Sunday, February 2, 2014

This Is A Blog Entry

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


Work is progressing. December and most of January was taken up with short stories. I still have to edit them. I'll have to do that soon, over the next few days... But I'm also back on the book. Writing away. Skipping chunks and writing important bits. I'm on the final confrontation now, making sure everything fits together. Even though there is a lot more writing to do, loads of gaps to fill in and storylines to link up, I am TECHNICALLY writing the end of the book at the moment. Will I finally get to find out how it ends? Or will I leave that blank also, to be finished off when everything else is complete?

I don't know. I really don't.

I have, maybe, another month of writing ahead of me before the first draft is done. Every morning I wake up, lie in bed for an hour (yes, it is good to be a writer) and think about the sequence I need to write that day. Then I'm up and writing. There is very little time to think about other things, such as writing blogs or tweeting, and I know you understand that, but I do want to thank you all for your patience. I don't like being silent for this long — but soon, I won't have to be.



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Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Okay, bye then.

Snow said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Mmph. Make up your mind, are you here or not?

Snow said...

Sorry, was reading something and forgot to reload this

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Because if you're going to be here, I'd love to have a nice conversation or RP with you, but, if you're not, I should probably sleep.

Snow said...

*hugs* im here.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs back]

I might be falling asleep anyway, though..l msd. :-/

How are you?

Snow said...

I'm good. We've got a long weekend here so... :) I can be on on Monday.

How're you?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Better than I was yesterday, I think/hope.

Nothing much happening...

Snow said...


This morning I had a chocolate craving. Now, I have eaten so much chocolate that I want to vomit. Life is good. XD

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ah, the wonderful ways of the ironic universe.

Snow said...


I tried milk duds today. I've wanted to forever, but haven't been able to find any.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I don't think I've ever had them... If I have, I don't remember.

Snow said...

*sigh* I think I may murder my friend on valentines day. Thats when shes throwing her birthday party and I am being forced tonwear a dress by her and my mum.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

What do you have against the dress?

Is it motion-restricting? (if so, then I don't blame you. I don't wear anything I can't dance in, unless more comfortable clothing would be inappropriate for the situation.)

Is it hideous?

Is it pink?

Is it that you have a problem with the idea of being feminine?

Is it simply that you have to wear the dress?

Snow said...

All of the above... minus the pink.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Perhaps if you could find a dress that is less hideous and motion-restricting you could reach a compromise?

You should probably get used to the idea of wearing a dress, though. It's not like you'll need to wear one every day, but it's good not to close doors all the way. You might need an escape route, unlikely as it may seem.

But yeah.

Snow said...

... *opens mouth to say something* ...*closes mouth*... *thinks*...

I... I never would have thought of a dress as an escape route.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Well, I'm tempted to insert something about spies here, but it's probably not relevant to your life.

Snow said...

Probably not. Though you should have seen the very weird mental image I got...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I shouldn't have.

Snow said...


I g2g fab. You need to sleep anyway. *hugs* bye.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Goodbye and goodnight.
You're probably right.

Star Inkbright said...


I've installed three new browsers abd changed my Google password trying to comment here on my mobile and I'M FINALLY HERE. *dances*


Star Inkbright said...

And now I have EasyBrowser, which is stupid, not very smooth or special, and has adverts!

But at least I'm here!



Star Inkbright said...

You know there's all these things, like bruises and crying, and most people never wonder about them. You get hurt, you bruise. They don't think "why the hell has my skin gone a funny colour?"

For years, I thought it was bleeding under the skin, and I looked it up and yup, it is. Burst capillaries. :)

(then again - should you believe everything the internet tells you?)


Unknown said...

Hello everyone!

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Rueben!

Will probably be distant, sorry. :)


Snow said...


Star Inkbright said...

Hey Snow! :)

It all makes so much sense now.

You are what you eat.

Saph is perfect.

Saph ate perfect.



Snow said...


and, also, it is a minor spelling mistake

Unknown said...

Looks like nobody else is really on here, so I'll go, i need to finish off my home work, other wise I'm not allowed to watch Sherlock :(

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: I'm sorry, I disagree with your profile picture. :/

Being perfect isn't being flawless. It's being perfectly you. It's more than okay not to be flawless - if you have no flaws, you have no good points, and then you have no nothing, so what are you anyway?

Traits are double-edged. They're positive and negative. Flaws and good things are two sides of the same coin. You HAVE to have flaws to be a person.

But being perfect is another thing entirely. :)

(Mushroom has had such an impact on my life, I swear. :P)


Snow said...

Yeah, I know. I just put it up for the quoting spree and couldn't be bothered changing it

Rueben D: nuuuuuu

Star Inkbright said...

. . . Okay, Rueben.


@Snow: I saw. *nods*

There was this Green Giant advert a while back . . . because Green Giant is a sweetcorn company? And anyway, these boys were eating their dinner, and they were discussing how you are what you eat "So, if you eat French fries, you become French?"
"And . . . if you eat runner beans, you become a runner?"
"And . . . what's this?"
Mum: "It's Green Giant sweetcorn."
Boys: *look at each other is wonder* "Green Giant?" *begin eating sweetcorn as fast as they can*

It was a cool advert. :)



Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: :) *nods*
You can the coolest profile pictures, though. XD


Star Inkbright said...



Snow said...


and I laughed too much at this picture

Star Inkbright said...

I get why. :)

(Although I do find that slightly stereotypically offensive.)


Snow said...

Yeah, I know... it's just my sense of humor.

Star Inkbright said...

I was at rockclimbing yesterday, and there was this person there who I sort of knew (I mean, I knew him enough to recognise his face, but not enough to know his name) (but I know it now) and we kind of came in and stuff and then he took his jumper off and HE WAS WEARING A SLIPKNOT T-SHIRT AND I WAS LIKE O_O.
I was still internally freaking out over it three hours later. :P
If I close my eyes
I mean, if I close my eyes, I can still picture that t-shirt perfectly.
It was brilliant. :)


Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: *nods* :)


Snow said...


I love when something like that happens

Star Inkbright said...


@Snow: I ADORE it when something like that happens, really. :P

It reminds me that I am not alone in the world. :)

That's a nice profile picture. :)

Have you seen the image that says "PROCRASTINATERS UNITE! (tomorrow)"?

It's ace. :)

in the face
with a chair."


Snow said...

I cant wait to get my laptop back and get a top of page comment, that way I can make the vidoe ded I have an idea for.

Star Inkbright said...

And "I think people with multiple personalities should donate one to people who don't have any."

(Ah, the internet is fun. :P)


Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: *nods* :)

Well, ittttttttt's . . . over 100 comments till the next new page, buttttt . . . :P


Snow said...

XD omg yes. So true

Star Inkbright said...

*nods* :) :)


Snow said...

Where would I be without blogland

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: Somewhere less awesome. :P


Snow said...

*nods* I'm thinking... at the bottom of a ditch in texas. Don't vask me why. Idek.

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: Well . . . at least you're not at the bottom of a ditch in Ireland. That would be all muddy and wet and rainy. :O


Snow said...

XD true... but then I'd be closer to Derek... And I could kill him easier after book 9 comes out and inevitably breaks out tiny hearts

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: Oh. Yes. :P

(Actually, a ditch in Ireland sounds quite plausible, now I think about it. O_O)


Snow said...


























*tackles star*

Maegan Harty said...


Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: *laughs* *is tackled* *tackles back*

Hello, Maegan! :)


Snow said...

Hello there. *tackles*

Star Inkbright said...

I want to cry because Clarabelle is just so perfect. D:

(Sorry, a bit distant now.)


Snow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snow said...

She is. I think I kinda ship her and Gerald (who I refuse to call Thrasher)

Snow said...


Star Inkbright said...

OKay. :)


Snow said...


Star Inkbright said...

Wb! :)


Star Inkbright said...



Snow said...


Clarald. Omg.. new favorite SP ship

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: If you say so. :)

(I don't really ship them, tbh.)


Snow said...

I need to sleep. G'night

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Snow! :(


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Herrow sleeping mortals...


Star Inkbright said...

Who are YOU TO ME?
Who am I TO YOU?
Who would have THOUGHT you'd be MY only link to the outside
Where were you when I was DOWN can you show me a way
To face every day with this face goodbye
I took a LIFE WORTH LIVING and MADE IT worth a mockery!
But you keep on coming
(I'm always ready to die but you're killing me)
(I'm always ready to die but you're killing me)
(I'm always ready to die but you're killing me)


Star Inkbright said...

Hey Trip! :)

Yup, most people are asleep now. -_-


Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...

Hello, if anyone is here

Noelle said...

Which is like, totally cool if they're not :)

I can wait- and it's a Sayurday, so I don't have anything better to do besides homework

Star Inkbright said...


Just went for lunch. :P


Star Inkbright said...

Msd, though. But if I disappear, I'll bbs.


Noelle said...

Hello, Star.

*hugs if you go*

Star Inkbright said...

Hi, Adra. :)

How are you?

I really need to DO something. *looks around for something to do*


Noelle said...

Well, I just woke up, so nothing positive nor negative has happened to determine my mood...
How are you?

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry, back now. D:


Star Inkbright said...

I'm okay. :)

And - I know what you mean about the waking up thing. :P I rarely know how I am when people ask me in the morning.

You know, sometimes I ask people a question, and they reply, and then I can't remember what I asked them and am stuck there trying to remember what it was. :P
Or I ask them if it was this, and they reply yes, and then I can't remember whether I said 'this' or 'that'.
It doesn't help that my brain muddles words along the way to my mouth, either. *facepalm*

And now, I really must think of something to do . . .


Star Inkbright said...

*'this' and 'that' applying to two options.


Noelle said...

That happens to me sometimes... I usuay find that I just have to pay better attention.

And okay

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *laughs* Yeah.

Your profile picture is quite awesome in a sad way.


Noelle said...

Oh, thank you.

Star Inkbright said...



Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...



Noelle said...

I have to go soon for an hour. Msd

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Fours if you go, Adra! :(

Hi Ember! :)

I can't find my string . . .
*turns bedroom upsides down*
*turns it correct way up again*
*turns it upside down again*
*shakes it*
*glares at it*
*eats it*
*turns contents of stomach upside down and resumes searching*


Star Inkbright said...

*realises my bedroom is now in my stomach*

*which means I'll have to sleep in my stomach*


*spits bedroom out again, wipes off my bed, places it to one side and eats bedroom again*


Star Inkbright said...


*jumps up and down on my newly emerged bed*


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*is confused*

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

*this is a very self-indulgent speech that nobody has to read*

Have you ever had one of those moments where you were touched by somebody? A moment that left you hurt or inspired or just so content with their company that nothing else mattered for the rest of the day? A moment that you turn to whenever you're losing your faith? I met this man who loved to draw once, and he told me that he drew people because people were otherwise so easy to forget. You don't forget those special moments, though. They stick with you. And I always felt like the other person wasn't touched the same way and sometimes I felt like they didn't even care, but somebody said something the other day and I realized that for the moments that are truly special, all the people involved feel it, and you moved them just as much as they moved you.

Star Inkbright said...

Once upon a time there was a leaf, on a tree, and the leaf got on quite well with the tree, or maybe it didn’t, idk, it’s not important. But the tree was quite an adventurous tree, and one day it decided to get up and wander about in search of Adventure.
But, you know, it was a tree, so it was already up and couldn’t exactly wander about because of its roots.
So the tree gave the leaf a phone and then made the leaf go off to have adventure for it.
And at this point, it ceased to matter whether or not the tree and the leaf had been friends, because they definitely weren’t anymore. The leaf had LIKED sitting there doing nothing all day.
Anyway, the leaf yelled a bit down the phone and then sat there in a field and did nothing, because it wasn’t interested in Adventure.
And the tree got rather annoyed, but the leaf blocked its number so it was all good.
And anyway, the leaf was sitting there, happily pretending to sun itself (pretending, because it was sat in the shade. And was wearing a coat. Because it was cold. Because it was sat in the shade. But it couldn’t be bothered to move, coz like I said it’s a lazy leaf), and then this horse came up to it.
“Hello”, said the horse. “How are you?”
“Fine, thanks,” said the leaf. “I’m sunning myself.”
The horse looked at it sceptically, but let it be. “So, you’re in a good mood?”
“Yeah, I guess,” said the leaf.
“Oh, good,” said the horse. “That means there’s more of your mood for me to destroy.”
“Yeah, WHAT?” asked the leaf.”
“What the HELL are you doing in my field?” asked the horse.
“I blew here,” said the leaf.
“I couldn’t care WHAT you did here, I just want you GONE. It’s MY field.”
The leaf glared. “There’s plenty of room for both of us.”
The horse shrugged. “Maybe so, but still – YOU’RE IN MY FAVOURITE SPOT.”
The leaf heaved a giant sigh, and slowly slid away from the spot, into the sun, where it took its coat off and began ACTUALLY sunning itself.
The horse glared at it. “That’s my other favourite spot.”
“Fiiiiiiiine,” moaned the leaf, and dragged itself onto another part of the field.”
“That’s my other other favourite spot,” said the horse.
The leaf dragged itself a fraction of a nautical mile to the south-south-south-south-south-south-south-south-south-south-south-west.
“That’s my other other other favourite spot,” the horse told it.
The leaf sat on a tree stump.
“That’s my other other other other favourite spot,” said the horse.
“You can’t sit on a tree stump, you’re a horse,” said the leaf. “It wouldn’t be comfy.”
“I have as much right to sit on a tree stump as anyone else,” insisted the horse.
“But you CAN’T sit on a tree stump.”
“But I have the RIGHT to sit on a tree stump.”
The leaf thought about this for a moment. “True. But how is it your favourite spot when you can’t sit on it?”
“I like the aura of impossibility it brings.”
“OH FOR FUCK’S SAKE,” said the leaf, and it left the field and went home and got eaten by the tree because the tree was so angry and gave the tree hiccups.

The end.

(and now, I kind of have to go. Fours!)


Star Inkbright said...

@Ember: *nods* I know exactly what you mean. :) *smiles*

*leaves* D:


Anonymous said...

Anyone here?

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, guys...

Noelle said...

That wasn't a fun lesson..

Anonymous said...

What happened, Adra?

Noelle said...

Mith! *hugs*

Well, I still can't feel my toes or feet because it's so cold, and in the middle of trotting I felt sick. Though, the latter is because of my anxiety medicine- it makes me sick for about two and a half hours after I take it.

So the bouncing wasn't helping.

Anonymous said...

*hugs back* Sounds awful...

Noelle said...

It was a teensy bit.

But nevermind that- how are you, love?

Anonymous said...

Generally I'm fine.
But right at the moment, I'm bored to death. Nothing ever happens to me...
I try to write but I'm completely stuck. Meh...
Never mind that, ok? ;)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

Oh. Boredom isn't fun. :/

Hopefully I can help alleviate that with some lively conversation?!We can RP is you want, as well. Whichever you think might help more

Anonymous said...

*grins* Conversation would be fine, I guess...

Uh... Hi Zaf?

Noelle said...

Hello, Zaf.

Okay, will do, Mith!

-hang on it's snowing outside-
-not again-
-I still can't feel my toes-

Anonymous said...

We haven't had a proper winter here in Germany... I WANT snow!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hai there Mith and Adra!

*sits in dynamite forest bundling dynamite*

Noelle said...

Well, I don't exactly want to give mine up, so come down yonder!

Anonymous said...

How could some evil woman make Billy-Ray Sanguin help her?
I'm writing some sort of Skulduggery fanfiction and I want Billy-Ray in it. I want him to help my bad guy (Her name is Zaltana Agony) but why would he do that?

Noelle said...


Anonymous said...

Blackmail... would be a reason.
But I actually wanted him to get her out of prison... and I need a reason for THAT...

Noelle said...

Usefulness, perhaps? Something that she has access to that he does not?

Anonymous said...

Yeah... yes, that's good. Thank you!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I don't know my feelings for Billy-Ray. Oh my god

Snowball is on the wheel he runs too fast and tumbles off and Coco looks and chews the tube Snowball squaked in midair and Coco ignored him. Snowball extremely special

Star Inkbright said...

Hi. At my grandparents'.

My mum's been talking about work.

It was so hard not to start crying because it's so depressing, I swear.

I must tell you about it when I gst home . . .


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

K Star

Noelle said...

Okay, Star :/
Don't be afraid to cry. When you cry, people around you will understand.

And I really want to say more, but whichever way I say it sounds terrible, so..


Noelle said...

I'm curled up under my covers to get my body heat back...
I really need a shower but I'll freeze this is a problem.

Noelle said...

Hey Fabi! *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: I just don't want to start crying here in front of everybody. Plus, then people get scared to tell you depressing things . . . I'll talk about it and cry when I get home. :)

Oh, gosh. Even though I haven't actually cried, I'm getting the hyper aftereffect. XD

*hugs* I hope you get warmer soon. :( :(

Curling up under covers is good, though. :) Should help.


Star Inkbright said...

Hello, Lantern! :)


Noelle said...

Germany is still A++++++ for wearing rainbow gear to the Olympics.

I'm thinking it's a subtle "in your face" to the restrictions on homosexuals in Russia


It's awesome

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Adra, Zaf, Star.


Noelle said...


But, people shouldn't expect to talk about sad things and not expect tears. I mean, it's called sad for a reason...

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: :) *long-distance hugs Germany*

*which I can do, coz I'm a bubble*


Star Inkbright said...

My mum wasn't talking to ME. And I just don't want a fuss. :P


Noelle said...



And- yeah, don't be afraid to cry. Holding emotions back is terrible to do. It's a bit of avoidance and repression added together, both of which aren't good. Besides, it's your family. They're there for you, it's their job. You don't need to hide your emotions around them, you know?

(Although, I don't know what your relationship is like with your family. I'm just saying this because I'm best friends with my mom. If you have a type of relationship with any family member, then you don't need to be afraid.)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

GAH, my speech deleted.

Noelle said...

I hate when that happens :/

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Gtg, breakfast.

Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to say it again later.

Bye [hugs]

Noelle said...

Okay- good luck *Hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

Sorry for my distance. Got into conversation. D:

*hugs Adra* Thamk you for your concern. :) I tend to be quite an emotionally open person, though, so . . .

And idk. People fo syop telling you depressong things if you react strongly. Sorry, struggling to resoond im a focused manner bc conversarion.


Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Lantern. *hugs*


Noelle said...

*Shrugs* well, it's all part of having boundaries, I think- however, that is only my opinion.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *nods* I'll think on it. :)
(And I will.)

How are you? :)

Zaf's profile picture is just asdfghjkl. Eternally grateful. <3


Noelle said...

I'm still cold, and my friend finally might do henna, although she'll have to drive to my own house because... You know.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I know it is

Star Inkbright said...

Hello again!

*is home*

@Zaf: :)

@Adra: :/ Stupid snow.


Noelle said...

Hey Star! wb

Star Inkbright said...

Right. Stories from my mum's work, then. Although I swear, it's never the same as when she says it.

So this famous comedian said she would sponsor one of my mum's work's refugee boys to do a club or whatever. And you know Justin? I'm pretty sure it's Justin. I must have mentioned Justin. He comes from the Congo, I think, and his elder brother's still there. :/ And when my mum first met him, he was dancing, and she just thought that was incredible, that he'd been through all that and he was dancing, and then the teacher was just like "Not when it stops him getting to lessons and time!" and my mum was just like -_-. My sister once asked my mum how old Justin was, and my mum said he was thirteen, but he acted like he was eight to twenty-eight. :)
And anyway, Justin has this sponsorship thing, and my mum took him to a drama club thing, and to a musical theatre thing (Justin apparently said, when asked what it was like "It was like drama, but SINGING drama!"), and to a contemporary dance class. And he went to this contemporary dance class with this older boy a few times, and the teacher said he was sorry it was mostly stuff for girls, but he would have some stuff for boys next week. And anyway, Justin had decided that the contemporary dance thing was the thing he wanted to go to, and my mum had worked out all the transport arrangements and worked it out so the older boy could go too, and everything, and Justin was really excited. Anyway, they went again, and my mum had to take the older boy who she thinks has epilepsy across the road to the doctor's, and she told Justin to just stand there until the class started, and he had her number and stuff, and she said she wouldn't be a minute and it would be fine and he could just go in because they were expecting him. And anyway, she got a phone call or whatever (think it was a phone call) from the manager person going "What is this boy doing here?" and saying it was a special class for advanced students and they couldn't just take ANYBODY and how he shouldn't be there, and my mum got back and Justin was just sitting in a corner crying, well tearing up and stuff, and she said when telling the story "and he's a tough kid, you know", and . . . idk. And my mum said to the manager person that he'd been before and it was fine, but apparently NOPE, he wasn't allowed, and so they had to leave. They got in the car and my mum said "I think we're both pretty sad about it, so we will not talk about it right now."
And it was clear that the dance class just didn't really want him because he just wasn't the right type of person, and he was black and working class and quite fat and stuff, as opposed to girls in their tutus, and my mum said they could have just SAID that he couldn't come, rather than hurting him like that.
And Justin was heartbroken, he really was. Absolutely heartbroken.
And the thing is - you know that older boy? He's "quite a cool kid", according to my mum, and apparently they're offering HIM a place, and . . . idk, it's just discrimination, really.
And my mum says that if you're a middle class kid who's grown up here and done dance and drama for years, it's easy to do things, but if you're a working class teenager from the Congo it's just . . . *shrugs*

Anyway. Like I said, it's probably the way my mum says it. I don't think it sounds as *makes gesture that indicates I can't find the word* when I tell it. But still. It's not fair.

That's Thing I Had To Tell You Number One.


Noelle said...

That isn't fair... That happens a lot, in the dancing community. Everyone wants a specific look- and if you don't look that way, you aren't in. Unless you show them your talent- MAKE them see, the chances of being in are nil.

And I would be upset if I were denied at a dance studio- horribly upset.

However, if he were let in, they might not treat him kindly. Perhaps it just isn't the place for him. I'm sure he will find another opportunity. A better opportunity

Sir said...

The world of dance, especially for the young, is one of extreme ugliness, pettiness, but also beauty.

Odd, really.

Star Inkbright said...

And anyway . . . Thing I Had To Tell You Number Two.

There's this family, and they're really Mad Woman's case, not my mum's (I've told you about Mad Woman, yes? If not, I easily can. She's my mum's boss and they all agree she's just impossible. They think she has a personality disorder.), and my mum just takes these boys to football.
Anyway, the mum is mute from trauma, and the grandma who lives with them doesn't speak a word of English, and so this older teenage girl who knows some English deals with everything, like all the rent and the banks and the insurance. There's fours kids. And my mum went there to pick the boys up to take them to football, and she says the house was just FREEZING, and with four kids, and all . . . and apparently they hadn't had any hot water or heating for a week, and my mum looked around a bit and it was really damp and there was condensation all over everywhere, like . . . yeah, really bad, and anyway, she phoned somebody (think it was the landlord) and he said he'd send a plumber right over, and he did. And they asked if they could look around, and stuff, and it was SO wet, her and the plumber thought there was a leak, and they were going around looking for the leak, and there was just water running down the walls and stuff, MASSES of condensation, everywhere, and the plumber said it was the worst house he'd ever seen, and my mum said it reminded her of Newcastle in the *insert some time period here*, and she said she was just so upset because she was just thinking "Well, welcome to Britain." (and there's nothing I can type that can describe my mum's voice when she said that.)
And as far as I can work out, they were just given that house with that dampness because they were refugees or whatever and wouldn't do much about it.
And my mum says she just thought they were past it, that all houses had a better standard of living now, and that houses being that bad didn't happen anymore.
And probably it would be worse because they'd had no heating and had been boiling water for everything, but still.
And she told Mad Woman and contacted people or whatever and hopefully it's going to be sorted out now, but yeah.

My mum said, after she first got this job, that everyone was so pleased to be living here that it made her feel guilty about the times she'd thought it was a crap country.
But we are rather crap, really.

Look around your house, now. Or if you're not in it, think about it. Look around your bedroom or whatever and imagine if it was that damp and cold.



Noelle said...

Hello, Sir. I would agree with that- people who vigorously train in ballet, for example, are trained that they must look a certain way- and it teeters into the unhealthy range. I know many professional dancers are anorexic or blue mix, because of the culture there is.

It is quite sad

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *shrugs* Probably.

He loves dancing, though.

He dances down the corridors at school, I mean . . . *shrugs*

On a lighter note, you know Nathan from my mum's old work? He uses to be one of the young people she worked with and then worked with her and became her right-hand man. My mum cares quite a lot about Nathan, I think. She doesn't work there anymore, obviously, but she still goes and sees him and stuff. Anyway, he's engaged and his fiancée is having a baby! Yay!
*spreads congratulations everywhere*
Also, he's becoming a fireman and that's quite a good job and stuff!
It's all good!
I'm so pleased! :)
(I've only met him like twice, though, so it's always odd when I see him, because obviously my mum's mentioned him quite a lot but we don't know each other.
Odd, really.)

(And I think that's my ranting done for today. :))


Star Inkbright said...


Stupid culture . . .


Noelle said...

It's pretty cold, but Iccan understand the damp part... That is actually rather bad- it can lead to mould in the walls, which can be detrimental to them...

That one girl, though. Poor her- no one that young and inexperienced should have to do that.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg Star

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: *nods* :/

@Zaf: *nods* :/

Anyway. How is everyone? :)


Noelle said...

Good for him, though! ;)

Star Inkbright said...

Yes! Good for him! :)

You know, when Nathan was younger, he got some of his teeth knocked out in a fight, and he just kind of shoved them back in his mouth so they would grow back in, but obviously they were all wonky and stuff, because at the time he wasn't trying to line them up neatly or anything. And a few years ago he got them sorted out (the dentist was apparently horrified that nothing had been done before), and Nathan said to my mum that he felt he could smile now, because previously whenever he'd felt himself smiling he'd stopped himself because his teeth were so bad, and that's just so . . . D':


Noelle said...

I'm wanting to do my homework which is writing two essays, but I'm finding myself being unable to do it...


It's not even that hard. They're only one paragraph essays, which is stupid, because I can write a good one paragraph essay in twenty minutes, hand-written, and I type much faster with a keyboard so Idek.

And- :/ I was in Colorado one year (the year my brother ran into a slow sign and had to go down the rest of the mountain on a toboggan with the medics) and one guy fell off his skis and knocked his teeth out.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Oh.
*is the queen of procrastination, so isn't much help*

@Adra: :(


Noelle said...

OH JAYSUS I'M GOING INTO HYPER-Stress mode help this anxiety medicine god sakes WORK


Noelle said...


ok I'm alright now.

Speaking of which, I may be the only human here in a Website of ghosts. Hm. *Pulls out EMF detector* Walks around*

Did you die in this house?

What...what so your name?
*Watches EMF detector*

Noelle said...

I swear, I corrected that mistake.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Dragona Pine said...


Noelle said...


*Looks at EMF detector*

So your name is... Is William?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Dragona Pine said...

*throws cheese*

Noelle said...




Dragona Pine said...


Dragona Pine said...

Adra, that was the graphic I made. I'm not sure whether you're on your phone or not but still lol.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Zaf, Adra, Dragona.



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

So I offcially told my Mom I want to go see Vampire Academy then told NJ and I think she died of shock

Noelle said...

I'm not now, but wow! Looks good!!

Dragona Pine said...

Thanks Adra. I think it took me... 10 mins? ^^

Dragona Pine said...

Adra, also, you need one of these:

It's called the Indra. Adra and Indra.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Dragona my iPod is in a bad mood so I'll go charge my tablet to see the other one but the first is cool!

Noelle said...



Dragona Pine said...

Everyone is kind of quiet lol.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I should probably go, sorry.

Noelle said...


Noelle said...

(That is, I have to go. So see ya)

Luciana said...

Mostly here to say, IMPERFECT IS DONE.

Halfway through my first edits!

Thank you all for being so supportive with this book, I love you all. <3

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Moss and Adra!

By the way, I didn't make the second picture. It's just a sniper rifle.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ah okay

Maralie Lily Charm said...

a tiger never loses sleep, over the opinion of a sheep

Dragona Pine said...

A really cool sniper rifle, but still a sniper rifle.

Now I'm watching 21 Jump Street.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Congratulations, Lucy! :-)

(Not here, food)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I alive we did the gerbil cage since I wanna start doing it Saturdays so I can watch Nascar on Sundays without missing a portion

Snow said...

I think I died in my sleep last night... it wasn't fun

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hai Snow

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*pets* ah its morning over there. Good morning

Snow said...

Yesh. Morning it ish. I am still in bed. c:

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Haha I slept til like 10am and thats rare for me

Snow said...

Only 8:45 for me. But I think I might get up soon

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ah I would eventually get up xD

I was so tired last night

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hai Rueben!

Unknown said...

Hello Zaf!

Snow said...

HIA RUEBEN! *tackles*

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