... well I can't math rn sozzie :P )

Anonymous said...

( remember when I was too tired to read stars thing... nd did it anyway ... well I can't math rn sozzie :P )

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: Nope, that's GCSE maths. You should be taught it though . . .

Uh . . . I got an A* in GCSE maths but I can't remember circle graphs any better than I can quadratic. XD

Ask google. Google is your friend. :)

(Also msd.)

Star Inkbright said...

((I can't read it on the bloody internet.
*writes it out on paper*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


What if y=1/4x^2 +1 is the equation of the line it's on?
I'm fairly certain it is..)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: Where on y=0?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@star it doesn't tell us. It just says it's the same distance from the x axis as from (0,2) )

Feraaaa32 said...

you just have to prove it? that means, that you put y=0, so that you have 0=1/4 X^2+1, then you differentiate to get x on its own, which will be x=2, therefore the same distance as from (0,2) on the line? you can even put the x back into the equation y=1/4 X^2+1, which will give you y=2, proving that it's valid? ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

sooo...? :P

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Sounds plausible.

Inky Flame said...

(*sings tough lover*)

Feraaaa32 said...

*nods* A-level mathematics is way harder(i guess you're beginning to notice?), I feel ashamed for having to think about the answer a little... ^_^

Aquila Felis said...

Hi all!

Lasertag is fun! ^^

Inky Flame said...

(Hello Aq!)

Feraaaa32 said...

hey aqui :)

Aquila Felis said...

Hi to you two, too. ;P

Inky Flame said...

(How art thou?)

Aquila Felis said...

I'm fine, thanks. ^^ You?

Inky Flame said...

(I am okay, better than earlier

Watching burlesque)

Aquila Felis said...

... is burlesque something to do with dancing?

Inky Flame said...


A burlesque club has dancers in it

There's a film called burlesque where Christina agulera goes to LA and joins a burlesque club and surprises everyone with her voice)

Aquila Felis said...

Ok. ^^

John said...

(*Suddenly, J!*)

Aquila Felis said...

Hi J!
How's you?

John said...

(I am alright, happy to be home for the weekend again. How're you?)

Inky Flame said...

(Hi j ^.^

I don't think there are any classes that teach burlesque dancing here... Or pole dancing

I want to pole dance, but nt in a club or anything O.o
Just in lessons as it keeps you really fit)

Aquila Felis said...

I think pole dancing is pretty. -nods-

I'm fine, J, thanks. ^^ I tried lasertag today, and it's fun. ^^

Inky Flame said...

(Juliane hough inspired me when she did rock you like a hurricane in the film 'rock of ages')

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: Nope. They're trying to start us off slowly. It's /infuriating/.

Feraaaa32 said...

star: *shrugs* you'll have enough to study later ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: *nods*

Inky Flame said...

(Ugh! Why the hell do I have THAT song on my phone?

-baby by Justin beiber ?!)

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: *shrugs helplessly* Somehow I had JLS on my phone. :P

Inky Flame said...

(I lved them! I saw them when they came to swansea !)

Star Inkbright said...

*shrugs* *doesn't like JLS*

*likes The Wanted*

Inky Flame said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Star, why don't you like me??
*has .."unfortunate" initials*)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: XD XD
I like /you/. :P

@Chloe: :) The Wanted are good.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Oh good :)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: :P

Inky Flame said...

(*looks up pole dancing classes*)

Inky Flame said...

(*sighs* you have to be over 18 for pole dancing...)

Feraaaa32 said...

yeah? makes sense ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

guess who's back :p

Aquila Felis said...

Dunno... you, maybe? ^^

-is over 18-

Feraaaa32 said...

fera! :D *is almost over 18* :p

Inky Flame said...

(*has to wait till june to turn 18*

*now researches tattoo places in Swansea*)

Inky Flame said...

(this song is just... awesome


Star Inkbright said...

*is a year off being over eighteen*

Star Inkbright said...


Inky Flame said...

(hmmm I have asked dad about getting a tattoo next weekend
lets see how that goes)

Feraaaa32 said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: :) Good luck.

Inky Flame said...


Inky Flame said...

(Thanks star ^.^)

Feraaaa32 said...

it wasn't directed at anyone. it was a general "pfft"

Inky Flame said...


Feraaaa32 said...


Aquila Felis said...

Fera might be pouting cause we're not celebrating his revival. -nods-
-gives revived Fera a cookie-

Also, I like the idea of tattoos, but every time I recall what I'd have wanted two years before, it disagrees with my current thoughts.
So, not likely to get one. ^^

Feraaaa32 said...

thanks, but don't even bother aquila ^_^

Feraaaa32 said...

*takes cookie though* thanks :)

Inky Flame said...

Someone seems snippy)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*HUGS Chloe...*)

Feraaaa32 said...

*shrugs* don't give a shiet ^_^

Inky Flame said...

(*huggles jai*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles close*)

Inky Flame said...

(*cuddles closely* is something up Bach?)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*shrugs* Just mood swings probably..)

Inky Flame said...

(Remember you can talk to me whenever ^.^)

Feraaaa32 said...

*shrugs and leaves....maybe*

Inky Flame said...

(What's up with you Fera...?)

Feraaaa32 said...

a lot..

Inky Flame said...


Feraaaa32 said...

why ask if all you're going to say is right? like...it's happened a few times now.

Inky Flame said...

(*shrugs* im nosey

but nosey enough to persist further if you give me an ambiguous answer)

Feraaaa32 said...

I don't feel like giving it. I don't want to be a little bitch. I must deal with everything myself to do that *shrugs*

Inky Flame said...


Feraaaa32 said...


Edward Fletcher said...

So "right" is a short and unreasonable answer to you whereas answering "lol" or "a lot" isn't?

Just an opinion

Inky Flame said...


Feraaaa32 said...

kwl stori bruh, 11/10 IGN :P

Inky Flame said...

(*digs fingernails into palms* I believe in the freedom of language and speech... but that language aggravates me)

Feraaaa32 said...

ok *shrugs*

Aquila Felis said...

... I believe in: Oh look, none of em is being more diplomatic than the other. Let em solve that on their own. -.-

Edward Fletcher said...

I have no idea what that meant...

Aquila Felis said...

... might be better that way. ^^

-thinks that the only thing missing to a 3-year old fight is the 'he started it!' argument-

Inky Flame said...

(I believe the first part was 'cool story, bro'

not sure about the rest)

Feraaaa32 said...

the rest was some meme ^_^

Inky Flame said...


Inky Flame said...

It's these substandard motels on the (lalalalala) corner of 4th and Fremont Street.
Appealing only 'cause they are just that un-appealing
Any practiced catholic would cross themselves upon entering.
The rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe just a dash of formaldehyde,
And the habit of decomposing right before your very (lalalala) eyes.

Along with the people inside
What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

Tonight tenants range from: a lawyer and a virgin
Accessorizing with a rosary tucked inside her lingerie
She's getting a job at the firm come Monday.
The Mrs. will stay with the cheating attorney
moonlighting aside, she really needs his money.
Oh, wonderful caricature of intimacy.

Yeah (Yeah)

And not to mention, the constable, and his proposition, for that "virgin"
Yes, the one the lawyer met with on "strictly business"
as he said to the Mrs. Well, only hours before,
after he had left, she was fixing her face in a compact.
There was a terrible crash
There was a terrible crash between her and the badge
She spilled her purse and her bag, and held a "purse" of a different kind.

Along with the people inside
What a wonderful caricature of intimacy
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses.
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things.

Raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things.

Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy
Inside, what a wonderful caricature of intimacy

Raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things.

Raindrops on roses and the girls in white dresses
And sleeping with the roaches and the taking best guesses
At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains
And a few more of your least favorite things.

Aquila Felis said...

-wonders why walls that were in contact with formaldehyde would still rot-

Inky Flame said...

(its a song by panic at the disco ^.^ they are... peculiar to say the least
this song is called 'build god, then we'll talk'

my favourite, or at least one of them is 'lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off')

Aquila Felis said...

Ah, I'm not sure I can agree with em, but I'm still bothered by the formaldehyde thing. XD

Formaldehyde is used to keep things from rotting, so...

Inky Flame said...

(hehe XD im sure I could find an underlying meaning as an English lit student, but I cant be bothered at this time XD

*whispers* the music video is weirder than the lyrics)

Aquila Felis said...

-whispers back- Not my kind of thing, then.

-likes Rock, most of the time-

Inky Flame said...

(I love rock!


Aquila Felis said...

-smiles as she says she loves Rock, too-

-jumps back a fair bit when she suddenly starts screaming-


Inky Flame said...

(Jack black is so cuddly... but seeing him sing a song called 'fuck her gently'...


im off to bed now

nos da!)

Aquila Felis said...

Night Chloe! ^^

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I sorta just kinda almost broke my brothers finger?

Aquila Felis said...


... not good, Dug.

Anonymous said...

( nos da ...

i'm back :D :P

I broke my sisters arm b4 :P )

Aquila Felis said...

I nearly broke my brother's skull...

... he fell on the rather pointy edge of some furniture. Anyway...

Anonymous said...

( we were on the trampoline and she put her arm down when I did a but bounce )

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Well I don't think it's actually broken, just hurt it and it wasn't really my fault.

He threw a stuffed fish at me and I caught it but wouldn't give it back. So then we was trying to get it back and we play fighting and he tried to kick me so I caught his leg and he fell over and tried to catch himself and bent his fingers back!

@Keiron OMLI

Anonymous said...

( I was just a 5yo btw up the park at this hour :P my friends are the weirdest

@dug :P meh lol it's a Cairns thing :P i've broke my arm 3 times 2 fingers and my ankle and thats the only ones I went to the hospital for. ) )

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oh my god, you're like my brother and dad! So far I haven't broken or fractured a bone!

Anonymous said...

( I ded to the best god damn girlfriend ever :P wish she were here rn <3 love you Gemmy Jam Jar :P

I also ded to finding your special someone.)

Aquila Felis said...

-never broke a bone-

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


*has spent too long doing homework*


Anonymous said...

(ugh ? )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Too much homework.

Anonymous said...

(AH. lol yes I know that feeling... *offers hugs and welcomes him *)

Aquila Felis said...

-off to bed-
Night all!

Anonymous said...

(Goodnight aq!)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*hugs back*

Night, Johanna!

I'm off to sleep, too. Good night!

Lavender Hope said...

Aww, everyone left early?

Never mind then. It /is/ a school night... And I'll have to go in a bit anyway.
*realizes it's probably been an hour at least since the last comment*
*posts this to check*

Lavender Hope said...

Nup. Three.

Well... Bye Blogland, I guess...
*leaves cookies and poofs*

Anonymous said...

( morning )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


You guys watch some pretty freaky anime 0.0

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