Monday, July 29, 2013

The Last Of Us

I've been pretty busy these last few weeks, while at the same time trying my best to take some time off.

Apparently, time off is a good thing. Time off is necessary. We released The Maleficent Seven at the start of the year, and we're gearing up to the release of Last Stand of Dead Men in EXACTLY one month's time. That's two books out in the same year, one written straight after the other, not to mention one or two other short stories for various things yet to be announced. So I've pretty much been working nonstop since November of 2012. Wow. When I say it like that, I suddenly start to feel very tired...

I'm still waiting to hear back from Harper Collins on things like the back cover reveal, and possibly putting up a sample chapter or two. I also need to pick a date for a VERY informal reader get-together in Dublin over the next few weeks. When I said I'd do this back in April I had no idea I'd be so busy, so hopefully I'll still be able to fit it in. Oh, and in a matter of days I'll be posting the tour schedule for LSODM, which will be kicking off at the Edinburgh Book Festival on August 25th- where copies of the new book WILL be on sale.

I normally HATE early releases, but seeing as how it's only a difference of four days PLUS the fact that the Edinburgh audience never reveal spoilers, I don't mind this at all.

Er... I think I've strayed from the point of this Blog entry... what was it again?

Yes! Time off! That's it!

So, I haven't ACTUALLY been able to take any time off, but then I've never been one for taking holidays. However, I have managed to watch a few movies in the evenings, and watch a few TV shows to relax, and to play a few video games. And THAT is the point of this Blog entry.

Over the past few months, I've played two very good games. Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider. I've talked about these games in an earlier post. Of the two, I preferred Tomb Raider. It just felt more visceral. The gameplay was excellent, the atmosphere was amazing, and the tension was nerve-shredding. But apart from all that, it was the character work that stood out. Tiny emotions flickering across Lara Croft's face, paired with such wonderful voice acting, meant that I really cared about her. I liked her, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. In contrast to the gritty, naturalistic world of Tomb Raider, Bioshock was hugely imaginative fun with great gameplay, stunning visuals, and a great supporting character. The best supporting character in video games, I reckoned.

And then came The Last Of Us.

The Last Of Us is survival horror. 20 years after the outbreak of a fungal virus that latches onto a person's mind and drives them insane, the world is in ruins. Survivors gather in quarantined cities. Life is miserable. Life is cheap. Death is quick, cruel, and common. But outside the walls of the cities, it's even worse. That's where the Infected roam.

(A fungal virus sounds pretty laughable, right? Type 'Cordyceps' in to any search engine. Read up on what it does to ants. Now imagine what it'd do to people.)

You control Joel, a man in his 50s who has to escort Ellie, a 14 year old girl, across America. They go from city to town to suburb to countryside to mountains, and not only do they have to avoid the Infected, they have to avoid most of the other survivors as well. Because these are NOT nice people.

This is a game that combines the best elements of both Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite. The world is grim and gritty but so, so beautiful. Lush greenery spills up from cracked cement. The sky is a million shades of orange at dusk. But the action is brutal. And the supporting character is astonishing.

Play this game for a few hours and you'll start to really care about Joel and Ellie. Play it for a few hours more and you'll find yourself terrified. You'll hear the clicking of the Infected around you as you crouch in the darkness, and you'll freeze in fear. Why? Because you want to keep Ellie safe. That's ALL you'll care about.

This is one of the best games I've ever played. Is it the most fun? No, that'd probably go to one of the Uncharted games, just for sheer entertainment. But this is definitely the scariest, the most tense, and the most involving. It sucks you in and it doesn't let you go. This is a masterpiece of gaming that will be used as a benchmark for all games that come after, and as a piece of storytelling it succeeds where so many other stories fail.

It's brilliant. If you're over 18, then ready yourself, and go play it.


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Alexis said...

Hey Niccolo where you born during the Medieval Period?

Noelle said...


Let's make a mutual agreement to not even go into Supernatural and Sherlock.

Dragona Pine said...

Doomsday was the best episode ever. The Daleks and the Cybermen meeting was great.

My favourite character would have to be... hm. I have plenty.
Larten Crepsley from Cirque Du Freak.
The Doctor (basically for comedy value).
Batman, just because he's plain awesome.
Tali'Zorah from Mass Effect.
Lord Loss from the Demonata.
Spongebubba from TimeRiders (just because, really)

And I have a few more but they're the main ones (in no particular order)

Edward Fletcher said...

agreed adra

Niccolò Croatoan said...

I was born just before the start of the renaissance. Why?


Alexis said...

We domt watch those shows. So fine by me.

Dragona Pine said...

Amy and Clara were weird and rather annoying, though Rory was funny. K-9 was by far the best of the Doctor's assistants. End of story.

Niccolò Croatoan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Noelle said...

No, Cas....
NO!!! *hits a wall* DO NOT THINK ABOUT THAT

Alexis said...

Oh my gosh!!!! I love that time period in history! *grins* You have to tell me what it was like growing up then.

Noelle said...

Dead people. Lots of death. And dirt.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*smirks* what the 1800's arent cool?

Dragona Pine said...

Secondary question: Who is the character you can connect to and understand the most out of anything you've watched/seen/played?

Alexis said...

Uhm....none. Yeah none. I think the weird silence hit. I hooe I didnt scare Niccolo.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I dont have a character I can totally relate to

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis we may have scared Niccolo

Alexis said...

Oops. Didn't mean to.

Noelle said...

Augustus waters, I think.

Edward Fletcher said...

we need a threat in the roleplay

Noelle said...

Not necessarily

Dragona Pine said...

Admittedly most characters make stupid decisions so tbh I'd say Shepard from Mass Effect just because you can choose how he reacts and therefore eliminates the fact that characters make stupid decisions.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Augustus Waters... *sobs hysterically*


Noelle said...

*hugs Mara*

Dragona Pine said...

I vote that there should be a zombie invasion.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Edward we are better off peaceful now. We had enough threats from Alastair to demons. Peace is nice.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

I don't know... The people I seek to emulate most are Scathach, L, and Nikola Tesla (he is not fictional), just long dead). Actually, I don't usually tell people about Scathach, because I'm always afraid they just won't get it... I never recommend the series she's from to my friends, which I know is selfish of me, but I don't care. She's only a minor-ish character, so I'm afraid people won't think as highly of her as I do. Honestly, though... I can't even describe how much these three people mean to me, each in their own way, but I'd say I personally emulate Scatty the most. I started wearing cargo pants- I say it's because of the convinience of the pockets, and it partially is- but mostly just because of her. I cut my hair because of her. I'm training to be a Krav instructor because of her. I don't look for myself in characters, or other people, so there isn't really one I relate to totally like that, but those are the people I emulate. And I think the one I've come the closes to thus far, even though it's not even humanly possible to achieve her level of awesome, is Scathach.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

No. Just let there be PEACE okay?

Javier: *holds Zaf protectively* lets not

Edward Fletcher said...

back later

Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hugs Adra back*


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Sorry, I just had to come on and type the whole rant thing, because fictional characters mean so much to me, and I'm going to go now because if I start thinking about this too much I'll just cry again. (No, I do not cry all the time, or all that easily, it's just that we always end up talking about deep stuff that's very important tot me.)


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ah Ari. I can't even

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Well if you need any of us come back Ari...I can detach Alexis from Niccolo

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Thanks, Zaf. Alexis isn't doing anything wrong, don't worry. :)


Alexis said...

I'm not? YAY! So I am not in trouble for stealing one of Niccolo's knives?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Good.....woah what you took one of Coco's knives?! AGAIN?! *sighs* You are so going to end up hurt one day.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Alexis, like he said- he can hear you breathe. He knows when you're trying to steal his knives. He made, like, a ton of extras because he knows you like trying to steal them and he doesn't see the point of constantly having to stop you.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Bye Edward and Dragona! (I know this comment is very late, sorry!!)


Alexis said...

Poopy head. *glowers* I really was sneaky though. How does he hear so well? *goes and picks up Olivia* hey it's Olivia!

Noelle said...

*hugs Aretha as well, standing up*
*her fingers twitch* I'm good now.

I think.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: he is pretty smart I give credit *still doesnt let go of Zaf*

Afraid ill lose it?

Javier: yes

Alastair Cruciatus said...

His senses are abnormally strong. He could make out a conversation half a mile away if he wanted to. He can see just as well, too, and darkness doesn't affect his sight. Same with all his senses, actually. But he tunes them down a bit, otherwise everyday life would be incredibly overwhelming, and he doesn't make a big deal about it.

*hugs back* You mean with the insanity thing? You fixed it?


Noelle said...

I've managed to contain it for a while- I imagine long enough for me to go on that date- but that is about it.

Alexis said...

I always wanted to see in the dark. So I guess he could tell how nervous Momma was laying beside him. Hmm. *grins* Olivua hasn't taken her eye off him. I think she wants to be held by him.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

"Fight Club became the reason to cut your hair short, and trim your fingernails." My reason is Scatty. Well, I keep my fingernails long- they're nice for scratching peoples' eyes out. She always chewed her fingernails, and I don't do that, but I chew my fingers... It's weird, yeah. And I'm going to shut up about the characters thing now. I just had to post this somewhere, or I would keep thinking about it.


Alastair Cruciatus said...

What is it, exactly, Adra? Do you know?


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

If Trip ever comes. I have Javier who constantly is here mentally and physically. I'm not allowed to be left alone for my own good.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


and then eat your brains.... WITH MAH DINOSAUR POWERS!!!!!!!!! >:D

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Zafira Kerias is mine i have a pictire of me holding my Sonic screwdriver

Alastair Cruciatus said...

I don't have a Skype! Sorry! Or a Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram, or any of those other things kids these days love so much... See, this is why I feel old... Sixteen year olds should not be using the term 'kids these days'.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Ari omg i just realized you live like 6hrs away from me

Noelle said...

Adrasdos.dark I think...

And, um- locked away.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

Ohmygosh, that's so cool!! When I learn to drive I am so coming to see you for a weekend!


Alastair Cruciatus said...

But what is locked away? Maybe we can help you, but we have to know what it is.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg yes!!!! I'm in Pennsylvania right by Pocono Raceway actually lol. Thats like the best landmark i got

Alastair Cruciatus said...

I'm in Connecticut, an hour away from New York City. Unless there's a lot of traffic. And when I say a lot, I mean like a parking lot. One time, when I was little, it took us 4 hours to drive there...


Noelle said...

I don't know! Honestly! I don't. All I know is that I meditated, and when I woke up... I knew that it was contained.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Omg i'm an hour and half from NYC...this means we are closer then i imagined :O ROAD TRIP WHEN YOU CAN DRIVE

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Tank yoo Adraaa :P


My cousins live in Connecticut
and they're visiting tonight xP

Alastair Cruciatus said...

YESSS THAT IS TOTALLY HAPPENING!!! Are you, by any chance, going to NYCC?

Ok. Well, we can try to work with that. I guess, just, meditate a lot, if you can... And we'll try to figure it out.


Noelle said...

Yeah yeah... *Sits up* Wait... I should go ahead and get ready... *curses* Four hundred years and still the age-old question: "What to wear"?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im not yet but it isnt far

Alexis said...

Ewww that date....I rather die then be on to suffer reading that. *walks with Olivia elsewhere*

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis! *shakes head* I hardly blame her.

Javier: yeah...this is going to be a boring night.

Noelle said...

*ignores Alexis* *rummages through her wardrobe* 1600s... 1700... 1800s... 20's... 40's... 80- *pauses* Paul Stanley home made costume. Nope.
*tosses it behind her*

Noelle said...

Yeah, well screw you all I can rip your eyes out if you'd rather

Alexis said...

*walks by lake holding Olivia* Yeah no I'm leaving once the date starts. No point sitting around watch that stupid date of people who dont belong together. *continues to walk* Least Coco isn't near me, I hope.

Alastair Cruciatus said...

*grins* There's always the option of shopping!


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*rolls eyes* Yeah well not everyone wants to read the date, Alexis obviously doesn't and when she isn't holding the baby she'll get it.

Javier: let me handle Alexis, Zaf. I do not need you killing our firstborn.

Noelle said...

Aretha... *giggles* Of course there is

Noelle said...

I'd like to point out the improper use of "firstborn" in that sentence

Alexis said...

*goes back by everyone* I like shopping! Or am I not allowed?

Noelle said...

Oh- wait. I read Olivia, not Alexis. Sorry.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Oh god...
I just saw the trailer for sherlock



it was also way. too. short.

Alexis said...

Yeah I'm the firstborn, not Olivia.

Noelle said...

Yes I know. I know what it means- I've had quite a while to figure English out

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: we need to have a son. We do.

Oh god do you think I can handle a third one?

Javier: just a thought. Though I am perfectly happy with two beautiful daughters.

Alexis said...

*sighs* Dating....not gonna be allowed no matter who I like.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: *teleports into Blogland with Harry, giggling*

Harry: *whispers in Mara's ear*

Mara: *laughs* *blushes*


Alexis said...

I think I upset Ari. Oops.

Hi Mara

Noelle said...

Hmm. It appears that Aretha has poofed. Maybe. Perhaps not.

*digs through more and more of her clothes, as a few old boxes fall on top of her, burying her comically among the clothing, only her feet showing*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hi Alexis! *waves* How are you, love?


Noelle said...


Alastair Cruciatus said...

Back! Sorry, I poofed for a bit there. *tosses clothing aside and grabs Adra, pulling her out* And now we shop! What kind of thing do you want to wear?


Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: Hey, Adra *blushes*

Harry: I ship Harralie too, y'know. *whispers into Mara's ear*

Mara: I would hope so. *laughs*


Alexis said...

Good. I guesses. Just sad because I think I upset Niccolo or Ari. *sits on floor with Olivia* You gonna talk soon, Olivia?

Alexis said...

Can I come Ari? I'm bored.

Noelle said...

PG, Harry. PG.

And semi- formal. That's what Trip said.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: Zaf and I can easily make it R. But we stick to the PG rule

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: *hugs Alexis* Awh, sweetheart, I'm sure you didn't upset anyone.


Alexis said...

I hopes.

Noelle said...

Let's not, Javier.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: of course not. I wouldn't and with Zaf the eay she is it is unwise to

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Harry: *winks at Adra* I promise.

Mara: *smiles at Harry* You know, it's my birthday in three days.. *grins*
(Mara was born on my Blogversary many years ago XD)

Harry: *smirks* Well, we'll just have to see what you get, won't we?



Alexis said...

Can Olivia talk already? Please Olivia? Talk? *the baby gurgles* I guess not.

Noelle said...

*gives Harralie a look* Hem... Birthdays...

Alexis said...

I know! I'll teach you how to say 'Coco'! C'mon Olivia you can learn! Or I can race you and see how far we goooo!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: *stares at Adra* Are you implying what I think you're implying?

Harry: *smirks* I think she is.

Mara: Shut up. *swats at Harry*


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Alexis she barely can crawl. She isn't going to start talking that fast crazy.

Noelle said...

*blinks* No- what were you implying that I was implying?

Alexis said...

Are you talking about making babies? I know how they come! The stork places them inside the mommy!

Noelle said...

*eyes widen* That the...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Very good Alexis!

Javier: *hugs Zaf close* Hey there maybe...?

*nods* Fine.

Noelle said...

*eyes widen further* WHAT THE

Alexis said...

Well see Adra the stork places the baby to grow in the mommy. But see Niccolo was born in a cocanut thats why we call him Coco!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: Oh my gosh. *goes red* Umm.

Harry: Awkward. *tries not to grin*


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*Grins then starts laughing*

Noelle said...

*dives back into the pile of clothes* can we not

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

this just got very strange...

Alexis said...

What? I just was saying how it is!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((W H A T









I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

And you are ABSOLUTELY right, Alexis...

Maralie Lily Charm said...


((JUBI *hugs*
Stop laughing it's quite awkward))

Mara: Of course, Alexis... *smiles*


Alexis said...

I wonder how the stork got Niccolo in the cocanut....I should ask him.

Noelle said...

Um. Yes. *pops out from under the pile* Um. I guess we aren't going shopping. That's okay- I have centuries worth of clothes. Though most of them are undesirable.

*moves to the back of the closet, pulling out a knee- high green dress* hmm... Maybe.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Go ahed!

Alexis said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*buries face in hands and tries not to laugh too loud*

Jophiel said...

*Hums Holes in our Heart*

Alexis said...

Hi Deathy!!!

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

DEEAAATTHHH!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*


Jophiel said...

*Stops singing* Hi Alexis

Jophiel said...

Hai Jubab

Noelle said...

Hey Rose

*begins to hum Shakira*
*realizes that she is standing in a closet so She Wolf isn't really a good choice*

Jophiel said...

Hey Addy

Alexis said...

Guess what Deathy? I know how Niccolo was born, he came from a cocanut!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara and Harry: Hi Death!

Harry: Well, I should be going back now.. I have to record for our new album.

Mara: Oh... *chews on lip* Right.

Harry: *hugs Mara* I wish I could stay longer.

Mara: *hugs Harry back* Mhm.

Harry: Well, thank you for a delightful evening out, Miss Charm. *bows*

Mara: *smiles sadly* Thank you for bringing me out on a date, Hazza.

Harry: *hugs again* I love you, okay? See you tomorrow.

Mara: Wait. *clutches onto Harry's t-shirt* Don't go.

Harry: Hmm?

Mara: Please. Stay with me tonight. You don't have to leave.

Harry: *looks at Mara* I don't know, love, I mean, Modest! will kill me...

Mara: Oh.. Okay then.

Harry: ... Okay. I'll stay, if you really want me to.

Mara: Oh, Hazza. *hugs back tightly* Thank you.

Harry: It's okay. *says softly* As long as you are.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

So Alexis how did Niccolo get out of the cocanut?

Noelle said...

*begins to fucking sob at the Harralie*

Hai Brave.

Alexis said...

Well the cocanut pooped him out because he was a human. *giggles*

Noelle said...

*blinks* *mumbles* 10:30...

Maralie Lily Charm said...



Alexis said...

He forgots .i bet.

Wheres Coco when I need him

Jophiel said...

Niccolò was born... In a coconut?! *Imagines and falls to the ground laughing* WHO TOLD HER THAT?!

*Stops laughing and cried over Harralie*

*Waves to Brave*

Noelle said...

You should read My Immortal- an HP fanfic. I was sobbing.

And he didn't. He's just got his hands full I bet

Alexis said...

I did! Its true! Why do you think Coco doesnt hug people? He is a cocoanut!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...



Maralie Lily Charm said...













yeah okay whatever I'm sorry))


Noelle said...

Hey Dragona

Hey Fabilous

Maralie Lily Charm said...

(FABIIIIIII *hugs*))


Ulcabhán Brave said...

Hi death haven't saw you in a couple months. How is life? I hope it's treating you well...

i can threaten it if its not if you like :)

Alexis said...

Olivia gonna talk!

Olivia: *makes baby sounds trying to copy Alexis*

co. Co. Say it! Coco!!!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Coco is Coco Loco and he needs to be on for that....omg

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Hey Dragona and Brave :)

Sorry I missed you earlier bc fanfics))



Jophiel said...

Life being a b*tch. *Shrugs* Thursdays are always hardest... Otherwise, I've been grand! And yourself Brave? *Hugs*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Adra. [hugs]

MARAA! [hugs]

Death! [hugs]

Hello Brave! [tacklehugs]

Hi Zaf! [hugs]

Hello anyone else.

[hugs anyone who wants a hug]


Dragona Pine said...

Just to point it out there's a new part of my mass effect fanfic up for the two people on here who actually seem to be following the story.

It seems weird. I got five comments on the first part and all were positive and yet the same people don't seem to have continued reading it. Oh well. :)

Noelle said...

Mara.. You crazy Fangirl *laughs* *puts on a knee- high blue dress and sits in front of a mirror* those were the days. Oedipus Rex was scandalous. It was a primitive 50 Shades kind of

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: maybe we'll go out tomorrow if you behave Zaf.

Just us?

Javier: *smiles* we'll see. Maybe Niccolo can keep an eye on Alexis for an hour whilst i take you out. Otherwise we can take her *runs hand through her hair* you know your hair is growing back to its length before he burnt it all off

Alexis said...

Momma Olivia needs her diaper changed,

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*walks in wearing a semi-casual light blue suit, no tie and a white shirt, unbuttoned at the top button*



I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

Sorry Guys...
I poofed...
I had to do chores *Shivers*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hello Trip, Jubi.

Wbd, writing.


Ulcabhán Brave said...

hanks for the tackle hug Fabi. *re-tacklehugs*

I'm OK Rose thanks for asking.

I forgot to say hi to everyone.


OK now i'm happy.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Oh, I can look after her Javier. Depends on the time though...

But I could get started teaching her or something.


Noelle said...

*blushes* Someone looks put together.
*turns* Hi

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*sighs and goes and picks Olivia up and leaves with her coming back a few minutes later* someone ate a lot didnt she? *sits down holding Olivia close*

Javier: *goes by Zaf and Olivia* the tiny one is clean?

Yes she is.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hey Jubi.


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Javier: thanks Trip.

Dragona Pine said...

Have any of you ever decided it was a good idea to put random things in a cake? The other day I put chocolate and beetroot. It was pretty nice, though I don't like beetroot. Still nice.

Dragona Pine said...


Alexis said...

Trip Niccolo was born from a cocanut

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hi. Ready to go?


Ulcabhán Brave said...


Whoops Typo.

I really want to get a dedication. I never get them and i have an awesome one lined up. I think.

Alexis said...

Ugh the date. I'm logging iff then. I dont wanna read the stupid date.

Dragona Pine said...

Brave you can ded then.

Ulcabhán Brave said...

A cocanut? really?

well that explains...Nothing. It explains nothing at all.


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Him,that kind of makes sense Alexis. Tell you what, tell me your theory tomorrow, because now, I have to take lovely Adra here out.

Well, I say /have/ to. More like am really looking forward to.

I'll stop now.


Ulcabhán Brave said...


Noelle said...

*stands up, walking over* Of course!

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Loki dokey!


Dragona Pine said...

Brave, I'm fine without the cookies but thanks anyway. :)

Though if you have time to read a few parts of a relatively new story I've started I'd like to know what you think.

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Ashton Irwin @Ashton5SOS: Where are you taco truck :,(

Niall Horan @NiallOfficial said: @Ashton5SOS What the fook is a taco truck ?



Noelle said...

So! Where are we going?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Come along!

I'm sorry, I have no idea how to talk on a date.

*walks to the door*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I was thinking curry? Unless you don't like curry.


Dragona Pine said...

So am I the only one who puts random things in cakes? Cheese, beetroot, apple sauce, ice cream... Only me? Not all at the same time btw.

Maralie Lily Charm said...


*laughs hysterically*


What the fook is a fook? You fooking ruined my fooking life One Di-fooking-rection. Fook you Harry Styles. Fook you Niall Horan. Fook you Zayn Malik. Fook you Louis Tomlinson. Fook you Liam Payne. Fook you One Direction. Fook you Modest!. Fook you world. Fook fook fook fooK FOOK))


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I'm sorry Dragona, but I have to say I do not.


Noelle said...

Never a date? Ever? Not one? Curry's fine for me.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I've had a chocolate potato cake. Does that count?


Dragona Pine said...

Ice cream cake was pretty awesome.

And it does Fabi. Thanks for the idea. ^^

Ulcabhán Brave said...

I dedicate to blogland and blonglandians. the land and its people showed my inner funnieness, bubblieness and confidence. this whole blog means the a LOT to me and without all ye I would just be a dull, sad person.

i dedicate to forgiveness. when i first came i upset some people and mabey annoyed them at times. Two of them are Maralie Lily Charm and Luciana scáth. recently i made up with those to people and i lerned they were to of the moste interesting wonderful people i have ever met along with alot of others. i'm not going to name people because i always forget people and make them sad. *Hits self*

I'm not gonna dedicate to life or foods or music, NO. Imma dedicate to YOU.

Alexis said...

Ugh. Now what? They going on a stupid date. STUPID ADULTS.

Dragona Pine said...

Nice ded Brave. :)

Alexis said...

Nice ded Brave.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Mara: Oh wow. *whispers* Haz, I'm going to stalk Tadrip-or-whatever-shipname-they're-going-with's date.

Harry: Uhm, alright...

Mara: *teleports after them*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well, no, I guess not.*walks out the door, down the path* I've always been so wrapped up in my work, I've only ever had time to laugh at others failing at wooing those they are smitten by, or trying to meet someone to be smitten by, instead of ever really getting involved.


Noelle said...

*raises glass*

We've never claimed to be otherwise, Alexis.

Alexis said...

I dont think the date should be roleplayed. Its rather boring for people who rather gauge their eyes out then have to be here with them roleplaying a date.

Noelle said...

Hmm. Well if you're nervous or anything- don't be. *walks along side him on the path*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

(I like that suggestion, crawling over every detail is going to be a daunting, arduous task)


Noelle said...

*sighs, really trying her best to ignore Alexis and Zafira*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

((Oh. Thanks, Brave. *hugs*

Luci... She didn't reply to my email yet. *isn't sure whether to be worried or not*))


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

I know Alexis but stop complaining and ignore it. Thats what I'm doing. It cant last all night and so god help me if it does im leaving

Dragona Pine said...

I have a suggestion.

*throws cheese at everyone*

Noelle said...

(It would be... And timeful. Which is usually sparse. Time jump?))

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

You know, Quill laughed at me when she said I had a date. To be honest I'm not surprised, I would have laughed at it myself, had I been in her shoes.


Maralie Lily Charm said...

*hides in bush*



Alexis said...

Thanks Trip. I thought it'd save the people who dont want to read their date. I'm one of them. Because in all honesty iys gonna be super boring already.

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