84,726 words.
And that's the PLOT written.
Now I go back to the very start and write the STORY. The story is different from the plot. The plot is everything that has to happen at certain points— the plot is the writer inflicting his will on the book. The story, however, is how we get to the plot. The story is what drives the characters forward. The story is what captivates US, the reader.
Naturally, there's a whole heap of overlap between the two. A lot of the time, plot is story and story is plot. But not ALL the time. And for this one, the war book, I needed to get the plot hammered into shape before I start to lather on the story.
Now I get to spend time with Val and her family. Now I get to write about Scapegrace and Thrasher. Now I get to have fun and make jokes.
If there's one thing I don't want, is to have a less-funny Skulduggery book. I like it when they're funny. The danger, as Val gets older and the books get darker, is that they lose their humour. I haven't read the first few books in a while, but I'd imagine there are a lot more jokes per page in the early ones than the later ones. I expected this, but there is still a certain ratio I have to keep. Even though you Minions respond to the emotional beats of these stories as they get more mature, no one is really wishing for a joke-free book, are they? Where's the fun in that? So now I go back and make sure that no matter how grim things get (and they DO get grim) or how dire the situation becomes (and it DOES become dire), we have enough jokes and laughing-in-the-face-of-death to see us through the darkness and out the other side.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
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«Oldest ‹Older 2401 – 2600 of 4957 Newer› Newest»You saw her in concert?
Sister: *@Taylor Swift* She looks at bit like Lady Gaga here.
Mum: I think she looks a bit like Holly!
Me: *frowns* . . . She doesn't . . .
Mum: Yes she does, she has your long legs!
Me: *waves phone* Well, that's nice, seeing as Flame just said he hated her! *smiles*
I have wondered when that war ended.
The Black keys?
Who are they?
Well, she is hot...
Ah, hey Flame and Robin!
I never really left...I've been here the whole time, I just didn't want to say anything because it would just end up with me insulting singers and people which would hurt people who liked them...
*smiles at Melica's ded* :) :) :)
Yeah. When she did her Speak Now Tour. In the O2 in London.
Was she good, yeah?
I like her new album. Don't have but my cousin does.
Don't know if I'd take it to copy it.
Oh and nice ded Mel:)
Have to go bye.
Amazing. So good.
Red is awesome. Got it the day it came out :)
What are we talking about?
Byebye, Aisling! *waves*
Well, yes, because you like Mara to be happy and so do I, but I'm not the world's greatest fan of 1D...
The Brit Awards!!!
Bye Aisling.
The Brit awards mainly, Sev.
And I want it :O
@Leni, I'm not either. They're okay :)
sorry for the caps :) oops!
My brother just made me watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XOY7lsBVpo
Actually can't stop laughing XD
*shrugs* If everyone liked 1D, Directioners would be sad because no one to argue with and try to convert . . . The nonDirectioners are what make the Directioners Directioners. :)
I didn't recognise him or his name or his face or his song AT ALL. *glares*
*plays piano very poorly*
Ah...my brother is so special. He gets 1D, The Wanted and JLS mixed up with each other XD
I hate school... All my friends are fighting with me... My teachers are pissed at me... My life is sucking atm... UGH! KILL ME NOW!!!!
Oh hai Rose! Chin up, could be worse!
@Ieni: *giggles* :)
I like The Wanted's songs, mostly . . .
NOOOOO DEATH. *hugs her tightly*
SCHOOL ISN'T EVERYTHING. You have us, and you'll finish school in a few years!
Frank Ocean?
Another person I don't know. -_-
*looks at Robin*
You play piano?
I've heard of him!
Ah, apparently he'd never heard of Ke$ha before. He's so lucky. I just showed him TiK ToK, I agree it's terrible and now he's reading out what I'm writing out loud...it sounds terrible...
Lemsip. Nom.
Not :/
*hugs Death*
Poorly. As I said.
So first lunch at this Vietnamese noodle place, then we drove out to this suburb to find the glow-in-the-dark mini-golf place. Turns out, it hasn't been there for two years. So we went to some random nature center instead, and then we had to go find a birthday present for Uncle Jimmy, and then go to the craft store to get supplies to make a card for Uncle Jimmy, and then make the card for Uncle Jimmy.
So what I thought would be a short brb for lunch turned into something much longer. [Sigh]
Ok, well I'm here now.
I first heard of Ke$ha last term on Victorious. It took me quite a few months to realise she was actually REAL. O_O
[Hugs Death]
Hey Fabi,
I keep blocking and unblocking Jubi on Gmail and she's freaking out.
Hi Fabi!
*hugs Death*
Hi Star, Flame, Ieni, Robin, Mel, Death, anyone else who I missed!
Hi Luci, so is this one. Hope yours comes out the way you want it to soon.
Hi Sev! [Disguises laugh as a cough]
how could you not star? is anyone else like that? O.O
Hey Lu.
What grade you at, Robin?
Clover!!! *ninjaeroplanetacklehugs*
Ah, such amusingness...
I haven't a clue Flame. We did it at school for a while. I can play some songs but not much else.
Zaffy grinning Howlett forgot to tell Derek i exploded Ireland
Hi Mel!
Wowza, everyone's on! Except the people who aren't, obviously.
@Melica: What? *frowns*
We did a bit of piano at school . . .
And hi Zaf!
Ok. I officially say hi in advance and/or hi to the people I missed. This is ridiculous.
It might just be me star :) dont worry it isnt a bad thing! Im just really interested in lots of different types of music *nods* which is probably why I know who everyone is :D
I'm probably gonna go now guys. Bye.
I can't any songs. Just exam pieces -,-
Hello, Mumford and Sons. Never heard of you till now, but hi anyway.
Bye Robin.
Mumford and Sons are the only band my friend talks about :)
Bye Robin!
Imma head too guys soon.
@Flame: I share your sentiment. Except with Cello, not piano. Have a bit of Christmas music somewhere though . . .
Hey, Mumford and Sons are boring.
I love that guy playing the double bass, because we are ultimate. enough said.
I have to go now!
Bye Sev!
Star, it's annoying really.
Bye Sev.
I've heard of Mumford and Sons somewhere, but I have no idea who the blazes they are, besides a band.
I like the fast instruments in the backgtound though . . .
Fastness and instrumentsness are things all the music I like generally has, though. :)
Now, we are listening to Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
I have no life...It is confirmed.
Brian Ferry? Yeah, never heard of yoy either.
sande needs to win this...
*watches nominees* I'VE HEARD OF BARELY ANY OF YOU!!!! *frustration*
I take it she did? :-)
I'm just writing loads of random parts XD
I'm happy for you, Melica. :)
thanks star!
If only Mara were here...we could tell her 1D just won...
Congratulations, Emili Sande!
I'm trying to actually move forward a chapter, but it's coming out...odd.
1D WON!!!!!!
*bursts out laughing irl because they won and Mara isn't here*
Ah, they thanked their incredible fans for being absolutely amazing. *smiles because Mara*
Congrats 1D as well! Yay for Mara and 1D!
*starts laughing irl again because 1D winning and Mara not here*
Anyway. Well done, 1D!!!
What did they win?
[Is not watching TV at the moment, despite the fact that my grandparents have 3 that Uncle Tom decided he doesn't need anymore. Uncle Tom is a collector. Not a book collector, though, he has lots of guitars, CDs, TVs, electronic devices and I'm not sure what else.]
I mean, what was the category?
Some Award. *shrugs*
OMG shes singing clown :)
I dunno. I don't pay attention much. Yoo busy commenting. :)
YOO YOO YOO YOO YOO YOO YOOOOOOOOOO. *giggles for some reason*
*laughs because me noticing something then blog telling me it*
Ah, okay. I'll do a google search on it when I'm not too lazy to do so.
I'm sure Mara will scream it at you soon. XD
What did One Direction win...? *wide eyes*
yeah Mara they won 1!
. . . Sorry . . .
I don't KNOW what they won. I wasn't paying attention. XD
Mara! Yay for 1D! I have no idea!
AHHHHHFGHFVJFTKVYJFYCKGNYRAWTFKIRWHOYYHH I'm too tired to fangirl anymore. Nighty night! *waves*
Night, Mara!
I am also going so bye everyone! have a good day/night!
Gtg or bbs, sorry!!! Fours!!!
Ah. Well, bye everyone.
I'll still be here distantly, probably.
Morning! :)
[Laughs] Hi, Miss!
[Is here for a little while, but going to dinner soon]
Hi Fabi!!
Ugh, I've gotta go now. Off to school and stuff. :(
Bye, Missy!
Ugh, school.
[Is on vacation. :-P]
Aaaaaand, dinner! Ciao!
Silly photos with Derek Landy take 2: pic.twitter.com/Y2Tr0OQYG6
In Indonesian... Should be studying... Can't be stuffed... I am not here...
This is what I am studying...
1. Apa kegemaran Anda / apa hobi Anda?
Hobi saya adalah wakeboarding.
2. Kapan Anda melakukan hobi Anda?
Saya melakukan hobi saya di akhir minggu!
3. Dengan siapa Anda hobi Anda?
Saya melakukan wakeboard dengan keluarga saya.
4. Mengapa Anda suka hobi itu?
Saya suka hobi karena itu menarik.
5. Sejak kapan Anda melakukan hobi itu?
Saya sudah melakukan hobi sejak empatbelas tahun.
6. Sudah berapa tahun Anda melakakuan hobi Anda?
Saya sudah melakukan wakeboarding selama satu tahun.
7. Berapa kali seminggu Anda melakukan hobi Anda?
Saya melakukan wakeboard satu kali seminggu.
8. Apakah Anda suka berolahraga?
Saya suka bulu tangkis dan wakeboarding.
9. Olahraga apa yang Anda mainkan?
Saya suka olahraga bermain bulu tangkis.
10. Dimana Anda berolahraga?
Saya berolahraga di stadion.
11. Apakah Anda sering menonton pertandingan olahraga?
Saya tidak pernah menonton pertandingan olahraga.
12. Apakah Anda sering menonton pertandingan olahraga?
Saya jarang bertanding olahraga.
13. Apakah Anda menjadi anggota klub olahraga?
Saya bukan anggota klub olahraga.
14. ??
15. ??
16. Apa yang Anda lakukan pada akihr/ pada waktu luang?
Saya suka membaca akihr minngu.
Sorry for dissapering... Before...
I hate Indo!
Hi, Death. Things perking up at all?
Oh, right. You're not here... Ok.
Uh... knida...
(Still not here!)
Well, kinda is something...?
My attempts at optimism are getting more and more pathetic.
(is distant, watching a funny documentary)
Hello blogland and all who inhabit it!
Hi, Willow! How are you feeling?
[Very distant]
I'm feeling a bit better day by day, feeling pretty weak though cause I couldn't keep food down and they fed me intravenously, but tomorrow I'm going to try something light, thanks for asking
Well, at least you're improving!
That stinks, though, not being able to eat.
it does suck, I can't wait for actual food! Stubborn as ever even though I'm weak, the nurses don't want me walking around to much but I hate staying in bed so I walk around anyway
Staying in bed, no matter how hard, is usually good for you. Walk around a your own risk.
'Course, telling you it's a bad idea isn't going to weigh a thing, but meh...
awwwww *pouts and mumbles to self* ok ok out of the kindness of my heart from the worry of others I will not over exert myself, scouts honor
Walking around a little is probably good for you actually. Just be careful.
I do walk around a it but i would tend to walk aound longer then I should
Plus all thanks to this guy http://lh5.ggpht.com/-mJJOaUCdiAA/TO6m44YrFvI/AAAAAAAABAg/0pKHzw-ABuM/thomas5-s.jpg who helped me tons and made my day a bit better by asking me out :3
at least his musical partner didn't cancel the show
Gtg, battery dangerously low, and I can't go grab the charger in the middle of the movie.
Bye, hope you feel better soon!
I hate bettery's fo that reason but alright, ttyl
Well, I don't know if this is going to be any consollation, because what do I know, but Skulduggery is the most consistent book series I've ever read. They, for me, get better with each book. I've complete faith in the fact that you're going to deliver us another amazingly fantastically witty and pacy book.
I'm back... Whoa. Just whoa.
what's so whoa?
The documentary Grandma picked out.
It was about these old people, average eighty, who have this chorus and they sing punk/pop songs. It starts out making you smile at how all these eighty-year-olds are so enthusiastic, even if their singing is mediocre (though great for their age). They're rehearsing it and perfecting it, and doing little interviews on the side. Then two of them die before the big show...and it gets poignant as they perform a special song for their friends. Then it shows the big final show, where they are so...happy to be there and sad that Bob and Joe aren't. It's such an amazing performance to see. The credits begin during the applause, and there's this quick flash that lets you know Eileen died shortly after, before the producers had finished editing the movie... And just...it was really well set up, I guess. I don't cry about movies, but this was a documentary, these were/are real people... Just... Whoa.
that does sound good, and sad for those who died
The way it was presented though, yeah it was good. They just set it up so you felt like you knew them... Eileen, Lenny, Joe, Nora, Stan... It was really well put together.
And near the end, Eileen and her rainbows... [Tears up]
[Changes subject]
So, anyway. Anything changed since the last time we talked?
Don't cry! If you cry I cry.
No nothing much, just talking to Thomas and browing the web, boring stuff
[Takes deep breaths]
Okay… [Stops thinking about Eileen and rainbows]
[Or tries to...]
Random subject change: I seem to be better at improvising in baking and crochet than following the recipe/pattern. Any idea why that would be?
I'm the same way (i I think I get what you mean) I can never follow a certain pattern either for me I just like to experiment and see what I can create on my own, so that's my guess is you just like experimenting.
Man, the chocolate on a table looks soo good but I can't have any :(
It sucks not being able to eat stuff.
But it'll taste so much better once you can have it.
And I guess that could explain it.
Judy makes me nervous. I'm not sure where that thought came from or why it's true.
it does suck, well I guess it'll help me pack on the pounds I lost, and I need to put pounds on pronto i'm to skinny Dx
hmmm, watch something funny to keep your mind off?
Watch Smosh on youtube, they're funny
My Internet is too slow for YouTube here... I thought ours at home was bad (it flickers a lot, especially on the computer) but it was pretty fast when it worked (90% of the time for iPod). This one is slow, and if Mom or Grandma is trying to use the connection at the same time I am (even on different devices), it won't work for either of us. It's absurd.
Well that sucks...uhhhhh, ya im blank on suggestions
I wish my name was Evangeline, I love that name
Hiiiiiiiiiii Jubbbiiiiiiiiii...hey jubi you like chocolate right?*holds up a big bag*
It is a nice name. I wish my name was Tanith, tbh. Besides the fact that it's the same name as Tanith Low, it's also a nice name and apparently it suits me. According to popular vote, it's weird that my name doesn't have a th in it, and it ought to. My friends are opinionated about the strangest things...
[grins] Hello from People!
*gapes at chocolate*
you really really don't wanna do that..
That once was a candy-striped pirate...remember that?
[Laughs] Actually, that was me, but still...
i do like the name Tanith...people call me Shadow sometimes since i'm good at going unnoticed, but evangeline is prettier
*leaves chocolate on jubi's lap*
*Tosses chocolate into volcano*
I'm feeling nice today...
So I'm not gonna torture you guys with hyperness....
*watches chocolate fall into volcano*
....I'm so wasteful...
People call me a lot of things. Some people even call me People.
I have too many nicknames! [Laughs cheerfully]
You threw away CHOCOLATE, Jubi??? YOU???
.... WHAT DID I JUST DOOO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
*Clemy dives into the volcano and emerges with a magma covered half melted bag of chocolate*
that's alright Jubi *hands over another bag* I got plenty!
Wow that's so...sad they just call you people, lol
*stares at chocolate*
well don't just gawk at it *places chocolate right in front of you* I'm being generous
Y'know what.... I'll save it for later...
good thing I have good self control.....
*opens bag slowly*
*takes out chocolate*
Well.... Fabi I knew that it was you because i clicked on your name which brought me to your profile page thingy...
Well, yeah. I wasn't trying to trick you into thinking I was actually a different person (or different People?), so I didn't do more sneaky stuff that I could theoretically do.
It was more for a moment of comedy.
wow, and jubi's smart so of course jubi'll figure it out
Yes, eat all the chocolate!
i refuse to eat all the chocolate
*eats another piece*
more more! you know you can't resist
[Steals piece of chocolate and eats]
C'est Fabi!
*looks at clock*
And deprive you of it? No, I think not!
Distant, writing ded to MAHU. XP
Night, Jubi!
Goodnight Jubi...well I guess you can take over thechocolate Echo
Haha, no thanks.
And it's ok to still call me Fabi. This is just me being sneaky.
huh? im so confused...*starts wiggling needle that's in my hand*
Echo Stormpetrel is me being random and using the account under my irl email and usually under my real name, but I changed it. I am technically not supposed to be using it here, though, so I'm switching back.
ohhhhh, ok I get it now..haha the needle moving in my vein feels funny, and it's probably not supposed to be funny
An IV? Or something else?
If its an IV, it will feel funny, and a bit sore when you move.
If its something else, I have no idea.
ya it's an IV but I mean funny as in laugh funny lol *ya it's weird*
I had to have two IVs... I forget why. I forget that summer on purpose. My hand was sore for days after they came out...
Glad yours is laugh funny as supposed to hurting a lot.
that sucks, well this will be the 4th timein my life I've been in the hospital, the other three times I was younger, I've had to get allergy shots so needles are whatever, they don't hurt, and so far my hand has not become sore
Well, that's good.
My profile crashed and completely reset. :-|
I lost my pic and can't get it back until I get home! [Waves arms around in annoyance]
I'm not going to talk about me being in the hospital.
Good that it isn't sore, I mean. Not that you've been in the hospital that much.
well the th time in life is more then enough
you sure are a bus person, you're never home!
I wanna go to disneyland, to bad they don't have it in washington
I'm on vacation this week. Washingtonians get a while week off for Presidents' Day. So I'm at my grandparents' and don't have access to a computer til I get back. I had one for a bit at Aunt Colette's place, but I'm not going there again.
And yeah, I am busy. That too.
Washington? I thought you were Californian. I'm from the Seattle area when I'm not away from home.
[Curses] =~|=-|||=_||||>>> I lost the ded!!!!
[Is rewriting]
i am a californian, sadly, i hate this state! Everyone here is so rude, so I do things on purpose to tick 'em off more. And the girls, geez, they stare you down to see who has better and no one smiles with you
The people I bother to associate myself with are nicer than that, but there are ==|||~=_|=_|~=-|=|||== here, too. There are ==|||~|||-=_|=_|~=-|=|||== everywhere, unfortunately.
cause you live in washington, naturally most are nice there and here everyone is hateful
Well Thomas went off to sleep and I reckon I should try to myself, so goodnight and ttyl :)
And the other girls my age on my street ( Maizy And possibly Madi being the exception(s) ) are jerks. No place is perfect.
I'm currently two time zones ahead of you, so I will e getting sleep after I finish this ded.
This ded should have been done long ago... I'm really not good at writing these…
I dedicate this page to only a few people this time. Please don't be offended if you're not on here, I have limited time and patience, and I've lost this once already. Almost twice.
To Ember-Although I may act annoyed, I'm actually glad you recruited me for MAHU and the news organization (though that's kinda gone...) and of course the "revolution" in the MC. It's nice to actually be acknowledged and invited to be part of something, thanks so much. [Spins purple swirly umbrella thoughtfully] That said, I also ded to Mycroft and his umbrella. And the MC.
I'm sorry that guy is giving you |||==|=_|==||||...erm, trouble, and I hope he realizes how awesome you are. 'Cause you are awesome. Weird, yes, but awesome all the same.
To Lav-Your presence in Blogland is much missed! Thanks for being really understanding (about you-know-what and in general) and being there when the sirens were too loud. Hope you get your iPod back soon and your friend is less mad at you.
To Death-asdiopnm?werrtyuionm?werasd rtyghjuiobnmfghasd ?asertwer iopyuirty iopdfg tyuiopyuiert xcviopbnmrtyertiopkl?.
Uio'nm? asdioperterttyu rtyiop ghjwer?asert rtyghj?asrty tyuiopyui'ertwer ghj?ascvbuiobnmfgh ?as ghj?asertsdf rtyuionm?wer qweuiortyghj tyuiopyuiert asdxcvghjiopiopkl? dfgertuiowerbnmsdfasd.
I'm really not comfortable with your code, sorry for uncertain bits and typos.
Anyway, tyuiopyui'ertwer ?asqwewerasdiopnm?wer wercvbwerbnm uiodfg tyuiopyui qweiopbnm'rty ?asdsdfnm?uiorty uiorty. Ghjiopop?werrtyghjuiobnmfghasd fghwerrty vbnwerrtyrtywerert dfgiopert tyuiopyui! [hugs] rtyghjwertyu qweuiokl?kl? asdiopiopbnm, UIO ghjiopop?.
Also, to the cast of this video.
Egan, Beth, Jared, and every single dancer or organizey behind-the-scenesy person, this was a wonderful thing to be a part of and I can't wait for this year's Glee Flash Mob. I'll be there...I hope. So much for a few. Ok then.
I'm fleeing now, midnight! O.O
Night, all.
Omigod... I just watched Amanda Todd's video...
*Is crying*
I'll be distant... Homework and I needa find some tissues...
Hi! Anyone on? Nice ded btw Fabi :)
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