As you all know, today is the day the title of Book 9 is announced.
Except it isn't.
Nope, now that day will be Monday, because there's something else that I want to talk about instead, something a little more important than a book title.
I've been working hard these past few months. I write the occasional blog entry, I've barely been on twitter, I've barely glanced at the Forums or the Facebook page. I'm writing, and I know you understand that, and I appreciate your patience. It's not going to be for very much longer, either. I'm planning on finishing the book next week. I have a lot to do, but I reckon I can do it.
But something has happened in my absence. Something troubling. Not on the twitter page — everyone there is funny and enthusiastic. Not on the Facebook page — everyone there is supportive and astonishingly excitable. Not on the Forums, either — they argue, debate, discuss, and at no time do they ever let these arguments spill over into anything else.
Nope, the trouble is here, in the Comments section of this blog.
Most of the Minions who comment here are my kind of people. They're weird. And I mean, unashamedly odd. I've always been so, so proud of you guys, because I look around at other fandoms and I see everyone sniping at each other and divisions forming and I'm comforted by the fact that none of that happens here.
But I've been away. I've taken my eye off the game. And now I'm seeing behaviour that could be classed as bullying.
You all know my stance on bullying. I will not abide it. The blog, twitter, Facebook, Forums... ANYTHING associated with me must have zero tolerance for bullying. I just won't have it.
The Minions who comment here, I want you to think about the comments you leave. If you never say anything negative about anyone, step over here beside me. I like you. You can be my friend. But if you think about the things you say and you're frowning to yourself? Then I'm probably talking to you.
Harsh words are one thing. We all argue. We all have harsh words. But if all you have, for one particular person, are harsh words? If you CONSISTENTLY say negative things about one PARTICULAR person? Then that's bullying. And that has to stop.
I'm not naming any names. I don't want the bullies to be, in turned, bullied by people who are annoyed they won't get the title until Monday. I don't want recriminations. But what I do want is for you to realise that we're all here because, to some degree, we're all the same. We each have enough in common, as people, as individuals, to love the same things. Do you realise how wonderful that is? To KNOW you have something in common with all these other people?
I have never called Minions "my fans". I will call them fans of the books, fans of the characters, but they're never MY fans. They're never fans of ME. Because we're all the same. I'm not better than you, just because I'm the writer and you're the reader. I have enough in common with each of you to know that, if we met, we'd get along. We'd find SOME common ground.
You're on a train. You see someone in another seat reading a book you LOVE. And you instantly smile, because you have connected with that person. So look around. See all the people who comment and the people who tweet and blog and post... there are your people. These are your friends. Let the harsh words fade away. Wipe the slate clean. Start fresh.
Where I train, in the most brutal form of fighting there is, we have a rule, and it's quite simple. We're training to fight and hurt and break and smash. On the street, we're animals. We're horrible. We're violent. We're nasty. But in the club, when we train, the rule is: Be nice or go home.
So be nice. Being nice is so much NICER than not being nice. Try it and see, and then you can come over here and stand beside me, and you can be my friend too.
But don't make me angry. You wouldn't like what I do to your favourite characters when I'm angry.
Friday, April 11, 2014
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«Oldest ‹Older 2401 – 2600 of 4955 Newer› Newest»Good good! What did you do there?
@Mithria: Oh. :( Poor you.
And - YAY! :)
Um... lots of things... we were in the area of Languedoc-Roussillon, that's in the south. We stayed in a youth hostel near Arles and we did lots of cultural stuff, visited cities and things like that.
Ah okay. So. How are you?
Tired. I just came home from babysitting. Two-year-old girl.
I'm exhausted :D
Nah... actually, I'm fine! You?
So... what have I missed here?
I'm fine. Well I don't think you've missed anything big, er, star did anything important happen?
@Mithria: :(
Fine is good, though! :)
@Mithria: Well, Zaf is just doing a rather fantastic impersonation of Niccolò. And, um . . . yeah.
Was she around for the wedding?
Hunter: *reminds Star* There was a glitter war. O_O
Ez: *facepalm* Of course, you would remember that.
*reports to Mith* And Osmosis got married! :)
(No idea, Silente. :P)
How does he even know about that? He wasn't here for it!
Photo died
F***, I missed the wedding?!
*nods at Hunter and Ez*
*looks at Hunter* A glitter war?
@Silente: HUSH.
Hunter: I have magical powers of prediction.
So I saw it was going to happen before it happened, but SADLY I couldn't be there because something came up.
Well, a lot of somethings came up, and I couldn't ignore ALL of them.
Um... who is Photo?
Ez: *nods back* Hi.
Hunter: Yes, a glitter war.
A war.
With glitter.
Hi. :)
Star: Yeah, but you can read back, and it's probably on Anni's blog . . .
Someone who was involved in the osmosis wedding.
Well you /could/ ignore all of them but that might have cause problems.
Oscar's fabulous friend.
You know?
A glitter war Mir. It started with a glitterbomb and it ended with dissolvation.
@Silente: Someone who was involved in the Osmosis wedding?
He was much, much more than that.
Now I'm crying.
*sobs* PHOTO.
I will read back! As soon as my poor computer is back. So probably tomorrow :)
A glitter war. *nods* Alright. Who against who?
Ez, do you think we have met more than once? I can't remember if we have...
Star, I'm sorry. I really don't know him. I think I saw the name once or twice when Anni was writing but... *shrugs* Sorry.
Star. Hold it together!
*gives her a sparkly bubble gun with unpopable bubble mixture inside*
Be happyz!
Me and glitter vs pretty much everyone who was on.
He was in charge of security at the Evil League of Evil.
He'd worked for Oscar for many years, but then he slipped up and let Hassle in and Oscar sacked him.
Photo was a bit mad. He pretended to be gay so he could wear sparkles. Because he likes sparkly things.
He wasn't actually gay, though. He used to flirt with pretty much every woman he saw, so when there were a lot of them, he broke down a bit trying to chat them all up at once. XD
And he was fabulous. Very fabulous. *nods mournfully*
Sounds like someone I would have liked...
Ez: I can't remember, to be honest.
Nice to meet you again, anyway. *smiles*
Star: *hugs Silente* Thanks. :)
Your welcome star. I should probably stop giving away my produce...
*grins at Ez*
And you! :)
Um... would you please excuse me for a few minutes. I gotta prepare my dinner...
@Mithria: OH, GOSH.
Let me copy and past some stuff for you.
Okay, Mith. :)
Bye then Mir. See ya ven jou returnz
*pokes ez*
*throws glitter on hunter*
*licks star*
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
*the world is quiet*
*and silent*
*and it doesn't notice the black-clad shadow pacing the streets*
*slowly winding along a path to a mansion*
*a very big*
*the figure fingers the cell phone in his pocket*
*and smiles*
*this will be easy*
January 7, 2014 at 2:22 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
*inside the mansion, a party is raging*
*a party to put the Great Gatsby to shame*
*a woman is hopping from male guest to male guest, chatting them up*
*she is very pretty*
*a credit to her plastic surgeon*
*she is wearing a dress that costs enough money to feed a third-world country*
*and her makeup consist of golden tattoos swirling around her eyes*
January 7, 2014 at 2:25 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
Woman: *sidles up next to a gentleman in a black suit*
Well? What do you think?
*she flutters her eyelashes*
All the top models, all the top designers, all the big-shots of the fashion industry gathered in one place! It's fabulous, isn't it? I'm sure one of the world-renowned hairdressers will be able to fix your hair.
Oscar: *shame-facedly adjusts his hat*
My hair is fine. I like my hair.
Woman: Aw, isn't he precious?
*pinches Oscar's cheek*
Oscar: Er . . .
*leans away from her*
I can't help noticing the security detail . . .
Woman: Yes, we have only the finest security here. We wouldn't want anything getting stolen, would we?
Now then, on to the main question.
Where's that adorable albino right-hand-man of yours?
Oscar: *mumbles*
Looking for food.
Woman: *gasps*
Food? In my house?
Don't be absurd.
*bustles off*
January 7, 2014 at 2:28 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
Woman: Hey.
*flutters her eyelashes*
You're new with the League, aren't you? I haven't seen you around before, and I thought I knew all those bastards.
Gary: Yes, I'm new.
*averts his eyes*
Woman: My name is Plastique Davenport.
Gary: . . . Garrote Armitage.
Plastique: Ooh! Fancy name.
*flutters her eyelashes*
*realizes he's not looking*
Why aren't you looking at my beautiful face?
Gary: *mutters something*
Plastique: I'm sorry?
Gary: *mutters something*
Plastique: Beg pardon?
Gary: Yourhairisn'tsymmetricalandneitherisyourdressbothofthemaremoreheavilyadornedontheleftandtheswirlymakeuparoundyoureyesisgivingmeaheadachesopleasepleasepleasegoaway.
Plastique: . . .
Gary: *quietly scoots away*
Plastique: *looks at the ceiling*
How could today get any worse!?
*outside, a black clad figure looks up at the mansion*
*and smiles*
January 7, 2014 at 2:32 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
*in a secluded hallway*
*leading to a secluded bedroom*
*two young models are laughing and dragging one another down the hall*
*both are tall and thin and Korean*
*one has violently blood-red hair*
*and both are wearing so much makeup they are completely unrecognizable*
Arthur: C'mon . . !
May: *giggling uncontrollably*
I really like you, Arthur . . .
Arthur and May: *giggling and chattering away and saying things that your mother wouldn't want you to say*
*stumble into the bedroom*
*see the black-clad figure standing on the windowsill*
Black-Clad Figure: *facepalms*
January 7, 2014 at 2:36 PM
*hisses at the glitter*
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
May: *leaps in front of Arthur*
I'll protect you!
You . . .
The Models: *take a step back*
You're models for the Davenport Corporation, right?
Models: *nods shakily*
FABULOUS! You know, I love your makeup.
Models: Really?
Of course I do, it looks gorgeous!
You're both very pretty, and oh my gosh, girl, where did you get those shoes? They look fabulous on you!
May: Th-thanks.
And you, sir, look pretty badass in that blazer
Arthur: Thanks . . .
Now then . . .
*leaps across the room*
*takes out May with a spinning kick*
*and knocks out Arthur with a well placed punch in the face*
*and the groin*
*and the sternum*
Arthur: *crumbles to the ground*
*pirouettes on the spot*
*leaps gracefully over the unconscious bodies*
*and dances down the hall in search of Plastique's office*
January 7, 2014 at 2:40 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
Ah . . .
*sees her office*
*pushes the door open*
*the office is hot pink*
*and everything that could have glitter on it, does have glitter on it*
*begins to root around in the filing cabinets*
*stepping on the fuzzy pink carpet as he does so*
*a spark of magic flares under his heel and zips through the house*
*a tiny pink spark*
*that winds its way through countless halls till it bursts into the ballroom*
*skitters across the floor*
*and gently nudges Plastique's heel*
Plastique: *whips around*
*looking in the direction of her office*
*she looks like she would be panicking, if her face wasn't plastic*
Plastique: BOTOX!
*a spandex-and-seqin-clad security guard gracefully trots to her side*
*his mascara is nicer than hers*
Botox: How can I help you, ma'am?
Plastique: Someone has broken into my office!
Botox: Fabulous!
Plastique: No, not fabulous! Bad! This is very not-fabulous!
Go get him!
Botox: But-
Plastique: GO GET HIM.
Botox: *swallows grimly*
*more security guards join him*
*and they rush off in a blur of sequins*
January 7, 2014 at 2:46 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
*rips open a cabinet*
. . . No.
*rips open another one*
. . . No.
*rips open a third*
. . .
*pulls out a manilla envelope*
*and removed from it a pile of sketches*
*the sketches are all of women in magnificent dresses*
*dimensions are sketched out*
*as are numbers, sizes, pleats, seam lines, ratios, and color schemes*
*and each picture is signs with a triangle wearing a bow tie*
*holds them up gleefully*
Door: *gets pounded on*
Botox: Hey, you!
Get your fabulous arse out here before we break down the door!
*looks around wildly*
*there are no windows*
*no other exits*
*takes a deep breath*
*then opens the door with a flourish*
Good evening, gentlemen!
January 7, 2014 at 2:49 PM
Annika Barnosky / ??? said...
Fabulous Security Guards: *seize him by the arms*
*drag him from the room*
Botox: Ah-HA!
*rips the designs from his hands*
So that's your game! Stealing the designs of our darling Ms. Davenport so you, whoever you are, can pass them off as your own!
I bet you're the guy who's been stealing fashion designs from all across Blogland!
*laughs fabulously*
For myself?
No, the designs aren't for myself. I sell them off to the highest bidder, and make a fortune in the process.
Don't worry your little heads about it.
I only sell them to designers. It would be a cruel man indeed who would deprive the world of seeing those dresses.
Botox: I don't understand!
Why would you do something like this!
Isn't it obvious, Botox, my boy?
*shakes off the guards*
*and with one fluid motion, rips off the black clothes to reveal sequins, spandex, and imitation crocodile*
Botox: *GASP*
Fabulous Security Guards: *GASP!*
Botox: It . . . IT'S YOU?
YOU'RE the Fabulous Snatcher?
What can I say?
*Photo Finish bows*
I'm a supervillain.
January 7, 2014 at 2:54 PM
Annika Barnosky / Photo Q. Finish said...
*the world plunges into a sea of darkness and disco lights*
Guard: Wait . . . what?
What's going on?
Botox: Don't let him trick you! Hallucinations is his game! Don't let him go!
Guard: . . . I let him go.
Botox: GAH!
Where's he run off to?
*pelts through the mansion*
*breathing heavily*
Must . . . find . . . Oscar . . .
*bursts into the ballroom*
*and stealthily melts into the crowd*
*his clothes, though a little less flamboyant than most of the guests, allow him to blend in*
*he tucks the designs into his pocket*
*and searches desperately for a way out*
January 7, 2014 at 2:57 PM
Annika Barnosky / Photo Q. Finish said...
Oscar: Mr. Finish?
Oscar: . . .
I mean, hullo, Oscar, you're exactly the person I was looking for.
Listen, can I borrow your car?
Oscar: I beg your pardon?
Your car. You know, the black, symbol-covered corvette that you drove here tonight?
Oscar: . . .
. . .
Oscar: Here's the thing . . . that car may not actually be mine.
Oscar: I might have borrowed it.
You . . . borrowed it?
Oscar: Yes.
From Doc Precocious?
Oscar: . . . Yeah.
*turns a little pink*
. . . Wow, she must really, really love you.
Oscar: *nods dazedly*
Botox: *stumbles into the room*
Oh, oh no, oh no no no no no.
January 7, 2014 at 3:00 PM
Annika Barnosky / Photo Q. Finish said...
Oscar: Oh, look, it's Botox! Hey Bo-
*claps a hand over his mouth*
Oscar: ERMPH!
Don't tell him I'm here!
*drags Oscar deeper into the crowd*
Oscar: *rips Photo's hand off*
Photo, have you been engaging in freelance super villain work?
. . . No?
Oscar: Does that mean yes?
*look guilt-stricken*
I'm been stealing and selling off top-of-the-line fashion designs.
Oscar: Really?
Oscar: That's fabulous.
I know, right?
Botox: *elbows his way through the crowd*
Oh no, oh no!
Oscar: *pushes Photo aside*
*leaps in front of Botox*
No, stop! You've got the wrong man.
Botox: I haven't got the wrong man.
Oscar: *whips his hair back*
You've got the wrong man.
Botox: I . . .
Oscar: *snaps his fingers in a Z shape*
You've got the wrong man.
Botox: I've got . . .
Oscar: *combines the two actions*
You've got the wrong man.
Botox: I've . . . got the wrong man.
*walks away in a dazed confusion*
*slow claps*
You have mastered the art of fabulous, sir. Well done, I'm very proud.
Oscar: *bobs his head sassily*
It feels good.
Fabulous feels good.
January 7, 2014 at 3:05 PM
Annika Barnosky / Photo Q. Finish said...
*15 minutes later*
Ah, this is the life.
*sips a frappucino*
Thank you for giving me a ride home, Oscar.
Oscar: Don't mention it.
*is handling the car like it's a priceless artifact*
Yes, sorry about this, Gary.
Gary: *is crumpled up in the tiny back seat*
*mutters* "I'm sorry about this, Gary." *in a high-pitched and squeaky voice*
Anyway, thanks, Oscar.
Oscar: Don't mention it, it's fine.
I have a busy day tomorrow, so it's best if I get home as soon as possible.
Oscar: Oh? What are you doing? I thought you had the day off tomorrow.
I do, I do, but I also have a date.
Oscar: Ah. I see. Who's the lucky guy?
January 7, 2014 at 3:09 PM
Annika Barnosky / Photo Q. Finish said...
Uh . . .
He's REALLY good-looking. And he's . . . tough. And . . . and RUSSIAN.
Oscar: . . .
Gary: . . .
Oscar: . . . You're dating a Russian guy?
*looks uncomfortable*
Oscar: . . . Mr. Finish, are you quite alright?
Erm . . .
*looks from Gary to Oscar*
. . . Okay . . . don't tell anyone . . . but . . .
I'm not actually gay.
Oscar and Gary: *burst into uncontrollable laughter*
I'm not!
Oscar: *wipes tears from his eyes* Photo, you're the gayest gay guy who ever gayed!
No guys, listen.
*looks very ashamed*
I . . . I just like sparkly stuff, okay? I mean, I WANT to be gay. I would LOVE to be gay, because it gives me permission to like that sort of stuff. But . . . but . . .
*whispers* I REALLY like girls.
Like, REALLY like girls.
Oscar: *still laughing*
So . . . you pretend to be gay, so you can like sparkly stuff?
Oscar: . . .
That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!
Gary: *laughs* So is this like . . . stepping INTO the closet?
Guys, stop laughing!
Shut up! Stop it!
January 7, 2014 at 3:13 PM
Annika Barnosky / Photo Q. Finish said...
Oscar: This . . . this . . .
*gasping for breath after laughing so hard*
This is too much. This is just too much!
*crosses his arms*
You boys WISH I was gay, yeah you do.
Gary: *laughs harder*
Oscar is, I believe, taken.
Oscar: And Gary's . . .
*glances at Gary in the mirror*
Gary, are you gay?
Gary: NO!
Oscar: So, do you have a girlfriend?
Gary: . . . I'd rather not talk about it, if it's all the same to you.
Oscar: *shrugs*
Fair enough.
. . . You people are going to tease me about this forever, aren't you.
Oscar: What, for being straight?
. . . Yeah, yeah we're gonna tease you.
Oscar: *laughs*
Gary: *laughs*
January 7, 2014 at 3:17 PM
That is a lot, Star. You have found Photo again.
*bends down and looks at the Nickat*
*reaches in and tries to stroke him*
@Niccolò: I never lost him. *sulks*
*hisses and bites Silente's hand, then backs further under the wardrobe*
*withdraws her hand and frowns at the bite marks*
*wipes away any blood that came out*
*sits next to the wardrobe and gets out loads of glitter glue*
*begins to glitter the wardrobe*
*stays under the wardrobe, then pelts out shifting to self* Silente, I warned you not to stroke me. As a cat, crow, human, or any animal I shift into, please do not stroke me.
It's time for my fourth instalment. :)
"Ow," Hunter complained, sitting up and rubbing his face. "You have GOT to stop slapping me. Look, I have bruises. He stretched over to look in the rear-view mirror, and pulled a face at his reflection. His reflection pulled one back at him.
"Hi," he mouthed at it. "We have to stick together in these dire times, you know. Hey, stop copying me. No - ! Stop it!"
Ez knew it wasn't really the time for talking nonsense, but she wanted to join in so much it hurt. Or ached, rather. A slow, painful ache.
Talking nonsense was horribly addicting.
"You know what you said about Scotland?" she asked him. "You may be correct."
"Really?" asked Hunter. "Oh, excellent." He frowned. "If they're based in Scotland . . . "
" . . . then why are they here?" Ez finished. "Or there, rather. Hey, nice face paint."
She hadn't been able to resist.
"Left," Hunter growled. "This calls for a slapping match. When we're home, though. Could they be just going on a missi-"
"Yes, we-"
Plan sorted, Hunter pulled the road map onto his knees and began reacquainting himself with where they were.
It was dark by the time the robots turned off the motorway.
"Fuck," said Ez. "Guess they're not going to Edinburgh."
Hunter grinned. "Okay, pay up."
"Not yet. They might just be taking a detour."
"Sure they are."
"Keep back, Ez. Don't let them see you."
Ez didn't need the instructions, but she nodded.
The robots drove in a town, then swung into a parking space at the square in the middle. Ez kept driving, looking straight ahead.
"Figures," said Hunter in a low voice. "They're meeting people. Here. Not in Edinburgh." He held out his hand and she dropped a ten-pound note into it.
"I'll keep -"
"And I'll jump out."
"Yes." Her eyes flickered to him. "Be careful."
"When am I not?"
They carried on driving through the town, then slowed down to a stop once they were a fair distance away. Ez wriggled out of Hunter's jacket and he shrugged it on, then dived out of the car as she drove away again, planning to park elsewhere, somewhere discreet.
Hunter walked back the way they'd come, relishing the chance to be out of the car. It got tedious, after a while. He was tired, though . . . Hunter wrapped his fingers around the energystick, draining a bit more energy. You were more noticeable, walking.
He sighed and forced himself to speed up.
Etherdemons didn't have super-hearing, but the town wasn't very busy. It was late. Shops were closed. Hunter walked towards the robots, looking the other way, and stood in front of one such closed shop, pretending to be looking at it, but his eyes didn't take anything in. His ears strained.
No. Couldn’t hear it. Murmurs of voices, but the actual words were lost, drowned out by the waves.
Well, the voices were like the sea. And maybe, if you listened, you could hear the mermaids speaking to you.
Hunter briefly wondered if you would get water in your mouth if you kissed a mermaid, but – hey. Focus.
He was debating where to move to. He couldn’t get any closer moving sideways along the shops, and he couldn’t exactly walk up to them; they’d recognise his face . . .
Hunter leaned his face against the glass window, trying to think through the fog in his mind.
That was when he heard the voice, rising above the others, passionate about something. He knew that voice, he knew it . . .
Then he felt the energy flare. Laser.
Hunter leant back from the window and gazed urgently at the reflection, trying to see anything.
Another flash, but oh, he couldn’t see . . .
Running footsteps. More flashes.
Hunter swung around, and saw a familiar sight; robots firing at people.
Okay. Time to get involved.
Hunter blurred over a robot just as it fired again, and he lit up as his body absorbed the laser, feeling himself wake up slightly with the new energy. He fired back at the robot and it crumpled, of course it did, why waste valuable good models when you were in a world populated fully by humans . . .
He swung around and fired at the other robots, his hands glowing, a smile lighting his face despite himself. They fired back but it was ineffectual, firing fire at fire . . .
Then someone fired the gun.
Hunter rapidly teleported out of the way, healing his bullet wound with his brand new energy, scanning the situation. A window beside him shattered, and he zoomed, across half the street, before dimming his glow.
He recharged, using his energystick, then hesitated before teleporting behind the fountain in a sitting position.
Okay. You couldn’t quite teleport behind something that was round. But if anyone was looking at the fountain, they wouldn’t see him unless he could see them.
“Where did they go?” a voice was asking. A human voice.
Hunter rang Ez, which he could do without lighting his phone screen up. You had to tap the numbers in the correct sequence, which was a little hard seeing as you couldn’t see the numbers and kind of had to guess where they would be; the curse of flat screens. He didn’t have many numbers you could do it for.
“Ez,” he whispered. “Robots on the loose. They know I’m there.”
“Oh, fuck,” she said back, her voice sounding loud in comparison.
“I’m sorry. They were firing at people.”
“Fair enough.”
Someone walked around Hunter’s side of the fountain, and Hunter blasted them gently, with electricity this time. They convulsed and fell.
Running footsteps.
Hunter jumped up, hands ready to fire, but then a bullet hit him in the chest and he fell backwards. Healing already, but this was serious, and he couldn’t move, frozen, but frozen with heat. Something was damaged, something, but it was okay, it would be okay . . .
Healed, and he jumped up again, but he was shaken. A circle of shocked faces stared at him, lit up by the light he was radiating.
“Okay,” Hunter said, putting his hands up. “I’m sure we can work something out here . . .”
He saw the gun being raised, and he let out a shockwave of energy before teleporting.
The humans jerked like – jerky people, and fell on the ground. Hunter watched them anxiously for a moment as his light died down, hoping he hadn’t overdone it, then phoned Ez.
Ez picked up her phone, answering. “Hello?”
Hunter’s voice. “Mass witnesses, but I think most of them are out cold now.”
“Okay.” Ez hung up and carried on walking, sensing. She wished she had hung on to Hunter’s jacket. It was night time and it was cold, and she couldn’t warm herself up without risking looking like a glow stick.
At least she wasn’t about to faint, though. About the only good thing about their cover being blown.
Then she felt something, and ran towards it, but it was in the next street over . . . damn.
Ez ran back the way she’d come, feeling the energy dim, but then at the end of the street she turned the corner and saw a narrow cobblestone channel that seemed to think that just because it had a street sign, that made it a street. Uh. No. I’m sorry, Mr/Ms Minor Cobblestone Affair, but you have a lot to work on. Your size, for one thing. Never mind cars, Ez doubted some people would fit down it.
She could, though, and she carried on running.
The robot saw her before she saw it, and a blast of energy zoomed down the street, embedding itself in Ez’s shoulder. She absorbed it and kept going.
More blasts. She practically saw confused question marks reflected in them. ‘Why person no fall?’
She slowed and stretched out her hand once closer in range, releasing a few blasts of her own, the paused. When she heard it hit the floor, she continued, remembering to teleport over it as she passed. Some of them had limbs that could move after collapsation. Not nice.
Okay. Ez went back to walking and sensing.
Hunter walked over to where the original meeting had been held, inspecting the bodies. He didn’t go too close to the robot ones – no thanks – but the humans . . .
He rolled one over, and his eyes widened with recognition.
He knew this person.
He’d gotten them killed, when he was younger, when it mattered, when their faces danced behind his eyelids, constantly there, staring, accusing . . .
Smith. That was his name, Smith. John Smith, actually. Hunter had always viewed it as a lame attempt to be funny.
Smith couldn’t be dead. He needed to get Smith killed. This was a paradox.
Hunter frowned, confused, reaching to rub at his gloves before remembering they were temporarily absent.
Then he felt for Smith’s pulse.
He was alive.
“Hang in there,” Hunter murmured, lighting up his hand and looking around for a wound.
Temple. Glancing, by the look of it.
Well, thank God for that.
And very bad firing.
He would recover. He’d recover, and work with Hunter, and get killed. Pity.
Hunter nodded, and took a picture of Smith’s face before standing up. He’d need all of their faces.
It appeared there was some investigating to do.
He and Ez could be the Gray Detectives.
That would be cool.
They must have ran down every street, apart from the one that was being dug up (probably something to do with gas pipes. Great idea, gas pipes. “I know! Let’s pipe poisonous gas into everyone’s homes! It’s really dangerous and people could be seriously ill or killed if it goes wrong, but at least they’d die warm!” Hunter was apparently the only one sensible enough to see flaws in this argument and get rid of them, and if Hunter was being the most sensible one, you knew something was definitely screwed), which they avoided and just sensed into.
“That all of them?” Hunter would ask.
And Ez would reply, “Yes, I think that’s all of them.”
And Hunter would say, “I suppose we’re done.”
And Ez would say, “Yes, I suppose we are.”
And then they would continue looking.
Ez was worried, Hunter could tell. Meddling in this past was difficult, and if any of them got away –
That was assuming, of course, that none of the robots had mentally submitted a report back to the factory before any of them were wiped out.
Admittedly, they were crap models, but you couldn’t be too careful.
They drove the car out of the town to the side of one of those ever-present fields, and melted the rest of the metal as best as they could. Leaving a load of melted metal lying around was fine. The most it would amount to would be anger about littering.
Then they started driving home.
“Okay,” admitted Hunter, watching the scars on his hands melt into smooth skin again. They’d lost themselves a bit with the laser-firing.
They also weren’t the only thing that had gotten lost.
“Okay . . . ?” asked Ez suspiciously, noting his tone of voice and leaning over to stare threateningly at him. He was driving again. It was his turn, and she trusted him now he was alert enough for distractions not to become dangerous. Well, as much as she ever trusted Hunter.
“I have a confession to make,” muttered Hunter.
Ez’s eyes narrowed further.
“When I was firing lasers, I may or may not have forgotten I was wearing a ring, and as such . . .”
Ez’s eyes widened. “You didn’t burn it.”
“I might have done.”
“Well, it’s not like it mattered.”
“It’s not like it mattered? It’s a wedding ring! You just don’t lose them!”
“I didn’t lose it, I destroyed it!”
“Well, that’s even worse!” She glared at him. “Look. You have so many people, Hunter, that go their entire lives wearing the same wedding ring. Entire. Lives.”
His eyes were blue anyway, of course, but they were shocked, serious. “ . . . I’m sorry.”
She sighed. “You better be. What are we going to do now?”
“Get another one?”
“They’re not just things you can buy. You generally get them in a set.”
“Do you?”
“I don’t know. You see, it’s reasons like this why I never get married to people.”
His eyes flickered to his, driving temporarily pushed to one side. “You’re not mad.”
“Of course I’m mad,” she said, but she couldn’t really be mad with Hunter very much. It just wasn’t really an option. Too painful.
“You’re not that mad, though.”
He stared at the road for a while, then looked at her. “I’m sorry, Ez. Seriously. Maybe if I replicate yours -”
“You’re right,” she said.
It was automatic. “Left.”
She smiled. “You’re left, then. It doesn’t matter. You can make radioactive milkshakes without wedding rings.”
“I’m not sure,” he mused. “Maybe they’re a vital ingredient.”
Then he looked back at her, making sure it was okay to joke again.
“I’m not mad, Hunter.”
“That’s good,” he said, nodding. “That’s good.”
“I don’t get mad at you, Hunter.”
“You say you don’t.”
She smiled gently at his expression. He’d forgotten about his eyes again, or maybe he was just pretending he’d forgotten. “You’re driving, Hunter.”
“I don’t have to look to drive,” he told her.
“Do you ever get mad with me?”
“No,” he said.
“Why would you?”
“Because I’m Ez.”
“You are.”
“And you’re Hunter, so quit stressing.”
He scowled. “We should find something new to talk about. Hey – fields!”
“Let’s talk about them.”
“What is there to talk about?”
“I don’t know.” He frowned. “You know, maybe our time did good getting rid of them.”
“I know,” Ez agreed. “All that mud, and what do they even do anyway?”
“I think they grow food.”
“Oh. That is pretty important.”
“No, it isn’t. You can just magic up food.”
“Ahhh, okay.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“Of course I believe you.”
He looked at her in horror. “You’re a non-believer.”
“I’m not!” she protested.
“Yes, you are.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“I do. I’m just a liar.”
“And why should I believe in a liar?”
“You shouldn’t. Unless they’re Ez, of course.”
She nodded approvingly. “You should always believe in Ez.”
“You should.”
But your so cute as a crow and a cat and a wolf and what not! I just can't resist the cuteness!
(I actually only have 635 words written of Instalment No. 5 so BETTER GET WRITING haha. XD)
*goes very quiet* I do not like being stroked.
*vanishes and may or may not be a blade of grass*
God Star, what are you doing to me?? First, Anni's stuff was a lot to read and I loved it! Photo is fabulous! :D
Or was, rather... *sighs*
As I said, someone I would have loved to meet...
And now I've got even MORE to read? And don't say 'You don't have to read it, Mith' because I will read it. Because I kinda love Hunter. And Ez. Especially when they're together! :D
@Mithria: I'm sorry. :(
Photo was fabulous. :) Annika is fantastic. :)
You don't have to read it. :) It's the fourth instalment of a story I've been writing . . . and if you like Hunter and Ez together, you should really read yesterday or the day before's instalment. They were pretty fun. :)
Just to clarify, I suppose, they're undercover and have time-travelled back to our time.
Hunter, why would you have water in your mouth when you were kissing a mermaid? You know her head could be above the water surface?
Star, DON'T BE SORRY! THIS IS GREAT! As I said, reading back is difficult with this f**** (you know) laptop. But I will do that tomorrow!
*glares at the fact Nic's ran off*
I like de new installment star! Keep em coming!
@Mithria: It was actually a reference to a roleplay from a while back . . .
Blogger Adrasdos Dark, Sloth Enthusiast said...
I made an air pipe so I can breathe under water, since breathing in an air bubble is apparently weird.
*Goes under the water again, grabbing his arm* *Her hair floats around her- she always liked how her hair moves under the water*
*She pulls him towards her as she settles at the bottom of the riverbed*
April 18, 2014 at 12:36 PM
Blogger Trip Castalan, Lord of the Hobbits, London's Favoured Banana Thief, Three Years Running said...
*is enchanted by how she sparkles underwater*
April 18, 2014 at 12:37 PM
Blogger Adrasdos Dark, Sloth Enthusiast said...
*Sticks her tongue, then kisses him, which is certainly an odd experience for her, but she just wanted to try it out*
April 18, 2014 at 12:39 PM
Blogger Trip Castalan, Lord of the Hobbits, London's Favoured Banana Thief, Three Years Running said...
*gets a little water in his mouth, but that's only to be expected. It happened last time too. Mermaids man...*
April 18, 2014 at 12:41 PM
And - thank you, Mithria. :) Sorry, again.
*runs off*
*comes back with three couches*
*and lots of blankets and pillows*
Pillow fort competition?
Thanks, Silente. :)
Oh, I see...
Seems like I miss all the good things...
*still reading*
Sorry, Mith. D:
And - that was a long while back, so . . . yeah.
HA! I finished!
That. Was. COOL! And kinda sweet towards the end^^
@Mithria: Thanks!!!!!! :)
Oh. I might have to suddenly disappear, as a storm is coming up and Mum's afraid of computers and stuff being turned on when there's a storm.
*hugs Star*
You genius! :)
@Mithria: Okay. :)
Well, I hope the storm isn't bad. :)
I'm not a genius. Really. *shifts uncomfortably*
But THANKS! :)
Of course you are! You have Hunter and Ez, you're lucky!
The storm isn't even here yet. There are those wonderful black clouds but that's all. As I said, I MIGHT have to leave^^
@Mithria: But I didn't create them. They invaded me. XD
Black clouds can be pretty. :)
Oh. Brb.
I wish I had that much fantasy... I tried to create a character but... meh. Well.
Okay, Star :)
@Mithria: I only have two characters, so that shows how good I am. XD
You have to see it differently, Star.
You have TWO characters.
I have none.
See what I mean? It depends on how you're looking at it!
Um... I think I should leave now.
1. There were the first flashes and Mum says I gotta turn the laptop off.
2. There were the first flashes and I gotta go to my room in order to watch the following ones! I love that :)
So, bye! I will be on again as soon as I've got my computer back. Which will be tomorrow - I hope.
See you guys! *hugs everyone*
@Mithria: One came into being because of the other. -_-
And - :( Fours!
Fours, too, Niccolò . . . :(
*hugs somebody*
*waves tucking her wings closer to her back*
*smiles at tia* how are you?
Hey Tia, Silente! :)
*watching O_O*
(Oh, okay.)
???: *regains consciousness*
*he is only dimly aware of his surroundings*
*he is slumped over*
*duct-taped to a chair*
*with a large sack over his head*
*something squeaks under him when he moves his feet*
*like the floor’s covered in cling wrap*
A female voice: Tell us your name.
???: *dizzy*
What the hell . . .
A male voice: Tell us your name, now.
???: . . . Ted. Ted Regan.
*a fist slams into his gut, and he gasps*
???: Winston! Winston Baines!
Woman: That’s better.
* . . . or not XD*
*I love how there's probably about four of us who could be online but none of us are because we probably think no one else is. XD*
Man: We’ve been following you, Baines.
Woman: We’ve had out best people following you, in fact.
Man: For days now.
Woman: Days.
Baines: Wh-why? What do you want from me?
Man: You are a professor at Oxford University, are you not?
Baines: I am . . .
Woman: With full access to the campus library?
Baines: Why do you sickos want to know?
Baines: *goes limp*
*blood dripping from his jaw*
* . . . or yes*
*facepalms and laughs*
I remember when I was two years younger, very idiotic, and even more pathetic than I am now (yes, I know, it barely seems possible), and I used to post a little speech at the end of all my comments when no one else appeared to be online telling people that I was here, just distant, and if they stuck around for a few minutes I'd see them, and I used to copy and paste this little speech and carry it around with me because I couldn't stand the thoughts of someone coming on and thinking I wasn't there and leaving because I thought that would just be ridiculous and I thought if it was on the end of my comment then they would look up, see it, and wait for me, but the problem was I would keep saying irrelevant other comments, like I do, and then I would have to keep going OOPS and reposting my speech, plus I often absent-mindedly copied something else by accident . . . XD
Awh. :P
Woman: Full access to the campus library?
Baines: *dimly* Yes.
Man: A while back . . .
Woman: Not so long ago . . .
Man: Only a few weeks, really . . .
Woman: You checked out a few books.
Man: Or stole them.
Woman: Books that are overdue.
Baines: What the hell!?
THAT’S what this is about? Overdue library books?
Woman: Where are those books now?
Man: You sold them.
Woman: To who?
Man: Where?
Woman: For how much?
Baines: Okay! Damn you, just leave me alone.
I took some books. Some old curse-stuff, that’s it! And I sold it to a guy on the street.
(It's rather like one of those things where one person goes left, and the other person goes left, then the apologize and both go right, and it takes five minutes for them to walk past each other.)
Man: What was he like?
Woman: Did he look gay?
Baines: . . . He looked sick.
Man: Sick?
Baines: Sick. He was limping, and dragging his feet and stuff. He kept coughing phlegm into his sleeve. It was gross.
Woman: I see.
Man: Where is he now?
Baines: I don’t know, alright? I never saw him again!
Woman: You’re not very helpful.
Baines: What’s this stuff coating the floor?
Man: Cling wrap.
Woman: To protect the floor from the spatter.
Man: We wouldn’t want blood staining the carpet.
Woman: My husband is very particular about that sort of thing.
Man: I am.
I might distonate, sorry, but I'll still be here.
Baines: Look, I’ve told you all I can, alright? Just let me go, please!
Man: I’m sorry . . .
Woman: Not really.
Man: . . . But we can’t do that.
Baines: What was that?
Woman: My switchblade.
Man: It’ll be quick, don’t worry. And painless, too.
Woman: But messy.
Man: Sadly, yes.
Woman: If you were doing it, it would be cleaner.
Man: Let’s ask him. Would you prefer a clean, painful cut, Baines, or a messy, painless one?
Baines: *stammers* Painless . . .
Man: Pity.
*blood splatters on the cling-wrapped floor*
*not long later, the door to the interrogation room opens*
*and Oscar and Precocious step out, toweling themselves off*
*is standing there with two cups of coffee*
How’d it go?
@Clara: Yeah. XD
And - O_O
Woah. O_O
Okay. O_O
Oscar: Nothing.
*takes his mug*
*it says “CDO. It’s like OCD, but with the letters in alphabetical order, like they should be.”*
Precocious: Nothing that we didn’t already know, at least.
*takes her mug*
*it says “I’d rather be drinking tea.”*
Well, you’ve only been hunting a couple days. You haven’t had a moment’s peace.
Oscar and Precocious: True.
*they clink their mugs together*
Maybe you should take some time off, eh?
*looks from Precocious to Oscar then back again*
It’s technically your honeymoon, after all.
Precocious: I don’t want a break.
Oscar: And I don’t need one.
*claps him on the shoulder*
Keep up the good work, Gary. I don’t know where I’d be without you.
Dead, Oz.
Oscar: Yes, probably.
"*takes his mug*
*it says “CDO. It’s like OCD, but with the letters in alphabetical order, like they should be.”*"
(That mug is an actual thing, and I want one.)
I’ll be in my office.
Precocious: You do that. We’ll be with you in spirit.
Oscar: For now, we’re off to follow another lead.
Precocious: Goodbye, Gary, and thank you for the coffee.
Oscar: Yes, thank you.
Oscar and Precocious: *depart*
*watches them go*
*returns to his office*
*his perfectly symmetrical office, just one floor below Oscar’s penthouse*
*they’ve been known to shout through the floor/ceiling to each other, when they were too bored to use the intercom*
*sits in his swivel chair, behind his desk*
*gazes out the window at Blogland, spreading out beneath the League’s skyscraper*
*a little red light is blinking on his desk phone*
*it occurs to him that he hasn’t checked his messages in forever*
*clicks the playback button*
Machine: Message received at 11:52 A.M., on April 19th.
Photo: Hey, Gary! Listen, my boys are working on fixing up the chapel now, putting all the security charms and wards in place, and they wanted to know if they could arrange the tables in a pentagram, for added security. I told them that was bunk, because the room needed to be symmetrical, but I’m starting to have second thoughts about it. Can you call me back to confirm the layout of the tables? Oh, one more thing! One of my security guys, y’know the one with the mustache, he was talking about some new sigils he learned that can play pre-recorded music, using the magic network itself as a highly sensitive speaker. I was hoping we could use that, instead of-
*the phone freezes solid, the voice cutting off in a staticky squawk*
*it flies across the room and shatters against the wall*
*slams his elbows onto the desk and buries his face in his hands*
*he begins to tremble, violently*
*the gun is in a lockbox, in his bottom desk drawer*
*he hasn’t used it since*
. . .
wait a minute
*finishes crying*
I want one.
If I had a birthday list, like a Christmas list, but a birthday one, I WOULD PUT THAT ON.
(Speaking as someone who is OCD, I hope you appreciate how much FUN it is, role-playing a pair of OCD buddies like Gary and Oscar.)
((@Clara: I can imagine it would be. :)))
Hello, Dragona. :)
(I'll be leaving town tomorrow, ergo, I won't be in Blogland over the weekend. So I thought I'd come on, say hullo, and give Oscar, Precocious, and Gary their comeback.
So . . . how are you?)
@Clara: Okay. :)
And - :(
I'm good, thanks. :)
Finished the first quarter of the colouring of my word art. Wooooh. :P
(Yes, I've seem some of your word art. I've always been a huge fan of typography and such, though I have no talent in this area. Your word art is truly excellent.)
*steps out of the portal*
*holding her wings to her back so they don't touch the portals wall*
*turns and spreads them again*
Hey guys!
*starts building himself a headquarters*
I just read back through the comments. Oh my gosh, Star, you role-played a whole role-play from my archives, and were explaining Photo to Mithria and everything, gosh . . .
@Clara: Thank you!!! :)
And - ah, idk. I think drawing is mostly about practise rather than skill. For example, the flow-y style of word art I'm focusing on atm. I did a few designs like it, then I did a load of drafts (whilst in a moving campervan without a rubber or a pencil sharpener YA), then I did a detailed word art, and now I'm doing a detailed word art with aforementioned drafts, so I've had rather a lot of practise now, and when I look back at my early simple designs, which I was really pleased with, I just think they look . . . well, just really unspecial. *shrugs*
Also, most of my friends can just pick up a pen and draw word art outlines as good at I can, which makes me feel rather woefully inadequate. XD
*creeps over and hides behind a tree*
*holds the sigil on her elbow casting a white glow around her that wipes her from peoples memories when they turn away*
*watches dragona*
(I had that roleplay saved. :P
And - thanks. :))
*surprise hugs* yeah, just chilling with you guys, someone tell Landy to make another blog post.
Also, for a second there I thought those two interrogators were Hunter and Ez.
((Yeah Derek write another blog! Tell us who won the competition or about your cat or you nieces or the dying of the light or Armageddon outta here!))
*creeps up behind Silente*
(Insert cocky Chronomancer quote)
Tragically, Hunter and Ez are not in my repertoire. The credit for their creation goes entirely to Star.
*pulls her wings away from Tia to avoid giving her burns*
((Yeah the: You! Yes you! Do you want to have a chance to die in the very final book? Well here's your chance! Just enter this competition to win the chance of dying epicly in the final book! Terms and conditions apply!))
Hey Tia! :)
@Tia: *facepalms* LOL how would they be?
the weather today
is slightly sarcastic with a good chance -
No one is allowed to roleplay as Hunter and/or Ez unless they have my permission.
Although I have no clue why you'd want to.
In fact, I have NO clue why you'd want to.
I mean, you may as well just roleplay with me, so . . .
. . .
*wonders if there's even any point in saying this*
ALTHOUGH for the record Hunter and Ez have done a lot of that stuff. Not usually together, though, as it's a waste of time (they can interrogate people just as well singly) and they would probably just distract each other and end up talking about something irrelevant like fields.
*stares at Silente*
You're... you're playing with your wings in public!
(I'm giving people a lot of info for this record today, aren't I? C:
What shall the record be called?
Yes. Annika said that much better than me, in fewer words, with less ranting.
Forgive me, my loved ones, for I must depart.
Though you want to cry, please, don't start.
I'll come back to Blogland, somewhere, somehow.
But I cannot come back unless I leave right now.
Star, but that's the fun - in KOTW like how Skulduggery's accusing him of misdirecting him while Val's like "meh" it's a wonder how they even succeed at their jobs.
Star, but that's the fun - in KOTW like how Skulduggery's accusing him of misdirecting him while Val's like "meh" it's a wonder how they even succeed at their jobs.
*rolls her eyes at Tia*
*turns careful not to burn the tree*
Yes Tia. I am. Not using them is itchy. But the sort of itch you can't scratch. Plus, as you'll find out if you turn away, no one will remember the wings or even that I was here.
*turns back to watching dragona*
Nooooo! I never applied - Derek refused to kill me when we talked on Twitter though. Ah, well, wbd for 30 minutes.
Bye, Annika!
*smiles* of course I'll remember you - how could I forget such a beautiful Vampire acting so, so oddly when she thinks no-one will remember.
Bye Clara!
*blushes at Tia's complimemt*
*luckily she's facing the other way so its not visible*
Sigils, Tia. They work wonders. They really do,
Tia: I unlocked the DMR rifles today. I was on Siege of Shanghai (which is like the best map ever) and they're a lot better rifles than the snipers. They're more versatile. Like with the same rifle, I was getting headshots on helicopter pilots whilst sat on a skyscraper from about 500m away, and then I jumped down and joined in a battle for a bridge, using the same weapon.
Fours, Clara! :(
@Tia: Yeah, but they're never going to get very rather if they never get very far, are they?
Ez is actually pretty serious and professional, on her own, and she wants to get the job done.
And Hunter gets that, he really does. Hunter and Ez are very hard characters for me to write because they're so contained and they say so much without words, or, oftentimes, they don't say it at all because they don't see the point and they just go on as if they had said it, which is all well and good for them but not very reader-friendly, but ANYWAY - they will be just, you know, talking nonsense in shades of green, but then suddenly something will happen and they'll focus to perfect blue clarity, as if . . . as if the sun just came out for a moment, and - yeah. And they can be pretty serious about stuff, and when it matters . . . Hunter does want to get it done.
And it doesn't matter if it would be fun for the reader to read. Hunter and Ez don't care about the reader. They don't really care about many people, and so, as everyone they know slowly dies off, they get stuck, contained, and no one can reach them because they're not reaching out, and THAT'S how they get stuck and depressed and end up attempting suicide.
I'm pretty sure they'll eventually die via suicide unless I find a good enough way to kill one/both of them off . . . :/
. . .
I'm not even sure what I said there.
I'm sorry, you can just ignore me. :P
How did I typo 'far' as 'rather' . . . ?
I don't think they should suicide..that's sad. And doesn't seem very hunter-ish.
@Silente: It does, actually . . .
So I have a timeline, and you know them now when they're about 150 (none of the ages are very determined, and what with the thirty years age difference as well . . . :P), but my timeline goes up until they're about 300, and at that point -
I think I should write you out a load of depressing shit so you can get sad over it. :P
I went through hell to try and prevent them committing suicide, though. In the end, I had to make their house come to life.
. . .
Yeah. That's the lengths I went to. XD
Well. Hunter's house.
Er.. I'm good being happy thanks :-)
You had to give him a living house to stop him from killing himself?!
Did you try giving him glitter?
If I gave him glitter, Silente, I think he might just start crying.
I'm depressing myself
*properly crying now*
No star don't cry!
*starts to blow some unpoppable bubbles towards her*
Cheer up your fellow bubble!
@Silente: It's okay. :)
I'm fine. I'm not the suicidal one. -_-
But you were upset. Just cause your not gonna kill yourself doesn't am you shouldn't be cheered up!
**mean not am
@Silente: It's okay. :)
I cry easily. XD
Still. Even if you cry easily unless your crying happy tears you deserve to be cheered up so you can wipe those tears away.
I'm using SketchUp to build myself a base.
@Silente: I'M FINE.
*hugs* :)
(although I'm writing more of my suicide plot now and it's rather sad but yah :P)
I've never heard of SketchUp but it sounds cool.
Seriously, though, Silente, I regularly cry about roleplay so it's all cool. XD
Hmm. Well. Okay then star...
*hugs Silente* Thanks, though. :)
His house reminds me a bit of me though, haha. She's rather pathetic and she thinks she knows it all but really she just annoys them. :P
Yep sounds a lot like you! Well apart from the pathetic part. Personally I don't think your pathetic.
Hello, everyone.
Hey Zafolo
@Silente: YAAAAAAAay. :)
I don't actually mind being pathetic though, haha. XD
Hey, Niccolò! :)
Your not pathetic star. If your pathetic then Hunter
Silente, I do hope that doesn't turn into a ship.
You are not pathetic, Star.
Well it probably won't turn into a ship. Its just what I call the Nic that has a Zaf behind the screen. How are you Zafolo?
Thanks. :)
Although it's okay - I know what Hunter means by pathetic, and after having that flaw clearly pointed out to me, I can more easily combat it.
Took your time! ;P
How do you know I do? I could be Alastair.
Alastair doesn't call me silente.
Hey Silente, I’d take a thousand vampire-bites just to get one kiss from you.
(Too soon?)
*smirks, watching Taia and Silente*
**Tia nic not Taia
*starts going bright red*
I'm sorry I didn't quite understand. You may have to rephrase..
I believe my autocorrect has revived itself, how wonderful. *sighs*
Silente, you're so beautiful that Van Helsing wouldn't kill you.
Thank you? Your not bad lookin' yourself.
Thanks, Silente!
(But the vampire jokes)
(I am really confused as to what's happening here.)
This is quite...*smirks*
*resists the urge to punch Nic*
I would not touch me, vampire.
Has everyone disappears or are we all just trying to avoid having to ded?
I believe people left, I do not know why.
Oh Silente, I'd love to stay close to you, but I heard you bite...
Love bites...
Okay dedication, here we go. I dedicate this page to Chocolate. Its amazing and full of endorthins that make you happy. Its great! Unless you don't like it and/or are allergic to it..
Actually I try not to bite. It causes complications to arise..
I feel like this is not entirely true anymore.
Sorry I poofed, I was ranting. :(
It's not something I really control; it's like drifting off in lessons. You only realise you've drifted off when you come back. :P
Ikr star. You just go of one minute to do something then befow you know it its been 15 minutes and everyone's wondering where you've gone.
Welcome back, Star.
Well, Silente, that's it for all those generic vampire jokes.
Drive safe.
@Silente: Yeah. XD
I drift away when I do artwork, as well, so - :/ yeah.
I tend to get stuck when writing, so it doesn't happen so much. XD
Drive safe? I didn't know I was driving anywhere.
Look if you ever drive then you can be like oh I think I should drive safe.
So drive safe(er)
Yeah, drive safeer, makes sense...
Idk, take care (when driving) and have fun, guys (when driving)
@Tia: . . . Okay. :P
I'll keep that in mind when I buy a motorbike and learn how to ride it.
*pokes star careful not to pop her*
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
*runs off for real this time*
*stands still for a moment*
It's okay, Silente.
I'll have you knooooooow
that I've become
@Silente: :P
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