Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spirit Lake

Here's a bit of an oddity...

Okay, so you all know what a fan of Ronda Rousey I am. In Women's Mixed Martial Arts, she is the UFC champ. She is an astonishingly admirable lady, brimming with confidence and wit. Some people call her arrogant, but then some people call ME arrogant, and we all know that's not true. Well, it's sort of true. Okay, it's true, but why be humble and boring when you can be arrogant and entertaining? 

I am enough of a fan, in fact, that I sought out her signed gloves and won them at auction. Here they are, beside a pair of boxing gloves owned by THE greatest martial artist, certainly in living memory, one Mister Bruce Lee.

On Twitter, I follow two people. Ronda Rousey and Gina Carano. The fact that both people are very pretty women who can fight is a complete coincidence, I assure you. It's because of Twitter, however, that I heard about a project that Ronda's mum and sister are behind— something called Spirt Lake: The Game. 

Spirit Lake, essentially, combines adventure video gaming with learning maths (or, as you Americans say, math), in an effort to make learning fun. Originally developed with Native American students in mind, they've realised that the Dakota (Sioux) angle— incorporating historically accurate aspects of tribal life and culture—  appeals to people and schools right across America. And you get to fire arrows! At wolves! While you learn to count! What's not to love??

And if this works like they hope it will, this could be the beginning of something huge. This could revolutionise teaching, and learning— not just in America but across the world— and it could be just the thing that's needed to help struggling students make that singular, all-important leap. This could change people's lives. 

So I heard about this, and the Kickstarter campaign they were running to fund the next stage of development, and I figured I may as well send some money over to help them along. After all, the better kids do in school, the longer they stay in school, and the longer they stay in school, the more chance they have of stumbling across my books, right? Right. 

As a reward for helping out, they have given me the chance to actually BECOME a character in this game. But I couldn't possibly accept. The fact is, I am amazing. I am awesome. If I were to make a cameo appearance in ANY game, I would make every other aspect of the game pale in comparison. And I couldn't do that to all their hard work. So I asked Ronda's mum if it'd be okay if I could hold a mini-competition HERE, not only for my Ameriminions but for ALL my Minions, and the winner of THAT would get the chance to become a character. If you win, the animators will create an avatar using your name and likeness and as if by magic— you will be INSIDE a video game. 

It'll be like Tron only... y'know... you probably won't die.


And even though the game is only planned for release in America (right now), the competition is open to anyone of any age and nationality. So here's what you have to do. You have to tell me why YOU would be the most awesome video game character EVER. Once we reach the 5000 comment limit and the Comments Section closes, I shall collect all the entries, stick the names in a hat, and randomly pick the winner. 

And yes, entering more than once, with DIFFERENT reasons, gives you a better chance of winning. 

There. Bet when you opened up this Blog today you had no idea this was coming at you. 


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Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

See you, Taia...

Dragona Pine said...

How much does a polar bear weigh?

Star Inkbright said...

I lie about the people I don't like all that much. -_-

Then again, I am me.

But the people I properly dislike, I generally end up having a go at. :) Like --- and --- and --- and --- and --- from school! :)

Oh my gosh, --- and --- are such bitches. They actually are. I just look and think that if someone videoed some of the journeys on our bus, it would be the perfect thing to show children when teaching them what bullying is and how to spot bullies. It honestly would. It's the sort of thing you see when you're watching this-is-what-a-bully-is videoes and you think it looks a tad unrealistic because it's so obvious. -_-

Dragona Pine said...

I don't know. But it's enough to break the ice.

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: *laughs* Awesominous! :)

@Taia: Hi/fours! :) :(

Right now, I am refraining from broadcasting my thoughts. It's rather unnatural for me, but if I broadcasted them I would basically just end up offending everyone, so yeah. :)

Well, not everyone, but.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

@Star: Teachers don't do enough to stop bullying I think. people in my old class were being bullied and now I've left the bullies are calling me behind my back (A friend told me) If someone didn't like me I'd prefer they say it to my face. Then I could say something back. Does that make me a bad person?

Dragona Pine said...

Star, there are some annoying people. Like there's this one person in my year, he is like... so irritating. I just want to punch him. He's small (maybe 5ft 3-ish) and he thinks he's like the strongest person ever and goes around beating up year 9s and stuff.
We all know he's an absolute idiot. He has no friends, which I find funny.
He once tried to beat me up... yeah, it didn't go well for him. Hehe. I made him cry.
I think the thing it's called is "little man syndrome" or something? He's small so tries to beat up people bigger than him... not that it ever works.

Luciana said...

You are so bloody stupid.

Do you not know how many things we've got screen-shotted of the horrid things you've said to us!?

You make me feel like crap ALL THE TIME! And NJ! Those things you've said to her. How you've treated her...

You can't deny the fact that you lie and you scheme and you hurt people more than even I have!

I know this, and so does almost everyone in your gen. You hurt us all so much and now I can't even be here because I know nobody believes me.

You hurt me bad. And I'm just one of the people you've hurt.

Don't bother lying to me anymore, because I don't want to hear any of it.

I give up.

I'm leaving. And I don't want contact from any of you, because none of you will ever really believe me when he's here. Because, my mate was right, he'll do anything he can to have control of everything...


Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Luce don't go. *hugs* I believe you

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh my God...

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Luciana!

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Luciana!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Oh 11410321.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

All of a sudden I really can't be bothered talking. I might be very distant...

Maralie Lily Charm said...

And to think, when I woke up this morning, I thought today would be great. *laughs bitterly*

Dragona Pine said...

Wait what the... double post?

Guys, I don't know what Luciana is on about. You might not believe me considering she has been on here longer but I've actually done nothing to her for her to dislike me. I can promise you I haven't been rude or anything. You all have seen the kind of thing she says, and the things I've replied with - on this blog, it was the first time I had actually talked to her for ages. Xat had gone weird maybe a month before I came on here again for the first time.
More than a year ago, now, there were fights and stuff on xat and people were hurt on both sides. So in terms of the hurting, I think that might be true. But it wasn't only me.
The scheming and wanting to control everything - that ISN'T true. Whatsoever. I don't want to control anyone... I don't know why she thinks I would. I haven't done anything to suggest that... have I?

I'm sorry...

Star Inkbright said...

*is about to say something* *refrains from broadcasting thought* *frowns* *frowns more*

. . . Goodbye, Scáth. I'm sorry.



Dammit. :/


How would that make you a bad person, Rhydian?
I'd rather people said things to my face.
Although I'd probably just end up laughing with them. :P

In RS today I was leaning back staring at the wall, beacuse I was reading the display on it, and then Miss tld three people off on my table for laughing and asked what they were laughing at. They wouldn't answer for a sec and then one of them sai they were laughing at me because I was in a really funny pose. I sort of sat up and then just sat there trying not to laugh. :P
And then later they apologised and I was like nah that's fine, it was amusing. :)

And bullies DO end up with no friends. I have seen the proof! And everyone ends up hating them. :/

Dragona Pine said...

I don't even know why she's been horrible to me ever since I came on blogger...

Dragona Pine said...

Star, for a start bullies have friends. But then people think otherwise about liking them and yeah... so it does end up all good.

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: I am just staying out of it and saying nothing. Not to you or Scáth. Well, I am talking to you now, but I mean on the her-disliking-you front. I am not saying anything. *nods*

That way, I can't get it all wrong. :)

So neither of you mind me if I go and ignore your comments.

Star Inkbright said...

They END UP with no friends. :)
And then I feel all HA. :)

Dragona Pine said...

No Star, I don't mind... as far as I'm aware, I think that there should be as little people involved as possible... don't want it to turn into a war, y'know?

Star Inkbright said...

That's good. :)

I'm not usually as hidden as this. It's both cool and annoying. :/

Dragona Pine said...

Star Inkbright = a ninja on the emotional front.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Dragona, why don't you just shut your mouth.

Stop turning people against Luce.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Dragona, why don't you just shut your mouth.

Stop turning people against Luce.

Mary Contrary said...

I'm back, but I may not be very present.
I don't trust myself to speak at the moment. My mind's all frantic and messed up, so it's kind of shut off any access to logical thought.
If I say anything that might hurt or offend you, I'd request that you try not to pay mind to it. :/

Dragona Pine said...

I'm not trying to turn anyone against Luce -.-
I'm just stating I don't know why the hell she had chosen to take a dislike to me. I've hardly spoken a word to her - none of which are rude and I just don't get it...

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I thought Blogland was meant to be somewhere peaceful where everyone could chat and have fun, not a place where when I read the comments, I feel sick...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

14 20413440 34011404 401310 11-43303304... 12415034... 14 04302440 0430 40130140.

14 03012440 02102214104210 14 0414042440 34403031 1440... 14 21241043 40130140 22410350 4330412204 2210014210 0121011424... 012404 14 041404 24304013142412... 43130140 21142404 3011 113314102404 0123 14?

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I'm know how you feel Mara. (I feel sick as well)

Dragona Pine said...

Sorry Maralie...

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Star why are you writing numbers?

Dragona Pine said...

Sorry Rhydian...

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

She dislikes you for what've you done, not what you're doing.

Shut up going on about it, and thins won't get messy.

Star Inkbright said...

Hi, Flame . . .

I have a techinique where, when I thinking about something brings my mood down, I ignore it. I've got rather good at it.

This can be rather unhelpful when I employ this technique against homework, because ignoring it doesn't do anything helpful. :P

Anyway, my point it, I'm doing it now.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

If anyone is feeling stressed I hope this helps.

Star Inkbright said...

Fabi is, Rhydian - she speaks in lots of different codes a lot. IT'S SO COOL.

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Hey Star, Maralie, Rhydan :p

Star, I'm finally reading Lies.

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I think the video is very calming

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...



Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

Hi Flame nice to meet you! Or do I call you Fawkes? I suppose I'll call you Flame

Star Inkbright said...

Now I feel kind of bad because everyone else is feeling horrible and I'm just ignoring everything so am fine. :/

@Dragona: I KNOW. I'M AN EXCELLANT NINJA. *accidentally walks into doorframe, hits nose and staggers into dresser, knocking a billion plates on my head and breaking another billion*


. . . I MEANT TO DO THAT. *nods unconvincingly and tries to superglue plates together*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

2-6 8# 3'3469;3 :38;/ )8+3 5/8#z 8 -@53 2/3; 23 &8/-5x 85 #!@43# ,3 @;& 8 /@53 85 #9 ,7"-. 0)3@#3 +7#5 #590x :)9/)@;% 8# ,3@;5 59 :3 @ 0)@"3 9* 9* #9)857%3 @:% +8;%;3##m ;95 5/8# "4@0.

Nobody will understand it, but there...

Star Inkbright said...

@Flame: AWESOME! :)

Lies has cool stuff in it. *nods*

*resists from posting loads of spoilers*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I understand it Mara! I'm a secret robot (I'm not a robot and I have no idea what that says)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hey, Flame.

Valice said...

And I love hitting people with books, so just give me a maths book and I win this game! :D

Star Inkbright said...

*hugs everyone*

I'm sorry. :(

And saying sorry when it isn't your fault is a way of empathising, so.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Thanks Star [hugs] but I'm not doing it to be 'cool' I'm doing it because the words won't 11331403211024 come out in English. :-/

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

How are you all?

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I suppose I'm fine. Or not. I dunno. I'm in a weird mood that I can't identify.

Mary Contrary said...


@Star: You've no reason to feel bad. Maybe other people aren't feeling so fine, but if you can keep yourself feeling okay, then do.
Besides, happiness, like anger and sadness, is kind of contagious. If somebody else is feeling it, you can't help but let a little rub off onto you, right? :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm okay, Flame. And yourself?

Flame Phoenix (Fawkes)~roleplaying said...

Star, this book O_O

I mean Orsay, and Emily and /Astrid/.

I don't like the loose usage of the word Hero for Sam.

Star Inkbright said...

@Fabi: I knew that. But it's still cool, nevertheless. :)

@Taia: I suppose so. :/
Hello. *hugs*

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

I'm ok.

Also hi Flame, I don't think I greeted you, sorry.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hello! I'm back! *Throws arms in air and firestorm of fireworks goes off, setting the fabric of reality on fire* Damn...

Dragona Pine said...

Sorry, my internet randomly turned off.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Taia.

Nice new pic, Star.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Hello flame! We've never met before so my base coding inclines me give you blogland 2023, best crop of the century! *gives digital wine to fawkes*

Lewis Ravenscroft / Rhydian Blake said...

I'm not really in the mood to talk. I might be back tomorrow. BYE!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hello Woody.

Bye Rhydian.

Dragona Pine said...

*puts the fabric of reality out with a bucket of water*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Dragona: Ah, random internet cuts. Damn companies, always stopping us talking to people for a bit more profit! Nah, I'm not like that! Good on them, using their ingenuity and abuse of us to succeed in our capitalist state!

Star Inkbright said...

Sam isn't a hero. :)

He just likes excuses for fighting. :/

People try to make him a hero, and fact is, he's not really. If he'd had a different upbringing and so less sense of right and wrong, I think he would fit in well with Caine and Drake and the rest.

Astrid what? Oh, Astrid that. I think. I liked Astrid when the series began and gradually disliked her more as it went along. The reasons why are understandable. :P

Orsay! Ah, Orsay. Yes, Orsay. Poor Orsay. She was a good person who the bad people got hold of throughout. Yes.

Emily? No, memory fails me. *runs for Lies*

Ah, Lies is where we meet Justin too, innit? I liked those scenes. :) "Call 911." :)

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Oh my God.
What did I do? I've said sorry, but I had to do it and I'm so confused right now.
But I hate losing friends.
Especially a Blogland friend.

Dragona Pine said...

Star, the best guy is the one who can sink through the floor.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Leni: HUh? Tell me, tell me now! What's occuring?

Dragona Pine said...

Ieni, it isn't your fault.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Huh what? What's occurring? I hate ignorance!

Unknown said...

Fabi, i don't know but where do you find your stories???

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Dragona, you don't even know...

Edward, I don't even know myself...

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


Also, leni: What?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Im so confused

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh my God...

I feel &43@(8;* numb right now... I'm shaking and I just... can't...

Luci has been one of my best friends since I joined... my sister...

But I don't... know...

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well um, chin up! Stiff upper lip old chap! Would it help if I set myself on fire?

Dragona Pine said...

RiotGaming Maximated... do you play Call of Duty?

And Ed, me and Luciana kinda had a fight and then she left. Again.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

This scares me, I can't help! I need to help! I'll set myself on fire. *sets self on fire but doesn't burn away*

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

*hugs Mara*:(

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I know that, I read the previous posts, but what's up with leni?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*looks on at leni hugging mara, on fire and wishes could help*

Star Inkbright said...


Thanks, Fabi. I'd planned to take the Didturbed pic of the Guy with all the fire in the background and just get some of the fire for a while now. :)

Unknown said...

I'm actually Native so pick me!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

*hugs Mara*

My god.....its like the Dark Times all over again

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I'm rendered useless!

Star Inkbright said...

Ah. I post late and then this has happened . . .

*hugs Ieni*

*hugs Mara*

*stops ignoring everything*

Okay, I'm worried now. *frowns*

I really hope we see Scáth again . . D:

Oh damn. :/

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

The dark times? I get the feeling I know what that is... but I don't just an idea.

Dragona Pine said...

What's The Dark Times?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I have no idea what to do, I'm gonna put this fire out though, it's bugging me. *puts self out using fabric of reality*

Star Inkbright said...

Thiis whole situation is just horrible. It's like in Twilight with Edward and Jacob and the magnets. :/

Seriously, can anybody see a good way out of this without hurting anyone?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I think the dark times might be a time when everyone was arguing and friendships were broken and people left. Am I right?

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

What's the situation! Tell me and maybe I can help! I'm good at not hurting people!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Lat year there was a time when Bloglandian turned on Bloglandian. Fighting mistrust....they ended in May or April and we celebrated. If I remember correctly Luce has EVERY right to want dragona gone

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I'm, I'm just gonna go with my base impulse of helping people, because this is my most effective cheering weapon. *hugs leni*

Dragona Pine said...

Star, I literally understood none of that.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Now I'm scared because every was in caps. I think I'll stay in the communal hug.

Star Inkbright said...



Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Leni, would you like some cheese, a cookie, house points? How about some blogland 2023? I've got an unending wheelbarrow of it!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Ieni and Mara and Star and Zaf and anyone else who wants a hug]

Sorry I disappeared for a bit...

Dragona Pine said...

I have no intentions of fighting anyone. Please believe me on that. I haven't been rude or mean to anyone...

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

NOW ISN'T THE TIME! Leni is sad so that's the priority, deny accusations later!

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Dragona I have had 2 people tell me things about you ok? I hate actually using my power over people but seriously. Maybe it shouldnt be Luce who left. I'm just saying because some people have reasons to not like certain people and I know the stories. I'm not stupid. That's why many older Bloglandians have left.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I SAID NOW ISN'T THE TIME! Fight later! Your petty squabbles should be put aside until we have helped leni! Zafiara, I don't care about your authority and Dragons, deny things later! Both of you, we need to help leni!

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...


Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Edward, some things need to be taken care of. It's for best.

*sits in tree*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Edward, you don't understand anything about this! Ieni is sad /because/ Luci's leaving, which is because Dragona and her were fightin!

Dragona Pine said...

Zafira, with those things... I think unless you were there, you shouldn't judge. No offense or anything. It's just that the situation was kind of awkward and if the people didn't like me... well, I admit I hurt people, but not on purpose. I admit that. If the people who tell you things about me were people who didn't like me... let's just say they might not be the full story? Or there things will be things twisted and changed and stuff. Trust me, it happened.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Yeah I'm probably gonna be hated


Which is typical for me basically everyone hates me

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I don't kn ow fabi, but I want to help leni but don't know how. I need help from people. Also, welcome back Luciana.

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

I don't help you, but you're ignoring someone in need. Would an elder do that? Right now you have no right for that adjective. If I could, I would strip you of it.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Well I'm sorry, I didn't understand Mara, but still. Bleh. :'(

Dragona Pine said...

Zafira, I don't hate you. At all.

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Really? If things were 'twisted' the story would be different but it wasnt. The people who told me was one nuetral one who hates you. They were the same. And I have EVERY right to say what I must because I'm not letting people be hurt because of certain people. Maybe you coming back isnt the best. It's like reopening wounds.

Everyone else...hate me idc its just my opinion

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Woody, don't insult Zaf, it isn't helping anything.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Augh, I'm exhausted and have insulted people. I'm sorry. *slumps to the floor and withers away.* Bye...

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Look I gotta go im staying bu my Grandma so ill be on later


*hugs Ieni Mara and everyone*

Star Inkbright said...


I'm staying out of it.

But if you ever need cheering up; I don't claim to be anything near good at it. Alright, I'm rubbish. But I'm always here to talk to. :)

That last sentence reminded me of Scáth . . . *sighs*


Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*is dead* I'm off.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Bye Ieni. [hugs]

See you, Zaf. [hugs]

Bye Woody...

Dragona Pine said...

If the people were neutral they wouldn't hate me... or not? They'd have been neutral. There were only like 2 neutral people.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Uh, I've screwed up. I was trying to help people, and I just ended up getting angry myself. Just um, get along, this was weird and unlike you guys. Be friends and I second Star, I am quite good at helping, and being neutral. But um yeah, I have good intentions. I'm so sorry. So so sorry. Bye. Pops away insignificantly.

Dragona Pine said...

Meh... I might leave...

I have to go now anyway. I may/may not be back depending. Haven't made my mind up...

Bye guys.

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*pops away insignificantly*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I hate this so much...

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Mara] :-(

Mary Contrary said...

Why the Hell do people have to battle each other?
I'm not saying that everybody needs to hold everybody else like they're the closest friends you can get, but it's not difficult to show /respect/.

EVERYBODY has done, does, and will do bad things.
But everybody also does good things. And has and will continue to do so.
Everything that exists is flawed. If you only focus on the flaws, then you're not going to get yourself anywhere decent. That's not to say that you should /ignore/ those flaws, but they can be acknowledged and rather than used against people, they could just as well help them.
Having somebody does not help, in any case. Sure, maybe they're 'out of the way', but it changes nothing. They're still the same, and so are you. The problem's not solved, it's just been kicked out of the door.
This is aimed at nobody in particular, yet every human on this planet at the same time.

I'm going to hit 'publish comment' and I'm going to regret it. But I can't stand watching people hurt each other and hurt themselves. I just don't see the point.
I'm sorry.

Mary Contrary said...

* having somebody leave

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Taia]

I might have to go...

Mary Contrary said...

I won't take sides, and I doubt I'll say anything more on the matter, now. But that's my opinion and I had to get that out. Sorry. ^^

*hugs Fabi back* :/

Star Inkbright said...

*makes great effort to make a point whilst staying neutral*

Guys, let's say for a comment that Dragona is as bad as you say.

Now, let's say that everyone got him to go away.

Then what? He'd just go and wreak his terribleness on someone else.

And then they'll end up hating him.

And then he'll just go find someone else.

And it'll go round in a circle with everyone just getting very upset.

Whereas if you bothered to actually help Dragona be a nice person, then he would stop causing horribility.

You could not want to do that because either it sounds impossible or you just can't stand being around him, but if you don't even give it a go then you, in effect, are partially responsilbe for all the pain he causes in the future.

I don't see how getting rid of anyone mean is meant to help the world. Shall I tell you what that is? That is just human. When humans have a problem, they try to make it go to someone else. They don't automatically try and solve it.

Come on, guys. You're better than this.

Furthermore, if you guys who hated Dragona tried to make Dragona a less hatable person, then no one would be being mean except Dragona and everyone would be welcome in Blogland.


Actually, I may go email this to Scáth.

You may all act like I'm an utter lunatic, but fact is, you're just LAZY. You think it can't be done, so you don't bother. They guy who invented the lightbulb . . . It seemed totally impossible. He failed literally hundreds of times before succeeded. But succeed he did, and now we have lightbulbs and his name went down in history. Hallejuia.

Okay, going back to being hidden now.

Star Inkbright said...

@Taia: HEAR, HEAR.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm trying to be neutral, I really am, but...

Oh, I don't know... I'm so confused...

Mary Contrary said...

*hugs Star*
Thanks for saying that.
I mean, really thanks.

I have to go. *hugs everybody*
I hope things improve for you all, whether here or at home or at school or inside the brilliant minds that I know you all have.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[hugs Mara]

[hugs Star]

Bye Taia. [hugs]

I don't think I'm really here anymore, but maybe distant.

Aisling Dubh said...


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Ais... [hugs]

Star Inkbright said...


Let's talk about something different. Everyone getting upset is achieving nothing.

Let's talk about . . . *thinks*

Let's talk about terwiganomotwee! :)

Aisling Dubh said...

Star if we're talking about that I just need to know one thing first. What is that?

Star Inkbright said...


Okay, it's how my irl friend spelt trigonometry in our word war. I don't actually want to talk about trigonometry, but I'm looking after the piece of paper containing our word war whilst Sir marks our maths books and it was right next to me and the word looked so cool . . .

Aisling Dubh said...

Oh ok then. We can talk about BLUUEE!!!!!!!!

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Okay Star. Okay on the changing the subject, anyway. And it indirectly..never mind, that's back to the original subject and unimportant.

But that sounds like nonsense to me, and if it isn't, it's something I haven't heard of, so I'm not sure it makes the best conversation topic. Oh well, though.

Star Inkbright said...

A few lines down from terwigonomotwee, my writing says that there is WON and there is LOST. There is VICTORY and there is DEFEAT. There are absolutes. All that lies between is left to fight for.


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Ah, that explains it.

And it is BLUE, Ais. [nods] Enough said.

Star Inkbright said...

@Ais: *laughs*

You be awesome.

It's blue! :)

Star Inkbright said...

We could have a blogfight . . .

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


We could try, anyway.

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi To Be Continued how are you?

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hello, To Be Continued!

Aisling Dubh said...

Brb teeth

To be continued said...

Hi ais hi fabi

Star Inkbright said...

Hi, TBC!

Oh, blogfights are the easiest things ever!

*slashes at Fabi with sword*

To be continued said...

Ais does are essay have 2 be finished 2moro people r saying we can finish it in skool

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[ducks under sword and pulls out my sword]

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[I will disappear in about ten minutes, just a warning]

Star Inkbright said...

Msd. :(

*pulls sword back in and stabs quickly at Fabi*

Aisling Dubh said...


TBC-Yes the teacher said shed give u time to finish it tomorrow in school.

Ohh can I join in? *Throws fireball at Star*

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...


Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

*eats Fabi and Star*
Nom nom.
Not very much here.

Aisling Dubh said...


Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Jubi
Hi Ieni

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[deflects stab to the left. by raising the sword I just pulled out Does not remember which number it was in the system thing we learned in stage combat...]

[Twists to the right and swings my sword at Star]

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Hi Jubi and Ieni.

[is eaten]


Star Inkbright said...

*ducks under fireball, meaning that Fabi's sword goes into my left arm* Ow.

*dodges backwards, clutching arm*


To be continued said...

Slash ais across the side twist nd stab star in the back

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[loses grip on sword as Star dodges backwards]

Oh, 03330131

[Uses metal powers to bring sword out of Star's arms and back to my hand]

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...


Aisling Dubh said...

*pulls out sword* *swings sword at Fabi's right arm* *spins around and slashes sword at Star's left leg*


I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

IENI!!! AIS!!!! FABI!!!!! STAR!!!!!! *supermegatacklehugsofdoom*


Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Oh, first, lovely. I'll write a ded in a bit.

Are we all ganging up against Star now? That's boring.

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Melts Ais's sword into a flyswatter]

Star Inkbright said...

I'm going to sound like Zath here, but you cannot, in blogfights, say you have landed hits against other blogandians. You can only aim. Sorry. :(

*flings self to left to avoid attack on back* *lands on injured arm*


*puts leaf in mouth and stands up* *realises I dropped my sword at some point*

Yes, this is going so well. :P

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Wait, is that legal?
I mean, I've done it before, but...


Aisling Dubh said...

Phew that was close to first. *didn't want first*

*is slashed across side with sword* *falls to the ground and pushes air around TBC knocking her over* *stand up and wipes the blood off her side wincing*

To be continued said...

Gtg don't forget iPod 2 Moro ais bi

Star Inkbright said...

*lunges for Ais*

Thank you, Fabi. :)

To be continued said...


Aisling Dubh said...

*is supermegatacklehugofdoomed*

That's fair enough Star.

Noo not my sword *swings fist at Fabi*

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...



To be continued said...

Hee Hee bi

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

[Laughs and darts away from Ais's fist]

Aisling Dubh said...

Ok bye TBC

*is knocked over by Star* *snaps fingers and pushes the fireball up beside Star's face*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

Um, high, I'm back. I know this is all meant to be behind us, but I want to say I'm sorry. I wasn't neutral, I was basically fighting for my own side, which was wrong of me. I apologize to the depths of my being to all the people I insulted. I went back and checked some 'dark times' stuff out and it bore a horrible resemblance. I do not want to usher in a new wave of this, so please accept my apology and move on.Please don't hate me, I'm sorry.

Star Inkbright said...


Hopefully see you soon! :)

Aisling Dubh said...

*reaches for sword* *realises that Fabi melted it* *pulls out dagger and launches it at Jubi*

Aisling Dubh said...

Hi Edward

Star Inkbright said...

Hi Edward! :)

Course I don't hate you. *hugs*

*screams as face is burnt off* *runs for lake*

Sure, Jubi! :)

Fabi S. - Fashion-Conscious Fire Wraith said...

Bye TBC.

I technically had to go too, msd/will disappear soon.

I'm Jubilance Glee / Occasional Haiku-er / And a dinosaur said...

*Quickly backs out of the way*
Looks like I'm joining! yaay

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*energy appears

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

hello? Brawlers?

Aisling Dubh said...

Now my dagger is gone too. *runs over to her dagger, picks it up and stabs it towards Edward*

Sure you can play.

Ok Fabi

Star Inkbright said...


Oh my gosh. That was a horrible advert . . . O_O

I'll link you it when I see it again. :)

Star Inkbright said...

*emerges from lake with nasty burns and nasty anger* *charges towards Ais*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*Traps dagger in energy, crushes it and sends shard flying back*

Aisling Dubh said...

Oh dear *tries to dodge Star* *fails and is knocked over again* *scrambles away*

Star Inkbright said...

*runs towards Ais with sword pointing at her*

Trip Castalan, Lord of The Hobbits, The Fourth Most Popular Folk/Parody Banana Thief In The Land said...

*Draws crystal sword (can't melt/snap) and slashes at Jubi.*

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