Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spirit Lake

Here's a bit of an oddity...

Okay, so you all know what a fan of Ronda Rousey I am. In Women's Mixed Martial Arts, she is the UFC champ. She is an astonishingly admirable lady, brimming with confidence and wit. Some people call her arrogant, but then some people call ME arrogant, and we all know that's not true. Well, it's sort of true. Okay, it's true, but why be humble and boring when you can be arrogant and entertaining? 

I am enough of a fan, in fact, that I sought out her signed gloves and won them at auction. Here they are, beside a pair of boxing gloves owned by THE greatest martial artist, certainly in living memory, one Mister Bruce Lee.

On Twitter, I follow two people. Ronda Rousey and Gina Carano. The fact that both people are very pretty women who can fight is a complete coincidence, I assure you. It's because of Twitter, however, that I heard about a project that Ronda's mum and sister are behind— something called Spirt Lake: The Game. 

Spirit Lake, essentially, combines adventure video gaming with learning maths (or, as you Americans say, math), in an effort to make learning fun. Originally developed with Native American students in mind, they've realised that the Dakota (Sioux) angle— incorporating historically accurate aspects of tribal life and culture—  appeals to people and schools right across America. And you get to fire arrows! At wolves! While you learn to count! What's not to love??

And if this works like they hope it will, this could be the beginning of something huge. This could revolutionise teaching, and learning— not just in America but across the world— and it could be just the thing that's needed to help struggling students make that singular, all-important leap. This could change people's lives. 

So I heard about this, and the Kickstarter campaign they were running to fund the next stage of development, and I figured I may as well send some money over to help them along. After all, the better kids do in school, the longer they stay in school, and the longer they stay in school, the more chance they have of stumbling across my books, right? Right. 

As a reward for helping out, they have given me the chance to actually BECOME a character in this game. But I couldn't possibly accept. The fact is, I am amazing. I am awesome. If I were to make a cameo appearance in ANY game, I would make every other aspect of the game pale in comparison. And I couldn't do that to all their hard work. So I asked Ronda's mum if it'd be okay if I could hold a mini-competition HERE, not only for my Ameriminions but for ALL my Minions, and the winner of THAT would get the chance to become a character. If you win, the animators will create an avatar using your name and likeness and as if by magic— you will be INSIDE a video game. 

It'll be like Tron only... y'know... you probably won't die.


And even though the game is only planned for release in America (right now), the competition is open to anyone of any age and nationality. So here's what you have to do. You have to tell me why YOU would be the most awesome video game character EVER. Once we reach the 5000 comment limit and the Comments Section closes, I shall collect all the entries, stick the names in a hat, and randomly pick the winner. 

And yes, entering more than once, with DIFFERENT reasons, gives you a better chance of winning. 

There. Bet when you opened up this Blog today you had no idea this was coming at you. 


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Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

*Starts crying*
NO!! NO!! NO!!!!!!!!

Duck said...

The Doctor is now some old beard guy!!!
How could you do that BBC!!!!!!
John 'Hurt' my feelings!
(it's funny because the actors name is John Hurt)

Jophiel said...

You just saw it too?

Jophiel said...

I am literally crying here!

Duck said...

Just realized you were all talking about that anyway.
Don't mind my complaining

Jophiel said...

.,cmcvcv,jv,m.,mcvmcx.,v.lzkn,xvdvlcxvink,cfk,cmfcv kjkjckjdfsxdf,,mcxvx,ncnnnccnvvcnmcvvcm,cfm,cmc,xm,cx,mcxm,ccx

Sorry... I was angry so I punched my keyboard...
*Punches pillow*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hi, Taia and Death and Fire! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*

Omg, Death, you've just seen it?

He looked a bit like a hobo, to be honest:/

Jophiel said...


my teddy just broke... i punched it too hard...

Jophiel said...

NO FAIR!!!!!!!!!
*Does little angry jumpy-around dance thing*

Jophiel said...

I am so angry I got the chills... I'm murderous...

Mary Contrary said...

I didn't see Doctor Who yesterday. ^^
But there's nothing wrong with old beard guys, I'm sure. I mean, some of the earlier Doctors weren't that young. :P

Maegan Harty said...

Hi! Day 3 of the cast on my arm another 39 to go! Yippee *frowns*

Maegan Harty said...

The doctor is an old bearded guy! Oh no I kinda liked the last doctor *Frowns* really an old bearded guy
BBC you have reached a new low

Maegan Harty said...

Matt smith where will you go from here? Is that the old doctor's name I forgot about the new/old series and missed three episodes so I'm on the prowl for reruns

Maegan Harty said...

When I say the old doctors name I mean't the actor. I should shut up

Jophiel said...

(He'll be on in a sec...)

WarZone said...

dont worry, he wont be for ages, i have a huge theory that it is the last doctor not the next, and the 50th anniversary will be a movie!!!! in 3D!!!!!

Maegan Harty said...

Who'll be on?

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...


Maegan Harty said...

MOVIE I hear you say? Hmm.... *Grabs 3D glasses* when?

Maegan Harty said...

Hi warzone I don't know who you are or any other person on this but Hi

WarZone said...

november, it will be on tv at the same time as the thearters in the UK

Maegan Harty said...

November same month as Catching fire my cinema will be seeing a lot of me.

WarZone said...

maegan, im a friend of of her school friends

Mary Contrary said...

Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of Matt Smith. I'm sure he's a good actor, but for me, he's not the Doctor. (Yes, I'm still getting over the departure of David Tennant, but that's not the point. :P)

I'm assuming Matt Smith's no longer our Doctor, because that's just how it seemed, judging by comments. I only saw two(?) epidodes of this series, excluding the Christmas Special, so, meh. :P

Hi, Warzone!

Jophiel said...

You know, you came on here before Steph, who promised!

Jophiel said...

Dude. I am in love with Matt Smith. Tell 'em War!

Duck said...

A MOVIE¡¡¡¡¡


WarZone said...

hey taia, matt smith isnt finished yet, it was an intro for the last doctor, also he is in the 50th anniversary episode in november

Maegan Harty said...

I just found out..... their making a second avatar yes!

Jophiel said...

Duck, are you still trapped in that clam shell? I escaped. The one with the weird octopus people?

Maegan Harty said...

And a second pitch perfect!

WarZone said...

yeah, death is completely right she is in love with matt smith

Jophiel said...


WarZone said...

yeah,there is, any news on when it goes into production Maegan

Maegan Harty said...

Why gag I gag when I eat porridge which is everyday except weekends but why gag?

Jophiel said...

Because it is Pitch Perfect!!!!!!!

Maegan Harty said...

Go on IMDB is that it? Top anticipated movies of 2015 its on the list. I don't know about the production when it starts.

WarZone said...

death hates the thought of pitch perfect, i dont understand y, im a guy and i think its a well made move, but that just might be because i want to get into film making after school

WarZone said...

right, i love imdb, my favorite site after youtube

Jophiel said...

It's because it is a chick-flick. I hate chick-flicks even though I'm a teenage girl!!!!!!

Maegan Harty said...

You have to like pitch perfect fat amy is funny! But people have different senses of humour and if everyone was the same the world would be boring

Maegan Harty said...

Ok chick flicks are bad but I just like it because of fat amy. I'm superheroes all the way. And sci-fi but I don't like star trek or star wars. Also what is with them and stars

Jophiel said...

Yes, (btw, War hasn't read SP... I think he's read the first one... But not all of them... *clucks tongue*) and that is why SP is brilliant!

WarZone said...

true, i like every sort of movie for some reason, its a very funny movie, did you know rebel wilson actually wrote part of the script for pitch perfect

Jophiel said...

I've never seen it. Or LoR...

WarZone said...

i like SP, i keep meaning to read them, i just dont get time

Jophiel said...

This is where I tune out!
*Goes for a swim in the lake*

Maegan Harty said...


Jophiel said...

I'll make sure you do...
*Evil grin*

WarZone said...

i watched the first ep of star trek last night, i love star wars, im more of a fantasy guy, Harry Potter is my Favorite thing EVER, i am obsessed, tell them Death

Maegan Harty said...

*Looks at cast* my stupid ar itches and I tried itching it but I made it worst what should I do?

Maegan Harty said...

arm itches not my ar whatever that may be

Jophiel said...

God. Do. Not. Get. Him. Started. If. You. Value. Your. Life.

Maegan Harty said...

Star trek movie is ok but last time I watched it I was half asleep as I was at a sleep over but maybe I can find some channel that has it on

Maegan Harty said...

My. Friend. Is. The. Same. As. Him.

Maralie Lily Charm said...



Jophiel said...

War.. I stayed up till two... I am tired....

You know those black lace up boots I wore a few times on out-of-uniform days? I've been wearing them all today... My feet hurt...
*Takes shoes off*

Jophiel said...


Mary Contrary said...

Er, sorry for distance.
I don't like chick-flicks, and haven't seen Pitch Perfect.

@Warzone: Yay for film-making and motion picture appreciation! :3

@Mara: Hoorah! :D

Jophiel said...

I'm one of those friends, right?
*Makes puppy dog face*

Maegan Harty said...

*Gags* I hate one direction no offence but their soooo stereotypical I'm more a my chemical romance gal but they broke up so now I'm a fall out boy gal

Duck said...

Death, after being tortured for several weeks by those octopus people I finally escaped by scaring then and using all that ink as a diversion.

Maegan Harty said...

But one direction do make catchy songs

Maralie Lily Charm said...

DEATH. *shocked face*

BUT YES. *screams*

Maegan Harty said...

No ideas for an itchy arm in cast? *smiles* please!

Jophiel said...

Ah, that was smart of you Duck. I still don't know why we call you that...


Maegan Harty said...

I going to see the great gatsby oh yeah

Mary Contrary said...

@Maegan: MCS and FOB are friendly friends, as far as I'm aware~ :3
Not that I know a lot of Fall Out Boy, but I've been meaning to listen for a while. MCS on the other hand, I know better than I know myself. :P

Er, if my typing is a little uncoordinated I apologise. There's a fruit fly wandering across my keyboard and I don't want to squish it. :P

Jophiel said...

Um... I might... Um... Really like them...
Damn... I knew I should have said nothing...

@Maegan: Fork.

Maralie Lily Charm said...



hehe. tickets.


WarZone said...

sorry im back, not the star trek movie the original tv show OoO :D
thanks for the support Taia, i make youtube videos, but they are game commentary, i am hoping to make another channel for short films, but its taking some time for my first short, isnt that right death

Maegan Harty said...

Who are MCS are you on about MCR

Jophiel said...




Duck said...

1D have only sung one good song, and they didn't write it

Jophiel said...

Yeah... Speaking of that... When are we going to talk about it... I want to... No.. NEED to know!

Maegan Harty said...

I was just saying I've only seen the movie. So it was just a starter of a conversation that never really started.
@Death a fork is a good idea but tomorrow I could be in the hospital trying to get a fork out of my cast

Jophiel said...


Mary Contrary said...

MCS being Motion City Soundtrack.
Sorry, I should've made that clearer. I've been meaning to listen to MCR too, though, Maegan. :3

I'm not a fan of 1D, but I respect them. And, y'know, appreciate their making-people-happy-ness. :P

WarZone said...

i like area 11, greatest band ever, sorry death :D

Maegan Harty said...

YEAH DUCK DIDN'T THAT GUY ..... ED SHEERAN WROTEE IT is that the song your on about

Jophiel said...

You'd be surprised as to how little that hurts now!

Jophiel said...

*Starts singing A Team*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Like, GUYS.

LiLi and Nialler waved at me<3 and smiled. I actually started crying. HAYL YEAH.

Harry's my baby. *huggles Harry poster*

WarZone said...

oh soz, lol, i havent seen the movie, i should, my favorite movie at the moment is Les Mis, i cried last night lol

Maegan Harty said...

Oh sorry Taia I'm so thick anyway I like 30 seconds to mars.

Jophiel said...


WarZone said...

has anyone here heard of Area 11, they are a band, the one and only Ganjan-Rock band

Duck said...

I like Edvard Grieg, Beethoven and Wagner.
They are all awesome

Maralie Lily Charm said...


And One Direction and Ed are BESTIES:)

Maegan Harty said...

Nope area 11 maybe if I look them up on the laptoparoonie..... I might know them....

Jophiel said...

See War, this is Mara, the one who is overly obsessed with 1D. I said she was worse than Addie!

Mara, care to tell War what you room looks like? And all your merchandise?

WarZone said...

who is it Death?

Jophiel said...

Nope... Hot guy was a dentist... Morw...

Mary Contrary said...

Hm. Aside from MCS, I'm a big fan of Farewell Continental. Because weird experimental noise is so honest, it's fun. :3

@Maegan: Not at all, MCS and MCR are only a letter difference, if you type 'em that way, after all. :)
30 Seconds to Mars, I've heard of, but don't know 'em.

@Warzone: Nope, but I'll look them up later. :3

Jophiel said...

Maralie Lily Charm.

WarZone said...

WORSE THAN ADDIE!!! not possable, im sorry but no she is not worse than addie, heard from her recently?

Jophiel said...

Yes. No. Mars, tell 'im!

Maegan Harty said...

@Taia you should listen to Imagine dragons their brilliant!

Jophiel said...


WarZone said...

area 11, go on youtube, watch Go!! Fighting Action Power, their greatest song came out a week ago

Maralie Lily Charm said...


A'right. I have 37 posters at my mum's (official) and 18 non official. I have a vanyard (funny story...) two mugs, three pairs of broken headphones (I literally cried for ages) , a Directioner necklace, 7 bracelets, a watch (which should be coming in the mail) and 2 tops. :)

Gtg, bye! xx *higgles and showers with One Direction lyrics*

Jophiel said...

Anyone heard of Stone Sour?

Jophiel said...

Bye Mars!

WarZone said...

no, just no, i went to beths 2day, her room, full of TBBT stuff, its ridiculous

Maegan Harty said...

gtg bye !

Jophiel said...


Mary Contrary said...

@Maegan AND WaarZone: Will do! :3

@Death: I haven't. But I'm taking notes of artist/band names, here. :P

Awh, Bye Mara!

Jophiel said...


Jophiel said...

Look up: Do Me a Favour

Also, Mayday Parade's: Terrible Things

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh, and 2 posters at dad's house, and a pillow:3


Mary Contrary said...

Bye Maegan!

Hm, Listening to Imagine Dragons' 'Demon', it reminds me a /little/ of Coldplay, for some reason. Nice. :3

@Death: 'Kay~

Jophiel said...

And your shirts and don't you have pj's?

War, time for you to take a name...

WarZone said...

y death, y r u obsesed with mayday parade? i dont get whats all the fuss about this popular music, i dont listen to that sort of stuff, never have, movie soundtracks, musical songs (les mis, AVPM trilogy, ect) and then Youtubers (smosh, TryHardNinja Screen team) then Area 11 is in its own catagory, AWESOMENESS

Duck said...

A list of famous rangas
Ed Shearan
Rupert Grint
Me, of course
Julia Gilard (who is a disgrace to ranga kind)
Fatty From the NRL footy show
Prince Harry
Willy from the Simpsons

Jophiel said...

Wait... War, what do we know about Ohm's Law?

Heh, Law..

WarZone said...

what u talking about Death? whoops nearly said ur name soz

Jophiel said...

Death to Julia Gilard...
(No pun intended!)

War, because they are brilliant, depressing and amazing...

Aisling Dubh said...


Wbd reading

WarZone said...

oms, A=IR
A being amps
I being current
and R being resistance

Maralie Lily Charm said...

and a bag. A loads of books. 7 I think. And One Direction Love Hearts (they're so yummy:3) and stickers! :D

*is gone*

Jophiel said...

I know... I keep almost saying your name!!!!!!

It means, see how Duck's name is Random Fire Hand, mine is Death Rose, Mara's is Maralie Lily Charm? It is the names we take. The names that stops sorcerers controlling us! Two words that sound right and call to you. You'll find them and there is your taken name!

WarZone said...

lol, i do admit that 1D arnt bad singers, the prob is the fans and the steriotypicalness that they are, they arent that good

Maralie Lily Charm said...

And pjs. That are too small for me. ._.


Jophiel said...

Thanks War!

Hi Ais!

See? Bye Mars!!!!!

War, the MC is this:

WarZone said...

i feel WarZone is fine, it is my taken name, though its typically not a name

WarZone said...

i know what MC is, u talk about it all the time

Jophiel said...

So, War and Zone... Sweet! Let's all hope Coco doesn't come on... Or is it Alice now?

Jophiel said...

I know, but I gave you a link!!!

WarZone said...

what? coco? alice? what u talkn about?

Mary Contrary said...

Hiya Ais!

I don't get a lot of 'popular' music into my head, either. :P
Area 11 sound ookay. :3

Ah, msd.

Jophiel said...

Niccolo? The evil mass-murderer who became Barbie and I was dying over?

WarZone said...

thanks Death, nearly said ur name AGAIN, i guess its alright for me since my name is on like 9 videos on youtube, people know who i am

Aisling Dubh said...

Nicole became Barbie? I'm sorry to have missed that.

Aisling Dubh said...


Aisling Dubh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WarZone said...

im sorry but who is this nicolo?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

One Direction?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

One Direction?

Maralie Lily Charm said...

One Direction?

Aisling Dubh said...

Niccolo is another person who comes on here. He is also evil.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

YES! *does a Niall jump*

*is le dedding, still shouldn't be here...*

Duck said...

There are heaps more Bloglandians that you don't know WarZone

WarZone said...

wait, what?

WarZone said...

oh, im sure, im definitly sure of that duck

Duck said...

(really not so exciting)

WarZone said...

i joined tonite because i thought i would explain about the future of DW, im a DW guru, i find out everything

WarZone said...

and have a lot of theorys

Duck said...

I used to be a bigger fan of DW but the series that has just ended was the worst series yet, from my point of view.

WarZone said...

alright, nite guys, been nice meeting you

Tyler ( The sociopathic, angel of the lord , hunter :3) said...

Hola Every-bloglandian

Jophiel said...

Yes, he does.

Jophiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Contrary said...

Hm, Stone Sour're pretty good, and Mayday Parade's 'Terrible Things' sounds quite pretty. :3

Bye WarZone! It was nice meeting you~

Hi Tyler!


Jophiel said...

Bye War!

WarZone said...

i agree, this was the worst series, but the best episode in a long while, back since a good man goes to war

Duck said...


WarZone said...

see ya tomorrow Death, nite guys

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Tyler

Aisling Dubh said...

Night War

Jophiel said...

Bye Roo!

WarZone said...

the doctor who guru will return :D nite

Duck said...

See you later WarZone

WarZone said...

DEATH, dont, not funny, god gabby did that to my other youtube channel last year

Jophiel said...

Okay dyroo!

Duck said...


And thus, a nickname was born

WarZone said...

see you tomorrow death, later guys and if you get the time check out my Youtube channel, WarZone356

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Deds, yay!

Okay. I dedicate to;
WarZone - Welcome to Blogland!~ *hugs*
Kessie - Just a few more weeks, Kes :')

~ You're all my Blogfriends and I love you all :)

Also to One Direction (FINALLY 50 DEDS! *cheers*), THIS IS US: The 1D3D Movie, Derek, Skulduggery, TMS, Up All Night, Take Me Home, One Way Or Another, Ciara, Alexandra, Lauren, Shauna, Chaz and ONE DIRECTION'S WHERE WE ARE 2014 STADIUM TOUR IN CROKE PARK THAT I AM GOING TO! *screams*

WarZone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

Later! And do it guys!

WarZone said...

wait do what?

Jophiel said...

See Roo! You got deded to!

Thanks a million Mars!

Jophiel said...

Go onto your YouTube account thing.

Duck said...

You relieved to us your true name!!!!!!!
That act is punishable by........ uh, 15min Blogland jail?

WarZone said...

im doomed now, and i promise the DW guru will come back, if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask, and please check out my youtube channel and sub, it would mean a lot, thanks guys, im definitly coming back, bye

Mary Contrary said...

@Duck: I agree. ^^
I don't have a lot to say for any of the eleventh Doctor's series really.
Maybe it's a generation-y-thing. Like, The Doctors I grew up knowing and loving were Chris and then David, so I'm more into those guys as actors, idk.
I thought some of the more recent plots were only kinda so-so too, though. :/

@Mara: *huggles* Wonderful ded. :)
And, thank you. :3

WarZone said...

people know my true name, i say it at the start of every youtube video.. so soz everyone will forget now

Aisling Dubh said...

Bye War

Great ded Mara :)

Jophiel said...

Dude, that is your given name, not true name! My true name is sealed and is Judipour!

Tyler ( The sociopathic, angel of the lord , hunter :3) said...

okay.........what is going on????

Mary Contrary said...

@Duck: Er, given Name? If we knew his TRUE name, well, that'd be a little unfortunate for WarZone, no? :P

Duck said...

Said something incorrect about SP.
I'm soooo sorry
I'm a disappointment :(

Mary Contrary said...

@Duck: No worries. We all make mistakes, no? ;)
In fact, just typing that, I almost put 'taken', rather than 'given' name. :P

Jophiel said...

It's okay, I get them wrong all the time! I better be getting some sleep.. I do have school tomorrow and I drank two cups of coffee an hour ago so... I'm dead...

Aisling Dubh said...

Bye Death

WarZone said...

there deleted the comment, soz guys, bye :P

Duck said...

Bye-ish Death!!!

Mary Contrary said...

Bye-ish, Death!

Bye (again), WarZone!

Ah, I've gotta go too. Homework!

Aisling Dubh said...

Bye Taia

I've got to go too bye *waves*

Duck said...

Bye Taia!!!

Duck said...

Bye Aisling!!!!

Tyler ( The sociopathic, angel of the lord , hunter :3) said...

....... I hear my dog.........

Duck said...

................god ym raeh I.............

Duck said...

Thats backward, in case you didnt pick up on what I was doing

Duck said...

I may as well go to bed as well.


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Star Inkbright said...


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