Glancing back at old Blog entries, I happened to notice that on December 23rd of 2012 I had 13,320 words of LSODM written. This was a good thing to notice. It means that, with 18,504 words of Book 9 already spewed forth onto the page/screen, I am well ahead of where I was last year — and I finished LSODM in PLENTY of time, did I not?
Well, actually, no, I didn't. It was pretty much down to the wire, as they say. I couldn't afford to make ANY mistakes with LSODM, because I had no time to do anything resembling a significant rewrite. But at least I know it can be done. At least I know I can do it. Now all I have to do is hope I DO do it.
Pressure pressure pressure... It's everywhere. I don't actually mind pressure. It's a handy tool to make you sit down and write, after all. And I have no one to blame for these onrushing deadlines but me, because I'm the one who agreed to them in the first place. I'm the one who said "Hey, let's collect all the short stories, and I'll write a few more brand new ones, and we can publish in the summer before the final book!" And what a wonderful idea that was. What a magical, wonderful idea, to schedule the writing of short stories at the same time as I've scheduled the writing of a book. How clever that was.
I had wanted to include ten new stories in the collection. I STILL want to do ten — but the fact is, I might not be able to. I may only be able to do five. I want to tell a tale of the Dead Men during the war. I want to tell the tale of Billy-Ray Sanguine and what he did when he was recovering from the sword-wound that Valkyrie inflicted on him in The Faceless Ones. I want to show you how Val met Caelan for the first time. But most of all, I want to go back to Skulduggery and Valkyrie, back before the screaming and the killing and the darkness. I want to see them having fun again, before the death and the destruction and the heartache and the loss. The collection will be out mere months before the final book, after all... I want you to enter into Book 9, fully aware of how good it used to be between them.
And then I want to shatter what remains of your souls.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
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«Oldest ‹Older 3401 – 3600 of 4974 Newer› Newest»*huwgs Fabwoo*
So my asking politely still goes unread. Typical. Please just talk to me using normal English words/spelling.
And msd when I get to my grandma's just for a few minutes I'm laughing how my service is better here then it is at my own home
You didn't ask politely
You demanded that I cave to what you said
You know you're really hurtful, right? Whenever you feel a strong emotion in real life you take it out on us. We're real people too, you know.
Last time you were mean to me, I thought about killing myself. Not seriously. Well, I'm not sure.
But I don't like it, okay? So please stop.
And I'm so done right now, and I might suddenly, like, I dunno, go pay attention to the depressing stuff I have to face right now or something
I can relate on that aspect. [Has a big dance performance in a week]
You'we wewcome, Adwa.
[Eats own piece of toast]
How's life?
((I'm sowwy, it's hard fow me two speak like this!))
((You don't have to, Fabi. I'm probably just going to stop))
So what you want me to go all proper 1800's style and ask? Because you know what I will. You want me to be polite I feel like I have to cave to your wants. If I don't ask in the exact way you want you get offended. I don't have any emotions right now. I'm not being mean to anyone. Now excuse me I must go to my grandma's now so may or may not be back.
I swear to god I am so done right now.
And there we go. I was happy
Now I'm not.
Funny how that happens, Zaf
And being polite is a given of society. Not yelling at people. That isn't "caving", that's just being a decent human being.
You're always mean. To everyone.
Zaf, I agree that what you asked was reasonable, but you did not put it in a particularly positive way.
If instead of "I hate it" and "Stop speaking like a baby" and ALL CAPITALS, perhaps something like "Could you please stop?" or even "Please, if you say something to me, talk to me in normal English, translating is giving me a headache."
I know this sounds like something a teacher or parent might say to a small child, but politeness actually does get you far in life, much more so than negativity.
*makes the sign of the cross* Thank the lawd Fabi
((A spy must be able to speak in many ways, and this is one I clearly need practice at... If you stop, though, I probably will, too.))
I have. Sorry. I've lost a feeling for it
To some extent, I guess we all "cave in" in a less extreme sense. It's called society.
If everyone is talking wike dis, you don't have to join them, and you have every right to ask that they communicate with you in a way you understand. I mean, I don't speak in code to people who can't read it unless I'm censoring something out.
Just remember that the people you're talking to are human beings with feelings and emotions, too. That's a good basic rule for everyone...
Man it's gettin holy in here
[Decides to change the subject]
You just started martial arts, right? How is it going for you?
Nothing ::3
Yeah, I did... I only have had one lesson so far... My ribs and basically everything is sore... But it'll be good in the end.
Have you ever thought of taking a fighting class?
Oh my gosh.
I actually laughed out loud at Zaf.
I can't BELIEVE she's telling US to speak in proper English.
For her information, I have a hard time deciphering what she says whenever she writes something longer than about this sentence, because of the lack of grammar, so for HER to have a go at US just seems the height of irony for me. XD
*strolls in and flops down on a chair in exhaustion*
Hey everyone.
Grand Mage Zafira Kerias said...
Speak. Proper. English.
I hate it when people talk like a baby SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH
If you want to talk like a baby to each other fine but to me speak NORMALLY because I'm getting a headache from trying to decipher every word you speak I'm in no mood right now.
November 16, 2013 at 8:18 PM
*bursts out laughing* *is finding this funnier than when Tadra were being amazingly hilarious* *sorry, Tadra*
*scrolls up and dies of laughter again*
*claps hands over mouth in effort to stop laughing, and half-falls over from the change in balance*
Oh my gosh. C:
I should probably thank Zaf. :) I'm feeling really happy now. Laughter is good for you. :)
*is back*
Hey Zaf! :)
Hi Em! *cuddles*
Er... Hi Star?
The point of talking like a baby was, I think, because we were magically transformed into little kids
That's what I thought tbh I had no idea what was happening
Yeah Star :3 I had to watch Graham norton to make myself smile..
I take Hapkido, actually.
I guess it's more about not getting hurt than fighting, really, but it's still really...interesting.
@Adra: Well . . . you know how on the internet I can't actually see you so I just get images in my head of what you look like? :)
Well, I kept imagining you as little kids without realising. XD It was amazing. You know on TV when they go back in time, on cartoons I mean, and look like little-kid versions of themselves? That's about the closest comparison I have. :)
It was so awesome. XD
Hi Em, hi Star. :-)
Hi EM! :)
@Fabi: That sounds cool. :)
. . . I have problems with asking for things, so I would ask to take a self-defence class if I could get around the fact I'd have to ask, and I've been of that opinion for like a year or something. :)
Star- I thought it was adorable! And it wasn't that hard. The "W"s were either "L"s or "R"s
And yeah
Fabi- My mom wants me to do Tai Chi with her :3
. . . Yes, I am aware how stupid that sounds.
I haven't had my hair up for about five years unless it's been necessary for pretty much the same reason . . . not because of the asking, but because of the noticing and thinking and commenting. :/
My hair looks good down, though. :) So it's fine.
god it's good to be back here from reality.
I missed you guys.
@Adra: It WAS a-door-a-bubble!!!! :)
@Em: :) *hugs*
We are reality, though. :) Just another layer of it. Although we're on the same plane.
Er.. Fair warning it might explode Em
And I know Star
I want to write a story about two kids who get stuck in the wild
My life
Tai Chi is cool.
Adorabubble! :D
New post:)
@Adra: Yay! :)
That's okay Ads, let it explode away
[Vanishes to the new post now]
I dedicate this page to communication, because it's actually really weird and interesting if you think about it.
Also to common sense, communities, accomplishments, compostable materials, competence, compromises, comedy, computers, company, musical compositions and the people that comfort you and make you feel complete.
Hey, Hunter!!! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs* :):):)
Sorry, I'm not really a people person:/
Hey, Zaf!!!:)
Aloha all!
We're here now, right?
*calls down* He doesn't seem that logical!
Or perhaps I'm biased.
(Aye Ari.)
((The baby talk :,D))
((That was from earlier))
*Em shakes her head and winces again*
Em: No, I think it's my ribs. It hurts to breathe.
(Hullo. I am distant, but still here, if anyone wants to chat or ask me something or yell at me or punch me in the face or anything of that nature.
Though I'd prefer it if you didn't punch me.)
((Of course not, Anni' *hugs*
Trip, will you be on tomorrow? I'm dying to have Adra come to your emotional aid.))
*energy picks Em up, she floats next to Eritan* Eritan, if you please?
And Chase, I thought I told you to comfort your child?
((That is, assuming that Aretha will not be here within the next few hours))
((I will.))
*Eritan carefully puts a hand over her broken ribs, and she feels a warm, fuzzy feeling, and they snap back into place, without any pain at all*
((Yayyyyyy! *celebracion*))
(I get so dreadfully lonely sometimes. I am one of "those people" who leaves talk radio on quietly in the background of my life.
I certainly don't want to be a diva or an attention-hog, goodness knows I'm not, I just wanted to explain why I continually hop on and off, rather.)
Chase: *grits his teeth again* And I told you, he is in the Citadel until I cleaned the house up.
*Em stretches and takes a breath. She relieved to feel the normal pressure of her lungs returned to her*
((Since Adra is reading back on the comments and giggling, refusing to comment as herself-
*hugs Anni* quite alright. I feel similar sometimes... I might comment and accidentally nap for about ten minutes then come back on..))
*he smiles* Exemplary.
I am aware of that Chase. My point stands. *energy sets Em down on a chair*
Very well, Ms. Barnosky.
*returns to watching the roleplay*
((Adra: Meera?))
*Adra sits in Hell still, on her twelfth smoke*
*she coughs* Thank gods I don't get buzzed of these things...
*she looks around* NIIIIIIICCCCCC
*grumbles* People are dying.
*Chase storms off somewhere, dissapointed that his wife is now up on her feet*
*Em rests on the chair*
Em: So what's up??
*Eritan gives Chase a look as he walks away*
(I AM BACK yes uhm...)
Welcome back, Ms. Kerias.
My "daughter" and her boyfriend, and my two closest friends, no offence, are trapped in Mongolia by cultists. I don't want them to die, so I'm assembling a team of bloglandians to help me save them. I need your help.
*she jumps up, looking around wildly*
...stop this! I'm serious- leave me alone!
*she feels a warm hand brush against her back and she jumps forward*
You killed me again, Mummy. With that knife, and the blood on your hands- you stabbed me. You killed your child. You hurt me, mummy!
*He materialises next to her, a year or two younger than when he first appeared- still a young man, though*
Wh...why are you doing this?
*he leans in closer*
Welcome to Hell, mummy.
((Hello again, Zafira.))
*Eritan nods, still marveling at how small everyone is*
(Huh okay I guess Ari isn't back yet)
(Howdy there Zaf)
Em: Okay, I'm... *Em stopped herself as the silence sunk in again and the tears welled in her eyes*
I'm sorry Trip. I can't help you.
And why is that?
Alexis: *lshakes head* Lorcan I'm the only one here that has a shot to talk Niccolò down! I'm not heathen to him
Lorcan: I don't care Lexi! I don't want to lose you.
Em: I think you can find someone better for the job. I need to recover.
*exhales, seems more relaxed*
What's the real reason Em?
(*watches the role-play with interest*
Alexis: I just can't let everyone get killed...this is why I want to work for the Sanctuary I want to help people and I can't sit back knowing he could kill any Bloglandian! At least with me I can pretend to hurt them and save a few from his wrath...
*she stumbles backwards, hitting the wall that marks the edge of Niccolo's hell*
Leave, Adrian. *her voice cracks* Please...
*she blinks, and finds herself tethered to the wall* *her heart sinks* Oh no....
*her son grins, wrapping one arm around her and pinning her, before holding her arm out so that it's trapped*
*he etches the words into her arm and she screams, doing her best to throw him off of her*
*he finishes and she looks through teary eyes at her arm, and the two words on there*
Child killer
*strolls down the street*
*a pounding in her head*
*and Khasiis's words echoing in her mind*
Khasiis: Ten days, ten days, ten days till death.
*stops under a street lamp*
*leans against it*
*and thinks*
*Priya skips over to Anni and cuddles her*
Lorcan: But what if he figures it out Lexi. He's not stupid, even if he is being controlled.
*Em sighs. She finds it embarrassing that she is just nothing without her wolf.*
Em: I... I just need to recover Trip. I can't. *Em starts to get agitated by wringing her hands.*
*someone runs out of the fog and cuddles her*
*runs in circles around the lamp post*
I do not do well with surprise cuddles!
Em, please, I need to focus on saving my daughter, and having this gnaw away at me isn't going to help. Tell me?
No... I'm not- I'm NOT
*she screams, feeling more words rip and tear at her skin, as Adrian stands to the side, smiling pleasantly*
*she opens her mouth, but finds that she can't breathe, her asthma acting up*
Alexis: he had cut me but he stopped the Sense-Warden controlling him told him to not touch me. He won't disobey orders he simply can't. The order was not to touch me he simply can't his true name was used if you use a person's true name against them and it isn't sealed, like his, the person has no free will whatsoever he can't even stop himself hurting my mother or anyone he'd never harm any of us when he's himself
Em: My wolf is gone!
*she breaks down crying as the silence slowly kills her inside*
(Well, Maralie, I know for a fact that most people don't like me. For the life of me, I can't understand why. However, I've made my peace with that, as I've known it for a while.
I don't know what I can to make you feel better, having never been in your position, so I don't intend to try.)
((Adra: Of course we like you, Mara. If I didn't like you, or I had a problem with you, I would have addressed it to you, and expressed my feelings.
I apologize if other people are being mean, but, I know that a lot of people here on Blogland express their thoughts... You would know if someone had a problem. And the continued NOT silence is a good sign that no one does...
But you're a gorgeous spirit, and honestly incredible :) ))
Ms. Charm, you are one of the most likable people I know. I quite doubt that there is anyone who fakes liking you.
Em... *moves over and hugs her* Shhhh. *Chase is dragged by the scruff of the neck into the kitchen by energy*
*Lorcan is silent for second and then he looks at Alexis*
Lorcan: Then you've to beat on me, take me hostage, anything you need to do, to convince him. You do it to me Lexi. That way I can keep an eye on you and you can keep up the act.
Either my True Name, Khasiis, rejoins me, and I become a monster . . .
. . . or I die in ten days.
*takes a deep breath*
. . . It's no choice at all, I suppose.
*slowly walks down the street*
*wondering what to do with her ten days*
(Hang in there Mara.)
*Priya sticks to Anni's back* *she laughs, no sound coming out*
*Eritan glances wearily at Emerald*
((Adra: *bring Annika into the hug as well*))
Alexis: he's out cold now. We're okay...i'd torture you mentally...*buries head against* I just can't hurt you Lorcan....
*gives Priya a bemused look*
I am having an existential crisis.
Don't make me taze you.
(May I share with Blogland the creepiest song I have ever heard in my life?)
*she makes sounds, ghastly things as her lungs struggle to fully open and allow air in, only small bits of air actually being consumed*
*she sways, trying to find any oxygen to breathe as her heart pounds in her ears like a drum*
*there's a crack, and her back seats with pain as her flesh is torn along the line of the whip* *she nearly collapses as the whip comes down on her again and again*
*Lorcan drops his crutches and holds Lexi tightly*
Lorcan: You could never hurt me Lexi, no matter what you had to do. I would do it all for you, over and over again.
*Chase struggles against the energy*
*Priya plays with Precocious's hair, braiding it softly, smiling*
If you wish, Ms. Barnosky.
I know for a fact one of you probably hates me
So I'll just leave I guess
*looks down at the ground*
. . .
I hope Adra and Sir are alright. Wherever they are. Whatever they're doing.
Look at me! Ten days, ten days, ten days till death, and I'm worrying about Adra and Sir. I've become a bloody saint.
*strolls down the street*
*police sirens wailing in the distance*
*neon aglow on the street signs*
. . .
. . .
*thinks about Oscar and Trisha Varnish*
*blinks the thought away*
*aggressively jams her hands into her pockets*
*continues down the street*
Alexis: I love you Lorcan. No matter what happens, I always will. *her hood falls off* (Pfft Em watch Coco try to kll us 10min later..:P)
*a fist of energy punches chase repeatedly in the face, then grabs the back of his head and slams his face into a surface*
(I had entered into a marriage
In the summer of my twenty-first year
And the bells rang for our wedding
Only now do I remember it clear
Alright, alright, alright
No more a rake and no more a bachelor
I was wedded and it whetted my thirst
Until her womb start spilling out babies
Only then did I reckon my curse
Alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright
First came Isaiah with his crinkled little fingers
Then came Charlotte and that wretched girl Dawn
Ugly Myfanwy died on delivery
Mercifully taking her mother along
Alright, alright, alright
What can one do when one is widower
Shamefully saddled with three little pests
All that I wanted was the freedom of a new life
So my burden I began to divest
Alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright
Charlotte I buried after feeding her foxglove
Dawn was easy, she was drowned in the bath
Isaiah fought but was easily bested
Burned his body for incurring my wrath
Alright, alright, alright
And that's how I came your humble narrator
To be living so easy and free
Expect you think that I should be haunted
But it never really bothers me
Alright, alright, alright
Alright, alright, alright
. . . Is that song not disturbing?)
(Nuuuuuuu! Marsa, don't go!)
*Em closes her eyes, wanting to protest against Trip's actions but can't. Taking her wolf was that step too far*
*Chase takes the hits and punishment without making too much fuss*
*Lorcan kisses Alexis*
Lorcan: I know you do, and I love you too.
((Mara! Even so, does the good not outweigh the bad?))
...Trip that would not be wise
*Priya shrugs, laughing silently again*
*she makes a "heart" symbol*
G((that is chilling, Annika- although I suppose if I heard it it would be easier..))
i hate being in a place where i know i annoy people
*continues strolling down the street*
*walks across the street*
*nearly gets hit by a cab*
*doesn't notice*
*keeps walking down the sidewalk on the other side*
No one annoys you.
Let me ask this- who do YOU think is annoyed by you?))
*is annoyed by
Alexis: *kisses back happy in the moment* I know we'lll be together *has a knowing smile* A family, a proper family.
*Priya is almost weightless- about Adra's size, and continues to braid Precocious' hair*
(Maralie, every single person who was or will ever be born will be hated by multiple people for all of their lives.
That's how life works, and if you don't know how to deal with even people who you IMAGINE hate you, then that's a big problem.
. . .
I apologize. That was mean. But I felt that it needed to be said.)
*waves Priya off*
What the deuce do you think you're doing!?
Em, you can still help. After all, I don't need your wolf's help, I need yours.
*an energy leg kicks Chase in the ribs, and then on the back of the head*
Em: If you're sure then I'm in.
*Chase chuckles with a bloody smile*
Chase: Just try not to get in everyone's way now that the big bad beast can't protect you.
*Lorcan sits down and looks out at the lake*
Lorcan: Everything is gonna change isn't it?
Alexis: meaning? *sits beside* I think for the best.
*Priya continues to braid her hair*
((Mara... *hugs*))
*an energy knife stabs through Chase's hand, pinning him to a wall, shadow like energy flitters into Chase's stomach* And stay there!
Come, we need to get you kitted out.
*Eritan sighs*
Gracious, do you want to get to your daughter or not, boy?
*ignores Priya*
*keeps walking dejectedly*
. . .
. . .
. . . I'm dreadfully bored.
I've only got ten days left. I need to do something. Even Oscar has something to do.
Khasiis: TRISH.
*holds head*
No, no, no, not now . . .
*shakes head violently*
*keeps walking*
I'm . . . SO bored . . .
*Priya taps her shoulder and hands Precocious a little note*
*Lorcan skips a stone across the water*
Lorcan: Normally I would say for the better, but there's just this feeling that's it's for the worse. I can't pin point it but it's there.
*Em gets up and winces slightly but isn't as sore as she once was. She takes one look at Chase before following Trip*
*takes the note*
*unfolds it*
(And what does it say? I find myself asking.)
(Also, anyone who's not already doing something [and it looks like everyone's already got something going] is welcome to join me. I'm not doing much right now, though I'll be forced to depart at nine.)
Yes. But if we do this wrong, she'll die.
Alexis: I just want peace. I kinda want to just turn 18 already and be I know we can't do much with me as I'm so young
*keeps each individual eye on both of the roleplays*
*it is quite challenging*
(*chuckles* Rather like what a chameleon does, then? Looking two directions at once?)
(I'm kinda just waiting for Nic to come back I'm kinda curious why I'm the only one captured so far...and he said he'd be back for me later and usually he's freakin sadisic)
*leads them up the hill to the bar*
*Eritan follows silently*
The note: Take me on a date.
*looks down at the note*
*looks at Priya*
*looks down at the note*
*looks at Priya*
. . .
*Adra wakes up, ages later, bleeding on the ground as every inch of her skin stretches and screams. She tries to think happy thoughts*
There is no greater sorrow
than to be mindful of the happy time
In misery
*Adrian laughs*
*Priya smiles, then waves*
Indeed, Ms. Barnosky.
And I sincerely hope that Mr. Croatoan recovers, and does not cause Ms. Kerias any large harm.
((*laughs evilly about the plot Zaf's talking about in the distance*))
*stops on the porch of the bar* Wait here. *runs in, returns with a small, red cardboard box*
Uh . . .
*looks uncomfortable*
Well . . . I'm flattered, I'm sure . . .
But . . . but you're a woman.
And you don't weigh anything.
And you won't stop braiding my hair. BUT . . .
*looks deeply remorseful*
It's not you, it's me.
(Yeah we all know he'll freakin torture me. I'm not mad like last timehe blinded me...)
*Eritan frowns doubtfully at the box*
I don't think we're all going to fit in there, boy.
((*Laughs again*))
*Priya laughs invisibly before conjuring up another note*
It reads: Not a romantic one, silly. A friend date.
Em: Trip, you have a plan so stick to it. Just tell me what you need me to do and you know I'll do it.
*Lorcan takes Lexi's hand*
Lorcan: Age is but a number my dear, plus 18 isn't all it's cracked up to be.
It's a special box. A gift, from an old friend.
*Eritan smiles*
What color is it?
A . . . a "friend date?"
That's a Thing?
*Priya nods vigorously* *her feet wiggle in excitement*
Uh . . .
Uh . . .
*doesn't have anything better to do*
Uh . . . what do you want to do . . ?
Alexis: *smirks* I don't see why there is restrictions until 18 like..*shrugs*
*her arms begin to strain from where they're pinned on the wall*
*Adrian walks over, pulling put a few nails*
Oh no...
*he pulls out a heavy hammer as well*
*he begins to nail her hands to the wall, cracking the bones*
*places the box on the floor and opens the lid, it's bigger on the inside. It's a bit like the afterlife, except it's white. It's also got about a mile's worth of racks, holding all sorts of things* Come on! In we go!
*Priya thinks for a moment*
*she does a little flip off Precocious' back*
*she mimes roller blading*
(Not pleasant, being nailed to the wall, is it, Adra?
*looks a little bit sassy*)
It's red.
I really don't think I'm going to fit through that tiny box opening...
In case you missed- I'm quite tall and large.
*turns green*
I certainly don't have the coordination for such a thing . . .
I can't even dance, let alone roller blade . . .
*Eridian stops*
You're kidding.
I'm blind.
*Priya thinks again*
*she points to a cotton candy shop*
*he drives one nail into the upper half of her right leg, and into the wall behind her*
*she feels sick to her stomach as she screams at the agonizing torture*
*another nail goes through her collarbone, then her side*
Sugary treats with a thousand calories and no nutritional value?
That's something I CAN handle.
*strolls across the street towards the shop*
*grins* I know.
Just step into it. Let the box do the work.
*Priya skips after her*
*there's a loud car horn and headlights slam into Priya*
*Priya is clung to Precocious's back before the car can hit her*
*spins around, trying to dislodge Priya*
For Heaven's sake, woman!
*Eritan looks at the box*
*he looks at Trip*
*The box*
*Then Trip*
Easy for you to say, boy. You're small...
*he adjusts his coat, then hops in*
*Priya clings to her back*
(I dedicate this page to gentlemen in waistcoats.
I dedicate this page to ladies wearing hats.
I dedicate this page to young girls wearing corsets.
I dedicate this page to young men in cravats.
I dedicate this page to records playing on the gramophone.
I dedicate this page to the feeling that you get when you come home.
I dedicate this page to writers scribbling with ink-stained hands.
I dedicate this pages to singers smiling at their screaming fans.
I dedicate this page to all the things we want to be.
I dedicate this page to you, to Blogland, and to me.)
*Oddly, Eritan seems to fit through the small gap and falls to the level of the racks and then stops, despite falling about fifty feet, he is unharmed*
Get off of me at once, or you shan't have any cotton candy.
*Adrian begins to laugh at her, as Vikta and Antony fall from the ceiling as drops of fire, then forming into tangible people. Antony begins to laugh at her, and Vikta begins to scold her*
*more join: her parents, Cain, her alchemists friends- all twelve of them- Trip, Zaf, Emerald, Precocious, Sir, Aretha an Niccolo, Mara, Star- even Ezter*
*more and more join*
*she feels alone*
Ravel: *goes to Liv*
Olivia: where is Momma?
Ravel: Mom went on a business trip for work...*picks up* She said I get to watch you
((*raise glass*
waistcoats are sexy))
(I too am honored to be part of your list of people capable of emotionally torturing you.
*smiles contentedly*
My work here is done.)
*Eritan nods, stepping back, and observing what's around him*
*laughs, remembering he can't see a damn thing*
*Priya pouts, and gets off*
Liz and Effie appear in an underground hospital.
Effie: So, I heard you called Spectrum.
Liz: Yeah...
Effie: You must have been desperate.
Liz: She's fair. Expensive, but fair.
Effie: So what did you offer her?
Liz: Nothing much. [Walks over to a door] Come on, I left her in here.
Effie: What about Ioux?
Liz: He can't do much without the tracker.
[They open the door, and walk in to see the green box]
(Waistcoats are sexy indeed.
*raises glass*)
(( It was an inevitable, my dear))
*calmly walks the sidewalks of Blogland, searching for something to preoccupy himself*
*sees a large establishment marked 'Gentleman's Club'*
Huh, a more cultured establishment. There should be some enthralling conversation, at the hopeful least.
*walks in*
*takes a single look*
*and promptly spins on his heel, going out through the revolving door*
Humans. Bleck.
*Trip lands behind Eritan
Here we are, my warehouse. (And on that, we will call it a night. Buboi!)
((Hi Fabi!
Thank you for agreeing, Annika. I feel accepted into a group of women who can appreciate how good-looking waistcoats are I mean DAMN.))
((Goodnight, Trip! *hugs*))
*disgruntledly visits the shop*
*a minute or two drags by*
*and she returns with two bags of cotton candy*
*one pink*
*one blue*
*gives Priya the pink one*
There you go.
Will you let well enough alone now?
(*takes one look at Sir's comment*
*slow claps*)
((I screamed, Sir.
*and since Eritan is out of commission, I'll change to Priya*))
Ioux: [Steps out, holding a gun] I'm afraid I can't let you open the box.
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