Thursday, August 6, 2015

Change to Galway Signing Time

As the subject header suggests, there has been a change to the start time for the signing in Galway on September 4th, changing it from 4:30 to 3:00, in an attempt to get to sign for everyone who can make it.


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Star Inkbright said...

*listens to Ed Sheeran's Bloodstream*

I'm going to sleep soon. Too tired to talk/roleplay properly. Msd.

Feraaaa32 said...

would you want to rp with me after this(if you weren't tired lol)? ^_^

Star Inkbright said...

@Fera: I don't normally roleplay on here, so I would probably - I don't know. My sentences are failing. But - um. Yeah, I don't know on multiple levels. :P

Feraaaa32 said...

it's ok if you wouldn't, i am not offended, you should know that by now :P :)

Star Inkbright said...

Like I said, I really don't know on multiple levels.

Feraaaa32 said...

ok, that's fine :)

Lavender Hope said...

*hi? maybe here*
*if anyone's still on by now*
*but she needs to finish her morning stuff so wbd*

*slept in today, not sure if she was just that tired or what, but that also means she missed breakfast*
*is going to try to eat lunch today, or else she'll have not eaten a days worth of meals... :/*

*ponders stuff*

Andviolet Queen said...

Hello anyone who may be here

Lavender Hope said...

*VIOLET! just who she wanted to see*

*if you want to do italics, one really easy way is /this/*
*the real way takes a little longer to type out, at least for a phone*

Lavender Hope said...

Text here

*no spaces until you get to the actual text you want to type*

like this

Lavender Hope said...

*that's an i, btw*

Feraaaa32 said...

i am here...somewhat

Andviolet Queen said...

Lavender: :) thanks
And wbd

Feraaaa32 said...

hey vi ^_^

Lavender Hope said...

*waves to Fera*
*doesn't want to be more mean and ignore him when everyone else seems to be doing that...*

Lavender Hope said...

*acknowledges the thanks with a nod*

Feraaaa32 said...

*waves to hope*

Andviolet Queen said...

Hey Fera. How are you?
I've got a question for anyone who wants to answer, our of sheer curiosity.
What would you guess my name was, besides Andviolet, based on my personality here?
Idk, that's a random thing I'm curious about.

Lavender Hope said...


*random name that just sounds like her*

Feraaaa32 said...

hmmm.....kate? :P

Anonymous said...

(Can I have a first letter ? :P )

Andviolet Queen said...

Huh. Randomness is fun :) and so are sounds. I'm like the Sound Keeper... But not, cuz she made it all quiet... She kept all the sounds for herself. That wasn't very nice.
*awkwardly nods at my own probably obscure book reference*

Andviolet Queen said...

K: uuh. Whatever you think fits?
(If you really want one, than A, I suppose)

Lavender Hope said...

*randomness /is/ fun*
*especially when it's Wonderland randomness :P*

*waves to K*

Anonymous said...

(Alice? Abbi? ... Annabelle )

Feraaaa32 said...

is it alice? :P

Lavender Hope said...

*aw, so it's not Isabel*


Anonymous said...

(*waves to hope* hi... wbd trying to find a comment from months ago... :P)

Lavender Hope said...

*nods again to acknowledge K*

Andviolet Queen said...

Can I ask why these are questions?
Why are these questions?
What exactly are you asking?
*its probably obvious but I'm still confused, mehmehmeh*

Feraaaa32 said... and this(around the bottom of the page) is where a legend was born. Or a burden. Back then, people were actually excited to talk to me lol.

Lavender Hope said...

*wait... she never nodded in the first place*
*oops heh*

Lavender Hope said...

*oh, I guess we were trying to guess your name?*

Lavender Hope said...

*oops, she used first person term*
*eh, oh well*

Noelle said...

I drank half the bottle last night
After cutting deep into my shoulder

And I return to hear it said- actually said- what I think.

That people just want to wipe their hands of me.
And that apparently it's annoying when I come on.

And I'm still told to not be depressed. Strange.

Yup. I think I'm just going to go have another cry.


Anonymous said...

( yeh I thought we were guessing your name

found the comment yehh! *glomps everyone* :P )

Lavender Hope said...

*wraps Noelle in a shadowhug*
*that might actually feel nice as it's like a black cloud covering someone*

Anonymous said...

(If thats because of what I said if you continue reading you'll see I meant the star thing... and then I continued to say I worried about you being dead a lot of the time soo you know *smiles* I care just differently. )

Andviolet Queen said...

K: *glomps* Oh, i see. No, I was just curious as to what, based on my personality, you thought it'd be. I don't know if I want to share my name. I might. I don't know. I'm considering it

Anonymous said...

( I mean you don't have to but why not at the same time you know? )

Feraaaa32 said...

*nods at k* almost everyone knows each other's real first names on here.

Lavender Hope said...


*probably shouldn't have read so far down on the last page*

*stops herself from thinking because any though right now could trigger something*
*becomes a ball again*

Andviolet Queen said...

Exactly. I mean, I kind of want to. But then I kind of don't. Idk. Names are strangley important to me. Probably more than they should be... I like names. I really do. That got a bit off topic, but I'm gunna give myself props for that not turning into a ramble

Anonymous said...

(I mean it's not like we can use it against you with your chosen name and all :P MY name is Keiron and it is spelled wrong because I comes before E except after C but that is my name and it is unique :P hhehehe )

Feraaaa32 said...

it's fine violet.

Andviolet Queen said...

I know. It's not that I think it will be used against me.
I don't really know what it is.
I enjoy secrecy sometimes. Sometimes it's fun to see how long you go before spilling the beans.
Also, I don't know. I like being Andviolet. I don't know.
My thoughts on this don't really translate well into words on this subject, if you couldn't tell already *sighs*

Lavender Hope said...

*shadowhugs Violet*
*she can still use the name she has now, but some might wish to call her by her real name sometimes*

Andviolet Queen said...

I know.
It's not really anything I just said.
I'm considering it, but I also kinda don't want to. But then I kinda do.
Meh, translating is not working

Lavender Hope said...

*has to go*

*shadowhugs people before fading away*

Anonymous said...

(*hugs hope*

you can email me if you wish ? that way someone knows but not everyone ? or something I dunno *insert better reasoning here* )

Andviolet Queen said...

*hugs Lav as well as I can*

Andviolet Queen said...

*smiles* Thanks for the offer, K.
I would insert some sort of reasoning for anything, but for some reason my brain won't make the proper words.
I'll take that into consideration :)
*considers name*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Andviolet Queen said...

Duggy: :)
I get you
Have I ever said how your comments just make me smile most of the time?
If not, then I'm saying that now

Anonymous said...

( I thought your real name was Dugglyn lol .... shows how much I pay attention :/)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Hey Vi :))))
Awwwwww thanks...!!!

I was tonn tell you this the other night because you said something absolutely brilliant and I was suddenly struck by your wonderfulness, you are an amazing person!
Actually I was going to comment on your blog but then I thought it might just be kinda weird? Idk, maybe just me being shy.
*cough*someone should update ARCK*cough*

Andviolet Queen said...

Hi :) *hugs the Dug*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Nice K XD
I like that though. Idk, I makes me happy that you thought Dugglyn was my real name. I guess because it suits me?

A while ago I began wondering if Dugglyn was a good name. I wasn't sure because like, Dugglyn doesn't mean anything. Neither does Carzainia.
Like Silente Tempest, storm quiet
Audra Traum, storm dream

Words that existed and meant things.

I think I said something like that to Star or Fabi and she replied that Dugglyn Carzainia did mean something, it meant me.
And that made me happy because random little things like that make me happy!
And sometimes I'm just happy for no reason. :P


Dugglyn Carzainia said...

And that's how you know I'm tired XD


Anonymous said...

(ditto ... goodnight and yeh I think of you WHen I hear it because you're the best Dugglyn I know :P )

Andviolet Queen said...

I went through a bunch of names before I came to Andviolet Queen.
Each bit means something to me, some that others would get and some that would probably only ever make sense in my head.
But I found one that meant something, and I think it sounds pretty :)
Originally I thought "Andviolet" would be strange, but I told my friends and they said it was pretty :)
What do you think about Andviolet Queen?
(For the record, I think Dugglyn Carzainia fits you beautifully, and is just beautiful. And I definitely agree with Star or Fabi)

Andviolet Queen said...


Anonymous said...

( lol I used to be SKulduggery then I changed to END and got super pissed one day started speaking in german and was like the conductor is in lol thats how I chose this name :P )

Andviolet Queen said...

K: XD That's great, that's awesome XD
Random fact: AND is my initials

Feraaaa32 said...

ohh yeeehhh >>>>>>>>>>>>>> XD

Anonymous said...

(A clue :P :P hheeh not that great lol ...

end was for fairy tail Etherious Natsu Dragneel

i'm dying from no sleeep ughh i've been going b4 12 most of this week I was doing well)

Andviolet Queen said...

Oh, a clue? Yay, guessing games are fun! Lol, jk. I mean, they are, but I'm not starting one.
And I don't know, I think it's great :)

Noelle said...

I'm going to finish the bottle

And I'm going to cut my wrists until I can't make them stop


Anonymous said...

(i'm going to sleep soy ! talk tomoz or something ... *tries to glomp and falls over snoring*)

Andviolet Queen said...

*frowns in Noelle's direction, unsure of what to say but not wanting to ignore her*
K: *glomps his half-asleep form* Sleep well :) Ttyasupitf

Feraaaa32 said...

looks like only me and you are here now, violet :P oh ohoho hooh, wanan continue rp? it has been SO LONG XD :P

Andviolet Queen said...

Why not?
It really has though. Where did we even leave off?

Feraaaa32 said...

fera and vi going to her house to walk through...a portal i think :)

Andviolet Queen said...

Oh yeah!
I remember that...
After you, my good sir ;)

Feraaaa32 said...

ok :)
fera: *gently grabs her arms and drags her with him into the portal*

Andviolet Queen said...

*walks into the portal with Fera*
*looking around* So, where exactly are we?

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: *they stand in the middle of nowhere, it looks like it at least* Where do you think we are? *smiles*

Andviolet Queen said...

If I had a good idea, I wouldn't have asked, would I have?

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: *nods while grinning* We're between the human dimension and the 7th circle...did that make it any clearer? *smiles*

Andviolet Queen said...

Uh, nope *pops the p in nope*
What's the seventh circle? And isn't it where we were meant to be going? Why are we between places?

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: Because I decided we should pay a visit to one of my old friends *tips hat* I mean, as long as you don't have a better plan? *smirks at her*

Andviolet Queen said...

*smirks* Why of course not. I would love to meet a friend of yours*

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: He's not very...talkative though *smiles* you coming then? *starts walking away from both light sources*

Andviolet Queen said...

Gladly *quickly catches up and loops her arm through Fera's*
*starts skipping, dragging him awkwardly*

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: *smiles at this* now...i want you to not panic for me, ok? *a shiver goes through both their bodies* *is a weird feeling, nothing that people experience*

Andviolet Queen said...

*scoffs* I'm not the panicky type. Don't worry. *ignores odd sensation*

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: I like that *chuckles* *it's as if there was something but at the same time wasn't standing in front of them* I'd like you to meet my friend...nothingness. But i just call it crucifix *nods as he wraps his arms around her shoulders as a comfort*

Andviolet Queen said...

*frowns into space* Not gunna lie, this is a bit unnerving. What exactly is your friend?

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: I thought I just said it? *says this in a joking way* anyways, we're here to fix something with me *nods* but you can shake hands with it, if you want *smiles*

Andviolet Queen said...

Thoughts, like appearances, can often be deceiving. I'm just going to keep my hand to myself, if good old crucifix doesn't mind.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

I love you, and I'm sorry.
Please don't go, angel

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: Do you not trust me? *looks a bit sad* *walks up to it and a "50%" symbol appears on his back* *this becomes brighter and brighter, clearly burning his back in the process*

Andviolet Queen said...

*looks shocked and unhappy, gasps, but doesn't make any move because then it would prove the distrust that mostly didn't exist*
Uh, Fera?
(And I have to get up early, so I should probably sleep. It's been fun. Good night!)

Feraaaa32 said...

fera: please...don't...wo...worry. it's ok *turns around, shows some pain on his face, considering his high pain threshold, it hurt a lot more than just a burn injury*
(ok violet, bye, have a goodnight ^_^ *hugs*)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[leaves hugs for Noelle]

I love you and I would miss you very much if you died.

Inky Flame said...

(It's not just what happened the other night
I have my reasons for ignoring him

Gem, I understand that everyone has a different opinion and I respect that your sticking up for a friend

But in my eyes an the eyes of others, Fera has done wrong too many times
Because their opinion differs from yours, don't cause Unnecessary hurt to others
Thank you )

Lavender Hope said...

*is back to being a person*

*leaves hugs for people*

*heads to her treehouse to do something*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Thank you, Chloe.

Fera - That would not be a permanent solution. If someone new came on it would once again, due to the fact they would be uncomfortable. In addition, you are the root cause of the problem. And the prevention is better than the cure. To completely eradicate the problem, it requires some change on your part rather than ours. In addition, you were the one making people feel uncomfortable. To put it into an analogy - if Russia invaded the USA, would it be right for the UN to tell the USA to stop fighting? No. The change would have to be on Russia's part.
Then there is the fact that it would be more efficient to expect a change in one person rather than many. In addition, refraining from telling jokes would be a smaller change than completely changing what makes a person uncomfortable - which I doubt is actually possible.
Whether you change of leave - either way you look at it, it is your actions that have to be taken out of the equation. It is the best solution for everyone. It is either that or be ignored, which I am once again initiating.)

Lavender Hope said...


Star Inkbright said...

*hopes Noelle is okay*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: Of course.
*offers her hand to Alexandria, already holding Liliana's*


James: *laughs louder, his laughter mixing with the screams, sawing quicker and more roughly*

Manuel: we could serve many types.

Lavender Hope said...

*dittos with Star*

*waves to people*

*wonders if the new picture is too much*

Lavender Hope said...

*dittos Star

Lavender Hope said...

*last one is too red*

*wonders about this pic*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*waves back at Lav*
*likes the brown photo but can't read it?*)

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Lav*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*can't read either*)

Lavender Hope said...

They're HP quotes. This one is the same as the red one, "Happiness can be found of one only remembers to turn on the light"

The other one is "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I like the happiness one.)

Lavender Hope said...


Star Inkbright said...

((I like both?))

Lavender Hope said...

Me too. The font of this pic is nice, but it's too bad it has to be shrunk.

Star Inkbright said...

((Oh dear, that probably wasn't help.))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*smiles and hugs the star*)

Lavender Hope said...

The side of my throat hurts... It makes it hard to swallow and inside my mouth, it feels like it's bleeding or something in the back... :/

Star Inkbright said...

*smiles and hugs the Jai back*

@Lav: :/ Ouch . . .
How long has it been going on?

Lavender Hope said...

Scary thing is, the place where it hurts has a vein right there...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Lav you should maybe see a doctor?)

Lavender Hope said...

Since lunch.

Lavender Hope said...

Maybe, but it could just be sore.

I tried to reach back there with a finger, but it didn't come away with any blood.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: :/ You might have hurt yourself eating, then . . .

If I were you, I'd wait a few days . . . if it's a little thing, it'll heal, and if not, then you worry. *nods*

Lavender Hope said...


Or talking. I was being really animated today, telling my aunt about the rides and stuff at USJ. That's when I noticed it hurting... But how can just talking make it do that??

Lavender Hope said...

*blinks as realization hits*
I don't think I've talked that much in ages... My vocal cords might be tired from the suddenness of it, like a muscle sore or something...

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: O_O

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(That could be it.. and dehydration..)

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah. Just shows how little I've actually used my voice(in a loud excited way) recently. I mean, besides the screaming, I didn't talk much, or I would talk softly when we went to the Studio, so...

Lavender Hope said...

Dehydration could also possibly be it too. Maybe both?

... I should drink more water...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Maybe both. The excess talking would've dried your mouth out more that usual.)

Star Inkbright said...

Thread on AVEN: Do you guys believe in "The One"?

Me: *crosses fingers* please say this isn't actually a balanced argument

*scrolls down past comment afetr comment of people saying they don't believe in the One*

*major fistpump moment*
*goes a bit mad liking posts XD*

Lavender Hope said...

Oh, Star. :P

*nods at Jai*
Yeah, that's probably it..

Star Inkbright said...

I found statistical evidence against the myth of the One.

So happy now. C:

Today is a good day. C:

*nods along with Jai because what she's saying to Lav makes sense*
*doesn't have any more ideas to contribute*

Lavender Hope said...

Hooray for you, Star. :P

*is hungry again but has to wait about two more hours for dinner*
*ate her snack this morning already*
Well, more like shared. But it was a very small snack anyway. Nothing substantial enough.

*wonders if she should go looking for a snack*

Lavender Hope said...

*correction, one, not two hours*
*a little more than one hour*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Lavy* look for a small snack.)

Lavender Hope said...

*sees that she still /does/ have snacks left*
*decides to eat those*

Star Inkbright said...

*nods at what Jai said again* Look for a small snack. :/

Star Inkbright said...

Oh. Alright then. :P

Lavender Hope said...

*munches on some Japanese rice crackers*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*has no idea what they are*)

Star Inkbright said...

*me neither*

Lavender Hope said...

They're just crackers made out of rice and have a lot of different flavors. My favorite are the salty or soy sauce ones. But there's also some that are sweet or spicy or ones with wasabi powder.

Then there's something called shrimp chips, which is basically rice crackers with shrimp flavor. They taste yummy if you like shrimp.

In Japanese, rice cracker is called osenbe but I pronounce the 'nb' as an 'mb', but Japanese people can only have an 'n' by itself. :P the other letters have to have a vowel in it. Like 'o', 'se' and 'be' in the word.

Lavender Hope said...

By the way, not literal rice. More like rice flour perhaps?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*nods slowly*)

Lavender Hope said...

*wonders if the Japanese letter would work*

Lavender Hope said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: Wait, those white crisp things you get in Chinese restaurants?

Lavender Hope said...

No, that's a fortune cookie. Chinese and Japanese crackers are different. Possibly. I never actually saw a Chinese cracker before.

Inky Flame said...

(Hello! *realises I only have a few minutes of break left*
Go dammit

Goodbye !)

Inky Flame said...

(By the way I think star is in about prawn crackers?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: No, they're not fortune cookies . . . I hope . . .
I've never had a fortune cookie.

Lavender Hope said...

*doesnt know what /those/ are*

Hi/bye, Chloe! *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

Yeah, when you go to Chinese restaurants you just get like a bag of rice crackers. They're raelly nice.
Can't ever rememebr having Japanese food, though.

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: YES. Prawn crackers. Thous. :)


Star Inkbright said...


Lavender Hope said...

Okay, English Chinese restaurants sound way better than American ones. I don't think we get any kind of cracker like that. Just the fortune cookies that don't even make sense at times.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Prawn Crackers)

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: I like English Chinese restaurants . . . never been to America. XD

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: :) Thanks.

Lavender Hope said...

This is a fortune cookie

Star Inkbright said...

Fortune cookies don't look nice to me. :/

(Lizzie has dubbed ':/' as my worried face because I keep using it when she needs medical attention and is trying to convince me she doesn't.)

Lavender Hope said...

Oh THOSE. We have something like that in Japan, but not with Chinese food. And not in America either.

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, it kinda is your worried face sometimes, Star.

And fortune cookies taste sweet, but get soggy in your mouth after a bit. :/

Lavender Hope said...

or maybe not. I haven't had one in a while.

Oh wait, not soggy, I think they stick to your lips because they suck up your saliva. I think.

Lavender Hope said...

And then you have to let them get soggy enough so they won't do that.

Or my mind is making this up because I don't like fortune cookies all that much anyway. :P They taste okay though. Just how they're made.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: It isn't JUST for worry though.
It's just my :/ face.

Lavender Hope said...

I know. That's why I said sometimes. :)

Star Inkbright said...

Bleh. I'm not sure I'd like them soggy. :P

@Lav: *nods*
She thinks it's primarily my worried face though because I use it around her primarily for worry. XD
She tells me off for worrying too much . . .

Lavender Hope said...

Some people worry more than others. You shouldn't be told off for it, just worry to yourself if she does that.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: I don't worry too much AT ALL, she just starts dying every five seconds.

Star Inkbright said...

Well I do worry too much sometimes. Just not usually abotu otehr people.

Lavender Hope said...

*can't really help about that then*
Just be you. And if she thinks you worry too much, do it anyway. Worrying doesn't /help/, but it's good to be concerned about things sometimes. Makes you wary, and able to ready yourself if something bad happens.

At least, that's what I think. I'm not sure if I even follow my own advice but still.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: Awwwh, you're so nice. :)

Lavender Hope said...


I think I got that from Inside Out though. :P Worry is a variation of Fear, and Fear's supposed to help you be prepared for the bad things and look out for them so you can try to avoid them and be prepared if they happen anyway. :)

Lavender Hope said...

*be prepared to take action if they happen anyway

Star Inkbright said...

@Lav: Eh, when bad stuff happens I mostly just sit there and say ':/', but still. :P

Lavender Hope said...

Yeah, or you can do that. Especially when you can't do anything at the time.

Lavender Hope said...

Well, you /could/ do something, but sometimes it's better not to do or say anything if bad things happen.

Star Inkbright said...


Anonymous said...

(morning ... :P I am about to be left all by my self in Scotland for 3 days )

Star Inkbright said...

Oh hey Keiron. :)

Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...


Garret Falcone said...


Lavender Hope said...

Nice, Rhos(?)! XP

Hi K! Why?

Lavender Hope said...

*not feeling well again, but is going for dinner anyway*

Anonymous said...

( mums off to England for 3 days for her birthday, the dog is with the walker and sister at restbite Gemma can still come over but I'm essentially alone)

Anonymous said...

( mums off to England for 3 days for her birthday, the dog is with the walker and sister at restbite Gemma can still come over but I'm essentially alone)

Star Inkbright said...

@Leiron: :) :)

Garret Falcone said...

Yes it is Gary (a.k.a Rhos but yeah Gary is me now hehe)

And okay Lavy :) *leaves hug for when you come back*


To make the greatest ded since Betty white (because she came before sliced bread and i think she made it too, I don't know lol )


I ded to Gary
Because well he is funny :D
He is also pretty clever, clone yourself like 42 times is a pretty good idea
And all they can say is Gary (or they shout it) and well cloning is pretty cool too

I ded to sliced bread because its so handy :D and tasty too

And i ded to black coffee because its soo nice and really helps people (well all coffee does really)

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhos: XD

Hear hear. :)

(I don't like coffee but y'know. XD)

Anonymous said...

( *Australian accent* Gary! :P there's so much Ron for activities.

How are we all?)

Anonymous said...

( also hear hear I guess )

Garret Falcone said...

*bows* thank you Star and Keiron(?) (I believe thats how yah spell it )

:) :) wbd eating breakfast and watching kojak

Anonymous said...

( lol yes that is my name don't wear it out :P )

Star Inkbright said...

@Rhos: No, that's how you spell Keiron. It is just 'i' and then 't'. :)

Anonymous said...

(lol star 🌟)

Garret Falcone said...

Aaaay got right and well played Star, well played
Left myself open for that one hehe :P

Star Inkbright said...

XD Thank you.

@Keiron: O_O Star emoji. O_O

Anonymous said...

( you're always surprised lol.... It just happens when I'm on my phone)

Lavender Hope said...

went to dinner, felt sick again and couldn't finish it...

Finally told my aunt who took my temperature and I find out I've got a fever. :/ Not too bad, but still close to high...

Told to rest now, but I think I need to let what little I managed to eat settle in my stomach first. :/

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