Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Little More Detail

Right, some more detail as to the TDOTL Ireland/UK tour...

28th August: Requiem Ball in London. Tickets can only be won. Keep an eye out for details how.

29th August, 11AM: Waterstones, The Furlong Centre, Ringwood — signing.

3PM: Waterstones, West Mal Castlepoint, Bournemouth — signing.

30th August, 1PM: Waterstones, Bluewater — signing.

31st August: Dun Laoghaire, Dublin —  fan event and signing.

5th September, 6:30PM: Village Books, Dulwich — fan event and signing.

6th September, 11AM: WHS, Midsummer Parade, Milton Keynes — signing.

3PM: WHS, 30-40 Fargate, Sheffield — signing.

7th September, 12 Noon: Waterstones, Emerson Chambers, Newcastle — signing.

11th September, 4PM: Easons, Galway — signing.

13th September, 11AM: Easons, Donegal Pl, Belfast — signing.

14th September, 2PM: Easons, O'Connell St, Limerick — signing.

19th September, 6P: Hodges Figgis, Dublin — signing.

27th September: Theatre of Shadows, Dublin — MASSIVE fan event and signing.

To those readers who want to come along to the Dublin event on the 31st of August — do you have any suggestions as to what it could be..?  I'll do the usual question and answer thing if we can't think of anything special, but it'd be nice to have some sort of theme, like the event I did about movies that have influenced the books...

Any ideas, tweet them to me. I command you.


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Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*stares at El*
How. LONG!
*is shaking as unshed sobs build up inside and tears pour down her cheeks*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Don't lie to me!
*backs away*
How long Elleni!

Dragona Pine said...

(Star - you wouldn't believe the amount of people who would say toast anyway...

I once asked my friend what cows drink, and he said milk. And I started laughing. :P)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It's 36.07...

I think.

LordVile42 said...

(Wait how'd you get 36.07?)

Inky Flame said...

*Gets between them*
Silente, this is Ericas doing. El and Viv aren't an item!!!

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: XD

I said toast the first time . . .

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

You saw them Flick! You saw that! That...
*turns her back and takes deep breaths*
I knew it..I knew this would happen if it already hadn't..

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Dimensional Shunter = 18
Midnight Hotel
Jitter Girls = 6
Petrichor = 93
Goblin Babies = 3

(18*6) + 24 - 93 + 0.07 - 3 = 36.07

Inky Flame said...

Silente, you must realize that this is that ...bitch's doing. El isn't admitting her feelings, is she???

Inky Flame said...

(I think ur right as it is his profession, not what he is)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm pretty sure the official title is Dimensional Shunter. I could, however, be wrong.

LordVile42 said...

Assuming this is the right one, it says that Petrichor is 31.;nowap

Dragona Pine said...

(Can Sophia join in with the RP in some way?)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*turns again facing El*
I knew this would happen. I knew it! Cause who wants to be with a cold blooded moron who can't stay put of trouble, who's too pale and looks twelve! Who acts like a three year old and CONSTANTLY needs saving! Cause who the hell would want THAT piece of sh*t when they can have a warm blooded beauty who tans and has brains and NEVER needs saving! Who doesn't have a load of baggage! Who WOULDN'T want that!
*is shaking now*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Inky Flame said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Well, Petrichor is a fan character put in the book, so the details in print may differ from the details in the roleplay.

It was my understanding that Petrichor was 93 in the actual books. (I was going off of what the person who came up with Petrichor tweeted. Presumably if your character is in a series, you pay attention to stuff like that).

Dugglyn Carzainia said...


Inky Flame said...

(I got 92.07)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

I think. That's what I got.
Here's how.
Jitter girls born in 1931. They are now 83.
Dimensional shunter 18 letters
83*18= 1494
# of rooms in midnight hotel is 24 1494+24= 1518
Age of Petrichor- 93
1518-93= 1425


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Sure Draggie)

*grits her teeth*
It's fine. I knew this would happen. After all I'm not ALLOWED love!
*laughs bitterly*
Cause who could love me
*shakes her head and walks past El, through the door, and out into the forest*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Yes but they're kinda Alice again.....
Idk what he means! I just did what I thought....

Dragona Pine said...

(Silente - how?)

LordVile42 said...

(Well there are only four spaces in the clue, so I'm not sure if you can just cut out the first two numbers...)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Well there can only be 4 digits _ _._ _ so I cut it out....
I don't know. I tried.
But at least we got the end..!

Inky Flame said...

True dat, El
We all love you Silente, bach

Inky Flame said...

(My answer seems logical to me and it fits...)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Yeah, I went with 6 for the Jitter Girls, because the number wouldn't be too big for the spaces...

So yeah, 36.07

I'm gonna stick with that...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Er...she went searching for everyone?)

*rips free of El's grip*
*tears tumbling from her eyes*
Don't lie El. Not anymore. I through listening to them.
*walks off, arms wrapped around herself as if that can hold her together*

LordVile42 said...

(I think its either 98.07 or 36.07)

LordVile42 said...

(Probably 36.07)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Lemme try it with 6...
18*6= 108

108+24= 132
132-93= 39
So maybe 39.07? That would make more sense!
Drat, I Gtg! Bye guys!! Good luck, hope I helped!

Star Inkbright said...

(Weren't two digits already found?
So maybe we only need the last four . . .)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Wait! How did you get 36? I'm I missing something?

Inky Flame said...

*runs after Silente*
*grabs her wrist*
Remember, you were under Erica's influence. Have you considered Viv is aswell? Also, look how much you and El have been through, and you honestly believe she doesn't care for you?
I know I haven't been around for long, but I care.

Dragona Pine said...

*goes searching for everyone*

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

(Her age in the book is 93)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

The goblin brothers stole three babies. That was the last bit.

And Star: "They managed to fill in not one space before Nadir found them: ? ? . ? ?, leaving us four spaces to fill for now."

Emerald Melody said...

Wait, what the hell is everyone trying to figure out??

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*stops her walking*
*whispers quietly*
I do El. That won't change. But that doesn't mean I'll swallow your lies. Or any lies. Ever again.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

The Theatre of Shadows puzzle, Em.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Oh, wait, my profile is still Hewitt. Oops.

Emerald Melody said...

Yeah just saw the email. Holy shit.


Still not happy that we are getting these emails from Ravel.

Dragona Pine said...

*catches up with Silente*

Inky Flame said...

(I finally got 36.07)

LordVile42 said...

I wonder how Ravel is doing this, given his current... predicament.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*kicks into a run*
*she knows where's she's going*
*long walk short pier big drop*
*she could make the journey with her eyes closed, which is a good thing considering tears are blurring her vision*
never again

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

Oh, the babies.
And Elleni, I will have my phone with me...
Check yours!

Noelle said...


Inky Flame said...

*runs after Silennte*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Hello, love. *hugs Adra*

Inky Flame said...

(random question, does anyone have snapchat?)

Noelle said...


*Darts over and tackles, cuddling him protectively* Hello, darling. *Licks him affectionately, and cuddles more* Care to go on?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*hears Flick*
*runs faster, she doesn't want to be around other people, including Sophia*
*weaves past trees*

Emerald Melody said...

How are you meant to figure out if its the Jitter Girls when they died or the actual age now if you figure it out.

And what book did Petrichor appear in, I cannot find the name in my memory at all...

Inky Flame said...

*Pic up paste*

please don't do this!!

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Of course.))

Alright, then- Aretha and Zafira, you'll have to come here.

*Aretha sits on the floor beside them, tentatively placing a hand on Alastair's shoulder*

((Shall we assume that I teleport Zafira out as well?))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*shakes her head and doesn't answer Flick*
*her chest aches as if it's contents had multiplied in weight*
*her body's numb*

Inky Flame said...

*Shouts at Blake*
Stop Her!!!

John said...

*Appears beside Silente, easily keeping pace*

So, what's going on in this neck of the woods?

Noelle said...

(actually, Adra made a portal...)
*Adra shifts a little towards her portal, which she made specifically so that Alastair wouldn't run out of energy*

John said...

(Wtf just happened with my post..? It teleported down the comment wall o-o)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

So 36.07.
Hope we got it right!!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*shoves Blake away*
*sprints faster, her destination so close now*

Inky Flame said...

(I was just thinking that...)

Dugglyn Carzainia said...

(Petrichor was in book 8!)

John said...

*He appears once more, this time standing in front of Silente. He spreads his arms and a wall of electricity comes to life on either side of him*

(Strong enough to paralyze, not do any permanent damage)

Dragona Pine said...

What the hell is wrong with Silente?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*runs into Blake and not the wall*
Duck off Blake!
*punches him across the jaw hard enough to break it*

Inky Flame said...

Come back
*Uses Silente's delay to close the space between them*

John said...

*Takes her advice and ducks, rising in a way designed to catch her by the legs*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Oh, did she? I suppose we'll just use that, then.))

*Aretha moves over to the portal, offering Adra a hand*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*falls over backwards, tapping her nose on the way down and falling through her portal and behind Blake*
*runs faster*
*a human eye would be able to see where she's going now*

Noelle said...

*Adra can't tell that Aretha is offering her a hand, and doesn't make any move towards her*

John said...

(Does the portal stay open a few seconds or does it close directly after you pass through?)

Inky Flame said...

Silente, I swear, if you don't stop creating....

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(It stays open. She didn't have the time nor the mental want to close it.)

John said...

(Good good)

*Blake dashes into the portal behind her, once again easily catching up*

It's like you think you can outrun me, just stop so we can talk.

Inky Flame said...

*follows Silente through portal*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*shoves Blake away again and clears the trees*
*is in a flat out sprint now, quickly reaching the goal*

Inky Flame said...

*Shouts on top of lungs (which is a rarity)*

John said...

Fine then... I'l stop you.

*He turns into a barely visible blur of lightning, crashing into her time after time from all directions*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*falls after being crashes into and is sent rolling away from the edge*

*stumbles back up*

Dragona Pine said...

*dives through the portal also*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*Aretha interprets that as a declination, and curls her hand away*

*decides to just lift Adra up, attempting in vain to quiet the shudders running through him as he carries her through the portal*

*Aretha follows after them*

Inky Flame said...

*Jumps onto Silente, forcing her on the ground*

John said...

*Blake comes to a halt directly in front of Silente, electricity singeing the air around him*

Ready to talk now?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*bucks, tying to force Flick off*
*one arm reaching for the edge, merely a hands width away*

Noelle said...

*Adra quickly finds herself terrified of the shudders- she doesn't understand what's happening to him* *Her toes curl a little- when she felt Alastair steal the name, she didn't have time to get dressed, so she didn't have any shoes on*

*They would appear inside Aretha's house*

Inky Flame said...

Stay put, bach
All you need is a good cwtch

Dragona Pine said...

*reaches Silente and the others*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*has no idea what a cwtch is*
*keeps bucking, tears still flowing*
*the leg that Flick bit earlier aches*

Inky Flame said...

(cwtch is a welsh slang term for hug)
Shhh, Im sorry I hurt you earlier...I didn't mean it...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*sobs, staring at the edge with want in her eyes*
*moves on one her hands painfully, grabbing the small knife hidden on her wrist*
*struggles, trying to get her arm up and under her*

John said...

*Sighs and grabs Silente around her middle, hoisting her up over his shoulder and taking the knife from her in one swift movement*

Come on Silente, let's go home...

Inky Flame said...

*spots knife*
Someone take that blade off her

Inky Flame said...

Gets up and follows Blake

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*kicks Blake hard*
*she has more knives*
*more chances*
*digs her nails into the flesh of his back, painfully*

Dragona Pine said...

*draws pistol and aims it at Silente*

Don't, Silente. I don't want to take out your legs but I will if you don't get rid of the knives and stop being like this.

John said...

*Electrifies his body enough to paralyze her and continues walking back toward Bogland*

You know you don't really want that.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*stiffens at the shock and can't move*

Inky Flame said...

*Looks at the leg she injured*
Silente, do you want me to bandage your leg...I swear, Im so sorry. I don't know what came over me

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*sets Adra down on a bed, and collapses beside her, quickly starting to overheat himself*

*Aretha comes up behind them, invites them to call her if they need anything, and then heads down the stairs*

Noelle said...

*Adra begins to panic, crying harder- she opens the buttons on his shirt, and wiggles him out of his coat, then removes his shirt* *She's afraid to touch him, amid her own terror*

John said...

*Sighs once again*

Why do you keep trying this Silente? You'll only regret it, and that's if you ever manage to make it by us.

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*cant speak*
*partially due to paralysis*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*curls up, closing his eyes, and reaches for her hand*

Noelle said...

*She grips his hand tightly, terrified* *Blows air gently over his skin to cool him* *Projects feelings of fear and questioning*

John said...

*Looks back at Inky and Sophia*

I'll go on ahead with her, see you guys at my place.

*He takes off faster than any normal human, but not so fast as to harm either himself or Silente*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*closes her eyes and pretends shes falling asleep in hopes it will stop the questions Blake will ask*

Inky Flame said...

*Turns to Sophia*
WHere does he live, I have no idea?

Inky Flame said...

huh, Ill just follow their scent
Its faint in human form, but I don't wanna risk changing into a wolf again
*Runs after them*
God, I could do with a cider right now...

John said...

*They arrive at the little house by the lake in minuets, once inside Blake lays Silente on the couch (you spend a lot of time there, I'm going to start charging rent) and sits down in his recliner, waiting for the paralysis to wear off (should only last a minuet or two more)*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Sorry, love... *coughs into his elbow, not wanting to stain the bed* Zanida's name is more- magically charged, if you will, than a human's- it's hard to physically adjust to her kind and sheer amount of energy...

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*even when the paralysis wears off she stay still and keeps her eyes closed*
*hopefully he'll go away*

Noelle said...

*Adra thinks for a moment, then snaps her fingers, then she takes a pen from her pocket, and begins to draw a symbol onto his arm*

Inky Flame said...

*Continues to run*
*goes into a newagent*
*buys cans of cider*
*continues search*

Anonymous said...

*walks over*

Anonymous said...

*heads for Sil*

Inky Flame said...

*ends up outside a house near a lake*
Huh, nice place.
*Knocks on door*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Erica: *smiles at the mess she's made*
*deliberates over whether to free Viv*

John said...

*Answers the door*

Oh hey, glad you found the place, come on in.

Anonymous said...

(Cough. Sil. EMAIL!!!)

Inky Flame said...

Thanks, I brought drinks, incase

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*keeps his eyes closed, trying to calm his breaths*

Anonymous said...

*sees El and changes course*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*opens her eyes and looks at her hands*
*sees the ring and yanks it off, breaking her finger jn her impatience*
*hurls the ring away, towards the door frame, with more force than is put behind a bullet*
*corks up before it hits, sobbing*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(That's why i didn't see you at first)

Noelle said...

*She tries to tell him that it works like her backpack- it's like a pocket dimension*
*Projects a few of those images onto him, trying to get her point across* *That it's an energetic pocket dimension*

John said...

*Jumps a bit when the ring hits the door*

Well I guess she can move again...

*Takes his seat once more, wary of the crying girl (Blake doesn't comfort people very well q.q)*

You uh... need some time?

Anonymous said...

*goes over to El*
What's wrong darling?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*ignores Blake completely*

*just keeps sobbing, broken*

Inky Flame said...

*Sees Silente crying*
Oh, come ere!
*Goes over and cwtches her*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*takes a moment to consider what she's telling him* Did you want me to just push the excess energy into it?

Dragona Pine said...

(Sorry I poofed.)

Dragona Pine said...

(*is watching The World Is Not Enough*)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*shoves Flick away*

*shaking head to toe, tears streaming from her eyes and sobs ripping free of her chest*

Anonymous said...

*sits down next to Elleni and runs a hand through her hair*
Then what should I call you?

Noelle said...

*Adra nods enthusiastically* *Makes motions: tired, tap, receive energy, not tired*

Dragona Pine said...

(I'm here, now, though. Completely. So I can RP.)

Anonymous said...

*someone appears behind Erica unnoticed*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Erica: *smirks and pours more energy into Viv, turning 'love' into lust*

Anonymous said...

I don't understand this strange fixation you have with my sister-in-law.

Dragona Pine said...

(*wonders what is happening*)

Anonymous said...

*the mysterious person lifts a black scarf in the air*

Inky Flame said...

*Forces herself next to Silente and gives her a bone crushing hug*
*mutters* you should appreciate this, im not much of a hug person
All isn't as it seems, Erica has used her magic on Viv to hurt you, it isn't real

Noelle said...

(Can I just say, I love how everyone is just "smut" right now)

Anonymous said...

*eyes go wide*
*pulls Elleni's face into his, kissing her fiercely*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*in between sobs*

Dragona Pine said...

(What is happeninggggggg?)

Anonymous said...

(@Adra: and with all the wrong people...)

Inky Flame said...

*softly* Silente, please. Everyone loves you. And Viv love LOVES you. He is just under that bitch's influence.

Noelle said...

(Ohhhhhh my god this is golden

i love this so much xD

Yeah- but it isn't even romantic. You all seem to be going for the purely physical side. It's so flipping entertaining)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

*gulps, gasping for air*
*sobs crashing over her like waves*

Erica: *grins and pours even more energy through him, enjoying the show*

Noelle said...

(*Totally wants in on whatever is happening*

*But Adra is unfortunately a vegetable* *sigh*)

Anonymous said...

*brings Elleni back to him and circles his arms around her and then kisses her neck*

Noelle said...

*Valencia sits beside Erica* So..

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*blinks, considering further* Excellent idea, my darling. I'll need it to be a bit more permanent, though... *slides off the bed, half collapsing onto the ground, to retrieve a knife from his coat* *carves into his skin over her pen marks, then climbs back onto the bed, filtering energy into the pocket dimension and trying to slow his breaths back to normal*

Anonymous said...

*the mysterious man suddenly swings the scarf around Erica's neck and pulls tight*

Dragona Pine said...


*looks around*

What the hell is wrong with you people? There's a time and place for everything. And I don't see how now is the time for any of this shit.

Noelle said...

*Valencia blinks* Ah.
*Adra shrinks back a little, wincing as she hears his ripping flesh*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Erica: *looks at Valencia*
Who are you and what do you want. Im working.

Anonymous said...

(Blame it on Erica...she made it into lust)

Anonymous said...

*doesn't let Elleni go as he covers her in another wave of kisses*
Why stop? We're just getting to the fun part.

Inky Flame said...

*Strokes Silentes hair, whispering encouraging stuff*

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Erica: *gags and grabs the scalf*

Anonymous said...

*the mysterious man pulls the scarf even tighter*

Inky Flame said...

(OMG I have just found an awesome song 'you call me a bitch like its a bad thing' by Halestorm)

Inky Flame said...

(OMG I have just found an awesome song 'you call me a bitch like its a bad thing' by Halestorm)

Anonymous said...

MM: *hisses in her ear*. Release them.

Inky Flame said...

(OMG I have just found an awesome song 'you call me a bitch like its a bad thing' by Halestorm)

Noelle said...

*Valencia watches carefully* Damn. *Gets up and walks away*

Dragona Pine said...

I think someone should probably hit Vivanus in the head. Hard.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*seems to recover after a few moments, and pulls closer to Adra, kissing her forehead* I'm sorry, love...

Anonymous said...

*winks at El*
We're over? So you admit we have something going here?

(It won't)

Emerald Melody said...

Guys, NEW POST!!!

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Erica: *gags*
*releases Vivanus, grudgingly, after using nearly all her energy to give him a gigantic boost*

Anonymous said...

(Wait, so does Viv still have some in his system?)

Noelle said...

I'll continue on the next post, love

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Thank you, Emerald.

Octa said...


Octa said...

*turns into a moose*

Anonymous said...

People? Elleni? Star?

Star Inkbright said...

No. :) *hugs Mith* I FEEL INFLUENTIAL NOW.

@Elleni: XD That's perfect. :)

Anonymous said...

Hehe, you ARE influental, Star!
And I am sitting in an Office. Putting phone calls through, stuff like that... boring.
BUT today is my last day, then I will be on Holiday again^^

Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: Sounds boring. :/ Glad it's your last day, though. :) :)

@Elleni: YES.

Anonymous said...

Huh... I just ran through the entire company, bringing stuff to the person it belongs to. And he was just sorta gone... meh.
Yes, Star, at five my time I'll be free^^

Anonymous said...

What I wanted to ask: Are you guys still on Holiday? Cause I talked to a few People on Instragram and they said school had already started for them...

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

(Wait, I have to go now. Bye.)

Anonymous said...

I think I should leave now too... I'm pretty sure it's not allowed to be chatting when you're supposed to be working. I might be back later! See you!
*hugs everyone who's still there*

Anonymous said...

Derek! Please post! There is incriminating evidence that will be found if we keep going back.

Anonymous said...

And it is wonderful. :)
Random question: is there any way of contacting Derek without using Twitter or Facebook?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm here, I think. :)
But I'll probs poof in a few minutes... :/

Anonymous said...

@Fay: um...Email, letter, messenger pigeon, scywriter?)

Anonymous said...


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