Monday, January 13, 2014

Working Hard...

Well then.

As you  know, I've been writing. Writing, writing, writing. You don't get to do an awful lot of other things when you're writing. Well, sometimes you do, but not when you have deadlines like these. The short stories I'm writing, all of them, need to be delivered by Wednesday. The first draft of Book Nine needs to be delivered by the middle of next month.

To say I am a tad busy would be something of an understatement.

Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and why would Jack want to be a dull boy? I've been doing things. Reading things. Watching things.

Take this evening, for instance. This evening I watched the last Sherlock of the current season. The first episode of the season was oddly character-driven, at the expense of the central mystery, but I didn't mind that in the least. The second episode, the wedding episode, was hilariously sublime. And the final episode, having Sherlock face off against a truly unique villain... well. It was just wonderful stuff.

And I've been reading. Stephen King, mostly. Going over his early works. His classics. When I was a kid, I went straight from The Three Investigators and the Hardy Boys to Stephen King and these wonderfully violent and detailed Gold Eagle books like The Executioner and Able Team and Phoenix Force, books that gave you diagrams of the weapons they used at the back of the book. Basically, I graduated from kids books to horror and action. And after a few Stephen King books like Cujo (the first King book I can remember reading) I went on to James Herbert and Shaun Hutson — overtly violent and brilliantly horrific.

And now, after all this time, I'm going back to Stephen King, and loving it all.

Recommendations? Read The Stand. Then read It. Two MASSIVE books. You won't be sorry.

So these things have been my break from the writing. Christmas, for me, was mostly about the short stories. But there was one story...

It started off fine. Exactly as I planned. It would be a new kind of story, something I hadn't really tried before. It would probably end up as one of the longer stories of the collection, though, but not by much.

I thought.

I have just finished it. Half an hour ago, I finished it. At the moment, before edits, it is over 20,000 words long. That's twice as long as The End of the World. So you'll be reading through Armageddon-Outta-Here (haw!), and hopefully enjoying the stories, and then you'll get to this brand new novella, a good, solid chunky story, and I think this story alone will make the collection worth the money.

I think. I hope. Right now I'm far too tired to form a coherent opinion. All I know is, I've been working hard. And it's not over yet.


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Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: My, that is impressive, Olivia. Congratulations.
Hm... *wonders whether or not to disturb Precocious* *she had expressed boredom, but has clearly already found means of entertainment* Mr. Ravel, truth or dare?


Noelle said...

*Steps out into a brightly lit room, and a grey haired woman takes her bag for her* *The woman, a novice, bows* My Lady, they are gathering in the council room already.
*Nods and brushes past her towards the council room, pulling her Philosopher's stone from under her shirt, a faint glow to it, being so close to it's home*
*Stops outside a pair of tall, wooden doors*
*Pushes in to the council room- a circular table in the middle, ten others sitting there*
*Takes her seat*
*Nods to the other members in complete silence*
*They, too, wait for the final member- the empty seat beside Adra*

The Grave of a Coward said...


Snow said...

(( XD))

Star Inkbright said...

((*watching, Adra :)*
*interested to find out what will happen*))


Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Fabi - No, it's fine! I just mean that Gmail is being stupid and I can't listen to it! D:))

The Grave of a Coward said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Oh. Dare.

Olivia: *sits by Niccolò laying head against him* (sorry Nic she is kinda very much attached to people if she bothers you give her to Zaf

Snow said...

*thinks about ways to torment poor gary* *smiles evilly*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *shyly looks away*

Star Inkbright said...

((Star: @Annika: Yes. XD))

((@Snow: My friend (the tall one) sings "We're off the see the hobbit, the hobbitish hobbit of Shire! Because, because, because, because, of all of the hobbitish things he does!"
We often skip to the AstroTurf in Games lessons signing/parodying The Wizard of Oz. :)))


Snow said...

*whispers to star* want to help me torment gary? It'll most likely be fun....

Star Inkbright said...

*whispers to Snow* No. I am a nice person.

Hunter; Nice people are odd.

Ez: You're odd, you can't speak.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: *enjoying her "means of entertainment"*

Oscar: *equally enthusiastic*

Gary: *tries not to look at Snow*

Snow said...

((Everytime one of my friends linksarms with me, they set me off...))

Snow said...

*whispers to star* meany.

*suddenly tackles gary*

Star Inkbright said...

((My friend, for some reason, things I do not have a good memory.

I may have a terrible memory is some ways, but I do remember little things like the Wonderful Wizard Named George and the fact he is apparently a BAMF.



Snow said...

((You know what the worst part about all this ks? Irf this were happening irl, in persom, I would do the same things))

Star Inkbright said...

Star: @Snow: YOU are the meany. :P

((Ah, that's cool. :)))


Snow said...

((*if, *person))

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: AH!
*scrambles backwards*
*blushing furiously*
*by which I mean not at all*

Oscar: *breaks away*
*red-faced and breathless*
I . . . I think I should help Gary.

Precocious: Must you?
*breathless also*

Oscar: I'm afraid so.

Precocious: *kisses him one more time*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Rook: Liz?

Liz: [Looks up from the book she was reading] Yeah?

Rook: The memory I accidentally gave you... Can you think back to how old Cecelia was? Or how old she looked?

Liz: Maybe in her thirties?

Rook: Interesting...

Liz: Why?

Rook: Cecie turned eighty just a few months ago. She still looks in her early twenties.

Liz: [Looks confused]

Rook: Please tell me you were lying.

Liz: [Shakes her head slowly]

Rook: This is worse than I thought. [Paces in a circle]

Snow said...

*laughs* okay, that was fun. Soory, but... *do6bles over laughing*

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Yes, the Wonderful Wizard Named George is a BAMF indeed.
*nods solemnly*)

Snow said...

*sorry, *doubles

Noelle said...

*Glances across the table, remembering the names of her old friends, when, ages ago, they all had been kind, and innocent, before they were destroyed*
*When she alone had been called crazy. It turns out they all are, too, in their own ways*
*Priya walks through the doors with a bow to the council members, and takes a seat*
*We all sit and wait*
*We look at each other*
*In silence*
*Shakes her head to rid of the temporary point of view shift*
*Across from her, Hydra flickers her tongue. Acheron looks stone-faced. Alrescha is twiddling her thumbs under the table. Erigone looks regal. Priya, Eritan, Vaisakha, Pollux, Tzipora, Amon-Ra, and Cain are silent*
*Cain is staring right at her*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *gingerly pushes her away*
*then looks at his hand*
*shocked that he actually touched her*
S . . . sss . . . sssss . . .

Oscar: *helps him up*
*neatens his clothes*
*making them symmetrical again*
Her name is Snow. You know, like your discipline?

Gary: *squeaks* Snow.

Snow said...

*is still laughing* oh god... so sorry...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: [pops up from nowhere] You know we'll help you, right?

Rook: With what?

Effie: Whatever it is that's making you all worried-like and pacing in circles. [Glances at Liz] The memory thing?

[Liz nods]

Star Inkbright said...

((*watching, Lantern! :) Interested*

@Anni: I'm sure he is. :P))


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: *symmetrical-izes Gary's clothes*
Maybe you should go home.

Gary: *passes Oscar a moist towelette*

Oscar: *wipes off his own hands*

Gary: . . . Maybe so.
*looks at Snow*
. . . Eep.

Star Inkbright said...

((@Snow: And yes, this is how /I/ would act in real life. Because I am NICE. *nods*


Star Inkbright said...

StarL Poor Gary. :(


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Since everyone else seems to have switched to a role play of sorts. If anyone's still playing truth or dare, I'll happily set this aside.))

Snow said...

*slowly walks back over to star and sits next to her*

*calls out to gary* Sorry again!

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: *finishes wiping off his hands*
*returns to Precocious*
The game seems to have . . . slowed down.

Precocious: Yes, it has.

Oscar: There are a lot of people here still.

Precocious: True.

Oscar: Would you like to find a . . . a secluded corner somewhere?

Precocious: . . . Why?

Oscar: Well, I don't really feel like playing truth or dare when all I can think about is kissing you.

Precocious: You know?
I was thinking the same thing.

Snow said...

((Id be playjng, but it seems forgotten. Feel free to continue with what you're doing fab))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *clears throat* *steps away from Olivia* I dare you to imitate any bird of prey of your choice for the next ten minutes.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Im playing but Nic vanished and he dared Ravel)

Snow said...

Welll... this'll be interesting

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: *takes Oscar's hand*

Oscar: *looks back at the group and smiles cheerily*
We're going to go.

Precocious: *tugs on his arm*

Oscar: Yes, we're going to go now.
*follows her*
And don't, er, follow us.

Precocious: *giggles*
*she's been giggling a lot recently*
*and she can't for the life of her understand why*

Gary: *left standing alone in front of a group of pretty girls*
*begins to tremble all over*
Ah . . .
Ah . . .
*claps a hand over his mouth*
*runs away*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Niccolò: My apologies- I disappeared again for some time. It appears the game has come to a halt. You may disregard my previous comment if you so wish, Zafira.))


Snow said...

*calls* Bye Gary!

*also calls* bye osmosis

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: Bird of prey...*thinks for a moment and uses air to make it look like he is flying like an eagle* (he's levitating himself a foot off the ground

Olivia: *giggles*

Ravel: Snow!! Truth or dare?

Noelle said...

*Erigone stands up from her seat, then quickly everyone else*
*Bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, armbands, stones, and other enclosures are all pushed to the middle of the table, everyone's respective stone away from their person, and out of each vicinity*
*Erigone sits down* Brothers and sisters, you know why we've come here in meeting. *She flicks her hand, and images flash into the back of Adra's head*
*She knows the same is happening to her fellow alchemists*
*Erigone continues* The Philosopher's stone- the true one. You know that we are under attack, and, of this stone leaves this reality, the balance of the ether will be thrown off.

*Vaisakha raises her voice, speaking in the old tongue* Carpę lasnashla tempine daneka. How much time have we to prepare?

*Erigone considers* Days. At most.

*Adra buries her head in her hands* *The universe is so fucked*

*Pollux stands up, his chair scooting back* But that isn't fair! You should have called us sooner!

*Erigone waves her hand, and Pollux sits* Had we known earlier, I would have told you.
Now, carrying on..

Snow said...

Oh, dare! Always dare!

Star Inkbright said...

((@Annika: *laughs* XD))


The Grave of a Coward said...

(As you may have surmised, I have to depart.
This is me, departing.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I'll keep it up, oh Nic maybe we could have John and Zaf be together like it doesnt effect you in rp? Kinda like a small thing thats rp but not the main plot?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *gazes thoughtfully at Gary as he runs away* Oh. Well, fancy that. *smiles* He's actually sort of sweet. *shrugs, and walks over to Niccolò*


Snow said...

((Bye anniiiii))

Star Inkbright said...

Star: @Ravel: Good way of doing it. :)


Noelle said...

Goodbye, Annika

Star Inkbright said...

Star: @Ravel: Good way of doing it. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ravel: *swoops down and picks Olivia up* I dare you to imitate Alastair for 10 min

Snow said...



Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Niccolò: I'm afraid I shall have to leave soon, in any case.
Farewell, Annika.))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Rook: I don't need help, from either of you.

Effie: Suit yourself. [Phones a taxicab]

Liz: ... Why are you calling a taxi?

Effie: [Gestures to Rook] We're taking him to see Anna. Because she generally knows what to do and stuff.

Liz: Well, alrighty, then. [Pulls out Chelsea] Sorry, Rook.

Rook: [Sighs] Fine. I'll talk to Anna Zinaida. I doubt she'll be able to do much, but I'll talk to her.

Effie: Good! Oh, here's our ride!

[A battered taxi that is considerably less yellow than it was pulls up]

Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Anni! :(

I have to go to sleep soonish . . . :/


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: ARI ARI!!!! *giggles* Look I know how to hit! *punches Nic in the stomach, about as far as she can actually reach* (she's not too strong so it shouldnt hurt him but Ravel has taught her to hit

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Bye Anni, and Ari when you leave...))

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *does not react* *considers* That is fairly impressive from someone of your age, Olivia.

Ari: *grins* That's awesome, Liv!


Snow said...

((Okay, really, I'll do the dare but someone tel me what Alastair is like))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Olivia: Thanks! I am wanting to learn self defense.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

((Niccolò: He appears several times on the Nameless blog. He adores pain, and believes sadism is true human nature, and essentially exists to make others suffer. He also tends to be fairly dramatic.))


Noelle said...

Goodbye Niccolò and Aretha, if you must go soon*

*Several months have passed for Adra*
*Wearied from this conflict*
*She sits on a small bed*
*The alarms sound- as they do every day*
*Opens the door, and Amon- Ra is being dragged down the hallway, his lower body missing, flesh and blood pouring out*
*His Philosopher's stone is gone*
*Glances at the assortment of scars that she had received as well over the months*
*Runs down the way Amon came*

Snow said...

((This'll be fun... ))

*turns to star dramatically and sneers* truth.... or dare?!

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: Oh, it's easy. Just say about how smart Lantern is. :) :)

. . . Or do what Niccolò said.

WHILST saying we should all listen to Lantern.

(I actually really liked Alastair, as a character. He really raised a lot of rather good points.

I kind of miss him.

But then again, I missed Niccolò when Alastair took him over. :P)


Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: . . . Dare.


Noelle said...

*And Star, if you go*
*In the hall, Priya is limping, holding up a young woman with white hair, and the two are stumbling for Adra's portal*
*A woman is being lifted through a second portal, her leg missing completely*
*Erigone is mounted on the wall, her hands and feet tied, a spearhead pushed through her skull and through the stone behind her*
*Her Philosopher's stone is gone*
*To the side, a woman is tending to a pair of gentlemen, one with a bleeding ear, the other's eyes red and bandaged*
*Eritan walks to the blinded man, and sits beside him in understanding*
*Cain is nowhere to be found*
*Hydra is by the mirror, trying to see her tongue back on*
*Adra goes to tend to the gash on her own forehead*

Snow said...

Ha! I dare you... (okay, I know I'm doing an awful job, but hey) to.... cut down the tallest tree in the forest.... with... a herring

Noelle said...

I miss Alastair as well...
*A faint smell of smoke drifts up her nods, and she glances outside, noting the tall stack of burning bodies against the ground*
*Enemies litter he grass, yet are not found*
*She wonders when it will stop*
*There's a scream*
*Erigone is awake, pulling the spear from her head, bits of brain stuck to it*
*Hydra, to the side, laughs, but it causes her severed tongue to fall back out and onto the floor. Hydra scrambles to get it*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: Liv!!! Oh my god you punched Niccolò

Snow said...

((Trying to remember if alasrair was the one I hugged... no.... I think that was someone else...))

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: . . . you what. *dies*


How am I meant to work out which tree is the tallest?

And where do I get the herring from?

*looks towards Hunter*

Hunter: Why would I have a HERRING in my jacket?

Star: . . . No reason.


Snow said...

((Best. Dare. Ever.))

Dont bother me with the details! Just do it!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I hugged War)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I seem to do strange things: kissed Nic, hugged War, and kissed John, though kissing John wasn't bad as he truly deserved it

Snow said...

((Cant remember witch villain I hugged.... his daughter came back a while ago... *shrugs*))

Star Inkbright said...

@Snow: UH.

Hunter: I'll find the tallest tree for you, if you want. *looks glad for an excuse to get further away from possible gremlins* Eeeeeeez?

Ez: No.

Hunter: Aw.

*grabs Star by the arm and pulls her toward the forest* *lets go of her arm, takes out energystick and slowly levitates upwards* *and upwards*
*nods, and jumps down* Found it. *points vaguely towards forest*

Ez: *facepalm* And do you know how to get to it?

Hunter: Oh, I never said I'd get her there. *grins* *walks off*

Star: . . . D:!


Snow said...

*can stop impersonating now* whoooo

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I remember the daughter....Deacon

Snow said...

((Yeah. That's it. XD... fun times))

Noelle said...

*Vaisakha walks by with Cain, and he has his arm around her* *Adra feels sorry for the poor woman*
*Alrescha and Achernon are to the side, working on healing who they can*
*Tzipora is busy at work with reviving the dead who haven't already moved on*
*Hydra raises her hands in triumph, having successfully sewn her tongue back on*
*It flickers*

*Kerra walks to Alrescha, and the latter jumps up and hugs the other. They share a kiss, and Adra looks away to give them privacy*

*Her homesickness has been clawing at her for weeks now*
*Just wishes leave already*
*And be away from the insanity*

*Hops up the stairs, going to check on the Stone, which is mounted into the floor, slightly pulsing. A group of alchemists are meditating around it, and Adra can physically see their energies converging spend a crack in the stone, re-mending it*

Star Inkbright said...

Star: *calls after Hunter* I'll give you a popcorn machine!

Hunter: *calls back* I have plenty of those!

Star: *doesn't have a popcorn machine, anyway* *er* *um* *er*
*calls* I'll give you . . . um . . . something?

Hunter: Something? Very specific of you. *laughs, and continues walking off*

Star: *facepalm* Snow, may I simply cut down a taller-than-average tree?


Snow said...

Okay. But you must use a herring. *throws star a herring*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Zafira! We have a guest.

A guest?

Jekyll: *looks and quickly draws knife*

Ravel: Who is this?

Jay: Well well well three Sanctuary operatives, from a Cradle, and two from a Surpreme Council Sanctuary.


Jekyll: Who are you?

Noelle said...

*Returns to her room after a while, not wanting to be there that night for the festives, because, last time that happened, people began to have sex everywhere, and she got the hell out of there, thank gods*
*Shudders, before someone tries to catch her eye*
*Shuts the door to her room behind her, and begins to pack*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: *to Ravel* Someone, Grand Mage Ravel.

Jekyll: Get out.

Jay: Ah Doctor Jekyll!

*steps forward* His name is Jay. He has the ability to touch you and cause pain beyond anything, may even top what Nic did to Liv.

Noelle said...

*Before her absence is noticed, she slips away through a portal her lab, in reality*
*People are lying everywhere they can- couches, beds, floors, stairs*
*A few are going around and working, and she gets pulled in, working to help patch them up as well*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Really?

Alexis: Oh god...

Jay; Yes, I can.

Jekyll: Well I'll be stopping that.

Jay: *grabs Jekyll and twists his knife free disarming Jekyll*

Jekyll: *knees Jay in the gut twisting free* Good god what did you do?!

Star Inkbright said...

((Star: @Zaf: I originally read that 'Zafira' as 'Zavier'. XD
And - *watching* :)))

Star: @Snow: Oh, good. :)
*walks into forest* *begins banging herring against tree*
. . . IT'S NOT CUTTING!!! D: D: D:

*bangs herring harder*

Hunter: *appears behind Star, flickering purple* *sighs* *takes herring off her* *takes axe out of his jacket* *slides herring onto axe handle* *passes to Star* Enjoy.

*leans against tree*

Star: Um.
*swings axe at tree* *watches as a tiny crack appears in it*
This could take a while.
*looks hopefully towards Hunter*

Hunter: *grins* This is YOUR dare, not mine.
You're on your own.

Star: *sighs* *carries on hitting tree*

. . .
*some period of time later*
. . .

Tree: *starts to fall*

Star; *yells* ROPE!!! ((That's what we shout at rockclimbing when we've finished leading and we pull the rope out of the chain at the top and it comes flying down towards the ground. :)))

Tree: *falls*

Star: *points at tree proudly* *hands herring-axe to Snow* *heads back towards everyone else to truth/dare someone*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Now. I want Zafira.

Javier & Ravel: Well you won't!

Jekyll: I am not harming another man, I do not like this at all. Jay, leave Zafira be. She has done only her duty, nothing more.

Ravel: Do you have a problem with my wife?

Jay: I do. She and her Council locked me in a gaol for no reason.

Ravel: I find it hard to believe a respected Grand Mage like her is actually that bad.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: [Leans forward in her seat] Is your cab insured against things like explosives?

Cabbie: It's insured against auto wrecks. Why?

Effie: Oh, no reason.

Liz: [Kicks Effie]

Effie: Ow!

Rook: [Silent, staring straight ahead]

Effie: Do you think he's a robot?

Liz: No, I think he's as human as you are, and just has a different way of showing it.

Effie: Huh.

Rook: [Quietly] You know I can hear you, right?

Liz: Sorry.

Effie: Sorry!

Cabbie: [Stops at the red light and looks back at Effie] No blowing up my cab.

Effie: What? Why would I do such a thing?

Cabbie: [Starts to say something]

Liz: Just don't. She's harmless, really. Just has a weird sense of humor.

Cabbie: [Skeptically] If you say so, Miss.

Star Inkbright said...

((Star: Is anyone actually still playing?
Whether you are or aren't, it's fine. :)))


Snow said...

XD star, I love you!! Aaf, aaf

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I'm playing as well as rping

Star Inkbright said...

((*watching you as well, Lantern. :)*

*and Adra*

*but she's been roleplaying for a while*
*so I never stopped*

@Zaf: O_O The plot thickens!))


Star Inkbright said...

((@Zaf: Ah, kay. :)

Has ZafTC been dared yet?))


Star Inkbright said...

((Thanks, Snow. :) I love you.))


Snow said...

((Lea and I are playing :) ))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((My characters can play. None of them mind being in two places at once))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: You have a Sensitive, no? Let her show you!

Ravel: Alexis?

Alexis: *silent for a moment* I don't detect lies in his thoughts and I do see a clear memory of the trial, he speaks truthfully.

Jay: Thank you. I believe I have a right to take a small hating to her.

*has gone pale* Renato Bisahalani was Grand Mage at the time of the trial. I did not do wrong.

Noelle said...

*Someone taps her on the shoulder and she spins around*
*Priya is standing there, her face solemn and still*
*Priay reaches up, gently presses her hand against Adra's forehead*
*Then touches Adra's belly*
*And the small bump she has*
*Adra glares at Priya*
I still blame you for this, you know.
*Priya nods, then signs* "He's fine. It's a miracle you made it through*
*Adra nods* it is, isn't it..

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: *glares at Harry* You get jealous way too easily, Styles.

Harry: You kissed him! Kissed him, Maralie. *is red in the face*

Mara: On. The. Cheek. *hisses*

Harry: Why did you kiss him anyway, Maralie? The dare was to "flirt". Not to almost fuck him where he st-

Mara: Harry! *scolds* And it was one kiss. One. On the cheek. It wasn't even near the mouth if I'm being honest. Calm down.

Harry: *rolls his eyes* How can I "calm down" when you do this with other boys constantly! First Niall, then Liam, and now this Gary guy!

Mara: Harry, you're taking this way too seriously. *shakes her head* You're acting like a complete jerk, an-

Harry: *pushes her up against the wall* *holds her arms up above her shoulders* *whispers into her ear* Want to say that one more time, babe?

Mara: *breathes in sharply* *she can feel her heartbeat quickening* *looks him deep in the eyes* You're. Acting. Like. A. Complete. Jerk.

Harry: Oh, am I now?

Mara: *her voice shakes slightly* Yes.

Harry: *smirks, obviously liking the effect he has on her* No other man can make you feel this way. I know all of your little turn ons. Where you love being kissed. Where your sensitive spots are. I know everything about you, Maralie, and more. *leans in to whisper to her* I know some things about you that even you don't know.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Star Inkbright said...

((Star: Oh, gosh.
My friend (C) (the tall one) was telling today that B (the small one) took longer to process things because she had a smaller brain than us, and that didn't mean she was less good, it was just her brain was smaller. Like how when a computer has a small hard drive, it can still store everything and all, but it just takes it a bit longer to find it.
And she said that that was why she had made B a USB brain, so she had extra memory.
And I was just dying of laughing. XD
Apparently it wasn't an actual USB, it just looked like a USB, and B kept it in her planner for ages.
I couldn't stop laughing. XD
C: Although, I suppose it would take her brain longer to read the USB . . .
Me: XD))


Noelle said...

*Looks at what she just wrote*
I wasn't planning that. I was writing, then bam.
Fucking hell...

Star Inkbright said...

((HARRALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: D: D:


@Adra: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







(random keyboard splurges are weird, aren't they?)


:) :)


@Snow: I know, but you just dared me, so . . . :P

@Lantern: Might dare one of them, then . . .

Okay. I'm going to toss my rubber in the air, like tossing a coin, and decide whether to pick Lantern or Zaf that way.))


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*Trip wakes up in a bed so soft, it's sheets must be a million thread count. He feels the warmth of another person beside him, and slowly blinks open his eyes* Good morning Adraaah! *he scrambles back, seeing who is lying beside him*

Crimson: Good morning dear.


Star Inkbright said...

((Here goes!

Lantern, you're A7X.

Zaf, you're Disturbed.



*picks rubber back up* My precioussssssssss.

*looks mournfully at the pen rubbed off the edges*))

Liz, truth or dare?


Noelle said...

(*Sirens blare*
Trip, I think you should read up... Wb)

Star Inkbright said...

((Hey Trip! :)))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Liz: Truth))

Snow said...

((Btw, I am going crazy here. Over Harralie and adras stuff... I just dont show it))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hello Trip!))

Noelle said...

*Priya nods to Adra, and then the two part* *Adra touches her own stomach and, as the same as every time the thought comes into her head, feels cold*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

CRIMSON! You lotussed me!

*she rolls over and wraps herself in duvet*

Crimson: Do calm down dear.

How can I calm down? I'm in a relationship, I told you the story, it was cutesy and adorable!

Crimson:*looks up* Hm? Oh, you're back.

And since when was I dear? I've never been dear.

*Crimson puts something on her bedside table with a small click*

Crimson: Oh don't be such a baby!

This is the first person I've ever cared about romantically, and you DRUGGED me, causing me to- *gesticulates wildly at the bed* and I'm being a BABY?

Crimson: Oh don't worry, we didn't do it or anything, we just made out a little. *she becomes mock serious for a moment* All right, a lot.


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((Don't worry, I saw. This is all part if my spectacular return!))


Snow said...

Hellooo trrriiiippppp

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: You're the remaining Elder, I can get you off the Council.

*if I coukd I'd be paler* You can't its your word against mine!

Jay: Really? Sensitives can tell the truth.

Ravel: Enough. You're willing to risk your country for revenge? Zafira has led through the war, I doubt you'll get through.

Jay: I will.

Javier: Oh Jay, give up.

Jay: Then I strike a deal, I get to take her to Mevolent.

Noelle said...

(Oh, you bastard)

*She goes back to the others, busying herself*

Emerald Melody said...

(Hello bitches)

Star Inkbright said...








((I am fond of my rubber.

Even if it does get ink all over everywhere.))

@Liz: *thinks carefully*
Who is the person you love most in the world?

*is, you know, pretty interested*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Ah now lads.

Ah now.

Ah now.))

Noelle said...

(Hello, Em. I apologize- in your absence quite a lot has happened on this side of the pond. Feel free to read back, I promise that it's invigorating.)

Snow said...

*watches everything*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hi Em! [hugs]))

((Liz: My sister. Zaf, truth or dare?))

Star Inkbright said...

((Hey Em! :)

Trip, I cannot decide whether that was very good timing or very bad timing.

Probably both. :P

@Zaf's plot: O_O O_O

(well, maybe I didn't)
(but you know)


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Grah! You are impossible! *picks up coat* I'm going to work, and I don't want to see you for a century. Got it?

Crimson: Sword's in the umbrella stand!

THANK YOU! *picks up sword, and slams the front door behind him, shirtless*

Crimson: *grins* Made out and saw every good rom com since we last saw each other. *reaches for the button on her radio*


Star Inkbright said...

Star: @Liz: *nods*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Ah uh truth

Hai Em!)

Star Inkbright said...

((My friend did point out, when we made that star with our fingers, that it looked like we were all swearing at each other.
I assure you that was not our intention.
Although, you know, it could make for good metaphors. :)))


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((If you had a choice between your children, your job and Croatoan, what/who would you pick?))

Emerald Melody said...

(I shall not Adra because my brain is about to explode from exhaustion so please put up with my unknowingness for a while.)

Jar: I'm sorry Lorcan, but given the circumstances, I'm afraid you just cannot stay at Oiche Gorm anymore. It's for your safety as well as everyone elses.

Lorcan: But why?

Jar: Well the main reason my boy is because you aren't a werewolf anymore and another reason is because we don't know what having you around cause do to the other candidates. They might not take kindly to a silver mage now.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No!! I'm!

Jay: Then I guess you'll be losing your positon.

Don't you understand?! You were not aware who voted! I voted you innocent the majority was won that you were guilty! I am bound by rules! At the time I was an Elder, Bisahalani signed the papers with thw paper only the Grand Mage can sign! I cannot help it! *shaking* I'm not the one who did this!

Star Inkbright said...

((Oh my gosh, Lantern, that's a good one. :O
@Em: Okay. :)
And - *watches Em's plot as well* O_O))


Noelle said...

It is rather wonderful, Star.
*Adra, after tending to a man with a few lost fingers and a younger alchemist- around 100 years old- with a missing chunk of arm, her stomach growls, and she goes off to the kitchen to eat something*
*Is acutely aware of the people staring at her*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Star Inkbright said...

((@Zaf: !!!!!!!!!))!! O_O


Snow said...

*is watching everything*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(My god...My children. They need me more then anything, yes I love my job but I cannot abandon my kids.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Hi Em!)

*walks down the street, it's cold tonight. But, it's not normally THIS cold. Especially his chest. *he looks down*


*zips up his coat, not really doing much. Shoves his hands in his pocket, and his hand hits something cold and metal.*


Star Inkbright said...

((@Snow: I just watched your profile picture fully and OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO PERFECT. *screams*))


Star Inkbright said...

@Zaf: That's a beautiful response. :)


Snow said...

XD nammmeee chhhannnggeeee

Noelle said...

*Digs around*
*Looks at her stomach*
What the hell do you want, anyway?
we aren't going through that damn meat phase again.
*Looks around and spots some asparagus, and applesauce*
*Puts them together*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Prove it, Grand Mage.

I do not need to prove myself to anyone. I have done so a long time now, you do not understand me.

Ravel: Enough. She's proven loyal to America. She has led your country through two wars and did you survive? Yes. I suggest leaving her alone.

Jay: Believe me, she isn't the kind and caring woman she is believed to be.

Jekyll: What's behind the facade.

Jay: Exactly.

Jekyll & Jay: Look behind the facade.

What?! No! I'm loyal!

Snow said...

Fish Fingers And Custard

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Snooooow truthy or darey?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(([Nods] [Watches everyone's plots] ))

Snow said...

Dare. I always do dare.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(I dare you to try and climb a dynamite tree without thumbs or being blown up)

Snow said...


*starts climbing* *gets half way then gets blown up* awwwwwww

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*That's odd. These are his hand pockets. Every pocket has a thing that goes in it, and these two were for hands. He had pockets for miscallaneous items he picked up on his travels, so what was this? Trip pulls out a ring, a plain gold band. It wasn't magic, or most certainly didn't seem it. There was no inherant power vibrating from it, or tiny, hunched grey creatures trying to kill him for their precious...*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: Harry, stop.. *mumbles*

Harry: Why should I? I know you don't want me to stop. I can see it in your eyes. Your big, blue eyes, always looking so innocent, your eyelashes fluttering.. *trails off* *tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear* So, so beautiful. A fucking tease sometimes, but still beautiful. *softly* I'm not angry anymore. I'm sorry, boo. I just get so jealous all the time...

Mara: *gives him a small smile* *shakes her head* No, it's okay. I understand. I'm sorry for taking the dare a bit too far, I guess.

Harry: *his jaw suddenly clenches, but then stops, and he takes her hand in his* Shall we?

Mara: *flushes* Um, sure.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Jay: Loyal or not you're responsible.

No I'm not!!! Its not my fault!

Ravel: Actually, you'd be responsible, Zafira.

No....*pales* I can't. I can't lose this position.

Jay: *laughs* You did the wrong.

Noelle said...


Snow said...

((Hey, trip, you playing the truth or dare game?))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(*calls* Harry use protection!)

Noelle said...

*She finishes her odd meal, then moves on to eating a piece of candy*
*Moves upstairs, most of the alchemists littered around her lab either asleep or unconscious*
*Walks upstairs, and puts on a pair of slippers and a heavier trench coat as she steps outside on the balcony,and into the night air*
*Finds a chair to sit on, and puts her feet into the cool grass, which tickles her toes*
*A sharp wind goes by, then settles*
*Puts one hand on her stomach, humming slightly*

Snow said...

Oh yeah!!!

Right so... darn it, I had something really good and now I forgot... wbd while I try to remember

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*he realises he's stopped in the middle of the street, holding a ring up to the light of a street lamp, and a group of teenagers pass by him, giving him an odd look. He shakes his head puts the ring in the 'mysterious non magical clues' pocket, and turns to the youths* Excuse me, but where am I? *when they tell him with a slight cockney accent that he's in London, first he's amazed real people speak like that any more, and and secondly he realises he may have more trouble getting to work than he thought.*


The Grave of a Coward said...

(*leans against a lamp post*
*snaps fingers*
Hullo, Blogland.)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No! Please...don't do this!

Jay: *smiles slyly* I want my name cleared.


Jay: pity I'll be going then, maybe Trip will help me.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

((Sorry, no, I'm giving Trip his first RP plot advancement ever, no time.))


Star Inkbright said...

((Hey, Anni. :)

@Zaf: NO.




*watching you as well, Trip! :)*))


Snow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

Hello, Annika. Welcome back.

*Downstairs, there is a sharp sound of gunfire, and a few shouts*
*Shivers, knowing that the shooter wasn't pointing at anyone else but themselves*
*Sinks lower into her seat*
*Months, she was away, and they hadn't even noticed her absence*
*Curls up, closing her eyes*
*Misses her friends and family terribly*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(Its fine. I did plan both ways :P)

The Grave of a Coward said...

(That depends. if I chose to play, who else would be playing with me?)

Snow said...

Heeyyh annnniiiii

hmmm............ Hunter, truth or dare?

Snow said...

((Um... fabi, if she's still here, zaf, me star.... idk about adra))

The Grave of a Coward said...

(Hmm. I think I'll opt for good old-fashioned role-playing.
If anyone would like to role-play with me, they would be welcome. Otherwise, I'll just muddle along on my own.)

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*it would take him hours to fly him in this darkness, and the teleported taxis didn't cover population centres... He'd have to go through Blogland, and risk seeing Adra.*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Don't you dare!

Jay: Clear my name.

Ravel: She cannot, I know that as well. She'll be unable to do anything.

Jay: I don't care. I really don't. My terms.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

(You can join me if you like, Anni.)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((I'm here, but I won't be for much longer. Tbh, I'm just ghosting at this point.))

The Grave of a Coward said...

*lying on her couch at the Midnight Hotel*
*trying to sleep*

*her black notebook rests on the coffee table*
*her magical sequined tuxedo jacket hangs on a peg in the wall*
*and her lab coat is nowhere in sight*

*there is a knock on the door*

. . . Go away.

Snow said...

I'd do something, but I'm not sure how your characters feel about me since I tackle gary.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(Herrow Anni. There's a perfect chance for you to join mine just coming up.)

[Now... Where is the closest portal... Ugh. Better get going then.]


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Noelle said...

Okay, Fabi *hugs for when you leave*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((omg Zaf

Snow said...

I think star poofed. Meh. *sits and watches the rp*

The Grave of a Coward said...

???: I . . . *cough* . . . may I come in?

. . . Fine.
*sits up on the couch*

Door: *opens*

Gary: *enters the room*
. . . Hi.


Gary: Listen . . .
*glances over his shoulder*
. . . I need to talk to you.
I need to talk about Oz.

Star Inkbright said...



The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *glances down at the notebook*
. . . You still have that.

I picked it up from a Vietnamese disc jockey in Nepal.
*holds up the book*
It's been writing in itself. Haven't the faintest idea what . . . what to do with it.

Gary: *nods shakily*
There aren't many of those.

I didn't think there were.

Gary: Listen . . . has that notebook been saying strange things lately?
Or showing strange faces?

Nothing but.
*pats the couch*

Gary: *sits*

What do you know about this book?

Star Inkbright said...

*watching, Annika! :)*

*and everyone else*

*but I was watching them before as well, so*

Hunter: @Snow: Truth. *didn't like the way that last dare went* *because he can handle RedRays and explosions and robots and assassins, but yellow shower curtains is just . . . no*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*An annoying amount of time later, Trip arrives at a small alleyway, woth a dingy little door in it, covered with peeling, luminous orange paint. The caravansarai had been shut for as long as anyone could remember, partly because it didn't exist. Trip opened the door, and stepped out a tree in Blogland, an immaculate mahogany door in a tree on the other side.*


Star Inkbright said...

((Everyone steps out of trees in Blogland. XD))


The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *reaches into his coat*
*pulls out an identical book*
These books are not meant for the hands of just anyone. They've been enchanted specifically for . . . freelancers. Like me.

Hit men, you mean.

Gary: Yes. They're used as a means of untraceable communication.

Which means . . .

Gary: Whatever has been showing up in your notebook could only have been sent from an identical notebook. There aren't many; only seven in the world.

*very calmly takes a deep breath*
I . . . I see.

Gary: What have you been seeing in that book?

I . . . nothing.
*hand tightens on the notebook*
. . .

Snow said...

*evilly smiles at hunter* how do you really feel about Ez?

Noelle said...

*Remains on her roof, listening to the screaming from downstairs*
*Shakes her head, and goes to the ladder*
*Gets to the top of the tower, and sits again, in complete silence*
*It is much colder up here*
*Snuggles into her coat, lying a protective hang on her stomach*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Gary: *flips open his notebook*
Someone contacted me, not long ago, with a hit.


Gary: *jaw clenches*
*flips through the book*
*comes to the correct page*
*and passes it to Precocious*

. . .
*drops the book in her lap*
*and stares at the exquisite ink drawing of Oscar Neurotic*

You . . . you were going to kill him?

Gary: *nods*

And now you're . . . best friends?

Gary: Men work in strange ways, Doctor.

Star Inkbright said...

((Yes, this may take a while to write, sorry.

Hunter; Blame Star.

Star: Blame YOU!

Hunter: It's YOUR fault!

Star: YOU'RE the one who's talking!


Star: ARGHH. *posts*))


Snow said...

Never, ever, play truth or dare with me. If I get something in mind, I wont stop until I get the person to do it.

I once made my friend tell her crush her feelings. But only because I knew he liked her back XD

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*moves over to a ridge, surveying the somewhat empty landscape of Blogland, mapping his route to the forest on the other side of the cluster of buildings.*

[You should talk to her. And say what? I don't know, be honest. Didn't I hear once that honesty was the best way to success in a relationship? I will tell her, just not now, I don't know what to say. Preparing will only make it worse. NOW IS NOT THE TIME!]


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