Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Heh... Nieces...

My sister just sent me this video of my niece Becca getting VERY upset because her dad keeps getting the snorting from Peppa Pig wrong...


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Emerald Melody said...

*Drew places a hand on Zaf's shoulder*

Drew: he needs to be on suicide watch just until his blood thirst subsides and he'll be going through withdrawls after that feed so... Be careful yeah?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I will. I'll have Cleavers around him and a mage watching him 24/7. If...he did bite one of us what would happen?

Noelle said...

((Mama Mia... Here I go again. My, my. How can I resist [soulja boy voice] YOUUUU))

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: You'd become a bitten wolf. You would only change at the full moon time but during those 3 days you'll be a ravenous animal.

I know you can take care of yourself but I'm more worried about the little miss there.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Okay. And Alexis....she'll be kept with guards. I can't hover over her but I'll make sure she's safe *closes eyes and teleports all of us to the Sanctuary Alexis being moved fro Lorcan as doctors work for over an hour*

Emerald Melody said...

(Adra what happened to you? I thought you would be more involved with this :( )

*Drew sits on the ground and holds his head. Flashes of his suicidal days show through his mind. But he just gets up and walks back through the snow, wondering where Adra got to*

Noelle said...

((I didn't really want to do suicide things right now, sorry))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*the doctors take Lorcan to his own room where Alexis is with 4 Cleavers and a Sensitive, the woman who trains with her*

Alexis: Lorcan...

Emerald Melody said...

(Well it's over now, so you coming back in. And I'm sorry about that, I was feeling a bit low and had to get it out some way. I hope everyone is alright by it xx)


*Lorcan is asleep in his bed after the doctors have worked on him*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan stirs and groans, he tries to rub his face but his wrists are strapped to the bed either side of him.*

Lorcan: What the hell...

Noelle said...

((I know- that's why I let you do your thing, but I saw it))

*coughs* *shifts her weight, thoroughly soaked from the snow*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *is still silent*

*wanders Blogland* Hmm Niccolò better come I got to show him my new skills!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: I know Lorcan. I don't like it either. *strokes his hair* I'm here I won't leave your side.

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew walks up to Adra*

Drew: There you are, are you okay??

*Lorcan tries to pull the binds*

Lorcan: Lexi get them off. Why...

Noelle said...

I've been lying in the snow for hours and I'm getting sick.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: No idea. *works with them and gets them off* Look I'm gonna stay with you no matter what.

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew takes off his coat and wraps it around her*

Drew: Come on then, lets go and get you warmed up now that the crisis is averted.

Noelle said...

I don't want to move though

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sits in treehouse working quietly* Gaaah I wanna show him! Where is he when you need him? *is anxious*

Emerald Melody said...

Drew: Adra I will carry you, don't make me carry you.

*Lorcan tries to sit up but he groans and stays lying down*

Lorcan: Oh my stomach... who are all those people? What the hell is going on?

Noelle said...

*whispers* nooooo im not a child

Jophiel said...

(I'm getting sick of me being dead... That can just be a story. I like being alive...))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis; Cleavers. They're basically the Sanctuary's army and law enforcement in one. Mom has them assigned to you to keep you from doing anything. To be honest they'll ignore us they can't speak well they can probably but they don't. So whatever they see they won't repeat. They take orders from Mom.

Noelle said...

((Ok Rose))

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

((K Rose!))

Emerald Melody said...

Lorcan: In case I do something... what??

*he groans and clutches his stomach again*

Oh god...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: They just don't want you getting hurt. *kisses gently on the cheek* feel any better now? *smiles softly*

Noelle said...

*coughs in her hand* hell.

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan rubs the back of Alexis' hand*

Lorcan: Can you lie down beside me or is that not allowed?

*Drew leads Adra back to her lab*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Is here))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: I'm allowed *lays down beside him* They're worried if you hurt yourself.

Noelle said...

((Hia Moss-))

*stumbles along*

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan turns onto his side to face Alexis. He starts stroking her hair and face before leaning in and kissing her lips*

*Drew helps Adra into the living room and sitting her down beside the fire, keeping his jacket on her*

Drew: I'll be back in a minute...

*He walks into the kitchen*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *relaxes as he strokes my face and hair and as soon as he starts kissing I kiss back confident and excited*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Hi. I'm trying to decide which character to use, and then I'll join in the RP somehow. Until then, wbd.))


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan kisses her a bit harder, his hand starting to trail down her back. He then suddenly bites her lip and causes it to bleed.

He gasps slightly before his eyes begin to light up*

Noelle said...

Okay... *curls up*

Noelle said...

((Sorry I thought that sent. Apparently not))

Emerald Melody said...

*Drew walks back in with a mug of hot chocolate and an extra blanket*

Drew: There you go sweets.

*He sits down on the other chair and starts to relax*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *kisses harder and feels an excitment build as he hand trails and at the bite gasps from happiness*

Noelle said...

Thanks.... *snuggles up, drinking her hot chocolate*

Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan goes on kissing her when he gets the taste of blood in his mouth. Suddenly a low growl escapes him as he moves his head down to kiss her neck.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*hears the grow but doesn't seem concerned as if its just what she thinks boys especially guys would do* *the feeling builds as he goes to her neck*

Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

((...I understand, Mara. I don't blame you either. It kinda sucks. But it went through this last year as well. Granted, not for long- but this is the internet... We all are still strangers :/ we can lie and say we know each other, but we hardly do. *hugs* And we all are moody angsty people who all want to be right. I wouldn't expect anything less.))

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan continues to kiss her neck when she can suddenly feel his teeth scraping against her skin. Lorcan isn't even thinking as he tries to bite into her neck*

Noelle said...

How about this... Tell us what you don't like. Tell us, and... Maybe we can help? Vent it-

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

Zaf you're not helping- just please go back to the RP

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *stays calm and relaxed until he starts trying to bite* Lorcan! Stop! I'm not food for you!

Noelle said...

Tbh, I have never done this before but...

Mara, email me-
Or I'll email you.

I'll email you.

Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan comes up blinking a few times, looking confused. He then sees Alexis' bleeding lip and his teeth marks on her neck.

He shuffles back away from her towards the end of the bed, holding his hand over his mouth*

Lorcan: Oh my god Lexi...

Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *sits up* I'm fine hush...I stopped you before you lost control come here *wipes lip getting the blood off* I'm fine it just was the lip I doubt it'll effect me

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Sorry I poofed, headache came back...

Mara? [hugs]


Emerald Melody said...

*Lorcan tries not to cry.*

Lorcan: Lexi I think you should leave for tonight. I need some sleep and hopefully I should calm down...

I am so sorry baby...

(I'm going to bed now guys. And I'm sorry Mara, I really am, I never wanted to exclude anyone. Love ya biggums x

Night everyone xx)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis: *kisses cheek and goes to Blogland* ((Night Emmy!))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

...bad time to reappear.

I really don't want to participate in the whole roleplay-talk debate. I do the best I can.

[hugs everyone]


Noelle said...

*cuddles Mara* We know.

The thing is, there are a lot of people who who- to be frank- don't give a damn about 1D, or other things that excite you. So, they just don't respond because it doesn't interest them. That's all. I think it's similar to te "if you don't have something nice to say, don't speak" thing. And, you feel left because of it. I'm sorry that is happened- you shouldn't be ousted because of your passions... But, you see what people do with Mass Effect and Dragona. I mean, no one really cares about it. (And I'm just being frank here, sorry). There is a line drawn for people where they stop being happy for someone and liking the thing themself.

I don't know what I'm saying... Maybe try to give you their points if view..?

Anyway- email

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Wbvd until debate is over. Keeping silent because I can say things and I shouldnt

Maralie Lily Charm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm gone

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Mara]


Noelle said...

Darling... *hugs her tighter* Mara, you know you aren't any of those. You are just so incredibly unique and one. To be honest, what people label you shouldn't matter. If someone calls a rose a weed, then they're blind to what is in front of them. You shouldn't feel ashamed, if you do. You are growing, and learning, there is nothing wrong in feeling bad about yourself-
Besides, people see themselves as 20% less attractive than they are. And you're still 12. Yeah? 13? Whichever. You are still growing and in a few years, you will see what we have been saying. You are gorgeous, inside and out, yah?

PS. When I go back to Tipperary I am going to stalk you.

Noelle said...

I THINK I covered almost everything zzz uh

Just as well- if you believe what they say about them, well- you can't do that. You shouldn't allow people to tell you who you are. You shouldn't believe what people tell you to believe. They are most likely wrong bigots. And- that's how society works, unfortunately, but you are greater than them. Trust me, I have seen you.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hopefully. Sorry not helpful

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Liam Payne
...There is that old saying tho if you ain't got shit nice to say then fuck you
11:31am - 21 Aug 13

Noelle said...

"Fuck da police" -Paul to the Corinthians

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Hums to self]


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Do you know how much it kills me to hear ANYONE say those things about themselves? I've noticed that people only think about their bad qualities, and never their good ones. For example, I honestly have NO. TALENT. WHATSOEVER.

The only thing I can actually think about that's good about me, is that I'm a happy hyper person who does the craziest things. But from other people's points of view, you're a lot more than just that.

And honestly, Mara, you're an amazing person and we all love you. No one really says the things they say to you out of pity, because I know that all the people here honest and amazing, and they wouldn't do something like that. You're the closest thing that there is to perfect, and if you'd just embrace that, THEN I WILL PERSONALLY FILL THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WITH RAINBOWS OF JOY.

And if you're not gone by the time I post this, please don't say that all that stuff I just said isn't true because it would be kind of contradictory to the part that I said about the people here not just saying nice things out of pity.

Noelle said...

werk hard twerk hard

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*stays in treehouse silently*

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*Considers emailing Mara*

Noelle said...

I did... Idk if she sent one back or not because my iPod is stupid. 0.0

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*Also considers changing my profile pic, because the party was two days ago now*

Noelle said...

*cuddles Sapphy*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Nico omfg I'm reading House of Hades

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

What Jubi-bean said.

Except for what she said about no talent. She's really awesome and imaginative (I mean, coming up with something like a Wollameaver Dolvampony isn't something anybody could do) and while you can't enter cheering people up in a talent show, it's more important than whatever she thinks she's supposed to be good at.

Anyway, Mara, you're a really good person. And Jubi said it better than I could, so...


Noelle said...

Shh spoilers Zaf

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I have it on hold from the library, but so do over a thousand other people, so I will probably get it in a month or so. Idk. Depends on how fast they read.

Hello Saph [hugs]


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

*cuddles Adra*
I think I cuddle and hug my blogfriends more than I cuddle and hug my friends irl :S

Noelle said...

I still have to get it

I cuddle you bby

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Sorry, sucky internet. *hugs everyone who said hello to me*
Zaf, I know. I KNOW. *prepares to email spam*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I was gonna say how Nico reminds me of Niccolò how he just is like....so he feels outcast? Niccolò feels the same sometimes

Noelle said...


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Same letters... I just sent you an email. Let's not spoil it :) (It's awesome btw, for those who haven't read it. So much character development for everyone)

Noelle said...




Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Okay, sorry Adra...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

How he's felt that way in the entire series

Noelle said...

Right I gonna go

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

I'm not, I swear Adra!
Zaf, just email :P

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm sorry.

I can't sleep unless you forgive me...

I worry about things all night..

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

I'm sorry Adra baby *hugs* bye, then :(

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Dont go Ads I didn't think something from the entire series was a spoiler and Saph, emailed me a lot

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Mara, we love you, okay? [hugs]


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Mara, we're not mad at you. I love you sis *hugs* Please, please, if you loved yourself half as much as we love you you'd never feel worthless ever again. We mean every single word we say Mara, even if words can't fix it for you.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Spoiler or not, it's really hard for anyone who doesn't have the latest book to participate in the conversation...


Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

I've shut up. Sorry Adra and Fabi! Please forgive me *hugs*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm not mad in the first place, just saying that so no one wonders why I've disappeared. [shrugs]


I'm working on one of the ded-projects, anyway, so...


Noelle said...

I won't let you stew in it, Saph *hugs* Just.. Yeah.

Noelle said...


This completes me

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*lays down crying* I swear to god if I ever see Niccolò....

Omg Antigone...

Noelle said...




Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Adra/Fabi; Yeah, I should've thought...
*Looks at Adra's link* *Looks at the person who posted it* Why did they call themselves a Monkeyslut?

Noelle said...

Eh, that was rude... But I'm growing weary. And I'll just be rude on Moss' behalf.

AHAHAHHAA Greek Drama Antigone is the best play. EVAR. Better than Oedipus Rex, which is just: no

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Antigone was an interesting play... Very...tragic.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

OMG NO I'm the sentry and the girl (yes girl it was picked randomly) who was Creon she did his voice so well and I reacted so well my English teacher was in shock xD apparently she never had students play the roles as well as we did.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Noelle said...

Greek Dramas in general, though >.<


Okay, I'm going now before I explode in anger over another spoiler. Toodles

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

I like Greek *hums* Never particularly liked Antigone though. A bit too extreme for me :)

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Bye Adra! *hugs* Love ya :)
I think I'll go for now too. Otherwise I'll never get this stupid Sanctuary done...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

See you, Adra. [hugs]

[Is busy lettering, wbd, and if I have nothing to say, then msd]


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

See you, Saph... [hugs]


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Bye Ads...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hmmm msd if i do i fell asleep MUST INISH HOUSE OF HADES

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Good luck.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ay I giveth up *falls asleep mumbling about missing Niccolò*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Good night, Zaf.


Jophiel said...

I really shouldn't have gone last night... Gianni said that e hoped WarZone died because he was sick, everyone in my class thinks I'm going out with a year 10 because we were dancing and when I was sitting by myself, he came over to talk to me, I'm sick, too... I don't want to go to school again. People are idiots but they can take it too far sometimes... :/

Jophiel said...

Like, Akash - the guy everyone thinks I'm going out with - is just a friend. He's not one of he kindest people people but e can be at times. All my friends ran off to the dance floor while I was happily drinking my lemonade outside. Akash thought I was lonely and so he came to talk to me. We were the only ones outside too... He offered me his jacket because he thought I might have been cold. He was being a gentleman. Xavier - an idiot in my class - came and told me that "Akash would kill for you to dance on him"... I was only doing this cute twirly thing with Kitty...

Jophiel said...

I just wish some people would learn some friggen respect! I'm a girl and those idiots are guys. They have never heard of coming curtesy? Of chivalry? Of kindness? No. That haven't...

Snow said...

i have had a great day... even though i've been crammed in the back of a car between my brother and mum with my dad and uncle in the front for most of it. XD strange how the oddest of things can make you laugh...))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Snow said...

hey fab

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Snow... I'm finishing this poem, then going to sleep, so...


Snow said...

okay. but if you can check my latest blog post.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Star Inkbright said...

Hmm. By popular opinion, it takes the magic out of roleplay when you analyse it. That's probably part of why I never roleplay - because I analyse everything. You know, that's what stops me writing. I starts analysing everything, and then I either analyse it to be bad or analyse this part to be not as good as this part or thins part to not really be going anywhere and then I just go what is the point or I just analyse it and then don't really know where to go that will have the same level of analysis and then I get stuck, or I just plan get all nervous with all my analysis. Because the thing about me is, I analyse. And some people just write, but I can't do that, because I analyse it and try and make it good.

*hugs Death, if she's here, and also hugs here if she isn't here, but I was trying to convey the feeling that I wasn't sure whether or not you were here* People can be really idiotic at times. :/ Just try to think - they're miles below you, and they'll never even get close to you, and they may thing they're something but it's amusing because they're actually nothing, and they don't know it. Whatever they say, it's worth nothing, because they're nothing, and you're a number that isn't equal to any of them.
That's kind of all what I think towards idiotic classmates, nowadays. :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Looked at and commented. :-)


Snow said...

*bows* it was amazing fun to make, fab.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hello Star [hugs]


Star Inkbright said...

The thing is, all my philosophies I tell to people with low self-esteem, I actually believe in them, as you would do, which is kind of bad because I didn't have low self-esteem especially (not more than average) in the first place, so I'm not sure it's really good for me, but nowadays I just think - why would I need to improve myself, as in every way I'm bad, that contributes to a good factor?
What I remember now though is that you can choose to play out more of your bad factors, or more of your good ones. *nods*
But still. :)


Star Inkbright said...

Hi Snow, Fabi. :)


Star Inkbright said...

Andddd wbd. Homework. :(


Snow said...

i have found the best site.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I wish I could say
That you're safe, that I'll stay
By your side every step of the way

I wish I could know
That you're safe when you go
From storm-winds that scream as they blow

I wish I could sleep
While you're safe, but I keep
In my mind, finding words buried deep

I wish I could dream
That you're safe, but tears steam
From my face, and you can't hear the scream

I wish I could tell
That you're safe, cast a spell
That would make it all somehow end well

It's not complete yet, but I think I'm going to sleep anyway... Soon...


Snow said...

okay fab.

Star Inkbright said...


Posted. :/


Star Inkbright said...

@Fabi: You write really good poetry. :)


Snow said...

*huggles all*

*pokes all*

Star Inkbright said...



Snow said...



Snow said...

D: i g2g... *huggles all* i'll try to sneak on later... maybe... bye


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Thanks, Star. [hugs]

[Pokes Snow and tickles her with a feather]


[Thinks about typefaces, fonts and letteringamadoodleystuffish]



Star Inkbright said...

Oh, my gosh.
I just remembered - I had a dream where everyone decided to use these children to . . . idk what they were doing. To just take you to places, I think. And it wasn't this world - everyone lived in either this part of this big stone castle, separated up into little rooms, or in straw huts or whatever nearby (I lived in part of the castle, but in the dream I wasn't me). And there were three different shops for these children, and you paid money to take one and out you went. ANd there were three shops, which were all in competition. And in my head (because my dreams are often like stories), I was planning for the green one to be kind of like, the good guy . . . and I can't remember what was wrong with the blue, but I took one of the orange kids out and he was messing around all the time, he kept skipping off and throwing this bubble around and being thoroughly irritating. And he didn't even seem to realise that messing around was wrong, and it seemed that he'd been really badly trained so I was like right, not taking one of THOSE out again! And the guy who ran the orange was sort of set up in my head to be the bad guy, except the thing that nobody was realising was that he was actually really nice to his kids, letting them have fun, because it's not that great for them to just be working all day. But anyway, after a bit, there was a MASSIVE queue for the green, because their kids were just better, full stop, and the blue and the orange's shops were just kind of empty with a person or two wandering in, and they were getting a bit annoyed, as you would. And then the orange guy introduced this kid who could fly around like a bat, so we spent a while just watching him fly in the moonlight, and flying like that seemed so much more amazing when it was a person rather than a bird or a bat. So of course, everyone wanted to rent (because you rented them, not bought them) flying kids, and the orange guy was kind of smiling an evil smile at having stolen all the business, and obviously my character, the person who I was in the dream, was scurrying off to buy an orange kid with the rest of the crowd, but the part of me that makes the plot was like oh no, poor green! We need to shift the balance back to him! Because green was the good guy and orange the bad guy, yes?
And blue was just sort of there. :P

Anyway, then I got to analysing the dream and thinking of other situations (maybe other dreams, maybe things that never happened but did in the dream) where kids were rented like this, and whenever I get to thinking in dreams, it kind of dissolves . . . so that was the end, I think. :/


Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Snow. :(


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Bye Snow:

[Looks at Star's speechy thingW

[trues to read it, but some of the words disappeae]

[Gives up]

[Goes to sleep]




Star Inkbright said...

Fours, Fabi. Have a good sleep. :)


Star Inkbright said...

When you're writing them on the computer and can cut, paste, backspace, add things in, and easily read what you've written, essays are miles easier. O_O



Star Inkbright said...


LAV CAME ON THE BLOG AND POSTED A COMMENT A FEW DAYS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO HAPPILY FREAK OUT SO I'M DOING IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)



Duck said...


Oliver Plunkett's head is in a glass case because of Oates.

Duck said...

True story

*raises glass cup Barney Stinston style*

Star Inkbright said...

Oh my gosh, my blog has all these pageviews from Alaska. O_O

I don't know anyone living in Alaska.




Star Inkbright said...

Who in Russia is looking at my blog?

How come I have had 23 pageviews from the US just today?




Star Inkbright said...

It's so quiet. What is up with the world?

*returns to card-making*


Mary Contrary said...

*glares at Dragonite*
*rolls away to Pokémon Centre*
*plots revenge in a secluded corner*


Star Inkbright said...

A PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O


Mary Contrary said...

A STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

*tacklehugs* Hey, :)
How're you doing?


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

*Tardis matérialisés* *Rhydian steps out with River and Sky*

Happy Halloween!!!!

Noelle said...

*tackles Rhydian and then rolls, getting to her feet and diving back into her blankets in the lab*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

*checks date* Oops. Never mind. River you landed to early! *glares at River*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Adra! *gets tacklehugged* ARGHHH!! WTF!!!!

Mary Contrary said...

*laughs* More persons! :P

Hey Rhydian! Hi Adra!
How are ye both? :)


Noelle said...

*hides under her blankets*

It's snowing

Hi Taiarawr

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Taia! Where do you live btw?

Star Inkbright said...




Noelle said...

I legitimately just woke up, sorry

Mary Contrary said...

Lol, Ryhdian! :P

@Adra: The nice kind of snow, or the lesser-nice kind of snow? :3

@Rhydian: Wales - Why? :)


Noelle said...

*snow falls from a tree and hits Taia* heh

Mary Contrary said...

In his arm he carved her name;
He didn't know it would decay

Raising pokémon levels takes so longgggggg. :P

@Star: I don't really have a valid excuse. Sorry. :P


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

@Taia: Coz im in atm

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

*I'm in Wales atm

Noelle said...

Whoa! COOL

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

What part of Wales Taia?

Mary Contrary said...

When our aching stars aligned,
There's was something kinda cosmic, truly fucked up, truly caustic
And cold, it gets cold in the dark of a black empty heart.

(sorry btw, I started working through Farewell Continental and I keep typing random little pieces of lyrics that I hear. :P)

*is hit by snow*
The snowball sort, is that? :P

@Rhydian: Oh, awesome! :)
I'd not be able to meet you, in any case, but awesome, nonetheless.
Is Wales being nice? It's not raining here, atm. :P


Mary Contrary said...

@Rhydian: I'm in the North. ^^


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

So am I!!!!!! Don't worry I won't stalk you. *sinister smile*

...I'm coming for you...

Noelle said...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I wish I was Welsh. Dunno why. I love the accent. Taia I will one day meet yiu then fanboy over your accent

Star Inkbright said...

I'm quarter Welsh and I have FINISHED THE CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How long did that take me, do you think? About five hours, I reckon. :/ *tries to work it out from the amount of music I listened to*


Star Inkbright said...



Mary Contrary said...

@Star: ASDFFGHJK I just remembered your rainbow tree and I checked my email and omg it is SO AWESOME. It looks so tree-y and rainbows and perfeuiohkbnvriwo it's so gooood. C:

@Rhydian: Aw, awesome! xP

@Adra: I AM English. But I reside in Wales. *nods* Sorry for the confusion. :P

@Rhydian: Heh, I don't have the accent. My family're all English, and locally people tend to speak kind of more chavvy than they do Welsh-y. :P


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Gtg now :( homework. Bye!

Noelle said...


Bye Rhyd!

Star has fallen trap to me planss

Mary Contrary said...

Aw, bye Rhydian! Enjoy Wales! :)

@Star: Yay! Music's a good way to measure time, by my experience. (unless you happened to repeat albums/songs and don't know how much was played, But in general, yes. :P) :)

@Adra: Never give upppppp. :P


Star Inkbright said...

:( Fours, Rhydian!


@Taia: THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: It is. :) I don't generally listen to things repeatedly, though. They rarely sound as good as the first time of the loop, sooo.


Mary Contrary said...

Chorus: Maw maw ma ma ma ma maw
Ma ma ma ma maw, maw maw maw
Maw maw ma ma ma ma maw
Ma ma ma ma maw, maw maw maw


@Star: :)

@Star: Hm, fair point. :) Sometimes I find things where I just don't want to stop listening to it for quite a while, though. :P


Noelle said...

Jesus Christ

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia; I know what you mean. :)

Severe msd. :(


Mary Contrary said...

@Adra: 'You okay?

@Star: :)
Aw, 'kay.


Noelle said...

*shies away further in her blankets* *coughs violently*

Noelle said...

Star scared me

Mary Contrary said...

*hands Adra a cookie* :/

Oh. :P


I jump between music very suddenly.
One moment I have a wall of live electric The Joy Formidable performance, and the next I'm listening to Tom Wait's Closing Time. It's an interesting change. :P


Star Inkbright said...

@Adra: Sorry. :) *hugs*

I'll probably be able to roleplay tomorrow! Yaaaay!


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: That's interesting. I can't really change that quickly, I don't think. I think my brain gets stuck in modes.


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