Sunday, September 22, 2013

My House. My Museum.

It's Sunday evening, I'm about to go watch Dexter, and I thought it'd be a nice way to spend a blog post by showing you a few pics of the glorious junk I have in my house.

First of all, this is a cat (Pooper) who has just discovered that the small sitting room has been housing a rather large snake for the past few weeks, while Laura and her sister try to figure out what to do with it. Pooper, as you can see, is quite wary.

It was at this point that I started taking random shots of the room, and a thought occurred to me: "Aha!" this thought said. "I have your new blog post!"

I'll give a proper guided tour of my house at some later stage — probably once my extension is built — but for the moment, here is what greets you when you walk through my front door....

Naturally I have the posters for the movies I've written on prominent display...

... and of course I have what EVERYONE has in their halls: a severed foot in a glass case.

Now then, to the office!

I'm not going to show you the ACTUAL office (the ACTUAL office is really very messy at this moment in time) so I'm going to show you some of the things I have on the shelves. Such as these gentlemen...

Plus a little Evil Dead...

... and some Marvel folk hanging around...

And let us not ignore Star Wars...

... or zombies...

And here, tucked away on their own little shelf, Skulduggery and Vampirella. Just chillin'.

(That Skulduggery is a pretty rare promotional item my German publishers had made... It's not for sale anywhere except MAYBE eBay.)

And now, to the main living room. I'm not gonna show you everything, but this is the room I had designed and rebuilt as a live-in museum. The extension, if I ever get around the designing it, will be built specifically to house this stuff. Because it makes me happy.

And here it is, the suit I love to talk about... as worn by Christopher Reeve.

I do NOT dress up in this. I swear I don't.

Although if someone wanted to photoshop my head onto this mannequin, I would not object.


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Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Night Rose....*slips a tiny piece of Adra out andnibboes*

Emerald Melody said...

Don't punish Tadra because of their relationship. They are doing nothing wrong at all.

You weren't like this towards me and Chase, you didn't feel this way towards us did you??

We always do our best to include you Zaf but you always find something wrong to use an excuse to go off. And that hurts us cause then we feel like our plots aren't good enough for you.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im fine with you and Chase. I feel weird with Adra and I feel like I shouldn't be part....sorry school making me slow with replies we have a sub in English so I finished my work. Good until Spanish

Emerald Melody said...

Zaf they are having a relationship that does not bother anyone else but you.

And that's not fair towards them. They are doing nothing wrong.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I felt weird....i do. Like when they are alone i feel...weird like i shouldnt bother them...

Emerald Melody said...

Well just poke me or something. I'm usually ghosting from about after 7 my time...

So if you don't see me commenting. I am there.

And who knows what could happen with Lorcan and Alexis ;)

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I'm not on until roughly 8:15-8:30 your time like fully kinda ghosting in school though like now. I guess I will poke you I mean you realize Alexis is 11 well 12 but hey I forgot to mention that...ah well.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Hell....I read 51 just now....oh gods it only gets worse the more you read it...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Jophiel said...

Heh... In still awake... I am going insane... I saw the dude in black and the blonde girl do many times today... And there was an old woman with silver hair who did never seen before... Scary...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...


Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Also, Death, you're gorgeous :3

Jophiel said...

*Hisses and Missy*

Deathy, the non-gorgeous, is sleeping... She needs sleep... The scary people are coming for her... They're playing with the bells in the lounge room!! She can hear them!!! *Hides and tries to sleep*

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Shush. You are gorgeous, and you're going to have to live with that.
*hands chocolate to Deathy*
It might help you sleep... idk. :P
I hate sleeping, but I love it. I feel hyper. I think it's because I'm drawing. Idk anymore. :3

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Mara, I feel the same sometimes, a lot of the time. :-( [hugs]


Dragona Pine said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm writing an...opinion, so distant.

Hello Dragona.


Dragona Pine said...

Hello Fabi. I shall assume that the 'vi' in your name does not stand for 'Virtual Intelligence'. ^^

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hugs Fabi*
If I left now, I probably would be able to stay away forever. Idk.


Dragona Pine said...

Hey Maralie! How are you?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

"Sometimes, cutting through infinitely folded space-time requires power tools" ~Vi Hart

[hugs Mara] I don't think you would. I've left several times lately and always ended up back here. No matter how hard I try...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Gtg, bye.


Jophiel said...

I'm still awake... Reading Black Bird and I'm really hungry but it's 1am... Stupid insane people are tapping the end if my bed and making funny sounds... As is my stomach... Heh... Hungry... Sleepy... Scared... Really hot too... I'm in a singlet...

Jophiel said...

Bye Fabi!! *Hugs lightly*

Eh... Okay... Going to stop reading and try to sleep.

Crap. They're growling. I'm not sleeping. I'm scared. They're going to eat me.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Calm. Rose you wont be eaten

Jophiel said...

Wanna bet? They sound hungry... And I sound hungry too... But they're hungry for blood! I refuse to stick my head above the sheets!! They're scaring the crap out of me and driving me insane!!!

Dragona Pine said...

Who is?

Jophiel said...

The people who aren't actually there... I see three people, a guy in black who looks about 25, a young girl with blonde hair who looks 12 and today I started seeing an old woman. They don't like me... They like screwing with my mind, playing with things around the house and darting in and out of my vision...

Dragona Pine said...

Are we RP-ing?

Anonymous said...

*sits in the corner, waiting for Ember*
I'm not really here, I think...

Jophiel said...

Nope! This is not an RP... This is Dannielle talking... Not Death...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I just....I re-read an MC chapter of Alastair.....*buries head in hands*

Jophiel said...

I hate that man...

Okay, they've stopped... I think... I'm going to try and sleep again... Ehh...

Jophiel said...

Ah, shit. Stupid quiz said that I most likely have schizophrenia and that I should seek medical help... Eh...

Dragona Pine said...

Anyone here?

Mary Contrary said...

I'm so tired
Of my mood
And sleep comes
With a knife, fork and a spoon
You're so pale
In your face
You let life
Get in your way

And I've seen
You don't need their seeds
When their dirt goes in deep
And I'm lost in sleep
Am I wrong?

I might be here. If I am, probably wbd. Homework.


Anonymous said...

I'm here for about an hour now^^

Luciana said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Lucy! [tacklehugs and offers a purple carrot]


Mary Contrary said...

Hm. Perhaps people are not currently present.


@Death, who may not be here: Quizzes are quizzes. They're not always accurate, due to various limitations. :)
Like, we had to fill in a specific personality inventory in psychology class a couple of weeks back. It's supposed to be a particularly accurate representation.
I came out under the 'melancholic' category (attractively coloured black to enhance the positive appearance, obviously :P), in the area of 'moody', 'rigid', and 'pessimistic'. I wouldn't say that defines me exactly. (That said, IDK whether other people would agree or not. :P)

My point is that it's difficult to get an exact answer from quizzes/questionnaires/whatnot, because there's usually so little allowance for explanation and such. Plus social desirability and all the rest of it, but, yeah. :)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*dies laughing* Chaldians invented iCloud

Dragona Pine said...

Yay finally people!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for poofing, I was reading^^

Mary Contrary said...

Oh, people arrived! *waves*

Hey Mithria! Hiya Luci! Hey Fabi! Howdy, Zaf!
*offers hugs and cookies to all*


Mary Contrary said...

Hi Dragona! :)
*hands him a cookie*

How're you all doing? :]


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Taaaaaiiiiiaaaaa [hugs]

People? Present?

[Gives Taia a colorfully-wrapped box]


Anonymous said...

*hugs Taia back* Hey! :)

Luciana said...

How are you all? c:

MSD. Might have to go to ASDA soon...!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Mary Contrary said...



*peels the wrapping-paper back carefully*

*gasps at the unidentified contents of the box*

*waits for somebody to yell the name of whatever's inside, mostly because she's feeling unimaginative and has no idea. :P*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I am... I don't know. LSODM is supposed to come Friday. EEEEEEE. You?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

(It's a TRIANGLE!!! :D

(A triangle with a SMILEY FACE on it! :D


Anonymous said...


KOTW will be out next month in Germany! :D

Mary Contrary said...

I'm doing good, thanks Luci. :)
Still ill, and schoolwork, and blah, but comfortably un-anxious and, yeah. Good. :)
How're you doing?


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Yay! [hugs Mith]

How's your writing going, Lucy?


Mary Contrary said...





*tacklehugs Fabi*

*sets the triangle on a chair*


It's so cooooooollll.

Thank you! xD


Luciana said...

Hope you get better soon, Taia. <3

Yay for LSODM!:D

I'm pretty good today, actually. c:
Thanks for asking:3

Star Inkbright said...

I'm still doing homework so not really here, but I just dropped in to say - I JUST GOT A BEE-LATED (it had bees on the front. Haha. :)) CARD FROM MY IPSWICH FRIEND (who I, like, never speak to anymore), AND IN IT WAS A WATERSTONES VOUCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams*


It amazes me how a little run-of-the-mill £10 voucher was one of the presents I was most excited about that I got (although, admittedly, I didn't get much. Most relatives gave me money, and when you get a laptop, it's obvious you're not going to get much else from family), BUT WATERSTONES = BOOKS, SO THEY ESSENTIALLY JUST GAVE ME A BOOK. A BOOK OF MY CHOICE. PLUS A WATERSTONES CARRIER BAG (I sort of collect them now. Trying to get one of each type), SO I'M HAPPYYYYYYYYY. :)

And now, back to homework. -_-
I have loads for Friday, and I know I won't want to do much tomorrow because it'll be Thursday (they're generally crap. I try not to run by this stereotype as I am against stereotypes and if I believe a day will be bad, I will be looking at it with negative eyes and so it will be bad imo, but the fact is that often I tend to think "this was a really crap day" and then notice that it's a Thursday (AFTER I've thought what a crap day it was, not before) and go, "Oh, that explains it, then. :P"), plus I'll've'd orchestra after school so will get home an hour later so will be all urghhhhhhh, so I'm trying to do most of it today. :/


Star Inkbright said...

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE COMMENTING WITHOUT READING THE COMMENTS BEFORE MINE IT SUCKS okay going back to homework now bye-bye love you all bbs as I can't be bothered to do much more homework.


Luciana said...

My writing is going pretty well. I'm working on Imperfect a lot more. Getting a lot of notes done, too, so I've got pages of quotes from characters and things I want to happen, characters to write in and such. :3

Mary Contrary said...

Thanks, Luci! :3
And, that's great to hear. :]

@Star: Hooray! :D (And, happy belated birthday? I'm terrible w/ birthdays, and do not know when they occur, but I hope it was awesome, nonetheless. :] )

Also, I hope your homework isn't too much work. :)

Also, Hi Star/Bye Star! *hugs*


Mary Contrary said...

*glares at online maths homework*
I keep typoing the answers, so they get marked as wrong. xD


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Taia] youreeee welcomeeee

I'm almost scared of it now, though.... [runs and hides]

That's good to hear, Lucy!

Yay, Star! [hugs] Except not yay for homework.

Very distant......


Anonymous said...

*sits in the corner again, still waiting for Ember*
Meh. I'll have to leave in half an hour...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

@Lucy I hope it continues to go well. :-)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Gives Mith a purple carrot]


Anonymous said...

*tilts head*
*takes the carrot*
Thank you, Fabi. That is a nice colour...

Mary Contrary said...

*hands Mithria a cookie*

wbd. (determined not to typo and have to restart the maths thing this time :P)

Anonymous said...

Gah. Translating sucks.

Noelle said...

*is unsure whether or not she should come on now*

Chione Asahina said...

Hi everyone!

Anonymous said...

If you come on, Adra, stay away from me! *is still afraid of Adras revenge*

(Love you, Adra!!)

Anonymous said...

CHIONEEEEEEEEEEE! I've read your chapter! :D

Noelle said...

No.... ((runs back for reality))

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

If there's simethig you don't understand, you can always ask.

Good luck, Taia!

Hello Chione!

Um, hi/bye Adra!


Star Inkbright said...

"Aretha: But he only thinks he should because he hates who he is! And that's only because he blames himself for every person he's ever killed! He paints their eyes- he paints all of their eyes, because he remembers every one of them, and they just stare! And they're beautiful, but they just stare at you, all day long! They're just reminders. I killed this person, I killed that person. But he doesn't get it. He can't see a single good thing about himself. It's like when you look directly at the sun during an eclipse, and all you see is the corona, and the actual star is blacked out by the moon. He looks at himself and only sees the bad things he's done. I won't let him lock himself away because he thinks he's evil when I know he's not. *takes deep breath* Sorry... I'm a little sleepy... *leans on his shoulder, closing eyes*"


*mentally adds to star metaphor*


Anonymous said...

Fabi, I'm just trying to translate my Skul-Fanfic so that I can show it to you... I have to look up every third word and this is getting rather annoying... But I'll keep trying^^

Chione Asahina said...

How was it Mith? :)

Star Inkbright said...

Thanks, Taia! :)

I'm unsure if I'm here. Homework.


Anonymous said...

I loved it, Chione! And I think I like being one of the evil people :P

Chione Asahina said...

Lol ^.^

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Star]

Good luck, Mith. I'll be sure to read it if/when you finish after all the work you're putting into it.


Anonymous said...

*hugs Fabi*
Thank you! But it will take a lot of time I think... finishing the translation, I mean^^

Chione Asahina said...

Star have you read your chapter yet? The one with Chione, you, Mith and September in it.

Mary Contrary said...

Okay, done. But now it reads multiple attempts at it. The tasks we /so/ easy, but I typo away, and that counts against me.
Oh well. :P

Hey Adra! -If you are staying.
Bye Adra! -If you are not.
*hugs, either way*

Hiya Chione! :)

@Starness: :)

And, HEY STAR(who may not be here)! :)


Chione Asahina said...

Hello Taia, Adra, Mith and Star.

Chione Asahina said...

Sorry guys I just came on and started talking about my blog ignoring you all xD

Anonymous said...

Meh. I gtg now... sorry! I have to, otherwise I would be late for the choire and I don't like being late^^ So... see you tomorrow! :)

Mary Contrary said...

@Mithria: It sounds like a tough business, translation, but I suppose it must help you to learn/practice vocabulary and whatnot? :)
Your English seems really great, to me. :)
I think, from what I've seen, people with other first languages tend to speak better English than the English do their languages. (I probably could have worded that better. :P)

Ha, no worries, Chione! :)

Aw, bye Mithria! *waves*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Bye Mith [hugs]


Mary Contrary said...

(* To clarify, I mean as a tendency, rather than a rule. Just from, like observation. It might be to do with age of learning or something. IDK. But yeah. :P ) ^^

Hm. Distant. Doing either homework or drawing/paintiness.


Star Inkbright said...

I think I'm here now. :)

@Chione: I'll read it when I have time. *thinks* Which is kind of now, so I'll do that, then. :P

If you observe me and/or Dragona closely (which I wouldn't expect anyone to), you'll've noticed that I haven't been reading Mass Effect recently because I haven't really had time. Not reading stuff isn't personal to one person or anything; just making that clear. :)


You know how I come on here and rant my head off about things irrelevant to everybody? Well, I can't do that when the things I'd like to rant about ARE relevant to people, so I suppose I'm just kind of writing this and sitting here grumpy about my lack of ability to rant about it. :P
It's not important or anything, I just liked ranting. :)
Everyone on my English table has already worked that out, lol. XD And I'm pretty sure the people on my table in history had also gotten pretty used to it, but now we switched tables . . . in RS, I'm pretty sure they've noticed it also. :P In science, I sit next to my friend, and she knows me. In maths, there's nothing much to rant about as maths is a very unopinionated subject. In art, I haven't had much to rant about either (although I have ranted occasionally about things like how our art teacher is all like "You wouldn't do this in another subject! You wouldn't do this in maths!" and I'm like "Actually, maths is my worst subject for not listening to what I've been told to do, and I keep working out things perfectly well but failing to read the question properly. Also, in maths, we talk constantly all lesson and the teacher doesn't mind, and it was the same in year eight - maths is one of the subjects we talk MOST in. We are treating art like a proper subject. Also, she said that some of us were just in our own little bubbles, and that's to be expected as I am a bubble." XD).
And in IT, I just constantly type to myself on the keyboard (like talking to yourself, expect typing. Sometimes I type song lyrics, also), much to the bemusement of my classmates, so I can rant on there. :)

So . . . yes. *frowns* Not sure why I had to say all that.

The point is, I rant. People at school think I'm odd. I am odd. It's cool. XD



Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I might slowly tiptoe away now...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[waves to Star]

[fades into the shadows]


Star Inkbright said...

:( Fours, Mithria!

@Taia: I agree. :)


Star Inkbright said...

*hugs Fabi* :) How's you?

. . . Actually, how's everyone? :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm good, getting LSODM Friday hopefully. :-)

How're you?


Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *laughs*

*hugs Fabi*
Purple headphones? Awesome! :D

I'm pretty good, I think. Thanks, Star. And yourself? :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Taia]

Yup! They're awesome! And now I don't have to worry about breaking my recording headphones by wearing them all the time!


Chione Asahina said...

Taia, you don't want it. ;_; I cried for like 10 mins last night.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...




Mary Contrary said...

*frowns at her drawing/painting/picture/art/head-on-a-slice-of-paper/thing*
Something's off on the side of the head, next to eye. It's too stick-y-out-y, or the areas around it are too stick-y-in-y.
I think it's the latter, which is more difficult. But I guess the glasses lens... that kind of distorts it slightly, anyway?
But maybe the wrong way. Hm.
Sorry, I'm just rambling to myself, here. (:P)
I think I overdid the cheekbone. I could-
*begins sketching lines on the area in question, over the paint*
... I think that's my best shot.
This is why I don't like letting art drag on over multiple days. I lose the original mindset, and the approach becomes different every day. Which is not always a negative thing, but in this case, I'd prefer it if... Oh well. :P
*stops rambling*

@Fabi: Oh, great! :D

@Chione: LSODM, is that? I need KOTW, still. :P


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Tilts head]

[Pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil and begins drawing zig-zaggy shapes]


Star Inkbright said...


@Fabi: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
I've read around half of it. I'm not going to tell you any opinions whatsoever, so as to completely avoid the merest hints of spoilers. :)
You know, the other day I was imagining finishing it, and I was imagining coming on the blog and saying "I just finished LSODM.
I'm deliberately keeping my reaction as unemotional as possible to avoid even the hints of spoilers. Aren't I nice? :)"

. . . Sorry. I'm not really all that nice of a person, I just like feeling superior to everyone else. XD

@Taia: I'm okay, I suppose. :)
Good is good. :)

Bbs, dinner.


Star Inkbright said...

Shit, it didn't post until now. -_- IT WAS MEANT TO POST BEFORE DINNER.

Um. Back!


Mary Contrary said...

*laughs* Well, welcome back, Star! :)

Cause every time I hear that melody, well, something breaks inside,
And the grapefruit moon, one star shining, can't turn back the tide.

(Tom Waits. Lyrics. Blah. :P)


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Thank you! :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Starrrrrr [hugs]

[hugs Taia, too]

See, I was painting some snakesnakesnakesnakes and thinking about ViHart, and actually this was a while ago, but I was thinking how she'd inspired me and how I'd probably have painted snakes anyway but they would just be snakes and not snakesnakesnakesnakesnakes. So, yeah... Not sure what my point was. Except that my brain sort of recycles.


Luciana said...

Apologies for disappearing! I went shopping. I'm back now, however. :3

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Lucy! [hugs]


Dragona Pine said...

Hello again.

Awesome trailer btw. And that was just the announcement one.

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: No worries. :)

*hugs Fabi back*
Hey, cool, Fabi. :)
"Recycles" - I like that. *nods*

Okay. There's this weird reflection of lights and whatnot in the picture I'm working on and I have no idea how to draw/paint it.

It's like...

Google image search 'nebula', and it looks like something from there, in a sort of streak across each glasses lens, except only very slight, so the eye's still plainly visible but... Blah. It's difficult. But so pretty. Star-y sparkles and galaxies and asdfggh.
I don't know how to do itttttt...

Hi again Luci! :) Welcome back.

Hey again, Dragona! :) I'd watch, but Tom Waits is playing and I'm trying to work out the thing I wrote above.


Star Inkbright said...

I was in RS today, and we were discussing drugs, because that's the topic we're doing, and I was thinking of Prison Song by System of a Down . . .

(They're trying to build a prison)

(They're trying to build a prison)

Following the rights movement
You clamped down with your iron fists
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids
Following the rights movement
You clamped down with your iron fists
Drugs became conveniently
Available for all the kids

I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch
Right here in Hollywood

Nearly 2 million Americans are incarcerated in the prison system Prison system of the US

They're trying to build a prison!

They're trying to build a prison!
They're trying to build a prison!
They're trying to build a prison!
Another prison system!
Another prison system!
Another prison system!
For you and me!

Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich
Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
You don't even flinch
All our taxes paying for your wars
Against the new non-rich

I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch
Right here in Hollywood

The percentage of Americans in the prison system
Prison system has doubled since 1985

They're trying to build a prison!

They're trying to build a prison!
They're trying to build a prison!
They're trying to build a prison!
Another prison system!
Another prison system!
Another prison system!
And I!
They're trying to build a prison
They're trying to build a prison
They're trying to build a prison
For you and me
Oh baby, you and me . . .



All research and successful drug policy shows
That treatment should be increased
And law enforcement decreased
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
All research and successful drug policy shows
That treatment should be increased
And law enforcement decreased
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences

Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world
Drugs are now your global policy
Now you police the globe

I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch
Right here in Hollywood

Drug money is used to rig elections and train brutal corporate sponsored dictators around the world!

They're trying to build a prison!

They're trying to build a prison!
They're trying to build a prison!
They're trying to build a prison!
Another prison system!
Another prison system!
Another prison system!
And I!
They're trying to build a prison
They're trying to build a prison
They're trying to build a prison
For you and me
Oh baby, you and me . . .


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hello Dragona.


Dragona Pine said...

Star, do you have time to read my story yet?

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Dragona! :)

@Taia: :( Well, I can't paint at all, so whatever you do, it'll be better than me. :)
So it'll still look good. :)

@Fabi: :) Well, yay for Vi Hart? :)
My brain is just blerghhhhh. And recycling is good. :)

@Mushroom: Welcome back! :)


Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Yes! :)

Except you weren't here and I was too lazy to find your display name to click on it. XD

So I'll read it now. :)


Dragona Pine said...

(And, if anyone DID watch the video link I posted - will do again just because yeah

It is true, 2 million people died in England alone within the first day. Only in England. The entire world was being invaded at the same time so... the actual death toll would have been MUCH higher)

Dragona Pine said...

Yay Star! I already have the next (and final) piece of Emi's story lined up so yeah xD

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *hugs* Thanks. :)
(I reckon you COULD paint, though, but that's for your judgement, since I'm not you - I don't really know. Um. :P)

And, I'm copy/pasting those lyrics, because I want to read them, but Tom Waitssss so I'm going to read them later and possibly listen to the song, too, when I take a break from this album, whenever might happen. :P

@Dragona: Hm. I will also make a note of that video link, I think. As above. :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I believe I'm done talking for now. G'bye.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

((Um, pretend I said that before I vanished))


Luciana said...

My Sea of Monsters proof copy arrived, today:3

Dragona Pine said...

Taia, imo it is a surprisingly good trailer for one just as the game was announced. Probably the top of my 'favourite trailer' list. It's short, but good. Second and third belongs to Assassin's Creed III and Battlefield 3. But ME3's trailer beats them, I think. ^^

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Thank you. :)

@Taia: I started painting in art on Monday. It's already going wrong. Nah, I can't paint. XD
But thanks. :)

:( Fours, Fabi . . .


Star Inkbright said...

@Mushroom: Yay! :) :)


Mary Contrary said...

Oh? I hope to see you soon then, Fabi. *hugs*

Awesome, Luce! :)

@Dragona: *nods* I don't know a lot of trailers, but that sounds like it does pretty well. :)

And, by the way, I'm hoping to catch up with the Mass Effect fanfic soon, too. Not sure HOW soon, but soon-ish, maybe. :)

I haven't read in so long, again. I didn't even finish Dark Days, last time I started re-reading that...


Dragona Pine said...

Star, lol. I can't paint. At all. I'm best at drawing with a pen xD

Taia, yay! There IS a lot of parts, so I don't expect you to read them all unless you want to - and you don't have to comment on all of them, just the last one you read so I know whether you like it or not in general, but yay!

Dragona Pine said...

Star, I just posted a new part of my story if you have time to read that too. :)

Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *nods* I've always been pretty terrible at painting.
In year nine, I was in my additional art class, and I could not paint anything, at all. I had no clue at all. And my other, better art teacher was trying to show me technique and what I was doing incorrectly and general, direct advice.
When he went off to whatever else he was doing, and I tried a little and it was terrible.
So I told him "Sir, I can't do this. Can I do-"
"Nope. Paint it."
So I carried on. And it was still horrible. It got no better, however much I tried.
And the next time he walked past, I asked him, "Sir, can please give up, now?"
And he looked at my work, laughed, and told me "Yes.".

I tried, at home, more painting, every so often. And messed up/messed up/messed up. It did not improve.
And it wasn't until that summer, in the holidays, when I was drawing a bunch of stuff based on an illustrator's work, and somehow I ended up with some ancient watercolours, and Coldplay's album 'X&Y' (which I had some kind of obsession with at the time) playing, and I didn't do a lot but somehow it just kind of worked.
So I always say that Coldplay taught me to paint. :)
After that, I had something to work off of that fitted for me. And I built off that, and tried things. And I'm still not a tonne of good, nor am I hugely confident in it, but I'm definitely better, to some extent. :)
No idea what my point was, there. Sorry. :P


Dragona Pine said...

Today I played Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.

I decided to attempt to fight the Geth (I know I am one - but a different race of Geth - the ones under Reaper control). I had it on a medium difficulty, and most of the time I was fighting in a single corner deploying my shields and draining people's energy, but I SURVIVED all 11 waves, and got extracted. My shields were never destroyed, though did come close to shutting down when I fought two powerful enemies.

I got tonnes of points, too. Yay. :)

Mary Contrary said...


Luciana said...

So... What's actually going on?

*is writing Imperfect and so is very distant*

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: *hugs*

Thank you. :)

I might use that as a metaphor for things. :) Thanks, again. :)

@Dragona: :O I hate drawing with pens. You can't rub anything out.

I prefer drawing with pencils. XD


Star Inkbright said...

@Mushroom: Um. Idk. :P

I haven't really been here much today . . . :/

Or, like, all week. :P


Maralie Lily Charm said...

*sings softly*

Let me be the one to
Light a fire inside those eyes
You look lonely
You don't even know me
But I can hear you crying
Let me be the one to
Lift your heart up and save your life
I don't think you even realise...
Baby, you've been saving mine...



Dragona Pine said...

Star, not trying to like natter you or anything but did you see what I said about the new part of my story? ^^

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Yes. But - *waves to billions of tabs*

So yeah. :)

*hugs Mara* :)


Noelle said...

...*walks awkwardly in*

Luciana said...


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Leigh has gotten way more confident in her singing...

*um, forget about the 'vanishes' part. I probably will though. So... Just ignore me*

Midnight Memories is dedicated to all of the Directioners who stay up past midnight looking for a reason to live... ❤️

Black star, black star
Forever you will be
A shining star, a shining star
Be whatever you can be
A rock star, a rock star
You will always be
A black star, a black star, a black star...


Anonymous said...

Ember has not been here, has she?
Hi btw^^

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Mith! :)

*hugs Mara again* :)


Noelle said...

*waves* Hi Luce

Mary Contrary said...

Back. :)

@Dragona: I think I'll /probably/ read all of them, when I get around to it. :)

@Star: *hugs back* You're welcome. :)
And, thanks.:) And, you're welcome, again. :P

I like drawing with pencils AND pens and other miscellaneous media. It depends on what I'm drawing/for what reason/other factors/et cetera.
I just like drawing, really. :P

Hey Mara! *huggles*
Hi Adra! *hugs, also*
Hi again, Mithria! *hug#3s*


Mary Contrary said...

* @Mithria: I don't think she has. ^^

*hands Mara a cookie* Ignore you? N'aw. *refuses(:P)*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I reeeetyrn

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: Well, I like drawing with pencils when I'm drawing real life things like people, but when I do word art then felt tips foREVer. :)
*frowns slightly as 'foREVer' it autocorrects to 'forever', and then gets a red line under it when I change it back* LET ME REFERENCE, GODDAMMIT! :P

And, really, I just colour in my word art with felt tips. :P


Star Inkbright said...

Hey Zaf! :) *waves*


Noelle said...

Hiya Taia *hugs* hey everyone else

Star Inkbright said...


Not 'it autocorrects'. -_-

I'm going in the shower now, sooo. *waves as I wander off*

I'll try and be quick, but I may forget and my tryingation and do things like pace around in circles, so ermmmm. :P


Star Inkbright said...

*forget my




Noelle said...

*waves to Star*

Mary Contrary said...

LOL, Star. Autocorrect. *shakes head sadly*

I tend to scribble more with biro or pen than with pencil.
Most of my sketching happens with pencil, and when I sketch with a pen, it's usually very different in style.
Sometimes I'll roughly outline in pencil, and then do the rest of a sketch in a black or blue biro.
I use felt-tipped pens not very often, but when I do, it's mostly smaller random things, and stuff.
Which reminds me, I drew a bunch of crazy Derek-related rubbish a few days ago at 3AM when I couldn't sleep and my brain was all wacky, and that next morning I saw the sheet of paper and frowned and then remembered, and then redrew one of them for the sake of it.
So I have a probably-10cm-ish-sized felt-pen drawing of Derek dancing with Skittles falling all around him, lying about somewhere now. xP
(May have gotten a LITTLE off-track. :P)


Mary Contrary said...

See you, Star!

Bye Dragona!


*hugs Adra back* 're you okay? :)

*eyes painting uncertainly*

Noelle said... does one not remember one's own drawings?!?

Noelle said...

So-so, yourself?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*waves and skips around*

Anonymous said...

Meh... I'll go now... sleeping... don't want to but need to... Meh again.
Well, see you tomorrow! (Now I'm really gone :P)

Noelle said...

Bye Mith! *hugs*

Chione Asahina said...

Bye mith.

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: *laughs* XD

*is back*


Mary Contrary said...

@Adra: I had 3AM-mind-whirring-ness-lack-of-brain-control-y-feels-an-impulsive-urge-to-run-around-the-house-opening-every-cupboard-door,-and-then-run-around-again-closing-them-all,-then-rinse-and-repeat-weirdness-head. And then, eventually, I slept. The space between that and waking up I think took any complete recollection of the occurrences, until I saw the drawings and fully remembered. :P

I'm alright, thanks.
Good, actually. I think I'm still pretty good. :)

Sleep well, Mithria! *waves* Bye!


Mary Contrary said...

@Star: *grins*
Welcome back . :)

I drew the eyes uneven.
*attempts to fix that*


Noelle said...



Mary Contrary said...

*joins Adra in laughter, with no idea why*

*pauses, wondering whether Adra's laughter IS actually laughter*

*laughs anyway* :P


Mary Contrary said...

... that was the point of the laughter, wasn't it?



Noelle said...

Because I got comment 400/...

So whoever commented next would get first.

Mary Contrary said...


Will be distanter - thinking of a ded.


Maralie Lily Charm said...



Ever since I started secondary, I knew I wouldn't be spending a lot of time here. But I didn't think that I actually wouldn't want to come here when I got a chance.

And, instagram has been more of a home to me than Blogland rn, and I feel bad for saying that. But it's true. So if I disappear from Blogland for a while, you guys know why.

*slinks back into shadows*

I'm sorry. I'm being selfish. I'm a bitch. I'll go now.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Oh well.


Mary Contrary said...

@Adra: I got it when I saw I had first. Nice work. xD

At least the first comment had laughter in it. :3


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Mara]

[hugs Mara again]


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: When I went walking/camping/walking, when I was sleeping in my tent, I woke up at sometime around 3 AM . . . and I thought my friend asked me a question and I was thinking dammit, I was almost asleep, why'd she have to drag me awake? And then I answered "mmh", and as I did that the shadows of sleep receded and then I was awake, and I couldn't get to sleep for a while.
However, she denies asking me anything. Also, she was asleep when I looked at her some minutes later. Plus, I'm really, really not sure I didn't dream it.
So idk.
And then I thought that it was raining, and I was all worried, and I thought what if my phone gets wet (my phone was in my rucksack, and my rucksack was just outside the inner bit of the tent, under the shelter of the outer bit of the tent, but I worry), and so I unzipped the inner part and looked, and it looked fine (the top of my rucksack wasn't near the edges of the tent), and then I unzipped the outer bit of the tent and discovered it wasn't raining (or didn't look it; it was dark), and then I realised it was just the wind in the trees . . .
Or maybe I dreamed doing all that, idk.
I dreamed that it did rain and that it was all muddy all wet and sloppy on the ground . . . and the other two took their tent down to get it out of the way, but me and my friend didn't take ours down and managed to check our rucksacks in the tent so it didn't rain in them and on us whilst we were checking . . . we felt all smart. :)
And . . . my point was, it's hard to remember things that happen at three in the morning. :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I guess I've sort of been doing the same sometimes, not coming on... [hugs Mara again] Just remember you have a place here, okay?

And I'm writing this long speech thing now only I might have to go in less than a minute so I'm probably not.


Noelle said...

*hugs Mara* I know how you feel... *hugs again* Chermender u has no ideea how muhc i luv u ok. u r not a bicth i is oke oka. *hugs8

Noelle said...

*totally didn't mean to have an "8" there*

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia and Adra: *LAUGHS* XD

@Mara: :( *hugs*
I don't want to go STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY when you're not happy here . . . so I guess all I can do is say that as long as I'm around (sorry, others, I can only speak for myself), you'll always be welcome, and if that's not so, I'm not me anymore. :(

You can always email me . . . and so can anyone else. :)

It's sad you and others aren't feeling at home here. :( I'm sorry. *hugs*
If there's anything I can do, tell me. :/

You aren't being selfish or a bitch. I try not to hate people, and sometimes it's rather a struggle . . . and it's those people that make me struggle I class as bitches. I never have to struggle not to hate you, so there you go. :) Even when my friends irritate me, I still manage not to hate them pretty easily, and if I don't, they're not really my friends. But you are really my friend, so. :)

Stating an opinion isn't selfish in most circumstances, and not in this one.


Mary Contrary said...

*hugs Mara*

*rehugs Mara*

I don't know what to say, Mara, except that I'm really sorry you feel this way; that the folks on Instagram are very lucky to have you, just as we are, when you can get on; and I think that you are neither a bitch, nor are you selfish, in my honest opinion.
Do as feels best for you, because you deserve best, and you deserve happy, but if there's anything I can do, I believe that I will always be more than happy to do that for you. And so will plenty of others.
You'll always be both welcome and wanted, Mara, by my part, and by the rest of us, I hope, also.
You rule, and you're awesome, and you're a part of the universe and you're a part of Blogland, even if you're not here. You're a part of the world, and the world wants you a part of it, as happy as you can be.
Whatever you do, you're not a bitch and are not selfish, though, alright? You're wonderful, and I'm happy to ever know you.
I hope to see you soon, but mostly, I hope you're happy, with whatever you're doing. Here or otherwise. :)


Mary Contrary said...


*hug#3s Mara*


Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: Taia spoke better than me. :P


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

If you want to then go Mara. Sorry you feel this way


Mary Contrary said...

@Mara: I deny Star's most recent claim. :P


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: I refuse to argue. :P

OKAY. Conversation is dying, so um. SOMEONE SOMETHING?


Mary Contrary said...

@Star: We'll leave it at a difference in opinion, then? :) / :P

My dedication may appear a while late - sorry about that. I want to think about this one, but I don't have the words at the moment.
It will appear, eventually. :)


Noelle said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


I have my own opinion on what it means, and I don't know if you agree, but... Yeah...

Selfishness is when you cause, increase or ignore pain in others to save yourself the mild annoyance. It isn't selfish to tell someone something that might upset them if that something is something they should know or if you need their help. Telling someone when you're hurt isn't selfish (I mean, there are a few exceptions, but this isn't one of them), it's a way of reaching out to them, asking for their help or understanding, even just a hug.

You'll always have a place here, okay?
This goes for any of you. If you decide to leave, it's not because you're not welcome. It's not because you're not worthy of this place. I've met some amazing people here, yes, and one of them is you.

In summary, you're not being selfish for saying that, and if you leave, if any of you leave, that's your own choice, okay? You're always welcome.

[hugs people]

The long speech is over now. [Nods]


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

And that came out like fruit cup. [facepalm]

Sorry for the lack of good transitions and stuff. Oh well.

Conversation: What is everyone's favorite dessert?


Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: I'll agree to that. :)

@Mara: I don't think you're still here, but if you are, listen to Fabi also. :)



Chione Asahina said...

Gtg everyone, sorry I was distant I was baking cakes like all night.

Noelle said...

*nods to Fabi*
*raises glass although it wasn't a ded*

Bye Chi

Star Inkbright said...

@Fabi: You expect me to have a favourite anything? :P


What's yours? :)


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Bye Chione

[hugs Star and Adra]

@Star Good point. XD At the moment, the dessert I most want to eat is lime cheesecake, but that's subject to change.


Noelle said...

*braids flowers into her shorter hair*

Mary Contrary said...

*hugs Fabi*


Can I make that the dedication instead of writing one up? I feel like that's a lot better than any other ded I'll write, on many different levels.

So I'm dedicating this page to the words Fabi just posted, and the meaning of that comment.


And, additionally, the meanings of (and the comments themselves) the words directed to Mara, which can be read above, from all of the folk.

*hands out special, timeless, dedication-hugs*

*nods again*

Emerald Melody said...

Everyone... smile??


We were doing so well, and we were all starting to get on. Let's not let a setback bring us down again.

If Mara feels the need to go and leave the Blog to get a bit of head space then that's fine. We've all done it.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Taia]

[Is totally not crying right now]


Mary Contrary said...

(Am I allowed to build a dedication from other people's comments? Or is that not really writing a dedication? The meaning is still as valid. I mean it as much as I would fumbling for words for an unidentifiable length of time, so... I don't know. But I did that.)

@Fabi: My favourite dessert is a lot of it.

But also, not very much of it.

And sometimes none of it.




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