Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Oh, Woe Is Me

It's not easy writing a book.

I mean, it's easier than mining coal. It's easier than most factory work. It's probably easier than a lot of office jobs as well.

But STARTING to write a book... those first few inches you have to push that boulder till it hits the edge and starts to roll downhill... THAT'S the hard part.

Not as hard as teaching, granted. Or working on a farm. Or being a doctor or a nurse or a cop or a fireman. I doubt it's as hard as construction, either, or carpentry, or plumbing, or engineering.

But STILL...


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Kai The Immortal said...

*smiles at cole* Have some cake :P... *looks to Daisy* would the Dasinator like to try some velvet cake ? It's lovely and sweet.

(not sure...

Con: murderous me/ crazy me :P hehe)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Mmm... Sure it wouldn't. *she grins*

Parasite: *she resumes the form of her slightly older self*

Bethany: *she takes the box* Ow... Ow... *she drops the box, holding her hands gently* Ow... Sorry...

Elizabeth: Then you will return home, never knowing the truth, fearing the possibility of it happening again.

Ember: I say we go to Aztraya and just try and stop people dying. I mean, it's hardly definite.

Elizabeth: *her eyes fade and she seems to jump as if waking up from a nightmare, her eyes opening* I am sorry, that happens every now and again. What did I say?

Ember: Something about Aztraya and someone dying.

Garret Falcone said...

(do you get jealous? Because if you do, there you go
And well coz its you I'm sure you could spin some fluff (background) from that :P )

Gar: *smiles and continues kissing, placing his hands on her bum* (coz he's a dirty bugger who loves his wife XD )

Daisy: *smiles* okay Cole *finishes the cake* *watches Con finish his piece*

Garret Falcone said...

*plus* Daisy: No thank you *smiles* but thanks for the offer though *winks* (that's to Con)

Inky Flame said...

Cole: I am perfectly fine *just looks out the window*

Taw: *blushes as he does and continues to kiss*
(she married a pervert XD)

(Im not really the jealous type *thinks*
I do have a pushover side, but im not sure if alys falls into that category)

Kai The Immortal said...

*finishes it keeping eye contact with Daisy* *smirks winking* Ok then Cole... what's up ? *takes his plate and hold his hand out for Daisy's *

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: *rolls eyes*

James: Mmm.. *hesitantly shifts his hand closer to her*

Sorry sorry!
*picks up the box, opening it, setting the pizza on a plate*
I'm sorry.
*takes her hand gently*
Sh*t.. one sec!
*opens a portal, sticking her arm through, grabbing the herbal medical salve*

Inky Flame said...

Cole: nothing, just got a lot on my plate is all... metaphorically speaking

Garret Falcone said...

ahhh okay.. :P
And i think not because there is kinda a difference between being shy and being a pushover you know :P )

Gar: *smiles and uses a bit of tongue*
(I know... Filthy bugger XD
Gar: In my defence, I love her so its okay and Tawnee likes it too )

Daisy: *smiles at the smirk and wink* *but just looks at the proffered hand*
*coughs and smiles again* *breaks eye contact by moving away and then hums "all by myself" *

Kai The Immortal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inky Flame said...

Taw: *also uses her tongue*
(Taw: that I do... saucy so and so)

Cole: it is nice

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan: You said that if I continued in my quest to return home and find those who sent me here, it would result in the death of an innocent, but that if I wanted to continue, Aztraya would be a good place to start. You also said that I have two places to search for answers, this timeline and another. And if I stopped trying to return home but tried to establish a stable interent connection between home and here, I would return home, never knowing the truth and fearing the possibility of it happening again.
My logical side would rather go for the last option, but my ambitious side disagrees with it.

Inky Flame said...

(okay, I shall work witht at *thinks*)

Kai The Immortal said...

(or not... lol )

*giggles a little* no room for cake on that plate? *looks @ Daisy* plate please ... *sings*don't wanna be *after she gives him the plate he walks into where Cole came from with it placing it in the sink* *he comes back through looking through the window* nice view.

Inky Flame said...

COle: it is a nice view here...

Kai The Immortal said...

(minor change I'll pop that it's nice afterwards lol ...)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: *she moves, sitting on the floor beside Onwa*

Parasite: *she tilts her head a little, but says nothing to object*

Bethany: It's okay... It's okay... Sorry, I shouldn't touch materials I don't know...

Ember: Whilst I said we should just go for it. Aztraya has a little war anyway in which innocents die.

Elizabeth: I am hardly going to make my - if they can be called my - opinions seem important, but if I said Aztraya was a good place to start, it might be a good idea to go there, even if it is just to get confirmation that it was not anything to do with Minerve.

Inky Flame said...

INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

INFP personalityBeing a part of the Diplomat (NF) personality group, INFPs are guided by their principles, rather than by logic (Analysts), excitement (Explorers), or practicality (Sentinels). When deciding how to move forward, they will look to honor, beauty, morality and virtue – INFPs are led by the purity of their intent, not rewards and punishments. People who share the INFP personality type are proud of this quality, and rightly so, but not everyone understands the drive behind these feelings, and it can lead to isolation.

All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.

— J. R. R. Tolkien
(that's my personality type apparently O.O)

Inky Flame said...

(INFPs have a talent for self-expression, revealing their beauty and their secrets through metaphors and fictional characters.)

Star Inkbright said...

((@Chloe: :) Yeah, that sounds you-ish.))

Morgan: *nods* Alright. I suppose we should go to Aztraya, then.
Where's Aztraya?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: *raises an eyebrow at her*

James: Hmm.. five hours..

No, I'm sorry. I didn't think.
*opens the salve gently massaging it into Beth's hand, rubbing it in attentively*

Inky Flame said...

(thanks ^.^ its one of the 16 recognised personality types
I found a test)

Garret Falcone said...

(Gar: Why thank you *smirks* I know I can be a saucy devil *winks* )

Gar: *continues with tongue*

Vicar: *politely looks away*

Daisy: Thank you Con for doing the plates *smiles and then laughs when he follows up on her singing*

*joins the pair by the window* *smiles* this view reminds me of home... I like it...

(that's me done now
I'm poofing for the night

G'night folks :) )

Star Inkbright said...

@Chloe: :) Yeah, I don't normally like those for myself - I think I know myself better than they do. But I analyse myself quite a lot, so . . . :P They can be really useful things. :) :)

Inky Flame said...

((Taw; *giggles*)

Taw: *continues to use her tongue*

COle: it wont be my home for much longer unfortunately

(nos da rhos)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I likewise took the test, Chloe.

The ISTJ personality type is thought to be the most abundant, making up around 13% of the population. Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make ISTJs a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the ISTJ personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, ISTJs hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience.

ISTJs don't make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, ISTJs can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer.
When ISTJs say they are going to get something done, they do it, meeting their obligations no matter the personal cost, and they are baffled by people who don't hold their own word in the same respect. Combining laziness and dishonesty is the quickest way to get on ISTJs' bad side. Consequently, people with the ISTJ personality type often prefer to work alone, or at least have their authority clearly established by hierarchy, where they can set and achieve their goals without debate or worry over other's reliability.

ISTJs have sharp, fact-based minds, and prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency to reliance on someone or something. Dependency on others is often seen by ISTJs as a weakness, and their passion for duty, dependability and impeccable personal integrity forbid falling into such a trap.

This sense of personal integrity is core to ISTJs, and goes beyond their own minds – ISTJ personalities adhere to established rules and guidelines regardless of cost, reporting their own mistakes and telling the truth even when the consequences for doing so could be disastrous. To ISTJs, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations, and their blunt approach leaves others with the false impression that ISTJs are cold, or even robotic. People with this type may struggle to express emotion or affection outwardly, but the suggestion that they don't feel, or worse have no personality at all, is deeply hurtful.)

Liliana: *she kisses Onwa deeply, smiling*

Parasite: Indeed, yes.

Bethany: *she sighs happily* Thank you... I'm such a... idiot sometimes...

Elizabeth: We are able to access it if you would like us to take you. It is a realm fairly close to that of Phaestra.

Inky Flame said...

(I find I analyse myself a lot
I love doing different quizzes

the one I did for myself was really thorough)

Inky Flame said...

(this is the test star

that's you soph, to me)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(What test..? Link please!!!)

Onwa: *kisses her deeply back, grinning*

James: What else would you like to do while we're here?

No, you aren't. I should've though. Sorry.

Kai The Immortal said...

(Goodnight Rhos)

Why not? ...

(I wanna take it it there a link ?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Sophia: :) Yeah, that sounds you-ish.

@Chloe: Mmh. Last time I did the personality type quizzes I was on the borderline ish for summat. I think it was thinking and judging? So I found it annoying.

Star Inkbright said...

*feeling and thinking

Sorry! I just typed the wrong word

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Hmm.. I mostly agree with Soph's.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I mostly agree with mine. I got 80% introverted, 77% observant, 50% thinking, 89% judging and 63% assertive.)

Liliana: I love you, Onwa.

Parasite: It is up to you, it is your dream.

Bethany: I am... I'm sorry.

Kai The Immortal said...

(I did a rorschach test yesterday and got 85% mental health problems so lol don't trust all tests or you know do either way... I'd give myself more than 15% sanity)

Star Inkbright said...

OMG Sophia I asked Catherine if Dan had anti-social personality disorder and now she's freaking out because she just researched it and he so has it and she did not know this about him. XD

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Star - do you mean narcissistic personality disorder?)

Star Inkbright said...

Introvert 67% (can see that)
iNtuitive 33% (ummm . . . idek)
Feeling 31% (yeah, um)
Prospecting 54% (probs)
Turbelent 19% (haha lol, I needed more than 19 for that I think)

Star Inkbright said...

@Sophia: Nah. I said you said he might have narcisstic, and I said "or anti-social. I can't remember. One of the two" and he apparently more has anti-social. :P

Inky Flame said...

(I am INFP the mediator

variant; turbulent

role: diplomat

16% introverted
73% intuitive
66% feeling
42% prospecting
57% turbulent

I am off to bed now
nos da)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Star - I see. I was not exceptionally far away. And yes, I believe you should have got more for turbulent.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: I love you too Liliana.

James: I don't mind.

Shhh. Don't be..

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I was ISTJ and had "Sentinel" for my role.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Hello, Grant.)

Liliana: You are so beautiful. *she strokes Onwa's cheek gently*

Parasite: Your hand says otherwise.

Bethany: No, no, it's my fault. It's fine. *she smiles*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Strength of individual traits:
Introverted: 40% (I can see that)
Intuitive: 30%, (Yup.)
Feeling: 42% (probably more..although then again..)
Prospecting: 44% (I don't know what that means)
Turbulent: 68%. (Don't know what that means either)
Role: Diplomat (Diplomat?!?!)
Strategy: Constant Improvement)

Rosalind Turner said...

I am apparently an ESTJ. Not sure I'd agree with that, but it's interesting, nonetheless.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: *blushes slightly*
Mmmm.. as are you.

James: *pauses*
*pulls his hand back to his side, sitting up*
Hands don't speak.

It isn't..

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(My strategy was, "Confident Individualism".)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Hardly.

Parasite: No, but they act. And actions say more than words, do they not?

Bethany: It is... But it's fine. *she sits down at the table*

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...

I read the comments, does anyone feel Zafira may actually feel jealousy?

Star Inkbright said...

:P Okay, I got irritated about them being inaccurate about me, and I have discovered that being irritated about previous results impacts how I answer questions. When I took it this time, there were certain questions I wanted to adapt the scores of to insist I was more so-and-so than so-and-so.
(I mostly resisted. I also made a few scores of mine more accurate in ways.)

So, second time round, still got INFP-T. :P
Introverted 62% (how did that change? I know I'm mostly introverted)
iNtuitive 28% (okay)
Feeling 32% (right)
Prospecting 47% (right)
Turbulent 24% (oh, good, you're getting the hang of that a bit better)

:P I still think I know myself better than personality tests.

Star Inkbright said...

@Grant Ward: Yup. Imo, that's why she chose to pick on Noelle all that time ago as opposed to anyone else.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: Definitely.

James: Some may say that.

Its not..

Star Inkbright said...

I'm fairly close to the borderline on most of these . . .
That could be my issue.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Grant - I am guessing that was the original cause of the issues.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: I am not at all beautiful. Sexy is debatable, but not beautiful.

Parasite: I do.

Bethany: It is... *she starts to eat her pizza*

Claire: Uh, please don't argue?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: *grins*
Beautiful and sexy.

James: Hmph.

Right, okay..
*starts eating her pizza*

Kai The Immortal said...

(Enfp "the campaigner" Turbulent Diplomat...




39% )


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

If I was jealous, of someone who has absolutely no self confidence, then I'm dead.

Star Inkbright said...

Idealistic – INFPs' friends and loved ones will come to admire and depend on them for their optimism. Their unshaken belief that all people are inherently good, perhaps simply misunderstood, lends itself to an incredibly resilient attitude in the face of hardship.
Seek and Value Harmony – People with the INFP personality type have no interest in having power over others, and don't much care for domineering attitudes at all. They prefer a more democratic approach, and work hard to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard.
Open-Minded and Flexible – A live-and-let-live attitude comes naturally to INFPs, and they dislike being constrained by rules. INFPs give the benefit of the doubt too, and so long as their principles and ideas are not being challenged, they'll support others' right to do what they think is right.
Very Creative – INFPs combine their intuitive nature with their open-mindedness to allow them to see things from unconventional perspectives. Being able to connect many far-flung dots into a single theme, it's no wonder that many INFPs are celebrated poets and authors.
Passionate and Energetic – When something captures INFPs' imagination and speaks to their beliefs, they go all in, dedicating their time, energy, thoughts and emotions to the project. Their shyness keeps them from the podium, but they are the first to lend a helping hand where it's needed.

Lol yeah

Dedicated and Hard-Working – While others focusing on the challenges of the moment may give up when the going gets tough, INFPs (especially Assertive ones) have the benefit of their far-reaching vision to help them through. Knowing that what they are doing is meaningful gives people with this personality type a sense of purpose and even courage when it comes to accomplishing something they believe in.

Lol no

Star Inkbright said...

Too Idealistic – INFPs often take their idealism too far, setting themselves up for disappointment as, again and again, evil things happen in the world. This is true on a personal level too, as INFPs may not just idealize their partners, but idolize them, forgetting that no one is perfect.

Lol whut??

Too Altruistic – INFPs sometimes see themselves as selfish, but only because they want to give so much more than they are able to. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as they try to push themselves to commit to a chosen cause or person, forgetting to take care of the needs of others in their lives, and especially themselves.

LOL no! I'm selfish because I never give anything to anyone LOL!

Impractical – When something captures INFPs' imagination, they can neglect practical matters like day-to-day maintenance and simple pleasures. Sometimes people with the INFP personality type will take this asceticism so far as to neglect eating and drinking as they pursue their passion or cause.

Ummm . . .

Dislike Dealing With Data – INFPs are often so focused on the big picture that they forget the forest is made of individual trees. INFPs are in tune with emotions and morality, and when the facts and data contradict their ideals, it can be a real challenge for them.

WTF. I like to think I am fairly good at accepting it when I'm wrong, and on overlooking emotions due to facts. -_-

Take Things Personally – INFPs often take challenges and criticisms personally, rather than as inspiration to reassess their positions. Avoiding conflict as much as possible, INFPs will put a great deal of time and energy into trying to align their principles and the criticisms into a middle ground that satisfies everybody.

NOW you're making me laugh. I love conflict, get it right. XD
(Although yeah, I try to find a middle ground. But that's only out of obligation, challenge and habit.)
(And, LOL LOL LOL LOL I like to think I'm good at taking critiscisms as inspiration to reassess my position.)

Difficult to Get to Know – INFPs are private, reserved and self-conscious. This makes them notoriously difficult to really get to know, and their need for these qualities contributes to the guilt they often feel for not giving more of themselves to those they care about.

(LOL. No. I'm an open book. XD)
(Oh, yeah, I'm feeling the guilt thing, though.)

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...

I take it that.....she didn't agree.

Star Inkbright said...

@Grant Ward: Mm.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm an INFP. I think it fits me pretty well...

Star Inkbright said...

*nods at Lantern*

Kai The Immortal said...

ENFPs go all-in with their relationships, and if they fall apart despite their efforts, they can end up plagued with questions about why the relationship failed and what they could have done differently – without a buoy, these thoughts can crush ENFPs' self-esteem as they sink into depression. It's important for ENFP personalities, as with anyone, to remember that relationships are in all ways mutual – mutual interest, mutual growth, and mutual responsibility – and they can't be solely accountable.

After a trial like this, ENFPs may be reluctant to open up and commit, and it can take years for a partner to navigate their bewildering depth and intensity, falsely believing that ENFPs' enthusiasm and apparent openness means that they wear everything on their sleeves. The reality is that ENFPs' spontaneity, the seeming inconsistency and erraticism the untrained eye sees, isn't a product of flightiness or lack of depth, but the opposite – it is a drive to express ideas about a mystical, all-encompassing energy, in the confines of a physical world, and underlying it all is the uniting principle of love, expressed in many different ways, but unshakeable and infinite at its core. wow okay wow! that's me ... I agree way too much with all of mine ... )

Star Inkbright said...

((Alright, apparently Lizzie is sat crying because my absence due to being distracted by the personality test upsetted her so much, so I should distonate again now. :P))

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: :) I agree too.

Kai The Immortal said...

(zaf did you get my email ?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: Just sexy.

Parasite: Why are you angry?

Bethany: This pizza is nice.

Kai The Immortal said...

(Star :) :P it's basically describing my life ... I don't like it, it's creepy.)

Star Inkbright said...

((. . . Alright, I'm reading the relationship section, and the people protrayed in this sound like what I mgiht be like if I wasn't aromantic.
It's weird. :P
OMG they still think I'm averse to conflict. -_-
Although admittedly I am averse to criticising people. And I don't initiate conflict. But I love mediating conflict if it happens to occur. I think I'd dislike conflict a lot more in a relationship context.

Alright, onto friendships now.
"it's as though INFPs like the idea of human contact, but not the reality of social contact."
Haha lol that's it exactly. XD
"INFPs' tendency to protect their sensitive inner cores and values from criticism, especially if they are on the more turbulent side of the spectrum, "
Dude wtf.
"But, if INFPs' shields are properly navigated and they decide to open up and trust another person"
LOL wtf. I don't HAVE a shield.
"INFPs will always need to disappear for a while, removing themselves from others so they can re-center on their own minds and feelings. "

My issue with this stuff may be that I'm an extraverted introvert. XD

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: Both, definitely both.

James: Angry? I'm not.

I'm glad you like it.

Star Inkbright said...

@Keiron: Really?

Kai The Immortal said...

(yeh :/ ENFPs have a natural skill in spotting emotional disharmony or physical discomfort in others.

Few personality types are as creative and charismatic as ENFPs. Known for their idealism and enthusiasm, ENFPs are good at dealing with unexpected challenges and brightening the lives of those around them. ENFPs' imagination is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth.

Yet ENFPs can be easily tripped up in areas where idealism and kindness are more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, staying calm under pressure, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder or making difficult decisions, ENFPs need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.)

Kai The Immortal said...

( this is the full thing if anyone wants to:P see how weird I am :P )

Star Inkbright said...

"INFPs' tendency to hide their inner selves from view "
what is this tendency
"The biggest challenge for INFP parents, especially more turbulent types who often have even more trouble with self-doubt than most, is to establish more practical and day-to-day structures and rules. INFPs may be able to convey the abstract value of honesty with remarkable skill, but it's not always easy to equate that idea with the practical reality of their children being home from the movies when they said they were going to be, and it's especially challenging when these misunderstandings result in conflict. In these situations, INFP personalities do best with a partner who is able to play a stronger hand in more administrative tasks than they can, so they can focus on the underlying spirit of those rules."
Haha this sounds like me.
"INFPs often wish that they could just be, doing what they love without the stress and rigor of professional life."
"People with the INFP personality type have a tendency to put others' interests ahead of their own, "
"when INFPs are under stress, as when someone really does warrant criticism, they can become extremely emotional – they may not show it, but it can affect their judgment, or even cause them to withdraw inwards, "
oh yes. Had a bit of that today.

. . .
All this profession stuff is fair enough, but they're messing about the fact that I really do love maths, and that a lot of my artwork is math-based. And that I do random censuses on my music just because I love organising things so mcuh.
But at the same time I'm really unorganised and like . . . well. I'm not organised in the SLIGHTEST.
So my main, MAIN issue is that I'm just contradictory.

And I think I might have upset Lizzie quite a bit because I was distracted pondering this and forgot to check WhatsApp AGAIN.

Trying to stop commenting now.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: OMG
Very happy you get to see it!!!

Chione Asahina said...

Well i'm going to go to bed, got work in the morning. Still weird saying that. Makes me feel grown-up.

*leaves a box of hugs for everyone with a 'take one' sign*

Goodnight guys :)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Star its amazing! Like, the lightning isn't touching the ground, its just darting around the cloud! There's no thunder!)

Star Inkbright said...

@Gemma: :)
Night. :)

@Jai: !!!!!!!! :) :) :) I really wish I could see it!!!!
(Also, you're reminding me of the Stormlight Archive. XD)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(On one hand the heat is awesome!
On the other hand I'm actually melting.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(**The heat is awesome, because it caused this storm cloud.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: Hmmmmmmmm.
If it were me, I'd say the melting was worth it. XD

Chione Asahina said...

Jai is the wicked witch of the west, which is why she's melting. Shh.

Kidding, Sid. Goodnight *hugs* the storm sounds awesome.


Chione Asahina said...

*some things are just worth melting for, Sid.*

Ok now i'm done.

Kai The Immortal said...

(goodnight Gem.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*rolls eyes*
In all fairness, I played the wicked witch of the west before..

I really want Elsa/Anna to be pan/bi/homosexual in the sequal! Pweeeeeeaase Disney! It's legal in America now! (Except for two states who I'm pretty sure have just banned marriage..) Do it for meeeee! Don't bring Hans back!)

Kai The Immortal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kai The Immortal said...

(wait which 2? that'd be nice if they were :P all 50 ! )

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: XD Seriously?

Mmh, people on AVEN said that they see her as asexual, but the people on that thread tend to be a little optimistic when suggesting people who they view as asexual. XD I just read it like "STFU just because someone doesn't have a confirmed sexual orientation doesn't mean they're asexual stop being optimistic."

But yeah, I'm all for hoping her to be pan/bi/gay in the sequel!!! :) :)
*crosses fingers!!!*
That would just put the icing on the cake, for me. :)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I want them to be either! Even if its just Elsa! I mean, I know Oaken is homosexual/bi but Elsaaaaa)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Well she could be asexual too.
But that half (asexual not aromantic) ruins my ship!)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: :P XD
In that case, homo/pan/bi ftw!!!!!!!!!!!

Star Inkbright said...

[7/1/2015, 23:42] Lizzie: Cas:*sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:42] Star Inkbright: Kaladin: *sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:42] Catherine: Dan: *sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:43] Star Inkbright: Will: *sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:43] Star Inkbright: Nico: *sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:43] Catherine: Katniss: *sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:44] Lizzie: Meg:*sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:44] Catherine: Alex: *sighs*
[7/1/2015, 23:44] Catherine: Carrie: *sighs*


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Yeah!!! Pan/bi/homo ftw!!!
*whispers* then I can still ship Elsanna..

Honestly, I can see Anna being pansexual. I really can. Like.. I think it just suits her? Pansexual or bisexual I think.

Elsa.. I can see being asexual or homosexual.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Or demisexual too)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: *nods in agreement*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I think that'd suit them..)

Star Inkbright said...

Alright. My friendship group has departed to go sleep, and I'm pretty tired so I think I'll follow suit. :)

("Well," Waxillium said. "Perhaps I should begin asking after your health."
"Perhaps you should," Steris replied.
"Er. Yes. How's your health?"
"So is Waxillium," Wayne added.
They all turned to him.
"You know," he said. "He's wearing a suit, and all. Suitable. Ahem. Is that mahogany?")

( . . . I mentioned the word 'suit'.)


(Sometimes I wonder when this Brandon Sanderson obsession will end. It's been going on six months now, and he was my favoruite author for a year before that.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Jai: OMG
You mentioned the word 'suit,' as well. :)


And, yeah, I think it would. :)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hi. The quiz isn't accurate. How are you, guys?)

*a hooded figure leans against a tree by a lake, observing their knife*

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: Yeah, it is. Just more for some people than others. Like, it was more accurate for Sophia than me, because she had higher percentages in her traits than I did. Some people are more firmly cemented into personality types than others.

:) I'm alright, thanks.

(really should be going now . . .)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Ah, good night, Star!)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am back.)

Liliana: Hardly.

Parasite: Then why did you hmph?

Bethany: Me too. *she smiles*

Kai The Immortal said...

(Yeh homo/pan/bi ftw :P ! )

Kai The Immortal said...

(goodnight Star

Hello kas)

Star Inkbright said...

(Hmm. That test may have been onto something when going on about 'inner self,' y'know.

I shall have to think on this.


Glad I took that personality test, in that case. :))

Morgan: If that's no trouble.

Noelle said...

My mother..
She told me that she spent 7,000 U.S. Dollars on two carpets from Turkey, after I begged for her to only get one.. She didn't listen, and got two instead. It just infuriates me, how she doesn't listen to me, and I keep saying that because of her, I won't go to college.
My mom just went and got her Doctorate at university, and she hasn't even started her dissertation, and she is already saying that she wants to go back to college and get another degree!
She says her dissertation will take her a year, but in sure it will be closer to two because every time I look at her, she is on Facebook, procrastinating. It just bothers me sometimes.
Like, she has been at school for over seven years, and she isn't ever with me

And I

God she doesn't eealize how arrogant she is. And how much she is a problem for me.

I just

She spends so much and is so frivolous, and she doesn't even have a job- she hasn't in over twenty five years, and we basically live off of my dad's money.



/7000 dollars/

Jesus fucking Christ I can't take her.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Elizabeth: *she extends her hand to him, turning to Ember as she does so* If we meet just outside the northern entrance, we can access the city from there.

Ember: *she nods* Yes, that may be a good idea.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Adrasdos - What would possess anyone to spend seven thousand dollars on carpets anyway? I could possibly imagine perhaps seven hundred dollars, even as much as a thousand - but not seven thousand.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(your Dad must make good money Geez :/ paying for her uni your school a trip to europe and $7000 on rugs omg... I wish I had $7000 I'd buy a PC and A car)

Star Inkbright said...

@Noelle: :/ I'm sorry . . . . . . . . . .
Most of what I do when angry is stuff like snap my set square and bite my phone, so I'm not sure I have any advice for you . . . . . . . . . . . . .

On the bright side, you only have to live with her for a few more years?

Star Inkbright said...

@Sophia: *shrugs helplessly*
I almost had a heart attack when I found that someone spent a thousand pounds on shoes for prom (at least I think it was that . . . idk, memory fuzzy).
I really do not understand it in the slightest. I understand it much less than I understand why people think prostitutuion is inherently bad, and I don't get that.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Noelle, I know that can be infuriating. Just remember that it's not your money, and that you'll spend your money better than she can.

It shouldn't be your problem, shouldn't be something you'd have to worry about. And I'm sorry that it is...

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I, as someone who literally does not give a shit what I look like when wearing clothes that a normal person would wear, almost definitely has not spent the equivalent of a thousand pounds in my entire life on clothing. The two conditions I have are 1. It must be cheap, and 2. It must not show much skin. I cannot possibly understand why anyone would pay a thousand pounds for a pair of shoes.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Star Nothing is inherently bad.

Somebody buying shoes for thousands of pounds is helping keep the super-expensive shoe industry alive.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Tia - Torture is inherently bad.)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: Thanks. :)

@Sophia: Mmh. I don't mind spending a bit more on items of clothing, but like, a BIT more. :P Not a couple of hundured quid more.

Kai The Immortal said...

(Toture gets answers out of spies that could destroy the country... possibility of not being bad)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I believe the maximum amount of money I have ever spent on clothing would be the equivalent of about a hundred and twenty pounds for a red dress, which actually had a purpose and it was not because it looked nice.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I disagree. There are other ways to get information out of people without torturing them. And, that is, if there are actually spies wanting to destroy a country which is slightly unlikely.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Sophia that depends on your definition of "inherently bad"

Who gets to decide what is inherently bad? What if someone disagrees on what is and isn't inherently bad?

Kai The Immortal said...

(I believe torture is still aplicable if they believe there to be a trason attack... am I wrong? might be don't care lol I know you can still hand for it right? theres like some weird laws still in place anyway I know that...)

Kai The Immortal said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

What if not a single person in the world thought that torture is inherently bad. Would it still be inherently bad? Who'd even suggest such a notion, that torture is inherently bad?

Kai The Immortal said...

(I don't believe it to be wrong when you have done something to deserve it.... I don't think treason is really a worthy reason because saying fuck the Queen is treason.)

Noelle said...

She made me tell her about my suicide attempts

I have to go

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Stay strong, Noelle.

*hugs briefly*

Kai The Immortal said...

(*offers hug* :( )

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I do not believe so, Conductor. I believe it is illegal in all its forms, although there are concerns about the USA counter-terrorist forces using waterboarding as an interrogation technique.

Tia - What I consider right and wrong does not necessarily match what others see as right and wrong. If everyone disagreed with me, it would not change my opinion about torture. I believe an individual decides what is inherently bad, meaning it differs from person to person. However, I would not hesitate to seriously injure anyone who thought that torture was a good and right thing to do, and I would not hesitate to take their life if they actually attempted to do it. What I always wonder when people start arguing, "Who decides what is bad?" et cetera, why are they actually arguing? The only possibilities that would make sense would be arguing for the sake of arguing, which is pointless, or if - using this example - you would think that torture was not bad? The only other possibility would be attempting to give me some sort of new insight, but that is hardly going to work. As far as I am aware, those who think torture is good and right should never see the light of day, and those who have tortured need to die, despite the fact they would not deserve it. And no amount of "Who decides what is right and wrong?" would ever make me rethink that, as I do what I believe is right - and if not applicable - necessary.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(I'm not pro torture if that's what you mean but I believe if it's necessary for the good of millions of people then do it... but it would have to be significant. Like say someone managed to torture the people behind 9/11 and stopped it from happening would it not be better to torture one individual than have thousands die? )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

I am merely getting at the fact that nothing is inherently bad. Just because you think it's bad doesn't mean it's inherently bad, because it's just an opinion you hold.

What is the difference between bad and inherently bad?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Well, good night.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I, personally, would never torture anyone, no matter what the circumstances. I would rather have another thousand deaths or so on my conscience than one torture.

Tia - Inherently bad just means essentially bad. It means no matter what situation you are in, it is a bad thing to do. Torture fulfils that. As does killing someone. But killing someone can be necessary, even if it is still bad. Torture is worse than death, and as such I do not consider it necessary under any circumstances.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(ok then... I guess I'm just willing to do more to save people...

gnight kas. *offers hug*

I think it has something to do with I've embraced myself for hell so I think they will torture me then make me torture new souls... )

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I would just not resort to torture. By all means, I would extract information through other methods, but not torture. I would get the same result, just without doing such a bad thing. Those who would give in under torture would give in under other methods of interrogation.

There is no actual evidence of an afterlife, I hope you understand that.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(I understand that but I like to believe that it's not just nothing because that sounds boring... and how would you extract the info then?)

Kai The Immortal said...

(and worse case scenario I go to hell and I'm ready ... )

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Threats, violence, intimidation, blackmail, bribery... The list is effectively endless of possible methods without torture.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(ok.. ehm that sounds a whole lot like torture... just saying,

the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or in order to force them to do or say something.
"the torture of political prisoners"
synonyms: infliction of pain, abuse, torment; ill treatment, maltreatment, harsh treatment, punishment, persecution)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Notice the word severe, and the fact that only one of the above methods would cause someone pain.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(look at the Synonyms as well they pretty much all apply then... )

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I disagree with most of those synonyms. Just because you are treating someone badly, does not mean you are torturing them.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I actually disagree with the definition, also, as people can be tortured for no purpose other than the torturer finding it fun, yet it would still be considered torture.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(maybe a form of light torture?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(No, there is a difference between the two. A large difference. A bit like the gap between not eating for an hour and being starving.)

Noelle said...

I got a moment again

Mom wants to send me to a doctor's facility, I think... A rehabilitation place for a week

I don't know

I'll consider it


I'm just scared
I'm so scared..

I don't know

She is going to take my phone away now.

Kai The Immortal said...

(If you bein starving yourself but it's been an hour since you started have you just not eaten? even if you have the mindset to continue it. ? :/ I dunno I don't much care either. I would cause pain to them severely if need be to obtain info to save countries.

I need to go now.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Goodbye, Noelle. Perhaps the rehabilitation facility will aid you.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Well, I disagree with that. You may end up in a situation where torture may be necessary, just like killing.

Anything can be justified as necessary, or unnecessary, really.

You can't always feel bad for doing something that is necessary, can you?

Say your life is at risk when someone is trying to kill you. You can try to fight back and possibly kill them. So you say that killing them is always bad. Well, why should it be? It's necessary, isn't it? We can justify our actions.

We aren't bad people because we refuse to die when under attack. We just accept that certain things can be done to achieve certain results, and having an "inherently bad" ideology isn't going to help anyone when anything could happen.

And again, necessary is subjective. It's not necessary to defend yourself when someone is trying to kill you. Nothing says you have to. Yet you can justify defending yourself because of various reasons that might end up causing death to the attacker. That isn't you being a bad person, merely justifying a "bad" action, as you put it.

Torture can be justified similarly - you might need some information to adequately defend yourself. You're making a decision to live and you can justify it to yourself. You might even think it's necessary.

Doing what you believe is necessary isn't really bad. It may be unethical, but I don't really believe in good and bad.

And really, if torturing a terrorist ensures you can find bombs that said terrorist has placed, saving hundreds of lives, that's not really a bad thing.

You say torture and killing are both inherently bad. Should we do it on a person-by-person basis? Refuse to torture someone for information that can save a hundred lives, meaning you're enabling these deaths to happen. Or torture the terrorist, ensuring nobody dies, even said terrorist?

You'd refuse to even consider it because it's inherently bad.

Well, I don't believe in bad. Everything is a choice. You're not a bad person for doing bad things because that's just how people perceive you.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(If it has been an hour since you have eaten, you have just not eaten for an hour. You are in no way, shape or form starving. It only becomes starving, I believe, when death or serious suffering comes from hunger.

Goodbye, Conductor.)

Kai The Immortal said...

(hope it helps if you go Noelle

I agree Kas... that's what I was arguing.. I would kill to save so I would do lesser things such as torture to save, surely taking of someone's life is worse than hurting someone severely to save more... ? )

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Goodbye, Noelle... take care, okay?

You're living in a world with 7 billion people in it. Somewhere, someone will be able to do more good than bad if they choose to torture.

That's just how screwed up the world is.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Now good night.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I do not believe torture is ever necessary.

There is also a difference between what is right and what is necessary.

Everything is justifiable. A serial killer could claim he was bored and wanted some fun - that would be a justification. Just because something is justified, does not make it right.

Perhaps you should go on the basis of suffering, and consider you have almost certainly caused one person more pain than the hundred or so would have felt in the explosion.

Given your argument that everything is subjective, it means you also do not believe in right and wrong, good and bad, necessary and unnecessary, et cetera, I wish you the best of luck travelling through life without any form of morality. Believe it or not, you will have a sense of morality. There is a difference between not believing in right and wrong and not believing in a sense of right and wrong that applies to everyone. As I said, what is considered good and bad depends on the individual in question, so to that extent good and bad does exist, does it not?)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I only do what I think is right and/or necessary, and just because I do not believe that torture fits either of those standards, it does not especially warrant being argued against. Unless you are someone who needs to be imprisoned for the safety of society, surely you would agree that the less people who are tortured, the better? To that extent, it is pointless arguing. Especially when your opinion is,

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

((Apologies, accidentally posted that too soon.)

"Everything is nothing because there is no definite term for what is good and bad" - when everyone perceives reality differently anyway, that is hardly an effective argument.)

Noelle said...

I took the phone while she is asleep...

I don't know if I should come back here, because there will always be the nance of Zafira being here whilst I am.. And if my mom is going to send me off to that hospital, well..

I shouldn't be here, because it will protect me from more bullying- which is always a threat towards me, so.. I need to leave indefinitely. So that I don't get hurt more. I don't want to, I don't think, but..
:/ it will keep me safer.

I'm sorry. I wish I didn't have to-

I'm sorry.

Grant Ward ((Skylar Isome)) said...

Noelle- If you read this, know that I realize now what is happening, and you need to do what is best for you. Whatever happens here when you are gone, perhaps Zafira will learn to control herself too. You're a very kind girl, and you will face troubles in life, but it will make you stronger. Things tend to happen for a reason, maybe you going will help you, and make you stronger.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Noelle - That does make sense.

Grant - The chances of Zafira learning to control herself are extremely small. Effectively nil.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*hugs Noelle* Rehabilitation may help you Noelle.. I hope it does.)

Onwa: Definitely.

James: No reason.

*smiles at her, going to kiss her then remembering not to*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

Liliana: I am not beautiful. Especially not in comparison with you. Mmm... Your beauty is astounding.

Parasite: Please, tell me.

Bethany: *she kisses her on the cheek instead, smiling*

Claire: He took the car. It should be fixed by tomorrow.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*cuddles Sophi tightly*)

Onwa: I know I'm radiant, but so are you.

James: Nothing. Wide scale insanity.. hmm.. how about a change of scenery? Asylum?

Okay, good. I'll pay for a new pickup truck...

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(*she cuddles Jaimie tightly back* Hello, Jaimie.)

Liliana: I am not. *she kisses Onwa passionately before she can argue*

Parasite: Yes, one moment. *the dream shifts again, becoming the interior of an asylum* *she continues to lay on the ground for a moment, tired*

Claire: Nah, I'll pay.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Hey beautiful.)

Onwa: *kisses her passionately back, murmuring are too*

James: Are you okay?

You sure? I'm the one who totalled the thing..

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am not beautiful, Jaimie.)

Liliana: *she uses her tongue in the kiss, pressing against her*

Parasite: Yes. Overriding your brain to change the dream takes a lot of energy. What were you going to do with your hand, before?

Claire: Uh, no. James totalled it. There's a difference.

Bethany: ... Totalled?

Claire: Smashed it to pieces.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Yes you are.)

Onwa: *uses tongue as well*

James: Nothing.

Because of me.

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am most certainly not.)

Liliana: Mmm... Should I have more of the cider?

Parasite: *she laughs* I find your lies quite funny, but please stop. I have been nothing but honest with you.

Claire: Nope. Because of himself.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(You most certainly are.)

Onwa: If you wish.

*raises an eyebrow*


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am not beautiful.)

Liliana: *she grins, moving back to the barrel, starting to drink some of the cider*

Parasite: I mean it.

Bethany: I agree with Claire...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(You are!)

Onwa: *smiles at her lovingly while she can't see*

James: Hmm..


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(I dedicate to the beautiful Sophia. She's amazing. I love her.

I also dedicate to Gemma.

And to Noelle.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am not.)

Liliana: *she finishes drinking, laying back, her head in Onwa's lap* Mmm...

Parasite: Please?

Bethany: You shouldn't hold yourself responsible for his actions. No one made him do it... No one forced him to do anything... So his actions are his own...

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Thank you, Jaimie, and I love you likewise. But I cannot help but disagree with the words "beautiful" and "amazing" that you used to describe me.)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(You're both beautiful, amazing and modest.)

Onwa: *strokes her hair gently, smiling*

James: No. It does not matter. Shall we explore?


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am not beautiful or amazing, Jaimie.)

Liliana: I love you.

Parasite: I hope you understand that if you do not tell me, I can prevent you from waking up.

Bethany: You tried to save us. You didn't hurt us.

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Noelle* I really hope the rehabilitation place helps you out . . . :/ Good luck. :)

Star Inkbright said...

Also, I think torture and killing are both inherently bad. I'm sure there is some situation somewhere where torturing someone could result in more harm than good, but I think such situations are very few and far between.

Star Inkbright said...

Morgan: *takes the hand Elizabeth offered to him*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Good morning.

@Sophia I guess you've never seen victims of explosions. They're in pain, too.

But the point I'm getting at is that you can't just label things as inherently bad because you may find yourself in a situation where torture can result in more good happening, rather than bad.

Also, nothing is inherently necessary. It's just what you choose to do. And you may choose to do something bad but it can result in more good than bad, so it's not inherently bad.

Chione Asahina said...

Thanks Jai.

Hi ho hi ho
it's off to work i go.
Hi ho, hi ho

Chione Asahina said...

Hey Kassy.

Chione Asahina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hey, Gem! Have a good day at work!

Deleted comment?

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: I think killing is inherently bad beacuse whatever the situation, killing is ALWAYS bad. However, in some situations, you may do more good than bad by killing. That doesn't make killing in that situation GOOD. It just means it's better than the alternative. It's like if you disliked carrots and HATED spouts and had to choose one of the two, the fact that carrots were your best option didn't mean you liked them. It just meant you liked them better than the alternative.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Star But you shouldn't feel like a bad person doing a bad thing if that was the better choice.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Also, Star-Bubble! °w°


Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: No, you shouldn't.

:) :) *hugs back* :)

Star Inkbright said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Onwa: I love you too, my fiancée..

James: *frowns*
You wouldn't.

Mm.. tried.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Sorry for poofing! Hey, Jaimie! How are you?


Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: The Alloy of Law.
*looks very excited and obsessed*
I just read the most impressive thing I'd ever seen for the second time, and it was still the most impressive thing I'd ever seen. XD

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

@Star That's... impressive.

Star Inkbright said...

. . .
I just finished The Alloy of Law.
At least I only have to wait until October for Shadows of Self and I can always read it for the third time, but like . . .
You have no idea how impressed I was there. :(
Now I haev to read something ELSE.
. . .

I was in a charity shop the other day and I was looking at books while my mum tried clothes on, and I realised I don't have a Type of Book that I like to read anymore.
I was just sat there looking at these books like "What is my type?"
It's been a long time since I've read anythign that wasn't Brandon Sanderson or rereading books I already own, and now, like, like, I don't know what books I read??

Also, my main problem is that I'm used to reading Brandon Sanderson now, and so it's going to be hard ot read books that don't feel inferior. :( Sad face.

C: But it's all good because I have a ton of Brandon Sanderson books and two of them I haven't read yet, so I can just keep reading Brandon Sanderson.

. . .
Oh dear.
When will it end?

Star Inkbright said...

@Kas: :) Thanks.

Seriously. I'm still waiting to tell someone about this really impressive thing, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read the book, and no one has read the book so eh.

Star Inkbright said...

Anyway, I'm gonna get lunch now and find stuff to do, so . . . distonating again. :)

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