Monday, January 13, 2014

Working Hard...

Well then.

As you  know, I've been writing. Writing, writing, writing. You don't get to do an awful lot of other things when you're writing. Well, sometimes you do, but not when you have deadlines like these. The short stories I'm writing, all of them, need to be delivered by Wednesday. The first draft of Book Nine needs to be delivered by the middle of next month.

To say I am a tad busy would be something of an understatement.

Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and why would Jack want to be a dull boy? I've been doing things. Reading things. Watching things.

Take this evening, for instance. This evening I watched the last Sherlock of the current season. The first episode of the season was oddly character-driven, at the expense of the central mystery, but I didn't mind that in the least. The second episode, the wedding episode, was hilariously sublime. And the final episode, having Sherlock face off against a truly unique villain... well. It was just wonderful stuff.

And I've been reading. Stephen King, mostly. Going over his early works. His classics. When I was a kid, I went straight from The Three Investigators and the Hardy Boys to Stephen King and these wonderfully violent and detailed Gold Eagle books like The Executioner and Able Team and Phoenix Force, books that gave you diagrams of the weapons they used at the back of the book. Basically, I graduated from kids books to horror and action. And after a few Stephen King books like Cujo (the first King book I can remember reading) I went on to James Herbert and Shaun Hutson — overtly violent and brilliantly horrific.

And now, after all this time, I'm going back to Stephen King, and loving it all.

Recommendations? Read The Stand. Then read It. Two MASSIVE books. You won't be sorry.

So these things have been my break from the writing. Christmas, for me, was mostly about the short stories. But there was one story...

It started off fine. Exactly as I planned. It would be a new kind of story, something I hadn't really tried before. It would probably end up as one of the longer stories of the collection, though, but not by much.

I thought.

I have just finished it. Half an hour ago, I finished it. At the moment, before edits, it is over 20,000 words long. That's twice as long as The End of the World. So you'll be reading through Armageddon-Outta-Here (haw!), and hopefully enjoying the stories, and then you'll get to this brand new novella, a good, solid chunky story, and I think this story alone will make the collection worth the money.

I think. I hope. Right now I'm far too tired to form a coherent opinion. All I know is, I've been working hard. And it's not over yet.


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Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ok, truth or dare it is. You can assume Niccolò is playing too. And we can just disregard the fact that I'm dead, because not-roleplay. Who wants to go first?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'll play, and Effie, Liz, Ioux, any of my other characters can play as well, though only Effie is especially enthusiastic about it.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

And I don't care who goes first.

The Grave of a Coward said...

I'm confused.
Am I the Magnificent Annika,
the Cowardly Precocious,
or the Obsessive-Compulsive Oscar?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*nods to Anni* Yep. The exact dare he recieved, if I'm correct, was that he had to sing the barbie song... So he shapeshifted into Barbie, teleported away and reappeared in a glittery pink dress, and did a whole lot of singing. He took a few song requests, even winked at a few people. It was really, really funny.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oh, okay.
I'll be all of them.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

You could be either one, or all three, Anni. It doesn't really matter. I'm here presently, but if someone asked Niccolò truth or dare, I'd switch over to scribing for him, and then if someone asked me I'd go back to me.


The Grave of a Coward said...

And Photo.
I'm gonna be Photo.

Okay, shall we commence?

Precocious: This is strange.

Oscar: . . .


The Grave of a Coward said...

Alright, Fabi, you go first.

Photo: Yes, Fabi, you go first.
*flashes winning smile*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hmm, problem solved. Go Fabi!


Noelle said...

*IS kind of here, but not really and doesn't feel too good rn, so I don't want to depress you all so yeah might not be ehre but idk?*
*Realizes that I hate it when people say the same things that I just did*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Aretha, truth or dare?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Adra]

Noelle said...

Oh dear, truth or dare.

Count me in, please

The Grave of a Coward said...

Hullo, Adra!

Precocious: Adra, welcome!

Oscar: Hi, Adra!

Photo: Hey, baby.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Um... Hm... *considers many possible scenarios* *attempts to determine which would be most interesting* Um... Any input?

*hugs Adra* You're welcome to join us for truth or dare, if you want. And if you'd like, please feel free to email me.


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hey! How are you all?

Noelle said...

*Blinks at Photo*

Ari, I will be okay, thank you for the offer.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Do a dare.

Precocious: Dare.

Oscar: yes, dare, definitely.

Photo: TRUTH.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I don't know, I don't have any particular plans I'm dying to do.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hey Rhy! *hugs* How are you? We're playing truth or dare, if you want to join us.

Niccolò: Hello Adra, Rhydian.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Rhydian!

Noelle said...

Hello Rhydian, Niccolò. *nods*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *glances towards the input* Um, ok... *looks between Photo and the others* Dare.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Hullo, Rhydian.

Precocious: Hullo.

Oscar: Hullo.

Photo: . . . Meh.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *snaps fingers*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *nods to Photo* You seem like a really fun person.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I dare you to...

Replace each of your nouns with another completely irrelevant one that starts with the same letter. For five comments.

Noelle said...

*In light of what Photo has just said, realizes that Gary might have been trying to flirt with her earlier*
*Blinks again in realization*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *shrugs* Sorry. I don't really know you, and Anni and Doctor said dare, and they're friends of mine, so... Yeah.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *grins*
More than you can imagine, doll.

Oscar: *elbows Photo in the ribs*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Ok. Hello all. No thanks

Homework -.-

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: *notices the realization on Adra's face*

Noelle said...

I'm sorry to hear that, Rhydian. I hope that it isn't too tedious.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Best of luck, Rhydian!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Ok then. Aerogel! Tango or doom?


Noelle said...

*Glares at Oscar*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oh dear.

Oscar: I think that one may have been meant for you, Annika.

Hmm . . .

The Grave of a Coward said...

. . . Truth.

Precocious: *facepalm*

Oscar: *facepalm*

Photo Wooo!

The Grave of a Coward said...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Oh it'll be easy! Copy and Pasting will help! (Don't worry, I'll read it first, so I'm still learning :P)

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *laughs skeptically at Pedal* My neuron is Aretha.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *smiles*
*kisses Aretha's hand*
My name is Photo Finish. Enchante.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: What is your favorite attention, besides writing?


Noelle said...

*Doesn't know what's going on with Aretha*
*Might be missing something, then*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Fabi: XD

Effie: XD

Liz: [Grins]

Rook: [Cracks a smile]

Ioux: [Blinks]

Effie: [Steals Ioux's hat and tries to place it on Rook's head]

Rook: [Swats the hat away] [Looks annoyed]

Ioux: [Sighs and produces another hat from his briefcase]

Effie: SPOILSPORTS. [Sits on the hat]

The Grave of a Coward said...

. . . *grimaces*

Precocious: Could you repeat that for her?

I'm not sure what you said . . . sorry . . .

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I ask Nic? Wbd

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: What is your favorite ambulate, besides writing?


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*Pokes head in*


Noelle said...

*Doesn't have anyone else with her to show invigorating conversation*
*Shifts her weight*

The Grave of a Coward said...

. . . Fencing.

Precocious: . . ?

Oscar: . . ?

Photo: . . ?

. . . I hope that was the right answer . . .

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...




Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hello, Jellybean! How are you? *hugs* We're playing tremor or dilate!

Niccolò: Hello, Jubilance.


The Grave of a Coward said...

So yes, fencing was the correct answer.

So, Ioux . . . Truth or Dare?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Ok. Hi Nic and Ari! Apologizes i msd after 10min for chorus

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

FABI!!!!!!!! MY ARCH NEMESIS AND DEFENDER OF PURPLE BANANAS!!!! HAII!!! *Supermegatacklehugsofdoom*

ADRA!!! ANNIKA!!!! HAI!! *Supermegatacklehugsofdoom*

Noelle said...

Hello, Jubi

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

HIYA ARI AND COCCO AND ZAF AND EVERYONE ELSE!!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Yes! The word was air! And this is my last night-changing cloud!


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Truth or Dare?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: ...ah.




Effie: Pick dare!

Ioux: Let us make a deal, shall we? I will pick dare if you return my hat.

Effie: ...fine. [Gives Ioux his hat]

Ioux: [Tucks hat in briefcase] Very well. Dare, Ms. Barnosky.

Fabi: [hugs Adra]

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hey Zaf! No more noun-changes. Whew. By the way, the *laughs skeptically* was meant to be *looks skeptically*.

Niccolò: Hello, Zafira. Are you alright, Adra? You appear to be uncomfortable.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Never mind. I won't ask til after chorus

No im not playing i couldnt until in an hour

The Grave of a Coward said...

Alright . . . I dare you, for the next five comments, to flirt with Doc Precocious.

Oscar: WHOA NOW.

*evil cackle*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Yes! Truth or dare! I've really missed this game.

Niccolò: I daresay I haven't.

Ari: Oh, be quiet. It's hilarious and you know it.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hai Nic! *hugs* I miss you! Hai Ari!

I'll ask you something after chorus. I got to go in like 2min

Nvm gtg now

The Grave of a Coward said...

Goodbye, Rhydian!

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

God dammit

I have to go...

It's my class's turn to clean the cafeteria and all the garbage that people are too lazy to throw away themselves.



Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Bye Zaf and Rhy! Heh, that rhymed. *looks at Ioux, then Doctor, then Oscar, and then back again* Heh *grins*


Noelle said...

Bye Zaf, and Rhydian.

I'm fine, Niccolò. I'm just watching.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: . . . There are days when I truly despise my author.

Noelle said...

And Jubi, too.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Ok, see you, Jubi! *hugs*

Niccolò: Farewell, Zafira, Rhydian, and Jubilance.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolo: Of course. My apologies.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: [Bows to Oscar] You have my most sincere apologies. [Turns to Precocious] Ah, Ms. Precocious. It is always a pleasure to see you. You look lovely today. [Smiles]

Effie: [Laughs her head off]

Ioux: Adra, truth or dare?

The Grave of a Coward said...

. . .

Precocious: . . .

Oscar: . . .

Photo: *juggles flaming chainsaws*

Noelle said...

You don't have to be sorry?

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: Er . . . *turns pink*

Oscar: *muttering under his breath*

Noelle said...

Truth or dare?

Er.. Truth, I guess

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

*Ms. Dark

Ioux: Please excuse my momentary lapse in manners. I'm sure I must have been far too captivated by Ms. Precocious's eyes.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: Eh . . . eh . . .
*glances nervously at Oscar*

Oscar: . . .
. . . understandable.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *considers* *shrugs*

Ari: *likes fire* *isn't sure whether to be amused by Photo's chainsaw-throwing* *watches Oscar and Doctor intently*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: Ah. If I were to ask nicely, would you be willing to bake me a green bean casserole? This is a hypothetical question, of course. [Turns to Precocious] I always was fond of green bean casserole. What is your opinion of it, if I may ask?

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *aggressively throws flowers at Oscar and Doctor* OSMOSIS


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: I . . . *whispers* I like casserole.

Oscar: Oh my God.

Precocious: Eh . . .

Oscar: You're actually ENJOYING this!

Photo: Ohhhhh snap.

*evil laughter*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *concern* *hisses at Ioux* *shoves Oscar and Doctor together* *hisses again* OSMOSIS


Noelle said...

..Yes, I would, provided had the right materials.
*Pauses* I can make one for you, if you like.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: OOF!

Oscar: OW! Aretha!

Photo: *giggles into his hand*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *glares at Photo* *points to Oscar and Doctor* That is a good ship! *glares at Ioux* No ruining it! You should make yourself bad at this dare. *nods*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *giggles*

Oscar: SHUT UP.

Photo: *giggles*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: [Smiles widely] As do I. It has been my favorite part of Thanksgiving for as long as I can remember. Much more so than having my great-aunt fuss over me. I must admit, my appearance when I was a boy was somewhat appalling. I would stomp through the house, practically covered in mud. [Shakes head at self] Oh, excuse me. I am so sorry to trouble you with fragments of my memory.

As much as I appreciate the offer, Ms. Dark, I'm afraid I must decline.

My most sincere apologies, Ms. Tesla.

Noelle said...

Actually, I might just go make one, regardless of whether or not you want it.
I'll be back eventually.
*Drifts towards her lab*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Adra, I believe it's your turn.

Precocious: *turning red again*

Oscar: *looking extraordinarily pissed*

Photo: *giggles*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: Mr. Finish, if you have nothing polite to say, please remain silent. Ms. Precocious, I am ever so sorry for this mannerless ruffian.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: *squeaks* It's okay.

Oscar: No, not really.
*kicks Photo in the shin*

Photo: OW!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: Five. [Bows to all] [Retreats back to his chair]

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *glares harder at Photo* If I punched you, your jaw would shatter. Literally shatter. Into multiple pieces. You can either ship Osmosis, or nothing at all.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: Thank the dear Lord for that.
*puts an arm around Precocious's shoulder*

Precocious: *still pink in the face*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *looks deeply remorse-stricken*
Forgive me. if I've done anything to offend you, sweet Aretha, accept my deepest and most sincere apologies. Please, treat me gently.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *pulls Adra back* *hugs* Don't go! We like you here. Also, it's your turn.

*nods happily at Osmosis*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oh, that's true.
If Adra's not going to take a turn, we should just give it to someone else. I suggest Niccolo.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *looks skeptically at Photo* *bursts into laughter* Right. Ok. Moving on. *pointedly moves away from him*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *presses a hand to his chest*
Oh, my dear, you wound me with your cold words.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ioux: If that is what you wish to do, Ms. Dark.

Fabi: [hugs Adra]

Effie: [Hair turns blue with orange highlights]

The Grave of a Coward said...

Niccolo, I suggest you take Adra's turn.
Or someone should.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *sighs*


The Grave of a Coward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Ok, bye then, Adra. *hugs* *hopes she's alright*

Niccolò: *sighs* If no one else would like a turn, I have no objections.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Goodbye, Adra. I hope you feel better soon.

Alastair Cruciatus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Bye Adra....? [hugs]

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *begins toying with the sequins on his jacket*

Oscar: *absent-mindedly wipes off his hands with a moist towelette*

Precocious: *purposefully wipes off her hands with a moist towelette*

*sips her chicken soup*

Star Inkbright said...


Sorry, I had orchestra, and then I had to get the twilight bus back. Which means I had to wait for it for half an hour, then it took forty-five minutes taking me home (my village is five minutes away from the school, but it comes to my village LAST), and then ten minutes walking home, and then I had to eat dinner and read comments, and now I am here. *nods*

Very annoyed I've been missing truth or dare. :P


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: [Her hair shifts around between various neon colors] [She finally settles on a sparkly coral pink]

The Grave of a Coward said...

Join in!

Precocious: Yes, we'd love to have you.

Oscar: Yes, of course.

Photo: Especially me. Your magnificent smile brightens up the comment thread.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Fabi: Hi Star! :-)

Star Inkbright said...

Lantern, I adore your Python poems. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

Are you there still?

Star Inkbright said...

*waves to everyone here, not bothering to try and work out who is and who isn't* *sits there dithering over characters for a bit*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Thanks, Star...

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Star! *hugs* Hi!

Niccolò: Of course. Mr. Neurotic, truth or dare?


Star Inkbright said...

@Lantern: The only thing you have to thank me for is honesty. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: . . .

Precocious: Truth.


Oscar: *frowns at Photo*

The Grave of a Coward said...

My goodness, it got quiet.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: What is your greatest fear?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I wbd, have a strawberry yogurt bar in one hand.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: Oh my, where to begin . . .
Filth, would be the answer. Living in filth, dying in filth, being unable to get filth off my hands.

Effie, truth or dare?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: DARE. [Hair turns purple and silver]

Maralie Lily Charm said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: Hmmm . . . for the next five comments . . . you have to talk like you're from the ghetto.

Photo: That's a mean thing to do to a woman with such magnificently fabulous hair.

Oscar: *chuckles*

Star Inkbright said...

Hey Mara! :)

Will probably be here in a minute; printing something. And that always takes longer than it's meant to, because something generally goes wrong. :P


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hey Mara! *hugs* How are you? We're playing blogland truth or dare- want to join us?


The Grave of a Coward said...

Come, join us, Maralie!

Precocious: Yes, why not?

Oscar: Join us.

Photo: *clutches his chest*
My God. I nearly passed out from the sheer, glorious beauty of those jewels you call eyes. I want to take a bath in your eyes. Is that odd?

Star Inkbright said...

At school, we have black and white printers that are massive and old and stuffs.

At home, we have a cool small black printer with prints in colour and prints wirelessly and photocopies and has all these settings and blah.



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: How am ah meant to do dat? [Glares at Photo] [Her hair turns to a dull brown]

Fabi: Maraaaaaaaaa!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: She's married, Photo. *exasperated sigh*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: I like brunettes. Brunettes are good too.
*smiles pleasantly*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: That's frustrating, Star.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: I believe it is your turn, Effie.

Oscar: Yep.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: *wipes off his hand*
*before subtly taking Precocious's*

Precocious: *squeezes his hand*
*and smiles at him*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *notices the hand holding* *shrieks loudly* *runs around Osmosis in circles, repeatedly muttering Osmosis under breath*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: What's wrong with her?
*sidles up next to Oscar*

Oscar: She is quite mad, I think.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: Ah aIn't brUnEtte. N' ah rLY dunNO hww ta do dis. Croatoan, da truth o da dare?

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar and Precocious: *giggle*

Star Inkbright said...


*murders the printer* *gives up*

Here now, I think.

Let me just change my display name.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: Well, Niccolo?

Precocious: Truth?

Photo: Or Dare?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: Ah h8 cHU BOth.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *sighs* *gently pulls Aretha away from her circling*

Ari: *calms down* *stops muttering* *still grins excitedly at Osmosis*

Niccolò: *looks to Aretha*

Ari: *shrugs* *considers* Dare. Those are fun.

Niccolò: I'll have a dare, then.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar and Precocious: *laugh harder*

Photo: *sulks*

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: Hello.

Star: I do count. One, two, three . . .

Hunter: Shut up. You aren't important.


Star Inkbright said...

Star: I really like my watch.
Can I show you my watch?
My friend got me it for my birthday and it's really pretty. :)


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hi Hunter! Hi Star! *hugs both*

Niccolò: Hello, Hunter, Star.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: Ah soUNd rLY rLy wIErd. don WRry PHoto. I h8 ya 2. I dON wanNA saY da dARE like dis

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: I'd love to see your watch!


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: Hullo, Hunter.

Precocious: Hullo, Ez.

Photo: Hey Star. Hey.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: dis is dA lST 1 den FREedoM!!!

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: *gasps*
*clutches himself*
Oh, you WOUND me with your words!

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: *nods to Ari and Niccolò* Yeah, just ignore Ez. She doesn't really count, either. *smiles* *Puts hand over Ez's mouth to stop her counting*

Ez: *electrocutes his hand*

Hunter: *glares* *removes hand and rubs gloves, checking they're okay*

Star: I probably need to tell you about the lightbulbs in science, but I'll wait until later, because I kind of want to write it out. :)

Ez: And, um, yeah, we're playing.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Fabi: Of course, Star. :-)

Effie: Okay, Niccolo. I dare you to end every sentence with three exclamation points and a heart.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Sorry I poofed I'm panicking about Irish homework as per usual sigh:/

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: Like this!!!<3

Oscar: *laughs*
Poor Niccolo.

Precocious: Don't tell me you're sympathizing with him . . .

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter and Ez: *look at Oscar, Precocious and Photo* Hi.

Star: *waves* *Bluetoothing photos


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *laughs*

Niccolò: Oh, joy!!! <3 For how long!!! <3


The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: Hello, doll. What's your name?

Oscar and Precocious: *put am arm around one another's shoulders*

Star Inkbright said...

Star: :( *hugs Mara* You'll probably do fine with it. :) And if you don't, it's okay; it's only homework and doesn't matter.

Hunter: -

Star: *gives him a Look*

Hunter: *raises eyebrows* *mimes a pickaxe*

Star: *frowns, confused*

Ez: *mouths* 'Pickaxe'

Star: *can't read mouthing* *looks more confused*

Hunter: *gives Ez a look like 'Star is a sad person'*

Ez: *gives Hunter a look like 'oh, shut up'*


Star Inkbright said...

Star: *collapses with laughter at Niccolò*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: Five comments seems to be the norm, but if you do more, I will call you a cool person.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar: *chuckling*
I do believe it's your turn, Niccolo.

Precocious: It is that, indeed.

Photo: Yep!!! <3
Look, now I'M doing it too !!! <3

Star Inkbright said...

Star: OH FUCK.

Hunter: See? Talking does that to you. *nods*

Ez: You can speak.

Hunter: Yes, I can. I'm rather good at it. :)

Star: Does one of you want to ded?

Hunter: No.

Ez: He does really, he's just annoying you.

Star: Nvm, I'll ded . . .


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Oh, that stinks, Mara. Try not to get too stressed- it usually doesn't help with anything...

Niccolò: I care not what you call me!!! <3

Ari: But I think this is funny, so it'll probably last more than 5 comments.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Heeeey Nic!!!!

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Hunter, truth or dare!!! <3


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

This is priceless okay fine I'll play but please I mean it do not me right away for like a half hour

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: Oh, dear!!! <3 Hello, Zafira!!! <3

Ari: Hey, Zaf. *laughs* Effie dared him to end all of his sentences like that.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: No one has asked me something yet. I'm beginning to grow bored.

Oscar: *sweeps her off her feet*
Bored now?

Precocious: *gasps*
*then giggles*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I could do worse. *cackles* Okay all my chars are playing but for the next half hour I prefer to not be called

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *shrieks loudly again* *continues to shriek* *throws flowers at Osmosis* *rolls around on the ground*


Star Inkbright said...

Star: *still laughing*
There's my watch. :) :)

Hunter: Ohhhhh . . . *thinks*

Ez: *tries to work out which could end the least badly*

Hunter: Dare. *grins* Please.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: What's wrong with Aretha?

Oscar: I don't know. I think she's gone mad.

Precocious: She wouldn't be the first.

Oscar: *chuckles*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Fabi: XD

Effie: XD

Fabi: XD

Effie: XD

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *considers* I dare you to battle a yellow shower curtain!!! <3


Star Inkbright said...

Star: That, Ari, is a good reaction. :)

Ez: *shakes head* My life is filled with mad people.

Hunter: *pulling flower apart*

Ez: *hits him with an dissected flower* Stop breaking them.


Star Inkbright said...

Hunter: *smiles disappears* *looks at Niccolò in horror* No.


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: *walks over* *sits down* Mind if I join? *smiles*

Harry: *follows her, with Mackenzie in his arms* Hello everyone. *nods in greeting*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious: *laughs*
They're throwing flowers at us.

Oscar: Ew. Real flowers? The ones that grow in the ground?

Precocious: I believe so.

Oscar: ICK!
*drops her*

Precocious: *grumbles* You're so romantic, Oscar.

Oscar: Yeah, but you love it though.

Precocious: Yes, I do.

Oscar: *helps her up*

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: Of course you may join us, Maralie. I would sit through a hundred games of Truth or Dare, if only to bask in the radiance of your eyes.

Star Inkbright said...

Star: Hey, Mara, Harry. :)

Ez: *flower slowly falls out of hands* *looks at Hunter*

Hunter: *expression blank* *thinking through options*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Course you can join, Mara!

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: Your turn, Hunter.

Oscar: Sorry I dropped you.

Precocious: No, you're not.

Oscar: No, I'm not. It was quite hilarious.

Precocious: *laughs*
*kisses him*

Oscar: *eyes snap open in shock*
*then closes them*
*and kisses her back*

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Niccolò: *is very interested in what Hunter will decide to do*


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: *stares at Osmosis* *shrieks again*
*feels for Hunter* You know, you don't actually have to touch a shower curtain to battle it. You don't even actually have to be near it.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ok back you guys can coubt all mu chars nlw

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ari: Hey Mara! Hey Zaf! *hugs both*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Effie: I like Harralie! [Throws a poisonous mushroom at Photo] [Throws a bowling ball at Photo] [Of course, since they're both really just blades of grass, they fall harmlessly to the ground without reaching him]

Star Inkbright said...

Hunter; *looks at Ez, a question*

Ez: *shakes head violently* *jerks thumb at Niccolò*

Hunter: *makes a complex sign*

Ez: *shakes head again*

Hunter: *gives her another look, his eyes changing to yellow*

Ez: *shakes head very strongly*

Hunter: *purple*

Ez: *glaring*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oscar and Precocious: *break apart*
*arms still around each other*

Oscar: You only did that to screw with Aretha's head.

Precocious: I'm ashamed to admit it's true. Are you mad?

Oscar: *smiles* No . . .

Photo: Somebody shoot me!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hey sorry I had to go to FBLA since I'm a state qualifier

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Wbveryd though still not done my homework))

Mara: *tilts her head at Photo* *laughs* Thank you, I guess...!

Harry: *frowns at Mackenzie* Mara, I think she yawned.

Mara: *glances at her* Mmm, I think it's about her bedtime. Pass.

Harry: *gives her to Mara*

Mara: *teleports* *appears back a few seconds later* She's already fast asleep.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Photo: Okay, I think I'm done here. Peace out!
*strolls away, muttering about Osmosis*

Garrote Armitage: *strolls up*
Oh, Truth or Dare?
. . . Why not?
I'll play.
*notices Precocious, Aretha, Ez, Maralie, Effie, etc*

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