Alexis: *sighs and goes back to Blogland* I GOT A SISTER NAMED OLIVIA! And Momma says that if Niccolo doesnt agree to be godfather she will bitch slap him
She may do whatever she likes- it will not change the fact that Olivia deserves a godfather who is not a mass murderer who might suddenly kill her someday for no apparent reason.
Alexis: Niccolo Croatoan. *steps up to glaring* You are blind! Open your eyes Niccolo. You want to change? Here's a chance! Stop dwelling in the bloody past. Open the eyes boy! Zafira wants you to be godfather, stop denying and say YES. It's not like you have many times to be asked, take advantage.
Alexis: then do it for Zaf. Okay? Niccolo you know she's stubborn she wants this. It doesnt matter what you are, she asked you. Why are you denying something just because of your past? You need to come to reality
Alexis: If you were a killer you'd have killed us all. Niccolo stop making excuses for yourself. Stop denying things because of who you are, if you do you'll be nowhere in life. You can do something good, you can change Niccolo! This is a small step towards good by even agreeing to be Olivia's godfather. You are no killer.
Niccolo, simply the fact that you would turn this offer down on the grounds of what you /did/ shows us all that you are a changed man, who wouldn't hurt Olivia to save his life!
*grabs sonic screwdriver and begins to scan shadows* *looks up in mock dismay* There's only one thing to do... Run! *grabs Death's hand and runs around in circles*
I would not kill anyone to save my life, but that has not stopped me from killing before. Already I can feel the influence of my strongest names. I doubt it will be long before I become someone else entirely.
Alexis: Niccolo. Set up the mental link with Zaf or Aretha or both! They can help you! Two is stronger as one. Please Niccolo *sheds a tear* Niccolo please...*hugs* I dont want to lose you.
*looks at herself in a mirror, then slams her fist into it, the glass breaking and cutting her hand* *Cries furious tears, looking at her shaking red hand, biting her lip to keep from making a sound* *leans up against the wall, letting her arm hand down*
You think I haven't killed Niccolo? You /saw/ me senselessly cut down those demons. Yet, despite my willingness to dive into the fray, people still trust me to keep an entire country safe, and sort of, the whole world.
*goes to a small room and rips a shard from her hand, wiping her eyes- only for it to be useless* *takes out a pair of tweezers, picking out the smaller fragments*
I am sorry, Alexis. I do not recall how I made the link to begin with, and I believe much of it was based on a combination of things I have seen others do in the past, because I seem to have lost the ability to figure out how such a link is even possible.
Trip, I am not simply speaking about the act of senseless killing. I am saying I will become a completely different person. I will lose all of my sanity, and any control I had over myself. And at least you had a reason for killing them- a point to prove. I am in an entirely different situation. I might have even... *takes shaky breath* I am considering the possibility that I may have killed people who were very important to me. Even when you murdered all of those demons, you could grieve for Lorelei, and you kept your feelings for the people you cared about. I am a constant danger to everyone, and no amount of willpower or opportunity will change that.
You know I could explode at any moment right? Literally just blow up, killing everyone in the country, or, possibly, the world. You think you're a danger? I'm a nuclear apocalypse waiting to happen.
Alexis: *screams* NICCOLO YOU NEED TO CONTROL YOURSELF YOU CANNOT GIVE UP! *is crying a lot now* There's a Sensitive up in the Sanctuary who knows about it, my mother spoke to him, go speak to him. *doesnt let go of* please for me? PLEASE? I do not want to lose you to a name! Please Niccolo PLEASE.
GC: Nothing like a good glass of Chateau de Chassilier wine, ay Gessiah?
TJ: You're right there Obediah.
EI: Who'd a thought thirty years ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Chateau de Chassilier wine?
MP: Aye. In them days, we'd a' been glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
GC: A cup ' COLD tea.
EI: Without milk or sugar.
TJ: OR tea!
MP: In a filthy, cracked cup.
EI: We never used to have a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
GC: The best WE could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
TJ: But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
MP: Aye. BECAUSE we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, 'Money doesn't buy you happiness.'
EI: 'E was right. I was happier then and I had NOTHIN'. We used to live in this tiiiny old house, with greaaaaat big holes in the roof.
GC: House? You were lucky to have a HOUSE! We used to live in one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING!
TJ: You were lucky to have a ROOM! *We* used to have to live in a corridor!
MP: Ohhhh we used to DREAM of livin' in a corridor! Woulda' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woken up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House!? Hmph.
EI: Well when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a piece of tarpolin, but it was a house to US.
GC: We were evicted from *our* hole in the ground; we had to go and live in a lake!
TJ: You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and sixty of us living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road.
MP: Cardboard box?
TJ: Aye.
MP: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!
GC: Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY!
TJ: Well we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.
EI: Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, (pause for laughter), drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'
MP: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.
Alexis: Niccolo. Just...please....PLEASE NICCOLO I love you more then anyone besides my have to try! Just please for my mother say yes to being godfather and get yourself help *falls to knees crying*
*shadow walks looking pissed off* *bitch slaps Niccolo across the face* Niccolo Croatoan you march your god damned arse to the Sanctuary and we talk to the Sensitive if I got to force my way in that head of yours to subdue a name i will
*frowns* Zafira, you didn't answer my question. You said you loved Niccolo more than anyone in your family. And I said- even more than your hours old child? And you didn't answer
*stares after Niccolò, frozen and silent for a few moments* *hugs Death, then runs to ladder and quickly climbs down* *yells while running* I'm going to find him! You guys can stay!
*pauses* *lies down, running her hand through her hair* *winces, looking at the blood that has seeped through her bandage* *curses, putting it down, looking up at the stars again*
Now Alexis, if this is in fact the only course of action you believe your mother would take at this point, as agents of the law, and her friends, we have to stop her. Is this true?
*sighs* *with mock-enthusiasm* And the search continues! Look, Alexis- by the logic that she suddenly storms away, Niccolo could very well be doing the same thing- but we can't just assume... *rubs her temples, sighing* I'm too tired for this...
*is wandering somewhere near a bridge in France* I should just die everything I do i cause more pain. I never understood how i got on the Council I cause more trouble then im worth. Niccolo should have stolen my name when he could. It would be better off
*crouches by Alexis* Niccolo will leave a lot at the moment, he's going through a tough time. And Zaf... *breathes out* Zaf has feelings for him, so when he leaves, she'll probably leave too. And Javier.... where is Javier?
Anyway, you have us, for now. I think you are a bloglandian, and we bloglandians look after eachother. Isn't that right Adra?
*Trip closes his eyes and energy snakes down to the bar, getting two hot chocolates from the wheelbarrow. It brinks them up, half pint sized each, with whipped cream and mini-marshmellows*
(Hey Ari!!! *Hugs back*)) *Tilts head and yawns slightly* *Wanders into forest to super secret base* *Sees piece of paper* Since when was that there...? *Starts reading*
Death, I'm making you do all this for a reason. You deserve to be happy. I know that one day, maybe not too far away, you'll be happy again. I know what you are inside and I know your dreams. I know that all you want is to smiles without pain and I've given you that with this drink. Please, you know what you will do, or maybe you won't. It'll get rid of this memory - this drink. Look up. Smile and pose. Death Rose, 5/8/13 *Blinks away a tear and looks up and smiles*
*Flash* *Looks up and sees camera* Ooh... *On the roof there is a sign saying three steps left and walks three steps left and falls down hole* Holy shizz!!
*Lands heavily and looks up three stories above* And I rigged that... Impressive! *Stands up slowly, cursing with broken leg and hobbles forward finding a wall* *Finds light switch and flicks it on* *Looks around* Oh my...
Look, Zafira- we don't have the luxury to have another person die. In case you haven't noticed- but thousands of people are dead. You just had a kid, maybe an hour ago, and you really ought to be resting- believe me, i know. You also have friends who love you and a husband and daughter who need you to be strong.
As for Niccolo- he has his own problems to sort out, and he has Aretha to look after him. You clearly have your own, but you're self sabotaging.
*rips her necklace off* See this, Zafira? It belonged to my mother- it is the only thing I have left of her. *throws it over the side of the bridge* And now it is out of my life- and now it is gone, and I have to let it go. *turns around, making a new portal* When you're quite finished- I'll leave this piece of my soul open so you can hop back. *disappears*
*Stares at all the pages pinned on the walls and several large books standing in a book shelf* *Looks around picks up largest book* *Flicks through pages and gasps, dropping the book onto more pages littered on the floor* Oh my... *Falls to the ground crying*
*walks back inside, almost to tears again, breathing heavily* *slams her hand into a picture frame this time- one of her mother* *rips it from the wall, hurling it as far across the lab as she can*
*with a scream of rage, picks up a crowbar, hitting a machine in her lab, cracking the surface and breaking the wires underneath* *swings again at a stack of bubbling liquids, letting them fall all over the ground*
*stabs through an electrical beacon- a large glowing cylinder that omits energy* *tendrils of energy strike out of the beacon, striking at other points around the room, before the energy re-forms it shape*
«Oldest ‹Older 3001 – 3200 of 4933 Newer› Newest»YAY!!!!
*they stay away for a while and in like 4hrs Zaf is in the hospital holding her second daughter*
What shall we name her?
Javier: Olivia?
Alexis: Olivia! Yes!
Okay, hello baby Olivia.
(I shall keep that G rated on purpose...Derek's wrath...)
Well, at least I didn't need to be involved. The last time I helped deliver a baby...
*breathes out, her own heart racing* Yes, it was.
*gulps back the sharp dryness in her throat* *shakes her thoughts away, blinking rapidly* Man... these stars are pretty aren't they?
Javier: oh crap how do we get news to Blogland
Well we sit here and all think Nicolo's name
Im a pretty princess!!! *Looks very angry as she puts on a sparkly tiara*
Hey Adra?
Your turn, now, Death.
*nods* Good.
*glances over at Trip* Yeah?
Aretha, Truth or Dare?
Alexis: *sighs and goes back to Blogland* I GOT A SISTER NAMED OLIVIA! And Momma says that if Niccolo doesnt agree to be godfather she will bitch slap him
Lilith said you had a child.
*looks at Alexis* Watch your language
*face falls* Yeah... I did, a long time ago... *clenches her fists, looking up at the sky*
you'd better do it Cocco
*Grins at Alexis* Congrats!! *Spins and is suddenly in a pink sparkly ballerina outfit* Im a pretty princess!!!
Um... Dare? There have been a lot of those lately.
She may do whatever she likes- it will not change the fact that Olivia deserves a godfather who is not a mass murderer who might suddenly kill her someday for no apparent reason.
Alexis: Niccolo Croatoan. *steps up to glaring* You are blind! Open your eyes Niccolo. You want to change? Here's a chance! Stop dwelling in the bloody past. Open the eyes boy! Zafira wants you to be godfather, stop denying and say YES. It's not like you have many times to be asked, take advantage.
he does have a point
My comment disappeared...
The subject seems to anger you...
Alexis, I am grateful for the sentiment, but accepting an invitation to be an infant's godfather will do nothing to change what I am.
*looks back up at him* Mostly at me *tries to smile, but fails* I'll probably never forgive myself
*Bites lip*
I dare you to... (Suggested by WarZone) To dress up as the Doctor and spin around saying Doctor Who quotes and attacking random invisible aliens!
Alexis: then do it for Zaf. Okay? Niccolo you know she's stubborn she wants this. It doesnt matter what you are, she asked you. Why are you denying something just because of your past? You need to come to reality
I'd like to press for information, as is my nature, but if you're uncomfortable with it, we can rejoin the truth or dare game.
half here... i shouldnt be....
*nods towards the others* You go, I don't think I'm going to join in.
I am not denying something because of my past, but rather who I am.
Niccolò, people change! Just... Give it a try!! *Is begging* Please!!
Whatever you want to do. *puts hand on her shoulder* Then walks over to the others*
whats going on...?
Alexis: If you were a killer you'd have killed us all. Niccolo stop making excuses for yourself. Stop denying things because of who you are, if you do you'll be nowhere in life. You can do something good, you can change Niccolo! This is a small step towards good by even agreeing to be Olivia's godfather. You are no killer.
*sits with her blanket, watching*
All right, time for the A game.
Niccolo, simply the fact that you would turn this offer down on the grounds of what you /did/ shows us all that you are a changed man, who wouldn't hurt Olivia to save his life!
*shadowboxes, pretending to attack aliens* Allonsy!
*Laughs and hands Aretha new Sonic Screwdriver (Tenth Doctor's)*
*slips away back down the ladder to the lab- SIL.ENT.LY.* *looks at her hands* *Sighs* Every time... *walks around aimlessly*
Snow, they're doing Blogland truth or dare and Niccolo has declined Zaf's offer of being her new born's godfather.
*grabs sonic screwdriver and begins to scan shadows* *looks up in mock dismay* There's only one thing to do... Run! *grabs Death's hand and runs around in circles*
Zaf's had another kid, Oliva, and wants Niccolò to be its godfather and Ari its godmother.
I don't really know Snow. (IT RHYMES) I think we're trying to convince Niccolo to be Olivia's godfather.
*grins* ari, i have a stress tardis and a tardis key ring...
*Laughs and runs with Aretha*
I would not kill anyone to save my life, but that has not stopped me from killing before. Already I can feel the influence of my strongest names. I doubt it will be long before I become someone else entirely.
*slaps niccolo*
who the god damn cares!!! niccolo will be godfarther, not any of the other names!!!
(sorry, i always wanted to to that)
Alexis: Niccolo. Set up the mental link with Zaf or Aretha or both! They can help you! Two is stronger as one. Please Niccolo *sheds a tear* Niccolo please...*hugs* I dont want to lose you.
*looks at herself in a mirror, then slams her fist into it, the glass breaking and cutting her hand* *Cries furious tears, looking at her shaking red hand, biting her lip to keep from making a sound* *leans up against the wall, letting her arm hand down*
((Sorry, Snow- I'm a bit distant! Making a wall and typing for two people!))
Niccolò, just give it a shot. *Winks at him while running* You're quite the admirable person!
You think I haven't killed Niccolo? You /saw/ me senselessly cut down those demons. Yet, despite my willingness to dive into the fray, people still trust me to keep an entire country safe, and sort of, the whole world.
matt smith in a fez
wbvd for a while, will be moving around in school
*goes to a small room and rips a shard from her hand, wiping her eyes- only for it to be useless* *takes out a pair of tweezers, picking out the smaller fragments*
I am sorry, Alexis. I do not recall how I made the link to begin with, and I believe much of it was based on a combination of things I have seen others do in the past, because I seem to have lost the ability to figure out how such a link is even possible.
Trip, I am not simply speaking about the act of senseless killing. I am saying I will become a completely different person. I will lose all of my sanity, and any control I had over myself. And at least you had a reason for killing them- a point to prove. I am in an entirely different situation. I might have even... *takes shaky breath* I am considering the possibility that I may have killed people who were very important to me. Even when you murdered all of those demons, you could grieve for Lorelei, and you kept your feelings for the people you cared about. I am a constant danger to everyone, and no amount of willpower or opportunity will change that.
*wraps up her hand in gauze, sweeping up and wiping the mess, taking the mirror down*
*climbs up the ladder and silently sits back down in her corner*
*to herself* Damn, it's depressing up here, too
You know I could explode at any moment right? Literally just blow up, killing everyone in the country, or, possibly, the world. You think you're a danger? I'm a nuclear apocalypse waiting to happen.
Alexis: *screams* NICCOLO YOU NEED TO CONTROL YOURSELF YOU CANNOT GIVE UP! *is crying a lot now* There's a Sensitive up in the Sanctuary who knows about it, my mother spoke to him, go speak to him. *doesnt let go of* please for me? PLEASE? I do not want to lose you to a name! Please Niccolo PLEASE.
*sinks further into her blanket* I might as well go back down...
Nicolo, I know of all the best clinics in the world for memory loss, and we're going to every last one until you can once again remember yourself.
[Points to Monty Python skit]
MP: Ahh.. Very passable, this, very passable.
GC: Nothing like a good glass of Chateau de Chassilier wine, ay Gessiah?
TJ: You're right there Obediah.
EI: Who'd a thought thirty years ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Chateau de Chassilier wine?
MP: Aye. In them days, we'd a' been glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
GC: A cup ' COLD tea.
EI: Without milk or sugar.
TJ: OR tea!
MP: In a filthy, cracked cup.
EI: We never used to have a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.
GC: The best WE could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
TJ: But you know, we were happy in those days, though we were poor.
MP: Aye. BECAUSE we were poor. My old Dad used to say to me, 'Money doesn't buy you happiness.'
EI: 'E was right. I was happier then and I had NOTHIN'. We used to live in this tiiiny old house, with greaaaaat big holes in the roof.
GC: House? You were lucky to have a HOUSE! We used to live in one room, all hundred and twenty-six of us, no furniture. Half the floor was missing; we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of FALLING!
TJ: You were lucky to have a ROOM! *We* used to have to live in a corridor!
MP: Ohhhh we used to DREAM of livin' in a corridor! Woulda' been a palace to us. We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woken up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House!? Hmph.
EI: Well when I say 'house' it was only a hole in the ground covered by a piece of tarpolin, but it was a house to US.
GC: We were evicted from *our* hole in the ground; we had to go and live in a lake!
TJ: You were lucky to have a LAKE! There were a hundred and sixty of us living in a small shoebox in the middle of the road.
MP: Cardboard box?
TJ: Aye.
MP: You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, our Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!
GC: Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, go to work at the mill every day for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle, if we were LUCKY!
TJ: Well we had it tough. We used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o'clock at night, and LICK the road clean with our tongues. We had half a handful of freezing cold gravel, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our Dad would slice us in two with a bread knife.
EI: Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, (pause for laughter), drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing 'Hallelujah.'
MP: But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.
ALL: Nope, nope..
Adra? You coming?
*smiles warily* My apologies, Adra.
Trip, I would continue to argue, but it appears I am disheartening everyone here.
Alexis... I am sorry. That is all I can say to you. *detaches self from Alexis*
so what did i miss??
I love Monty Python!!! Holy Grail FTW. Then "And Now for Something Completely Different"
*nods, standing with her blanket*
No, Niccolo- I just meant... *shakes her head* No, it has nothing to do with you.
Alexis: Niccolo. Just...please....PLEASE NICCOLO I love you more then anyone besides my have to try! Just please for my mother say yes to being godfather and get yourself help *falls to knees crying*
Not much, Snow.
Um... *spins in circles, singing the Doctor Who theme*
Hi Snow [hugs]
*frowns* Even your new born child, eh Zaf? *pulls her blanket over her face like a hood*
*joins ari*
Don't worry, I don't think the cruel twist of fate counted on someone who had a crueller one being around.
Omg Fabi that's Hilarious!
I love Monty Python xD
*shadow walks looking pissed off* *bitch slaps Niccolo across the face* Niccolo Croatoan you march your god damned arse to the Sanctuary and we talk to the Sensitive if I got to force my way in that head of yours to subdue a name i will
So that's a no then, Adra?
doctor who FTW
A no? Of course I'm coming...
All right Zaf, get the brain link thing running, then we'll get some memories back!
Oh good.
Hi Jubi. Yeah...
And Adra, hi, and hi Ari, Zaf, Trip, anyone I missed.
i am in a hugging mood :P
Im not past forcing entry into his mind at all
*steps backwards* I'm sorry... Please, do not look for me. You will only waste your time. *vanishes*
Four Yorkshiremen is hilarious xD
Yay! Hugs!
JUB JUB!!!! *huggles*
*frowns* Zafira, you didn't answer my question. You said you loved Niccolo more than anyone in your family.
And I said- even more than your hours old child?
And you didn't answer
But Niccolo! I CAN HELP YOU!
NOOOO!!!! *is crying* Niccolo..Aretha...find him please *cries*
if i know someone, i can teleport to them by using their brain waves... want me to try that with niccolo??
*apparently read that wrong*
Im going. I shouldnt have done that now ill never see him *shadow walks away*
Yeah, it's funny 'cause people do that irl without realizing it, even. Less extreme, of course.
[Watches Croatoan disappear]
*stares after Niccolò, frozen and silent for a few moments* *hugs Death, then runs to ladder and quickly climbs down* *yells while running* I'm going to find him! You guys can stay!
*follows ari*
no chance in hell
*sits down* Well /that/ was fruitful.
it's a LINK! :D
and you can CLICK it! :D
*pauses* *lies down, running her hand through her hair* *winces, looking at the blood that has seeped through her bandage* *curses, putting it down, looking up at the stars again*
Alexis: Zaf wont come back. She didnt go back to the hospital
*yells over shoulder*
i think adra is hurt, trip!! i'm getting pain from her brainwaves... (dont ask)
*notices Adra wince, notices the bandage* You've been crying... Where did that bandage come from?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... never mind, forget I asked.
*turns to ari*
where are we going? i'm a teleporter give a place, we're there.
*raises an eyebrow at Snow*
No, it wasn't you who did anything. I- well, I punched a mirror.
*appears* *heals Adra* *mutters goodbye/apologies under breath* *disappears*
[Face turns purple]
[Fades out through the wall]
Back later.
*continues running* Do you know any places in Iowa, in America?
Bye Fabi.
(just a bit of backstory i've been working on for my character.. i'll post it sometime)
Alexis: my mother probably committ suicide because she drove Niccolo away
Bye, Fabi! *hugs*
*curses* Dammit, there was a reason that I bandaged it instead of healing it myself...
... Time to go find another mirror, then
yes, ari.
quick, i have to go soon
Alexis: Demoine?
*snaps her head up* She will what?
Let me guess, the child is a really deep and sorrowful subject which stirs up self-loathing whenever it gets brought up?
*smiles sadly* I've punched enough mirrors in my time Adra...
*takes ari to necessary place*
*takes ari to necessary place*
Alexis: kill herself, not sure. Probably did because she cant handle the facr she made Niccolo leave
Thanks, Snow! *grabs map from small roadside gas station and runs alongside the gravel road in the night*
From what, that someone walked away? No, she won't. I know this- she's not stupid enough to do that.
Yeah, I tend to usually break mirrors... I find it is easier, like actually punching myself in the face. Of course it hurts like hell...
Alexis: well where is she? She never went back to Dad at the hospital. Not at the Sanctuary..
Now Alexis, if this is in fact the only course of action you believe your mother would take at this point, as agents of the law, and her friends, we have to stop her. Is this true?
Alexis: *nods* she would
We also have to follow up on the possibility of someone possibly committing suicide
Did you check the treehouse?
Are you sure?
Ugh.... *runs her hand through her hand again* This is really not helping anything.
*pulls out her phone, calling Zafira who better fricking pick up*
That's what I was about to suggest.
Alexis: *goes to treehouse and comes back* empty
*Zafira's phone goes to voice mail*
*sighs* *with mock-enthusiasm* And the search continues! Look, Alexis- by the logic that she suddenly storms away, Niccolo could very well be doing the same thing- but we can't just assume... *rubs her temples, sighing* I'm too tired for this...
How about her house?
Alexis: * buries head in hands* Niccolo left, Momma left...* is crying again* i want them back!
I have no idea where to start...
*Pats Alexis on the head*
There, there tiny human
*Returns* Sorry! Maths test!
*is wandering somewhere near a bridge in France* I should just die everything I do i cause more pain. I never understood how i got on the Council I cause more trouble then im worth. Niccolo should have stolen my name when he could. It would be better off
Alexis: Nor do i
*Hugs Alexis tightly* It's okay darling... It's okay.
Alexis: she'll probably never come back...I dunno if Niccolo ever will either
((Need I remind you that you can only shadow walk within like, a mile radius or something))
*grumbles* This better be worth not minding my own issues first...
*looks over the ledge*
Nope. Ladder.
*crouches by Alexis* Niccolo will leave a lot at the moment, he's going through a tough time. And Zaf... *breathes out* Zaf has feelings for him, so when he leaves, she'll probably leave too. And Javier.... where is Javier?
Anyway, you have us, for now. I think you are a bloglandian, and we bloglandians look after eachother. Isn't that right Adra?
((Hi Death!!! *hugs*))
(Yeah, I was going to bring the shadow walking thing up as well)
*forces a smile* Yes. Of course. *drops her blanket, heading for the ladder*
(Blogland has portals she wrnt to a portal to France)
Hi everyone that turned up.
((??? Since when???))
*Scales down the ladder to her lab, walking through it and through the front doors*
*breathes a steady breath* Just calm down...
*marches into the woods*
Alexis: *nods* Daddy has Olivia.
(While ago Adra)
Of course, silly me.
Now, how about a hot chocolate? I'm dying for one myself.
Alexis: I dedicate this page to Momma and Niccolo coming home. Please come home.
Alexis: okay. I guess.
*follows Zafira's energy through the woods, cursing her the whole time, struggling to pin down her own emotions*
*arrives at the portal*
Steps through*
*Trip closes his eyes and energy snakes down to the bar, getting two hot chocolates from the wheelbarrow. It brinks them up, half pint sized each, with whipped cream and mini-marshmellows*
There you go. *passes Alexis a hot chocolate, takes own* Perfect drniking temperature! Hot, but not too hot!
Alexis; thank you.
*sees Adra and keeps walking*
*takes a few steps forward towards the mage* Zaf.
No. We are not playing this game. *touches the ground and a rock flies out, hitting Zafira back quite a number of feet*
*hauls her up by her arm*
Come on- we're going home.
What do you want? Come to tell me I should come back? Waste of time. I wont come back even if Niccolo does. I hirt more people then help them.
(Hey Ari!!! *Hugs back*))
*Tilts head and yawns slightly* *Wanders into forest to super secret base* *Sees piece of paper* Since when was that there...? *Starts reading*
I'm making you do all this for a reason. You deserve to be happy. I know that one day, maybe not too far away, you'll be happy again. I know what you are inside and I know your dreams. I know that all you want is to smiles without pain and I've given you that with this drink. Please, you know what you will do, or maybe you won't. It'll get rid of this memory - this drink. Look up. Smile and pose.
Death Rose, 5/8/13
*Blinks away a tear and looks up and smiles*
So, what've you been up to magic wise recently? You're very talented you know. *looks up a the stars*
No. We arent Adra. Im not going back ever.
Alexis: well i can make the water into a water spout and i worked on some Sensitive stuff which is fasinating
*Flash* *Looks up and sees camera* Ooh... *On the roof there is a sign saying three steps left and walks three steps left and falls down hole* Holy shizz!!
*growls* Zafira, this isn't necessary.
*sips hot chocolate*
Yeah, very interesting power that.
*Lands heavily and looks up three stories above* And I rigged that... Impressive! *Stands up slowly, cursing with broken leg and hobbles forward finding a wall* *Finds light switch and flicks it on* *Looks around* Oh my...
Any ideas on what you want to do when you're older? You would make a very talented spy you know.
Yes it was Adra. I dont deserve to be around *is furious* Niccolo has the brains to hate me. He should.
Alexis: Niccolo didnt know it but I could hear one of hos names, Alastair.
Alexis: no not entirely sure what to do
I don't think many people your age do. *stares off into the sky, enjoying it's depth and complexity.*
Alexis: im 11 so i guess not
Look, Zafira- we don't have the luxury to have another person die. In case you haven't noticed- but thousands of people are dead. You just had a kid, maybe an hour ago, and you really ought to be resting- believe me, i know. You also have friends who love you and a husband and daughter who need you to be strong.
As for Niccolo- he has his own problems to sort out, and he has Aretha to look after him. You clearly have your own, but you're self sabotaging.
*rips her necklace off* See this, Zafira? It belonged to my mother- it is the only thing I have left of her.
*throws it over the side of the bridge*
And now it is out of my life- and now it is gone, and I have to let it go.
*turns around, making a new portal*
When you're quite finished- I'll leave this piece of my soul open so you can hop back.
If you ever need any tips on spotting, or spying, I'm always here. Top authority on spotting in the world. I invented the job, actually.
*Stares at all the pages pinned on the walls and several large books standing in a book shelf* *Looks around picks up largest book* *Flicks through pages and gasps, dropping the book onto more pages littered on the floor* Oh my... *Falls to the ground crying*
*walks back inside, almost to tears again, breathing heavily*
*slams her hand into a picture frame this time- one of her mother* *rips it from the wall, hurling it as far across the lab as she can*
[hugs Death tightly]
*just goes through the portal and lays there by the lake in shock*
Alexis: thanks
No problem. *stares off into the sky, drinking his hot chocolate, eyes glazing over*
I could have saved so much time if you two had never even met! *growls, picking up the picture, ripping it to shreds, her hand now bleeding again*
I want to see Niccolo again but i wont i jacked that up too (very msd)
Zaf, it's not hopeless unless you make it that way.
((K, Zafira!))
*with a scream of rage, picks up a crowbar, hitting a machine in her lab, cracking the surface and breaking the wires underneath*
*swings again at a stack of bubbling liquids, letting them fall all over the ground*
He....left! *buries face in hands* he LEFT (i think Ari poofed)
*stabs through an electrical beacon- a large glowing cylinder that omits energy*
*tendrils of energy strike out of the beacon, striking at other points around the room, before the energy re-forms it shape*
*growls, looking for the next victim*
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