Some of you may have heard that a copy or two of LSODM have been sold, despite the embargo. This is, unfortunately, true.
Eight copies were mistakenly sent out ahead of schedule, to the big Forbidden Planet store in London. All eight were immediately sold. No one at Forbidden Planet is to blame, and no one who bought a copy is to blame.
I will only ask those who DID buy a copy to keep it to themselves. I'm asking them not to post spoilers and not to even HINT at anything that happens. I'm pretty confident nothing will leak, because you guys are all really good about this sort of thing, but I need to make sure.
And also, for those eight people out there who now own a copy... I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, August 12, 2013
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«Oldest ‹Older 2401 – 2600 of 4938 Newer› Newest»*helps Mara up, bringing her to the lab and giving her a seat and some warm tea and a blanket* I know- as can I.
*throws him to the floor* How could you even do that?!
Meh I'll think of something
*Skips back onstage* You funny little humans are SO cute! *Gigglesand walks to Harry* Please vacate this particular area Quill. I have some unsettled business with Mr. Styles here... Mainly including his head rolling along the floor... *Giggles again*
*Giggles and
First, I want my answer.
Liam: *yells* Harry! Oh my God! Get that girl off him!
Zayn: *pulls Quill away from Harry* Please, you'll kill him!
Louis: Harry! *runs over* Oh my God, someone get an ambulance!
Niall: *is shaking*
After when his head is rolling!!
Oh dear... *closes her eyes* Things have certainly taken a turn for the worse.
*calls out into the dark* Trip? Or rather, Castalan! I know you're bloody out there!
*opens her eyes, looking back into the microscope*
*Looks back at band members* *Skips towards Niall*
Harry: *coughs* W-Who are you? *stares, terrified*
Niall: *steps backwards* No... No, please...
Liam: *cries* Niall, no! *runs over to him*
Niall: THIS IS NOT THE CRAIC! *hysterical*
*slips away from Zayn, almost punches him in the face*
I'm Quill Penwagon, and I want an answer!
*growls, making a portal* okay, stop.
Mara: Adra.. *clutches at head* Oh my God, he's hurt, he's hurt, no, no, no, Adra...
*Sings* Niall! Liam! Wanna play?
*runs around, pushing he band members into the portal, closing it and sending them far away*
Judi, stop this nonsense
*Pouts* No! I wanna play!!
You aren't going to, Judhipor. I've made sure of that
Dad would've gutted him on the spot...
Fine... I'll play with you then!! *Kicks Adra's stomach*
Quill- now isn't the time for violence. You both have just made a huge mess of things- and you are lucky you don't have to clean it up
*into the microphone* SHOW'S OVER! Everybody OUT!
*rolls backwards, pulling her sword out as she does* Don't test me, Judhipor
Zayn: *backs off*
Harry: *stares at camera* My Mara...
*looks up at Quill* Who did this to her?! I'll kill them!
I should a hit him with the microphone stand, I heard that hurts.
No, Quill! Not now! You have done enough!
(Hi Snow)
Hi Snow!
But a girl just wants to have fun!
*Pulls out knives and throws them at Adra*
Niall: *shrieks* *hides behind Liam*
Liam: Um, Ms. Penwagon... no thank you. *shakes his head fimly, yet uncertainly*
Zayn: *mutters* I have experience.
Louis: Harry, are you okay?
(!@#$!! when i was choosing a last name, it was gonna be quill or stormberg. obviously, it was stormberg... but!)
Sorry I poofed.
*dodges them easily*
*to the guys* BOYS. *points* IN THE PORTAL. NOW.
*appears above bar and falls*
gah.. g2g
*Flips away and jumps through portal* Hi guys! *Giggles*
Harry: *eyes widen*
Cara? But... But she's...
*mouth drops open*
She must've thought when I said "date" I meant dinner, not an actual... date...
*rubs face with hands* Jesus Christ..
*grumbles* Well there goes my day.
Bye Snow!
*grabs Judi, pulling her back* STOP IT!
Bye Snowsef!
You idiot! *kicks him in the face*
im back from my quest
Louis: Harry, c'mon, quick!
Harry: *attempts to stand up* Shit.. *falls back down* Uhh. That hurt. *winces*
Louis: *mutters* *picks Harry up bridal style* *grunts* *stumbles through portal*
*Niall, Liam and Zayn run through portal*
QUILL, STOP! *throws her aside*
(We're in America)
*shuts the portal*
*Kicks Adra's knee* No! I'm not stopping!! *Runs over to Liam and Niall*
Bye Snow!
Harry: Ow! Stop! Cara's just a friend! Nothing more!
*lands roughly but robustly* That bastard...
*walks into wall* penguins
and i am back!
*Pouts and turns to Harry*
*closes the portal BEFORE anyone can get through, cough cough*
*takes a microphone stand, hitting Judi in the face with it* *growls*
Liam and Niall: *yelp*
Mara: *teleports out*
Judi. Go. Away. *glares*
Not now. You can play later. But not. Right. Now.
Harry: *watches Mara*
Mara: *takes Liam and Niall's hands* *teleports away from Judi*
*Kicks Adra again* No microphones! Ow!
(Sorry... I'm at school... Being distant and almost got my iPod taken away from me when I tried to reply...))
Mara: *warns* Judi. Not Harry either. Or Zayn. Or Louis. Or Adra. Or Quill.
((Hi snow!))
hello snow
((Death, be careful :/ don't get in trouble because of roleplaying! *hugs*))
*grabs her sword, stabbing her through the shoulder, twisting and kicking her away* back off
*Pouts* Fine. I'll play later! *Shrieks and falls to her knees, clutching head*
and now i have to go again...
sometimes i dont know why i bother...
Hey Snow!
Snow :( *hugs*
Oh, bye Snow...!
Mara: Good. Bye, Judi.
Sorry another poof.
*Looks up* I hate that crazy bitch...
Hi/bye Snow!
*helps Rose up* Come on... *draws a portal to her lab* I'll fix your shoulder
Mara: Hey Death. Welcome back.
Niall: What is the craic? *starts shaking* WHAT IS THE CRAIC?!
Liam: Niall, shhh, it's okay. Calm.
Harry: *looks away*
i found sherlock
Yay how a about this?
I need to chat to Dad... *punches a an amp, smashing through it's casing, goes through the portal*
((JUBI *hugs*))
*glances at Quill, helping Rose through to the lab, sitting her down*
*gets out a medical kit*
Hi Jubi!
MARA!!! *Supermegatacklehugosfdoom*
Where was he, Ed?
Hi jubs
QUILL!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
he never left, he is my true name
*Groans* Sorry... Thanks... I... I don't understand what she's doing... She's taking control more... *Grimaces*
ARGH! *waves hands in the air, walks out*
Finally I found something that works...
ADRA!!!!!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
And now I'm happy.
hello jubi
EDWARD!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*
*celebrates with Dragona*
*raises eyebrows at Ed*
*begins to put oils and remedies into Rose's shoulder, then stitches it up* There... Give it 48 hours
Harry: I still love you. *whispers*
Mara: *tenses* *starts to shake* Stop it..
gtg now, bye
Bye Ed.
*glances at the boys, then back to her work*
I don't know whether I should be proud of being the king of a race that has the immune system of an inanimate object, but I just think they look cool.
*sits in the bar* Where's Trip when you need him?
*Grits teeth* Sorry... And yeah.. I will... *Sighs heavily* I hate her... I'm going to have to let her tire herself out... I'm really, really sorry...
Bye Ed!
Wait- NOW??
And I'll search soon, Quill. I'm trying to think.
Bye Ed...
*throws cheese at everyone*
Bob: Drops down from the ceiling* I know right?
Quill: Dad! *hugs*
Bob: *hugs back* Hello pumpkin.
*eats all the cheese*
wow I'm really craving cheese now..
No... Not now... Later... When she takes over again, let her tire herself out... She's restless and banging in my head...
I could try and help find Trip.
Oh. Whoa.
Oh dear, Jubi...
And okay, Rose.
Perhaps you should preserve your energy and try not to rest. A weak body could not be helpful to her
Bob: Yes Adra?
Harralie! D:
*Smiles softly* Sounds like a good idea... Thanks... *Closes eyes and rests head against the wall*
Cheese. And now I just need a better catchphrase.
As in. *shakes Rose* DON'T sleep
*Shakes head* Nope! Staying awake... *Blinks rapidly*
Harry: *starts singing softly* You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you..
Mara: *gasps* D-Don't. Harry. Stop. *tears fall down cheeks*
Adra, no. Sacred Bob.
((*hugs Fabi*
Harralie D:))
((You'll hate my MC chapter.. oh god))
Bob: Well, I was actually in disguise. In case you don't remember, I'm actually head of the combined military. Quite a sadistic weirdo? I was pretty damn genocidal to those demons, remember?
*arrests Quill for genocide*
*glances at Mara* Harry, please. Leave her be. She is still hurt
oh no...
Oh right...
Dragona, can you even arrest people?
Um, that was Bob, not me. Anyway, it was war, it wasn't strictly genocide, more like a really bloody battle.
Technically no but oh well.
Staying awake... *Yawns* I'm not sleepy...
Um, that was Bob, not me. Anyway, it was war, it wasn't strictly genocide, more like a really bloody battle.
*starts interrogating Bob*
[hugs back]
(((((OhmygoshIhaveareallyreallyevilideaOMGG. It doesn't work for MC, though. Quite possibly Shunting Experiment, though... If I change parts. Or as a dimension. Or SOMETHING! ButreallyIhavetouseitbecauseEEEEEEEEEEEE)))))
It's good to see you Dad. What's it been? Four months?
**gives Rose a drink* I know you don't like needles... So this has the energy in this can keep you awake for three days.
All back to normal.
*Smiles and takes drink* Thanks... *Grimaces at the thought of needles*
*punches Dragona across the face, releases Bob* Ya dumb prick. (Just rp, love ya big guy!)
Harry: *murmurs, more to himself than anyone else* Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh..
Mara: *screams* Shut up! *snaps fingers* *summons light* *holds it up to Harry's face* You CAN'T just SING our song after what you've done!
Harry: *looks into Mara's eyes* *kisses her*
Mara: *gasps*
Bob: We need to catch up! *gets onto a seat* One bottle of Tumblesoz please Adra. And two glasses.
*punches Quill back and kicks in the stomach* Dragona does not take kindly to being punched. The last person who punched him he threw out of a plane. :P
0.0 Harralie?????
*gets Bob his drinks*
It's on me...
*drags Dragona from the bar* You're out.
Well, you just punched the wrong person.
Bob: All right every one calm down, I just want to have a nice reunion with my daughter, no fighting, is that okay?
*Hums quietly*
*turns into the dark shadow and ponders killing Bob*
Bob: Thanks Adra. *pours two glasses, sips his* So, what've you been up to? Meet any boys you like the look of?
(Seriously Dragona? *sighs*)
Hell yeah. :D
*pokes Rose*
Dragona, stop. Please.
Da-ad. *blushes*
Bob: What? If there's a guy, I think I should be allowed to know about him!
*Stops humming* Im dizzy...
*changes back into Dragona and wanders around aimlessly*
*spontaneously combusts*
Mara: *pulls away* *stares, horrified, at Harry*
Harry: *eyes widen* Oh, God, Mara, I'm so-
Mara: *kisses him again*
No,there isn't a guy. I've been on a few dates, nothing serious. And yourself? Met any warrior ladies ya fancy?
Omg my sister got struck by lightning
No. Lie.
She's okay she is burnt and my nephew got thrown 5ft in the air
*quietly ships Harralie*
Thank you, Dragona.
In fact, if you are so bloodthirsty I would rather you fight me than them
(Oh my God Zaff...))
Bob: Come on, I know you're only doing that to tease me. You /know/ I'm too wrapped up in my job to get into love.
Quill: Hey, Trip managed.
Hehe, sorry Mara. [hugs]
(That's pretty cool Zaf! Well, not cool,but you know what I mean.*
Oh my gosh, Zaf! D:
(Shocking Zaf!)
Bob: Yeah, well Trip's Trip.
I guess you have a point...
I should go now. Bye!
Did you just say that was shocking.
Bob: Speaking o' Trip, he been payin' you enough? You may owe him a life debt, but that still doesn't mean he can swindle ya!
Yes Dad, I'm being pages /more/ than enough.
(Yes, yes I did.)
((OH MY GOD ZAF THAT'S HORRIBLE! D: I hope they're both okay! *hugs*))
Mara: Uhm.
Harry: *is in shock* You kissed me.
Mara: Mhm.
Harry: Wow.
Mara: Sorry..
Harry: *takes Mara's hands in his* What are /you/ sorry about? Mara, I started this mess. And I'm sorry.
Mara: *looks into Harry's eyes* This is cheesy.
Harry: *laughs* Yeah, it is.
Mara: *hugs him* I missed you.
Harry: *hugs her back* I missed you, too.
Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis: *hoot in the background, as they do*
Louis: GET SOME!
Niall: KEEP IT PG!
Mara: Let me cut you off right there.
Liam: *sheepishly* Sorry.
*laughs* Oh Liam.
*sneaks back into the 1D love fest*
*nudges some random person* Which one are you?
Bob: God thay're makin' a racket eh?
Dad, why are you here?
Niall: Huh? Oh, hello. I'm Niall. I'm, well, the Irish one.
Bob: Well... You know I thought you'd know by now, but hey! You see, a hundred or so years ago, my mother and my father decided they wanted a child, so they-
Quill: Dad, let me cut you off right there, that's not what I meant. Why are you /here/, in Trip's Tavern?
*waves* Hi! I'm Adra.
*pokes another* And you?
Bob: Oh, same as you I guess. One o' me lads detected an energy spike, and I immediately knew something' was up with Trip. I came here, his in the rafters until he arrived. But he never turned up, and then you arrived, and said he hadn't come into work this mornin'.
Niall: Hello, Adra. *smiles*
Zayn: I'm Zayn Malik. From Bradford.
M*begins to chant* HAR- RA- LIE! HAR- RA -LIE! HAR-RA- LIE!
Any leads? I've got nothing.
Bob: I thought you said you didn't want to follow Trip, as it would be a fool's gambit.
Quill: Got any leads? *grins*
*doesn't know*
*sashays from the room*
*sashays to the bar*
Bob: Ye're just too quick witted for me ain't ya?
Quill: No, but you're about as quick witted as a stick, so anyone is quick witted in comparison.
*both laugh*
Oh, btw, not trying to ignore anybody or anything, but as I said, I'm tired, and drifting on and off. Also I'm not in the same place as any of you, I don't think....
*raises an eyebrow* you two are kind.
*hugs Fabi*
Mara: *looks at Adra* What?
Harry: *shrugs* I have no idea...
((I was talking to Quill and Bob))
You know, I may be able to calm him down a bit. I don't know for how long...
Bob: Ye can try lass, and get your a self killed in the process! He needs to get his revenge, or this will boil inside him.
Trip will return in his own time, but until then, I want to keep an eye in him.
((No, about the Harralie bit. Why? XD))
Of course.
Which I can attempt to do.
Even if I do get killed, at list it will have made the bit of difference.
*gathers up her things* I shall be leaving you two to go set up an area
Why not, Mars?
I rather thought the boys would join in the chanting but whatever
I won't let you die 'trying', you're to important to him.
Well good then- because I don't plan on dying.
*appears by everyone* okay whats going on?
Well, okay then... :P
Yeah Mara. *hint hint hint*
And ... I have no idea. Saving Tripster I think. And Harralie.
You won't plan on it, but it /will/ happen. You don't exactly have to be an empath to see how angry he is.
(Hi Zaf!)
[hugs Adra back]
[waves to Zaf]
[floats around aimlessly]
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