Let's say no more about it!
(Other than to say, perhaps, that this may not be the FINAL artwork, and that maybe the art department need a FEW more days to tweak the colours, and that maybe, possibly, this piece might not even be by the hand of Mr Percival.)
(But let's face it, it's hard to tell the difference, right?)
«Oldest ‹Older 2001 – 2200 of 4953 Newer› Newest»Testing.
It's pretty, Star.
*Adra touches her jaw, and it twinges a bit* *She closes her eyes for a moment, taking more slow breaths*
There's the original rubbers, if anyone cares. The top one is one side of my rubber (it was being passed around the classroom slightly in maths and admired. Then they were looking at it again in science. I was proud. Drew it myself). The bottom one is the other side of my rubber. The middle one was a birthday present from Eve (a photo, not that actual rubber.)
@Adra: Thanks. :)
The top one says "DISTURBED", the middle one says "Slipknot", and the bottom one says "AVENGED SEVENFOLD."
My friend says that if she finds a cuboid rubber or something she'll buy me it because I need more sidesss. :)
It's a large rubber, and all, mine.
Star I will buy you a band one day
Arghhhh this stupid blogger is screwing the picture up.
@Adra: :) *hugs*
On Photoshop, and when I save it, it looks better than this.
*sits in a hole grumpily*
It looks wonderful, Star. Don't worry about it *ruffles hair*
Ravel: *pulls Zaf close standing out on the balcony* Zaf, we really should get Christopher a little suit. For Christmas. And Olivia a dress.
*smiles* We will. We'll go in New York City.
*She puts a Shattuckite necklace around her neck* *She nods*
*Chase climbs a tree beside the edge of the lake. He scans the whole perimeter of Blogland, his face wearing nothing but panic. Where could his family be?
Then he spots something on the edge of the lake. Some of, whatever it is is immersed in the water. He jumps down and runs over. As he gets closer, the details become more defined and it is clear that it is a body. His sprint picks up pace as he starts to recognize clothing. It is his wife.
He begins sobbing as he's pulling her cold, icy body from the water. She looks so peaceful. He lets out a wail as he holds her close to his body*
Chase: Em? *he whispers softly to her in between his sobs* Emerald baby, please, please wake up. Please wake up. Please...
(Hey guys...))
((Hullo Rose *waves madly*))
(*Waves back* Hey Adra...))
Dad just discovered Imagine Dragons.
[Is putting considerable effort into not singing the Ezter version]
Hey Death! :)
@Adra: No.
It looks terrible.
It did, however, look wonderful when I made it.
(Hey Star, Fabi and Em))
@Lantern: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :
:) :) :)
(Hi Rose)
(Yeah, uh, I'm gonna go.... I've got stuff I have to work out... So, bye...))
@Death: Fours! :(
((Mfh though Emmy:(. ))
((Bye Rose!!))
(Bai Rose...)
So apparently, whatever I do and however good I make it, it has to suck.
Thanks, Blogger. Really appreciate it.
*isn't really feeling that mad/upset*
((Em...! D':))
((hugs Star))
((hugs Deathy))
((hugs Adra))
((hugs Em))
((hugs Zaf))
((hugs anyone I missed))
((Gtg/msd, not sure which...!))
Ravel: *takes Zafira's hand and takes in the clearing* Ah Zaf...
*is quiet still tripping over own feet until I hear the sounds from the lake* Oh no...
Okay Fabi :/ *cuddles*
(@Star: I wuv you ;) )
*Chase stands up and starts to slowly stumble from the lake. He holds Em's body tightly to his. His sobs can be heard.
He goes as far as he can go before he collapses just outside between his house and Adra's. He is careful not to drop Em but he just falls onto his knees, heartbroken*
*hugs Lantern* :)
((@Em: Love you too. :)
*runs to Chase* Hey woah I can help you.
*Adra is walking around slowly, getting a gain on her bearings* *She calls out* Priya!
*The girl comes flipping out of seemingly nowhere* Priya... Could you heal my leg?
*The girl nods, touches Adra's shoulder, and she can feel her leg seal up painlessly*
*Adra considers a moment*
And...could you do my jaw?
*Priya smiles, then happily touches Adra's jaw as the bruise fades away, and her fractures close* *Priya points in inquiry to Adra's arm* *Adra shakes her head*
No, Priya... I have to keep those words- to remind myself... Thank you.
*Priya nods, then disappears out the window*
((@Adra: Good. :)))
*smiles happily at profile picture*
((I love you Star that is a beautiful picture))
((Wait- Good?))
@Adra: Referring to the roleplay. :)
And - it is beautiful, isn't it? :)
*is making an easier-to-read one*
((Ah. I see
It is rather gorgeous :3))
(Did Em fall asleep?
((Perhaps-most likely not..))
((Thank you for that enlightening picture))
Alexis: *is quietly feeding Christopher* Hey you know you're so adorable...you have your father's eyes
And now I must depart to go to sleep. :)
(I guess she vanished....
*Chase doesn't say anything towards Zaf. He just pulls Em closer to him as he nuzzles in close to her*
Chase I can revive the dead. I'm going to tell you she's dead because my necklace is extremely cold
((Night Star!!
Sorry I I'm a little distant. I'm making dinner. And cookies :). ))
((Hullo, Snow *waves*))
(Hai Snow)
How are we all?
((Alright- yourself?))
*Adra slides outside silently, going I make an anatomically correct snowman*
Good to know zaf! I actually need to talk to you. What's your e-mail?
I'm good! :-)
*She starts at the feet, about two feet apart from each other*
*She just about finishes, and the snow falls in on her*
*Screeching, she's buried*
*She pokes her head out before scampering back to her lab* *she cleans herself off before going back to work*
Email sent zaf. I might do some slea in a sec...
*She ponders, the turns in a circle, looking for Nic*
*Sighing, she gets back to work with symbols*
i rlly need to get izzy on here omg
(Slea indeed.)
*shalek slowly turns and looks at Lea* well, who might you be? You do seem to be angery.
(Herro mara. Mooo, adra?)
*She fights the drowsiness the best she can* *She wishes she had Trip's number*
((I meant to put "Moorah", but it just became moo OMG)
Lea: I'm Lea Strong. You killed my girlfriend. Prepare to die. *he draws his sword and eyes shale with hate*
(*shalek )
((*Bites Mara*))
*Adra picks up her mobile and calls Mara*
((*throws Adra off a cliff*
oops srry my hand spasmed))
*Mara answers*
Hello, welcome to the Krusty Krab, how may I help you?
Ravel: *takes Zaf up to the treehouse*
( lol Mara. I'm always tempted to answer the phone like that...)
Ravel: you look lovely my dear
*smiles* thanks
( oh, and did no one recognize my modified princess bride quote? Really?)
((Yeeeeaaaahhhhh I'm gonna call bullshit on that, Mara))
*Adra clears her throat*
H...hey Mara? Do you think you could come over here for a few?
((I did, and I laughed silently))
Ravel: *sits with in living room* Zafira, I wish to know what you want to do.
Meaning what?
Ravel: With us. What do you want? Us to live together or...?
I want to be with you. I realize how much I missed you and...
Ravel: I regret leaving you. I know you trust me in what I want.
I do. I agree as well but it is what it is. And....*kisses*
((Snow - I always do haha :P
I think my voicemail is, "hello, you've reached the Krusty Krab. Sorry, we are unable to answer the phone right now, Squidward is asleep, Spongebob is flipping patties and Mr Krabs is counting money. Please leave a message after the" and then it beeps and yeah :P))
(Good. XD)
Shalek: who?
Lea: *growling slightly* you killed snow stormberg. She was my girlfriend. You bastard! *Lea charges shalek, sword raised*
b u l l s h i t
larry stylinson
b u l l s h i t
*frowns slightly* Uhm... sure. Is it okay if I bring Mackenzie? Harry's not here to mind her; he brought Ashton over to Zayn and Perrie's apartment... *winces*
Y...yeah, that's fine, Mara.
Are... are you sure? I can always teleport over and give her to Harry, if you want. If you're uncomfortable.
Damn it.)
(G2g!! Byeee)
((*hugs Em* Hello Em :)
Bye Snow! *hugs*))
(Well sorry Em I have to go eat
(Okay, sorted out my things...))
No, it isn't that, Mara... I just need advice, that's all.
((Hullo/goodbye people coming/leaving
((No seriously- where did the silence come from? :0))
Alright.. Hold on.
*puts Mackenzie in her baby carrier*
Now, Kenzie, you have to be good for Adra, alright? Good girl.
*teleports beside Adra*
*Adra looks up and tries to smile* Hi Mara
Adra, what's wrong? *hugs*
((Hiiii. I have returned from getting my mom some organic whatchamacallits for Christmas, and some thingies for extended family people.))
((Fabiiiiii :) *hugs*))
*She pulls back* Mara, I need help.. I've been targeted by someone unpleasant, but I'm conflicted about how to get rid of him...
I just-
*She sighs, and tentatively pulls her sleeve up, and shows her the words that were cut into her arm*
My son did this... From another dimension, and I just *she begins to cry* I don't know what to do..
((I love thingies and whatchamacallits, Fabi!))
(I now return
((Maraaaa! [hugs]))
((Hi Adra. Ikr? XD))
*Chase lies Em onto the ground and just cries into his hands. He strokes her hair so gently, even though it is all wet. He takes her hand and kisses it before pressing it against his cheek, wishing for it to warm up. He starts stroking her face again with his other hand*
Chase: *whispers* What happened to you baby...
((I'm scanning the sketch of Ioux now!))
((Wb Zaf))
for my European history class, we're learning about the EU, and...
This video
And my teacher assigned it to us for homework and MAN
You guys please watch this it makes fun of a lot of things it's perfect))
(( D':))
*gently* Chase bring her to the treehouse. I can heal her and all. I promise. It's an easy thing for me, then we can find out what happened.
Alexis: *sees Em's body and gasps, scared to be asked*
*gasps* Oh my Gpd, Adra...
*bites her lip*
I... The only way I can think of... is to kill him. But... Maybe if you just keep him in the dimension he belongs in? How did.. He get into this one?
((I mean, the video. He's so sarcastic about Europe and makes fun of everyone OMG))
((i just))
*Adra shakes her head* I d-don't know, Mara... But he's dangerous... But he's also my son. I can't just kill him. I couldn't.
((Adra - I would if I could, but my headphones are downstairs and I'm meant to be asleep :/ sorry *hugs*))
*glances down at Mackenzie* *looks at Adra* I understand. Oh, Adra.. I'm sorry. *hugs her again*
((MEH. Meeraaaaaaa :P))
*Adra sobs into her shoulder*
((Watched the video*))
*hugs her tighter* It's okay Adra. It's going to be okay. I promise.
((Probably because I'm drawing from my own imagination, but thanks. :-P [hugs]))
((I don't, Mara?? Fabi!!! OMG that is so cool!!!))
*Adra gently pulls herself away, composing herself*
So...so what should I do?
*Chase stands protectively over Em's body. His body tenses up as he stares down Zaf and Alexis*
Chase: You don't fucking touch her. How long eh? How long has she been left lying dead in the fucking water!!!!!!!!!!
Chase I was barely alive I wouldn't have known. Look at me. If I was able to make it down and saw her I would. I swear!
*chews her bottom lip* I'm... not entirely sure.
Oh... Alright then... *She nods* Well... Thank you for listening anyway..
Good morning, afternoon, or evening, Blogland.
Chase: So everyone was busy wrapped up in their own damn lives, not to notice their best friend go missing!!??
No one is gonna touch her. No one is gonna harm her anymore.
Now excuse me, I need to go and bury my wife.
*He gently and carefully picks up Em's body again and walks to their house, around the back*
I'll think of something. Hold on.
How about trying to... well, not kill him, but just subdue him, and then put him into the Gael or whatever? I mean, I get that he's your son, but if he hurts you like that, then...
((SIR! *hugs*))
However good that sounds, if he were to get out, he would most certainly kill me.
*goes after Chase* Woah woah woah do you really think I could. You are a sick and twisted individual. Look at me: Nobody comes near me anyway. I didn't look because it isn't common for her to visit me and I can assure you if I had been in any condition to realize I would. So excuse me for being tortured to near death. You harm her by letting her stay dead.
*Chase stops and turns to face off Zaf when he spots the look on Alexis' face. Then he stops altogether just to look at her*
Chase: Oh my god, you know something...
(([hugs Mara]))
((I should try drawing LM sometime... It'd be trickier since they're not figments of my imagination, though.))
((((Hello Sir!))))
Alexis: I know many things. But not necessarily the most relevant. So I don't know anything about Em other then she was in the water. And it would appear to be murder
*Chase looks as if his breath caught in his chest, the tears welling up in his eyes again*
Chase: You knew?! You knew she was in that damn water??!!! But worse of all, you know who killed her!?
Greetings, Ms. Fabienne, Kerias, Dark, Melody, and Charm.
Alexis: I realized when I picked up the emotions of sadness from you. And no I don't know who killed her but judging by her wounds it looks like murder....I mean you could report it to Ravel as it'd probably be someone Irish who killed her...
How are you, Sir?
Well enough. And you, Ms. Dark?
(Hiya Sharky!
In real life, I'm alright, although the homework is a mood damper. RP, not doing so hot. For now, that is.
((Sorry... I think I'm gone *hugs everyone*))
((Bye Meera! *huggles* Sleep well!))
*She hears a sing-song-y voice* Oh mooootherrrrr!!!
((Bye Maralieeee [hugs]))
Very well, Ms. Dark. I suppose I am glad to hear that you are doing well in life.
Good bye, Ms. Charm.
*She grabs her coat, and bolts outside, running as fast as she can go*
*She ducks behind a tree sneakily*
*She spots Priya, sneaking up behind Sir*
*Adra dashes in the opposite direction*
*eyes Adra* Adra what are you doing?
*She shouts back* RUNNING
*stifles a yawn, sitting on a park bench*
*runs up to* Why? Who is chasing you?
*Priya is up in her tree, being very careful with her weight, so not to accidentally dump snow on Sir*
*She knocks on the tree to get his attention*
*She continues to move faster* No one, at least- I don't know... I just have to-
*She collapses, wheezing*
*kneels by* How about we get you to the treehouse? Before you die.
*turns slightly in the bench, and sees Ms. Priya*
*Stands up quickly*
Ms. Priya! Where on Earth did you run off to? The good Doctor and I were looking for you.
*She shakes her head* No...
It's like... It's playing tag. And hide and go seek. In a mix. Your treehouse is conspicuous.
Adra where do you want to go? I don't understand why you're running...I don't see anyone else.
*Priya tries to hop down, but misses and falls into the four-foot, snow drift, becoming invisible, having fallen under the snow-level*
*Her head pops out of the body-shaped hole, snow in her hair*
*She has to get on her tip toes to make sure Sir can see her signing*
"I had to leave because Albert was making me too angry. I confronted him later about it, and battered him around, getting more and more angry. I had to force myself to shut down and re-boot, though, because it isn't like me to be angry, and I wasn't getting anywhere.I went back to find you and Doctor, you you were gone."
Liz is still musing about what to do. She considers, wondering if maybe she can slip some sort of memory loss potion into Ioux's tea. It'd be a good way of avoiding Hailey's blackmail. Or she could try to reason with the ,^]*<£]¥<+}£~*|*]+{£<^|. Okay, maybe that wasn't going to work.
She's on the edge of an idea, when her phone rings.
She answers. "Hello?"
"Hello, Ms. Herald. I trust your day has been...enjoyable so far?"
Liz grits her teeth to avoid screaming her head off at Mister Ioux.
*She lays down in the snow* I just... *She sighs* There isn't anywhere I can go without confronting.... I just-
*She looks up at Zaf*
Please. Let me be.
You obviously need help, Adra. And the last time I left someone in the snow they tried to freeze themself to death.
*She laughs* If only it were that easy, though.
*She shakes her head* No, hypothermia will only slow me down.
Well, the good Doctor and I had figured you had simply left us. My apologies, Ms. Priya.
Adra I can't leave you to be hunted. I just can't.
*Priya waves his apology off, then looks at the bigger challenge in life- getting past the snow to Sir- ten feet of it*
*She jumps, and disappears below the snow again, having cleared one foot*
*Priya grumbles*
*Adra sighs* You must, Zaf. This isn't your problem, it's mine.
Well you seem to be running from it
... Ms. Kerias, I thought that was Ms. Dark's? Ah, well.
(Wanted to do an Adra)
Oh... Blast.
Very well, a quick one. I dedicate to dreams. No, not goals, the strange creatures that enjoy to creep into your head when you sleep, and turn all of your memories right-side-down and inside-out. Wonderful things, dreams.
((*raises glass* Hear hear! That was lovely.))
Yeah Zaf. Funny how that happens.
*Her eyes narrow* Now leave.
*looks at Ms. Priya, rather bemused*
I could simply come to you, instead, Ms. Priya.
*Priya makes a few more leaps in that fashion before stumbling onto the street, snow having soaked through her clothes*
*She wrings her hair out, trying to pick icicles out of it*
Yeah not happening. Explain why you're running. And you can't force me to turn around
*Priya points to herself, then the ground, meaning that she was already there*
*She gets to her feet steadily* And you can't force me to tell you my problems.
I help people. I may have my problems but I do care enough to know you need help.
Ioux: I know, you must be delighted to hear from me. Completely understandable.
Liz: What. Do. You. Want?
Ioux: I have a bargain for you, actually.
Liz: I don't want to hear anything you have to say. And don't think you can blackmail me.
Ioux: [Laughs] Oh, believe me, that wasn't my idea. Entirely Hailey's. She actually appears to believe that I will tell her.
Liz: And you won't?
Ioux: Of course not. Once I do, I lose that power over her. I suppose I could say the same of you.
Liz: I thought as much.
Ioux: Ah. You really are more intelligent than I give you credit for, Ms. Herald.
Liz: Is this about those 'items' that needed acquiring? Because I'm not helping with that.
Ioux: Not even if I have you a crew to work with?
Liz: No!
Ioux: Not even if Hailey was part of it, and had to do what you asked, or we'd eliminate her?
Liz: [Considers this, for old times sake, then shakes her head] [Realizes he can't see] Do you honestly think I'd forget the fact that you kidnapped, poisoned and tried to kill her? And do you think that I'd think that you'd forget that I shot you through the heart, and you're only alive because you cheated?
Ioux: I would hardly consider it cheating, Ms. Herald.
Liz: [Sighs] I. Won't. Help. You.
Ioux: Then why are you still on the phone?
I'm afraid that I do not understand, Ms. Priya.
Good. Then go help other people. People who need it more than I- you have a country to look after, Zaf. To their needs and to mine, mine are increasingly insignificant
*Priya throws a little piece of ice at him, grumbling, doing her best to untangle her hair*
*It ends up looking worse* *She sighs*
I can't just leave you! I will never forgive myself if whoever is chasing you kills you or hurts you
((Out of curiosity, Sir- if someone's chosen name was simply "Miss", or "Mister", how would you address them?))
Well then you better start now. You're a little late for that train
*sighs, and walks over to her*
*picks out a few chunks of ice from her hair*
Is that at least some better, Ms. Priya?
Adra you helped me. I help you. If you hadn't got me when you did I doubt I'd be standing here now, I'd be dead.
*Priya looks at the ice, appalled at how it got there*
*She nods*
*She goes in a small circle* *She signs* "Do you think there are any clothing shops still open at this hour? I'm freezing, and ought to get new replacement clothes."
Zafira, please- you must try to understand. This is my problem, simply because this person is my problem, and my mistake- therefore it is my fault. If you, or anyone else were involved, you would most assuredly be injured, and I can't have that happen.
I can fix things, Zaf- you need to have faith in me.
It is the holidays, Ms. Priya. There is bound to be a store open somewhere.
*extends his arm to her*
I have faith in you Adra. *sighs* I just hope you know what you're doing....
*Priya looks at his arm, bewildered* *She gives him a confused look*
Of course I do. I'm me.
*she pushes her away slightly* Now go, you have a kid to look after.
I...yes....if you want any help I'm always open. *stands and shadow-walks back to the treehouse*
Ravel: *is with Christopher* Hey.
Hey...*sighs going and changing* *comes back out in sweat pants and sweatshirt*
*Adra breathes out slowly, watching her breath* *She touches her pendant around her neck, absently thinking*
Liz: I'm practicing my self-control. Seeing how long I can talk to someone I absolutely despise without screaming.
Ioux: Ah. Also you missed. You were a couple inches to the right.
Liz: What?
Ioux: It was excruciatingly painful, though if that makes you feel any better. And certainly, had I not installed precautions, it would have been lethal.
Liz: [Sighs in exasperation] Would you mind telling me what you want, and stop dodging around things? It's really getting on my nerves.
Ioux: Of course. Of course. The actual reason I telephoned you was so I could gauge how much you despised me.
Liz: Right. Be that way. [Hangs up]
Does anyone actually read these? I mean, I don't need feedback or acknowledgement on all of them, or any, really, but if I'm wasting my time, I'd like to know now.
[Liz's phone rings again]
[The caller ID says Reynard Charon]
[Liz recognizes the name as an associate of Hailey's and doesn't answer, her patience too low to deal with another irritating enemy]
[She disappears and reappears in the library]
*sighs deeply, and retracts his arm*
So then, shall we go searching, then?
Ravel: Zaf hey....whats up?
Nothing...just wish I could finish talking to John. He's so...nice
Ravel: You want to help
Ravel: well if you can do this then yay. *puts Christopher in his swinging chair*
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