What a few days.
The Requiem Ball was beautiful chaos. People came in ballgowns and jeans and tuxedos and T-shirts, but everyone was wearing a mask, and everyone was equal. The Bleeding Heart Crypt was where the first book was launched, way back in 2007, and so it was a fitting venue to see off the final part of the series. I laughed, I chatted, I posed for selfies, and then I signed.
And it was a good day.
The signings in Ringwood and Bournemouth were great fun, and of course Bluewater was as manic as ever (five and half hours of signing books and chatting to people... yikes...). On Sunday I did my first event for this tour, and I read out a few bits that had been cut from the first book, all those years ago. And then I signed for a few more hours.
And the response has been exactly what I was hoping for. The one thing that was so vital to me was to give the series a fitting end — an ending it deserved. My mission was to both confirm and confound your expectations, and by what I've been reading online, it looks like I've succeeded.
And the most awesome thing? The lack of spoilers. Sure, there are spoilers out there, but most people have been really considerate of others. Even in the Spoiler Zone to this very blog, folks are content to talk AROUND the subject, rather than address it directly. This is HUGELY appreciated.
The book has been selling really well, from what I hear. I loved the excitement generated around the Black Edition — minions were waiting for stores to open and then rushing inside, trying to find those hidden tomes. It was, in a word, awesome.
And now I'm wrecked.
Monday, September 1, 2014
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«Oldest ‹Older 4401 – 4600 of 4608 Newer› Newest»James: what with?
Orpheus: yes..they are...
Manuel: good. Smitten by my mother would not be a good move.
It wouldn't. *they reach her ship* *opens the cargo ramp and walks into the cargo bay*
James: what's happened to her now?
Orpheus: *takes her hand and shows her, Erica in the door way a mist of dark and light dancing together*
*looks at the direction of James, a grey blob, surprisingly not that dark in colour*
Manuel: *follows behind her* also I would be...weird.
James: I did.
Orpheus: *her normal sight returns*
Yes, it would. No matter, though, it won't happen. *closes the cargo ramp behind him, and moves into the lift*
(I am definitely feeling old.)
Manuel: good. *follows her to the lift*
*takes the lift to the CIC, and steps out*
James: I ripped her and the clones souls apart and put the halves that were mainly light into the clone and that parts that were mainly dark into her. Why do you ask?
Manuel: *steps out behind her*
James: I could, yes, however a certain alien might not want that.
*sets the scanners running* I'm sorry for what they did to you.
Manuel: you have no reason to apologize. It was not your fault.
James: yes. Leri. She like the clone. Reversing the process woukd destroy the clone.
(El, did you make a Skulduggery game a while ago?)
I know. I feel sorry for you, however. The scans may take a few hours so we have a lot of time.
Manuel: *smiles slightly* how do you propose we spend it?
(Do you have the link for that game?)
James: I presume its more like one friend for two. If you had me reverse it Silente would be fixed. However Ashlea would be gone and Leri would presumably never talk to you again.
(I dedicate this page to sleep.
And bacon.)
That's entirely up to you.
James: *shrugs* so if you want to break an aliens heart then fetch me Silente and Ashlea.
Manuel: which case I do not mind what we do..
We have a shooting range in the armoury if you want to have a go with some of the weapons from my time.
(Dragona wishes for me to inform you that due to phone limitations, Leri cannot currently RP. So if this is going to happen, he thinks you should leave it until later.)
Manuel: sure. Although I may need some instruction in some cases.
James: an artificial soul. They burn up quite quickly. I doubt there is much left now, hardly enough to sustain the clone.
Then let's go. *moves back to the lift*
Manuel: *follows her and enters the lift*
*takes the lift to the cargo bay, and goes towards the armoury*
(Thanks El.)
Manuel: *keeps following* do you practice your shooting a lot?
James: No. Currently the half of Silentes soul and what remains ol the artificial soul she had is sustaining her and will continue to do so.
I do. A large amount. In my job, you have to. *walks into the armoury, where there are racks of weapons on the walls and three targets, one unprotected, one with armour and one with shields* *there are controls for them near the weapons*
(He can only be on one account at a time.)
Manuel: *looks over the weapons rack* what would you recommend?
Something simple, for a start. *takes a grey pistol from the rack* M-3 Predator. Low recoil. *loads a thermal clip into the gun, and passes it to him*
Manuel: *takes it and tests its weight in his hands* hmm. Which target? *looks at all three of them*
The right one. It has limited protection.
(I am glad I got a Google account.)
(It appears everyone has disappeared?)
(sorry. Poofed.)
James: it is your choice Elleni.
Manuel: *nods and raises the gun slowly, pointing it at the head and thumbs back the hammer* &breaths camnly and pulls the trigger*
(There are no hammers on firearms from my time.)
(*yawns* morning)
*realises that i should only comment if i intend on staying and not going off to youtube*
(In which case ignore the 'thumbs back the hammer' part)
(Hey flick!)
(Morning snow)
(Heya Sil)
(how are you?)
*would like to point out to Inky that for this tumbleweed, it is in fact, 6:20pm*
(Okay Snow
Good evening
I'm great thank, you?)
*mutters something about dinner and stir fry*
*rolls away*
*thanks, you?
(tired. Being given a headache by my father.)
That is good, Manuel.
(Aww Sil *hugs*)
(Hello Chloe and Snow.)
Manuel: *lowers the gun and holds it pointed down by his side* thank you. *looks at where it hit, a bit below where he meant to hit* *it hit the bridge of the nose as opposed to inbetween the eyes*
(Hello Sophia, how are you?)
(**eyebrows not eyes)
(Yey. They got louder -_-)
(I think I will drop out of the RP until later. Dragona is somewhat busy.
I'm normal, Chloe. How are you?)
(Aww Sil *hugs*)
(I am good this morning)
(They've turned music on. My brother is playing acoustic guitar in time with the song and my dad keeps trying to sing.)
Orpheus: *gently squeezes El's hand* It's a big decision.
James: It is.
Orpheus: why must she make it?
James: because there is no one else to do so.
*the sound of frying bacon can faintly be heard*
(Don't worry it's similar. In my house
My brother isn't normal, he hits on my and he is mine
I am laying in bed while he hits on me and songs, while my mum shouts at him )
(XD sounds fun.
(He is singing country roads, badly... Whilst attempting the guitar
I offered to teach him but he refuses)
(Naturally he refuses. *rolls eyes*
*throws teddy at him*)
(anyway. How's da wolf girl doin?)
(You all may think I am a bad person but I can at least manage conversations.)
( wolfie is doing great
How is Sil and everyone)
(I don't think your bad Sophia)
(I don't think you're a bad person Sophia!)
(Sil is going crazy and getting worse sloooooowly)
(Manuel is quite happy at the moment.)
(Ashlea is alright.)
(Orpheus is slightly worried for El.)
(James is being strangely nice.)
(Erica is also being nice for a change..)
(Thank you, Chloe. However, I'm not exactly a nice person.)
(Ahh okay, a mixed field eh? )
(Yeah. Mixed field. Watching Sil slowly losing who she is isn't very fun...)
(Just because your not particularly nice, doesn't mean your bad... I have a friend called Alice and she isn't very nice at times, and yeah she has a go at me at times but she isn't a bad person)
(There is a difference between having a go at someone and killing people. But I see your point.)
(Ah I guess it wouldn't be :()
(I actually quite like you Sophia. As an author. I like you.)
(No its not. *pokes the Sil section of her brain*)
(*groans * my tummy has the rumbles, I want breakfast but can't be asked to go and et some.... My bed is too comfy)
(Hey El^^)
(I will be distant.)
(Ok Soph)
James: having so little of a soul is dangerous. And it wound rewrite the clones personality once again..
(Leri is crying and it is very irritating.)
James: the soul keeps the body functioning. Without one you die. With so little of a soul you would be weak and suspectable to illness.
(Naww Leri give her a hug from me)
(Why is Leri crying??
Ashlea: *hugs Leri*)
(Byii El)
(*whispers* why has it gone quiet)
(*whispers* I don't know..)
(I'm listening to the song kiss it better
And it's the only thing that can reduce me to tears 😭)
(I'n watching the opera scene...)
(Ah, I almost cried in that)
(The singing is great in it.)
(it is indeed
Im in love with Nate's voice)
(When he goes 'I REMEMBER' tho and its like O_O dat voice.)
*rolls back in*
*rolls back in*
(I just love how he goes from a concerned father to a monster like *that*
Correct me if im wrong, but wouldn't his voice for Skulduggery be cool...if he put on an Irish accent)
(Welcomes Tumble)
(Yes! It would! If he put on an Irish accent.
Hehe guilty pleasure next.)
(Ahhh *grins*)
What I brought my Dad for father's day tomorrow: huge star-shaped, green sunglasses, bubble mixture and sox.
I wrapped it in tinkerbell wrapping paper.
And I got the stupidest card I could find.
As you can tell, I take the day seriously
Why did I spell that with an x?
(Awesome Tumble ^^)
(Just have every father needs.)
(Dear Derek Landy,
If you are considering making a Skulduggery Film in the future, please think about casting Anthony Head as Skulduggery Pleasant)
(I think Leri is crying because Elleni is talking about making Ashlea non-existent? I'm not sure. That was a guess.)
(There is a card shop in Swansea city centre called Attica and they do funny and rude cars, so that's where I get all my cards from
and they do vintage dresses, I bought one the other day)
(Why don't you ask her Soph?)
(I am hopeless at helping people.)
(Just try your best
Give her a hug from me)
(I will continue to be distant.)
If you don't hear from me again, I was either A) strangled with socks, B) drwned with bubble mixture or C) victim to a very painful death involving giant novelty sunglasses
(You will be missed Tumble ;) )
G2g, watching a movie of some description
(*reading through the comments of 'seventeen' video on YouTube* *'best case of a PMSing girl ever displayed on screen'* XD)
(Oh Leri... ): )
(Kay Tumble, byii!)
(Reading comments about Come up and try my new parts
dear replay button... sorry for raping you so much... my eyes were closed.. i guess i thought you were the graverobber... :(
(Morning Star ^^)
(I love reading through youtube comments XD)
(Hey star!)
(Same XD Some are genius)
YouTube comments are generally so bad but I like reading them anyway. :) Occasionally I actually find a decent conversation and then I always freak out and email it to myself because it suprises me so much . . . XD
Hey Inky, Silente! :)
(Seventeen will be my song next year)
(How are you this fine morning?)
There was this one guy and he posted this really good comment on YouTube that was like actually meaningful and I was so impressed by his lack of idiocy that I subscribed to him. :P
@Inky: I be good, thanks. :) Infested with ranting, apparently. D: Just been ranting tons last night and this morning. I think it's school getting to me.
How're you?
The movie's kinda boring...
(Awesome ^^ I recently subscribed to your favourite martian, although the project has retired, just because I love the songs
I know it isn't really the same thing, but still
Listen to
(Im great thanks ^^)
(Seventeen is an amazing song. I am definitely singing it on my 17th b-day. Which parent TO I don't know..I might just have to edit the lyrics depending on the parent...)
Hey Snow. :)
(Well I am a daddys girl so I think Il sing it to him)
Have any of you lot read my new writing blog?
I'll be putting atuff there a lot when I finish it.
(Awesome Tumble!
I really need to write a new blog, my old ones are cringeworthy)
(I don't know if I'd be seeing my dad on my birthday. Sometimes i don't get to. And I'm not really a daddies girl when it comes to my step dad. And singing 'mummy dramas got to go dad!' To my mum just doesn't work..)
(I will no longer be distant.)
Pretty cool, Inky. :)
Okay Soph)
*rolls around*
(I love Your favourite martian
They have some really weird songs like zombie love song and booty store, but they do some really meaningful songs ^^)
*becomes a tree*
(Having a Google account is very good.)
How're you lot?
(It is, Soph
*sighs* I have homework to do so I may go distant for a while)
(Im good thanks, you?)
(Im good thanks, you?)
I'm good
(I'm average, thank you. You?)
(soz. I poofed to read snows writing.
Then accidently on purpose ended up on the quotes blog instead.
Quotes make me feel warn and fuzzy. Like hugs. Only not like hugs cause hugs make me feel like someone is trying to crush me so they can eat me. But you get the picture. Quotes are cool and make me happy.)
*runs over to the spoiler post before I erupt spoilers everywhere here*
(Hehe. Babye snow.)
(Emailing is a very slow process. I have only just managed to change the background.)
*runs back*
Good god that was close
(indeed it is Sophia)
(*watching Sil slowly dissolve into a new person*
*melting and changing*
(I don't know why I changed the background because I haven't got anyone to email. That was a waste of time.)
(*sighs* I don't like this chem hm, I feel like im doing it wrong because the lecturer made me look like an idiot yesterday -_-)
(email ME!
You mightn't get a reply like...)
(Alright, Silente.)
(You can email me at
if you want)
*is resisting the erge to say something about 17*
Or you can email ME! at
(Hello Duck)
Hey Duck! :)
(I only have els email)
(I have lots of peoples emails. I don't know how that happened. I have more emails than phone numbers in my contacts list.)
Hello, hello hello all you fabulous people!
*nods at Quack*
*would like to point out that I am no longer a tumbleweed*
(Of course, tree)
You can call me too at (+04) 000
standard charges apply.
eh, I liked the tumbleweed better....
*wacks Quack*
*wishes Moss-pear and Saphy-fish were here to explain*
*turns into Silly(Kitty)*
*shakes herself of and starts chasing her own tail*
(I have a fear of being shrunk...)
woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah....
There is no need for violence, now apologise this instant, Snow-tree-who-used-to-be-a-tumbleweed.
*tries to hide so Sil-kitty doesn't climb me*
*is a tree, so the attempt fails*
*notices Silly*
*wacks Quack again*
*fite meh m8*
(You people are insane.)
(*looks at Soph* Im only a little unstable)
Oi! u wana go cuz do ya. im gonna nock u out m8
*pounces at her tail and mews when it disappears*
*gets up and streches*
*bounds towards snow tree and rubs against it*
*wiggled her rump and pounces upwards, into the branches*
Bringit, m8. I'll stab ye
(yes Sophia. We are.)
*womders why cats always climb me*
*chases Kitty*
Come back little kitty!
The last time i checked, trees were unable to stab people.
This tree is. *brandishes a knife*
*sighs at Sil-kitty*
*walks along a branch, claws in*
*bounds to the trunk and realises shes stuck*
*starts clawing at the trunk, not liking the height or the fact she can't get down*
(Actually, that isn't true. If a tree had a sharp branch and it collapsed, it could potentially impale you.)
*hisses in pain*
*somehow makes a way down for Sil-kitty*
*climbs up the tree*
*saves Kitty*
*mutters about things climbing me*
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