Friday, November 22, 2013

Ta Da!!!!!!

Layyyydeeeeeez an gennelmennnnnnnn...

I give you the wonder of wonders...

the marvel of marvels...

the paperback cover of paperback covers...

The Maleficent Seven!!!

Tom Percival, you've done it again...


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Tanya Halcyon (Kas) said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

I never learned French. I took Spanish, and it bored me. Then I took Latin, and got rather good at it, but it has few useful applications, I must say.

Star Inkbright said...

*puts it into Google Translate*

Oh God.

It's saying I said I'd throw women in closets. :O

*laughs* XD
What I was actually saying was that you fill cupboards with junk they can't be bothered to throw out. XD


Star Inkbright said...


Not they. :P

@Annika: Yay for Latin? :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

Bah, never trust Google translate. The gentleman ferrets who run it don't know a thing about syntax.

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: I know. :P



Mary Contrary said...


Past paper question begins with:
"A fusion reaction can occur when two deuterium nuclei, H , collide at high speed to
produce a helium nucleus (He) and release a neutron."
Me: No.
Past paper question: "A fusion reaction can occur when two deuterium nuclei, H , collide at high speed to
produce a helium nucleus (He) and release a neutron."
Me: No they don't, *glares* because- *opens textbook aggressively* *pauses* ... *melts into small puddle of colourless liquid sparkles*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

"She lifted the dagger, but her hand was shaking and Fabi knew she wouldn't be able to use it. Not on herself. Or her other self. Or however you wanted to look at it."


Unknown said...

Brb. Switching to the computer.

The Grave of a Coward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Grave of a Coward said...

I don't really have anything to say right now, sadly.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Well, you're awesome too Annika! :D

*hugs Rhydian*
Glad you finally felt you could tell people :)

Do not laugh at me Taia! *hmph*

@Star: omg, that's hilarious! Please don't say women throwing is a hobby of yours! D: :P


Unknown said...

@Flora: I told my friend at school about two week ago now...And I finally thought about telling people here :) now just to tell about the other thirty of my friends at school...Nah, I won't tell all of them lol haha

The Grave of a Coward said...

Would you like to know another thing that annoys me?
Persons with dogs in their purses.
It is silly. It is nonsense. What if it urinated?
Just put the little flumpet on a lead and let it walk beside you. What, is the dog too lazy? Does he require a manservant to putter him about in a sparkly handbag?
We are instilling laziness, rudeness, and illiteracy in our dogs these days. Soon they will resort to drugs and gang violence. I simply cannot advocate carrying little dogs around in purses.

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: :(

@Lantern: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@Flora: IT ISN'T!!! *glares*
Lancer du femmes n'est pas un passé-temps à moi!


Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Rhydian: I'm glad you did :)
and you shouldn't feel afraid to tell your other friends. They won't judge you. And if they do? Sorry, but f*** them. They're obviously not good enough to be your friend :) *hugs*


The Grave of a Coward said...

I am a pessimist/realist by nature, so, really, I can find something about anything at all that annoys me. If any of you would like to give me a random topic, I am certain I could . . . *cough* . . . 'bust out a rant' about it, if you like.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Star: Bon! Moi non plus!


Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Annika: What about love?


Mary Contrary said...

(Um. The deutrium nuclei didn't copy/paste their atomic & mass numbers, there. :P )

@Star: Well, that's translate for you. :P
That's probably the best translation confusion I've ever heard, though. xD

@Flora: It was friendly laughter.. :P

*hugs Fabi*
Interesting narrative in your writing. It approaches plain and truthful and blunt. It's almost spoken, but... better. Don't really know if it's simple or complex. Maybe it's kind of both. I like that.


Unknown said...


Now on a serious note...Do penguins have knees?

The Grave of a Coward said...

Another thing that annoys me: People who don't like Les Miserables.

Listen here, At the End of the Day, Les Mis is one of the greatest musicals of all time. The folks who sang it in the movie are Lovely Ladies and Stars, so I Look Down on the Little People who dislike it, and In My Life I am forced to ask: Do You Hear the People Sing? They sound like angels in a Castle on a Cloud! One Day More, and I won't be able to think of anything else but this musical! You act like the Master of the House, you haters, but then, Who Am I? I suppose I'll just have to love it On My Own, but I guarantee you that when this musical is on stage, there will be no Empty Chairs at Empty Tables. So Drink With Me, my friends! I Dreamed a Dream that more people would love Les Miserables, and I will not give up on my barricade boys!

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Taia: I know :P silly Taia, thinking I was mad *tut tut*

@Rhydian: THEY DO!

And OF COURSE you're accepted, silly!


Mary Contrary said...

@Annika: *laughs* Interesting. I try to not be annoyed by things - I try to be, or to become, okay with stuff. idk. That has it's drawbacks. Naturally. And I don't always manage it too well.

@Rhydian: w- Omg somebody PLEASE answer that I have to know.
omg what.
Yes. Yes.
Omg, that's- Aah! Surely they must. Right?


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia (and Flora): Glad I could amuse you. :)

@Flora: Et je suis content à propos de ça. :)


Unknown said...

Wbd. On Minecraft with Em :)

@Flora: I know! Just at school feels like...y'know being the new kid and also being as I am...I worry sometimes

The Grave of a Coward said...

And another thing that annoys me, Flora,: Love.

Love is patently ridiculous. It makes ridiculous cuckoo-birds out of all of us. In a sudden moment of breathless delight, the most sane and reasonable of gentleman can be reduced to a lovesick fool! Love is a distraction from what otherwise is important and worth thinking about. Love hurts. Love tears at the very cords of one's heart. Love distracts. Love pains. Love burns.
And what else can there be said?

The Grave of a Coward said...

Incidentally, did you know that the elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump?

Star Inkbright said...

"I try to not be annoyed by things - I try to be, or to become, okay with stuff. idk. That has it's drawbacks. Naturally. And I don't always manage it too well. "

(Sorry, just using you as proof there. :P)

@Annika: My mum disliked Les Mis!

. . . And oh my gosh, once on YouTube, someone commented on a song saying it was the first A7X song they're heard, and someone rpelied saying "Well, Welcome to the Family :)", and after that there was a comment thread with people saying replies with song titles in. :) I added a comment onto the end of it, and someone added a comment onto mine, and that was the last I heard of it . . . It's fantastic, commutative events like that that bring you all together. :)

*goes to find comment thread*


The Grave of a Coward said...

Bah. I'm looking back at my earlier rant and it really is one of the worst rants I've ever performed.
The love one, not the Les Mis one.
I may delete it.

Aha! There's another thing that annoys me!
Projects that you THINK will turn out well but actually do not! Like robbing the Tower of London on a Sunday or telling your gentleman collar that his waistcoat looks flattering when in fact it is entirely the wrong color for him and clashes dreadfully with his eyes!

Mary Contrary said...

My entire penguin-view is changed.
What. O.O

@@Annika: BUt isn't that kind of incredible? That one single emotion, or one single attachment, or one chemical- it can do SO MUCH. The fact that it CAN reduce utter upright back-straight reason to an awkward fumbling mess of foolish confusion- That one thing can cause so much distration and so much happiness and so much fire and anger and pain and feeling, it can pull and pull and pull, but it's one of the only things that we're all drawn to. There's the whole of the universes and everything further than is even imaginable, everything is so BIG, yet it's that emotion, that tiny thing which is just a chemical in the brain or something THAT SMALL, just a little bunch of liquid particles - it can change so many things?
I think that's kind of fascinating. :)
I'm not meaning to rant, just a thought.


The Grave of a Coward said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Love makes everything more terrible and beautiful than it is or needs to be.
. . .
Love is like a Slushie. It is delicious while you have it, but when it is gone, you are bereft, despairing, several pounds fatter, and worse-off than you were before.

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *grins* AGREED! I'm happy to be used as evidence. C:

@Annika: "Incidentally, did you know that the elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump?"
The creature-facts. My mind is churning these.
Wait- wait-



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Star: donc vous devriez être!

@Rhydian: I get it. Being the new kid is bad enough without having to worry about stupid people judging you. I get that you're worried, but you needn't be. Move at your own pace by all means, but know that we're always here *hugs* :)

@Dr/Annika: oh gosh, that's brilliant.
Actually, I know we've only just met an' all, but can I ask you something?
I have a character who is very much anti-love and the whole idea surrounding it, and I can't write for her because I'm not as against it. But what you just wrote is perfect. So, do you mind if I use what you just said, or a variation on it, in the book thingy that I'm writing?
*backs away shyly in case I've been too forward...*


Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Taia and Dr/Annika: do you mind if I use your whole conversation? It's brilliant!
*backs away shyly again*


The Grave of a Coward said...

There is a well-liked gentleman at my fencing club, and his name is Will.
Well, we got a new kid the other day. We all call him Draco, because he has white-blond hair, a pompous manner, and is a real jerk-arse. Anyhow, he was practicing his form in the corner, and Will walked over to correct him, which is a thing that ALL SENIOR FENCERS ARE EXPECTED TO DO WHEN THE FRESH BLOOD, OH, I MEAN, NEW RECRUITS, ARRIVE.
So it wasn't Will's fault.
But Draco just looked at him and sneered "Who asked you?" in the most pompously jerkish way one can imagine.

The story spread like wildfire.
And now the entire class, including myself, is banding together to play an elaborate prank on him.
I can't wait. It will be quite the show.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Oh, Flora, I do not mind in the slightest.

Mary Contrary said...

@Annika: Matter of opinion, I suppose. It doesn't need to be that terrible/beautiful, but is is, and- I don't know.
This is kind of making me think of the Flaming Lips - 'What Is The Light? (An Untested Hypothesis Suggesting That the Chemical [In Our Brains] by Which We Are Able to Experience the Sensation of Being in Love Is the Same Chemical That Caused the "Big Bang" That Was the Birth of the Accelerating Universe)'

I don't really know what my point was/is, and I'm just writing my little brain-pieces, but, idk. I don't think 'worse-off than before', I don't think that is a thing, really. You've learned. YOu've grown and you're building and growing and becoming an individual and maybe you lost something, but you had time when you had something, and that time exists, and you can still apply that something, I don't know. I don't know the words. BUt there's a thing in my head. It thinks differently.
Which doesn't negate your view, in any way, it's just an alternative. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

I have never been in love.
I fully expect that, when I do experience it, I will turn from my usual stoic self to a bumbling moron.
The concept terrifies me. However, I fully expect that when I do fall in love, I will not care in the slightest.

Nevyar Amberite said...

Is it bad if I have been using pics and morphthing to generate my ships babies??

Nevyar Amberite said...


The Grave of a Coward said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

But only from the perspective of a stoat or small mink.

Unknown said...

@Annika: I am sure you will not be a bumbling moron...

@Flora: Btw how is WAY coming along? Keep reading it on Wattpad...It's just SO ADDICTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! My friend asked me what I was reading and I replied with 2THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!" then she said "I thought that was Skulduggery Pleasant"

My friend is awesome/odd

Nevyar Amberite said...

I'm home and I'm sick. I made Valduggery and Nyeduggery....(MENTAL IMAGES!)

Mary Contrary said...

@Flora: *hugs* You're brilliant, you know that?
Feel free. I feel that maybe you'll want to edit my me-ness down a touch, since I don't really know how to make sense in words sometimes, and am probably not the most writing-o-genic by talk/manner, but yes, totally. :)
I'm honoured that you'd like to. :3

@Annika: *smiles*
I like how alternative ideas come to similar points of reason. That's something I'll agree/relate with. :)
Except that for me, I'm already a bumbling moron. :P


Star Inkbright said...


10 months ago

This is their first song I listened to and it is so fucking good!

rouge rossi
5 months ago
in reply to Ritz

have to say Welcome To The Family!! ;)

Kevin Larsen
3 months ago
in reply to mrzombiesbo

promise me you'll be here Until The End.

Guilherme Raposo
3 months ago
in reply to Kevin Larsen

Yet dont stay inside and Seize The Day.

3 months ago
in reply to Guilherme Raposo

I believe this conversation has been strung out long enough now, so please Carry On with your lives

3 months ago
in reply to armystrong224

Just make sure his band doesn't give you a NIGHTMARE

3 months ago
in reply to maplejet

Dude that one Bat country sucked.

3 months ago
in reply to armystrong224

this conversation is awesome... lets turn to the page to Chapter Four

3 months ago
in reply to TheTeitur13

c: i see what you did there.... sneaking in a metallica song Turn the Page

Guilherme Raposo
3 months ago
in reply to armystrong224

Only after I finish reading this book, im on Chapter Four.

3 months ago
in reply to armystrong224

aah shit, now i realize, sons of anarchy song turn the page by metallica :p but its 4:00AM and let Carry on :D

Arijan .Ghoreishi
3 months ago
in reply to TheTeitur13

But for those who don't Carry on and feel no Warmness on the Soul are always welcome to be a part of A little piece of heaven in a Walk to the Afterlife. Dear god I'm Not ready to die. Too bad for me since God hates us : )

2 months ago
in reply to Arijan .Ghoreishi

This entire thread is fucking awesome it deserves some critical acclaim!

Star Inkbright
1 month ago
in reply to ConquerorofallZombie

Let's get it some, it's Almost Easy! :)

1 month ago
in reply to Star Inkbright

Its not with a Natural Born Killer on the lose!


Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Annika: You're totally brilliant - thank you! You cannot believe how perfect this conversation is!

@Rhydian: Alright thanks! WAY is actually what I'll be using this conversation in.
Been really busy recently so I haven't written much, but I'm doing some right now actually :)
nearly finished the re-do of the first chapter if you want me to send it to you? :)
and awww shucks :3 you're gonna make me blush! *blushes anyway* goddammit...


The Grave of a Coward said...

I am certain I will be a bumbling moron.
Also, more on my love Slushie metaphor:

When someone, especially someone close to you, has a Slushie and you don't, it can be very painful to watch them drinking it. It is even worse when they wave the Slushie in front of your nose and say "Look, I've got a Slushie, and you haven't! Ha ha!"
There are two types of people in this situation. Those who sit down and cry because they don't have a Slushie, and those who smile, knowing that their Slushie is coming, and it's even better than the other Slushie.

Also, you can always tell when someone has had a Slushie, because of the blue stains that Slushie's leave on ever person who has experienced them.

Love is like a Slushie.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Taia: thank you too! :D seriously, this is exactly what I needed :D <3


Noelle said...


Nevyar Amberite said...

Love is like a slushie. Sometimes cold and sour,but mainly sweet and good.

Unknown said...

@Flora: YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Star Inkbright said...

. . . And I just missed the most brilliant debate about love. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

And don't settle for a substandard Slushie, like one that is half-melted or doesn't have enough syrup. Wait. Wait until the Slushie machine is re-stocked, and then get your Slushie. You may have had to wait in the burning-hot, Slushie-less sun, but you will get yourself the best Slushie ever.

Noelle said...

What the hell?

I don't even

Nevyar Amberite said...



Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: That's an amazing metaphor. :)


Star Inkbright said...



Nevyar Amberite said...

Love is also very different,like a slushie. They come in different types.

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Rhydian: okie dokie! :)

@Annika:.....I am totally getting this Slushie metaphor. I really shouldn't because it really shouldn't make sense, but DAYYYUM, that one powerful metaphor


The Grave of a Coward said...

And the best kinds of Slushies are the ones that will never leave you. The ones that stay with you forever. I am speaking, of course, about Slushies with free refills.

But there are also some Slushies that are gone far too quickly, and leave a sour raspberry flavor in the back of your mouth that doesn't go away not matter how many glasses of water you drink.

And do not forget the most important part. The part that Mythbusters proved a long time ago:

If you throw a Slushie at someone not prepared to have a Slushie thrown at them, it CAN kill them.

Nevyar Amberite said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

And love is the most precious in a loveless environment, much like a Slushie is the most precious during the summertime, rather than the snow-abundant winter.

Noelle said...

Hello, Star *hugs*

*looks around* I'm invisible again today, aren't I? Hmm... I'll just wait, then

Nevyar Amberite said...


Mary Contrary said...

@Star: "It's fantastic, commutative events like that that bring you all together."
There's the thing in my head, and there's the other person who can actually make the words that it pours into. Is there a word for that? THere should be - I need it. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

I've never been in love either, I'm just throwing these out as they come to me.

Unknown said...


Star Inkbright said...


. . . Well.

Sort of.

Not really.

Radifying is when you haven't really thought of it before.

Ummm . . .

And - I know what you mean. :) Thank you. :) :) :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

And sometimes you screw up.
You REALLY screw up.
Sometimes you work so very hard for a Slushie, and when you finally get it, and you think you're happy now, you
and it splatters all over the ground and you are left staring down at it, and you feel as if your heart has shattered along with the cup.
And sometimes you will never forget that Slushie, even if you get a different Slushie.
Because you know, deep in your heart, that it was YOU who dropped the Slushie. It was not the Slushie's fault. And you just need to forget it, and let it go, but sometimes it is very difficult.

One of the hardest things in the world can be living with the memory of that Slushie that you dropped and never got to cherish.

Nevyar Amberite said...


I know about love from books and fanfictions and Tv and movies

Star Inkbright said...

Radeniting. *nods8

It's liked radifying in a way, but different.

And it's like . . . like when you somethingenite something, like solidify it. :) Like carbonite. :P


Nevyar Amberite said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

And never forget the most important rule of all.
Cherish your Slushie. Savor every sip.
Because if you drink it too fast, you will get brain-freeze.
And brain-freeze hurts like the dickens.

Nevyar Amberite said...

And sometimes,the slushie turns evil. And you feel your heart break as the one you love is a evil merciless killer.;')

Noelle said...

My Minecraft isn't working, Rhydian. I'm sorry.

Unknown said...

It's ok... *hugs*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Oh I don't have the new IP and Em'll never give it to me she hates me :)

Nevyar Amberite said...

Never forget what the slushie did for you. Ever.

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: Oh my gosh.

This is one of the best metaphors ever.

It beats my star metaphor. :(


@Nevyar: :)


Nevyar Amberite said...

I actually had a slusioe befor. I'm sad now

The Grave of a Coward said...

And you should always value your Slushie. Don't treat it like anything less than the precious commodity that it is.
Billions of people have never tasted the delicious sweetness that is a Slushie.
So cherish your Slushie.
Let it light up your world on a hot summer day when you want nothing more than a cool, refreshing drink.
And above all, treat your Slushie right, because sometimes, when your Slushie is all gone, the machine is empty, and there is no more Slushie to replace it.

Nevyar Amberite said...

My heart hurts
My profile pic is destroying my soul. Along with books

Nevyar Amberite said...

There is only one slush8e like that out there

Mary Contrary said...

*hugs Flora* Then I'm all the happier to help. :)

@Annika: The metaphor. THe metaphor. It's great. Like Flora said - it totally shouldn't work but it DOES. That's another thing that I like, how things can fit together in such unexpected ways. :)

@Star: *nods* That's why I didn't use radifying. It's like radifying, but with the feeling already there, but minus the words. :)
Oh? Radeniting. Yes.
I get it. I like it. Thank you. :)
It's like... igniting. Like, like, like a car. You could move it, you could use it, without the engine running, but it's hard and difficult and inefficient and it makes more sense to just stop pushing the car and leave it at the side of the road. But you start the ignition and it runs so much better. Suddenly, it's the more efficient one. It gets there. It works... better. *nods*

And carbonite. *nods* That too. :P


The Grave of a Coward said...

I only wanted to use some sort of a delicious treat as a metaphor during my conversation with Taia, so I picked Slushie at random, but I do believe I have inadvertently made a very good metaphor for love.

Nevyar Amberite said...

Side note

Shahs Ghanith baby

Noelle said...

It's snowing outside- it's really pretty. But cold. Florida, here I come.
*music plays in the background*
So I'll be absent of most of the day.
Not that you'll miss me.
Because you all don't even know I'm here. *facepalm* Good job, Adra.

Star Inkbright said...

Diamond|horizontal rectangle|vertical rectangle . heart . three vertical lines|circle|horizontal rectangle|vertical rectangle|triangle|asterik . three vertical lines|square with + in|rectanges in + cross X


The Grave of a Coward said...

Oh, Adra, most of the time you run this joint. Let me have my fun with my Slushie metaphor.

I will be right back.
I think.

Nevyar Amberite said...

Gods of the faceless,I immensely dislike Christmas music,it is not scintillating enough for my preferences.

Unknown said...

Gtg now :( I SHALL RETURN TOMMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH MORE OF MY INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: . . . *did know she was here? Said hi?*

@Taia: You explained it way better than me. :) :) :)


Noelle said...

Oh, I detect hostility. Hmm. Well, since I can't stand people not liking me tell me, Annika, what about me do you not like?

Noelle said...

Goodbye Rhydian *hugs*

Star Inkbright said...

Fours Rhydian! :(

@Nevyar: Aw. I like Christmas music. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Where in Florida Adra? Panama?

Nevyar Amberite said...

Come to NY,Star,there's a channel dedicated.

Star Inkbright said...



The Grave of a Coward said...

I don't like the fact that you were complaining about us/me not making you the center of our attention.

Noelle said...

...there's a city called Panama in Florida? I though Panama would be in, Y'know, Panama?

But Pensacola, actually

The Grave of a Coward said...

Dalek Christmas music?
I'm in.

Star Inkbright said...

@Nevyar: Okay. :)

. . .
Sorry, I just don't have a good response to that. :P


Mary Contrary said...

Hello, Nevyar! :) Hi Adra! :)

Bye Rydian! *hugs* You rule. :) *waves*

@Star: THank you. But I wouldn't have managed any of it without the word and your explanation of it, in the first place, so, thank you. Er, again. :P / :)

@Star: Nice written symbol sequence? :P


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Coolio. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I have been there! Yeah Panama City is the city I went to in July

Noelle said...

That isn't what I was saying, actually. Well, it wasn't what I meant. No, I do not wish to be the center of attention. I just thought that, well, perhaps my friends would have said hello?

Nevyar Amberite said...


The Grave of a Coward said...

Sometimes, you have a grape Slushie.
And it's okay. I mean, you don't mind the fact that it's a grape Slushie.
But then you see another girl and she has a cherry Slushie.
And you would MUCH rather have a cherry Slushie. But her Slushie is the only Slushie around!
So you cast aside your grape Slushie and steal her cherry Slushie away from her.
And it might taste delicious at first.
But not for long.
Eventually it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth,
and you can't wait to get rid of that cherry Slushie and get your grape one back.
But you can't.
Because you threw away the grape one for another girl's Slushie.
And it's gone.

Never make that mistake.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Tacklehugs Adra]


Noelle said...

Er, I'm not sure where Sir lives, Star :3 But I'm there for Thanksgiving anyway.

Did you, Zaf? In July? Must have been smoldering. 0.0

The Grave of a Coward said...

Well, I am through with discussing Slushie metaphors for love.

Noelle said...

I probably should go back to start where that metaphor began, yes?

I'm hungry for one now.

Hello, Fabi! *hugs* How are you?

Nevyar Amberite said...

Oh,Annika,I get that. That was deep,.well as deep as a slushie love metaphor can be.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Tragically, I am a loyal New England girl, and will likely never have the chance to meet Sir.
Not that I don't love New England. I do, very much. We get a lot of monsters up here. A lot of haunted graveyards and creepy abandoned swing sets.
It is a good place for one of my disposition to live.

Mary Contrary said...


*hugs all*

You all are awesomeness. Thank you. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

Yes, I think I did rather well with that Slushie metaphor.

Noelle said...

I've just finished reading.

I resonate with that on a spiritual level, Annika.

And I might have just snapshotted the whole thing

The Grave of a Coward said...

Ah! Goodbye, Taia!

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: There's probably a quote for what I want to say. I know I know some in the back of my mind, but I can't remember them!
We can get further together because we further each other in our together-ness. :) Teamwork. If there is no i in teamwork, we must all be blind. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. That's such a good quote. Although if the one-eyed man was born in a bad area and didn't go to a posh private school, he wouldn't be king.
My mum said once that a load of people who are averagely clever are really rich and go to the best schools in the country and do really well, and then people think they're clever enough to lead the country, whereas actually they don't have the natural intelligence to do a good job. -_-
I could rant loadssssssssss from here about unfairness and whatnot, but . . .


Nevyar Amberite said...

:( I'm a NYer person. I want to go to London and Ireland

Most girls want to go there because of bands,but I want to see my fandoms and freak out and fangirl and have tea ans fangirl some mkre

The Grave of a Coward said...

Why thank you, Adra.
I might go back and copy-and-paste all that onto my blog. I'm not sure.

Nevyar Amberite said...

Bail Taia

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Didn't see you were here before! I kinda disappeared for a while (my bad)
hang on, wait...
*gets up and pats down dress*
that's hardly the appropriate actions of royalty...


Noelle said...

Whereabouts in New England are you again?

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

Goodbye those that left/are leaving! <3


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Absolutely rubbish! XD You?

I actually might not be here, so...


Star Inkbright said...

@Nevyar: Whereas I, as a British person, love music made by Americans! :(
The unfairness of the world.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Waves to everyone who is here and everyone who isn't]

The metaphor is indeed interesting.


The Grave of a Coward said...

I live in your backyard, Adra.
Don't tell anyone. It's an experiment.

Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...

Bye Taia!! *hugs*

*hugs everyone, btdubs*

*bows to the Queen* Your Majesty. *presents her with a flower crown* Your Princess humbly greets you

Noelle said...

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, darling. I'll send you my love *hugs Fabi*


Under my porch?

Nevyar Amberite said...

I don't like most English bands(the one you guys are primarily thinking of)

But I love OneRepublic,and I know they are American,but I listen to only rock and pop music

The Grave of a Coward said...

Yes. That's why you hear all those unsettling creaking noises at night. Don't worry about those. That's only me trying to dig an effective tunnel under your house.

Nevyar Amberite said...

Ah,not at all stalkerish.

Annika,are you pulling a Caelan?

Noelle said...

...I thought those were ghosts.

I have a basement, if you need a shortcut?

Nevyar Amberite said...

When people are stalkers,I call them Caelan.

I call imaginationless mortals doors.

Star Inkbright said...

I hate to sound like someone who just listens to people's most popular songs, but I've only heard Counting Stars by OneRepublic and I really like it . . . :)


I'm not generally found of pop music, but there are of course exceptions. :)


Noelle said...

When people are staplers, for some reason they're called "creepers" in the Tri-state

Queen Flora Ophelia of the Flowers; Leader of the New Land of Stickers; Prophet of the New Order; General of the Shadow People said...

@Adra: oh pshhh, no need for the formality. You're a Princess after all. So stand straight, m'lovely.
...though I shall be taking that crown, thank you


Noelle said...

Oh yeah, Adra. Staplers. Yep.

You haven't heard of Apologize, Star?

Star Inkbright said...

@Annika and Adra: *laughs* XD


The Grave of a Coward said...

No, no, I can't use your basement. I have an allergic reaction to the laundry detergent you use.
Don't mind me, I just need to tunnel under your house to get to that other house in your neighborhood. You know that one? That one that always creeps you out?

Noelle said...

Apologies, your Majesty. *places the crown on Flora's head* You look lovely!

Noelle said...

...the one that had it's back door kicked in Friday before last?

The big house?

Nevyar Amberite said...

They have older songs which are even better

I dint like straight up pop music. Poprock is good,but mainly rock.

I cannot stand people who listen to only popular music. This girl I know is a total hipster and is going to a concert for a band she heard one some from,and tickets were suuuuuuper expensive

The Grave of a Coward said...

I'm actually sitting in one of my many maintenance shafts right now.
*knocks on the ceiling*
Can you hear me?
I'm down here, commenting on Derek's blog! Just like you!
By the way, you should check your cabinets! You're almost out of peanut butter!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Creepy staplers!



It autocorrects for me too!


Stalker doesn't, though. Just the plural.


Thanks. [hugs Adra]

WARNING: I might find things funny that really aren't. I'm in a weird mood. Sorry!


Nevyar Amberite said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

I know you've never loved
The sound of your voice on tape
You never want
To know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me.

Du bist perfekt :)


*is feeling really depressed today, so is just going to leave*


The Grave of a Coward said...

*checks my map of Adra's neighborhood*
Yeah! Yeah, the big one!
By the way, that little old lady who lives down the street gave me a beating with her purse when I tried to ask where the nearest tearoom was.

Noelle said...

It's scary that I almost am. Want some food? *taps on her floor*

Sparklers, Fabi


The Grave of a Coward said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Maraaaaaaaa]

Bye! D:


The Grave of a Coward said...

*taps on ceiling*
I'd better not! I have to keep myself slim so I can wriggle through all the tunnels down here!

Noelle said...

It's Madra, Nev.


I ship myself with anyone. Forever alone.

*hugs Mara* Es mvlta bene, mea amica

Annika, that makes sense. Did you get lemon bars?

Nevyar Amberite said...




(davina marr anyone)

The Grave of a Coward said...

Hey Adra! How come we keep typing our actions at each other!
*taps on the ceiling*
See? I just told you that I tapped on the ceiling, even though you can clearly hear me tapping in the real world!

Noelle said...

*does a tap dance on the floor*

Of course!

But sustenance is vital!

Nevyar Amberite said...

No,Adra,its also you and Annika


The Grave of a Coward said...

I actually brought some Chex Mix!

Noelle said...

I'm in a car, Annika :P

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Mara* :(

@Nevyar: What if they listen to only popular music, but all the music is good?

To be honest, with liking music (and anything, but we're talking about music), I find it's less about what people like than about why they like them. Sometimes I don't like telling people I like certain things, and it took me years to work this out but it's because they'll take it the wrong way, and they'll have a picture of it being something else to what picture it is in mine. If people just like music because it's popular . . . that's annoying, but if they like popular music (like 1D and LM. Maraaa) for awesome reasons, then that's awesome. :)


The Grave of a Coward said...

No, Nevyar. Sorry to disappoint you by placing my fabulous self off-limits, but I am not a lesbian.

Noelle said...

And Tadra

And, uh.


Who said that

You stole my mix?

Little Mix

Thank you Mara for that pun :3

The Grave of a Coward said...

Ah, well.

The Grave of a Coward said...

Everybody loves Osmosis SO MUCH and I just don't understand why.

Noelle said...

It's the bromance, Annika.

It's the bromance.


Ovaries before brovaries.
That's what I say.

Oh gods I shouldn't have said that

Star Inkbright said...

*my head

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I FORGOT TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In Biology

We're doing about Osmosis. :)



Noelle said...

The illusionist *movie music*


I think you do understand. Subconsciously you ship it.

I do

Noelle said...


Star Inkbright said...


Sorry, used to typing it with a capital! :)

@Annika: Because Osmosis are soul mates with each other. :) They just sort of complete themselves. :) They're the same and different at the same time. :)


Nevyar Amberite said...

Nonononl Star! I meant like they only will listen to popular music and if its not popular,they don't listen to it. Like right when a song isn't the most played song,they don't like it. Gahhhh I sound horribly mean,but those who only listen to music if its popular. (Many ones like those reside near me). I listen to music no one really knows..its quite sad really.

Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: And, no. :)

From before.

Forgot to say.


The Grave of a Coward said...

Well, all I can say is this:
For all you Osmosis fans . . .
I will be playing your heartstrings like a HARP before the saga of Doctor Precocious ends, I guarantee it!
I have everything planned out.
And it will be MARVELOUS.

Noelle said...

i will find u annika

The Grave of a Coward said...

Star, you simply MUST tell me how tomorrow's biology lesson goes.
And you have to promise me that you will doodle two little hearts on the corner of the assignment.
And they say DP and ON.

Star Inkbright said...

@Nevyar: That's what I meant in one sentence . . . one of the sentences . . . but not the others. :)
And - I GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN. D: People like that are so annoying!
. . . Although they can be amazing in other ways, obviously. :)
And it's like, if a song used to be popular and isn't anymore, has it changed? Has it morphed? Has it become denatured? Why is it not a good song anymore?

I listen to music not a large percentage of the population know. :) We can be lonely together.

foREVer alone.

(sorry had to say that)


Noelle said...

Piano Man


Star Inkbright said...

@Annika: *nods wildly* :) :) :)

I imagine I'll just be freaking out and my friend'll be laughing at me. XD


Star Inkbright said...



Noelle said...


Precocious was one of my vocab words. I nearly cried

The Grave of a Coward said...

*laughs wickedly*
Oh, I am going to LOVE watching y'all react to what I have planned . . .
Where her twelve-day-long curse is going . . .
What's going to happen to his evil scheme . . .
Flashbacks about how it all began . . .
The identity of X . . .
More about Precocious's uncles . . .
Why she has forgotten most of her life . . .
What Oscar's favorite movie is . . .

That last one wasn't as relevant, but you get the picture.

Noelle said...

I'm not going to lie, that was unintentional.
I swear.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

I bet you it's Princess Bride

Nevyar Amberite said...

ForNEVer alone

#sorrynotsorry sorrynotsorry

Noelle said...

For what?

Because you could mean many things, and some might be alarming

The Grave of a Coward said...

Precocious was one of your vocabulary words?
And Osmosis is next in Star's biology class?
What, is one of you going to be studying Neurosis in your next Psychology class?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I have less than six minutes to finish something that will likely take fifteen. That's what I meant.

Not here!

The Grave of a Coward said...

Not the Princess Bride.

That's a fantastic movie, though.

Nevyar Amberite said...


(Derek also likes it,in Mortal Coil in the chapter by the sword it was mentioned. I have that chapter memorized and I have the movie committed to my brain,andcin the dedication of one book it says about someone and him bonding over it)

The Grave of a Coward said...

I LOVE that chapter in Mortal Coil!

Star Inkbright said...


*glares a fangirl glare*

*laughs* I saw this Twilight calendar in town, and it had the word 'forever' on it, and I was like "THAT'S SPELT INCORRECTLY", and my friend was like "*frowns* No it isn't!"

Me: *glares* Yes it is! The R, the E and the V should be capitalised!


@Adra: It's on a sheet of voca words at the front of my Biology book. :P

@Annika: *laughs* When he MENTIONED the word 'Osmosis', I went "OSMOSIS!" and flipped to the front of my book to gaze at the vocab sheet lovingly. XD

And - !!!!!! DON'T DO THIS TO US!


Nevyar Amberite said...

I don't get the REV thing(font kill me)

Noelle said...

Alright Fabi *hugs*

It was.
My teacher: why do you like this word?
Me: because one of my good friends has a character that goes by this name
Teacher: Is this friend of yours the one who put you in their book?
Me: Er, no..
Teacher: Is your friend published?
Me: not yet, though. She's pretty cool. I hope she does

And I got respect points from the freshmen

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