@Taia: That didn't answer my question, but it answered the reason for me posting the question, so it's cool. :)
*continuing with Taia* You know, yeah. Like with abortion. Abortion is never okay, but sometimes it's more okay than the other option. And it's about finding which option is the most okay, I think. (For the record, I would probably ask the old man if he'd saved and backed up his research and who else could access it and how much could be salvaged. :P)
And with me, it's all about balanced arguments. Like the other day, when I was buying a bag. And there were two bags, almost identical, except one was pink and one was black. And I couldn't decide which one I wanted. I couldn't. My arguments for both were perfectly balanced, and I just COULD NOT SEE how I could choose one over the other. I just stared there, helpless and pankcing, for a while, until my mum told me that she would pick the pink one and gave me a reason why. Boom. The pink argument overbalanced. That one weighed more. Relieved, I got the pink one, and I was fine with that, no regret, because now I had more reason to get the pink one, I wanted that one more. Obviously. So I think I would always weigh my arguments up to see which one is the least wrong. Of course, I could be suffering from misinformation. My arguments could balance another way if I had more information. So my method is unreliable. But there you go. :/
My parents were complaining about how when I'm sick, I seem to just give up, while the rest of my family pushes on and gets over it.
And I felt like saying:
In day to day life, what do you do? Do you enjoy it? Yes. You all do. But me? I'm always pushing through and getting over it. I'm always ignoring words and doing stupid things for stupid people. So when I get sick, it makes it so much damn harder and of coarse I'm going to give bloody in. I'm am always struggling to stay positive and when I'm sick I just can't. I have a reputation with everyone for being this goody-two-shoes and this smart girl, someone that always helps. And I don't know why. Because I always feel like I'm about to break down. And so when I'm sick, whet do you expect me to do?!
Omg, I had the nicest thing happen todayyyy :D So, ages ago I posted the first chapter of WAY (the book I'm writing for those of you who don't know. Though it's no longer called 'We Are Young' aka WAY, but instead 'L'appel du Vide'. But it's just easier to keep calling it WAY :P) on my blog, and today I got an email saying that a random person commented on it. Look at what they said! :)
"So I discovered this blog by accident, and I have quite the thing for blogs. I am not sure where this is leading to, or if you wrote mite if this story (or intend to do so) but your writing style is the best I read in quite a while. I loved the beginning, the observations and all that, and I also really liked the way you did the scene in the book shop - I'd say it's a rather typical entry, book shop, mugging, meeting - but the way you wrote it made it interesting and rather unique. If you would tell me where and if you've written more to it, that would be great. Oh, and about the talent-for-fiction-question... if that had been an excerpt, I'd buy the book without second thought."
Me? Well, that's a little silly. What's the point of there being a me once I'm a heap of bloody strips of meat? *Picks up a frozen dinner from her microwave, which is now heated, and begins to take a few bites from the chicken*
Attack and kill are separate words for a reason. Left to my own devices, I never kill until a victim is completely broken, and I've already pained them enough that they become boring. I could go at you for minutes to hours to years before you devolved into slices of meat.
@Star: *nods* Well, at the end of the day you have to choose something, right. It may not be good to save one person over another, but it's worse to choose neither, isn't it? YOu don't have to put more worth on one person, no, but you've just let two people die when one could have survived. So maybe when you don't have a right answer, the only really wrong choice is to do nothing? Because if you help ONE person, then your actions failed to help the other. But if you try to save neither, then it's YOU who failed to help, because how can your actions fail if you don't TAKE any? idk. Also, you can't say... You can't say the consequences of your actions. YOu don't have information and you don't know. If you chose to save the old doctor, for all you know, he could feel so bad for living when the child died that he kills himself anyway. Would that make your choice to save him more wrong, because it didn't help at all, and there were still two deaths where it could've just been one, had you chosen the child. idk where I'm going with this. But, like... Based on the information you have, your action might be less wrong. But based on all of the information, it's more wrong? idk. idk. :P
*Another insane cackle. Another ear-piercing scream. The girl was bleeding heavily on the ground, jagged cuts criss-crossing along her skin* What do you mean you don't see? *Judhipor's voice was a hiss* What do you mean, you can't see the true beauty of the world? That you can see how destroyed ad corrupted it is? *She kicked the girl's face and her nose cracked* You pathetic... Little... Failure!
Well - I guess you can't know that the man would commit suicide. So if he does, that isn't your fault. Also . . . The kid could grow up to be, like, the new Einstein. You never know. :) Or killing the kid could mean his mum commits suicide . . . which could mean his brother has a really shitting life . . . . . . But maybe the kid has a shitty life anyway and his parents abuse him . . . . . . Eh. I think save the kid. :P
Anyway. Um . . .
Yeah. :)
WHAT I WAS SAYING was that yes. You're correct. Making a decision is better than not, because at least you save one person, and even if it was more wrong to pick the one you picked, that's less wrong than not picking anyone. :) Thanks.
@Chione: Yeah, it really is. It was just so out of the blue. I mean, no one cares if I write. People don't know me as a 'writer' because I don't parade my writing around - I'm far to self-conscious of it. And so I never really get any criticism, good or bad, because I never have an audience. And because I don't have an audience nobody really cares whether I write or not. But, I don't know. Getting unexpected praise from a random person who didn't need to comment and didn't need to say nice things just gives me hope that maybe I'm not completely wasting my time. Y'know?
Sorry if I've gone on a bit. I never get to talk about my writing, even though I'm really passionate about it, so whenever people mention it I kinda tend to go off on a tangent :/ sorry
*hugs Snow* :/ Whether you're pushing through or being pushed back, you're always the incredible human who you are. Different people go through different things and deal and feel in different ways. Often times people forget that. But not everybody will. There'll always be people around for you, right? You're always wanted, however you're reacting to whatever stimulus. It doesn't matter, because you're still Snow, and you're still brilliant. *hugs* I hope you're feeling better soon. :) See you. :) ^^
Sorry I've hardly been online today, but I'm really tired and I should probably go to bed... UCAS day tomorrow, so that's - annoyingly - actually important, despite the fact that I'm not applying through UCAS. Ugh. Anyway, gotta go. Night guys. Xxx
Isn't it? I suppose, so as to not lead you to misjudge her character, I'll offer you as brief an explanation as I can manage. She is an alchemist, who places great effort and emphasis on balancing her own energy. For years, however, she'd been unbalanced on the side you'd consider good, working as a doctor and all that. Her pregnancy threw her off, so she began to fluctuate dramatically between good and evil. I found her massacring night clubs in Egypt, while she was evil, and we started to travel together, eating and killing people. I'm sure you can imagine how charming I must have seemed to her then. She's balanced herself now, though, so things have been and continue to be rather complicated.
I always try to get people to comment on my stories and my fanfic chapters because their feedback helps me better myself too. I keep every single e-mail I get telling me someone commented on my blog, even though I can easily open it up and read them. It makes me feel good about myself that other people like something that I created, you know?
@Flora: AWESOME! C: It's always really mind-blowing getting praise from random people who you don't know, because they could have just not left a comment, y'know? Like, when a friend sees something that you've made and comments saying it's good, and it's great, but sometimes it gets like, is a part of that influenced on the fact that they know you. If it's a random comment of kindness/praise, it's different because the commenter has no experience of you to influence their reaction. Kind of. idk. :P *hugs* My point is that I'm super-happy for you, though. :)
And- I'm totally happy to hear you talk about writing, of course. :P
I'm in the process of hopefully trying to start reading Blogland writings again, now. But it's slow-going, because there are many and I don't like choosing. I'm trying to remember people who I've SAID I'd get to at some point, first. :P Hopefully, I'll remember to get at yours among them, when I get to it. :) :) :)
Well... *Writes as much of that down as she can* That sounds rather interesting. *Writes a small triangle with both his name, Adra's name, and Trip's name at the vertecies* Interesting indeed...
My eyes are slowly melting and I am good. I think. I am worried I am sunburnt! I spent all day roasting in a turf field. Kinda fun. :/ But then I went with some friends to get ice cream and it's the last day of school!!!!!!!!
@Star: *nods* Yeah. :) I mean, that still doesn't help you to actually choose between the things, but at least it helps you to deal with the fact that you do choose, maybe? idk. :P *hugs* :)
@Chi: *nodS* *completely agrees* I keep the emails, too. :) It's always amazing, too... I mean, it's been probably more than year-length since I've Blog-posted, but from my experience, because it's here, the people who comment are also people who I look up to, in one way or another. That was always especially incredible. :)
*hopefully will have something to write and put up onto Bloggeroo soon, though, if this idea works out :3*
@Taia I have plenty of chapters I have written in my notebook I haven't typed up yet, i'll need to finish typing them up. But yeah, I haven't posted in ages too. And I have a couple friends on facebook who read my blog and the books so it's not just people on here, which is good. But they don't comment on the blog, they just message me on facebook. Which is ok...I guess...but it feels more... /special/ when they comment on the actual blog... if you get what I mean? then I get the e-mail through as well
I'm good!!!! My eyes are slowly melting, but good!!!!! How are yous?!?!?! How be's yous eyes?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? *walks over to the lake and calls her oven* *it comes out of the water* You were not supposed to stay out all night!!!!!!! No catch for you!!! Go back in side!! *the oven's tail droops* *it shuffles inside* *runs after it* *scratches its back*
@Star: *hugs* your tangents are always the best though! I just mindlessly ramble! :P
@Chione: I know exactly what you mean. It's like, you can be the biggest fan of your own work, but nothing can beat when someone else says that they like what you're doing and that they appreciate your work :)
@Taia: I know exactly what you mean! It's like, friends and family can sometimes feel obliged to say something nice about your work even if they don' actually like it. Whereas randomers that take the time to praise your work must genuinely appreciate it, to the extent that they want to come out of veil of 'randomer' and tell you.
And aww thank you! You don't have to read it if you're too busy. There isn't really much up on the blog anyway because I don't writing chronologically, but I write random parts that I'm inspired to write at that given time :P so basically, I only just finished chapter two, even though I've written the majority of the last half of the book :P
-in the space of 5 second- *taps her nose diving through head first* *emerges inside the bar* *fires all the missiles, sets off all the bombs, throws the gasoline around and lights it with a flame thrower,diving backwards and landing in the grass outside*
@Flora: *nods* Yes! :) That's exactly what I wanted to say. :P And- I shouldn't be busy, soon. And I like reading, and I like Blogland people, so it works out nicely, I hope. :) *laughs* Yeah, I get that. :) If it works, though, nothing wrong with that, I guess. :3
*The girl was dead. Her eyelids torn off, criss-crossed gashes agaisnt her pale skin, lying in a pool of blood. Judhipor grinned happily and shrugged as she ducked out of the small hidden room and into Blogland* Hey!
@Taia: okay, then thanks! :) I ought to start publishing some more of my draft posts soon, so you'll have something to look forward to! :) And yes, very true! As long as you reach the destination, it doesn't really matter the journey! :)
Me? I... Hm. I react well. I like to think that I have a rather high tolerance for it. *Waves her right leg the best that she can* I lost this one, you know. I'm what you call "old friends" with pain.
*eyes her critically, considering* So if I were to do this... *draws a knife from his coat and cuts slowly across her waist* ((This is a knife I've described before, so you may have read of it; if it touches her, her skin will dry and harden into a black crust which will crack apart if she moves.))
*with another knife, he cleanly slices her eyelids off, just lightly enough to not damage her eyes* *the skin the knife touched will start to blister and burn* I like to watch people's eyes while they're in pain. I'd tell you not to close yours, but that's really no longer an option. *using his first knife again, slices along the left side of her jaw* *the black will still be spreading slowly across her waist*
*cuts just under her eyes with a different knife* *this one will react with her tears, so they'll leave greenish streaks of apparently boiling skin down her face* Good for you. *as the black spreads across her face, any change of expression will crack it, and if she speaks bits of her cheek are likely to fall off altogether*
*Wishes she could write that down* *Thinks* Hey, I'd probably mind it a bit. Do you know how expensive prosthetic limbs are? Well, the ones that I have.
You haven't seem some of the stuff he's done. I've mostly just heard of things, but some of the stuff I've seen him do... It's not human. No man could do what he has.
As if I cared how expensive it was. *sews the edges of her torso into the wall with shadows, stretching her arms out* *trails a new knife down her shoulder to her wrist, the wound deepening about an inch of its own accord and then burning as it blackens*
I know that much. I have gathered information on a few of you. I know Alastair is hardly human, though I value his attitude. Alastair does what he wants, as do I. Perhaps I should enlighten your mind, Blake Soul.
*Gasps, and notices how her eyes are nearly completely dark* *Thinks* I thought you said you weren't going to kill me. Would your Adra be happy with you if you did?
Oh, I can quite easily not kill you. I'll only let you die if you get boring. *starts to crush the bones of her fingers one by one against the wall* Are you taking mental notes?
*watches Alastair continue torturing* Your methods of torture are unique. You possess more abilities then the other Midgardians around you. When you finish tormenting the girl, I want her. Perhaps she will be just as useful as Zafira Kerias of America. After all, we can thank her for allowing me to enter her Sanctuary and get what is rightfully mine.
I never intended to make it sound like that, Alastair. I have what is rightfully mine, and I acknowledge that you brought me to the city. I do not consider you an ally, unless you wish to be one. I know you do not care for the people of Midgard, so perhaps you would like to join me.
*shrugs lightly* You could go back, if you like, and I won't pick up where I left off. You've already interrupted me, and you're interesting enough that I don't feel especially compelled to break you just yet.
*catches her dagger* Pathetic. *sends it back at her, aiming towards her neck* You want to know where she is? I can arrange that. She is well, she is simply busy.
Zafira, come to Blogland.
((I shall explain since many of you lack a form of intelligence. When I speak in italics, I am speaking directly to anyone who I have control over, meaning if I touched you over the heart with my sceptre, I control you. You do not know what I say to the ones I control. I only have control over Zafira as we speak.))
*Decides that he's telling the truth, and lazily flies back to her cave, where she lands, finding that most of her clothes are in tatters* *Sighs, and picks up some soda to drink as she collapses on the couch* *Unscrews her leg, setting it on the floor to let her stump rest* *It's raw, as well as especially painful this evening*
Freedom...it is a lie. Humans have a natural instinct to be ruled. You have no idea what freedom is, and what little freedom you do have, so you say, is nothing. Alastair is the only one who seems to lack the will to be ruled, which is no matter, I can easily arrange for him to regain that will if he would be a threat.
I wish to rule because it is my birth right. I am the rightful ruler of Asgard. I should be king, but Odin allowed my witless brother to take the throne. I will rule Midgard as I should have ruled Asgard, your people all want to be ruled. Just look at yourselves, you have governments and people in charge. All telling you how and what to do.
*brushes his hand over her shoulder, healing her hand and a few of her other most damaged bones, then ridding her of the blackened cracking areas of skin* I'll leave the rest to you.
Willingly? Not that often, no. I don't usually study people who are as persistent as you seem to be. *Picks up her book from between her couch cushions, and scribbles notes about her endeavor into it* *Pauses* So about your sadomasochism... You've often pointed out that you kill things if they bore you. Have you ever considered that, perhaps, you have ADHD?
Admittedly, I've never given it much thought. It's hardly the sort of thing I classify as important. I can tell you, if it's of any use to you, that I've been to Hell, and my torture was nothing to do. That was before I fell in love with Adra, of course; it'd be different now. But boredom remains high on my list of things to avoid.
*Makes a separate page for Niccolo* *Looks between the two, noting the tension in the room* *Decides to make a rather silly decision, but one that's true*
Goodness, two attractive men in my cave. I wonder what will happen now?
*laughs, understanding Valencia* You would not want me, Midgardian. I do what I want, if you annoyed me I would kill you. I doubt you would want the constant risk of death by your love.
YUSSS WE GOT WIFI AGAIN *does a happy dance* Actually I was the one taking it best in my family, I wasn't all that bothered about it. But I missed Blogland! Also hi btw. :)
Hmm. Alastairs obsession almost with Valencia is rather interesting. I rather like watching him and her together. It...captivating almost. And then there's Loki. He has a point about control and freedom. Then again we would likely lose what little freedom most people have if he were to rule here. Aww poor Alexis. Her mothers been brain washed! And Blake and Trip...well out of the two its more likely Trip will be taken due to Blake's distance. Then theres Dugglyn as well. The plot doth thicken And plans over lap The end games near
*creeps in quietly* *points at the first four sentences of Silente's comment* I second that! *leaves a tray of cupcakes for the next commenter* *on top of the cupcakes are skulls looking suspiciously like Skul-mans', and hats on top of those* The decorations are icing, by the way, even I'm not that creepy... *creeps quietly back out* *hehe, contradictions... I hate em*
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 4911 Newer› Newest»(I'm sorry I didn't reply, Alistair, I did almost collapse...)
((I hardly care, Death.))
Hello Flora and Judhipor!
*Scribbles on a new page for Judhipor*
I'm relaxing up here, Alastair. It's a rather beautiful view. What are you doing?
Hello Flora!
And thanks a lot Taia, now i'll spend most of my night researching Greek Mythology again xD
@Taia: That didn't answer my question, but it answered the reason for me posting the question, so it's cool. :)
*continuing with Taia*
You know, yeah. Like with abortion. Abortion is never okay, but sometimes it's more okay than the other option.
And it's about finding which option is the most okay, I think.
(For the record, I would probably ask the old man if he'd saved and backed up his research and who else could access it and how much could be salvaged. :P)
And with me, it's all about balanced arguments. Like the other day, when I was buying a bag. And there were two bags, almost identical, except one was pink and one was black. And I couldn't decide which one I wanted. I couldn't. My arguments for both were perfectly balanced, and I just COULD NOT SEE how I could choose one over the other. I just stared there, helpless and pankcing, for a while, until my mum told me that she would pick the pink one and gave me a reason why.
Boom. The pink argument overbalanced. That one weighed more.
Relieved, I got the pink one, and I was fine with that, no regret, because now I had more reason to get the pink one, I wanted that one more. Obviously.
So I think I would always weigh my arguments up to see which one is the least wrong.
Of course, I could be suffering from misinformation. My arguments could balance another way if I had more information.
So my method is unreliable.
But there you go. :/
My parents were complaining about how when I'm sick, I seem to just give up, while the rest of my family pushes on and gets over it.
And I felt like saying:
In day to day life, what do you do? Do you enjoy it? Yes. You all do. But me? I'm always pushing through and getting over it. I'm always ignoring words and doing stupid things for stupid people. So when I get sick, it makes it so much damn harder and of coarse I'm going to give bloody in. I'm am always struggling to stay positive and when I'm sick I just can't. I have a reputation with everyone for being this goody-two-shoes and this smart girl, someone that always helps. And I don't know why. Because I always feel like I'm about to break down. And so when I'm sick, whet do you expect me to do?!
Sorry . needed to get that out
(Hey Death!)
Aww Snw *hugs*
(Hi Death)
@Chi: Yeah, I figured from the layout of the wiki page I've got up. It kind of decreases in detail and increases in number as you go down. :P ^^
*hugs Flora and Luce and Death*
Hey Luce! :)
Omg, I had the nicest thing happen todayyyy :D
So, ages ago I posted the first chapter of WAY (the book I'm writing for those of you who don't know. Though it's no longer called 'We Are Young' aka WAY, but instead 'L'appel du Vide'. But it's just easier to keep calling it WAY :P) on my blog, and today I got an email saying that a random person commented on it.
Look at what they said! :)
"So I discovered this blog by accident, and I have quite the thing for blogs. I am not sure where this is leading to, or if you wrote mite if this story (or intend to do so) but your writing style is the best I read in quite a while. I loved the beginning, the observations and all that, and I also really liked the way you did the scene in the book shop - I'd say it's a rather typical entry, book shop, mugging, meeting - but the way you wrote it made it interesting and rather unique. If you would tell me where and if you've written more to it, that would be great. Oh, and about the talent-for-fiction-question... if that had been an excerpt, I'd buy the book without second thought."
How nice is that?! :) I love random strangers.
Also, hello to everyone that said hello to me! My previous message took a while to type out so I only saw Luce's hello :P
It's really good to get feedback on your writing isn't it Flora?
Attempting to avoid boredom. Contemplating whether to attack you.
Me? Well, that's a little silly. What's the point of there being a me once I'm a heap of bloody strips of meat?
*Picks up a frozen dinner from her microwave, which is now heated, and begins to take a few bites from the chicken*
Aw, that's lovely, Flora!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
:( . . .
*hugs Snow*
I'm sorry . . .
Just remember, when you're pushing through life, that we love you. :)
I would just like to say, before I go, that blogland is the only place I've ever felt wanted. And it's the best feeling. Thank you.
G2g. Bye.
Attack and kill are separate words for a reason. Left to my own devices, I never kill until a victim is completely broken, and I've already pained them enough that they become boring. I could go at you for minutes to hours to years before you devolved into slices of meat.
*hugs Snow*
We love you and we're always here for you, remember that, okay? :)
@Star: *nods*
Well, at the end of the day you have to choose something, right. It may not be good to save one person over another, but it's worse to choose neither, isn't it? YOu don't have to put more worth on one person, no, but you've just let two people die when one could have survived.
So maybe when you don't have a right answer, the only really wrong choice is to do nothing?
Because if you help ONE person, then your actions failed to help the other.
But if you try to save neither, then it's YOU who failed to help, because how can your actions fail if you don't TAKE any?
Also, you can't say...
You can't say the consequences of your actions. YOu don't have information and you don't know.
If you chose to save the old doctor, for all you know, he could feel so bad for living when the child died that he kills himself anyway. Would that make your choice to save him more wrong, because it didn't help at all, and there were still two deaths where it could've just been one, had you chosen the child.
idk where I'm going with this.
But, like...
Based on the information you have, your action might be less wrong.
But based on all of the information, it's more wrong?
idk. :P
Goodbye, Snow.
...Charming, Alastair. It's a wonder what Adra sees in you.
(Can't be here long, just a warning...))
*Another insane cackle. Another ear-piercing scream. The girl was bleeding heavily on the ground, jagged cuts criss-crossing along her skin* What do you mean you don't see? *Judhipor's voice was a hiss* What do you mean, you can't see the true beauty of the world? That you can see how destroyed ad corrupted it is? *She kicked the girl's face and her nose cracked* You pathetic... Little... Failure!
@Taia: . . .
Woah. O_O
Yeah . . .
Well - I guess you can't know that the man would commit suicide. So if he does, that isn't your fault.
Also . . .
The kid could grow up to be, like, the new Einstein.
You never know. :)
Or killing the kid could mean his mum commits suicide . . .
which could mean his brother has a really shitting life . . .
. . .
But maybe the kid has a shitty life anyway and his parents abuse him . . .
. . .
I think save the kid. :P
Um . . .
Yeah. :)
WHAT I WAS SAYING was that yes. You're correct. Making a decision is better than not, because at least you save one person, and even if it was more wrong to pick the one you picked, that's less wrong than not picking anyone. :)
@Chione: Yeah, it really is. It was just so out of the blue.
I mean, no one cares if I write. People don't know me as a 'writer' because I don't parade my writing around - I'm far to self-conscious of it. And so I never really get any criticism, good or bad, because I never have an audience. And because I don't have an audience nobody really cares whether I write or not.
But, I don't know. Getting unexpected praise from a random person who didn't need to comment and didn't need to say nice things just gives me hope that maybe I'm not completely wasting my time. Y'know?
Sorry if I've gone on a bit. I never get to talk about my writing, even though I'm really passionate about it, so whenever people mention it I kinda tend to go off on a tangent :/ sorry
*hugs Snow* :/
Whether you're pushing through or being pushed back, you're always the incredible human who you are.
Different people go through different things and deal and feel in different ways. Often times people forget that.
But not everybody will. There'll always be people around for you, right? You're always wanted, however you're reacting to whatever stimulus. It doesn't matter, because you're still Snow, and you're still brilliant.
I hope you're feeling better soon. :)
See you. :) ^^
@Flora: No - random comments are amazing and I know they really make my day when I get them. :) Of course you wanted to share with us. :)
Also - yeah, I go off on tangents about stuff I care about like that.
Or anything like that. :P
I'm good with tangents.
Sorry I've hardly been online today, but I'm really tired and I should probably go to bed... UCAS day tomorrow, so that's - annoyingly - actually important, despite the fact that I'm not applying through UCAS. Ugh. Anyway, gotta go. Night guys. Xxx
Always fear, Dugglyn is here!!!!!!!
How be's yous?!?!?!
How be's yous eyes?!?!?
Isn't it? I suppose, so as to not lead you to misjudge her character, I'll offer you as brief an explanation as I can manage. She is an alchemist, who places great effort and emphasis on balancing her own energy. For years, however, she'd been unbalanced on the side you'd consider good, working as a doctor and all that. Her pregnancy threw her off, so she began to fluctuate dramatically between good and evil. I found her massacring night clubs in Egypt, while she was evil, and we started to travel together, eating and killing people. I'm sure you can imagine how charming I must have seemed to her then. She's balanced herself now, though, so things have been and continue to be rather complicated.
I always try to get people to comment on my stories and my fanfic chapters because their feedback helps me better myself too. I keep every single e-mail I get telling me someone commented on my blog, even though I can easily open it up and read them. It makes me feel good about myself that other people like something that I created, you know?
@Flora: AWESOME! C:
It's always really mind-blowing getting praise from random people who you don't know, because they could have just not left a comment, y'know? Like, when a friend sees something that you've made and comments saying it's good, and it's great, but sometimes it gets like, is a part of that influenced on the fact that they know you.
If it's a random comment of kindness/praise, it's different because the commenter has no experience of you to influence their reaction. Kind of.
idk. :P
*hugs* My point is that I'm super-happy for you, though. :)
And- I'm totally happy to hear you talk about writing, of course. :P
I'm in the process of hopefully trying to start reading Blogland writings again, now. But it's slow-going, because there are many and I don't like choosing. I'm trying to remember people who I've SAID I'd get to at some point, first. :P
Hopefully, I'll remember to get at yours among them, when I get to it. :) :) :)
I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!! No more school!!!!!!_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy, happy happy!!!!! Hyper, hyper, hyper!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night, Luciana!
Well... *Writes as much of that down as she can* That sounds rather interesting. *Writes a small triangle with both his name, Adra's name, and Trip's name at the vertecies* Interesting indeed...
*Writes "Cannibal" under both Alastair and Adra*
Consider me excited for you to attack me, then.
Bye Luciana!
Hey Dugglyn
*hugs Luce* Sleep well, Clover. :)
Hey Dugglyn!
I love how you have an entry ritual, by the way. It's kind of like when Team Rocket appear in Pokémon and go through their motto, time after time. :P / :)
My eyes and I are both good, but also both tired, thank you.
How about yourselves? :)
*smirks* Don't tempt me any further.
What is all of this for, in any case? What do you hope to accomplish?
*cones bouncing back on*
My eyes are slowly melting and I am good. I think. I am worried I am sunburnt! I spent all day roasting in a turf field. Kinda fun. :/
But then I went with some friends to get ice cream and it's the last day of school!!!!!!!!
*hyper jumps in front of her*
Hi!!!!!!!! Long time no see!!!!!!!!!!! How be's yous?!?!?!?! How be's yous eyes?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
@Star: *nods* Yeah. :)
I mean, that still doesn't help you to actually choose between the things, but at least it helps you to deal with the fact that you do choose, maybe? idk. :P
*hugs* :)
@Chi: *nodS* *completely agrees*
I keep the emails, too. :)
It's always amazing, too... I mean, it's been probably more than year-length since I've Blog-posted, but from my experience, because it's here, the people who comment are also people who I look up to, in one way or another. That was always especially incredible. :)
*hopefully will have something to write and put up onto Bloggeroo soon, though, if this idea works out :3*
Two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll try my best not to, Alastair, though no promises.
It's for the sake of learning. I study people. You're quite interesting, you know, and I wouldn't mind studying you in an environment you enjoy.
Hey Dugglyn. I'm fine. My eyes are tired. Your hyper. That's good. 2 days.
Hi Trip!!!!!!!! Is your oven still swimming??!?!?!?! I realized I never took mine out.....
*whirls and punches him in the face*
*a steel-like circle of energy gets in the way of Silente's fist, laughs at her inevitable broken bones*
No, I he got out and came back to the kitchen. How are you?
*rubs her fist pushing the bones into place*
*they heal quickly*
Fine. Plan 2
*stalks over to trips bar*
@Dugglyn: Aw, on the sunburn. I hope it turns out to be not so bad. And, YAY! on ice cream and school finishing. :3
HEllo, O Great Superior Being! How are you, TRip? :)
Trip! Hiya! *hugs*
@Taia I have plenty of chapters I have written in my notebook I haven't typed up yet, i'll need to finish typing them up. But yeah, I haven't posted in ages too. And I have a couple friends on facebook who read my blog and the books so it's not just people on here, which is good. But they don't comment on the blog, they just message me on facebook. Which is ok...I guess...but it feels more... /special/ when they comment on the actual blog... if you get what I mean? then I get the e-mail through as well
I'm good!!!! My eyes are slowly melting, but good!!!!!
How are yous?!?!?! How be's yous eyes?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
*walks over to the lake and calls her oven*
*it comes out of the water*
You were not supposed to stay out all night!!!!!!! No catch for you!!! Go back in side!!
*the oven's tail droops*
*it shuffles inside*
*runs after it*
*scratches its back*
*sends a strong gust of air at her, to lift her and slam her into the wall behind her* *takss a few seps towards her, grinning* Is that an invitation?
I'm fine thank you Taia, you? *hugs Chione*
*watches, intruiged*
Hi Chi!!!!!!!!!! Meow meow meow!!!!!!!!!!
How be's yous?!?!
How be's yous eyes?!?!??!!
@Chi: *nods* *adds Chione to her mental list of people with writing to read eventually :P* *nods* Yeah, I get that. :)
@Trip: I'm good, thanks. :) ^^
*grabs everything she hid before*
*gasoline, small scale bombs, water hoses, missiles*
You understand that someone once tried to nuke me right? Your puny missiles pale in comparison to a me!
Sorry I disappeared - got distracted.
@Star: *hugs* your tangents are always the best though! I just mindlessly ramble! :P
@Chione: I know exactly what you mean.
It's like, you can be the biggest fan of your own work, but nothing can beat when someone else says that they like what you're doing and that they appreciate your work :)
@Taia: I know exactly what you mean! It's like, friends and family can sometimes feel obliged to say something nice about your work even if they don' actually like it. Whereas randomers that take the time to praise your work must genuinely appreciate it, to the extent that they want to come out of veil of 'randomer' and tell you.
And aww thank you! You don't have to read it if you're too busy. There isn't really much up on the blog anyway because I don't writing chronologically, but I write random parts that I'm inspired to write at that given time :P
so basically, I only just finished chapter two, even though I've written the majority of the last half of the book :P
You know what? Yes. Yes it is.
Hello, Trip!
*gets ready*
-in the space of 5 second-
*taps her nose diving through head first*
*emerges inside the bar*
*fires all the missiles, sets off all the bombs, throws the gasoline around and lights it with a flame thrower,diving backwards and landing in the grass outside*
I have emerged victorious, now I can begin to reign this desolate realm. *holds Tesseract in hands*
Silente, have you ever heard the term Zaf-proof? Well, that's what I made that bar nearly a year ago. You're a little late to the party.
Hey Valencia!
*glares at Trip*
*fires a heat seeking missle straighr at him*
Valencia, what do you know about pain?
@Flora: *nods* Yes! :) That's exactly what I wanted to say. :P
And- I shouldn't be busy, soon. And I like reading, and I like Blogland people, so it works out nicely, I hope. :)
*laughs* Yeah, I get that. :)
If it works, though, nothing wrong with that, I guess. :3
I'm gonna go now.
*hugs all*
Bye! *waveS*
*leaps into the air and crosses his legs, letting a bubble of energy envelope him, grinning*
Just give in! You have no reason to kill me!
*The girl was dead. Her eyelids torn off, criss-crossed gashes agaisnt her pale skin, lying in a pool of blood. Judhipor grinned happily and shrugged as she ducked out of the small hidden room and into Blogland* Hey!
*the missle turns around and flies at him again*
I have a reason. I don't like you much
*looks at Judi*
*looks her up and down*
*turns back to Trip*
I know it hurts.
*Her eyes flit from face to face, her grin somehow growing.
Then her eyes land on Loki. She bows mockingly* My King...
Hey Death!
Why don't you like me? I haven't done anything to hurt you. *stays in the bubble, letting the outside heat up so the missile hits it*
(Hey Trip!)
@Taia: okay, then thanks! :) I ought to start publishing some more of my draft posts soon, so you'll have something to look forward to! :)
And yes, very true! As long as you reach the destination, it doesn't really matter the journey! :)
Bye! :)
It's a large collection of numerous different things that has led to a general dilikeing of you Trip.
Hello everyone that's appeared since I've been distant! :)
Bye Flora!
Watching, Judhipor!
But how do people react to it? Physically, mentally- how do you react to it?
Hey Flora
Me? I... Hm. I react well. I like to think that I have a rather high tolerance for it. *Waves her right leg the best that she can* I lost this one, you know. I'm what you call "old friends" with pain.
Well that is a shame, but can I go now? I have more interesting things to do than repeatedly defeat your futile attempts to hurt me.
Well that is a shame, but can I go now? I have more interesting things to do than repeatedly defeat your futile attempts to hurt me.
Gtg i can't see straight. Night!
Goodnight, Silente,
Bye Silente!
I'm getting really tired too...might ghost, not sure.
Goodnight, if I don't come back.
I'm back!
Bye Silente!!!!
Hi Snow!!!!!! How be's yous?!?!? How be's yous eyes?!?!?!?!?
*eyes her critically, considering* So if I were to do this... *draws a knife from his coat and cuts slowly across her waist* ((This is a knife I've described before, so you may have read of it; if it touches her, her skin will dry and harden into a black crust which will crack apart if she moves.))
*Gasps slightly, clenching her fingers tightly into fists* Yes, that would hurt.. *Shuts her eyes*
(Won't be on until late!))
Alright, Judhipor. There's a chance that I might still be here..
*with another knife, he cleanly slices her eyelids off, just lightly enough to not damage her eyes* *the skin the knife touched will start to blister and burn* I like to watch people's eyes while they're in pain. I'd tell you not to close yours, but that's really no longer an option. *using his first knife again, slices along the left side of her jaw* *the black will still be spreading slowly across her waist*
*Keeps still the best that they can* *Her eyes water and she begins to cry* *Clenches her teeth*
You know, I'll keep that in mind next time.
I am ready to have my feels completely and utterly destroyed...
after I read the novella (whih will probably do just that)
*cuts just under her eyes with a different knife* *this one will react with her tears, so they'll leave greenish streaks of apparently boiling skin down her face* Good for you. *as the black spreads across her face, any change of expression will crack it, and if she speaks bits of her cheek are likely to fall off altogether*
*Bites her lips, crying harder* *Doesnt imagine that she'll be able to talk well anyway*
*places his hand over the right side of her ribs, and presses her against the wall till they crack*
*Bites her lip until it bleeds until she screams, her mouth shut* *Her eyes are dry, her vision declining*
*stares at her eyes, grinning madly* I do love screams. Tell me, how would you feel about losing another leg? Or an arm, perhaps? Or all of them...?
* She would answer, but can't due to the problem with her face*
*rolls his eyes* Oh, you can just think it. I'll hear.
*Wishes she could write that down*
*Thinks* Hey, I'd probably mind it a bit. Do you know how expensive prosthetic limbs are? Well, the ones that I have.
*watches what Alastair does, quietly*
*pokes his head out of a shadow*
What a disturbing scenario.
I do not find this disturbing, Blake, I find it intriguing. Alastair seems to be less like the Midgardians around him.
That's quite the understatement.
I'm debating stepping in the beat whatever senses he has left out of him...
((Assuming everyone's still here))
How so? I know not what you mean, Blake Soul.
I have a much simpler method of bringing sense into Alastair's mind. I can, enlighten him.
You haven't seem some of the stuff he's done. I've mostly just heard of things, but some of the stuff I've seen him do... It's not human. No man could do what he has.
As if I cared how expensive it was. *sews the edges of her torso into the wall with shadows, stretching her arms out* *trails a new knife down her shoulder to her wrist, the wound deepening about an inch of its own accord and then burning as it blackens*
I know that much. I have gathered information on a few of you. I know Alastair is hardly human, though I value his attitude. Alastair does what he wants, as do I. Perhaps I should enlighten your mind, Blake Soul.
*Gasps, and notices how her eyes are nearly completely dark*
*Thinks* I thought you said you weren't going to kill me. Would your Adra be happy with you if you did?
Oh, I can quite easily not kill you. I'll only let you die if you get boring. *starts to crush the bones of her fingers one by one against the wall* Are you taking mental notes?
Alastair, what are you doing to the girl? She is one to lie, she will not be useful for you. She is simply a mortal girl pretending to be brave.
If I get boring... So the stoicism might actually lead to my death.
*Stops thinking, and screams for him*
The ones that pretend to be brave are so fun to break. But nonetheless, you misunderstand; she means to study me.
Oh, don't scream because I want you to. *presses a blade against her neck* That's all the more boring.
*Allows for her breath to catch* *It shakes* Don't get me wrong- I've been holding back on you, dear. I didn't have to force myself for that.
*watches Alastair continue torturing* Your methods of torture are unique. You possess more abilities then the other Midgardians around you. When you finish tormenting the girl, I want her. Perhaps she will be just as useful as Zafira Kerias of America. After all, we can thank her for allowing me to enter her Sanctuary and get what is rightfully mine.
*Would narrow her eyes toward Loki* You can have me if you heal me.
Even so. Try not to make too many decisions just to please me. *moves his knife back to his coat, and crushes her forearm into the wall*
Love how you're giving yourself up to him so easily, Valencia.
Heal you? I do not heal Midgardians. I do not have that ability, but I am sure Alastair would heal you if you please him.
*turns to glance at Loki* Why do you say "we" as though we're working together?
*Gasps* Oh gosh, why did you have to take my eyelids off?
Chione, because it's for knowledge. I can't possibly fathom getting away, either. I don't have magic, only... Physical upgrades.
*Takes the diversion of Alastair's attention to Loki to her advantage, and snaps her wings open, zipping out of the cave and away from the two men*
((Welp, I'm going off for good tonight. Goodnight guys))
*she'll have torn off the skin that tied her to the wall* *shifts into a crow and flies after her*
I never intended to make it sound like that, Alastair. I have what is rightfully mine, and I acknowledge that you brought me to the city. I do not consider you an ally, unless you wish to be one. I know you do not care for the people of Midgard, so perhaps you would like to join me.
*She begins to regrow her skin and severed veins and organs as she flies, her large wings sending her fast as well as far*
Goodnight, Chione.
*vanishes, and simply reappears in the air directly in front of her as a human* Isn't your book back in the cave?
*Tilts her wings, stopping her flight abruptly, her wings feeling as if they're being torn from her shoulders as she backpedals*
My book?
*shakes head, and walks towards the lake, and uses the tesseract to freeze the entire lake over*
The one you write in? Oughtn't you be taking notes now?
Guys. I need help. My mother has been missing
Your mother is well, Alexis. I promise you she has been very useful for me.
*screams in fury* WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ZAFIRA?! *draws dagger and throws it at Loki's eye*
*Taps her head* I'll get to it once I find somewhere peaceful to rest.
Do you honestly think I would help you, Alexis?
*shrugs lightly* You could go back, if you like, and I won't pick up where I left off. You've already interrupted me, and you're interesting enough that I don't feel especially compelled to break you just yet.
*catches her dagger* Pathetic. *sends it back at her, aiming towards her neck* You want to know where she is? I can arrange that. She is well, she is simply busy.
Zafira, come to Blogland.
((I shall explain since many of you lack a form of intelligence. When I speak in italics, I am speaking directly to anyone who I have control over, meaning if I touched you over the heart with my sceptre, I control you. You do not know what I say to the ones I control. I only have control over Zafira as we speak.))
*ducks out of way of the dagger*
Alastair, please...you don't understand. Loki wants to rule earth.
Zafira: *comes into Blogland* What do you want? *her usually dark eyes are now as blue as the tesseract*
*Decides that he's telling the truth, and lazily flies back to her cave, where she lands, finding that most of her clothes are in tatters* *Sighs, and picks up some soda to drink as she collapses on the couch* *Unscrews her leg, setting it on the floor to let her stump rest* *It's raw, as well as especially painful this evening*
Oh, I understand perfectly. It'll be absolute chaos if he keeps this up, and I quite like the idea.
*appears back in the cave* Do you have a means of healing yourself?
Do you want that? He will take away your freedom, look at my mother! Alastair, for god's sake...please use your god given head.
Zafira: Ignore her, Alice. She's just afraid.
*Raises her eyebrows* Are you offering?
That depends on your answer.
I daresay I trust my own judgement over either of yours, Zafira, Alexis.
Freedom...it is a lie. Humans have a natural instinct to be ruled. You have no idea what freedom is, and what little freedom you do have, so you say, is nothing. Alastair is the only one who seems to lack the will to be ruled, which is no matter, I can easily arrange for him to regain that will if he would be a threat.
My judgement is a lot better then Zafira's, what do you hope to gain from Loki, Alastair?
*eyes Loki coldly* Freedom is small and yet you want to rule.
Zafira: Alastair, I'm perfectly capable of making my own judgements. I see no wrong in Loki's plan, Alexis is wrong.
... *Sighs, taking a large swig of her soda* I have a way, yes, but it's rather tedious and slow.
I wish to rule because it is my birth right. I am the rightful ruler of Asgard. I should be king, but Odin allowed my witless brother to take the throne. I will rule Midgard as I should have ruled Asgard, your people all want to be ruled. Just look at yourselves, you have governments and people in charge. All telling you how and what to do.
I know the stories, you were supposed to die. Frigga died loving you. I always thought those were myths.
*brushes his hand over her shoulder, healing her hand and a few of her other most damaged bones, then ridding her of the blackened cracking areas of skin* I'll leave the rest to you.
*Nods lightly* Thank you, you've saved me of a lot of energy...
Care for anything to drink?
No. *moves to sit again* Are you often willingly injured in your line of work?
Ignorant Midgardian. *ignores Alexis and motions for Zafira to follow him* You are valuable, who else in this place would you consider valuable?
Zafira: Alastair, Trip, and Blake. If you could get Adra I would get her, but she never is around.
Very well. Lure either Blake or Trip to come to Blogland, I will work on Alastair.
Zafira: I will. *turns* Erskine Ravel would help you willingly. Good night, Loki. *shadow-walks*
*watches her shadows form and disappear, and then heads towards the cave, waiting paitently for Alastair to come out*
Willingly? Not that often, no. I don't usually study people who are as persistent as you seem to be.
*Picks up her book from between her couch cushions, and scribbles notes about her endeavor into it*
*Pauses* So about your sadomasochism... You've often pointed out that you kill things if they bore you. Have you ever considered that, perhaps, you have ADHD?
Oh, for goodness' sakes.
I dedicate to Alastair and Adra. It seems pretty cute, I think. I also dedicate to my pets.
Admittedly, I've never given it much thought. It's hardly the sort of thing I classify as important. I can tell you, if it's of any use to you, that I've been to Hell, and my torture was nothing to do. That was before I fell in love with Adra, of course; it'd be different now. But boredom remains high on my list of things to avoid.
*decides to just walk into the cave* You have been to Hell? Zafira gave me the information that Niccolò Croatoan had been to hell, whoever he may be.
Hmm... Very interesting behavior..
*Scribbles a few more things in her notebook, and flips through a few pages when Loki comes in*
Care for anything to drink? Soda? Water? Blood from the veins of your enemies?
No thank you, Valencia.
Pathetic thing, not really worth mentioning. Techically, Niccolò is simply a lesser part of me; one of my many true names.
*Makes a separate page for Niccolo*
*Looks between the two, noting the tension in the room*
*Decides to make a rather silly decision, but one that's true*
Goodness, two attractive men in my cave. I wonder what will happen now?
I wonder, would a god have a true name? I understand the way a name works here, and yet I wonder.
I dare you to try what you did last night, Valencia. I assure you, you will live to regret it.
What, throw my arms around you? Gracious, Loki. As if you'd want a cripple.
*Leans back against the cushions, stretching her arms*
I would rather a crippled Asgardian, over a Midgardian, let alone a pathetic and crippled Midgardian.
*his eyes turn completely black as he looks at Loki* You have one, no less than any human. *they then shift back to his usual dark brown*
What are you implying, Valencia?
Labels. You know, you're rather racist.
*Drinks her soda again* But that's alright, I understand.
Alastair, you're dense if you can't figure that one out.
I do, do I? And why would I have one, you could not take mine I shall assume. I doubt your human body could handle the name of a god.
*laughs, understanding Valencia* You would not want me, Midgardian. I do what I want, if you annoyed me I would kill you. I doubt you would want the constant risk of death by your love.
*Raises her eyebrows* Eight times to die. I don't think that dying through sex would be a bad way to go, really.
*Folds her hands behind her head*
Well, naturally, but subtext used merely to fill silence is irritating.
*does a happy dance*
Actually I was the one taking it best in my family, I wasn't all that bothered about it. But I missed Blogland!
Also hi btw. :)
*Shrugs* Whatever.
*Sips more soda*
Hello, Emerald!
Um. Awkward place to jump in, me.
*poofs because food*
Hi/bye people!
Hi, Valencia! And sadly bye, Valencia!
*poofs for real this time*
Goodbye, Emerald.
Well, anyway. Ladies, if you aren't here for fun times with me... *Points to the mouth of the cave* There's the door. I need to sleep otherwise.
Hmm. Alastairs obsession almost with Valencia is rather interesting. I rather like watching him and her together. It...captivating almost. And then there's Loki. He has a point about control and freedom. Then again we would likely lose what little freedom most people have if he were to rule here. Aww poor Alexis. Her mothers been brain washed! And Blake and Trip...well out of the two its more likely Trip will be taken due to Blake's distance. Then theres Dugglyn as well.
The plot doth thicken
And plans over lap
The end games near
And then there's me and Death and you, Silente.
Oh. My. Golden. God.
Tom Percival is a genius! This looks absolutely... amazing! I am so excited right now!
Kaeru no uta ga
Kikoete kuru yo
Kwa kwa kwa kwa
Kero kero kero kero
Kwa kwa kwa
Looking through my old Japanese book from grade 4, 5 and 6. I found this. c: Its a song describing what frogs sound like
*creeps in quietly* *points at the first four sentences of Silente's comment*
I second that!
*leaves a tray of cupcakes for the next commenter* *on top of the cupcakes are skulls looking suspiciously like Skul-mans', and hats on top of those*
The decorations are icing, by the way, even I'm not that creepy...
*creeps quietly back out* *hehe, contradictions... I hate em*
CUPCAKES *steals*
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