Monday, June 16, 2014

In Case You Missed It...

Hello Minions.

In case you missed it on my Twitter page, @DerekLandy, I shall repeat what I have twittered-tweeted-whatever, here...

Are you ready for the Year of the Requiem to kick into high gear?

End of the week, the mystery deepens.

You think you might know the identity of Prisoner 270914, but do you have any idea of the danger you, yes YOU, are in? And how much YOU will be needed to stop him?

This Friday, will you take one step closer to finding out?

But tomorrow... TOMORROW we have something you've been waiting for. You've been waiting a LONG time for this. Since the series began... since you started your journey...

Tomorrow, at 4PM on my blog, I will reveal the cover to The Dying of the Light.


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Savannah said...

(What's going on at Ivy's house then? Was told to join them?)

Garret Falcone said...

I bet it does *starts the car and guns the engine before tearing off*

Vivanus Keen said...

*kisses her quickly*
You have a dress ready I hope!

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Velvet, that's where the majority pelf our characters are, so it's easier to join in the RP if you're there.

Viv and Storm, when's the wedding?))

Inky Flame said...

(Inky has just left with annabelle
Mark and Kessie are there)

Tawnee: *tries to get breathing undercontrol*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((I'm calling BS on the 'Inky actually caring for Annabelle' thing))

Garret Falcone said...

That's it deep breathes in and out *continues driving at high speed (and by high i mean like 95mph so completely illegal but the situation calls for it)

Vivanus Keen said...

(December 23rd)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I do..who's meant to be planning the venue and what not?

Annabelle: oh you do, do you? Then quit forcing me and Mark together! I've already said Flick, I. Love. Justin! Sure Mark is sweet and not that unattractive but Zaf made me this way Flick! Hell she probably got a kick out of knowing I'll die alone! *storms off, shaking, growing paler*

Inky Flame said...

(Why Kessie? She's a teen who is trying to get frieds together...)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((The way she treats both of them is incredibly emotionally abusive. Yesterday, with the whole bath scene, was really cruel and demanding towards Mark. And then this whole trying to force them together is just going to make them both uncomfortable and Annabelle feel guilty.))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(Wow...I didn't even know Annabelle felt like that...)

Inky Flame said...

*frowns* but... The only reason I did it is so you wouldn't die alone! *starts getting angry* Justin is a star and if you got with him, whose to say he would be faithful! Atleast mark actually cares!

Just... Forget it ! The more you do the less thanks you get
*storms off to the bar*

Tawnee: *groans* men are so lucky they don't go through this...

Savannah said...

Sorry I poofed, back now!

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...


Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((And that there is gaslighting.

What did Zaf do to Annabelle?))

Star Inkbright said...

What Kes said. *nods*

She's phrased it better than I could . . .

Savannah said...

*skips up the path to Inky's house
Hellooo? Anyone at home?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*opens door to see Velvet*
*looks him/her/them up and down*
And you are?

((I'm sorry Velvet KesTC Iis an ass))

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Annabelle: *runs, sobbing*
*stumbles, her malnourished body not having enough energy to keep her going, and collapses beneath a tree, sobbing*

Vivanus Keen said...

I think that we should find someone to do that.

Savannah said...

*sits down waiting for someone to open the door, if anyone is inside*

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: What?

*has no clue what Zaf did*

Whose to say Mark would be faithful?


Star Inkbright said...


Star Inkbright said...

*blinks* Oh. Hi Viv. :)

Didn't see you there. :P

Inky Flame said...

Felix: *rides along and sees Belle*
Oh? What's going on? *inches towards Belle*
Hey... Wassup?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(@Kes right.
Zaf rewrote Sil, making her think she was a mortal who loved pink and Justin Bieber and HATES blood. She was called Annabelle Stark and lived in Calafornia with her parents.
Her nonexistant parents.
Annabelle was transfered to a new body and Sil was brought back.)

Star Inkbright said...

@SIl: Yeah - I think Annabelleseems more annoyed than guilty. Like I said, she's not 100% nice either. :P

Garret Falcone said...

*smiles* true, we don't have too,
*pulls up outside the hospital and jumps out of the car (not literally)*
*runs around to Taw's side and opens the door*
come on then, lets get you in *carefully takes her out the of the car and carries her inside*

Star Inkbright said...

@Sil: Oh, yeah.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hear hear to both parts!)


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

I knew its good i was sorting that out.

Annabelle: *looks up at Felix, quivering*
W-who are you?

Inky Flame said...

Tawnee:*wraps arms around his neck* oh god...

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Star, gaslighting. It's a form of emotional abuse, where the abuser invalidates the abusee's feelings by making it out like the abusee's just imagining things. It's like the bit in Tangled where Mother Gothel is like, "Oh, not I'M the bad guy))

Inky Flame said...

Felix: the names Felix *grins* you?

Inky Flame said...

Felix: the names Felix *grins* you?

Savannah said...

*stands up and holds her hand out* Hi! I'm Vevet Shadows! But you can call me Velv! *grins*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...


Star, yeah, but if this goes on enough Annabelle will begin to feel like she should be able to like Mark in order to make InkyTC happy, and then...)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Annabelle: Oh...I remember you..

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: Got it. :) That's a great term. C: Totally using it. :)

Garret Falcone said...

Its ok, *shouts* can i have some assistance please * a doctor runs over*
(do you want to do the doctor Chlo?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: :/ Yeah.

It sucks. :/

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*looks at her hand for a second*
*shakes it quickly before retracting her hand*
I'm Kestrel LeStarre. You can call me Administrator or Miss LeStarre.
Why are you here?

Inky Flame said...

Felix: *kneels* so, what's up with you?
*pokes her forehead*

Savannah said...

Got lost, sorry, am I not supposed to be here?

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

Annabelle: I...*sniffles* nothing...

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

How should I know? I've never seen you before in my life.
((Velvet I'm so sorry she's in a bad mood today and she's taking it out on people, if she's being too mean just tell me.))

Savannah said...

Well, could you please tell me where I am at least? *crosses her arms*
(Haha, no, it's fine don't worry Kes!)

Inky Flame said...

(*sighs* I keep to many things to myself and in the end I crash and burn and think about running away and stuff
So I am learning to get things off my chest

with INkyTC, I'm sorry. I write her as me, because I find it hard to write as someone else
So I guess me and her are both guilty
But the thing is, I write from experience and doing what I did is what happens around me in day to day life. I wouldn't understand how belle would feel because I haven't been in that position, and I learn and make judgements to personal experience

What I'm saying probably doesn't make sense but it does in my head

So, I'm not going to anymore
I'm goif to go now and watch the jungle and think

Nught )

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Chloe, it's fine, it's cool for her character development and stuff. I just like analysing characters and sometimes I go too far.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, that was totally not my intention. *hugs*

Good night :())

Velvet, you're at Inky's house.

Garret Falcone said...

(Goodnight Chloe)

Savannah said...

Wait, what about me? Confused!

Savannah said...

Well thank you Miss, guess I'll just be on my way then.

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Ducks (why couldn't I get 'd'? I somehow only pressed s and f...) her head under her wing*

Savannah said...

*starts down the path, humming "all by myself"*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*sighs* Look, where are you trying to go?

Garret Falcone said...

*steps out of kes' shadow*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(It seems I disappeared briefly.)

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Takes her head out from under her wing at the sound of humming*

Emerald Melody said...

love you all xx
miss the place xx
everyone keep well and safe please xx

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Good night, Chloe. You're amazing!)

*Tanya is sitting by a lake, cleaning her blades*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(*huggles Em* c:)

Savannah said...

*turns around*
I um, don't actually know, I just woke up a couple of minutes ago on a bench with no memory but my name and I just started walking and found this place. *shrugs and sighs*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*jumps back from Garrett* Jesus Christ! You ever consider warning people when you do that?

((*huggles Em* Love you too :)))

Savannah said...

*starts laughing at Kestrel's reaction and high fives Garr*

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Inky* Yes . . . I'm sorry. :/ I'm quite mean about characters sometimes, because I know they can't ever hear anything I say about them so I don't have to filter my words . . . plus, like Kes, I like analysing characters. Scratch that, I love analysing, period. :P
Yeah . . . I don't have friends that do that, personally, and I really can't speak much on this subject and how I would feel because I'm currently identifying as an aromantic asexual (with a little question mark in brackets by each word in case something happens in the future and I'm not after all) and so I . . . can't relate to liking people/having the potential to like people. On top of that, I've seen too many asexuals posting on AVEN asking how they stop people trying to set them up with people because it's really annoying and makes them uncomfortable, and y'know. However, I went on regardless, because I didn't think it was just me just to Kes also having an issue and, if you look at it logically from a "This equals this. This is bad, therefore this must also be bad" perspective, it also logically points to it not just being me (Inky is causing negative emotions for no good reason other than the fact doing so makes her happy, therefore I am justified in responding as such), so I mostly assumed it wasn't just me. If, however, it is just me, I apologise.
Also, if I took it too far, I also apologise . . . if I did, I was unaware (otherwise I wouldn't have taken it that far).

Furthermore, it was never my intention to insult/upset you, InkyTA - you're a genuinely nice person and I like you, plus I quite strongly adher to the 'characters are their own people' rule (because it's just basic discrimination not to. :P)

In short - sorry.

*hugs everyone*

Garret Falcone said...

(*gives Em a hug* )
*laughs and grins* what's the point of giving a warning, it'll ruin my fun....

Savannah said...

(Hey Garr, just noticed your profile picture! So cool!)

Star Inkbright said...

*due to

Not 'just to'. :/

Ben Gambit said...

*Ben walks in, twisting the ring on his finger nervously*

Star Inkbright said...

. . .
When I start ranting in a structured manner, you can slowly see my vocabularlyfulness increeaaasssseeeeeeee. XD

I used the word 'furthermore' in a conversation the other day and C had a go at me for being too formal . . . "If you're a teacher and you're teaching, you can say blahblahblah ALSO blahblahblah FURTHERMORE blablahblah and that's fine, but if you're in a conversation wiht your friends, you don't just say FURTHERMORE! You just - no."

Savannah said...

Hey Ben, you found us!

Vivanus Keen said...

*Sortilege peeks in, taking notes*

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

*a large mech strides into view, walking towards them* *it stands easily at about ten feet tall, perhaps more* *it advances until it is stood next to them, before a green light shines from its head, projecting a hologram of a wireframe female figure*
IRIS: Hello, I am IRIS.

Ben Gambit said...

I guess I'm just lucky *smiles knowingly*

Savannah said...

(So did you just join today? *smiles back at him*)

Vivanus Keen said...

Vivanus: *heads toward the mech*

Parse: *sketches the scene*

Ben Gambit said...

(yeah, though I've heard a lot about you guys)

Star Inkbright said...

@Ben: Hopefully good stuff. :)

Garret Falcone said...

(thank you Velv, its the icon from the band disturbed)
(Hello Ben, you found us)
*high fives Velv*
*looks at the mech and Iris*
hello I'm Garrett.

Star Inkbright said...

Wait, no, it will be good stuff. We're cool. XD

Ben Gambit said...

(More or less...)

Star Inkbright said...

I like Disturbed. :)

Amethyst Temerity said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Ben: :P

Star Inkbright said...

Hi, Amy. :)

Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello Star! How are you?

Vivanus Keen said...

Hello IRIS.

Savannah said...

*high fives Ben for being new*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Oops, sorry for poofing I was writing up a response for a debate I'm having with someone on Tumblr.))

Star Inkbright said...

Fine, thanks, Amy. :) Slightly scared that I'm turning into C. :O
In a bad way, not a good way. O_O

How're you? :)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

((Hi Amethyst!))

Star Inkbright said...

I love debates. :)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

I'm going off brackets, Kes is sulking for some reason.

Yeah, Star, I have a feeling you'd get along very well with this person...
C is your sadist writer friend, yeah?

Garret Falcone said...

(Hello amy, how be you? *offers hug*)
(that's cool Star, what's your favorite song?)
(Welcome back Kes )
(Hello Viv, how be you bro?) (your now a bro friend, ok?)

Vivanus Keen said...

(Hello Ben, welcome to blogland)

Amethyst Temerity said...

I'm okay but so much studying... I have a two-day and a three-day test this week :\

Hello Kes, Vivanus, and Velvet!
How are you all?
@Velvet: I don't think we've met before! I'm Amethyst! :D

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(Apologies, internet trouble.)

IRIS: Hello, human. What is your designation?

Ben Gambit said...

(yeah! new person high five *raises hand*)

Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello Garrett! *hugs* I'm okay, thanks. What about you?

Ben Gambit said...

(don't leave me hanging)

Amethyst Temerity said...

Also, hello Sophia and Ben!
How are you both?

@Ben: I don't think we've met before! I'm Amethyst! Nice to meet you!

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*jumps into the discussion because I CAN*
but also Perfect Insanity, and Façade, and Divide, and The Game, and Asylum, and Remnants, and Enough, and Brlieve, and Prayer, and Inside The Fire

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I am depressed, Amethyst. Yourself?)

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: Probably. :P

Yes, she is. :) And she's wonderful, and I love her, but she's also very mean. And she's delibrately mean to people beacuse she finds it enjoyable, and then when they get upset she feels she should feel guilty but she doesn't ACTUALLY feel guilty.
And I think her meanness is rubbing off on me . . . oops. :P

Ben Gambit said...

Ben: I've been traveling around lately, but I need some cash. anyone know of some jobs floating around?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Pretty good, Amethyst, you?
I am so pumped for Saturday holy crap

Star Inkbright said...

I don't have a favourite song. I don't know if you mean in general, or Disturbed-specific, but I don't have a favourite song either way, so it's good. :P

Star Inkbright said...


Sorry . . . I transpose 'cool' and 'good' a lot. :/

Amethyst Temerity said...

I'm okay, thanks, Sophia.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Star, I'm pretty sure you're incapable of being mean

Amethyst Temerity said...

I'm good, Kes.

Ben Gambit said...


Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(No one is incapable of being mean.)

Commander Sophia Keating (N7 Operative and Council Spectre) said...

(I have to leave now. Goodbye.)

Star Inkbright said...

What Sophia said.

I believe there's two definitions of being mean, anyway. There's actually being mean TO people, and then there's just being internally mean whilst displaying nice characteristics on the surface. :P

But thank you, Kes. :)

Savannah said...

(Sorry for poofing, now Ben, you get an extra special high five! *whacks Ben's hand as hard as posible* Oops! *giggles* Hai Amethyst, I'm new today so nice to meet you! *hugs* NIGHT EVERYONE AND THANKS FOR AN EPIC FIRST DAY IN BLOGLAND!!! SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW!!! *hugs to all*)

Star Inkbright said...

C's internally mean AND externally mean, but she's mainly only externally mean to her friends - she doesn't go around bullying random people, like. :P

Amethyst Temerity said...

Good bye Sophia and Velvet!

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Velvet, Sophia. :(

Garret Falcone said...

(I'm really happy thank you Amy, (I've had a lovely text from Chloe, that has made my heart melt) )
(nice choice of songs Kes,
my favorites are Asylum, all of the songs on the indestructible album, liberate and warrior )

Vivanus Keen said...

Bye Velvet.

I am Vivanus Keen.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Bye Sophia! Bye Velvet!

Thanks, Garrett :) I love the Indestructible album

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Alright, Star, I don't think you're capable of being purposefully externally mean

Garret Falcone said...

(Goodnight Soph and Velv)
(one more I need to add to my list is: hell)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

I'm adding Old Friend to mine

Star Inkbright said...

The Indestructible album is great. :) Some of its songs came on shuffle today and it was . . . pretty awesome . . . :)

@Kes: I am. I have been in the past. :P

Star Inkbright said...


I don't have Old Friend and Hell . . .

. . .
I should buy them.

Garret Falcone said...

everyone is mean at some stage, its just part of life,
I've been mean before (believe it or not).)

Star Inkbright said...

. . .
I appear to be incapable of buying thes songs without buying most of that album at the same time, so maybe I should refrain. :P

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

Star, I don't have any songs off of The Sickness or Believe, and only a few from Indestructible, so you're probably good :P

Star Inkbright said...

@Gar: I believe everyone is mean sometimes. :)

It's not the fact I'm being mean. It's the fact I have the desire to be mean about/to people with a lack of remorse . . . I don't normally exhibit these characteristics and I hope that the change isn't permenant. Being nice is part of my identity and if I ceased to be nice, it would throw a lot of things off-balance.

Star Inkbright said...

@Kes: I only just worked out how to buy songs with my mobile credit, so now I'm like "Ooh, this is cool, let's buy songs!", so. XD

I have Indestructible and Asylum and Ten Thousand Fists, so I'm pretty good. :) I don't have anything from The Lost Children or The Sickness or Believe.

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...


Crap, I have to go, I've just remembered Bio homework. Bye!

Garret Falcone said...

I personally think you're just going through a phase and it should pass, and are you suppressing the desire? Because (I'm no expert) if you resist the desire to be mean then it should go away and you won't want to be mean)

Amethyst Temerity said...

Good bye, Kes.

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Kes! :(

Lol, yeah . . . I have a long history of overreacting. XD

No, the opposite - normally I'm rather good at supressing meanness, which is of course why I'm nice, but now I just seem to lack the motivation to suppress - which, of course, stems from a lack of caring about whether people are upset or not, but I always had that.
. . .
I think the difference must be, then, that I care less about if they think I'm mean, which is maybe because I don't mind meanness, myself - that, or I'm just convinced they're going to have a negative opinion of me anyway. Previously, I've been nice because I want people to see me as nice. I still have that desire, but it's less . . . rooted.

Thank you! :) That was helpful. :)

(Ranting helps me so much . . . :/ which is kind of bad, because like, in lessons I often have to get some scrap paper and scribble my thoughts before I can do the work. :P)

Garret Falcone said...

(Goodbye Kes,
no probs Star, helping is one thing I'm good at and if you need to have a rant feel free to use my email which is on my profile and ranting is good (most of the time) )

Star Inkbright said...

Thank you, Gar. :) *hugs*

I hope ranting is good, otherwise I'm screwed. XD

Garret Falcone said...

*hugs* Star* No probs and i personally think ranting is good (depending on the subject)

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, good. :)


Garret Falcone said...

(ok, Star :) )

Garret Falcone said...

*a tumbleweed rolls past*
its gone quiet.....?)

Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...


Jai (Silente Tempest - St Of Sinners) said...

(*has two bed in her room*
*the fully made double bed*
*the unmade campbed*
*cat favours campbed*
*is officially sleeping on campbed tonight*)

Garret Falcone said...

(*another tumbleweed rolls past* well I've not doing much *follows it* )

Garret Falcone said...

(I'm going to disappear for the night.....
Goodnight everyone (if anyone is still here) )

Protector said...

(*The tumbleweed suddenly transforms into Blake*

Appears that by using darkness to alter the way light refracts off objects I have successfully managed to become an illusionist as well as necromancer! Muahahahah!

Not really. I just figured that having a previously mentioned prop turn into me would make a neat entrance.)

Protector said...

(Alas it seems there is nobody here to praise my so very well done entrance. For shame Blogland, for shame.)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Hello, Blake.


How are you?

Protector said...



Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Not too bad. I think.


So, why the disappointment?

Protector said...

As mentioned above there was nobody around for that entrance. It was a good entrance. I liked it.

*A tear runs down his stoic face*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

Well, I saw it.

You don't have to worry, it will live on in my memory forever.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*explodes* -Zaf

Protector said...

I'm sure.


I never finished beating up Tanya.


*silently fumes about the incredible disgrace that is an unfinished fight*

Protector said...

*Glaces at the Zaf giblets scattered around the page*


Not cleaning that up.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hello, Zaf! How are you?

I'm listening to Interstellar soundtrack, I'm weird like that.

So, whatcha guys doing?)

Protector said...

(J's doing homework, a couple of essays for economics. So really nothing much.)

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Coos softly*

(General maths is... Omg...)

Amethyst Temerity said...

*pokes head in*

Protector said...

*Bops Amy in the head*

Don't just stick your head in, join the growing conversation.

*Sets Dove on his shoulder, gently rubbing under her chin*

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Rubs the side of her head against Blake's jaw*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*moves in with everyone else*
*bops Blake on the head*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Hey Amy and Dove. How are you?)

Amethyst Temerity said...

I'm fine, thanks Tia! What about you?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

(Eh... could be better. But ok, I guess.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I'm fine. I was weirdish but now I'm better.-Zaf

Amethyst Temerity said...

Hello Zaf. How are you?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Protector said...

Being weird is not a bad thing. I, for one, encourage it.

*Pulls a rabbit out of his sleeve*

Poof, magic. Let's see your stone touch top that, Grand Mage.

Amethyst Temerity said...

*pulls out a fake,stuffed bread*
*covers it with a blanket and whispers some words along with waving my hands around over it*
*rips the cloth off*
BREAD! *points to bread which is not edible and real*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: Top that? *explodes and reforms* I win.

Amethyst Temerity said...

*stares at Zafira*
*looks at bread* :(
*claps for Zafira*

Amethyst Temerity said...

(Oops... I just realized I made a crucial spelling error. My previous comment is suppose to be "now edible and real" not "not edible and real" and that makes a huge difference)

Protector said...


*His left eye becomes a void, empty of light*

Are we really going to play the "Whose magic is more impressive" game?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*eats Amy*

*stares at bread*

Amethyst Temerity said...

TIA WHAT- *is eaten*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira: No. I prefer to not play games.

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*removes Amy from self before she is eaten*

*picks up bread*

*points out Any*

Are you hungry, bread?

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Amethyst Temerity said...

*is in shock*
*stares at Tia and bread*

Amethyst Temerity said...

(Why is there a huge space after that comment?)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*rolls in and eats them all*
*rolls out*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*is eaten by Kes*

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Nudges Blake's jaw and coos in his ear*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Amethyst Temerity said...

(Tia, what do we do now?)

Protector said...

*Blinks a few times, his eye returning to its normal icy blue*

*Rubs Dove's head gently*

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Ruffles her feathers and presses against his finger gently. Coos louder*

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


Here's a breakfast bar that I totally didn't steal from a dead bandit earlier today.

*hands the food to Amy*

Amethyst Temerity said...

(Are we in Kes? Didn't she eat us? Or do we just pretend we were miniaturized and alive inside her?)
*takes the food*
*splits the bar and hands half of it to Tia*
Thanks. :)

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

No I ate you you're inside and probably dead tbh

Once I are Mara and then she ate me from the inside and escaped

Amethyst Temerity said...

(o_o wow, okay...)

Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...

*Looks at Amy* Are you sure you can Blogspeak?


Let's roll!

*rolls towards the action*

Amethyst Temerity said...

*follows Tia*

Mémoire Perdue said...

*Hides her head under his wing and starts to sleep*

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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