Sunday, February 2, 2014

This Is A Blog Entry

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


Work is progressing. December and most of January was taken up with short stories. I still have to edit them. I'll have to do that soon, over the next few days... But I'm also back on the book. Writing away. Skipping chunks and writing important bits. I'm on the final confrontation now, making sure everything fits together. Even though there is a lot more writing to do, loads of gaps to fill in and storylines to link up, I am TECHNICALLY writing the end of the book at the moment. Will I finally get to find out how it ends? Or will I leave that blank also, to be finished off when everything else is complete?

I don't know. I really don't.

I have, maybe, another month of writing ahead of me before the first draft is done. Every morning I wake up, lie in bed for an hour (yes, it is good to be a writer) and think about the sequence I need to write that day. Then I'm up and writing. There is very little time to think about other things, such as writing blogs or tweeting, and I know you understand that, but I do want to thank you all for your patience. I don't like being silent for this long — but soon, I won't have to be.



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Noelle said...

Lightbulbs :)

I was terrible at telling stories... If you ever plan on taking it up as a career, I suggest getting lessons. I thought I would be great because I had written a book by then, but no.

Turns out, I'm terrible about speaking in front of people when I'm being judged.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: I wouldn't take it up as a career. D:
(Then again, never say never.)

And I'm just not very good at speaking to people. *nods*


Noelle said...

I can resonate with that :)

Wbd :/

Star Inkbright said...

When I look at a space on this Sudoku, I know almost instantly what can go there and what can't from memory.

Why must you take me so long, Sudoku?

You know, ordinary 9x9 Sudokus take me less than half an hour if they're hard, usually.
If they're easier, five minutes.
Not two bloody weeks.


Star Inkbright said...

Resonate is a nice word. :) And okay.


Noelle said...

Sudoku is the best, though... It's very challenging, that is.

Star Inkbright said...

Sudoku IS the best. *nods*
Closely followed by Minesweeper.
(Yes, I have no life.)

I wish I had more Killer Sudokus to do, really. They're challenging . . .


Noelle said...

I'll get ya someee

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: You don't have toooooooooooo. :)


Noelle said...

Sorry, I'm visiting with the baby kitty, the one who had surgery in December, and the poor think can't even walk straight.

Well, he's never been able to do that...

I'm more than certain that he was the runt

Noelle said...

I will!!

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Aw. :( *long-distance hugs kitten*

My friend was saying once that someone she knew's cat had its whiskers chopped off, and it kept getting stuck under things because it used its whiskers to sense if a space was big enough . . .


Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm at a Pantomine rn in one of my nearest towns(:

My cousin and my aunt are in it, plus one of my friends from primary. And I think a girl in my year is in it too. Idk.

Noelle said...

That's true...

Oh, poor thing, that would be awful :/


We had to get the kitty declawed because he kept getting stuck, no matter how much we clipped his nails..

It was only his front paws, but...

He's not even properly a kitty anymore. He's five years old, but we still call him a kitty because he's pretty small.
Poor baby *cuddles her cat*
I think his first owners mistreated him- he's terribly skittish. My other cat bullies him, and the baby kitty doesn't have control over where he uses the bathroom, so he has to stay in my mom's bathroom, all the time. :/

I just wish there was something we could do for him. I'm trying to visit him every day, though. I'm sure he gets lonely a bit...

Grr. It's not much of a life he has, living in my mother's bathroom.

*cuddles kitty again*

Anonymous said...


Noelle said...

Hello Mara and Mith *hugs*

Anonymous said...

*hugs Adra*
*is still trying to write*
I had this really great idea last night but I was way too tired to write it down and I thought I would still remember it today. And now it's GONE! Gah...

Noelle said...

Oh! I'm sorry to hear that! *hugs* I usually have epiphanies in the later hours. I keep a notebook beside my bed and write in the darkness :P Maybe that's something you could consider doing?

Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: Aw! :( :(

@Mara: :) Yay, I guess!

@Adra: Aw. :( I wish him good luck in life, anyway. :)


Anonymous said...

@Adra: Actually, there IS a notebook lying right next to my bed. And usually I USE it. But this time I was just too tired to move... Stupid me.

*tacklehugs Star*

Star Inkbright said...

Oh, my goodness . . .

I just realised I went wrong, so I picked up the rubber and rubbed out the squares FROM MEMORY until where I was when I started getting unstuck ten minutes ago.


There wasn't even any doubt or anything.

my life is sad help


Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: Aw. :( Well, I hope it comes back to you . . .


Noelle said...

Your life would be sad, I think, if you forced people to have a demented tea party where you put cyanide in their tea and laugh as they die in front of you, then dance over their dead bodies.

So at least you're not that.

Anonymous said...

Wow... uh... I'm kina scared now...

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: You're possibly correct. :P
Then again, obviously you are, you're you. :)


Anonymous said...

Whoops, I got lost in Facebook... :D

Noelle said...

Thank you, Star :)

understandable, Mith

Noelle said...

Aaaand I still have yet to get somewhere with my essays


Anonymous said...

Mbd, I'm writing about Sanguin and Scapegrace and it's FUN! :D

Star Inkbright said...

@Mith: It sounds like it! :)

*scribbles out Sudoku* I shall return to you in a year. *puts it to one side*
By then, maybe you'll have learnt how to be less irritating.

@Adra: :( *hugs*


Noelle said...

Sanguin, sanguinis, m - "blood"
Tenebrae, tenebris, m. - "Shadows"

And "grouse" was in our vocab. Sanguine was at some point as well.

Anonymous said...

I knew about Sanguin but Tenebrae and Shadows is new to me... very interesting!

Noelle said...

I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.
He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied.
"And I for truth,--the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.
And so, as kinsmen met a night,
We talked between the rooms.
Until the moss had reached our lips,
And covered up our names.
-Emily Dickinson

Gosh her poetry gives me chills..

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

The snow hasn't melted! :D

It's only about an inch at the most, but it's so pretty!

Maralie Lily Charm said...




Noelle said...

It's snow here as well.
*Sighs dreamily*

I'm glad you lot over yonder finally got some!!! *hugs*

And that's funny, Mara :P

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

It's all gonna melt, but yeah. :-P

Taking pictures before it does!

[hugs Mara]

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: O_O O_O

@Moss: Your profile picture is beautiful. :) And, YAY!!! :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

And I just killed my expensive purple headphones. :-/

Star Inkbright said...

I wrote a sequel to my random story the other day (because I've found I can write if it's not proper writing) -

Anyway, whilst eating the leaf was very satisfying, and also rather interesting (the tree didn’t really eat much. It was a tree), it didn’t really help it find adventure.
So it asked any of the other leaves (because at that time of year, the tree had many leaves. Although it was never defined what time of year it was) if they would like to go on a quest to find Adventure. By asking first, the tree reckoned, it might get some more positive responses.
Most of the leaves were too fearful of the outside to venture away from the tree. Well, actually they were mostly too lazy and were just lying about being fearful. Some of them were fearful as well, but most were too lazy to feel much emotion.
However, there was one leaf who was different. It had always yearned to be bigger and greater than it was, ever since it had first budded. As it had happened, its wish had come true – leaves grow. But it wouldn’t say no to more bigness and greatness. Or just greatness. Bigness could come later.
The leaf, who desired to be known as Leaf the Leaf, demonstrated its courage to the tree by a fight to the death (with a water droplet that was lying on it from a recent rainfall. The leaf turned around and the water droplet, so shocked by the sight of the far-away ground, ran off. Ran off the leaf in a downwards direction. It hit the ground and exploded, generating many baby water droplets. The leaves were fascinated by this suicidal reproduction), and was blown off by the wind.
It flew a whole two inches before hitting its head on a tree branch, and several of the leaves on the branch fell off at the impact, overcome with laughter. Leaf the Leaf ducked under the branch, embarrassed, and off it continued to fly.
It soared over fences and cars, over ditches and bars, past shrubbery and tars, under aeroplanes and stars. Invisible stars; it was daytime.
Then, as it was speeding down a road, whistling a merry tune, it reached its destination, and soared into an obstacle.
Which happened to be a rubbish truck.


Star Inkbright said...

Well, the leaf didn’t much like it in there, so it began walking off, holding its non-existent nose.
“Where do you think you’re going?” asked a plastic bag grumpily.
“I am going to find Adventure!” announced Leaf the Leaf grandly.
“Hey,” objected the plastic bag. “No fair! If WE have to stay in this rubbish truck, so do you.”
“Why?” asked Leaf the Leaf.
“I dunno,” replied the plastic bag. “That’s what I got told when I tried to escape, back when I first got shoved on here.”
“Do you WANT to go to the rubbish dump?” asked Leaf the Leaf.
“Course not,” said the plastic bag.
“Well, then come with me! We can seek Adventure together!”
The plastic bag sighed. “No good. The truck’s moving. If we jump off, we’ll get caught under the wheels like a toenail caught under a door, and we’ll be ripped apart like tissue paper, or just plain tissues, or just plain paper, and we will have gaping holes in us bigger than the Pacific Ocean and then we will bleed to death. That’s what they told me, anyway.”
“Oh,” said Leaf the Leaf. “That . . . doesn’t sound very pleasant.”
“No,” agreed the plastic bag. “Then again, I don’t suppose it’ll scare you. You’re a brave Adventurer.”
“. . . I . . . am.” replied Leaf the Leaf uncertainly.
“You are,” nodded the plastic bag. “I suppose you’ll just dive off like a diver and show us all how to do it.”
“ . . . I . . . suppose I could do that . . .”replied Leaf the Leaf.
“In fact, how about I help you dive?” asked the plastic bag, who had been bored after hours on the truck and was looking for some entertainment.
“ . . . Well . . . maybe I should warm up first . . .” muttered the leaf.
“Nonsense,” said the plastic bag cheerfully. “You’ll get plenty warm when you’re being ripped apart like tissue paper, or just plain tissue, or just plain paper. All that friction.”
“ . . . Um . . .” said Leaf the Leaf.
The plastic bag blew over to the leaf and enveloped it in its plastic-y folds, pushing it over to the edge of the truck. Leaf the Leaf shuffled helplessly backwards, unable to repel against the wall of thin white plastic. “Can’t this wait a bit?” it pleaded.
“Nonsense,” repeated the plastic bag, even more cheerfully. “You need to do it while you still have your nerve.”
Around the edges of the rubbish dump, various objects were sitting up, interested, eyes gleaming maliciously, scraps of rubbish being passed around as people placed bets on what would happen to the leaf. Leaf the Leaf gulped. They looked big and scary.
See, it KNEW some excess bigness would have come in handy. But oh no, greatness was all the tree offered it. Pah. It should have gone to an employment agency.
Leaf the Leaf could feel cold metal behind him. They had reached the edge of the truck. Leaf lean back, leaned back further, leaned back even furtherer, wished he’d played Limbo a bit more.
“Bye-bye,” said the plastic bag, and then suddenly the leaf was over and spiralling down, looking up at a row of eager faces, betting slips in hand.
Then the wind flipped him over and he could see the dizzying blur that was down and OH FUCK.

The Temporary End.


Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: Damn. :/

Is there any way you can resurrect them?


Maralie Lily Charm said...

"your face must turn a lot of heads"
"and your face must turn a lot of stomachs"


Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: Your profile picture is dlintherylick.

(I think that was the word. It means horrible in a good way. Like, it's really chilling and horrible, but it's awesome in the way it does that.)


Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hugs Adra, Fabi and Star*

Star - thank you(:

Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: :)

*hugs back* :)


Unknown said...

Hi guys!

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Lavender! :)


Star Inkbright said...

(Why am I calling you Lavender, anyway?)


Unknown said...

I'm not sure but ok. Hi Inkbright!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I tried, but it doesn't really work.

And apparently they weren't that expensive, but have crappy reviews about durability

And the kind I used to get that generally lasted longer don't come in purple anymore

And the other ones from that brand are on sale by a lot, but I've never tried them, so I don't know if they're any good, and the reviews either say they're really great or to just go get the first kind.


And now my sis wants me to come with her and take photos. Okay, bye!

Star Inkbright said...

@Moss: Fours. I hope you can decide! :)


Star Inkbright said...

The leaf didn’t actually get blown down under the truck’s tyres, because the truck was going too fast, and the tyres were gone before Leaf the Leaf reached them.
The bumper glared and hit Leaf the Leaf back, and leaf slithered under the cars, past all the vehicle-y parts (Leaf the Leaf wasn’t a mechanic. Not many cars ventured near his old tree, so there hadn’t been much money in it), and out the other side, zooming straight for the car behind it. The wheels of the car behind it. The tyres of the wheels of the car behind it.
The tyre held it out at arm’s length and studied it. “Well, well, well,” it said. “A leaf.”
“ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S A TYRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed the leaf in question.
“Well, NO, I totally didn’t realise,” said the tyre sarcastically. “It’s not like I’ve spent my whole life being a tyre or anything.”
“Please please please please pleeeeeeeeease don’t shred me like tissue paper or just plain tissue or just plain paper,” begged the leaf.
The tyre would have looked thoughtful, but it was too busy spinning around with the rhythm of the wheel. It could hear the leaf’s desperation. Would it take pity on a desperate soul? Probably not. It had a living to earn, you know. A mortgage to pay off.
“What can you give me in return for not being shredded?” asked the tyre.
The leaf thought. “I don’t really have much,” it said.
“Did you lose it on the way? People often lose their luggage whilst flying.”
“I never really had much in the first place,” admitted Leaf the Leaf.
“Oh,” said the tyre. “What the hell are you doing with your life, then? You should be going out and finding stuff. You don’t get very far without much, you know.”
“I am finding stuff,” protested the leaf. “I am on a Quest to Seek Adventure.”
“Ooh,” said the tyre, suddenly interested. “And how much do you get paid for that?”
“I get paid by a large amount of Greatness,” replied the leaf, “which then boosts my Status, and makes it easier for me to get more stuff. Like bigness.”
“Anddddd who’s employing you?” asked the tyre.
“Uh, some random tree,” said the leaf.
The tyre thought. It didn’t like spinning on a wheel. The wheels went too fast and made it dizzy. “I like the sound of this Adventure and Greatness.”
“Would you like me to bring you some back?” asked Leaf the Leaf.
“Screw that,” said the tyre. “I’m coming with you.”
And it rolled off the wheel, away from the car, and put the leaf into the now-empty space inside it, and they rolled off into the sunset together, blissfully oblivious of the major traffic accident occurring behind them.

The end.


Noelle said...

Bye Fabi!

Sorry still distant

Unknown said...

I'm not too sure what really is a Wretchling.

Noelle said...

Oh dea, it's going to be another slow day, won't it?

It's been a week on this post already..

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I can try to be here...

Star Inkbright said...

The tyre and the leaf rolled.
And rolled.
And rolled.
And rolled.
And rolled some more.
“How do you seek Adventure, anyway?” asked the tyre.
“Not quite sure,” replied Leaf the Leaf. “I was planning on just playing it by ear, you know.”
“You don’t have any ears,” pointed out the tyre. “You’re a leaf.”
“I was planning on playing it by non-existent ear,” corrected the leaf.
“Sounds legit,” said the tyre. “What’s your name?”
“Leaf the Leaf,” replied Leaf the Leaf.
“That sounds a bit boring,” mused the tyre. “How about Leaf the Leafy Leaf?”
“‘Leafy’ is a girly word,” said Leaf the Leaf.
“Oh, are you male, then?” asked the tyre.
“I don’t have a gender, I’m an inanimate object,” pointed out the leaf.
“Then why does it matter if it’s a girly word?” asked the tyre.
“I suppose it doesn’t.”
“I hereby dub you Leaf the Leafy Leaf,” announced the tyre.
“Um, okay,” said the newly-dubbed Leaf the Leafy Leaf, who would have objected, but was remembering the tyre’s ability to shred. “What’s your name?”
The tyre took a deep breath. “Tiring Tyrannical Tyre of the Tired Town of Tyrannical Tyres.”
“That’s quite a mouthful,” said Leaf the Leafy Leaf disapprovingly.
“It isn’t, isn’t it?” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre of the Tired Town of Tyrannical Tyres.
“Can I just call you Tiring Tyrannical Tyre for short?”
“I guess so,” said the tyre.
“Good,” said the leaf, and they fell into silence once more.
Until they came across a pebble.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped and looked at the round grey object in front of them.
“You almost ran me over!” glared the pebble.
“Sorry,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre, and made to proceed along the current footpath.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble again, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped again and looked at the round grey object in front of them again.
“You almost ran me over again!” glared the pebble.
“Sorry,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre again, and made to proceed along the current footpath again.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble again again, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped again again and looked at the round grey object in front of them again again.
“You almost ran me over again again!” glared the pebble.
“Sorry,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre again again, and made to proceed along the current footpath again again.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble againer, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped againer and looked at the round grey object in front of them againer.
“You almost ran me over againer!” glared the pebble.
“Sorry,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre againer, and made to proceed along the current footpath againer.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble againerer, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped againerer and looked at the round grey object in front of them againerer.
“You almost ran me over againerer!” glared the pebble.
“Sorry,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre againerer, and made to proceed along the current footpath againerer.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble againerer againerer, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped againgerer againerer and looked at the round grey object in front of them againerer againerer.
“You almost ran me over againerer againerer!” glared the pebble.
“Sorry,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre againerer againerer, and made to proceed along the current footpath againerer.
“HEY!” yelled the pebble againererererererer, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre and Leaf the Leafy Leaf stopped againererererererer, and Tiring Tyrannical Tyre yelled “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG NOW?”
“YOU KEEP ALMOST RUNNING ME OVER!” yelled the pebble back.
“BUT THEN I STOP ALMOST RUNNING YOU OVER AND APOLOGISE!” Tiring Tyrannical Tyre yelled in return.
“BUT THEN YOU DON’T CHANGE DIRECTION AND KEEP ON GOING!” yelled the pebble in exasperation.
“Oh,” said the tyre.
“Oh indeed!” huffed the pebble.
“Well, you see,” mumbled the tyre, embarrassed. “Tyres sort of can’t change direction all that well. And certainly not at close range like this.”
“OH, FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” yelled the pebble.


Star Inkbright said...

“Would you mind not yelling?” asked Leaf the Leafy Leaf. “You’re hurting my ears.”
“YOU DON’T HAVE ANY EARS, YOU’RE A LEAF!” the pebble yelled.
“I have non-existent ears!” snapped Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“WELL, THEN HOW DO THEY HURT?” yelled the pebble.
“THEY NON-EXISTENTLY HURT!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“OW!” yelled the pebble. “STOP YELLING! IT HURTS MY EARS!”
“YOU DON’T HAVE ANY EARS, YOU’RE A PEBBLE!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“YOU RACIST LEAF!” yelled the pebble.
“THAT REMARK WAS RACIST!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf indigantly.
“HOW WAS IT?” yelled the pebble.
“YOU CALLED ME A LEAF!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“BUT YOU ARE A LEAF!” yelled the pebble.
“THERE YOU GO AGAIN!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“COME ON!” yelled the pebble. “YOU’RE A LEAF JUST AS MUCH AS I AM A PEBBLE!”
“STOP CALLING ME A LEAF!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” yelled the pebble.
Leaf the Leafy Leaf looked up at Tiring Tyrannical Tyre. “TELL IT TO STOP CALLING ME A LEAF!”
“Oh, shut up,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre. “I’m trying to think of a solution to our predicament, here.”
The other two objects instantly fell silent, and occupied themselves by glaring at each other whilst Tiring Tyrannical Tyre thought.
“Okay,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre. “I have thought.”
“And?” asked Leaf the Leafy Leaf eagerly.
“I have concluded that I must run the pebble over.”
“HEY, THAT’S NOT FAIR!” yelled the pebble.
“IT IS TOO FAIR, YOU CALLED ME A LEAF!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“It’s not fair,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre, “but I am too lazy to think of a better solution.”
“HOW IS IT NOT FAIR? IT CALLED ME A LEAF!” yelled Leaf the Leafy Leaf.
“YOU ARE A LEAF!” yelled the pebble and the tyre in sync.
Leaf the Leafy Leaf looked at Tiring Tyrannical Tyre. “NOT YOU AS WELL!”
Leaf the Leafy Leaf fell silent.
“Okay,” said Tiring Tyrannical Tyre, beginning to roll again. “Just relax. It’ll be over in a few seconds.”
“I SHOULD SUE YOU!” yelled the pebble.
“You probably should,” admitted Tiring Tyrannical Tyre, beginning to loom over the pebble.
And then he ran over it.
And it died.

The end.


Star Inkbright said...

I have to admit, this is rather fun. :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Your story is amusing, Star.

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: Thanks. :)

Well, I can't write and I can't roleplay, but I can natter on about random things, so I just decided to start doing that. :P


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Well, at least it's something.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Fluffy flakes of snowy snow! :D

Sir said...


I really, truly, and honestly did not want to say this, but my author is forcing me...

That pebble certainly seems tired.

Star Inkbright said...

@Sir: *laughs* XD
Well, sorry on your behalf, and thank you on your author's behalf. :P


Star Inkbright said...

My friend just said this.
"The thing about metaphors is that from a distance, they just look like a rock or something, but when you crack it on a bigger rock it breaks apart and there’s a fossil inside it, and you’re just like O_O and you look at each ridge as it curls around and around and it turns out to be so much more elaborate than you originally thought it was. So DON’T JUDGE ROCKS. Yepp..."
She's amazing. O_O


Noelle said...

I have finished my first essay!!

Hello, Sir.

I'm going to hit your author so hard because of that pun that was brilliant.

Sir said...

Thank you, Ms. Inkbright.


Quite, Ms. Dark.

Noelle said...

I don't know where I was going with that

But I actually had to punch my pillow because that pun made me so mad. Yet, at the same time, it was a great pun

So I am half-and-half with this

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hello Sir.

Sir said...

I extend my sympathies to your pillow, Ms. Dark.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Yay! :) :)

It was an ace pun. XD


Sir said...

Greetings, Ms. Cryptic.

Star Inkbright said...

*still going on about metaphor* asdfghjkl, though . . . that's exactly why I love metaphors. That's just the whole thing in a nutshell. And so few people even get that and so to have it spelt out for me is just . . . asdfghjkl.
*in awe foREVer*


Noelle said...

My pillow commends you for your sympathies, Sir.

Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...

My pillow's name is the Ducktor.

He is a duck


Sir said...


Star Inkbright said...

*long-distance waves to Adra's pillow*


Noelle said...


My pillow would like to offer to you all it's wing, although I will have to veto it.

My duck is very cuddly, so I shall negate any offer he has to let you eat him.

But not really.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

My pillow is a spy pillow with a different name and identity for each pillowcase.

Sometimes it's starry pillow
Sometimes it's butterfly pillow
Sometimes it's fruity pillow
Sometimes it's purple pillow
Sometimes it's kitty cat pillow
Sometimes it's purple square pillow
Sometimes it's hearts pillow
Sometimes it's blue pillow
Sometimes it's stripy pillow

When we get a sheet set, there's one pillowcase, but we wear through sheets faster than pillowcases, so then we get a new set, but don't throw out the perfectly good old pillowcases.

So yeah.

Noelle said...

That's great, Fabi :)

Pillow cloth is perhaps a little thicker? I'm not sure..

Noelle said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Maybe something like that.

Oh, breakfast is finally ready.

Bbl, sorry.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

Okay Fabi :/

So how is everyone?

Sir said...

Good bye for now, Ms. Cryptic.

Standard, Ms. Dark.

Noelle said...

Hello, Zaf.

And, of course, Sir. Of course. What does being standard entitle anyway?

Sir said...

As relatively well as the circumstances entail, Ms. Dark.

Noelle said...


Well alright then.

Why not just say "I am well"?
I suppose, personal preference, but those are the about the same, I think...

Sir said...


Noelle said...

It's appalling how sometimes your vocabulary seems so be so few, then when you show off, it proves me wrong.


Sir said...



Noelle said...



Erm, you seem busy, so I might write a bit.
Oh goodness, I don't even know where to start

Sir said...

Busy? Hardly, Ms. Dark.

You may have to start at the beginning, Ms. Dark. Though not necessarily.

Noelle said...

I just meant the brief answers... Ah, Nevermind.

I believe I do, that's usually wher to start- however, I can't imagine up any interesting or helpful scenarios

Sir said...

Dialogue, perhaps.

Briefness of speech, in this case, merely means briefness of thought.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I never can write. It's what I've grown to accept: I suck with writing. I'm crap and it proves to me everyday when I remember nobody actually reads my posts. SoI just smile and nod.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Back, distantly.

Sir said...

Ms. Kerias, please. You act as if writing is an inborn talent. From what I have seen, your writing has improved greatly from what I have saw when I first encountered your writing.

Now, obviously you need to improve your craft, but all writers must do so. Writing is a skill one works for, not one that anyone is born with.

Ms. Kerias, Blogland is one of the most friendly communities out there. If you ever want someone to read and/or critique your work, simply ask.

If you ever want to be regarded as a truly great writer, you must work for it.

Though I may just be speaking a load of hot air, considering I do not write myself.

Sir said...

*had seen, not have saw. My apologies if the typographical error detracts from the message.

Noelle said...

Good idea... Hm.

And I agree with what you've said. I try to improve my writing by looking at others. Writing is the ultimate form of mimicry. It's like picking apples off a tree- you pick what you like and it's all your own.

Wb Fabi

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm so happy.

One of my LM account co owners was going to commit suicide tomorrow. I think we've stopped her for now. Hopefully.

Sir said...

Wonderful, Ms. Charm.

Sir said...

Greetings, Mr. Pine.

Noelle said...

Yay, Mara :)

Hey Dragona

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Adra and Sir. How are you both?

Noelle said...

A bit chilly, upset with myself for procrastinating this second essay.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

If I ever have to read Great Expectations again I'll hit my head on concrete

Dragona Pine said...

I'm fine, thanks.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Zaf, I read what you write, at least roleplay and Nameless chapter wise.

I avoid reading rants from people when I'm in certain mindsets, and you're no exception to that.

And I'm going to agree with what Sir and Adra said.

I know my writing has grown a lot from being here and seeing what everyone else writes.

Yay, Mara. :-) [hugs]

Hi Dragona.

Star Inkbright said...

I ditto Lantern's first sentence. :)

My friend C says that when she's editing, the beginning is so much worse than the ending because she's got better at writing, so she has to go and rewrite the beginning, but then the beginning is better than the ending, so she has to rewrite the ending, and then the beginning is worse again and argh . . . :P
Practise makes everything better. :)
Apart from being a bubble.
You do not need to practise to be awesome at being a bubble. You just need to be a bubble.


Star Inkbright said...

*simply need

I would rather it said 'simply' than 'just'.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Just I guess I feel bad because so many created amazing characters. I have nothing. I just kinda feel like it sucks I can't create much. I don't think any characters I have made are any that are memorable. Maybe, just to me.

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: Lol, I cannot write or roleplay whatsoever. XD

I remember most of your characters as much as the next character, so long as the next character is as unsentimental as I am. Oh, wait, wrong sentence ending. :P
I think you have created some quite good characters, and also started off some quite good plots. :) Plus you're quite good at developing your characters so they change.


Star Inkbright said...

(You couldn't really imagine Skulduggery loving Christmas, could you?)


Dragona Pine said...

Star, do you have time to read the part of my ME story you haven't read yet?

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Yes.


Star Inkbright said...

Greeting, Mycroft. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Staaar Zaffy emailed chu

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*smiles politely* How are you? Have there been any interesting occurrences in your life recently?

Star Inkbright said...

@Mycroft: I don't know. I don't think so. :) What about you and your life?


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Greetings, Elder Kerias.

I must assure you that writing is not as necessary a skill as some think it is.

Noelle said...

Hello, Mycroft

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hai! *giggles* *likes having my title used* *blushes*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I have been faring reasonably well, thank you. Miss Dione is awaiting news from the Aspen Music Festival about whether or not she has been accepted again this summer.

She is having a slight dilemma, though, that she herself shall flesh out slightly:

((So basically, I applied to Aspen and Tanglewood this year. I got into Aspen last year, and I was waitlisted for Tanglewood, but it was torture mainly because my mom was with me. Tanglewood isn't as good of a music festival, but my mother doesn't have to be there with me. Also, I'll only know if I got into Tanglewood a month after it's too late to respond to Aspen. So I don't know if I should accept Aspen's offer if I get it... I think I will, though, just in case...)

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*scowls* Lady Adra.

Noelle said...

You should, Ember.

Noelle said...

*Sighs* Mycroft, goodness... *Shakes her head sadly*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Oh, what now? Is your pregnancy making you even more irritable--not to mention irritating--than usual?

((Maybe, Adra... But after I went last time I had panic attacks :/ I've pretty much just gotten over my trauma from last year))

Star Inkbright said...

@Ember: *nods* Just in case, yeah - I think you should. :)


Star Inkbright said...

((If it's causing you panic attacks, that is Bad. Panic attacks are bad by themselves and also create more stress and anxiety and panic attacks and badness.))


Noelle said...

Well... Perhaps make a list of the pros and cons of each and decide which one you would rather do?

Mycroft, it has done no such thing.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

((It was Bad. It was really Bad.))

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*laughs* I'll be the judge of that.

((That's a good idea, Adra <3))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Well, good luck either way...))

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

((MOSSYYYYYY *hugs*))

Noelle said...

*Puts her hands on her hips* Like hell you will! I haven't even said anything vile to you yet and you assume that is how it will be?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*holds up his hands, still chuckling to himself* Alright, alright, perhaps I'm the irritable one today.

Star Inkbright said...

((@Ember: Yes. *nods* Bad Bad Bad.
So I would try and go for the other one.))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((EMBERRRRR [hugs]))

((Or Narvi))

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

((I'll see what I can do...))

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

((Eheheh :p))

Noelle said...

*Nods brusquely*
Thank you.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

When is your child due, if I may ask?

(I was looking around on the Internet today and I found this really good footage of Hitler from his wife's home videos)

Noelle said...

Casually on the Internet.

One of my favorite vintage recordings is the Hindenburg crash.. Although it was horrible, it was cool.

Around three months from now- late May

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((The snow has mostly turned into slush now...))

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

((I've been waiting for snow ;-; It's 1-2 degrees Celcius outside and still no snow))

((And it was snowing before I arrived and then it stopped))

((It makes me really sad because the first day I went into my boarding school it snowed and it made me really happy))

Star Inkbright said...

@Ember: Wow. O_O

@Moss: Aw. :(

(Not really here. Meant to be doing homework. Getting sidetracked.
I mean, I open google to start doing my homework, but then I go and type something else into the search bar. :P)


Luciana said...


Star Inkbright said...

I swear this page looks more zoomed-out than normal.

But it's on 100% . . . *frowns*


Star Inkbright said...

Hey Mushroom! :)


Luciana said...






Star Inkbright said...

Possible hint of LSODM spoiler -

powgaenr;f.wemanfv.aewmfn eaw.fcmdas .cmdas ac.,sf c.awem fwaefm,. aewmfdwNow Valkyrie's reflection is a person, does her reflection have a reflection?
It's an interesting question. :);dfwaeknfd;wa.kfnwae.mfcnwaecfmwads ,cv a.wfekqlEFAEWBKMDRNWQER.DQWM,R D.32QM,RNAWLNEDQlknqe.


Star Inkbright said...

@Mushroom: Sounds like an awesome day!!! :) :) :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Lucy. :-)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

She lives in the shadow of a lonely girl
Voice so quiet you don't hear a word
Always talking but she can't be heard..

Luciana said...

Beth and another one of my friends are reading Imperfect as we speak, in order to aid me with the editing. They're checking for plot holes.

So, next weekend, I'm going to be dead with all the editing I'll be doing. :P

HELLO FABI! *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

@Msuhroom: Yaaaaaaaaaay! :)
Well, not yay about being dead.
But it isn't that bad, really. :)

@Mara: When that song comes on the radio, my mum turns it up and comments on how she likes it. :)


Star Inkbright said...



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Mara]

You can see it there if you catch her eye
I know she's brave, but it's trapped inside
Scared to talk, but she don't know why

I need to bake something...

Luciana said...

I'm so emotionally drained from Imperfect already, I can't wait for the next two/three rounds of editing to be over already so I can just sleep .

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


The following is a major point in the book that directly effects my characters. I hope no hard feelings from this and that I did talk to Ari who is ok that I posted this with the warning

Zafira stood facing Ravel, a look of horror on her face. All via Skype. "I saw what happened over the Link. You killed them."
"I had to, to prove of the plan. I am part of this, you had your own Grand Mage killed." Ravel replied somewhat calm, the guilt of what he did was eating at him. Zafira's eyes blazed,
"How do I trust you? They were your friends, Erskine. I agree with the plans but killing? This is not the man I knew. You never would kill innocent people. I'm sorry, I cannot be with you. I have to put my children first." She said, no longer angry, or any emotion. Her expression simply was professional, her stern look back.
"Zafira...I would never hurt Christopher or Oliva or Aro or Alexis! Please-"
"Please" She mimcked, anger rising, "You killed two of your friends!!! Friends! I cannot do this. I will remain a friend but mothing more." She said clearly ending it. Ravel sighed,
"And our son?"
"He can see you, but you will come to me. I will not be going to Roarhaven City. Darquesse is out there, Slulduggery knows I am part of your plain, it is dangerous for me. I have a country to lead, as do you. I give you permission to come here, you will face no resistance."
"I say the same, should you enter Roarhaven City." Zafira nodded, and they both looked at each other. From Ravel's end, the vpices of Syc and Portia were drawing near.
"Go on, Erskine. You have some Warlocks to send into Dublin. Next time we speak it will be a new world."
"Indeed it will, Zafira." The call ended.

Star Inkbright said...

Yay for evil plot twists! :)

*occasionally gets a kind of delight from evil plot twists*

*other times I'm just like crying*

*hmm. I should probably see if there's a pattern for that*

That was well written. :) :)

Also, I'm interested to see how your characters/Derek's characters that you roleplay will react to that . . .


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

This is why I like this, I can laugh how Derek is clueless. Ooh its snowing

When he talked to us in November he was so evil I actually was crying/laughing at the: And then she did something bad. Really bad. I mean like really bad. She was cheating with Crux.

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: *laughs* XD

Derek is EVIL. *nods*
He is the Emperor of Evil.
It even has alliteration. XD


Emerald Melody said...

It is Abby and Adam's birthday today. They turn 10.

They are Chase's older kids. :)


So I was on Skype with them today, just to wish them a happy birthday and find out what they got.

And Abby had just finished reading Last Stand of Dead Men for herself and for Adam (because Adam is blind)

And she turned around to me, bear in mind at 10 years old, with the most cruel and unresponsive reaction to chapter 51.

She said: 'At least Skulduggery doesn't have to worry about Ghastly finding out that he's Lord Vile anymore.'

I went and sat in the corner saying that she just opened fresh wounds and my feels are in bits while the two 10 year olds laughed.

Just like their father in many ways!

Star Inkbright said...

They're ace. :) :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Em I am laughing still. Though your reaction won

I said no for an hour and said fuck for an hour and cried.

Emerald Melody said...

Star, I wept like a baby and swore for half an hour over Chapter 51 and I'm 24, whereas these 10 year olds just took it and flicked it off their shoulder.

I was sitting the call actually saying WTF just happened!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

:P Em kids can be insanely cruel and that proved it for sure

Star Inkbright said...

I can't actually remember how I reacted. *frowns*

Then again, I have a bad memory . . .

Plus I cry less because of characters. You know in Catching Fire? I've said this before, but most people cried loads at it, whereas most people did most of their crying after Cinna died and I did most of mine before. And this girl I know just looked at me and said "There wasn't anything to cry about before he died!"
I'm still trying to work out exactly what I find sad and what I don't, but . . . *shrugs*

Although honestly, I seriously can't remember how I reacted. I probably just went into shock. I tend to do that at these things, I think.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Star, I cried knowing they were going back in and I cried when I read his death I cried for Mags I was so distraught then I get to Mockingjay and ka-boom

Luciana said...

I didn't cry at the duck thing in Mockingjay like most people did. I was furious with the sugar, though. I didn't cry once reading THG, but I was close with Rue. ;~;

And I giggled at Chapter 51, then danced around the kitchen because I was right and then at Manchester I high-fived Derek and told him he was awesome because it was the best thing he could have possibly done. Then we proceeded to laugh at it some more.
Then he wore my hat.

Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: I didn't cry at Mags, I don't think. :P

Well, if I did, it wasn't serious crying. It would have been minimal crying.

But I was into the story by then, and yeah . . . plus I knew it was gonna happen, so I wasn't thinking over it.

I don't think I cried much whilst reading it. I was younger. When I read things, I just sort of accepted them.


Star Inkbright said...

@Mushroom: *laughs* XD XD You evil person. :P *hugs* :)

I cried when Rue died in the film. Screw that, I was crying buckets.

I actually cried three times at that film. It was when crying was less usual for me, so I took note of it and looked at it and went round telling people it.

Now I just feel like crying at a moment's notice, often for little or no reason, and occasionally without actually being upset. XD I think my body has just realised how awesome crying is, tbh.
(Just to clarify - I don't actually cry that much. I just feel like crying, sometimes.)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Luce- In November my one friend was killed off in LSODM so she goes: why me? And he was like: Because I can! And killing characters is fun! And she said he should kill me. And then I hit her and she choked on Sweet Tarts and Derek started being weird and laughed at her

Noelle said...

Slightly here but still not

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I watched THG before the anesthesia had worn off all the way, so I don't remember most of it...

I remember Rue, though... I cried more when I listened to the book, though.

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Adra! :)

@Lantern: Aw. :( It's a good movie.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

*after I got my wisdom teeth out

It's funny because I only really watch movies when I'm sick, and that makes me enjoy them less...

Luciana said...

Killing characters is the most fun an author can have.

Trust me.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Luce dont follow Landy's cruel ways! Rise above and be the Golden Goddess and make him your servant

Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: Aw. :(

Well, at least they're all generally in perspective with each other. :)

@Mushroom: Well, good for you?
But less good for us poor souls who have to read it. :O


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

But if I watch it again, I'll remember my face being swollen and wrapped in an ice pack.

I can't rewatch A Wrinkle In Time for a similar reason.

Inkheart is okay, though because it was all over at that point, and everything was going to be okay, and even though it wasn't okay yet, it's still connected with more of a hopeful feeling.

Also, as I discovered, THG isn't Mom-friendly...

Star Inkbright said...

@Moss: Oh. Okay. Not great. :( :(

Aw . . .

I dislike the Inkheart movie, though. :P

My parents really liked THG. XD


Star Inkbright said...

You know how I have to talk things out to think them through? Does this make me better at speaking things through with myself, or worse?
Like, you could say I can't think my thoughts in my head, so I'm not good at speaking them through IN MY HEAD, but I'm very good at SPEAKING THEM THROUGH, aren't I?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

You mentioned...

Yeah, my dad thought it was interesting, but Mom thought it was too violent.

Star Inkbright said...

I love emailing myself so much I actually do.

I just had this really long conversation (and it's interesting, really, to see how I switch between first and second person) and it was just the best thing, I swear.

I just thought. I thought whatever randomly floated through my head and I just had so much freedom to think about that. I could just . . . I just wandered wherever I liked and floated off to that place where you do when you're thinking, and I swear, it was the best thing.


Noelle said...

Why do cats always insist on sitting on us?

I didn't ask you to, not matter how warm and fuzzy and cute and adorable and my cat just spread his entire body- arms stretched out the the entire length of my leg help

Noelle said...

RIP Flappy Bird

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

It left the app store? Awesome

My nephew just blew up Ireland

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Aw. :) And - good luck escaping. :)

@Lantern: Aw. :/ *hugs*

So, I just realised that I am totally not reliant on this place anymore and I am totally free and I can do whatever I want and I just had this instant of great freedom and started crying and it was ace. But I still love you all, so I won't leave. :P You're amazing. :) Don't ever forget.


Snow said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Snow! :)


Snow said...

STAR!! I read your story thing c:

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Cats are odd creatures, :-)

[hugs Stararararar]

Hi Snow.

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