Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Let me tell you about Stormwatch.

Stormwatch was a comic published by Image, and it was a fairly generic superhero team book. I bought it, I collected it, I read it, and I suppose I enjoyed it. Not as much as WildCATS, not as much as Spawn or Gen-13, but probably more than CyberForce, which featured a guy with three arms called Stryker. Now THAT was dumb.

This was all during a time in the 90's when Image were seriously challenging Marvel and DC in comic sales. They challenged them by pretty much copying them. Spawn was kinda like Batman. WildCATS were kinda like X-Men. Glory was Wonder Woman, Supreme was Superman, and Youngblood was rubbish. Every superteam even had their own Wolverine- the tough-talking cool guy who used blades (and, this being the 90's, a ridiculous ponytail).

Stormwatch was fairly bad, when I look back on it now. Impossible muscles, stupid dialogue, impossible women, dumb stories, derivative characters... It got so that reading it was a chore. And then Warren Ellis came along.

Ellis took the book and improved it. But he didn't just make it better. He made it GREAT. He brought Big Ideas to the table, he brought wit and horror and pure science fiction, and he made it one of my favourites. As Stormwatch went on, it would introduce Apollo and the Midnighter- basically Superman and Batman- as a gay couple who just happened to be the toughest heroes around.

Stormwatch would later mutate into The Authority, and just get even better and better. If any of you like comics, I advise you to pick up the collected editions. You will NOT regret it.

But why am I telling you all this?

Because of one single issue. A special, actually. A crossover. WildCATS/Aliens.

When I saw this issue advertised, I didn't think much of it. Aliens, from the Ridley Scott/James Cameron movies, were always being used in comic crossovers. They'd gone up against Superman and Batman and Judge Dredd. None of these comics were particularly good. You knew nothing big was going to happen. If something major was going to occur in a comic, it would occur in the monthly version, not in some stupid crossover thing.

So WildCATS/Aliens came out, and I bought it, and I read it. The WildCATS go up into a space station to fight the Aliens. Big deal, right? But along the way they realise that Stormwatch had been here before them. And as they search this huge, scarily empty station, they come across their remains.

Ellis had killed most of the Stormwatch team— and what's more, he did off-panel. We didn't even get to see them die. That's like Captain America stumbling upon Spider-Man's dead body in the middle of a story. It was THAT shocking. To kill them in a silly crossover? To kill them without even showing us how they died?

Warren Ellis took what everyone expected to be a silly little issue, and he made it HUGE.

And that's the approach I took to The Maleficent Seven.

I didn't shake things up quite as violently as Ellis did, but I was determined to shock you. This was just a spin-off, after all. It didn't even take place within the main series. Your guard was down. You went in expecting fun and frolics and adventure, but nothing more. Nothing more devastating than that.

But of course, you should know by now to never, EVER trust me. I will make you care for a character, and then I will snatch that character away from you.

I just want to prepare you, that's all. We have two more books to go, and we have GALLONS of blood to be spilled.

Okay then, so what have I been up to lately?

Well, on March 30th I did signings in Blanchardstown and Dundrum here in Dublin. They both went REALLY well, and I started the Dundrum signing a tad early because of the insane Minions at the front of the queue. So many of them I knew from here in Blogland and also from Twitter, and dear GOD they would not stop talking. I could feel my brain sizzling in my head just sitting there. Joining them, and at the very front of the queue, was Val, from this very blog, who had come over with Amanda and her mom, all the way from Seattle JUST TO MEET ME.

Because I'm worth it.

Of course, I couldn't just sign their books and send them back to America, so the following Monday I picked them up from their hotel, gave them a tour of my AWESOME ROOM OF AWESOMENESS, introduced them to Sherlock the dog, and took them out for lunch. At no stage during those four and a half hours did Val or Amanda even pause for breath. It was SCARY.

From the 5th to the 7th of April I was over in the UK doing signings. It was really weird, to be honest. We were slap-bang in the middle of the Easter break, and London was SO quiet. We still got some pretty decent queues, but the lovely thing about shorter lines is that I can spend even more time chatting to each person.

The biggest turnout was at Norwich, and it was here that I got to hang out once again with Becky and Howlett, the two legendary Uber-Minions. Amazingly, every time I see them they have more stuff for me to sign. I'm not sure where they get this stuff from, or how many of each book they own, and I'm really not sure that I WANT to know. I just console myself with the fact that their obsession with Skulduggery is probably distracting them from another, more damaging obsession, like serial-killing or something.

Now I'm back at home, and I'm back writing, and I'd really like to get this book finished sometime over the next week or so. That'd be nice.


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Luciana said...

MC is incredibly difficult to get into, now. A lot has gone on, and I doubt you'd be able to get an invite because of how big it already is. :)

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey everyone!! :D

How're you all?

Luciana said...

Hello, NJ~

I'm sort of really thankful that you're here, js.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I'm not going to contribute to any of this... :/

*sings* Under the moonlight as we stared at the sea,
The words you whispered I will always believe. . .

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Hi NJ its Brad from twitter you know!

Niamhy Jay said...

What's up Luce??
Do you wanna talk about it??

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Brad :)

Dragona Pine said...

Luciana... what on earth are you talking about? I never claimed nor implied I know it all nor that I know this generation better than you. As you are well aware, I only came back the other day so to imply that would be ridiculous, which is why I haven't. I was just telling you that on my screen I have no visible refresh button, to support Brad in his claim as I have the same problem. If you thought I had said otherwise, then I apologise, though that is the second thing you have misunderstood today when I did not say anything which could have made you think that.

Niamhy Jay said...

KALLIE!! *hugs*
I am tired, but good :)
How are you m'dear??

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Does anyone know where star is he's being very distant...

Dragona Pine said...

Hey NJ! How are you?

Willow Storm said...

Sorry for leaving suddenly but the Host was like staring at me..

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Hey NJ! *hugs* :)

If I didn't love Harry, Louis would be mine. *giggles*

Dragona Pine said...

Brad, she was on a while ago. She might have "poofed"... I think that's what they call it now. ^^

Dragona Pine said...

Wb Willow! How are you?

Niamhy Jay said...

I am tired, but good :)
How're you Dragona?

Hey Willow!!! *hugs*
How're you?! Haven't spoken to you in AGES!

Luciana said...

I'll explain later, NJ.

Just regarding what we were discussing yesterday. Seems to be getting worse .-.

Star may be rather distant, Brad. We don't just sit and talk on the blog, you know. We have other things to do, as well.

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Maralie!! *hugs*
How're you?!

Star Inkbright said...

I like Rock Me one of the bestout of the 1D songs. :)

@Dragona and Scáth: Please don't fight. If you have anger you want to get out your systems, have a go at me. :)

Would you like me to start being cruel so it's easier?

Actually, I can't do that. You'll have to uh just preend I'm beoing really out of order atm. Think of times when I have been if you like.

Dragona Pine said...

I'm fine thanks NJ. :)

Anonymous said...

Control-R or (Command R, apparently) also works, that's what I usually do...

There isn't a visible refresh button on my computer, but there are almost always solutions for technical people. Or people who can fake it, like me.

Please don't argue, guys?

[I'm reallyreallyreallyreally distant, overthinking plates of beans. By the time I post this, I guess the subject will have changed though]

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

OK! But if anyone knows how to get into MC please tell me and if it is a detailed answer you will get a Brad sticker! OOOh!

Willow Storm said...

:O NJ!! *hugs*
I know! It feels like years but its only been like two months!

Dragona Pine said...

Star, I have no intention to fight and I wouldn't take it out on you if I did. I was just correcting Luciana.

Niamhy Jay said...

2 months is too long at any rate Willow!!
How're you?!

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

I will give someone a Brad sticker when they answer my question so who will give the best answer about MC?

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Hey, NJ! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*

I'm going to check if the water is hot again, now so if it is byebye (again) *waves*

*looks at Clover's comment and laughs because I'm procrastinating and just sitting on my bed being lazy and talking*
But, mostly, I do stuff and the same time *nods*

Anyway, bye!:)

Willow Storm said...

I'm .. whatever I'm like when stalking Niall Horan :-p

Dragona Pine said...

Brad, would it work if you would go on to the blog and ask in the comment section there?

Maralie Lily Charm said...


Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

And Dragona Pine gets the sticker well done! I'll go ask!

Luciana said...

You were correcting me incorrectly, you mean? F*ckwit.

I admit when I'm wrong, and this time, sweetie, I was not wrong.


Dragona Pine said...

Yay! *wears Brad sticker*

Willow Storm said...

KALLIE! *hugs*

Luciana said...

I'm in such a bad mood.

I'm sorry, guys:(

Dragona Pine said...

Luciana, I believe that I corrected you in all fairness due to the fact that the comment you made about me was incorrect. I did not mean any harm by it, but I would not want you to think something about me that isn't true. I have no intentions to fight, and if you have noticed I'm not the one being aggressive. I have done nothing to deserve being called the rude word you just stated in your previous comment. I'm sorry if I caused any unintentional harm or annoyance.

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Guys I'm gonna go read a couple of MC chapters! Will be back at 9pm!

Dragona Pine said...

Bye Brad! Thanks for the sticker!

Luciana said...

I hate how you act, so much.
You're so two-faced it's actually painful. Urgh!

You're just as bad as them, so I don't see why you slagged them off in the first place. Hypocrite.

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: Have you tried copying and pating the URL from the pop-up window to another window? I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS do that. Once you've pasted the URL onto another window and pressed Enter, it acts like an ordinar window. :)


I'm reading, actually. :)

Dragona Pine said...

Wait, you're talking about me? I don't see what I've done...
You misunderstood what I meant, so I corrected you and told you the truth. I'm sorry if it appeared any different to you, I really am.
Would you mind explaining what you're angry at me for?

Dragona Pine said...

Star, thanks for the advice. I'll try it for a bit. I'll see if it's better than the system I have.

Luciana said...

I'm going.

I'm sorry.

I'm being a b*tch today because I'm just so angry at so many things, and everything from the past seems to just... Come back to haunt me, I guess.

I'm sorry.

Niamhy Jay said...

I'm back, disappeared because other tabs were open and needing my attention :P

Maralie Lily Charm said...


I disappeared. Sorry, dinner!

I'm looking over the videos from the concert... *smiles* I think Ciara has a pic of Niall and Liam waving. I have to ask her. *nods*

*sings Rock Me*
It's stuck in my headddddddddd *laughs*

Star Inkbright said...


I refuse to get involved in this fight unless anyone is getting seriously upset, or contemplating leaving, or contemplating committing suicide. I'm not joking with the suicide stuff.

And I fail so badly at sitting on the wall in aguements. Whenever I try, I always end up being offensive to someone wuth everything I say, so this time, I give up. You can argue. I have many opinions on this arguement, but for once I have the strength of character not to share the. You better appreciate this. You probably won't see this again from me ever. :P

Dragona Pine said...

Wb NJ!

Bye Luciana!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Luci, don't go! You've done nothing wrong :(

Neither have you, Dragona.

It's just emotions bubbling up inside and overflowing:( take it out on me, I don't care. Just don't blame yourselves:(

Dragona Pine said...

Star, as I said I have no intention to fight. There used to be a lot of fights so I'm kind of fed up of them and do my best to avoid them.
At least it wasn't actually a fight. It takes two for a fight, and I wasn't fighting.

Star Inkbright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dragona Pine said...

Maralie, I wasn't angry with anyone. I'm not a big fan of taking things out on people who've done nothing wrong, it just seems to be a little unfair.

Dragona Pine said...

Star, double post?

Star Inkbright said...

*nods at Dragona* Yay, notfighting! :)

I like never argue. I always try to sit on the wall. :P

If you're not fighting, that's good. :) Yayness.

Dragona Pine said...

Yay for not fighting. ^^

Star Inkbright said...

Yup, double post. *deletes second one*

Luciana said...


Sorry I was in a bad mood.

...I'm fed up of being called Luciana... Changed to my PJO/HG OC's name. c:

Star Inkbright said...

*nods* Agreement is just so awesome. :)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I hate when everything's happy, and then one comment changes the mood completely...

I'm not blaming anyone. Js.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I should have stayed doing the washing up...

Uh, well I think we should change subject. I know, I'll volunteer Mara to rant about how much she loves 1D and me and Star can madly run round her her in circles singing 1D!
^ Yes, yes, I know it's an awful idea XD

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Uhm... I think I'm too annoying as it is, Ieni XD

Dragona Pine said...

Luciana, would you mind if you'd change your name back? You know I don't like it, but also if there are any people who come on and don't recognise you by that name it may be awkward to tell them who you are over and over and over again.

Star Inkbright said...

Okay, Scáth.

That's fine. *shrugs*

I'm going to hopefully start calling you Mushroom. Deal with it. XD

*explains* Hunter and Never like mushrooms. Long story. They built a mushroom city once. It was very jepic. *nods*

I mean, not that they or it exists. But still.

Anonymous said...

I'm here again, for maybe ten

[hugs everyone who wants/needs a hug right now]

I'm not going to start an argument over whether or not that classified as a fight...

And if whatever it was starts up or continues again, I'm out of here. I get enough of that 34131440 at art/unofficially debate club, apparently. :-/

[hugs Livi] How is the PJ/HG fanfic going, anyway?

Dragona Pine said...

I'm eating doritos because they're nice.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

So can we do it all over again... *sings*

My teacher wants me to sing this really high song from Riverdance for our graduation ceremony -.-

It's really high though. I don't think I can manage it...

Dragona Pine said...

Wb Fabi. How are you?

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Back is Star still on?

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

Nope, I wasn't taking about the washing up being fun. NOOOOOOO!!!!

NOOOOOOO, I'm sorry Mara, but you aren't even NOMINATED for the annoying trophy of annoyingness;P

Fabiiiii!!!!! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*

Luciana said...

Uhm, no.

*shakes head*

This is the name I'm using.

People can tell who I am using the picture.

I change my name a lot. It's how the blog is, nowadays.

Dragona Pine said...

Yep, Star is still on Brad.

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Forget that Fabi please I need to talk to you about joining MC!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Star, Fab and Zaf, if you're still here, I sent you an email:)

Dragona Pine said...

Ok then Luciana. I was just thinking.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

That's because I already won it and am now retired ;P

Luciana said...

My picture is the same, so I'm OBVIOUSLY someone else completely. Makes so much sense.

Especially when everyone knows that Livi is one of my OC's names... Clever. *nods*

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Fabi can I join Melevolent collabaration

Kara said...

Bonjour everyone.

*Noting that French has improved since I said 1st Year 7/8 months ago.*

So, how's life? :D Hi everyone.


Kara said...

Bonjour everyone.

*Noting that French has improved since I said 1st Year 7/8 months ago.*

So, how's life? :D Hi everyone.


Dragona Pine said...

There's no need for the sarcasm, I see your point. I didn't know Livi Delicae was one of your OCs, though. What is she like?

Star Inkbright said...

And I just realised, I know how to pronouce 'Mushroom'! :)

*tries to sing 1D with This Moment still in my head* DIRRIH duh duh duh, duh duh, duh-DIRRIH dirrih DIRRIH duh duh duh, duh duh duh-DIRRIH dirrih . . .

Yeah, not working. XD

I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah
I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah
I want you to hit the pedal, heavy metal, show me you care!
I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, yeah

So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms in-stead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But you're got that one thing
And I need that one thing!

Can I stop singing now? :)

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Moonlight! I believe we've only met briefly, so nice to meet you kind of "officially". I'm Dragona. How are you?

Niamhy Jay said...

*general observation to myself*
Recently I have been getting dinner really late. Normally between half 6 and half 7, now it's been between half 8 and half 9... weird.

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Does anyone know Fab's email? I need it to join MC (Mevolent Collabartion)

Maralie Lily Charm said...

I don't like disagreements, so I'll just keep quoting 1D songs and AAoOD. *nods*

Louis: *in the bathroom, crying* Zayn, we just got mobbed by fans! We got mobbed by fans!

Zayn: Aw, it's not so bad. Where's that smile? Where's that smile?

*hears a noise*

*Zayn turns around to see an electric fan in the stall*

Zayn: Clever girl.

Luciana said...

Hello Moonlight!:)

Oh, but, my dear, sarcasm is my mother tongue. I'm fluent in the language.

You didn't know because you've only just returned. But you'd have recognised the picture as my own, just like everyone else. :)

Dragona Pine said...

I have dinner (or we call it tea) at about 5-6. So yes, in comparison to me NJ it is very late (and slightly late anyway). ^^

Star Inkbright said...


Whenever I try to explain ay of my awesome characrters, they all look dislikeable. :P

Apart from Ismorga. But they don't count. :)

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Star how do you join MC!?

Star Inkbright said...


Niamhy Jay said...

I am fluent in Sarcasm and Gibberish. I am a complete fail at French and regret doing it for GCSE

Hey Moonlight! Nice to meet you, I'm NJ :) *shakes hand*

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Star could you please answer I would really like to know!

Luciana said...

*laughs* Same, NJ. I regret choosing French AND Spanish at GCSE...!

Dragona Pine said...

Star, you haven't seen one of my OC's called Shark Kalashnikov. He's rather dislikable. He has black hair and wears sunglasses, and always wears army camouflage.
Then he has a weird power. He can make things relatively smaller and lighter, so he uses it to carry hundreds of guns at the same time. So his body is basically covered in different firearms.

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Hello blogland!

Dragona Pine said...

I'm alright at Spanish, I think.

Kara said...

Hello Dragona, I'm good. I am having food - I like food. I like food too much. :L And how are you?

Hey Lu (;

So, any fanfictions/collabs I can read/take part in? :D

Moonlight Trouble

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

You can't have: I've won it for the last 12 years!
Mara, have you been getting my emails?

Hey, Moonlight! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*

I love my OC Amalie Taylor/Zarr (the two names are to do with the storyline), because Amalie is like Maralie (this was accidental) and I found out a few days ago that Taylor is Star's last name!:)

I'm so bad at Spanish XD
I'm okayish at French, though:)

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Hello Fabi are you still here?

Kara said...

And hello NJ, I shall return your shaking of hand.

*shakes hand*

Dragona Pine said...

I have some fanfic. Though there are quite a lot of parts so it may take a while to read from the beginning.
And I'm fine thank you Moonlight, and I have food too. I have doritos.

Niamhy Jay said...

Hey Star!! *hugs*
How're you?!

Luciana said...



I should really finish this chapter soon...

Msd - tea.

Ieni Strider (Ieni The Ninja Aeroplane, Eater of Fabi's armses) said...

I must now poof, so Byebye:) *waves*

Uh, Byebye seems to like to capitalise itself...

Niamhy Jay said...


Niamhy Jay said...

Bye Ieni!! *hugs*

Kara said...

I shall check out your FF. Bye Ieni. :)

Dynasty Maguire/Rathrockt Maguire (Brad Wood) said...

Hi Star could you answer my question?

Dragona Pine said...

*listens to AC/DC*

Kara said...

Has anyone entered EC yet? :D

Luciana said...

Sorry! I went for tea:)

Yeah, Moonlight, I entered EC! :3

Star Inkbright said...

@Brad: NO IDEA. D:

As an author, not an administrator, I'm sure I can add people, and also I'd hae to check with the other MCers. But you get added by someone sending you an invitation. *nods*

SOrry for distance.

I'm good, NJ. :)


Dragona Pine said...

What's EC?

And lol I just had a drink of blackcurrant juice - in a pint mug. It's HUGE. ^^

Niamhy Jay said...

I am having Steak and Gravy pie for dinner tonight :D Which is my FAVOURITE

Dragona Pine said...

Well it's not tthhhaaaaatttt huge compared to me, because I'm 6ft 7 :D but I, at least, can't drink it in one.

Kara said...

What's MC? :)

Star Inkbright said...

*not sure

I'm NOT SURE I can add people.


Dragona Pine said...

NJ, there's a shop near where I live that does chicken and ham pie. Homemade (well made in the shop) and everything. It's GREAT. It's like the nicest pie I've ever tasted in my entire life, and you can get a whole pie for £3, so it's really good for money. They get their pies delivered by a butchers shop which has won over like 100 awards.

Kara said...

EC us the Exquisite Corpse competition. All the deets are on the SP website.

Also, you guys can call me Moonlight, Moon, Trouble or Kara. Or any other nicknames which you happen to come up with. :D

Luciana said...

*throws Skittles at everyone* TASTE THE RAINBOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW C:

Dragona Pine said...

Ah, cool. I'll have a look. And I'll call you Moon, because it reminds me of Call of Duty and it's funny.

Star Inkbright said...

@Moonlight: The Mevolent Collaberation. :)http://mevolentminions.blogspot.co.uk/

@Dragona: The Exquiste Corpse competiton. :) It's official. On the Skulduggery Pleasant website.

Dragona Pine said...

As for why it reminds me of Call of Duty, there's a map called Moon and there are zombies on it. There are Astronaught zombies and space monkeys and everything. *nods*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

My 'friend' just text me a joke about depression.

I almost cried.

Luciana said...

I really want to buy a Lady Rainicorn Plushie in America - I love rainbows... *giggles*

Dragona Pine said...

I'll see if I can enter the EC. What do you have to do? (just asking because my computer is going rather slow atm so I don't want to attempt to open the SP website if it might make my computer all crash).

Anonymous said...

Hi, back AGAIN. For now.

Brad- The MC has been going on for a while now and has over 300 posts/chapters. I contacted the admin, and we're discussing whether you can join at this late stage. One of us will get back to you shortly.

Luciana said...

Aw, Mara, *hugs tight* I'm sorry you have such horrible "friends":(

Dragona Pine said...

Wb Fabi! How are you?

Niamhy Jay said...


I hear that there is a pie shop in England called Pie Minister and I really wanna go there!!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

She doesn't know...

She doesn't care either.

Another 'friend' gone... :/

Kara said...

Taste the rainbow I shall. That reminds me of something I did in school. I go to an all-Irish school and there was a competition on for the best poster that motivates Irish speaking.

I teamed up with my friend because she's a decent artist and I'm a ... Well, let's just say there's a reason I'm not in art. I'm more of a musician/academic person. So, I came up with the idea, because... Well, I dunno, I'm the idea person, and it was leprechauns dancing around a pot of gold coming down from a rainbow which said 'Gaeilge' (Irish in Irish). Basically, our message was that by speaking Irish you'd be happy.

Long memory. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I'm entering the EC. [nods]

[hugs Mara]

Dragona Pine said...

No it's not called Pie Minister. It's just like a miniture supermarket that gets deliveries. ^^

Luciana said...

*hugs Mara* I'm sorry people are stupid:(

I REALLY WANT TO WATCH GRAVITY FALLS, RIGHT NOW. Because this new picture is from a scene in Gravity Falls!


I should have at least one rainbow profile pic a month... *nods*

Niamhy Jay said...

Oh, well that sucks :/
It has been a dream of mine ever since I heard that there was a pie shop called 'Pie Minister' in England by comedian Felicity Ward :P

Anonymous said...

I'm... Attempting to be polite to some annoying people who do not seem to realize that this is my lunch break and my official (as opposed to unofficial) Blogland-time. Other than that, I'm good thanks. You?

Dragona Pine said...

I've never heard of a shop called Pie Minister. Sounds cool, though. :)

Kara said...

Mara, are you okay? I've only known you for a little while but you seem really sweet (having stalked you through Blogger comments, I know) and I hope you're okay, you know you'll always have real friends here; you deserve them. Because of your niceness.

Dragona - The EC is gonna be a monthly thing. Tis Monty's theme is Tanith Low. The deadline is 30th April and you can do pretty much anything - video, short story, haiku... But the short story can be no longer than 1000 words. ;)

Dragona Pine said...

I want to make a character who flies a Microlight, and make them rather deadly.
Because if there was a villain, seeing someone chasing after them in a small microlight would make them laugh, then they'd get killed.

Niamhy Jay said...

I have to go and get dinner now. BBS *hugs* BYE

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

*Runs in*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

That's 6 people who said they were my friends and then hurt me this year...


Kara said...

*shakes hand.* Bye NJ.

Dragona Pine said...

So, I could do just a story about Tanith Low? Any story whatsoever? What, by the way, is a Haiku?

Dragona Pine said...


Luciana said...

LOKI DOKI, NJ! *hugs*


Anonymous said...

Bye NJ!

Dragona Pine said...

Nooooo cheese was so close to ruling the page! :P

Dragona Pine said...

Bye NJ!

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Bye leavers. *hugs*

Hello arrivers. *hugs too*

Moonlight, I really wish you were right about my niceness. I really, really do. *hugs*

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...



Luciana said...


I didn't particularly want dedications...

But I shall dedicate, nonetheless.
...Unless someone else wants them?

Kara said...

Mara, I'm sure everyone else on here would agree with me, <3 *hugs*

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Tyler! I don't believe we've met, I'm Dragona. *gives cookie*

Anonymous said...

Hi Tyler! Sorry, but how could I tell you? I didn't know you didn't know, sorry.

A haiku is a form of Japanese poetry.

Five syllables first
The second line has seven
The last has five, too.

Usually it's a nature poem about a butterfly or tree or storm,but it is possible to write about Tanith instead.

[hugs Mara]

Maralie Lily Charm said...

A haiku:

One Direction are
Amazayn in every way
'Specially Harry.

It's five syllables for the first line, seven for the middle and five for the last.

Kara said...

Fabi just explained exactly what a haiku is. Thanks Fabi. *hugs*

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Why does she keep sending it to me?

Kara said...

And thanks Mara. *hugs Mara.*

Star Inkbright said...


I love the scene in Percy Jackson when they meet Apollo. Funnyness and haikus. :)

Anonymous said...

Or One Direction. [smiles] That's very fantasMara-iffic. :-)

Dragona Pine said...


Dragona is fine
He eats cheese for his breakfast
No, no he doesn't

Kara said...

Because she doesn't understand how wonderful you truly are. You are AmaZayn.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

Oh God.

I realise now.

Oh my God.

Dragona Pine said...

What do you realise?

Alice (Or Tyler to some) said...

Hi Dragona, thanks for the cookie

Hi Fabi

*noms on cookie*

Star Inkbright said...


Luciana said...

No, nobody wants deds?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's a fun scene :-)

"It's not as bad as the time he visited Limerick. If I had to hear another verse that began with 'There once was a Goddess from Sparta...'"

I am probably misquoting.

What is it, Mara?

Star Inkbright said...

@Dragona: *laughs* Very awesome haiku! :)

I won't reply to everyone; don't be offended, people.

Maralie Lily Charm said...

The boys who stole my journal...

They told everyone about my. . .

Kara said...

I want to read Percy Jackson! Christine Riccio made me want to read them. After watching her reviews of Cassandra Clare's books, who is my favourite author after Derek, I got way into her. Btw, her YouTube username is polandbananasBOOKS. She also has an entertainment channel called polandbananas20. You guys should read Cassandra Clare. And watch the City Of Bones movie trailer 2. Love it.

Dragona Pine said...

*bows* Thank you. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Fabi eats cheese for breakfast sometimes...when the people known as her family are having oatmeal.

By Fabi I mean me, not FabiTC. I am just talking about myself in third person (she says in first person! XD).

Dragona Pine said...

I have a youtube channel. ^^

Kara said...

Oh my God...

Mara... Mara... Those boys... Those boys...

Anonymous said...

Oh 02014034, Mara!!! [tackle-squash-hugs]

That is seriously NOT COOL of them!!

Luciana said...

I don't know what to dedicate to.


Kara said...

Dragona - Can I have it? Pleeeeeaassseeee?

Dragona Pine said...

Have what?

Zanida Laufeydottir Queen of Asgard (Zafira Kerias) said...

Awww okay fine

Kara said...

Those boys are B*STARDS..

Please excuse my wordly languages.

Listen, you don't deserve that... <3 *tackle-hugs*

Kara said...

You YouTube channel (;

Dragona Pine said...

Oh, yeah sure. I generally do videos about funny things that happen in video games, but be warned about the quality of them. Youtube just RUINS the quality AND the size as soon as I upload them. They're usually in 1080p HD, and after I've uploaded them they're...

Well, you'll see.

My name on youtube is DragonaPine.

Anonymous said...

The Maleficent seven was mind- blowingly magnificent!
I have never actually done the shocked 'uh' before and it was genuine.
Bravo, Mr Landy, another great story that was both hilarious and wondefully crafted!
Bravo, again!

Anonymous said...

Heeeeyyyyy, guuuuyyyysssss.

Star Inkbright said...

@Fabi: *hugs* YOU'RE JEPIC.

*quotes directly from the book*

Then he raised his hands in a stop everything gesture. 'I feel a haiku coming on.'
The Hunters all groaned. Apparently they'd met Apollo before.

'Green grass breaks through snow.
Artemis pleads for my help.
I am so cool.'

He grinned at us, waiting for applause.

'That last line was only four syllables,' Artemis said.
Apollo frowned. 'Was it?'
'Yes. What about I am so big-headed?'
'No, no, that's six syllables. Hmm.' He started muttering to himself.
Zoe Nightshade turned to us. 'Lord Apollo has been going through this haiku phrase ever since since he visited Japan. 'Tis not so bad as the time he visited Limerick. If I'd had to hear one more poem that started with There was once a goddess from Sparta -'
'I've got it!' Apollo annouced. 'I am so awesome. That's five syllables!' He bowed, looking very pleased with himself.

Niamhy Jay said...


Me and my Friend have a book tube channel that we started a week and a bit ago :)

Anonymous said...

Gah, I must change my name to Gepard! Haven't used this account in a while, so . . .

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Darragh. I don't believe we've met, I'm Dragona. *gives cookie*

Dragona Pine said...

Oh, it's Gepard. Hey Gepard. ^^

Star Inkbright said...

@Mara: . . . OMGG.

*hugs* Damn them. Damn them. Damn them.

Words cannot express my grrrrrness.

Kara said...

I hate ads that aren't lip-synced properly...

Luciana said...

Hey Gep:)


Gepard Valk said...

Ah, wrong account! ^.^ Here's the right one!

Dragona Pine said...

Hey Gep. How are you?

Gepard Valk said...

Oh, Luci, nice name! What shall I call thou now?


Niamhy Jay said...

GEPARD!!! *hugs*


Maralie Lily Charm said...

I put so much personal stuff into that...

I just want to die :'(

Everyone's texting me about it now. Oh my God.

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