Monday, January 28, 2013


50267 words written... and Valkyrie and Skulduggery are barely in it.

This doesn't mean, of course, that they won't be taking their usual starring roles in Book 8. Of course they will. But I've had to approach this one in a slightly different way than normal.

Because this book is about, essentially, total war, I've had to think long and hard about how the different sides would fight— such as what tactics they would use in both the short and long term. It means I can't chop and change sequences like I usually would. If they're written, then they've been written for a very specific reason, and I can't mess about with that. So I figured the best way to write about these military actions is to write them FIRST. Write the skirmishes and the battles and the politics and the arguments, and get it all down on the page. Then, once I have the military aspect taken care of, I go back and write my usual Skul & Val stuff around and on top of it all.

It's an interesting way of working, to willingly ignore your main characters for large chunks of writing time. I sincerely hope it works...

Oh, and sometime in February I shall announce the title. I've had this title in mind for YEARS. Some of the early alternatives were:

Skulduggery Pleasant: The Billingsworth Continuum.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Behind Gold Eyes.

Skulduggery Pleasant: It's War, Baby.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Revenge of the Screaminator.

Skulduggery Pleasant: When Warlocks Attack.

Skulduggery Pleasant: A Very Nice Picnic.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Brain-Puncher.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Gut-Eater.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Skulduggery Goes Camping.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Things Get Nasty.

Skulduggery Pleasant: People Gonna Die.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Readers Gonna Cry.

Skulduggery Pleasant: Horace.

And amazingly, the actual title is better than ANY of those! I know, right?


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Anonymous said...

Well, there was a fire a street over. My neighbor-ish-people's garage exploded.

Their cat is in bad shape, and had to be given oxygen. Rufus is their dog, who ran away from the fire. He's around my street now, and he's really scared of everything...

Willow Von Stratton said...

Nah its not nuts, I just don't feel like making out the meaning right now :P

*makes random face also*

Jophiel said...


Willow Von Stratton said...

:o poor Rufus!

Jophiel said...

*Hugs imaginary Rufus*
*Gives Rufus to Fabi*
*Pats Rufus*
Sorry buddy, things happen...

Is everyone alright? Is the kitty alright?!

Jophiel said...

*Looks at Evil Snow Globe of Doom*
*Looks at Fabi*

Anonymous said...

Fire...irritates me.

I have to do everything I can against it. Even though I've never really spoken to the family.

I've seen Rufus twice, and been completely unable to do anything.

I hate feeling helpless.

The poor little puppy has been out in the rain for a week, and he was rescued from something bad in the first place...

Anonymous said...

The kitty is alive, Rufus is alive (as of ten-ish minutes ago)

Rufus is still out on the street, and the kitty is not fully better.

Willow Von Stratton said...

O hope they're all ok.

Fire is rather irritating

Jophiel said...

*Wishes could go there*
*Hates distance*
'It's not a small world after all!'

Anonymous said...

[Hugs Death and cries as well]

Anonymous said...

No, it's not. Being in Blogland has kinda made me realize that.

I'm collabing with three people on the other side of the continent for MC, and Sev who's only on the other side of the country.

Anonymous said...

The people are all fine, though the mom is really upset. She's the one I talked to.

Willow Von Stratton said...

That's understandable

speaking of neighbors though I hate some of mine!

Jophiel said...

Sorry, I keep forgetting I'm on here...

*Looks at MC*
New one up in a sec... Maybe...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Willow Von Stratton said...

people who drive pink cars always seem to be insane, and ur still in your teens Fabi?

Jophiel said...

I'm good insane? Ouch!!

Willow Von Stratton said...

Well Death if you want to be bad insane then you're the baddest of all insane people!

Jophiel said...

*Backs away from TV*

It just turned itself on... And now something about Hitler is on...

Jophiel said...

*Hugs Willow*

*Sets random tree on fire*
Now... A grenade...
*Grins evily*

Anonymous said...

I'm 15.
Sorry if that offended you, Death.

Jophiel said...


Anonymous said...

Obviously, by 'good insane' I meant that you don't drive a pink car.

Jophiel said...

Fab! Why do you have to be older than me!!! I'm 14!!!!

Fab, I like being evil! When people call me a food girl, I get angry...

Anonymous said...

Mmm hmm.

TVs are evil. [nods]

Willow Von Stratton said...

Hugs back* a grenade? nope you need about 500 pounds of dynamite! now their is heavy damage ;)

Really? I thought you were older

Willow Von Stratton said...

Omg I'm the oldent of the three of us, I'm 19!

Jophiel said...

NOPE! I have a corporate blue, Ford GT McFairlane, Horn McLoud editon...
It's featured in Drunk on MC

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

[Nods] People always think I'm either older or younger.

Jophiel said...

I'm youngest on...?

*Searches pockets*
*Finds grenade and grins*

Jophiel said...

You know Zath? He's younger than me!

It's kinda scary... He's so... Mature!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

Oh, you know that guy who made his own religion where he has to wear a traffic cone on his head in every photo? We should make a Faceless Ones religion!!

Willow Von Stratton said...

Death you needs tons of dynatmite! Not weakling grenads!

People tend to think I'm in my mid 20's by the way I talk, usually I talk more mature then this :p

Willow Von Stratton said...

Death, you are now officially a genius thinking of that

Jophiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jophiel said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, wait... Probably not supposed to say that..

Jophiel said...


*Pulls pin out of grenade and throws it in the air about self*
*Starts doing victory dance as grenade falls*
*Grenade explodes*
*Self goes flying*

Willow Von Stratton said...

*Runs and catches you before you knock your head on something, possibly breaking your skull* had fun?

Jophiel said...

I just saw Hitler as a 19 year old!!

Jophiel said...

*Laughs and grins*
Yeah!!! You should try that!!!
*Grabs another grenade*

Willow Von Stratton said...

Hmmm how about we do it together

Jophiel said...

YEAH! You can throw it and pull the pin! Just throw it up!

Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*tries to sort cello music from viola music*

Oh dear God, my teacher likes to give us lots of music...

Willow Von Stratton said...

haha Alright
*pulls pin, tosses it in air*
*it falls comes down blasting us off in the hair*
*lands myself in a tree*

Willow Von Stratton said...

Val! You missed getting blasted off in the air with Death and me

Willow Von Stratton said...

Yes what?

Anonymous said...

Back... I look...odd.

Nixion Strange said...

I... have.... THE LAPTOP

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Nix.

[Inserts random coded message]

|||||~-:, ||||~-:, |==:||-||==|||~||||=> |==||||'|||==:|==||=_|||-|||~||=|==||||~|> |||==||||~-|||=_||||~|==||==|=|||~|-|-||||=_|==||||~|=_:-:|-|||~|||=_|~|==|=||==:||=-||==|=||||--|=|:, ||||~|=_-||||:|==|||==> ||||~|||~|||:=-==>

Willow Von Stratton said...

How do you look odd?

And yay Nixion

Anonymous said...

I have bits of eyeliner left over from performance. The stupid stuff is supposed to be sweat-proof, but it isn't supposed to be make-up-remover-proof!


Anonymous said...

[Leaves again to try to wash it off. May or may not be back. Need to catch up on sleep after staying up to write a certain song-medley last night]

Willow Von Stratton said...

ok well if you don't come back on, goodnight!

Jophiel said...

Sorry!! Had to find nail polish remover for school! Leaving my 'Starry Night' toe nail polish on!

Willow Von Stratton said...

That sounds pretty!

*Puts biker boots 3/4 coat, and dressy hat on* Yay, now I'm ready to go wasndering about later.

Jophiel said...

Willow, what contry are you from?

Jophiel said...

Doesn't matter! You're an Ameriminion!

Willow Von Stratton said...

I am an Amerimionion who does live in the Godforsaken country of the USA. In a bit i'll be heading off towards the mountain. Yes I have friends to go visit but i'm in one of my mysterious curious moods

And I always have dressed more on the classier side.

Jophiel said...

*Should be finding sock but sits in lounge room blogging and watching stuff about Hitler because was too afraid to change the chanel*

Anonymous said...

Back... Still looking odd, and not sure if I'm currently capable of talking for long without offending msd.

Anonymous said...

I also am an Ameriminion, but it is metaphorically sunnier in Seattle than wherever in California you are currently located.

Willow Von Stratton said...

Ok Fabi.

Death too bad I couldn't just teleport there taht way I could change the channel for you.

Jophiel said...

Well, my main out fit is black knee high leather boots with a gold buckle across the top, grey skiny-leg jeans, a black top with a pink bunny that says, 'It's cute how you think I'm listening.' a tight, white leather jacket and a black fedora with red feathers!

Jophiel said...

If you did that, I'd run screaming!

Willow Von Stratton said...

i hate the sun Fab, I prefer cloudy rainy days

Willow Von Stratton said...

Well I'd be helping you. I'd change it, then simply teleport back to my house.

Jophiel said...

I like it when it is hot, then I can go wake boarding and skiing and boating! And the cold because it's nice!

Jophiel said...

And I'd still scream!!! And I would never go back to the house... I'd live at school!! We have amassive library there with all SP books... 'cept PWF...

Anonymous said...

Metaphorically as in it's cheerier.
It's also probably rainier.

We* even named the mountain Rainier! (though it's ray-near, not ray-knee-er)

*not me, obviously. Whoever goes about naming mountains around here.

Willow Von Stratton said...

Cold is best.

then that library automatically becomes amazing. The series is just amazing. And I do have high relations with skulduggery and valkyrie in the sense I can take after skuldiggery's classy style and I have both their personalities. My friend made a comment that if they made a live movie itd be awesome if I played Valkyrie cause she says I kinda resemble her.

Jophiel said...

Death and Ian ran from the stone castle, though the gloomy forest, holding each other's hand tightly. Death could not believe Aretha had gone through what she did and then jumped out the window. Mevolent's men were after the two like hunting dogs after wild rabbits, she guessed that they thought they were escaping prisoners.

Guns started to fire and they started to zig-zag to avoid the projectiles.

"Holy crap!" Death yelled as one flew inches past her head and embedded itself in a nearby tree. It made a satisfying thunk as it stopped.

"God, do I know it!" Ian shouted back as he ducked to avoid a bullet.

Death stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Ian with a quizzical expression. He stopped too and stared back at her.

The hunters turned and walked back towards the stone castle, ignoring their prey. Why did they do that?

Death put a hand to her stomach and felt warm liquid cover her hand. She looked at it and saw how the red colour of her blood shone in the overcast day.

Ian's eyes widened and he raced over to her, lowering her to the wet ground gently. "It's okay, we'll get you out of this." He promised in a scared whisper. He maneuvered his body so her head rested on his lap.

"Pish posh golly wash," she said and waved her hand dismissively. "You know I'm a goner now. I know it too." She said and coughed up a mouthful of metallic-tasting blood. "Go after Ari."

"No you're not. You're going to make this and Ari can go kill herself for all I care."

She sighed heavily, her stomach was starting to feel kinda sore. "I'm pretty much dead anyway. Gimme a few minutes then I'll be out of your life. You'll be happier than l you have ever been before." She promised. "All I've done in my life is for my own benefit, I'm a selfish God damn bastard."

Ian's voice broke. "Death, no you're not! You're wrong!" He sucked in a sharp breath, how she envied his ability to breathe so easily, and continued.

"A life without you is a life not worth living." He said earnestly and tears started to fill his sapphire blue eyes.

"You don't mean that." She scoffed.

"Yes, I do." He brushed a stand of golden hair away from her face. "For years I've been walking the planet, thinking I was whole, complete. I thought I was happy and that nothing could break my spirit, that was, until I meet you.

"You came into my life and turned it upside-down. You showed me what it was like to be whole, actually whole. Back then, I was a shell of nothing." He paused to take a deep, shaking breath. "Now I feel as if something is eating me from the inside out, like the hollowness is reclaiming my soul. Death Rose," he said, looking directly into her eyes. "I love you."

Tears filled her own ice blue eyes and she smiled softly. "I love you too Ian Heartbreak," she said weakly. Using the last ounce of strength left in her body, she reached up with her right hand to pull his face down to hers. Their lips touched briefly before Death's hand fell away and her body became limp.


Willow Von Stratton said...

Then Fabi it's my place to live!

And death, even if i was able to teleport it's not like I'd kill you by changing the channel nor would I harm you

Jophiel said...

I more resemble Tanith... Blonde hair, wears leather, rides motorbikes, uses swords... Fun! Acts like a little child!

Jophiel said...

But I'd still have a heart attack... Or I'd throw a shoe at you...

Jophiel said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Lav for the inspiration:
[A dark theatre. A full house.]
[The audience falls silent as the black velvet curtain slowly slides open]
[A sillouette stands by a microphone, looking slightly awkward and nervous]
[The spotlight flickers on, revealing...Fabienne S.]
[The orchestra plays the slow opening of (the live version of) Who Painted the Moon Black]

Did you see the shiny moon
Turned into a black balloon
Just as the realization hit me?

Did you see the tears I cried,
Letting loose the pain inside
Just as the realization hit me?

[Orchestra speeds up, as she switches songs]

People downcast, in despair
See allies dying everywhere
Hoping my bad luck will change
Gets a little harder every day

Mevolent's ruthless and cruel
The damage that his forces do...
Anger building up inside
It's enough to make you lose your mind.

I knew that it would hurt
Didn't know it was gonna break my heart
The way things are
And the way the've been
And the way they'll be if we don't win.

[Dances a short solo piece, consecutively sticking a calypso and a tour jete, then dropping to the floor and rolling.]
[gets back up again]

When the sea falls from the shore
As the light sinks low, will I see you anymore?
As the tears flow from my eyes
Can I bring you back from a distant lullaby?

You were once my one companion
You were all that mattered
You were once a friend and a sister
Then my world was shattered

Wishing I could hear your voice again
Knowing that I never will...
I won't sit still, won't rest, because
I've got an enemy to kill

[The orchestra hits a strong staccato note on the word 'kill' and falls silent for a beat]

[Starts again, cuing orchestra to continue as well]

Ya da da da daa da da
Ya da da da daa da da

[Does another fast contemporary dance number, landing her first triple pirouette, but doesn't seem to care]

[Pulls up to sous-sous, and boureés in place, before coming down again, and back to the mic]

[Orchestra slows again]

Did you see the shiny moon
Turn into a black balloon?
Just as the realization hit me?

[Orchestra hits a final chord and falls silent as well]
[No one applauds. Everyone is silently mourning the loss of the wonderful person once called Death Rose. A tear runs down Fabi's cheek as she dashes off the stage, holding back more.]

Jophiel said...


Willow Von Stratton said...

Nice short story death.

Nice resemblence then. After I started reading the books I agreed with my friend, I can be witty, arrogant, has a high amount of respect, been noted as charming amongst people, and I admit I do use the charm convince others of certain things, and I can be stubborn, independent, doesn't like being demanded around

And you can try throwing things at me, but it won't work, my reflexes are too fast :P

Jophiel said...

*Throws grenade that has been holding behind back for a few seconds at Willow*

Jophiel said...


Willow Von Stratton said...

*Quickly dodges it into other room dragging you along and shuts the door hearing the explosion*

Really? he did? I never knew that

Anonymous said...

[Edits metal in grenade to explode chocolate]

Jophiel said...

Yep! He did! Then he changed his last name to Hiller!

Jophiel said...

*Ears chocolate off the ground*

Willow Von Stratton said...

Ahh chocolate! chocolate is a downfall of mine. your really enjoying it death

Anonymous said...

The quizzes all say I'm Tanith, except one said Skulduggery. Another said my name was Mabel. (IT IS SO NOT)

Anonymous said...

I really think I'm more of a...I don't know...

Willow Von Stratton said...

I've taken quizzes and answered them honestly and I always got Skulduggery as number one

Jophiel said...

I always got Tanith... Fab, you can be normal Tanith, I'll be possessed Tanith!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm an adept and I use a sword. Therefore, I'm Tanith.

Actually not quite. I'm Fabienne S. But the quiz has never heard of me, because it's an SP characters quiz.

Jophiel said...

And so... I'm Baron then!!!

Willow Von Stratton said...

ok then death, what character would you have me as? hehe

Anonymous said...

Ok, sure!

The one which got Skulduggery also got Mabel, so I don't take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

It said my given name was Mabel, that is.


Willow Von Stratton said...

Fabi I always get skulduggery no matter what different quiz it is, I always come up as him

And to teh quiz you sound/look like a mabel :p

Jophiel said...

Val? Maybe?

What do you think Fletchabi?

Willow Von Stratton said...

ok, so one vote for Val

Jophiel said...

Okay, let's all find the same quiz and do it!

Willow Von Stratton said...

ok! do you have one on you? Who should search for one?

Anonymous said...


I don't know...

Jophiel said...

Willow Von Stratton said...

ok..let me look for one

Lavender Hope said...

Oh my gosh, if I told you everything that's going on in my head, I wouldn't even be able to comment. Not because I can't, but because it would be SOOOO long! ... Which is exactly why I made a blog where I can do just that.

Hi. Wbd. I'm going to type something long.

Anonymous said...

It says I'm Tanith.

Jophiel said...

China Sorrows
You are trained in sorcery and you are capable of making anyone fall in love with you. You aren't exactly trusted, nor hated. Skulduggery has warmed to you over the past few years.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Lav!

Jophiel said...

Hi Lav-o!

Anonymous said...

You don't seem like a China to me... I think Remnith is more like you.

Anonymous said...

Then again, character comparisons aren't my strong suit.

Willow Von Stratton said...

I got Skulduggery Pleasant on the quiz

Jophiel said...

Yeah, I just did it again, slightly different answers... Damn iPod hid some from me!!!
*Throws iPod across room*
I don't think th lttr btwn w and r ar working...

Jophiel said...

Now! Lts do th xact opposit!

Willow Von Stratton said...

Well as I said, no matter what quiz I take I ALWAYS come up as skulduggery

Anonymous said...

Opposite as in answer incorrectly on purpose?

Jophiel said...

As in in purpos!

Guess who I got!

Jophiel said...

Yay! It's working again!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Willow Von Stratton said...


Anonymous said...

[Guesses incorrectly]

Jophiel said...

Fletcher Ren
You are the last teleporter and fabled boyfriend of Valkyrie Cain, and you are careless and laid back. Your favourite thing to do is spoil Valkyrie with exotic foods from around the world and your are terrified you will drop her baby sister Alice.

Willow Von Stratton said...

i answered opposite in a quiz and it said I'm a remnant just plain

Awww crap, I forgot to go to my guild battle on Archlord >_<

Jophiel said...

*Dies of laughter and chocolate overdose*

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh, opposites, right. [Tries quiz again with opposites]

Willow Von Stratton said...

Cool it on the chocolate, Death!

Willow Von Stratton said...

Hey, if you guys ever get sooo bored check the game archlord, it's entertaining to pass time, and it's free....I just thought of it so i just had to blurt it out

Anonymous said...

I did opposites and got Caelan.

Anonymous said...

I NEVER get bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Glares at anyone who says otherwise]

Willow Von Stratton said...

*clears throat* From this day on, I hereby declare that FABI never gets bored, and no one should say so otherwise

Anonymous said...

[Nods] Thank you.

Willow Von Stratton said...

No prop Fabi.

Well I think I shall leave now to go to the mountains since I'm already ready

So I bid you goodnight an goodbye until next time

Anonymous said...

Goodnight and see you! Happy mountains!

Jophiel said...


Lavender Hope said...

Flame, I read what you posted in the comments on the previous page and I just want to say-

Don't give up on humanity and don't give up on yourself. Yes, there are jerks and bullies out there, but don't let it get to you. There are still people out there who are good and kind and nice. This blog proves it. And it doesn't matter what you look or sound like. Yes, to some, you can be... I can't think of the word right now... Why is it that when I think but not type, I can say really good things, but once I'm in from of a screen, it's harder? Never mind.

Anyway, you may be annoying or disl- no. Those aren't the right words either... Gosh! I hate it when I can't remember what I thought when I need it. Obnoxious? Maybe that's the word I thought of earlier... But you're funny, and nice most of the time. And it doesn't even matter. I like you for who you are and if you're obnoxious, so be it. I'm fine with it. Anyway, I forgot where I was going with that, so I'll go back a bit.

It doesn't matter what you look or sound or act like. And this blog is a good example of that. On the blog, we can't tell if someone is ugly or overweight or what nationality they look like(I'm part Japanese, so I have dark hair and eyes. People used to call me Chinese, because they can never tell the difference. I used to get upset about that, but I turned it into a joke and laughed about it.), we only know each other by words.

To be honest, the first time I saw what you looked like on Facebook, I was a tad bit surprised that you had black hair, because on the blog, I've always though you were a red head and skinny(not that skinny, but I guess you could say average? And Sparky told me you have dark hair before, but I forget because I see you as having red hair on the blog.). :P Just goes to show how not seeing people makes a difference. But because I know you by your personality, like I really got to know you, I don't care about how you look. Even if you were shouting at me for whatever reason, I wouldn't stop being your friend. I have no idea where this is going anymore, but I guess I want to say- don't listen to bullies and jerks. They don't know you like we do on the blog. When we meet in real life, there /will/ be surprises. We don't know what some of us look like, so we'll be surprised at first, but like I said. It doesn't matter if you look bad. We know you by your personality, and by being your friends, we won't care what you look like.

I realize I'm just rambling, but there's just one more think I want to say. I get called smelly by my friends, but they still hang around with me. If your friend doesn't want you around, they aren't really your friend.

Okay. I think I'm done now. And I probably got some things completely off topic, but I'm rambling. I forget what I'm saying when I ramble... This is really long...

Nixion Strange said...

This place is so weird

Lavender Hope said...

Oh my gosh. It worked. That is so long, i though i had reached the limit!

Sorry, I was barely here...

Hi people who arrived(if any) and bye those who left(if any)!

Lavender Hope said...

I guess what I said in my first comment was correct. I really didn't think it'd be that long...

My first comment:
Oh my gosh, if I told you everything that's going on in my head, I wouldn't even be able to comment. Not because I can't, but because it would be SOOOO long! ... Which is exactly why I made a blog where I can do just that.

Hi. Wbd. I'm going to type something long.

Anonymous said...

I got Tanith again. Except for the Skul/Mabel fluke, I seem to be Tanith. I don't really think I'm like Tanith, but...

Hi, Lav!

Lavender Hope said...

I doubt Flame's even going to see that...

Anyway... Um. Hi again. Thought I should say that, cause I was barely here to join any type of conversation.

Lavender Hope said...

I have no idea who I could be, SP character wise.

Does the quiz work on iPods?

Nixion Strange said...

I mean, most people spend months here, let's say six months, then they start ti drift off. Then new people come, spend about six months, then start to drift off
What is with that?

Jophiel said...

It works Lav!!

Nix, they go for a week, two weeks and then they are gone! That happened to me! It was terrible!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm on iPod, and have taken several quizzes.

Time... I can't claim to understand it.

Lavender Hope said...

Oh. Yeah. Well, I /would/ have been on more if I hadn't been caught... Erm. Never mind.

But yeah, I kinda noticed. The older bloglandians still come on once in a while though. And Star's been here since she first commented!

Jophiel said...

I think it might be the novelty... Once that wears off, it's boring!

Jophiel said...

I've been on since last August and I have had large gaps! Ugh... It's terrible!!!

Nixion Strange said...

Yep. A few like Star and Flame don't stop coming. I wish I was like them

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry, can I have the link?

I'm too lazy to look for it again... -_-

You know what? Never mind. I'll still be distant. I'm gonna look.

Jophiel said...

As do I Nix, as do I...


I'm gone!!! See yas later!!!

Jophiel said...

Before I go...

We are as close as close can be!

Anonymous said...

Bye, Death!

Lavender Hope said...

Found it. And I guess it's not that I'm lazy, but I would have been too distant, reading the comments.

What did I do to inspire you, Fabi?

And I read- okay, skimmed the thing about Ian and you... That's really sad but good writing. If I read it slowly, I'd probably feel more sad.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I tried to update the page, i did.

But once I saved it, it all deleted itself.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

So the MAHU page remains old and neglected...

Lavender Hope said...

Bye Death!

Same, Nix.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Ember!

Anonymous said...

When? You've been inspirational a lot.

The song-medley sort of began like your under construction blog, it's my actual response to that MC chapter. I edited it a lot, to make it more my own.

Anonymous said...

Aloha, Ember!

Lavender Hope said...

Why don't you just stop counting?

You can still dedicate, but I don't think people are keeping track anymore. Except you, of course.

Anonymous said...

I could try to do it, but I seldom get to use the computer anymore...

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


No, I'm not counting anymore. (We're definitely late twenties though.)

I just need to update the MAHU page.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

Hiya Fabulous Fabi! MaraTC and EmberTC are going to go and crash Mevolent's party...

Lavender Hope said...


... My under construction blog is/will be nothing but random rambling...

I'll just be typing things that came from my head, and as you could see with the comment towards Flame, it can get pretty long... Maybe even longer, if I don't stop myself. My mind is constantly in thoughts. Very. Random. Thoughts.

Anonymous said...

FabiTC is going to freak out...a lot.

Have you read Death's latest chapter yet?

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

I will look at it. Her chappies are so good.

You know, we really have to see her again sometime. We'll say hi when we pop in.

Lavender Hope said...

Why does it need to be updated though? I thought it was to keep score and whatnot.
... AsdImfghanjklidiot...

Neeever mind. Ignore that question. Sometimes, I don't think.

Anonymous said...

Yes. It started out with cameras and a camera-person sort of like Mantha, but I decided a stage would be more Fabienne, and dramatic.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

OH MY GOD! It's so good!

Anonymous said...

[Doesn't spoil it. Doesn't talk at all for fear of spoiling it. Starts turning blue from effort.]

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...

What started out with what?

Anonymous said...

My song-medley comment. Lav was asking how she inspired it.

Anonymous said...

It's under the evil snow globe chapter, too.

Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Mycroft Holmes (Ember) said...


Lavender Hope said...

That's cool, Fabi. :)

Yeah, I might actually stop the camera thing, but I'll still be talking like I'm on TV or something.

This is me. The crazy attention seeker. I've been like that since I was little... I would act and pretend. Holdin a hairbrush or plastic water bottle as a mic.


Valkyrie V. - Ivy said...

*observes Draw Something*

I have a slight feeling I try a tad too hard when I'm drawing these pictures...

Anonymous said...

|||||~-:, ||||~-:, |==:||-||==|||~||||=> |==||||'|||==:|==||=_|||-|||~||=|==||||~|> |||==||||~-|||=_||||~|==||==|=|||~|-|-||||=_|==||||~|=_:-:|-|||~|||=_|~|==|=||==:||=-||==|=||||--|=|:, ||||~|=_-||||:|==|||==> ||||~|||~|||:=-==>

At least my "nonsense" actually says something. XP

Lavender Hope said...

I would make jokes, but be the only one laughing... I can never be funny when I try. It's either me being annoying or... Mostly that. Even when I make a blunder when I talk, I try to make it funny.

I can't be funny...

But I still try. Because that's me. If no one wants to listen, I can make believe an audience for myself. But mostly it's in my head. Why I'm saying this, I have no idea.

Lavender Hope said...

Hi Val!
*can get Draw Something now that she has more money in her iTunes account*

*really wants to know what Fabi says in code*

Luciana said...


Anonymous said...

I'm funny when I make fun of myself.

Lavender Hope said...

Wait a sec!

I think I got the basics!

||||<--- these things stand for words, right? And how many there are in a row are how many letters?
*thinks about it*
... Maybe not. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

Whoa...It's Thursday for y'all...

It's still Wednesday here.

[Darth Vader voice] I'm here to put you back on schedule.

[Regular voice] Who, me?

And Lav: I will tell you what I said, typing...

Lavender Hope said...

Hi L! Why?

*tries to think of a time she was ever funny*
Like I said, I can't be funny... But...

Never mind again.

Anonymous said...

Ok, do you want to know what it said, or how it works-ish?

Can't disclose both.

Lavender Hope said...

Okay, Fabi.

Yeah, I think the Aussies(my time zone included) have the farthest time. It's Thursday 4:16 PM for me.

Anonymous said...

Or I could give you a couple hints and you could try to solve it yourself.

Lavender Hope said...

Oh. Um. Maybe just what it said is okay for now.

Lavender Hope said...


Nope. Never mind. My mind is too tired to think of solving riddles right now. Just tell me please.

Luciana said...


Because I have MFL ALL day ;-;

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, C'est Fabi.
Yeah, yeah, I know. It's impolite. Starting with a foreign language, I mean. Makes it hard to solve. Too bad.

There were some typos, though...

Lavender Hope said...

Sorry, L. I'm not sure I know what MFL and Kmn are...

That's what you said? Whoa, it's longer when typed in code.
*decides to try to solve it later, if she feels like it*

Anonymous said...

*Starting with a foreign language, that is.

Also the "Makes it harder to solve" seems to have self-destructed.

Yes, it is longer.

Lavender Hope said...

*has taken the quiz*
Cool! I'm wreath! Wait, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Solomon Wreath
You are Valkyrie's Mentor, you are witty and strong willed, but also dangerous. You believe strongly in the passage, and you are not concerned with whatever happens afterwards.

Never mind. I think it's a bad thing...

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