Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Forgotten Trail Winner

In June, I ran a competition to win the chance to appear as a character in a video game called Forgotten Trail. This is a game that, basically, teaches you maths while you have fun completing quests and solving puzzles, and the whole thing is steeped in Native American culture. The company that makes these games is run by Dr AnnMaria De Mars, who some of you will know as Ronda Rousey's mom.

I said the winner would be announced at the end of July but, because the entries kept coming, I kept it open another month. All in all, we had over 800 people entering — some more than once — and picking a winner was NOT easy.

But a winner I did pick. And here, to help me announce, is Ronda, her mom, her sister Maria, and lead artist Justin...

"And the winner is... Brinley Marrs!"

Congratulations Brinley! Your mom put your name forward and told me why she figured you should win, and I agreed! Hailey, your email has now been sent to AnnMaria and they will take it from there.

To everyone else who entered, commiserations — but if it's any consolation, please know that some of your entries made me grin...


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Chione Asahina said...


i'm sorry, that's who I am. said...

( it's been a long day, without you my friend, and i'll tell you all about it when I see you again *looks at kn...* )

Chione Asahina said...

-jumps/falls off of a cliff-

i'm sorry, that's who I am. said...

( _catches her_ )

Emerald Melody said...

evening bitches, whoever you are ;_;

Chione Asahina said...

Hey Em. I'm Chi/Gemma :)

i'm sorry, that's who I am. said...

( * calms down watches anime* ... i'm going to watch it all ... that'll do wonders ...

* Ní féin a mharú *
* nó a ghearradh é féin *)

Chione Asahina said...

I'm going to go. Bye.

Anonymous said...

( this is actually really good. might not have a problem staying up all night to finish it...)

Emerald Melody said...

Ní gá a mharú nó a ghearradh tú féin. Ní féidir leat gur mhaith leat é a anois ach beidh teacht an lae nuair a bhí tú sásta fhan tú sa saol seo .

An té a bhfuil tú ...

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...

What language is that?

Anonymous said...

(Dúirt mé nach raibh mé.

Tá mé sásta ... scanraithe nach féidir liom a bheith amárach.)

Anonymous said...

(Gaelic Grant)

Anonymous said...

(too tired to stay up tonight as well, )

Dragona Pine said...

Er... Bop?

People from BSN keep inviting me to play Mass Effect 3 XD It's fun. One of them took a screenshot when there were 3 of us as Quarians stood next to each other and then the last one was killing enemies. He said in the post "Whilst we were comparing outfits in the back room [insert name here] was actually trying to complete the mission" :P In all fairness we were meleeing each other and that's just what you do when you see someone you know. :P I was meleeing Kas the other day.
Someone said that one of the Quarians looked like they were holding a camera so I edited in some cameras. :D
They're all random insane people. Fun to play with though. :)

Lavender Hope said...

*reads something and freaks out too much to read the rest, so skimmed everything*
OH MY GOSH GEMMA YOU WATCHED (by the way, it's Akatsuki) no Yona????


But you totally need to read the manga! There's way more out than the anime and I think they may have cancelled the show... I hope they didn't, but I don't think they're planning a second season just yet.

The manga is just as good as the anime and is exactly(eh, mostly) the same just with way more volumes and chapters and awesomeness!
*poofs cause not here*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


I have seen Mad Max: Fury Road four times now. So shiny... so chrome!

Got the Blu-Ray and watched it with a friend today. Was going to watch it with Gemma but we never met...

Anyways... hello.

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, soy. I may have read a typo. I saw that you spelled it right later, so I'm sorry I didn't read the rest.

*leaves hugs for everyone and poofs again*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*hugs Hope*

Aquila Felis said...

-walks off to bed-

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I would gladly be the comic relief!! :D :D

Inky Flame said...

((*wakes up*
*instantly reduced to tears of happiness*
*is happy for the rest of the day*))

Chione Asahina said...

Yeah i know hope i probably just missed out the A.
I love it. I will read the mange soon. I don't like how the first season ended. There has to be moreeeeee.

Chione Asahina said...

Uck my dad dropped me off too early so i had to kill time by getting my lunch now. When i go for my break i'll have nothing to eat and i'll be hungry.

Anonymous said...

(-offers hugs to gemmy- :( ... hopefully it won't be too bad, )

Inky Flame said...

(It is quiet)

Star Inkbright said...

. . .
I think I killed my friends.

Anonymous said...

(how so?)

Lavender Hope said...

@Gem: There /is/ more! I was so happy when I was able to see what happens next! The rest of the manga series is just as good(no, better!) than the anime!! :D

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*can't be BOTHERED doing French homework..*)

Feraaaa32 said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: I freaked out them out. C:

@Jai: :( Yeah.
French homework is not nice.
It's one of those subjects where I'm just like "so glad I don't have to do that ever again."

Feraaaa32 said...

Freaked out them out, star? :p

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*is bored*
*decides to rp*
*pauses cause I can't remember if I've introduced Sel and Nix yet..*
*yes! I have! Cause I came up with that weird plot thing!*)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: :)

@Fera: Haha yes majorly.
Their reactions were quite entertaining.

Feraaaa32 said...

star: why, what happened? ^_^

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*actually won't rp*
*solo is boring*

Feraaaa32 said...

do u want to rp, jai?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Nah. My attention span is currently none existent. I'd wander off.)

Star Inkbright said...

Um going out now bye

Feraaaa32 said...

bye star. and ok jai.

Chione Asahina said...

Break time. Debating wither i get food as i go to london this weekend and i need to get the bus and i need to buy lunch at Uni this week. Hmmm. Yeah i think i'll have enough i have £37 left so yeah i'm going for it. Something chocolate. Mmmm.

Feraaaa32 said...

hey gem.

Chione Asahina said...


Hi Frank :3

Feraaaa32 said...

hehe ^_^ I am sorry...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Feraaaa32 said...

We can all just discuss everything when you get home? ^_^

Chione Asahina said...

You're sorry? What?

Gtg back to work byeeeeee

Feraaaa32 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inky Flame said...

(*is ere*)

Feraaaa32 said...

hello han. Have we met before? :)

Inky Flame said...

(I believe not

I am of the wind tribe
I flow with the wind)

Feraaaa32 said...

Cool. I am of the "lower intelligence by will" tribe, i can be stupid when i want to be *nods* *offers hand shake*

Inky Flame said...

(*shakes hand* you know my author)

Feraaaa32 said...

I do? hmmmm................................................................................................................... Any clues?

Inky Flame said...

(No )

Feraaaa32 said...

oh well *shrugs*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Han Dae's author*
*doesn't care if I've guessed the author wrong, I'm imagining it as a certain person so to me it is them*)

Anonymous said...

( * hugs them*
*knows who it is*
*is wondering why their prof is locked*
*also may have gotten very confused about who it was b4 I knew :( ;'(*

Inky Flame said...

((*hugs jai*))

Feraaaa32 said...

*is not in the mood for hugs*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Han Dae's author back*
*..is probably reading Han Dae wrong..*
*is it meant to sound like Han-Day?*)

Inky Flame said...

(Yes Silente *smiles*)

Anonymous said...

(is your author ok ... ?)

Inky Flame said...

(My author is bored *shrugs* she needs to live freely like the wind!)

Feraaaa32 said...

Why is your author bored?

Inky Flame said...

(Someone important to her has gone to work and she found herself lacking company)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*gets a fan*
*turns it on and holds it in front of Han Dae and author, letting it blow a breeze at them*)

Inky Flame said...

(*sighs happily*!)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*smiles, holding it there*
*hums do you want to build a snowman*
*looks out the window*
*scowls at the lack of snow*)

Inky Flame said...

(*mushes silentes face* turn that frown upside down!)

Feraaaa32 said...

*listens to some music to pop to*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*has a mushed face*
*can't frown OR smile now*
*pokes Han Dae in the cheek*
*pauses and eyebrows frown*)

Inky Flame said...

(I'm sorry...)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*shakes head (sorta) and hugs!*
*not you making me frown!*
*my mood making me frown!*
*is that evil numb iffyness mood*)

Inky Flame said...

(*hugs and yawns* sleepy...)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Sil: Why not let the evil in?
Why not let chaos win?
Why run and hide in woe?
Why not let the shadows go?
We are all faced with a choice.
Use our words and use out voice.
Or to simply let fists fly.
The winner the last to die.
But in peace I wish to stay.
May my wife show me the way.
For even though I miss the thrill.
I would miss her love more still.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Han Dae/'s author back* Nap?)

Feraaaa32 said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*waves at F*)

Inky Flame said...

((No, I'm not sleepy

Han is a lazy arse))


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Ahh. I see.
*flicks Han*
Be less lazy?)

Feraaaa32 said...

*waves back* huw'z u 2dey? :P

Inky Flame said...

(I live freely like the wind!
I am not lazy...)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*reappears from eating*
*pats Han on the head*)

Inky Flame said...

(*frowns* )

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Nixie: *is laid in a hotel, sleeping, dreaming*
Nixie: I'm sorry.. You'll visit right?
*Sel, watching her, face hostile*
Sel: How could you expect me to visit after everything you've done? Just go! I never want to see you again Nix.
Nixie: No.. Sel..
Sel: I said GO! You're banished from Atlantis!!!
*small but strong hands shove Nixie out into the ocean*-

Nixie: *yelps, jerking awake, clutching the covers*
*looks around the dark room, breathing heavily, looking for her friend*
*jumps up, slamming on the light*
*spins back to the bed..*
*..and sees her friend staring in bewilderment*

Sel: Nix.. you okay?

Nixie: *nods slowly*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*tickles Han*)

Nixie: *walks back to the bed, laying back under the covers, her back to Sel*
Thanks for visiting by the way..
*hears a faint reply but can't distinguish the words*
*falls back to sleep*

Inky Flame said...

(*curl up and laughs hysterically * a stop that!)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*grins, tickling more*)

Feraaaa32 said...


Aquila Felis said...

Hey, I didn't even say hi here, yet!

Hi all. ^^

Inky Flame said...

((How come Fera?))
(*collapses and wheezes * a stop!)

Feraaaa32 said...

3 things :D :D :D: D :D :D :D :D: :D :D: :D :D: D: :D :D: :D :D: :D :D :D :D :D :D: :D :D

Feraaaa32 said...

4 actually :P

Inky Flame said...

(H help Aquila! £

((Care to share?))

Aquila Felis said...

-hides Han behind your back-
-whispers- Wait, who are you? 0o

Aquila Felis said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*releases Han*)

Inky Flame said...

(I am m me! *shakes with laughter* a stop a silent tickling m me!?

Inky Flame said...

(*gasps for breath*)

Feraaaa32 said...

care to share? only if i bare to start-werto r=-t e5y=-05e...ummm yeah.... sure just let me calmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Aquila Felis said...

You should be Haen De, then I'd have something to laugh... :P

Inky Flame said...

(*looks hopelessly confused*)

Aquila Felis said...

Hände = Haende = hands. :P
I totally need another German bloglandian, so someone gets my attempts at joking...

Feraaaa32 said...

hopelessllyylylllylyly confused, yes mmmmmm yesssss......yeaaaahhhhhh...eyyyeyyyaaaaahhhhhhhhh yeyaaahhhhhhhh :p

Inky Flame said...

(Right ^.^')

((Calm down Fera
Before you explode))

Anonymous said...

(What's funny about hands? :P )

Feraaaa32 said...


Kriegvenator said...

Sven has risen from the deepest depths of the mires of solitude

Aquila Felis said...

Svenny! -smiles and gives cookie-

Keiron, nothing. >.>
... makes an... interesting name, though. :P

Inky Flame said...

((Are you going to tell us?))

(Hey Sven!)

Anonymous said...

( Ok :P lol I got why you said it wasn't sure why though )

Feraaaa32 said...

*gone to get swoooommmmething to eatt *

Aquila Felis said...

I washed my hands three times, washed my hair, and can STILL smell the vinegar on my fingers. ... 0o

Edward Fletcher said...

(*has a cold* Hallo
*does not like colds*)

Aquila Felis said...

Halli-hallo-hallöchen. =P

Hi Edward. ^^

Edward Fletcher said...

(Hey Aquila, hows you?)

Inky Flame said...

(Hello edward)

((Jack darling! *glomps*)))

Aquila Felis said...

I'm fine, thanks. ^^ You?

Kriegvenator said...

hrmmmmmmm what to doo what to dooo

Aquila Felis said...

You could draw. :3

Ooooh, or write! :3

Edward Fletcher said...

(Hello Han.. hows you?

I am alright thanks Aquila)

Inky Flame said...

(I am good)

Edward Fletcher said...


Inky Flame said...

(Goodbye for now)

Edward Fletcher said...

(Yeah, i'm gone

bye alls)

Aquila Felis said...

Bye Han, bye Edward.

Anonymous said...

( *smiles* )

Anonymous said...

( trying this on for size... thank you Chloe *huggles* )

Inky Flame said...

((*huggles k before poofing*)!

Anonymous said...

Hak: *slices his halberd into hay stuffed dummies trying his strength and making sure he isn't getting rusty*

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: -watches curiously-

Anonymous said...

Hak: hiiiiyaaa! *slices directly into the neck of a dummy sending it's stuffed head flying into the side of a nearby tree*

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: How long does it take to learn how to use one effectively?

Anonymous said...

Hak: I trained for years, but I was stronger than an elder General at 13.

Chione Asahina said...

(Where is Hak right now? In the castle? Out in the open?)

Anonymous said...

( out in the open training.)

Anonymous said...

( didn't know if you wanted to start from the castle so i'm just out.
Hak: I can easily make my way to the castle if that's what you wish m'lady)

Feraaaa32 said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles gemmy!!!*

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: -looks at her broom- -looks at his weapon- -looks at her broom again- ... maybe some day.

Anonymous said...

Hak: -looks to swirl- it needs a blade first, that is if you want it to be as effective.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Anonymous said...

( Hi Kas... :D :) )

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Kas!

Swirl: -makes her broom swirl around her hand, then holds a scythe where the broom was- It has a blade.

Anonymous said...

Hak: *stands defensively with the halberd pointing towards her* and how do you intend to use this blade?

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: The right way round? -holds the scythe blade down-

Anonymous said...

Hak: *smirks holding the halberd to his shoulder*

*looks off into the trees as if he heard something* hmm. Brought some friends?

Chione Asahina said...

-runs towards him-

Anonymous said...

( this is basically his halberd btw. )

Anonymous said...

Hak: Yona *smiles* I thought you were someone else.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Anonymous said...

( what's up jai? )

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: -twirls her scythe back into being a broom-
-watches curiously-

Aquila Felis said...

(Ooooh, I thought it'd be like this )

Anonymous said...

(nothing comes up for that here btw ... )

Aquila Felis said...

(Didn't work? Dammit...
-tries again-
Please work?
-holds thumbs-)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hello, Keiron, Johanna, Gemma and Jaimie. How are you?

Anonymous said...

(yes it's the same thing only it's a Chinese design. Guan Gong Dao or halberd in English.)

Aquila Felis said...

(I'm fine, thanks. ^^ How are you? -offers cookie-

Also, yay it worked! :) )

Swirl: -decides watching the forest is more worthwhile, because she's fairly sure she knows that fox-

Anonymous said...

( I am fairly alright kas... could be better, could be worse... wbu? )

Chione Asahina said...

Who else would i be idiot?
Who's that?

Anonymous said...

Hak: You never know what you'll find in these woods princess. *looks around for her* That was just someone admiring my skills, by the looks of it she's run off.

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: -returns without a broom but holding a fox in her arms- -smiles-

Anonymous said...

Hak: Ah she's back... -looks confused- with a fox?...

Chione Asahina said...

Who are you?
-looks at swirl-

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: I'm me and she's Aquila. :D

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(I'm not great. Also distant. Have a good evening.)

Anonymous said...

( *offers hugs* )

Hak: *looks to the fox confused then back to swirl* What is your name?

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...


Claire: I am actually perfectly fine!

Liliana: I agree.

Isabelle: Would you like to take a turn to destroy a building?

Lily: *she smiles*

Aquila Felis said...

Swirl: My name is Swirl. :)

Anonymous said...

Hak: Swirl... hmm, never heard of you... do you mean the princess harm? I am Hak her personal body guard.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles Chloe tightly*)


Onwa: *kisses her gently*

James: I'm fine watching.

Manuel: *shall we skip the rest of the shopping?*

Chione Asahina said...

You guys are boring. I'm going to go train.
-walks away-

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles Sophi tightly*
*stupid brain*)

Aquila Felis said...

Hi Sophia!

Swirl: I never harm anyone... usually. So, no. What about you? -looks at fox-
-fox changes to human-
Aquila: Me neither. :)

Anonymous said...

Hak: *looks startled and starts to follow Yona* I was training then you showed up...

Kriegvenator said...

(uuugghhhhhhh -zombie walks to johanna and messes up her hair- uuuuugh -zombie walks towards a graveyard)

Aquila Felis said...

Me: 0.0

Feraaaa32 said...

anyone on?

Anonymous said...


Feraaaa32 said...


Anonymous said...


Feraaaa32 said...


Anonymous said...


Feraaaa32 said...

it was an abbreviation to "ok"

Anonymous said...

(I took it as an abbreviation to my name. wbd)

Feraaaa32 said...

i know you did.

Inky Flame said...



Inky Flame said...

how are you)

Inky Flame said...


Feraaaa32 said...

i am absolutely shit ^_^

Inky Flame said...

(( Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

take a guess
guess what im going to dedicate to

that's right, I am dedicating this page to Jack

I woke up to find a looooong message from him, saying how much he loved me and it reduced me to tears, which rarely happens

Jack truly is special

I remember when we met here for the first time, just over a year ago.
I wanted to talk to him, rp with him, I wanted him to notice me.

as my feelings grew for him, so did the feeling of desperation.
I knew how awesome he was, and thought he must have someone special

but he didn't, and to find out his feelings... I felt the happiest girl alive.

I love Jack to pieces and I can see a long and happy future with him ^.^))

Inky Flame said...

(you were happy earlier)

Feraaaa32 said...

I was. I am not now. *shrugs*

Inky Flame said...

(I see, shame)

Aquila Felis said...

Hear hear, to the dedication.

Feraaaa32 said...


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