Thursday, August 29, 2013

Spoiler Zone

Happy publication day!

It's out! It has been released! It has been UNLEASHED! Finally, I can stop worrying about early releases and leaks, and now focus all my concern onto such silly things as spoilers...!

So, this here comments section is the Spoiler Zone. This is where you can discuss aspects of the book. I would APPRECIATE it if you try to be subtle even here, because we all know that there are Minions who haven't read the book who will still take a peek, even though they don't want anything spoiled. These Minions are weird, and should be avoided.

I'll be providing a second post after this, announcing and displaying the strapline competition winners, so you can use that to continue your conversations.

Thanks to those Minions who have already read the book and have kept all the details to themselves— I appreciate this so much. And for those of you who have yet to start reading, I really hope you like it. And I'm sorry for the bit where, y'know...


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Bleekifreaks said...

The post man isn't there yet

When will you come to Germany again??

Anonymous said...


Krissy said...

Second Comment!
Buying the book tomorrow! Can't wait!

Bleekifreaks said...

I'm first?!? Post man was here now, but without the book. Why did you do this to me????

Charisma Thorne said...


Charisma Thorne said...

Getting my book maybe this afternoon, or maybe tomorrow, don't know D:

Miss sorrows said...

Gah! Us poor Australian minions have to wait! Well, at least I have to wait. For a few more days :'(. But happy publication day to everyone else!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Xanna said...

I bought the book at two minutes past 12AM this morning!!! I cannot believe it's finally out! After a whole years worth of waiting! And I can't believe there's only one book left to go. I almost don't want to finish this one. I want the series to last forever!!!

Dau Sketch ~ Aussieminion (minus the funny accent) said...

You're sorry for the bit where...WHAT?! TELL ME! FINISH!

Bleekifreaks said...

I agree... Hopefully, deutsche post doesn't fail and delivers my book in a fee hours... Have fun with the book!!

Xanna said...

I just read the post. Sorry for the bit where... you know? YOU JUST SPOILED IT DEREK! I know something bad will happen now! Who dies? WHO DIES?

Xanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Xanna said...

OK I have to get back to reading now.... I have the ebook. Currently four hundred pages into it (out of around one thousand four hundred).

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...



Derek you made my day when I was told what my OC looks like, freakin perfect PERFECTO *runs away due to have not read the book but knew like 3 things about myself*

June Clarence said...

Mind: blown.

For reasons unknown to me, Amazon delivered the book on Monday. I haven't mentioned a single spoiler to anyone and I am SO glad this section is finally open.

Seriously, Derek, how can you keep track of that many characters and events without confusing things?!

And also, this has to be the very first time that I read a book and my favorite characters survive. I won't mention who they are and I doubt anyone else cares all that much about them, but I am happy.

Are you going to be at the Frankfurt Book Fair this October, Derek?

Griff Goldbomb said...

Haven't bought it, Haven't read it.
I'm lucky there have been no spoilers so far.

Zathract Mist said...

I've commented this already, but I didn't realise that the spoiler post was up, so I'll do it again, just coz.


"Tanith lowered herself further, holding her breath."

Tanith lowered.




Ebony Law said...


I skipped to the end.

I'm a fucking idiot.

June Clarence said...

Alex, why on earth would Derek kill his main character?!
I've read it, she's not dead. Sort of.

Ebony Law said...


What happens?


Ebony Law said...


Did Darquesse do something?



June Clarence said...

Darquesse always does something.
I'm not sure reflections CAN die but I am sure that if anyone can kill off a reflection, it's Derek^^

Ebony Law said...

Lol. That is true.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

The dedication man THE DEDICATION

I only know bits and pieces but I do know (after I changed my name) my name is actually a spoiler and I only actually changed it for the roleplay but I then learned a piece of info...

Autumn Shift said...

sorry about the bit? omg i want to know!!

June Clarence said...

I admit that the dedication is the part of the books I always look forward to most. No one dies, nothing bad happens and I always end up laughing out loud.
I still haven't gotten over the one that was all blacked out by editor Nick Lake :D

Brynhild Nosferatu said...

Hey Derek,

thaaaaaaaaaaaanks a lot for giving Kribu a cameo!! ^^
Could you give some other forum members a cameo? Liliana would be cool. Or even.... for me? :3
Have a nice day, Golden God!

Kindest regards
Brynhild Nosferatu

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I can't get over I'm Grand Mage Kerias....


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I seriously didnt know until I changed my name see we roleplay and I'm Grand Mage in the roleplay so here i am thinking hey I did this for a good thing...till I found out I'm Grand Mage in LSODM and I didnt know what to do so I instead pretended to know nothing anf I dont think snyone guessed yet...and Derek hasn't spoken to me on it so...*faints*

Octa said...

I liked the part with the horse.

You know where it was all AWESOME.

Infact this makes two books with awesome horse scenes now.

Also *weeps*. You'll know what I mean. I predict even more depressing fanfiction.

Octa said...

And Derek THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH for putting me in :3

June Clarence said...

Oh god, yes, the horse scene was awesome!

Forest said...

Really good day here in the U.S.!!!


Redtaildragon c: said...

If you don't want a spoiler (A big one at that) don't read on.

OH MY GOD DEREK WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!!?!?!??! Well, there is one book left, so she shouldn't be dead. What will you write about? Huh, Derek?! WHY DID VAL DIE DX

Octa said...

I've read LSODM and I don't remember Val dying.

She's just in a permanent bad mood.

Heather said...

You better be sorry, Derek. I refuse to believe it. I swore I wouldn't believe it until the end of the book, because there has to be a magical cure all. THERE HAS TO BE. But there isn't. So now I won't believe it until the end of the NEXT book. Even though I know it's true. Because you always do this Derek. First, Bliss. My favourite. Now....

*runs away sobbing*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


I liked the way I first appear in the book

Yes we gave the green light to go ahead and kill PLeasant and Cain.


Unknown said...

my copy arrived today in time to meet Derek tomorrow and I am on the second chapter so far I am loving Last Stand of The Dead Men great work Derek

Book Crazy said...

Has Cassandra's prophecy really been avoided?
Or is the Golden God trying to double bluff us?
Remember at the end of the book Ravel was in the robes of the sanctuary and was in a great deal of pain!!! Finally China is Grand Mage!!! That is awesome!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


Octa said...

China Sorrows is magnificent.

Whether or not she will be a good grand mage, I'm certainly going to enjoy reading it in Book 9.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

She...just...noo.. no...nonononononononononononononononononono

I. Hate. You. Derek. Landy.

barmybex said...

I pre-ordered it but it didn't arrive!!! grrrr. CAn't wait to get my hands on it.

Zathract Mist said...

Fletcher watched Dragonball Z, hahahaha!

That's gold.

Tom H said...

There are so many epic moments, THAT gamechanger about halfway through but page 547 was when I hurled my book against the wall out of anger and frustration. Dammit man, why must you make this so hard?

Unknown said...


The Piano Man said...

Bought LSODM on Kindle at about midnight last night, and didn't put the book down until I'd finished reading it at about 7:30am. Definitely my favourite one so far, and looking forward to re-reading it.

K4Y731GH said...

The woman who delivered my copy laughed at the expression on my face... Derek, it was frekking wonderful!! It''s my new favourite!! That doesn't mean I don't hate you. God I hate you. I finished it at half 2 last night and just kind of lay there for a while staring at the ceiling and shaking my head...

Raechel Hudson said...

I... I just can't... Just finished it. God, there were some of the most beautiful laugh out loud moments. But... But... I am so miserable right now. I just thought that Skulduggery would pull some miracle fix out right at the end, like he sometimes does... But as the remaining pages dwindled... Nothing. And Ghastly. And Shudder. And Ravel. Oh, God, Ravel.

And I kept falling into that stupid trap! Everytime I began to like the reflection, or began to agree with her - it, I had to stop myself and remind myself what she-it did... And then try to hate her when she apologised...

Derek, you have written this fantastically. I was so sucked in. I just... I'm going to go mourn now...

Zathract Mist said...


This is not okay.

I'm not even finished yet and it's not okay.


Penchant For Cain said...

First time comenting here and I just want to say... WHY DEREK?! I loved Ghastly! And you got my hopes up thinking maybe he could bring Tanith back and thinks would work out swell! I'm so depressed...

Phoebe S.R said...

Derek, I understand you probably won't read this
but I just wanted to say
(and this is the Phoebe Ryall who was one of the ones who won the strap line competition)
I've been eagerly anticipating this book since you released its title.
And my delivery was late. I was due to get it on the release date, but I found out it was to actually come on the 4th September. So I thought it would be okay to wait a couple of days, knowing how the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom normally keep the spoilers hidden until a week after the book is released.
But, after checking the Skulduggery Pleasant facebook page, I saw a spoiler in a comment section. Granted, it had "SPOILER ALERT: ~~~" but the admins had previously said not to do it.
So now I know about the entire business with, apparently, the now ex-Grand Mage. And what happens to 2 of the Dead Men.
Oh yes, I say ex-Grand Mage, because even though I scrolled right down to the bottom of the comments section of this blog post, I still saw the last comments. Which And now, unsurprisingly, I know about the newest Grand Mage.
So now, I have to wait five days for your latest book whilst knowing those little pieces of information which I know will be stuck in my head throughout the entire book. There'll be scenes, where normally I'd go, "Godammit, where the hell did that come from?", whereas now I'm going to go "well, at least that guy got his facts right when he posted that comment."
The least I can do is look forward to the next book, even though I've still got your latest book to go through.

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Derek, I never thought I would say this... But I HATE YOU :'(
Okay, I don't really. I could never hate the Golden God. But I can't believe you took my fourth and fifth favourite characters... And made them kill each other -_-
On the other hand, you've certainly listened to the fans a lot for this one. I saw hints of Thrashgrace, Valduggery, Darquduggery, Fletcherie, Claragrace and Ghanith (Possibly the last bit we'll ever get).
I did love this book- it went deeper into all of the characters, and the writing was incredible- I especially love the way you wrote the scene when Darquesse comes out. In fact, this is probably my favourite SP book so far, which is saying a lot.
On the other hand, Ghastly and Tanith had better be coming back soon, Derek Landy, or your Minion Army will revolt!

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

P.S In case you think that that was a negative review- I've already read the entire book, start to finish, three times.
Ravel and Vex were the only fictional characters I've actually had a crush on... you have killed me D: ;)

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Why did you kill off practically every OC?

ABK said...

Well, I am perturbed. During chapter 50, the radio was playing very uplifting and victorious music, then I finished the chapter. Why, derek, why? In all honesty though the many, "losses," in this book didn't shock or disturb me. Ever since book one when derek killed the elders, I've never trusted him.... But this book had so many climaxes. Epic, fit busting twists... Damn.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I have an OC i swear she isnt dead! I OC is ^^my name

Snow said...

Valkyrie as a dead man?? AMAZBALLS!!!!


Decembuary said...

4 hours of non-stop reading after receiving my book, I have finished it.

That ending. How could you do this to us? And we have to wait until next September to find out what happens.
You are a cruel person.

Random Samurai said...

Anybody in the US know where i can get it?! I've been waiting so patiently but I can't waits no more! Anyone know who sells the ebook? MUST HAVE INSTANT GRATIFICATION!!!!!

Calidae Dark said...

Anyone here I can scream with about LSODM?

Calidae Dark said...

no? okay then.

Valkyrie108 said...

Can somebody spill the main spoilers please?

Valkyrie108 said...

I really want to know what happens, but I haven't got the book yet:(

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Valkyrie108, trust me, you don't want spoilers...

Zathract Mist said...

So I finished.


You are an evil man.

An evil, evil man.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and stare at this wall for the rest of my life.

Sparky Braginski said...

I'm only up to Chapter 18 but I must say this here and now.

Derek, you are a scoundrel.

You killed my character.

You let me spend a perfect two minutes dancing around my apartment with glee at the presence of my character, only to sit down and have her die two pages later.

Thank you oh so much, Golden God.

So much.

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss sorrows said...

Honestly, the amount of pairings that are going to start after this book isn't funny. There was so many different parings in there, I honestly can't count.
The book. I think we can all say, chapter 51, the man with the golden eyes, made us stare into a wall for about 5 minutes before curiosity made us continue reading.
The fighting, the missions they had to do in the war, with the under-under plot surfacing just when it couldn't get worse...
And also, the characters. Everybody was in here. From Finbar to the reflection, everyone was in here. (Loved the part with Finbar and the mug of tea, made me smile at a small victory)
All in all, my new favorite book of all time.

Miss sorrows said...

And I'm the Grand Mage? Well, lovely I suppose. I did try to burn myself from the inside before I took the position... But we can't all pick and choose, can we (smiles). Now, about Ms.Scorn...

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

I hate you so much right now Derek.

And I love you.

It's hard to explain.

And I was really happy when Minions appeared :3

But I really hate you.

I'm currently drinking ice tea and Skittles, trying to feel better.

But this is the absolute worst book hangover ever.

It was perfect and definitely not what I was expecting.

I don't know what my life is now.

I still really hate you.

Miss Cain; The Aussie Ninja Stalker said...

Oh, yes, thanks for blowing my mind to pieces and for killing my feels (in a really really really bad way) in Chapter 51

I still hate you

Sparky Braginski said...

And also, in response to my last comment up there, I would like to mention something else.

Not even a goddamn fight scene.

Just dead.

Miya Jilmworch said...

Derek, I have never felt the need to comment on a blog post before. But I really hate you right now. You made me cry. Lots of love from Hanna

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I hate you so much right now, Derek. It takes a lot to get me to cry, but you know what? You managed it. I don't even understand anything anymore.

Evan Carron-Kee said...

Wow I feel so betrayed right now damn you derek (by the way Valkyrie is not dead she's gone and I fully expect her to come back, or else) and I just want to say ghastly was one of my favourite carachters and I was hoping that tanith would come back. Your minions will revolt Derek they will mark my words

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Derek, your book was the first one to actually make me cry myself to sleep! You know why!

God dammit I'm 18 years old I can't go around crying so hard over fictional characters; It's bad for my reputation.

Well, apart from the utter heart-break I suffered from it, the book was really good! I was so glad to see so many cool characters returning.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to continue eating ice-cream while sobbing uncontrollably

Evan Carron-Kee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Loved the book so much but I was so sad that Ghastly died. Also I don't know how to feel about 'Stephanie' as one part of me wants to hate her for trying to kill valkyrie and taking over her life but another part of me feels sorry for her and is curious to see what she does in the next book.

Unknown said...

That was awesome...

I kinda fell out of the Skullduggery Craze for the while (im sorry whatever shoot me) but now im back!

Soon as i finished the book (god damn your cliffhanger endings by the way)i just had to go online. i am now an official full-time minion again. hello :)

It also might have had something to do with your awesome book signing at Bluewater the other day... but the book was pretty good too :P

Now make Tanith good again! Goodbye x

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I really do want to thank you about Ivy, though. That was SO FUNNY. I was in tears because I was laughing so hard. And I beat the hell out of her. Come on. That was awesome.

"I just want you to know," Ivy said, standing over her, "that I am a huge fan."


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Person who wanted to get le book go on or go on either one! It'll arrive fast Amazon is really accurate!

Mr. Pleasant said...

I don't hate you derek but seriously HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!?!

Unknown said...

Got book at midnight on iBooks. No deliveries and no waiting for shops to open. I got to a shocking bit and had to read it again because I thought I was so tired and had misread it. Finished the book at 8am before most of you minions got your copies. Ah the wonders of technology. Has no-one realised that eternal pain might be a good reason to willingly give up your soul???

Valkyrie108 said...

How did Valkyrie and Ghastly die??? Is she even dead???? Haven't got the book yet but wow.....

Valkyrie108 said...

Someone please tell me what happens

Arcanine said...

Well... It certainly was AMAZING!!!
Thanks for the awesome book yet again!

I totally did not see that bit coming when the guy with the golden eyes was revealed! That was crazy!

I'm quite sad a certain number of people died but the ones I care about the most are still alive but, yeah, way to go killing off characters... :/

I have to say out of all your books I found this one the funniest. There were so many amazing laugh-out-loud moments and I am so glad i didn't have to read this on the train because i probably would have got sooooo many weird looks.

Thanks again for your fantastic work Derek! I can't wait until next year!

Obscure Falcon said...

AGHHHHH JUST FINISHED!!!! Derek that was truly spectacularly awesome in all the best ways and the twists and the deaths and the fights it was all so GOOOD!!!

A warning to people DO NOT skip to the end, not because it will ruin it (though it probably will) but because the last chapter will make you think something that only makes sense if youve read it.

Anonymous said...

<> I have only 1 thing to say to you derek. You suck. Like really, really suck. i liked ghastly and shudder, and you just kill them. And Ravel. Just, just Ravel. Thats all I'm saying. And then, we have your damn cliffhangers and their annoyingness.

However, because even through all of this, the books are freaking awesome and inevitably, i will spend the next year or so hugging my knees and waiting for book 9. *sigh* so thanks for the fantastic work and keep it up! :D

Valkyrie108 said...

Will somebody please tell me what happens in the end??? I'm dying over here:(

rtfirefly said...

Ducky. The reflection is not going to be the main focus of the last book will she? Because she's rather a bland character substitute for Valkyrie. Frankly, I was getting annoyed that like 90% of the last 18 chapters was based on her.

-And the idea of her teaming up with Skulduggery left me kinda irked.

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

I feel like it isn't a good thing that I really want to dress as Darquesse in the Brides of Blood Tears covered in fake blood and stuff for the Skulduggery party.

That would be so much fun.

Valkyrie108 said...

No? Ok:(

Azazel Infariel said...

O MY FRICKEN GOD, that book is so fricken amazing, I love darquesse SO much, and i know he said we'd hate him for what happened in the book but to be honest i loved every moment of it even with some of those deaths, and i still dont like the reflection though but i was expecting lord vile to come out in this one again little bit disappointed by that but it was still fricken cool

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

I love you but I hate you Landy!

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

Why ghastly?!?? Why?????!!???!!!!!:(

Failing Melon said...

God I cried so much! Everything was so sad and I can't believe he crushed that blossom of hope when Tanith and Ghastly kissed in the vision!
And I knew Ravel was the traitor! I knew it! God and I was beginning to doubt it too...

Azazel Infariel said...

every time i read a new skulduggery pleasant book it just reinforces the idea that this is the BEST book series EVER. if i meet new people and they say they like books i recommend this to them straight away cause everyone deserves to read this series

Unknown said...

Anyone read up to pages 390 and 391?

I have a broken soul - and no amount of consolation will heal it up.

I cried myself to sleep D'x

Exeenera Dawn said...

You should be sorry. I cried. Derek Landy, you made me cry. I cried myself to sleep that night. I cried physical, actual tears for a fictional character in a book.
HOW COULD HE DO THAT??? HE WAS HIS FRIEND!!!! And she gave in. After all that, she gave in.
And the reflection, oh the reflection!!!
A year until the next one comes out.
God, help me...

Cassidy Clarimonde (Self-Appointed Grand Mage of the Scottish Sanctuary) said...

*whispers* hello..?

Unknown said...

He's gone

actually gone

... I just can't anymore

I think torturing Ravel was the best thing Darquesse has done yet.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hello? Msd coz of Internet.


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Gtg now. I'll be back later! Bye!


Exeenera Dawn said...

P.S, the reflection better not be the main view for the next book. I had to keep reminding myself it wasn't Valkyrie. Still my favourite book EVER, though.
My parents think I have gone into a stage of depression. I am mourning. MOURNING. First you made me cry, now mourn. I better not get a seizure during the next book.
Golden God, you are cruelly wonderful.

Emma Star said...


Please let the book series end well. I hate books series (actually). They all have a crappy ending (The Hunger Games: PRIM DIES?!!? WTF?! the reason why Katniss was in this mess is because she wanted her sister to live! Harry Potter: SERIOUSLY?! all she could come up with was "19 years later" ?!? Twilight... No comment -.- ) PLEASE LET EVERYONE LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER D: D: D:!!!!

Dragona Pine said...

Hello? Is this where we are?

Anecdote Keen said...

This book was FANTASTIC!!! But why oh why did Ghastly get killed? You destroyed all of my hopes and dreams!

LottieDance said...

Oh my god....ERMAHGERD....
Thrashgrace is cannon!!! Thrashgrace is KIND OF cannon! *Fangirl Squee*

Anecdote Keen said...

P.S. Please, Golden God, don't focus on the reflection in the next one! It's so... NOT VALKYRIE. Now, if you'll excuse me I feel like crying in a corner for a while.

Emma Star said...

Now, if you'll excuse me I feel like crying in a corner for a while.

Yup know exactly what you feel like :/

Anonymous said...

First I would like to say that I know Valkyrie is flawed. I know she is arrogant and selfish. I know how incredibly stupid she can be at times, but she is also brave and, to be honest, she is still very likeable. I also HATE the reflection (or 'Stephanie'). I HATE IT. I WANT TO KILL IT. (or 'her'). Did anyone notice she was basically saying she was better than Valkyrie? Isn't SHE basically being as egotistical as Valkyrie ever was? And Skulduggery is going to LET her KILL Valkyrie?!? I was practically crying for how Valkyrie must of felt when Stephanie took over her life. And RAVEL?!?! HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!!!!! Oh, and isn't Valkyrie the MAIN CHARACTER!?!?!?! As mentioned above, I know she is flawed, but when it comes to it, I STILL LIKE HER. (my opinion.) And now her parents KNOW THE TRUTH! (ish) I wonder what they will make of Stephanie. I would love to say more, but i have got to build a time machine to travel forward a year and get the 9th book.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*admits defeat* LOVE THIS SERIES.

Emma Star said...

oh this is such a love-hate relationship (just like with food ;D) but since Ghastly died i don't want to read anymore. do u guys feel the same? he was one of my favorite characters... makes me really sad :'( AND "STEPHANIE" CREEPS THE S*** OUT OF ME!!! :O :O :O

Sapphire Iota (S/ Cam) said...

Emma, I know what you mean. I was in love with Ravel (And Vex). But Ghastly was my fourth favourite character and I didn't believe it when he died. I just COULDN'T. He's Ghastly! He's a main character and a rock and one half of Ghanith, the only pairing every single Skuttlebug ships! AND YOU KILLED HIM! *sobs*
I did love the Thrashgrace though. Very funny :) I was wondering what you'd do with Scapegrace now that he's a woman, and you made him better than ever! XD

Valkyrie108; You really want to know?
I'm warning you...

Unknown said...

I got so depressed when I died, and I actually considered ditching the books.

He was so noble and I actually loved the guy - but he's gone now.

I think it might be worth continuing, just incase there's a slither of a hope that he might return :c I doubt it VERY much thought :c

Emma Star said...

oh i love that scapegrace/trasher thing too Saph! :D LoL. But i'm not quiet done with the book... and i'm having a really hard time falling asleep :( Oh Ghanith i'll miss you so :'(. Yeah i was considering ditshig the books too Tazani Coil but well id don't know... MAYBE MR. LANDY HERE WILL NOT KILL EVERYONE OFF -.-!!!

Unknown said...

Now that I think of it...

Ghanith never happened in LSoDM, and now we know that it never will.

This means that if there's even a slither of a chance that Ghastly come back in book 9, it means that we've waited 3 and a half years, for Ghanith to become Cannon.

Three. And a half. Years.

Derek said himself that he truly doesn't care who he kills.

Ghastly is never coming back.

Emma Star said...

i'm getting really carried away here... i still love the books but yeah well i can't really do much cuz Derek certainly doesn't read all our comments so. Ah screw it I'll just write my own books :D ^^

TheSmilingCat said...

I hate you, you know? In the last three weeks I bought six of the Skulduggery pleasant books. Six of them. And then on the Airport, they had actually KOTW and LSOTDM in the bookshelves... and I wasn't able to buy them, simply because there was no space left in my hand package. Do you have an idea how that feels? Do you? No, you don't, of course you don't...
Because you write them. Which can't be easy, but... Damn it. Damn you. Damn everything.
You know, I actually like Spoilers. They are cool. After what happened to Merlin, House MD and all the other stuff, I tend to spoiler myself before I start watching TV shows... What I'm saying is, it's not the spoilers that crack me up. But killing Ravel? And GHASTLY??? I mean, hey, that you'd kill Ghastly was, like, clear from the beginning, but it's Ghastly, if you kill him, why not in the last book???
And the thing with the reflection... WHATTHEACTUALFUCK??????
Sorry, dude (isn't that a nice word? English language has so many nice words. Did you know that there is no word in German language that really covers the word "care" in the emotional sense? We'd only get the full meaning by what would be a double-negotiation in your language... funny, eh?), I am pouting now. I planned to buy the books on Amazon as soon as possible, but now... I want to know if it ends satisfyingly before I'll buy the last three books. There you go, writer.
Sorry if I was rude, btw... but the comment will probably not be posted anyway... Because it never is, for some reasons comments don't work for me.

TheSmilingCat said...

Negation, not Negotiation... hey, I never claimed my English to be flawless...
And the comment was actually posted... yeay, joy, festival! (For me, not for you.)
I really do love spoilers. I guess I'm just weird.

Valkyrie108 said...

OMG!!!!! It's Ravel??? Thanks for spilling:) he kills Ghastly? Why? Omg he was my favourite:(

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

This is what we said he would do! We said he will kill! And did he kill? Yes yes he did!>:( Ravel I liked you!:( at least it wasn't dexter:) and Shudder! Poor shudder!:( and Ghastly I am so angry!>:( I don't even care about Valkyrie!:( I just want Shudder and Ghastly!

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

I am new to the blog. Is their anyone I can scream with about this book?

TheSmilingCat said...

@Nikki Morris
If you don't care that I did not actually read it yet... try me.

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

OK now first.
At least it wasnt Dexter. I love dexter, with all my heart. Yes I love a fictional character :)as you are all like me here I hope you can relate.
I was at my friends house when I was reading 'the man with the golden eyes' I actually started crying and screaming! All of my friends looked at me like I was crazy. Then I sat AND LOOKED AT A FREAKING WALL for about 30 mins then started reading again.Now I think all of my friends are scared of me..... Oh my god Derek! you Made my 5th favorite character kill my 2nd! arrrrrgggggg! I HATE YOU SO MUCH DEREK!!!!!!

yeah no I couldnt hate the golden god.

Ok now the dedecation.
I hope you know we will not leave you alone ever! EVER! But that was funny. I laughed.

Now I shall talk about the FREAKING REFLECTION! I refuse to call her 'Stephine'. THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS! A MAGE OR SORCERER HAS 3 NAMES! SOMEONE CANT JUST COME ALONE AND GRAB ONE OF THEM! NO THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. It tryed to kill Valkyrie! And it take her family! No Ok! and why oh why did the last like 18 chapters have to be based around it? YES I AM CALLING THE REFLECTION A 'IT' BECAUSE IT IS AN IT NOT A SHE. I hate her.

You made them you brought them up. Derek you gave us Ghanith.
Landy did you know that this would happen? Did you know that us Minions would LOVE this ship and that everyone would scream for Tanith back? Did you plan it all to bring it all down?? Did you? every minion or skuttlebug I know ships Ghanith! and you took it away from us!
Ok Landy, golden god and amazing book writer I just want to say that you did a fantastic job and that I love your writing.

-Athena Apt :)

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

Oh and come to Australia:)

Skulduggery said...

Hi everyone out there!
Is it just my softcover or do the LSODM books have different font to the previous ones?


Detective Athena Apt:) said...

@smilingcat i think I would like to scream to. and @Skulduggery Yes i think it is a different font and more words per pafe

Sparky Braginski said...

So, could you say at Chapter 51 everything un... Ravels?

Detective Athena Apt:) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Detective Athena Apt:) said...

Yes yes I it does lol

Unknown said...

What the next and final book should be called: Skulduggery Pleasant: And The Darkness Rained Upon Them

Mister W said...

Hi, I am always paranoid about Valkyrie dying in one of your books, so every time I pick one up I flip to the end, just in case. I WAS FURIOUS TO SEE THAT YOU KILLED HER OFF IN THE LAST TWO PAGES OF "The last stand of dead men" YOU EVEN SAID THAT HER REFLECTION
Please, please, please, with sugar on top could you write another book where it actually explained that the reflection thought it had killed her, when actually, Darquess made another reflection and the other reflection killed that one.
Then Darquess becomes Valkyrie again and kills her other reflection.Then Val and Skul live happily ever after. Of course you can make some twists and turns along the way but, just please don't let Val die forever! She was my favourite character and was probably more the main character than even Skulduggery!
~ Kasia

Emma Star said...

well technically Val doesn't die. Darquesse just sort of take over so... I have to be honest i think Darquesse is cool. some of the things she does are awesome, right? I'd like to see the faces of the enemy when Val truns into Darquesse and kicks their asses but of course it's not good when she hurts innocent people. YOU KNOW WANT WOULD BE COOL? IF DARQUESSE AND VAL BECOME "FRIENDS" AND VAL CAN CONTROL HER! THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME! Imagine Val is mortally wounded and she calls Darquesse for help and she saves her and defeats the bad guys. EPIC!!

Emma Star said...

and then they like talk to each other and Val instructs her who to kill and stuff. that would make reading so much fun! but i think in book nine they'll somehow kill Darquesse and "Stephanie" and kill of some more good guys and MAYBE live happily, ever after... sort of.

TheSmilingCat said...

Not gonna happen, that would be too easy. The big problem I see is that I am not completely sure if it is even possible to destroy/control the consciousness that is Darquesse without harming/affecting the consciousness that is Valkyrie. I mean, considering the fact that Darquesse is Valkyrie's nature (creepy, btw), wouldn't defeating Darquesse go along with defeating all of Valkyrie's power/magic? For Skulduggery it worked, but then again, Lord Vile was him being on an active-agressive trip and a part of his consciousness that was no longer harmed by morals or thinking, while Darquesse, being Valkyrie's true whatever, is practically the source of her magic. Call me a goddamn pessimist, but I don't see a solution anywhere nearby.
I do actually feel sorry for the reflection, I mean, I liked it and everything and I always thought the way Valkyrie treated it was inexcusable. But that it now walks around, teaming up with Skulduggery and taking over everything honestly pisses me off to no end.

Unknown said...

OMG DEREK!! My heart?!? What have you done to my poor heart!!!

I must admit though, you don't lie, that was damn genius :D

And I know this will seem ridiculous but since you referenced so many AWESOME things during the books I was just wondering....

When Saracen said "chicks dog scars" was that in any way relating to Garrus from Mass effect?!

And also... Is the look for the Bride of Blood tears inspired from the Gerudo from Legend of Zelda?

Because if both, or even one of those facts are true....

SWEET!!!! xD

Unknown said...


If dog is a verb now I'm highly disturbed ;)

Dragona Pine said...

Derek, if you get around to reading this: please respond.

I don't know if you saw, but a while ago I kind of spammed you a little concerning two of my creations - the Apatonynchus (a creature the same size as a wolf that comes from a different dimension) and the SOS (Special Operations of the Supernatural - a top secret and MORTAL organisation meant to hunt down dangerous sorcerers).

It seems a bit of a coincidence that in LSODM, a dog-creature from another dimension attacked 'The Dark and Stormy Knight' and Thrasher.
And it also seems a coincidence about Department X who hunt down Warlocks. Which are a top-secret MORTAL organisation.

So please, if you have got inspiration from my ideas could you tell me? I'd be REALLY good to know. Just for bragging rights. And I hope you understand how important they are. :P

Emma Star said...

Yeah i know that it's very unlikely and too simple but well i would be an easy and nice way to end this (sort of) but still... and i don't think you're being pessimistic or anything because it's true: how can they defeat Darquesse without harming Valkyrie?!? And I have to agree with you on the fact that Valkyrie treated the reflection terribly. She should have been more grateful towards it! I mean it did everything for her! So i guess it's also Valkyries fault that it turned against her. she should have treated her like a human being and let's say give it money so it can buy itself some clothes it likes or... i don't know something like that! But now it creeps the hell out of me!!! o_O

Line said...

When i was through about a quarter of the book i thought that all the dead man-characters and the monster hunters Are just too similar. But then rhis ravel-thing happened, and you just slaughtered my two favourite dead men! Anyway, i wanted to tell you how much i love the ravel-thing (notice, I'm trying to be subtle, don't think it works out though). It's created the perfect villain whose goals you can understand and with whom you have to sympathise at least a tiny bit, because he just really believes he's doing the right thing, not for him but for the whole world. Anyway, it's a really great book, thank you for writing it.

Nisha said...

@Ben Farchione

What I'm hoping Book 9's title will be - Skulduggery Pleasant: Raising Cain

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

It's been four days since I read this damn book and I still start randomly crying. IN PUBLIC.

Goddammit Derek.

Sparky Braginski said...

Page 307 is my favourite.

Am I allowed to think of it as my own page?

Written and created for the benefit of my wellbeing?

Because if it wasn't it should be and Ivy The Fangirl agrees with me

Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sparky Braginski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Snow said...

Derek, you evil, evil person!!

Why did you have to go and do that to Ghastly? he was one of my Favorite characters...

WHY??? Ravel, Shudder, Ghastly, Tanith... you either kill people or make them evil. GOD DAMM YOU!!!

Emma Star said...

@ Snow Stromberg

I know right?! WHY?? I was really hoping you would bring Tanith back :'( ...

Unknown said...

I can not believe or process that there is only going to be one more book to read before it's all done, one more book filled of the last information we will get from the world that is Skulduggery pleasant.

It just doesn't seem right. I basically grew up reading the Skulduggery series (started when I was only around 10 and now I sit here at 18), I have become so emotionally connected to these characters and to their worlds. I can not imagine the series ending.. no more Skulduggery, no more epic plot twists or amazing fight scenes or laugh out loud humour (Scapegrace and Thrasher pairing made me cry with laughter)

I read this book and I loved it through and through, the best in the series by far, (and I do very much so appreciate that you didn't kill of China as in my eyes she is the best character in the series; but what can I say, I have a thing for mysterious and powerful people)

But like I said I can't believe the series is sadly coming to a close and I pray that you decide to continue to write many more epic novels just as good as Skulduggery (maybe even better?)

Either that or we get Harper Collins to lock you up in a nice cage with a computer and force you to write Skulduggery Pleasant books for the rest of time.

I vote the latter option, who's with me?

Venice Rain said...

by which I mean shit a dick I just finished LSOTDM and as the top China Sorrows connesouire (I know that's not the right spelling but DIC) I am just
pumped r/n
this is all I have ever wanted this makes up for the lack of CS in the last book just
wowowowowoooowowooo Derek you utter bitch you.

Venice Rain said...

also goddamn the only people here I recognize is Octa and a couple of others

all my bby's in this book but no Ven, how sad!
(tbf I'm going to admit it would just be me out hotting everyone/fighting YOU KNOW WHO for old times sakes [and shits and gigs])

also connor u sound like a sweetpea, cute comment

Venice Rain said...

what the hell people not on at dark hours and a hardly filled comments, this is not the blog I used to know, sob sob, etc etc

if u liked these comments then y not follow mi on OR MY ARTSY ONES and most of what I post is either fashion or mass effect so no reason to follow rlly (I'm joking, tho I'd be happy if you followed the ref one, I'm planning on uploading more art and my current liara cosplay WIP #shameless) >

Zathract Mist said...

"How is that possible? How is it fair? What kind of person do you have to be to kill two people who have never done anything to harm you?"

You have to be Derek Landy.

Selena Gasp said...

Hi :)

Selena Gasp said...

:) ;)

Selena Gasp said...

AH, I am super smart and didn't realise that this was for spoilers.. luckily I haven't read any comments :) bye

DaisyC said...

I finished the book last night, I was kinda angry about ghastly and Anton but I wasn't surprised that Valkyrie finally became weak enough when it came to her bad mood. Her confidence and arrogance with added vanity annoyed me anyway

Detective Athena Apt:) said...

Living in Australia I can never be part of this blog :'( cry:(

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I should never read this many spoilers.

1. Thank God. I hated Ghastly


3. I didn't like Ravel either. Meh. But that was seriously a shock to me about the war 0_0


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

There are quite a few Australiaminions (however you call them) on the blog, you know! You can always find time ;D

(I'm a Singaporeminion)

(I should know)

Valice said...

I just finished the book. I feel like crying, though. I hate cliffhangers!!!!!

Unknown said...

Why on earth did you have to kill you know those 2 people why???? But I never expected the mysterious man to be you know "that guy".. That was unexpected but overall this was THE BEST SP book because of the war like theme and of course the DEAD MEN and a little

Jophiel said...

I kinda knew that the man with golden eyes was him. It mentioned that ***** had eyes that colour in an earlier book... Only I picked it out... AND YOU KILLED MY TWO FAVOURITE PEOPLE!! I'M HATING YOU RIGHT NOW, DEREK!!

Dragonheart said...

I swear, Derek, you must be Moffat's twin brother or something. Do you know what you have done to my feels?!!! Ghastly. Goddammit, you killed Ghastly. You created him, turned him into a stone, brought him back, made him fall in love with Tanith, had his heart broken when she turned evil and started loving Sanguine, and then effing killed him. And Shudder too. And their deaths were so sudden that we didn't even really have time to mourn.


*takes deep breath*

And THEN, (since killing off two Dead Men wasn't enough) you proceeded to kill off almost everybody else. Not. Cool. (From a fangirl sense at least. But in my heart I know it was necessary to make the book as awesome as it was. Still, not cool.)

Oh, and then there was Darquesse. I can not even begin to describe her awesomeness. But I know she's going to kill lots and lots and lots of people, so I want to hate her. All I can say is, you better get Valkyrie back! I can not be stuck with Stephanie. Ever. She can not replace my Valkyrie. Nuh uh. No way. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

Oh, and I applaud you Derek, for making the crackiest, most awesome love triangle in history. Thrashgrace FTW!!!

China. Nearly. Dying. I can't.... Darquesse saved her. So obviously Valkyrie is still in there, and she lied about her being gone. Because she's evil. And I always wondered if China loved Skulduggery. Well, obvi the answer is yes, but he never felt the same. So she killed Skulduggery's wife and child to try and get to him? Bit messed up, but that's china.

Lastly, when Darquesse kissed Skulduggery in the vision, my mind exploded. Violently. I ship Valduggery. Hard. And when the sensitive brought up the memory of Davina Marr, it meant Davina's words still bothered her, cuz she doesn't know if she has a crush on him or not and I just freaked out. I can't even....

Derek write fast!!!! I must know what happens!

Dragonheart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emma Star said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emma Star said...

oh Derek :(( I know you kill everyone off because you don't want us to relax. I guess i can understand that sort of but still why? Don't you want the Characters to stay alive yourself?? Plus you always come up with these genius names! All wasted... :D
Derek's personal to-do list:

1. Give Skulduggery a heart.
2. Destroy Valkyrie's arrogance.
3. Kill "Stephanie".
4. Kill/Cure Tanith.
5. Keep Dexter alive.
6. Make a Romeo & Juliette story of Thrashgrace xD
7. Destroy/Tame Darquesse (or make Darquesse and Valkyrie friends *sigh* so not gonna happen :(( )
8. Make Valkyrie tell her parents the truth.
9. Make Skulduggery laugh. Like really laugh not sarcastically but from the heat you gave him
10. Let Valkyrie and Skulduggery have a normal life for some time.

Unknown said...

But Derek Landy's Humour makes up fr every death in the book... honestly I hate Valkyrie but I love Darqueese.. She is so cool even though she kills millions of people..

Jophiel said...

I finished the book ten minutes ago and I'm still in shock. I knew Ravel was who Ravel was (you kinda spoiled it in a previous book)... But I did not expect Ghastly and Shudder's... I don't even want to speak to you. You are mean!!!

Bleekifreaks said...

After finishing the book (I kinda hate amazon for waiting a week), I'm really glad I didn't go through the comment section…

I hate you, Derek. You killed one of my favorite characters, who I thought would finally get what he wants the most, after killing Kenspeckle in the fifth book. And now? I have to think of a new favorite, still living character. I think I take Clarabelle… Good Golden God, I shouldn't have said that. If he reads the comments…
Next time you're in Cologne, you will pay for what you did.

(No, honestly, I loved the book; I loved Valkyries last idea before turning to her darker self)

Bleekifreaks said...

smiling cat: where do you come from to have lsodm in GERMANY? I didn't saw it yet… maybe in the big thalia stores?

Maralie Lily Charm said...







Maralie Lily Charm said...












Maralie Lily Charm said...






Anonymous said...

I finally managed to write a well deserved 5 star review on amazon. Also, I stuck the review on my blog. I think maybe I dealt with the characters deaths because basically I'm still in


Like maybe no one who's died in these books will stay dead?

Uh oh. Now come the tears.

Sniffs and cries :'(

Anonymous said...

I say I "managed" a review after such a long time because I "managed" to write a review that didn't contain spoilers. Go me! It wasn't easy, seriously. I wanted to blab!

Hamster said...


Unknown said...

Why You Kill Shudder so violently? Goddammit I wanted him to live, its gay

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I hate you. Hate. You. Got that Derek? Good. WHY RAVEL I LOVE HIM YOU BASTARD

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im Grand Mage damn it didnt hit until now OMG IM GRAND MAGE OF AMERICA you....

Derek god....I never honestly expected it to be true like I thought people were messing until I read it myself and I still....almost a year ago you fired me (October 5th 2012 i know because you fired me the last day of Spirit Week and our school kicked our rival's arse in American football) and now here it is Just...thank you. I'm actually crying well I was when I forget who said to the others I took Bisahalani's place....Damn. Just wow

MonsterMouse said...

Because of you, Derek, my heart hurts. I don't think it will ever recover.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

First time I read when I intereogate Vex I burst out crying in shock for an hour second time around half hour

First time I read golden eyes reveal i scream no curse Derek throw my book it hits Saracen Rue's oicture i burst into tears again cry for an hour and continue reading second time around i choke on iced tea crying

Forst time i read I'm Grand Mage of America I scream and cry running in circles and hit a wall and lay on the ground in shock second time i laugh and cry in shock

I'm still crying it doesnt get better man. It doesnt

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Are you implying /I/ killed Bisahalani, Derek? I qoute Ravel: "Just as they had to spill the blood of their Elders." In reference to the fact I'm a supporter of Ravel....Did I kill Bisahalani?!

Kilandra Xyle said...

I am dead inside. Curse you Derek Landy. May Skuttlebugs and Minions capture you and torture you slowly.

Why must you kill our souls?

Administrator Kestrel LeStarre-Sparrowhawk The Celestial said...

*has just finished literally like ten minutes ago*

First- Ravel deserved what Darquesse did to him.


Third- So much Thrashgrace I want to cry of happiness.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...


1. Now that I read LSODM I dont recall any Elders besides myself and former Grand Mage Bisahalani, American ones that is. Nikki (aka Marissa Spiritheart) wants to know if she can be an Elder on the American Council. I do too I actually want her with me too I promised to ask you if I didn't see any Elders so...

2. Did Ravel appointment me as Grand Mage of America? I got confused I know you said I supported him.

3. My name on the Blog, its okay right? I mean I didn'tknow anything about LSODM when I changed it and in the roleplay I was Grand Mage so thats what made me change it I'm kinda scared because it is now a spoiler but I didn't know!

4. Not a question but, ok it is, I am a Necromancer remember that!

5. Celine (Serephia) says thanks for putting her in the book see I can't even tweet that to you!

6. If I'm in Book 9 can we propose a deal to not kill me off unless like its vital to the plot? Please? Because you didn't promote me from kindness you got something planned.

Anonymous said...

Pain. So much pain.

But I have to agree with the "Aragorn has sexy stubble".

And I'm rarely attracted to people.

As I was saying . . . Pain . . . Oh the pain . . .

AmericanMinionReborn >:) said...

Now I have to read back and see all the times the Man With the Golden Eyes has appeared, right them down neatly, and high-five myself for finding all them.

AmericanMinionReborn >:) said...

I'm still kind of numb about Ghastly. I'm going to have to reread it later to let it sink in.

Derek Landy said...

Nicolette- "Chicks dig scars" was actually a reference to the Keanu Reeves football movie "The Replacements". The line is "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever."

Dragona- Department X has been in my mind for a while, but when I was searching for a monster from another dimension I remembered what you'd written and I figured "Yeah, why not let Dragona have his moment of glory?" So well done!

Sparky- you can indeed own page 307...!

Suz- Thank you for every one of those 5 stars...!

Zaf! Here we go!

1- Nikki can be a TEMPORARY Elder until further notice. If she's up to the job, she gets promoted to full time...!

2 - No one appointed you- you succeeded Bisahalani (after you'd had him killed...)

3 - It's fine!

5 - No problem!

6 - No promises...!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...



Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I just slowly died Derek I HAD HIM KILLED?! And Nikki is up for it she litterally was on her hands and knees begging me at lunch xD

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

Derek if you do come back...

-I'm pretty sure the party will be on either October 18 or 19, but I need to set that up with you because of time zones, so you might end up having to stay up a bit late for it since you're eight hours ahead of us...

-Just as a warning, there is going to be a lot of people. Like, more people than I thought I knew in total. So that's about 20.

-Fun little fact that I will be a Bride of the Blood Tears covered in blood and stuff as Darquesse and Amanda is going to be alternate dimension Eliza Scorn so that'll be amusing

-I'm pretty sure there's going to be a few minions from here there other than myself, Amanda, and Ariana

-It's basically just going to be really awesome and too many people so just please be prepared

GreyAngel said...

Such a fan of all the books leading up to LSoDM, I mean literally the best fantasy-fiction I've ever read and I cherish it...saying that, I really didn't like this latest book, for the last hundred or so pages I had to restrain myself from screaming into the pages in anger at the sheer lunacy of what was occurring, finished a very disappointed reader.

Sparky Braginski said...




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